Deeksha Maggo Manifesto LCP 2013, AIESEC in Chandigarh

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Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section A | Opening note

“Celebrating Y outh,

Celebrating AI ESEC”

AIESEC Chandigarh has been in existence for over 24 years now with an ambition to achieve greatness every year. We have seen the highs and lows here. We had our falls but we learned to make our stand. Similarly there was a year 2012, which saw this local committee falling initially but with constant team efforts, patience and perseverance, we managed to sustain ourself yet again. Even after facing troubles we are all set and ready to bounce back and take up the same stature we deserve. After so many hardship, we still stay strong and our believe in the six values is still strong, with this I want you to invite to an year which will full where we will take it to the next level, where all our hard work will pay off. The hard work, struggle of 2012 will be definitely fruitful in this year, where we will celebrate AIESEC everyday by living it in its purest form, where every youth celebrates to be part of this local committee. It’s finally time for the entire Local Committee to come together and deliver high number of quality experiences and celebrating the success together. Just at the end to remind each and every person associated with AIESEC in Chandigarh, it’s the time to write another “success story.” Warm Wishes! Deeksha Maggo Applicant for Local Committee President 2013 AIESEC in Chandigarh

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section B | Personal Information Name Date Of Birth Contact Number Address

Deeksha Maggo 17 June 1991 +919780040154 #506, Sector 61 , Chandigarh. Chitkara University,B.E(Computer Science), 4th Year

Academic Details Email Id

Academics 3rd Year 2009-13 Bachelor of Engineering ,Computer Sciences, CHITKARA UNIVERSITY 12th- GMSS, sec 33, CHANDIGARH CBSE BOARD(Non-med) 10th- D.A.V Public School, AMBALA(HARYANA) CBSE BOARD

5.3cgpa 71% 85%

Other Achievements:• 5 times winner at district level in folk dance. • 3 times winner at state level in folk dance • 3 times participated at national level in folk dance • Participated in all summer camps held in school • 1st in group representation of science project at inter-school competition • 4 times Class Captain in School. • House Captain in School • 2nd in Math Quiz

Additional Work Experiences:14.04.201014.06.2011

Teaching at school

Conducting Workshop and Sessions(Internship)

Learned personaly that how English is essential and also handled gave sessions and conducted workshop for 500 students of school.

Skills and Interests:-


Skill Level(Basic, Intermediate, Expert)

Packages of which you have experienced.



Word, PowerPoint, Excel.



Email , Blog , Messenger , General applications , Surfing etc.




Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section C | AIESEC Experience 1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.



GCDP Internship Kocaeli, Turkey(April’10June’10)

• • • •

Exchange Coordinator(Sep’10Dec’10)

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Learning about different cultures. Working with a very diverse team. Discovered-The reason to be part of this organization. I was on my own in an alien environment, so my biggest learning was to manage everything on my own and take decisions which were the best for me as well as for the people around me.

Team Work Presentation skills Appointment Public speaking Delivering an IS Intense learning of Raising and Matching Networking Writing formal mails Time management Pressure handling Selling Skills Motivation

Contribution •

Representing my country and local committee at an international level. As I was teaching English to high school students in Turkey where they don’t value English so much, I somehow made an impact that how English is essential for us to be globally connected. Made localities more culturally aware about India, which made them feel more close to India.

10 Raises, 5 Matches, 1 Realization.

Performance I was one of the favorite interns at my workplace as well as among AIESECers in local committee. As school authorities of the school where I worked were so happy with my work that they offered me to be a part of their other project which connected 4 countries with each other. Unfortunately I couldn’t be part of it as I had to come back to India.

I have been a very active member. Attended all GBMs, external and internal forums. Did lot of home stays. Awarded best member at awards night in Jan’11. 

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Vice President Outgoing Exchange , AIESEC Chitkara University(Jan’11Dec’11)

• • • • • • • • •

Conference Committee Vice President-Summer regional conference(July’11)

• • • • • • • •

Executive Body 2012(Jan’12Present)

• • • •

National Support Team, AIESEC India(Oct’11Present)

• •

Handling a Team. Taking Quick Decisions. Leadership experience. Public Speaking. Work allocation to members. Understanding other people state of mind. Handling Pressure. Making a balance b/w AIESEC and outside AIESEC. Confidence and Self motivation.

Raises=28 Matches=16 Realization=4

My Performance as a leader was good. My members have been always motivated and ready to work but then at certain time I feel I couldn’t make all of them align together. Not all members did work. Realization suffered due to lot of reasons. In starting of the year authorities not supportive and also bad branding but now things have been improved as all the previous bad experiences and misconceptions were not repeated this year. AIESEC Chitkara University won best Delegation award at October Lcong 2011. 

Enjoying while working. Handling Pressure. Understanding people. Taking quick decision. Team Work. Handling a Team of people from different cities. Concentration. Prioritizing things.

CCVP Logistics.

One of my best and grilling experiences, where I met all my timelines. Everything was on time. A place where I had so much fun while working rigorously. It gave me a great platform for team work. Also made sure my Onsite CC gets a great experience. The conference is recognized as one of the best conference ever. 

The best team experience, the best taste of team work. Self Discovery. Planning and Strategizing. Training and over all development of my members.

Raises=24 Matches=26 Realizations=18

Member development. Excellent department culture. Good Branding in city about OGX. New clients set up for better Q4 of 2012 and 2013.

National Work Flow. Planning and Strategizing Nationally.

Handling International relations with Countries like Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Turkey.

EPs to be realized in all partnered countries.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

2. What have been your main achievements and non achievements in AIESEC in the past? (Mention a max of three each)


How they have made a difference to my life

1. 3 Din ka OCP(I won the RNR Campaign of my Dept)

2. Awarded best member of Dept

3. My First Realization

4. Home Stays

5. Internship

Motivation is required for each and every member who works or has potential to do so. So this recognition came as a big motivating factor in my life at that stage of AIESEC where I was very naive and raw. I started believing myself more. A great boost to my confidence and start taking more interest and putting more efforts in whatever I do in AIESEC or outside AIESEC. The biggest boost ever in my life as member. It completely changed my perspectives. It gave me immense confidence and also the tag bought lot of responsibility with it. The best feeling when someone come up to you and thanks you for changing his/her life. My best moment was this particular one where I felt I am actually doing something different from other. And this kept on continuing. With each realization and a good experience my motto has been fulfilling which is to be that part in someone’s life who helped to bring a change in themselves in a positive manner. A beautiful aspect of AIESEC where you get such a great platform to know more about world and real picture of people living in different country. It changed my views about some countries completely. Hosting people from different country not only only makes you a aware citizen but also great experience for my family where they get to witness what all going my life. The beautiful thank you cards by interns are precious part of my wonderful AIESEC journey. A simple introvert girl was converted into an extrovert girl who is very much presentable and has confidence to represent herself and share her experience with others. The internship experience was a different and challenging one as it made me self dependant. It also helped me to motivate my members to take this product and I am proud of the fact that a lot of members took this beautiful opportunity.


