EST H1 AIESEC in Hungary

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DEAR APPLICANT, o You must send your application in PDF, maximum five (5) pages. o All applicants have to answer the general questionnaire and the specific per area. o All the answers must be sent on time. No application will be accepted after the deadline. o Each applicant can apply for maximum two (2) positions, each application with its form and questionnaire. o The only regulations for the AF design are the ones specified in the Blue Book. Feel free to amaze us! o All applications PDFs should have the following format as name: NSTH2(Area)FirstName_LastName o Applications must be sent to: o o DDL: 11/Jan/2018. 11.59 PM GMT+1


2019 H1


General questionnaire I. Full Name II. Contact info (phone number, e-mail, skype user) III. Personal references (someone who led you, someone you led, someone who worked with you) IV. Please, outline your AIESEC experience so far and explain in detail the three most relevants and the results you’ve achieved through it. V. How do you envision AIESEC in Hungary for the 1920 gen?

2019 H1


NED PLATFORM SPECALIST JD Main Tasks:  Identify the applicants to national opportunities and forward the CVs.  Take care of the national opportunities creation and management  Ensure the customer flow process on EXPA for national EPs.  Supporting NED OCs in EXPA management.

Requirements:  EXPA Knowledge  Virtual Communication  Proactivity

One (1) Vacancy Online / Open for internationals / Open for LC Members

KPIs/MoS:  100% of the EPs with status updated on EXPA.  100% of the suitable applicants forwarded to selection team.  100% of opportunitites correctly created and open on EXPA

Availability: 5 hours per week


Based on EXPA Analytics, mention one (1) strategy to improve the process time from OP to APD. II. Mention one bottleneck regarding the conversion rate from the applicant to accepted conversion rate on EXPA and how would you improve it. III. Mention one strength and weakness that you see in the current EXPA Management in AIESEC Hungary, and how would you capitalize on that strength to overcome the weakness.

IR MANAGER FOR IGT JD Main Tasks:  Identify the top entity partners from analyzing past data  Monthly analysis of the IR Partners (Newsletter to IR partners)  Doing IR Virtual Calls  Creation of promotional materials of opportunities  Maintain constant touch points with partners

Requirements:    

IR Trackers creation and management Mailchimp knowledge and design skills EXPA Knowledge Virtual Communication

One (1) Vacancy Online / Open for internationals / Open for LC Members

KPIs:    

# of promotional materials created # of IR Calls held # of IR Newsletters sent % of contribution of exchanges from IR Partners

Availability: 5 hours per week



Which are our main country partners for IGT? How can you capitalize on them to increase the exchanges contribution? II. Create a communication plan for the next six months to improve and upscale our partners


Strategies to improve process time Creation of education materials Holding Commission Calls Creation of monthly newsletters Maintain constant touch points with the commission

Requirements:     

iGT Background / Experience Communication Skills EB Experience Virtual Communication Mailchimp knowledge / Design skills

One (1) Vacancy Online / Open for internationals / Open for LC Members

KPIs:    

# of education materials created # of Commission Calls held # of Newsletters sent % of contribution of exchanges from local iGT.

Availability: 5 hours per week0


How do you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the current IGT network in Hungary? II. Based on the weaknesses before identified, create one educational strategy to overcome them. III. Evaluate the current IGT NEC in Hungary and what can be improved or added.

2019 H1


CONTENT CREATION FOR IGV JD Main Tasks:  Evaluate, improve and create digital content for attraction in the iGV subproducts (Global host, projects for EPs & Enablers)  Refresh and create graphic line for the new iGV Project portfolio  Evaluate and improve country Brand materials (Taste Hungary)  Boost showcasing content from iGV  Weekly meeting with MCVP iGV

Requirements:  Good understanding about iGV product  Good design skills  Good video editing skills

One (1) Vacancy Online / Open for internationals / Open for LC Members

KPIs:      

Meetings with MCVP iGV # of video materials created # of Image materials created Project portfolio design Graphic line per national project # of Showcasing material gathered from stakeholders

