EST H2 2nd round

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DEAR APPLICANT, o You must send your application in PDF, maximum five (5) pages. o All applicants have to answer the general questionnaire and the specific per area. o All the answers must be sent on time. No application will be accepted after the deadline. o Each applicant can apply for maximum two (2) positions, each application with its form and questionnaire. o The only regulations for the AF design are the ones specified in the Blue Book. Feel free to amaze us! o All applications PDFs should have the following format as name: ESTH2(Area)FirstName_LastName o Applications must be sent to: o o DDL: 30/Jan/2018. 11.59 PM GMT+1


2/feb/19 ANNOUNCEMENT 31-1st/feb/19 SELECTION 30/jan/19 DEADLINE

23/jan/19 LAUNCH

2019 H1


General questionnaire I. Full Name II. Contact info (phone number, e-mail, skype user) III. Personal references (someone who led you, someone you led, someone who worked with you) IV. Please, outline your AIESEC experience so far and explain in detail the three most relevants and the results you’ve achieved through it. V. How do you envision AIESEC in Hungary for the 1920 gen?

2019 H1


LOCAL IGV SALES JD Main Tasks:  Guarantee the improvement of the local iGV sales of national projects by supporting the LCs in education  Account management  Value delivery for partners  Sustainability

One (1) Vacancy per LC Open for LC Members



 # of national projects sold by LCs  #of new openings  # of days from app to ACC in sales

 Good understanding about iGV product  Team Management  Project Management

Availability: 12 hours per week


I. Why do you want to apply for this position? II. What are the 3 main bottlenecks of iGV Sales in every LC who runs iGV in Hungary? III. What solutions would you propose to those bottlenecks?

Oc MEMBER summer for youth Main Tasks:  Final responsible in the LC for the Summer For Youth Delivery  Standards Delivery  Project coordination with OCP  Customer Flow management for SFY’s EPs

Requirements:  Good understanding about iGV product  Team Management  Project Management

One (1) Vacancy per LC Open for LC Members

KPIs:    

Attraction of participants Selection of Eps Showcasing Meetings with SFY OCP

Availability: 12 hours per week



It would only be like this: Why are you applying for this position? How do you envision summer for youth in 2019 in your LC? What is the added value of SFY for Hungary?

Est GLOBAL HOST JD Main Tasks:  Manage and track the implementation of the Global Host initiative in AIESEC in Hungary

 Requirements:  Good understanding about iGV product  Team Management  Project Management

One (1) Vacancy per LC Open for LC Members

KPIs:    

# of Families signed up #of families showcased %of Eps assigned to a host family Families NPS

Availability: 12 hours per week

EST GLOBAL HOST JD I. Why do you want to apply for this position? II. What are the 3 main bottlenecks of implementing Global Host in Hungary? III. What solutions would you propose to those bottlenecks? IV. Design a strategy that can get us 150 signups for families in Budapest in this summer (there are no limits, be creative)

2019 H1


Icomm responsible JD Main Tasks:  Manage the main communication channels  Content Calendar Management: Content creation, ensure execution  Measure communication channel’s reach  Report to MCVP OD  Support managing knowledge platforms Requirements:  Design technical skills (required)  Time management skills  Team work skills

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members / Open for internationals

KPIs:    

# users reached Engagement index # posts released % successful campaigns

Availability: 10 hours per week

Icomm responsible questionnaire I.

Explain how would you improve our reach in the network and make the Facebook Page more interactive? II. Make a campaign proposal for Summer Peak, involving FB MC page, newsletter and engagement dynamics. III. Present a post example (image + caption) for: I. Recruitment campaign (strategical part). II. Approvals campaign for Summer Peak. (Note: Feel free to ask for graphic material for it, such as logo, etc.)

2019 H1


Education specialist JD Main Tasks:  Track membership completion on NEC and create certificates  Downscale directions on LEC implementation to LCs  Guarantee that EBs are trained on facilitation skills for training delivery  Raise needs for alternative Education Cycles the network needs (ex: Local Conferences, EXPA, etc)  Deliver trainings for Change Management  Creation and implementation of R&R Framework Systems on local level  PDP Implementation and Leverage across the country

Requirements:    

LCVP experience required (18/19 and 19/20) Understanding on NEC Framework and way forward Understanding on LEC Framework and way forward Understanding of R&R Framework and way forward

One (1) Vacancy Open for LC members / Open for internationals

KPIs:  % Certifications on NEC  % of members taking NEC courses per each LC  % of LEC implemented  % of LCs implementing R&R  80% of LCs implementing PDP  % of TM KEEP process implemented

Availability: 15 hours per week





Check the TM Dashboard and draw different necessary improvements so AIESEC in Hungary can have better data for Performance Management and Education (one for PM, one for Education, at least) By talking to the elect LCVPs TM only, explain: a) The 3 main issues they will face in their first half b) The root cause of these 3 issues c) 3 actions the NST team need to take, individually and then together (synergy) to solve each one of these issues Crosscheck all the information present in the TM Dashboard. Based on that, create one summit agenda (2 days minimum, only containing names, no outline needed) to cover all the bottlenecks the entities are facing and explain why you decided to have these sessions (connect data/inference with sessions) Considering one of the main challenges AIESEC in Hungary face is different structures per LC (as in, structures not aligned to amount of exchanges delivered and HR capacity), how would you ensure to deliver educational content that would be useful for them? How would you support LEC creation and implementation? How would you connect that to NEC and ensure high participation rate from the membership?

2019 H1


Youth speak forum SUPPORT JD Main Tasks:  Partnership management/raising  Co-delivery of the processes with MCVP PD (to YSF Team)  Provide education for YSF Team.

Requirements:  Tracking skills  Hungarian language dominance

One (1) Vacancy Open to internationals / Open to LC members

KPIs:  # NPS rate from partners  # Average NPS of the event

Availability: 5 - 12 hours per week


Write a brief motivation letter explaining your background and why you should be elected for this position.



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