How they have made a difference to my life

Couldn’t Deliver the targets

The biggest non achievement in AIESEC so far is that I couldn’t deliver my targets that I promised in the starting of the year. We as a team were highly motivated t achieve our targets but couldnt deliver the promise. I saw high and low in this portfolio but was very dissatisfied as we were not performing which was affeting the local committee.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

OGX is a portfolio which is very open to experiment as it doesnt have any mimitations. I couldnt really innovate around at the put the best foot forward so it suffered majorly in Q1 and Q2. But after good OGX recruitment drive in Q3 it started picking up which was a late realization.


3. List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity. Sr. No. Conference Name





National Leadership Development Seminar





October Local Congress





January Local Congress










May Local Congress





June National Conference





Summer Regional Conference



Conference Committee Vice President.


National Strategic Conference





October Local Congress





National Leader’s Summit





March National Conference





May Local Congress





June National Conference





Regional Youth Leadership Seminar





National Strategic Conference





October Local Congress




Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

4. Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction? RooBaRoo “The year of ups and downs lived with complete enthusiasm, passion and love for this legendary local committee called AIESEC in Chandigarh.” My journey in AIESEC wouldn’t have been complete if I was not a part of this team. I have been lucky to be at a right place and at right time with right people. This experience has been really challenging, grilling yet exciting for me. I never knew the intensity and ownership of this position until I stepped in here. I think this team brought the best in all of us and has played a major role to develop us in our AIESEC journey. This team together lived AIESEC selflessly and aimed at same target. I learned team values here- to be always there for each other, in highs and lows of time.

I am sure that from day 1 all the other members of RooBaroo believed in me, especially my Leader. They knew that someone is there ready to help if required. They trusted me and acknowledged my commitment towards the team and the Local Committee. They admire my passion and work ethics. As far as LC’s organizational direction is concerned, I have been contributing in the best possible manner I can. It is very difficult to live up to this position in such a legendary local committee, but I have still tried to do my bit at every level.

5. What are your three basic Learning’s/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? (Answer objectively) •

Team Work We always have a vague definition team work, until we truly realize what it means. I lived it to the purest form here, where I have seen people been there for each other’s highs and lows and helping to get the best out of each other. Enjoying Partnership It can be at any level, but never forget to be out there in whatever you do. If you are not at the best form of your work, then you will never be able to achieve what you aim for. Stop talking, Start Doing(Believe in yourself) This is my biggest learning in AIESEC as a lot of times I have been in a position where I was not confident about decision and dint dare to take up a challenge which ended in a failure. So that made me realize never to resist yourself in executing your plans on time as delay in executing can also cause a lot of damage.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section D | Motivation 1. Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role? I believe that AIESEC has made me what I am today. Before this shy girl entered AIESEC, her life was just restricted to a normal circle but then she joined AIESEC as she was introduced to a Golden Circle, which completely changed her overview towards life. She actually expanded her horizon and started living for a vision. It made her passionate and commitment towards her work. It made sure that every day she wakes she has a purpose Since the time she stepped in this world, she dreamt to be an important part of it, who contributes in the best possible way. I guess when I sit and reflect my 2.5 years then AIESEC has always been on the giving side, my contribution is so less. Even after been part of executive body, I couldn’t be satisfied enough. So I decided to take up this most challenging passion in giving back to my Local Committee to AIESEC with a promise of 100% commitment towards it. What is required and I have:• • • •

Commitment:-I am highly motivated to commit my whole year to AIESEC and my local committee to derive the best output and living 1 year of our AIESEC. Connection:-I feel highly connected with AIESEC, my local committee and to each and every member of this LC. I have an ability to relate myself with others and understand people. Vision:-I truly believe in vision of AIESEC and what it wants to achieve and I am truly committed that with all actions here we are achieving our vision. The LC-AIESEC in Chandigarh:-I think nothing can be bigger than this. I owe a lot to my local committee; it has given me best phase of life, so I want to give a complete committed and dedicated year to my LC. My will:-I think more than any other reason it’s the Will of doing. I want to live a year Pure of Leadership, Passion and Commitment. I want to live a year Pure of AIESEC.

2. Describe your future short-term and long-term career and personal goals. How do you expect an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now?



Short Term:-

Short Term:-

• • •

Complete my graduation with good CGPA. Start preparing for GMAT. Go for a GIP internship.

Long Term:• •

• • •

Be the LCP of AIESEC in Chandigarh Be financially independent. Travel to another country.

Long Term:-

Get Admission in a good Business School outside India. Have a very sustainable and lucrative job.

• • •

Travel to different countries. To be a good Alumni of AIESEC in Chandigarh. Get married and settle with my family 

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

3. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2013; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role? According to me LCP is not a mere job; it’s the position where you give 100% dedication to AIESEC and the local committee. So the time commitment of an LCP cannot be measured. He/ She should be there whenever Local committee requires. About me:-I will be completely free after my final exams in December(11-24) 2012, then after that I have 6 months of training period starting from January till June which can be easily manage. I will be graduating in June 2013; hence I won’t have any academic commitments after that.

4. What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.

Personal Accomplishments:• Maintained a balance between Family, Friends, AIESEC and College:-According to me this is the most important aspect because all things starts and ends here. I have been always responsible towards my family and made sure that I am giving them equal importance and time. So they don’t have problem with the fact I give AIESEC lot of time and indeed they are so supportive and helpful regarding it. I have always been a good student so college issue never came up. •

Self Discovery:I know what I want from my life and what are my steps to achieve my goals. I have always been clear about my destination, though I choose different path for it and took many turns but I have self analyzed and I know what is best for me.

Strengths :• Hard Working. • Passionate. • Confident • Motivator • Optimistic • Simple • Patient • Team Player Weaknesses:• Emotional • Over Analysis • Self Critical Underestimate myself. • Can’t say no.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

5. What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave behind? Also, frame a mission statement for the LC for 2013. AIESEC Chandigarh has its vision for 2015, and I would like to stick to it, as every year will count on to achieve the bigger purpose.

“First choice organization for delivering high volum e of ex cellent stakeholder ex periences through physical and virtual platform around the w orld. W e are know n for engaging and delivering socially responsible, culturally sensitive and entrepreneurial leaders around the w orld w ho creates a cross generational im pact on the society.”

I want to leave behind a legacy where AIESEC in Chandigarh is known as the best work culture place, where people are highly motivated to innovate, learn and implement all their learning’s in outside AIESEC as well. When people in my city think about leadership and exchange, the only organization that comes to their mind is AIESEC. I want everyone who is associated with AIESEC in Chandigarh to be proud of AIESEC and the local committee.