Availability: 12 hours per week

CONTENT CREATION FOR IGV QUESTIONNAIRE I. Why are you interested in this position? II. Evaluate our current Project country brand promotion from and tell us what can be improved, be specific. III. Add a link to your graphic or video portfolio (If you have one)

Ocp summer for youth One (1) Vacancy Open for LC Members

Main Tasks:  Coordinate the summer for youth OCs  Plan & deliver Summer for Youth Project  Report to MCVP IGV

Requirements:  Good understanding about iGV product  Team Management  Project Management

KPIs:      

Strategy for attraction of participants Opportunities openings Meetings with SFY OC Meetings with MCVP iGV Update tools for national promotion Showcasing materials

Availability: 12 hours per week


Design an implementation plan for SFY in order to reach more than 200 external participants, 60 Eps and overall profit in the project II. Take in consideration promotion for participants, Eps, and standards fulfillment III. What would you change from the previous SFY editions and implement in the 2019 edition? IV. What is the added value of SFY for Hungary?

Oc MEMBER summer for youth Main Tasks:  Final responsible in the LC for the Summer For Youth Delivery  Standards Delivery  Project coordination with OCP  Customer Flow management for SFY’s EPs

Requirements:  Good understanding about iGV product  Team Management  Project Management

One (1) Vacancy per LC Open for LC Members

KPIs:    

Attraction of participants Selection of Eps Showcasing Meetings with SFY OCP

Availability: 12 hours per week

OC MEMBER SUMMER FOR YOUTH I. How do you envision summer for youth in 2019 in your LC? II. What is the added value of SFY for Hungary? III. How many and from where can we get most of our EP for SFY? IV. Explain the process of summer for youth from beginning to end

2019 H1


B2B MARKETING JD Main Tasks:  Content creation for the LinkedIn space  Holding workshops to the entities on B2B marketing and improving their skills  Participating external networking spaces/events Requirements:  B2B experience (marketing and LinkedIn experience is advantage)

One (1) Vacancy per LC Open for LC Members

KPIs:  Growth in LinkedIn followers  # of workshops hold  # of networking spaces attended

Availability: 8 hours per week


What are the online channels which are needed for AIESEC in Hungary in order to grow in the number of leads coming from pull marketing? II. Please list 3 networking events (the events should happen in Hungary) from the upcoming 5 months which would be beneficial for AIESEC in Hungary to attend! Please provide a short explanation for each, why it would worth to represent ourselves. III. What would be that B2B marketing tool which we have never used before but it would bring us lots of results?

MINI CRM FUNCTIONAL COORDINATOR JD Main Tasks:  Refreshments on the system  Supporting the education of the country on the system Requirements:  ICX XP (current EB position is an advantage)

One (1) Vacancy per LC Open for LC Members

KPIs:  # of active users  # of educations held  # of developments created

Availability: 5 hours per week


What are the 3 biggest bottlenecks of the current usage of the system and how would you overcome on them? II. What kind of development points can you imagine in the current system and how would you implement them? III. One of the entities asked you to hold an education about Mini CRM. How would you build up the presentation? Please create the session outline of it in 5-7 lines!

2019 H1


Customer flow manager for ogt JD Main Tasks:  Manage Exchange processes + acting EP manager for EPs.  Tracking and delivery of exchange standards

Requirements:  Team leader/Middle Manager experience.  Time management.

One (1) Vacancy Open for internationals / Open for LC members

KPIs:  # of SU EPs Contacted  Conversion from APP-APD-RECO  Process Time Improvement

Availability: 4 hours per week.

Customer flow manager for ogt questionnaire I.

What activities would you suggest are needed to effectively manage the virtual applicants and how would you go about ensuring the conversion rates for the market improvement? II. Please list out the ideal customer flow and identify the activities that you believe will improve EPs chances of success. III. Analyze the current process time for AIESEC in Hungary for APP -APD and give suggestions on improving them considering the realities of AIESEC in Hungary.

