CONNACT SPRING 2019 On March 2019, the new membership of AIESEC in Hungary, its MMs and amazing EBs will kick off the Summer Peak for the hungarian youth! It’s the time for AIESEC in Hungary to increase our impact in our society and our relevance in the world!
Being part of this conference means that you’re 100% oriented towards Operational Excellence & committed to the meaning of our products, that you’re full of energy to boost the summer peak & that you’re compromised with peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential!
30 JAN
31st JAN
1st FEB
05-06 MAR
07-10 MAR
Minimum EB or MC experience Excellent understanding of AIESEC Way High English domain FACI experience
benefits Conference Fee Accommodation before and after the conference (MC House) Transportation from Budapest to the conference venue
Showcaser profile Have his/her own camera and gear. Availability to be in the pre-meeting as well. Share all content photos and videos made. Have his/her own laptop and software to create the content required.
benefits Conference Fee Accommodation before and after the conference (MC House) Transportation from Budapest to the conference venue
Personal info
Past AIESE experience Picture From 10 am to 10 pm Full name on January 30th or 31st , Current position & entity at what time could you E-mail have an one-hour call? Phone number
questionnaire Why do you want to be FACI at ConnACT Spring? What do you expect from this experience? How do you evaluate your facilitation style? Tell us about your profile and what kind of sessions you’d like to facilitate. (For FACI applicants) What would be your unique contribution? Highlight the two best conferences you’ve attended and why they’re the best.
FACI CHALLENGE Design an outline and record a video of maximum four (4) minutes facilitating a part of the session. The topic of the session should be related to one of the following: Operational Boost, EXPA hacks, How-to manage IR, Hard Skills workshop, Workshop in Sales & Negotiation Skills, Plenary session about Product Development, Plenary session about Operational Excellence.
Showcasing challenge ď ś Attach one sample from previous showcasing experience ď ś Create a video, no longer than 1m30s, that reflects the beginning of a challenging and nurturing team experience (the material can be from any entity).
submission The deadline to submit is January 30th at 23.59 GMT+1. No application will be received after the deadline. All the answers should be replied. The application package should be sent in .zip named “ConnACTSpring_(FACI/SHOWCASER)_NAME” and it should include: The Personal Info and Questionnaire should be sent in .pdf The challenge depending on the position you’re applying for. Send the Application to with the name ConnACTSpring_NAME
Conference Manager Zsรณfia Birรณ (MCVP B2B)
Agenda Manager Karina Rosales (MCVP OD)