Mission Statement for 2013:

“Striving to be best at every level by putting all our efforts and celebrating our success together by living AI ESEC in the pure form .”

6. Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in it’s current state. Leadership is basically when a person can bring his/her team on same platform where they together work to achieve same goals. Characteristics of my Leadership Style:• Leading by Example:-I am leader who would rather inspire everyone around her by actions, not by commanding. I will make sure I am contributing in my team to get the best results. • Connective Leadership:-I can connect people within the teams to the higher purpose and make sure they are accountable for each other and get the best results out of each other. • Ethical Leadership:-I am a very humble and grounded person. I make sure that each and every member is treated equally in all terms, where everyone works with honesty and trust each other. • Emotional Leadership:-I make sure that the motivation levels of members are never down and they always understand the purpose behind every action, make them more visionary and give them platform innovate and develop themselves.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section E | General Questionnaire 1. Make an analysis of AIESEC’s key competitors in the region (Local Chapter Geographical region) and what challenges they present to AIESEC and what can we learn from them. In Chandigarh AIESEC doesn’t have a very big competitor, though we have other organizations like Rotaract and Sife, but they don’t provide as many products like AIESEC. Rotaract is involved in social sector where they work in impacting the city with the help of local volunteers and where as Sife sends students abroad for internship. AIESEC is an organization which has all the major products like social impact, international internship, leadership which makes it very unique and big. Moreover AIESEC in the only international organization present here which is present in more than 100 countries, so it gives AIESEC an edge over other organizations.

Although these organizations deliver only one product but then the bigger challenge for us is to deliver the best quality. We have to make sure that the marketing of AIESEC is the best within the city and people are aware about the opportunities available here. Also instead of going to other organizations to avail different opportunities, people should directly come to AIESEC as it provides everyone a chance to pick and choose from available opportunities which can benefit them the most.

2. According to you, what role will AIESEC play in the city of Chandigarh as an International Youth Organization in 2015? In context to this, how will the year 2013 count to the progress to the same?  

  

AIESEC will be the platform for young people to experience the best taste of leadership at a very early stage. AIESEC will be the platform which people can avail easily and go for an exchange program which teaches them about different cultures and give them a chance to live in a different country on their own at a very young age. AIESEC will be the platform for young graduates who can avail it and have a professional learning experience in a different country. AIESEC will be the place which churn out the best leaders and gives to youth of the city a practical MBA experiences which all parents want their child to go through. AIESEC will be the platform for the local companies to get the best talent from different countries and have a very global mindset in their office environment. Year 2013-Focus areas to achieve above:

Enhanced External Positioning in the Student Sector and the Cooperate Sector:      

We need to have a very strong marketing team for this, which is making sure that the AIESEC as a brand is very powerful in the city. Student sector will be regressively tapped through LEADs, AIESEC BETA and LDP etc. Collaborative environment, where we partner with other youth organization for more outreach in the city. VP ER will be taking care of product packaging and its selling. VP ER will be responsible for driving all CRM strategies for best client engagement and involvement in AIESEC across all sectors. Certification for membership, volunteers, EPs, Interns for more credibility. Promoting EP and Intern Stories among the external network.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section F | LC Administration 1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

Governance and Accountability

Executive Body Management

•Legal responsible and accountable for all the proceedings in LC. •Review years plans and objectives for allignment with national association. •Strengthen management of the Local Committe office to ensure efficiency and sustainibility.

•Leading the Executive Board. •EB Management. •Reviewing the EB perfomance.

Representation •Representing local committee at national and international forums/conference s. •Representing the local committee in external enviornment events/forums.

Strategic Decision •Responsible for the direction and development of the local committee. •Coaching and training Exective Body. •Flowing down national strategies. •Executing local strategies.

Admin and Operations Identify and develop the culture and identity. Board of Advisors Management. Review and ensure the compendium being followed.

2. Analyze the trends of the past three years (including 2012) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT analysis of the LC for 2012. Year 2010-Elevating to Greatness •

• • • • • •

The Quality Committee initially faced quality owing to high number of exchanges deliver in previous year, hence the whole concentration was changed to deliver quality experiences which was achieved by the mid of year. AIESEC Chandigarh lived upto its vision and made sure its presence is being felt. Office Culture was at its best level. Members took up various opportunities like CEED, ILCEP and International Conferences. Creating entities became one of the focus areas. Operations were sustained. One of the most successful August recruitment.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Year 2011-Dream Unlimited • • • • • • •

Implementation of National Growth Drivers defined at NSC. VP LCD was introduced for expanding AIESEC in other areas and taking care of entities. Sound membership throughout the year. New projects initiated in exchange portfolios. Strong CRM and BoA involvement. Dehradun and Thapar University had holistic growth. Growth in few exchange portfolio.

Year 2012- Purpose. Passion. Performance • • • • • • • • • • •

Best performing LC in functions in entire India. Negative growth in exchange. LC was in a huge debt, but with all the cost cuttings, support from membership, LC is striving to be Debt free by NLS. All processes aligned nationally. One of the top performing LCs in pilot projects initiated by MC. LCs has been always high on good membership. Empowered MB. OSC-One of the best local congress conducted for better understanding of processes for members. One of the best August recruitment-smart, savvy young generations. Dehradun one of the entity of AIESEC in Chandigarh became an official expansion of AIESEC India  Though only few members took integrated experiences this year, but it also set up a good example for coming years in the LC.

3. What focus areas do you propose for AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2013? Give action steps that will contribute to these focus areas.


Finance        

Debt Free LC. No Recon pending. Proper check on outflow and inflow of cash. Book Keeping. Healthy bank balance. Healthy reserves and revenue generation from sustainable growth in exchange and events. Investment model for OGX, RnR, Marketing. Investment for promoting integrated experiences.

Infrastructure  

Cooperate office will be my first priority. Outsourcing of Intern house.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

 

Planned exchange for better tracking of trainees and EPs. Maintaining a track on LC logistics for better usage.

Talent Management       

Need based recruitments rather than constraining us for specific month base recruitments. Recruitments will happen according the demand of manpower planning. Portfolio specific TLs and OCs cycle for better boost in exchange. Promoting integrated experience among the membership. More opportunities for membership like CEED,ILCEP. A stronger module for RnR and certification for membership. Strong and intense membership training. Empowering MB for their better understanding of AIESEC as an organization.

Information Management     

Developing CRM tools at all levels. Proper flow of information for membership, clients, EPs, youth of the city. All resources, outputs and sessions of GBMs, events and Lcong in LC wiki. Making people aware about IM policies. Introducing new tools for membership to create a professional work environment for membership.