GROWTH HACKER ogt JD Main Tasks:  Analyze and Boost  Identify the top entity partners for Peaks from analyzing past data  Organizing and updating materials for IR partners and educate the entity  Creating Product Package of the IR Partners  Maintain constant touch points  Track timeline and collect required data to boost processes

Requirements:  Team leader/Middle Manager experience.  Time management.  Fast Response

One (1) Vacancy Open for internationals / Open for LC members

 KPIs/MoS:  # of EP's Approved within Europe 70% Exchanges within Europe  Growth in applied to Approved with IR Partners 50% APP2APD Conversion  Fastening the process time with IR Partners #20 Days from Applied to Approved

Availability: 7 hours per week.

GROWTH HACKER ogt questionnaire I.

Suggest which countries should be our IR Partner in Summer Peak and Why? Please show the analysis as well.


Please suggest 3 ways in which an MC driven IR strategy can be cascaded to the LC level. List out how you would ensure IR knowledge is available and used by the LCs.

2019 H1


IR & CX MANAGER FOR OGV JD Main Tasks:  Identify the top entity partners for Peaks from analyzing past data  Monthly analysis of the IR Partners  Doing IR Virtual Calls  Organizing and updating materials for IR partners and down scaling education  Creating Product Package of the IR Partners  Maintain constant touch points  Supporting VP's in different stages of Customer Flow

Requirements:  Speadsheets creation and management  EXPA Knowledge  Virtual Communication

One (1) Vacancy Open for internationals / Open for LC members

KPIs/MoS:  80% of exchanges done with IR Partners  Growth in all stages of Process with IR Partners  Fastening the process time with IR Partners  60% APPLIED - ACCEPTED  70% ACCEPTED - APPROVED

Availability: 3 hours per week.

IR & CX MANAGER questionnaire

I. II.

Identify the current top 3 IR Partners for AIESEC in Hungary and give a one pager summary analysis about them as partners, and what can be improved. Which entity can be new possible partner for AIESEC in Hungary for the Summer Peak? Please, name one per region and explain how this cooperation would be successful.

2019 H1


DATA ANALYSIS JD Main Tasks:  Support on tracking overall products process  Support on SONA creation and quarterly report.  Support creating monthly reports about growth  Tracking tools evolution and improvement  Data analysis monthly report Requirements:  Excel knowledge (required)  Time management skills

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members / Open for internationals

KPIs:    

# reports created # SONA reports delivered % improvement in tracking system % improvement in reporting system

Availability: 10 hours per week

DATA ANALYSIS questionnaire I.

According to EXPA Analytics, pick three (3) LCs/SUs and compare the EB Year 17vs18. Explain: a) What are the biggest differences in the performance? b) Give an analysis of the EBs 1819, depending on their products’ performance c) Identify the strong and weak products per LC d) Identify the major gaps in their conversion rates e) Based on their past 2 years performance, give at least two general recommendations for each LC in terms of focus

Icomm responsible JD Main Tasks:  Manage the main communication channels  Content Calendar Management: Content creation, ensure execution  Measure communication channel’s reach  Report to MCVP OD  Support managing knowledge platforms Requirements:  Design technical skills (required)  Time management skills  Team work skills

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members / Open for internationals

KPIs:    

# users reached Engagement index # posts released % successful campaigns

Availability: 10 hours per week

Icomm responsible questionnaire I.

Explain how would you improve our reach in the network and make the Facebook Page more interactive? II. Make a campaign proposal for Summer Peak, involving FB MC page, newsletter and engagement dynamics. III. Present a post example (image + caption) for: I. Recruitment campaign (strategical part). II. Approvals campaign for Summer Peak. (Note: Feel free to ask for graphic material for it, such as logo, etc.)

EXPANSIONS EVOLUTION JD Main Tasks:  Evaluation and improvement of Expansions Growth Model  Market research for AIESEC expansions  Expansions & Opening LCs coaching: Content, tracking, touchpoints. Requirements:  Time Management  Project Management  EB experience preferred

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members

KPIs:  # expansions growth model educational material  # touchpoints held with supported expansions

Availability: 6 hours per week


Explain the main development bottlenecks for newborn expansions in AIESEC in Hungary and how would you capitalize on them. II. Explain the main development bottlenecks for opening as an LC in AIESEC in Hungary, and how would you capitalize on them. III. How do you envision the ideal support system for an opening LC? IV. According to EXPA Analyticis, which would be the product growth focuses for an expansion?