Expanding around the city with OGX

Focus on entity development and more LC expansions. As entities have been giving us good number of OGX exchanges, it is very important for them to be educated to deliver the best experiences in their entity. Growth of OGX in city As we have seen in Aug 2012, due to regressive promotions of OGX along with recruitment, it has given us better output, so from 2013 we will be doing major OGX based events in Q1 and Q3 for better for high and quality number of raises. Capitalizing on outbound markets It is highly important to showcase what students of these colleges have experiences with an internship. This can be very beneficial to make the college authorities and students to understand the exchange program. We can partner with colleges to introduce OGX in their curriculum, where they can provide scholarship to students. Also a lot of MoU get signed with the outbound colleges, so we will make sure that we take all follow ups and re-build partnerships with such colleges. Focus on delivery OGX is all about timelines; more focus oon delivery by ensuring strong drives of OGX and getting raises within timeline, hence delivering them on time which will automatically improve the delivery ratio. Strong IR initiatives Investments in CEED and integrated experiences for better country relations. This can also help us to understand the supply and demand, which will result in delivering all our raised EPs within their expectations.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Business development through effective Stakeholder Management

   

Effective CRM and tracking. BoA engagement in AIESEC for their more involvement with AIESEC and local chapter. While ARM can be very judiciously put under the realm of BD with an objective to give value to the alumni for creating a substantial engagement in the external market also. Raising for DT projects can be one added incentive for the LC which can directly help iGCDP exchange and not let it stop bringing financial constraint into picture.

4. Please mention detailed strategies and action steps related to the Six Development Blocs of AIESEC India.

Expanding AIESEC Network in India Financial Sustainibility driving growth Collaboration across sectors Brand and Information Management Legalization Programme Delivery Efficiency

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Expanding AIESEC Network in India    

Through entity development. Taking more expansion initiatives. Focusing on developing entity into official expansion Going into new markets and creates new entities

Financial Sustainability driving growth  

OGX will continue to be one of the major focus areas in 2013 also along with iGIP, so as to have favourable cash flow in the local committee. iGCDP should be a self sustained portfolio by doing more national and sustainable exchanges. Also iGCDP should look forward to outsourcing of intern houses for minimal money expenditure on them.

Collaboration across sectors   

VP ER to be responsible for cracking partnerships with other organizations in the city. Not only youth but also collaborate with clients for events. VP marketing responsible for external positioning of AIESEC so that other organizations approach us to be their partners. Non cooperate support groups, external forums, college fest should be hyped among membership.

Brand and Information management     

Developing CRM tools at all levels. Proper flow of information for membership, clients, EPs, youth of the city. All resources, outputs and sessions of GBMs, events and Lcong in LC wiki. Making people aware about IM policies. Introducing new tools for membership to create a professional work environment for membership.

Legalization • • •

Vice President Finance to be responsible for the legalization Project of the local committee. Procuring all the documents from AIESEC India for registering it legally locally. Having an external counselling agency, may be an advocate firm to assist on the matter.

Programme Delivery Efficiency • • • • • • • • •

Financial Sustainability Program specific investments driving growth IM Culture OS evolution GLE Based Experiences CRM Discover India Evolution of program specific processes Client induction to make them understand AIESEC Culture.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

5. Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the middle level management, functional roles as well LC entities. • •

Core team consists of VP TM, Finance, ER, Expansion, Marketing and IM. MB and GB to play their normal roles.




2 Directors oGCDP

2 Director iGIP

1 Director oGIP

1 Director iGIP-ET







2 Director iGCDP


VP ICX Director iGCDP

Director iGCDP

Director iGIP

Director iGIP

Director Education

TL Footprints

TL Worldview

TL Eureka

TL Phoenix


TL New Initiatives

TL Conserve

TL Quality

TL Emerging India



TL Rural Dev.

TL Exchange Support

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

TL Alumni Delivery


VP OGX Director oGCDP

Director oGCDP

Director oGIP







TL Experience

TL Exchange Support

TL Education TL Alumni Delivery



AM Manager

Talent Development


VP Finance Cash Flow Manager

Finance Manager

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC


VP Marketing Online Media





ELD Manager

Knowledge Management


VP BD Sales


Alumni Relations


VP Expansions Expansion Manager

Expansion Manager

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC








VP Finance








TL Finance

6. Give your assessment of the role played and contribution made by AIESEC in Chandigarh towards the National Association? How should this evolve in the year 2013?

AIESEC in Chandigarh had always been an LC which contributed to the strategies o of AIESEC India. We have been always aligned with all the national process and also learnt and evolved in each process. AIESEC in Chandigarh has played a very crucial role in national association in terms of thoughts. Though in 2012 we dint not perform well in programs number like previous years, but our functions strategies has been the BCP for whole AIESEC India network. In 2013, AIESEC in Chandigarh have to play a very important role in terms of balancing its programs and functions. As we have the best functions in the country, now it’s the time to implement all the strategies and have a good growth in programs also. If such happens, then AIESEC in Chandigarh will be an ideal LC and all other LCs in national association can learn a lot from us.

7. Layout a synergy plan & accountability structure between different portfolios in the LC. How will you as LCP ensure you track common bottom-lines of two VPs? (Also consider LC Entities, EwA and LLC activities into account)

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC




Overall Exchange Strategy Developme nt through IR. Inviting CEEDers which can help OGX in promotions and events.



Overall Exchange Strategy Developme nt through IR. Inducting EPs so that can work as BDMs and generate IR, also help local AIESECers to promote internship in their student market.

Marketin g

Project Branding, , Brand Education, KM, Virtual Forums

Website & Virtual Platform, OGX Promotion Partnerships, Showcasing Impact, All feedbacks, surveys to get filled.

Marketi ng

Publications , Media Coverage, External Communica tion.

Knowledge manageme nt, Market Expansion, University Relations, external positioning among the student sector, online promotions


Project Funding, Learning Partners. Collaborativ e events, Product

Recruitment & Event Selling, Talent Sponsorship s, Product packaging.


Product Packaging through MDPs, Partners Network

Promotion Partnerships, Client Network for oGIP from alumni.

Event Promotions & Partnerships

Proposal Standardizati on & Virtual Platform as a Product. Product packaging



Manpower Planning, TM Processes in Project teams, CEEDS

Storage of information and documentat ion, promoting in internal market, member knowledge about myaiesec.n et

EP Induction, EP Assessment, Reintegration, Integrated experiences.

Newsletters, Blogs, Media

External Sessions Support

Storage of information and documentat ion, promoting in internal market, member knowledge about myaiesec.n et

Handling all the resources of the LC, all the information and report of forums, lcongs and events on the LC wiki.

All the tracks of previous appointmen ts to be maintained, revamping


Financial Policies, Budgeting, Project Feasibility


Transition of existing clients, Understanding of the project and IR.


Budgeting, Event handling, Tracking EP Payment modules

Collaborations, promotions, Website and Virtual Platform Budgeting

Fund Raising, In Kind Raising

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Collaborations for fests, funding from universities.


and selling them.



R&R, Membership Efficiency and CM, Stakeholder Engagemen t, Associate membershi p

Talent Planning, Preparation, Experience Marketing, EP reintegration, promoting integrated experiences , Skill Building

TMP-TLP tracking Membership mailers, Updates, use of Virtual Platform, Media, TMPTLP certification.


Monitoring Receivables , Logistical Managemen t, OTF synergy

Book Keeping, Accounting, Receivables , Investment s in CEEDs

Survey Budgets, Publication Partnerships, Investments for promotions.


Storage of information and documentat ion, promoting in internal market, member knowledge about myaiesec.n et

Storage of information and documentat ion, promoting in internal market, member knowledge about myaiesec.n et

Handling all the resources of the LC, all the information and report of forums, lcongs and events on the LC wiki.

All the tracks of previous appointments stored, revamping proposals.

Expansi on

Transition of existing clients and IR.


Delivering partnerships, event promotions, showcasing impact.

Collaboration for fest, funding from universities.

Recruitment & Event Raising, Alumni support,

Planning according to budget deficits

Induction model, TMPTLP tracking.

Membership Investment


Investment s in adds for better promotion.

New tools for tracking and finance education.

TMP-TLP tracking

Induction model, TMPTLP tracking

Tracking, investments, finance education.

Knowledge manageme nt , myaiesec.n et training

Tracking, Book Keeping, financial policies, investment.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Knowledge management , training

8. Give an activity calendar of AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year 2013. Event



Financial Implications


Giving a platform to youth of the city to know about cooperate sector, Branding.

Large Scale

Investment Required but with the help of marketing and BD, it can be sold at high price.

Annual General Body Meeting. Review and Awards night.

Medium Scale

No major implication.

Establish a strong GEP Brand and get maximum Raises in the first cycle.

Large Scale

This Event is for OGX Promotions and generating funding through strong ER(already potential partners) and OGX Raises.

Direct Impact, A platform for underprivileged students to showcase their talent.

Large Scale

Event requires good amount of investment. Can be sold as CSR to our cooperate clients.


LC Day (February) GEE (February)

Balakalakaar (July)

LCongs (May and October) Empower (August)

Regional-Youth Leadership Conference

Local review, membership development and motivation.

Medium Scale

(December 25th)

WCF, Global Villages and Client Based Events(Timeline not fixed)


Promoting GEP among college students for raising of Q4.

Medium Scale

Fund Raiser if combined with Recruitments as a product as target audience for most of the companies being catered to over the whole recruitment process of 30 days.

Induction batch.


Large Scale

It can be profitable if packaged well and can get us sponsors.

A celebration for AIESEC in Chandigarh completing its 25 glorious years.

Large Scale

Needs investment to make it a grand celebration. Money can be raised from BoA and Alumni.

Better brand in city throughout the year, promotion in all sectors and better CRM.

Small Scale

No major financial implication. Money can be raise through micro financing for these small scale events.



(September) Silver Jubilee

No major implications.


Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

9. Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same?

AIESEC Chandigarh’s culture is exemplary when it comes to living AIESEC in its pure form. It is a perfect blend of ambition and humility. We are always respected in national association because of our contribution in terms of our innovations. The local committee has witnessed best leaderships. Although 2012 was not a good year because of lot of factors, but then the fighting spirit and togetherness of LCs was at highest peak which has helped us to come out of the most bad phase.

Aspects which I would like to retain in 2013: • • • •

Local Conferences play a very major role in membership motivation boost and also Lcongs are very special for whole LC, because it binds them together. Strong department culture and members having stronger motivation and ownership for their department. Strong processes in terms of functions performing very well with innovations which will definitely help to grow in exchange portfolios next year. Training and Involvement of MB members in important decisions of LC for their better understanding.

Aspects which I would try and emphasize upon: • •

• • •

Office culture- Highly important for more professionalism, punctuality and efficiency. Throughout we dint had office, so one major reason for members have not seen true professionalism here. Integrated Experiences- in 2012 though we initiated this but I want to take it more higher level. As members have to understand and take its own product exchange. I will make sure that members and leaders are taking this opportunity. Strong Alumni Relations - For better mentorship of membership and Sales Culture:-Very important for membership to understand the aspect of product packaging. Trainee Engagement in LC forums, events for a better relation of AIESECers with them.

10. Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2013. Dimensions catering to Performance: 

Strategy & Direction Setting for the LC – This comes by virtue of being on the EB, the Leadership body that defines and shapes up and quantifies AIESEC experiences for all stakeholders. An EB member is responsible to flow down strategies Portfolio Management & Implementation of Strategies – This is one of the most important bottomlines a VP has to deal with, in his/her role. It not only is important for the LC’s overall performance but also shapes up the AIESEC experiences of members of a particular department; hence it’s of prime importance. Talent Management for Department - A VP has to be a VP TM for his/her members, he is responsible for holistically growth of his/her members and he should make sure that they are availing the opportunities as well understand AIESEC as an organization. Stakeholder Communication – A VP is directly responsible for Stakeholder Communication, i.e. – representing AIESEC in Chandigarh in front of stakeholders and being responsible from AIESEC Chandigarh’s

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

side. Dimensions catering to Attitude:    

Role Model for Department – Involves setting examples for membership to learn from and carry forward, in every dimension, not just Exchange. EBM/GBM Contribution – A VP shapes up the LC Culture, sometimes much more than an LCP, hence valuable contribution in EBM’s and GBM’s to create a positive influence directly/indirectly in the LC. Internal & External Communication – By virtue of the communication style a VP can shape up how members are to the EB as well as externals in their communication. 100% Committment – Attending every forum, meeting, National Conference and be there whenever the local committee requires him.

Section G | Programmes 1. What will be the changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Chandigarh ELD Experiences in 2013? How are these connected with the external environment? Program

Evolution Proposed


VP-Director Structure for better capitalization on softer aspects as well as the LNs implementation.

Top 3 strategies

• • •


LNs Implementation


VP-Director Structure for better capitalization on ALL the softer aspects

iGIP department based on LNs. Targets on the basis of market reality and demand and supply. Adjusting to the evolved OS to take over the operations completely and add efficiency. Demand and Supply analysis for right raising. Sort information management Make client endorsement videos for credibility and focused raising.

Concentrating on the short term ET internships which are easier to match. Partnering with external intellectual organizations that can monitor the procedure of selecting EPs and raise EPs for us.

Strong transition and establishing processes

Relevance with External Market Showcasing impact to all SME.

Young graduates getting opportunity to work in abroad. Better Internship opportunities for young graduate who are looking to good job profile.

Directly relates to social sector. Showcasing impact in the city.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC


Q1 and activities.