2019 H1


Education specialist JD Main Tasks:  Track membership completion on NEC and create certificates  Downscale directions on LEC implementation to LCs  Guarantee that EBs are trained on facilitation skills for training delivery  Raise needs for alternative Education Cycles the network needs (ex: Local Conferences, EXPA, etc)  Deliver trainings for Change Management  Creation and implementation of R&R Framework Systems on local level  PDP Implementation and Leverage across the country

Requirements:    

LCVP experience required (18/19 and 19/20) Understanding on NEC Framework and way forward Understanding on LEC Framework and way forward Understanding of R&R Framework and way forward

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members / Open for internationals

KPIs:  % Certifications on NEC  % of members taking NEC courses per each LC  % of LEC implemented  % of LCs implementing R&R  80% of LCs implementing PDP  % of TM KEEP process implemented

Availability: 15 hours per week





Check the TM Dashboard and draw different necessary improvements so AIESEC in Hungary can have better data for Performance Management and Education (one for PM, one for Education, at least) By talking to the elect LCVPs TM only, explain: a) The 3 main issues they will face in their first half b) The root cause of these 3 issues c) 3 actions the NST team need to take, individually and then together (synergy) to solve each one of these issues Crosscheck all the information present in the TM Dashboard. Based on that, create one summit agenda (2 days minimum, only containing names, no outline needed) to cover all the bottlenecks the entities are facing and explain why you decided to have these sessions (connect data/inference with sessions) Considering one of the main challenges AIESEC in Hungary face is different structures per LC (as in, structures not aligned to amount of exchanges delivered and HR capacity), how would you ensure to deliver educational content that would be useful for them? How would you support LEC creation and implementation? How would you connect that to NEC and ensure high participation rate from the membership?

performance specialist JD Main Tasks:  Manage and implement a clear Performance Management calendar with the TM network, clarifying the goals of each month  Lead the main evolutions in our National Membership Survey system  Co-create the network monthly priorities together with the MCVP TM  Be in touch with the NSTs Consultant in order to understand how to better implement Performance Management strategies  Create and implement MM Board culture on local level for Performance Management

Requirements:  LCVP experience required (18/19 and 19/20)  Understanding on Entity Culture  Operations Understanding (oGV and iGT preferred)

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members / Open for internationals

KPIs: % Response Rate on NMS % of TM DEVELOP process implemented # of monthly directions and touchpoints with local level for performance management

Availability: 15 hours per week

performance SPECIALIST questionnaire I. II.


Check the TM Dashboard and draw different necessary improvements so AIESEC in Hungary can have better data for Performance Management and Education (one for PM, one for Education, at least) By talking to the elect LCVPs TM only, explain: a) The 3 main issues they will face in their first half b) The root cause of these 3 issues c) 3 actions the NST team need to take, individually and then together (synergy) to solve each one of these issues Which are the 3 main bottlenecks for Performance Management in AIESEC in Hungary? How would you use the National Membership Survey to draw conclusions and boost Performance Management on local level? If you would be the final responsible to design a national strategy for Team Leader culture, performance and member management, how this strategy would look like? Express your idea in a creative way (charts, drawings, pictures, etc), explain the main outcomes and timeline for it

2019 H1


Functional coach JD Main Tasks:  Real and effectivemonitorig of the LCs planning  Personalized training and education based on the LCs needs  Implementation and tracking of specific strategies for LCs in order to improve their performance  Support on reports creation for MCVP F&L

Requirements:     

Tracking skills Customer Flow understanding EB experience (preferred) Marketing experience and understanding @ Hungary legalities understanding

One (1) Vacancy Open to internationals / Open to LC members

KPIs:      

Planned vs. Achieved % in Budget # coaching sessions delivered # training sessions delivered # strategies concreted # strategies implemented # reports delivered on time

Availability: Max 10 hours per week

Functional coach JD I.

Describe the financial implications from the Customer Flow, both for ICX and OGX. II. What are the most important processes for a Local Committee in F&L? III. What are the main synergies that F&L should have at local level? How would you help to improve them?



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