• • • • • •


Virtual TLP

• • •


Direct TLPs for skilled people, Marketing TLP as an internship

• •

and policies at the very beginning of the year. All the exchanges should be done through nationalized projects. If there is a need to launch localized projects, initial emphasis should be to make it a job role of the closest nationalized project. This is one portfolio which would look to brand AIESEC as an organization creating true impact in the society. Showcasing it via. Evolved PR and marketing strategies. Main projects evolving into units with mentorship boards solving

UR to be taken up as an additional portfolio under expansion. Expansion and EWA acting as the driver for OGX. AIESEC cells in college adding to credibility of it. Approaching parents for stopping EPs to back out. Aligning to the MC’s direction for better delivery. Partnering with organizations and ET clients to do off cycle realizations

Formations of IM system. Tracking mechanism GLE implementation.

A high network of internationals on a virtual platform.

Monitory refinement. Marketing and BD synergy.

Credible organization TMP experiences.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC


2. Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same, especially along the lines of: a. b. c. d.

Membership Volume & Experience Logistical Management Stakeholders Experience Delivery International Relations








World View



Rural Development









Health Care





S. No.










Emerging India










Dehradun GCDP ICX








Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Thapar University GCDP ICX








Totals: GCDP ICX-190 GCDP OGX-135 GIP ICX-100 GIP OGX-65 Total Exchange Targets-490 TMP-1200 TLP-400

Membership Volume and Experience –  With the OS evolving and generating diverse opportunities to work directly or indirectly towards Exchange is going to boost the volume of Membership experiences and increase the capacity to produce tangible results.  Increased focus on TM Processes and Department Culture is going to lead to a more satisfying member experience and enjoying the whole Exchange Process.  Project Teams, OCs will have proper implementation of Learning Environment and hence a more meaningful contribution and a sense of satisfaction.  It’s very important to ensure that member exhaustion does not occur due to intense year long X Cycles, focus on balanced Membership experiences through Informal Forums, LCongs will keep them going.  The Volume of the Membership is going to increase; hence the Exchange targets will be split over wider membership spectrum.

Logistical ManagementWith high amount of Exchange happening (especially ICX) and higher Membership numbers, there is going to be a huge emphasis on Logistical Management of Trainee Houses & Office. For a start, we will have to concentrate on:  Planned Exchange in terms of proper project cycles with Accommodation figured out in the Planning Phase. Trainee Accommodation/Houses for LC Run Projects & Outstation Clients is going to be managed independent of the AIESEC Chandigarh’s Trainee houses.  Logistical Management System – Trainee houses to be outsourced.  Increase in Office infrastructure to make the office Culture more efficient..  Striking Partnerships in the beginning of the year for GBM Venues, LC Event Venues, Printing Partners.

Stakeholders Experience Delivery  Member LC Forum Involvement  Delivering strong, fun filled formal/informal forums and communicating the right messages to

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

membership, this leads to membership wanting to attend them willingly than treating them as liability. Strong Communication Flow & Policies  Clarity of roles and hierarchy will lead to proper communication flow in the LC as it is one of the most sensitive areas to tackle in case of membership. Use of, Podio to be made more effective. TM Processes  Providing diverse opportunities to membership along with a strong tool for Performance Management to track efficiency, also having Member Logs & Newsletters for the same.  Membership recruitment according to the manpower planning. 

Parents Parents Forums  Having Parents evening after every Recruitment cycle.  Inviting parents for Global village & other relevant events. Newsletters  VP TM and TL Delivery will work on creating Newsletters for parents which include Membership performances, opportunities offered, Clients added and happenings globally.

Trainee Following Delivery processes  Right from the time of match till the traineeship ends, ensuring consistent and timely communication with trainees by project teams catering to expectation settings.  Use of to create Wikis and upload Trainee Reception Guides, Contracts and Project Toolkits having information of conditions customized to projects. Trainee Engagement  VP TM and TL Delivery will work on creating induction programs for different trainees and creating avenues for their engagement in the LC and LC Forums.  Clients added and happenings globally. Frequency – Quarterly  Giving them opportunities to work in the LC.

Newsletters & Case Studies Trainees will only be interested to be associated with the LC if we make enough efforts, hence creating Trainee Newsletters catering to Trainee experiences, opportunities provided by AIESEC and their case studies are going to keep them happy and interested to be a part of the activities of the LC EP’s Induction & Engagement  At this level, EP’s need to be considered equivalent to members if not more as they not just contribute to X but also have the potential to impact locally. Proper Induction Icebreakers and EPIC for EP’s and creating short term L Opportunities for them through Events & Projects. TL Delivery to contribute majorly with VP OGX and TM. Assessment & Reintegration  Proper Assessment Centres to be executed for EP’s to ensure optimal quality, which will only develop a good brand amongst other International LCs.  Reintegration can lead to an enormous boost in terms of addition value in Project teams by Returned EP’s and their contributions lead to excellent results as seen this year. Integrated experiences to be delivered.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Clients Proper CRM Implementation  Processes in the ICX & OGX Flow needs to be followed at each and every stage.  Account management and Client Logs to be implemented at all levels, to be clubbed with KM. Client Engagement & Opportunity enhancement • Involving clients in all forums. 

3. How important is the integration of Net Promoter Score in evaluation of our Program Delivery? What are the action steps that you propose leading to better delivery of our programs? • • •

Net Promoter Score is very important to understand the quality of experiences we are providing to our different stakeholders. It give us knowledge and direct feedback in terms of our 4 ELD programs , CRM. The direct feedback also helps to improve our product and make it more sellable. Net Promoter also shows that how many stakeholders are still interested in AIESEC after been associated with AIESEC, so if the stakeholder replies with feedback that means he and she is interested in organization and believed in it. Net promoter score also helps us to understand Local Committee of other countries. NPS with green are definitely giving good experiences, so we very well know which LC to partner with in a country so that our EPs have best experiences as well as our clients get the best international talent.

Action Steps:• Planned Exchange:-Tracking of trainees and EPs to provide them best services. • Emphasis on processes and keeping the basics right in terms of doing the right expectation setting post matching. Flowing down the correct information. • Proactive HR measures and a definite and stringent HR policy for the LC right from the very beginning. • Engaging trainees, EPs aggressively in LC activities and being accountable for them.

4. State your understanding of the inter-relation between the 4 ELD programs. What do you propose for 2013 that will ensure capitalization of this inter-relationship? TMP-TLP provides manpower to GCDP and GIP to perform their operations. It is very important to have high number of TMP-TLP as it will lead to higher number of experiences deliver. We can see that from growth graph of countries like Brazil and Columbia which have grown exponentially just because of the increase in TMP-TLP. For 2013, refer to OS structure mentioned in Section F, Question 5. LCP GIP


GCDP • •

TMP International Realizations. Capitalization on market untapped.

TLP Personal development of members. Smart

More LR roles in OCs and task forces helping to deliver better

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC


• •



Creating job roles in an NGO, where a GIP EP can work in aspects of professional development.

International Realizations. Capitalization on market untapped. Creating job roles in a company, where a GCDP EP can work in aspects of personal development.

membership results in growth. Membership: Exchange ratio should be good to deliver high number of experiences.

Personal development of members. Smart membership results in growth.

Membership: Exchange ratio should be good to deliver high number of experiences.

Personal development of members. Smart membership results in growth. Membership: Exchange ratio should be good to deliver high number of experience. OCs and task force for specialize job role.

More LR roles in OCs and task forces helping to deliver better quality. TLP role should

Personal development of members. Smart membership results in growth. Membership: Exchange ratio should be good to deliver high number of experiences.

More LR roles in OCs and task forces helping to deliver better quality. TLP role should

quality. TLP role should make sure that members are delivering high volume and quality experience.

More LR roles in OCs and task forces helping to deliver better quality. TLP role should make sure that members are delivering high volume and quality experience.

More membership taking team leader role

Personal development leading to professional development.

Team leaders delivering experience to Team Members and helping to grow in the organization.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

make sure that members are delivering high volume and quality experience.

make sure that members are delivering high volume and quality experience.

5. List down any innovation(s) departments/teams. Organizational Structure Evolution International Relations Boost with integrated experiences Social Media to boost OGX








VP Director System in program department. For structure refer question no. 5, Section F. With the help of integrated experiences, sending members/leaders to different countries and partnering with them. Capitalizing on social media will be very regressive, as this was the main thing we lacked in 2012. Updating EP experiences through Social Networking and circulating in Friend Network to boost EP Raising. Run Social Media campaign.

Section H | Functions 

Generic 1. What is your view about the state of synergy between Program and Functional teams in the LC in 2012? What do you propose to evolve the same in 2013? 2012

During the first half of the year, there was negligible synergy between the Programs and the functional teams in the Local Committee. In the second half of the year, there was synergy between the Marketing and and oGCDP wherein through Lead!n, students were pitched OGX well. TM synergised with all programs leading to substantial growth. BD took an initiative ie CRM drive which lead to improved CRM. For 2013, I propose to evolve the same through the OS structure that is proposed. Please refer to Section F question 5 and 7.

2. Give a critical assessment of all Functional portfolios of the LC for the year 2012. Refer to the below functions questions for the same.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

External Relations 1. What is your understanding of External Relations and Business Development? What all according to you falls under the purview of the portfolio?

BD can be seen as a portfolio which supports the finance of the LC and help the programme’s to raise for their delivery requirements. With a strong notion of LC’s programme generated money to be invested in programme itself and not any other operation and administration, BD will be developing a strong tendency to raise for the operations and administration. This portfolio includes:• • • • • • • •

Event Planning Year- long partnerships Stakeholder management Fund Raising for all events and activities. Managing Alumni relations. BoA Engagement. Striking Multi Dimensional Partnerships. Raising In-kind like infrastructure related avenues- office, venue for Lcong , events and forums.

2. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground realities faced in the LC in 2012.





Rs 1,50,000

Sponsorships, selling to company for their promotions during the conference. Selling to existing clients.


Rs 2,50,000

Selling GCDP project along with the showcasing report to cooperate clients as CSR.


Rs 2,50,000

Partnerships with other organizations and heavy promotions in colleges.


Rs 2,50,000

Partnerships with other organizations and heavy promotions in colleges.

Recruitments(both major)

Rs 1,00,000

There are already potential clients for Recruitment Cycles and August Recruitments with Empower and Global Village can be a huge product.

WCF, Global Villages and Client

Rs 1,00,000

Small scale events sold to schools and

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC



Silver Jubilee

Rs 2,50,000

Money raised from alumni and clients.

Total targets = Rs 13,50,000 3. What sources of revenue do you propose that will bring in regular income to the LC (apart from direct exchange programs)? In Kind Support: • • • • • •

Mentorship Computers Office infrastructure Project Support Venue/Logistics for Events Corporate Office

Recruitments: It is a very sellable product, so good number of money can be raised with this Micro financing: Money generated from small scale events like Global village in colleges and also packaging Leads and selling to colleges and cooperates. Selling GCDP Projects as CSR initiative.

Financial Management 1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC.

The basic role of VP Finance in the LC is:  To prepare the Annual Budget for the LC.  Being the channel of communication between the LC Finances and the External Auditor and Accountant.  Overall responsible for the Logistics of the LC (Trainee Houses, Office, Infrastructure, GBM Venues)  To make key investments on Logistics, Infrastructure, Membership, plan out R&R model with VP TM.  Cost Cutting in the LC i.e. – looking for avenues to reduce costs and expenditures in the LC.  Chairing the Finance Sub Committee.  Allocate Subsidies along with LCP.  Member Education on Finance and Financial Implications in Exchange.  Building Corpus Funds.  Introducing Financial Policies (including the ROI Model) in the LC  Ensuring sound Book Keeping.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

2. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2013 with respect to financial sustainability? A financial        

sustainable LC should look like:A Corporate Office (in Kind) Minimum receivables as compared to previous year. Operating budget – having concrete elements being implemented No pending Recon or Fines on the same No payables Covering overall expenses and investments from operations money. ER money should be only use to reserve in fix deposit, not to spend on exchange processes. Proper implementation of financial policies, members are fully aware about them.

AIESEC Chandigarh in 2013 • A Debt Free LC with no pending recon and have reserves in fix deposit. • More educated membership in terms of handling finances. • Sustainable trainee house arrangement. • Minimal logistics bought which is requires for GBM

3. What long-term action steps do you propose that will prevent the LC from facing a similar financial situation as it did in the previous year? • • • • • • •

Proper Book Keeping. A team handling logistics. Financial review at every level. Constant membership education. Transaction by drafts and check Transpiration with GB Building Fixed Deposit with the help of VP BD

4. Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including ER income from events, collaborations etc. Inflow



Rs 1,95,000

Rs 48,750


Rs 3,15,000

Rs 1,25,000


Rs 6,50,000

Rs 2,60,000


Rs 3,00,000

Rs 1,20,000


Rs 7,00,000

Rs 2,00,000(Miscellenous)


Rs 21,60,000

Rs 7,53,750

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Talent Management

1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2012. TM as Program

TM as Function

TM as a program is basically responsible for driving growth in all other programs in terms of experiences delivered. As TM gives manpower to the program to do all the core operations, so it is very important to see the output of experiences delivered through it

TM as function is basically to set the right processes in the local committee. In terms of recruiting the best membership, LC development, Communication, Performance management, coaching and training, team building, reward and recognition and Leadership.

In 2012:-

In 2012:-

TMP-TLP deriving growth which couldn’t happen as there was negative growth in all program.

TM as function of AIESEC in Chandigarh has been the best in entire AIESEC India. The processes have been the best in the country. We are very nationally aligned in this portfolio; all the policies have been followed. Also because of the processes it is the BCP for AIESEC India.

2. Analyze the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year? In the year 2012 AIESEC Chandigarh did 3 recruitments drives in the months of Feb, May and August in decent terms of quality of the applicants. Recruitment was really systematic this year. Our first success in February recruitment was to get the first 2 stages outsourced which really helped to increase the value in the city. During May recruitments most of the associate membership were converted into core members, so departments were not given raw members and they could easily perform the operations because of the knowledge given to them during their EWA phase. The most successful recruitments was done in recruitment with the help of LEAD !n. LEADs were packaged and deliver in perfect way which gave us the best crowd of the city. Recruitments became more of a pull process rather than a push. It became a BCP for AIESEC India because of its efficiency, brand value and timeline.

Innovations: •

Recruitment shouldn’t only be happening in fix months; rather they should be need base recruitment. Whenever according to the manpower planning document there is a demand, pocket recruitments should be done giving the first preference to people at EWA stage with AIESEC.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Skill Specific recruitment in Q1 This is highly mandatory for functions like Marketing, IM and ER because implementations of plans start within the first month and for this they require a team to give the best output.

3. How to increase external value of our Membership? • • • • • •

Outsourcing the 1st two rounds of recruitments and getting the certification. Strategically promoting the experience of members. More local opportunities for members. Working in external OCs will also give a boost to membership experience. Integrated Experiences. AIESEC Beta and Lead sessions to be conducted in schools and colleges.

Marketing 1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Chandigarh? Critically analyze the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in ELD programs. Marketing Includes:•

Off Campus Promotions

Virtual and Web Presence

Media Appearances


Visible Impact

Student Outreach Strengths in 2012 • Social Media • Innovations • Method Of Recruitment • Visible Impact • Student Outreach(but a lot more needs to be done) • Off Campus Promotions • Web Coverage • Partnerships • LEAD Workshops • Events

Weakness in 2012

• • • • • • • • •

Event Volunteer Engagement Media Relations Synergy External Positioning Tracking Live streaming Audience Blogs Showcasing Impact

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Contribution in ELD:OGX Marketing is responsible for external positioning in student sector and also online promotions. Though there were high number of Online registrations but nothing worked out as most of the database dint convert into OGX raises. But during August recruitment LEAD !n product used for marketing recruitments and OGX was really fruitful as it gave good boost OGX in terms of raises for Q4. ICX This year marketing couldn’t capitalize much on external positioning in clients which was basically through showcasing impact and partnerships for ICX. Lack of synergy with ICX department. TMP/TLP Marketing and TM works in a perfect synergy as all the promotions were done very well and on time which got us the applicants for the year and also online database was very helpful as lot of good applicants were from online promotions.

2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2013? How do you see it contributing to ELD programs in 2013?

Marketing should be evolved in terms of its contribution to ELD phase. Marketing will evolve to do product packaging for all the clients of the LC. It is going to be more strategy and programme oriented where it sees how and where a programme needs brand, and how can the packaging of the key product will deliver that brand. It will look forward to mobilizing its PR aspect in a specialized way for the same Also all the program portfolio need to make sure to synergize with marketing as then only marketing can understand the demands. A lot of time with the help of good marketing, a good output is generated which has to be capitalized by program at the right time. AIESEC is only going to move forward with the help of regressive marketing. Also if we see the three statement of 2015, then marketing is the way forward to achieve them on time

Contribution to ELD:• • •

Making customized promotion strategy for all portfolios to reach out to the right audience and at the right medium. Showcasing impact to all the clients by making them aware how an international has affected their company work culture and ethics. Packaging GCDP projects which could be sold by VP BD to cooperate clients as CSR initiatives for making iGCDP a sustainable portfolio which will help them to grow.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Information Management 1. What are the various spheres in the LC in which Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role?

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Documentation and Knowledge management. Reduction of cost associated with managing unstructured information. Improved efficiency and productivity of members. Policy support for information management procedures and practices. Better knowledge of Introduction of proper platform to increase work efficiency. Full utilization of virtual platforms and online tools.

2. Comment on how you envision the role of Information Systems in the functioning and administration of the local committee in 2013. • • • • •

Information Management can help ELD a lot by using the best process. It helps to increase the efficiency of membership by knowledge of virtual platforms. IM is responsible for marketing EPs and TNs of local committee internally. IM helping program by internal marketing. IM processes will help in smooth and easy transitions. Proper storage of records and documents used in previous appointments for better flow which will end in better CRM.

Section I | EwA and LLC 1. Give an outline plan of EwA activities that will be conducted in 2013, which will ensure growth in ELD programs in 2013.

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Delivering AIESEC Beta, LEAD sessions truly brand AIESEC as a leadership organization full of opportunities. By partnering with organizations that give training and brand AIESEC through those medium. Formation of AIESEC cells in the college by virtue of its campus ambassador programme and do internal marketing in the college. External outreach of the portfolio can result in creating IGs in distant colleges and universities setting foundation for expansion. AM recruitment from the students sector can be based on sole marketing of the GCDP projects. Involvement of AM in all external forums. Creating short term TLP/TMP roles for people who cannot be part of AIESEC for longer duration.

All these practices can lead to high conversion from EWA to ELD across all the 4 programmes. All these practices can lead to high conversion from EWA to ELD across all the 4 programmes.

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

2. Give an outline plan of LLC activities that will be conducted in 2013, which will ensure evolved and improved Alumni Relation Management. • • • • • • •

Alumni Project in Q1, lead by VP BD who shall track all alumni and contact them in the beginning of the year. Formation of Mentoring and Support Groups with Alumni. This would enable a sound network and intellectual support. Promotional/learning Event speaker-Alumni can be called to support the LC by speaking about the benefits of AIESEC to external audiences. Opportunities- We can talk to our clients and talk about our Alumni and create opportunities for them in the city. Alumni night at LCONG- Inviting Alumni at local conferences for a re-connect with the LCs and also it will be good opportunity for members to interact with alumni. Silver Jubilee- As this is AIESEC 25th year in city beautiful, there will be a grand celebration and all the alumni will be invited for the same. It will be a good opportunity for them to connect back to the local committee. A revamped Newsletter to Alumni (Quarterly) . This shall not only inform them about forums, events, current status of local committee but also contains avenues in which they can contribute to the LC, and vice versa

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

Section J | Blank Page Challenge

At the end I want to leave you with a thought,

How we will make sure that processes improved in year 2012 will take us to high growth in year 2013? Is each and every individual contributing enough to achieve the bigger picture in this organization?

Deeksha Maggo | Applicant Local Committee President 2013 Celebrating Youth, Celebrating AIESEC

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