MC Application 1617 | AIESEC the Netherlands

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AIESEC in the Netherlands

mcvp application booklet 2016 - 2017


Dear AIESECer,

You have just take the first step towards applying for the Member CommiBee of AIESEC the Netherlands 2016-2017. This booklet contains all necessary informaMon about the job profiles and applicaMon procedure of the MC VP funcMons for the term 2016-2017. The challenges you face as MCVP are a unique responsibility for extensive personal development on both professional and personal levels. The dynamic environment of AIESEC, full of opportuniMes and possibiliMes, challenges you to be the best version of your self every day. You have the ability to have a true impact on AIESEC the Netherlands and its stakeholders, and drive the organisaMon forward to new heights. Applying for the MC was a tough decision for all of us, but one that none of us regrets. This is your chance to make the next year unforgeBable, to challenge yourself, and to take a risk that will give you a big reward. You are only young once, so do not just think ‘’Why should I do this?’’ Think: ‘’Why not?’’ In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take. Make it Happen! Ton van der Donk Roman Shcherbatyy Tom Westerbeek Sanne Nieman Leila Pilliard Mirjam Oosterhuis Sabine Momma


Contents Contents


MC Structure & Profiles for 2016-2017






Application Procedure


Specific Questionnaire


MC VP Finance




MC VP OGX & Marketing


MC VP Sales


Blank Page Challenge




MC Structure & Profiles for 2016-2017 The MC structure for 2016-2017 is yet to be defined. We will open posiMons in the following business areas: • MC VP Finance

- Financial budget and tax management - Financial governance management (internal audiMng, external audit) - Financial reporMng - Improving financial models and processes - Team management of LC VPs • MC VP Incoming Exchange

- Strategy development & implementaMon for iGIP - Financial management for incoming exchange - B2B markeMng of AIESEC - Value delivery of incoming exchange program - Team management of LC VPs • MC VP Outgoing Exchange & MarkeMng

- Strategy development & implementaMon for oGCDP or oGIP - InternaMonal partnership management - B2C markeMng of AIESEC - Value delivery of outgoing exchange program - Team management of LC VPs • MC VP Sales / Business Development

- NaMonal iGIP Sales - Event Mangement - Acquiring and managing our Key Partners - Manage the Non-Exchange product porcolio - Youth Speak These responsibiliMes come next to general MC responsibiliMes and deliverables.



• The final MC structure will be defined by the end of February. • The MC elect will represent AIESEC the Netherlands at EuroXPRO ’16 in Bulgaria. • The MC VP’s in Exchange will represent AIESEC the Netherlands at AIESEC InternaMonal Congress 2016 in Poland together with the MCP. • Experience in AIESEC is required for applying. You do not have to have previous EB or MC experience in order to be eligible. • The posiMons of MC VP Incoming Exchange and Outgoing Exchange & MarkeMng are open for internaMonal applicants. • Your full Mme MC term starts at June 27th with MC TransiMon. However, you are expected to be available in The Netherlands from May 1st onwards for facilitaMng conferences and LC transiMon. If you are already aware this is not possible, please contact the MCP or MCP elect. • You will officially end your term on August 1st 2017. • A coverage of 950 euro per month is provided, together will full cover of conferences and travel costs. • AccommodaMon is your own responsibility, AIESEC the Netherlands does not have an MC House. • You are expected to move to Amsterdam during your MC term. • You can apply for more than one posiMon. If you would like to apply for more than one posiMon please make sure you fill out all relevant specific quesMonnaires and explain your moMvaMon for all funcMons you are applying for in the moMvaMonal quesMon secMon.

Get to know the MC

If you are thinking about applying but you want more informaMon, we are hosMng several spaces for you to meet the MC physically. You are also more than welcome to contact us by email, phone, or Skype. MC Alumni Drinks You are invited to the MC Alumni Drinks on the 29th of January 2016 in Amsterdam. Twice a year, several generaMons of MC the Netherlands meet to stay in touch with each other, and if you are interested in applying for MC you are invited to get to know MC Alumni and talk about their experiences. NatCo Spaces At NatCo there will be spaces for you to talk to the MC about their year. Both the Board of Directors and MC 2014-2015 will be present to talk about their experiences during and aker AIESEC. MC Open Office On Tuesday the 9th of February, you are invited to the MC Office to experience a day in the life of an MC member. Get to know the office, talk to the MCVPs, and get all the final informaMon you need to make your decision to apply!


Timeline As MCVP you will officially start your term on the 27th of June 2016. However, once you are selected you will already have a number of responsibiliMes as MC-elect. This mainly involves represenMng AIESEC the Netherlands at EuroXPRO and facilitaMng NTOS and EB Boarders in May. Next to that you will already start MC transiMon on a part-Mme basis. From the 27th of June 2016 your MC transiMon will officially start and you will be expected to be available full-Mme for AIESEC the Netherlands. You will officially end your term on the 1st of August 2017.

Office The MC office is located at the Hogehilweg 15, 1101CB, Amsterdam. It is a 5-minute walk from Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena train staMon, enabling the MC to travel easily through the country.


Applica<on Procedure Before the 14th February 2016, 23.59 (GMT+1), we will need from you: • Your Curriculum Vitae

• • • • •

An endorsement leBer from someone you’ve worked with in the past 24 months The general quesMonnaire (appendix 1, aBached in another document) The personality quesMonnaire (appendix 2, aBached in another document) A video (max. 3 min) in which you introduce yourself as MC candidate and summarise your applicaMon. Send the applicaMon in a zip file to

The en&re applica&on should be in English. MCVP SelecPon rounds You will need to go through three selecMon rounds, each round consisMng of one interview. Aker each interview you will be informed if you move on to the next interview. This means that if you go through the complete process you will have three interviews. The interviews will be conducted by the MC of 15.16 and the Board of Directors. During the interviews you will be assessed on: • MoMvaMon

• OrganizaMonal understanding & vision • CORE competencies • AnalyMcal skills We very much encourage you to contact MC members and alumni to create a beBer understanding of AIESEC the Netherlands. We recommend applicants to do this in order to successfully complete the quesMonnaire of appendix 2. Please do not hesitate to reach out to MC 2015-2016 if you have further quesMons:



Phone number

Email address

Ton van der Donk


+31 6 15241523

Roman Shcherbatyy


+31 6 83702071

Tom Westerbeek


+31 6 49064074

Leila Pilliard


+31 6 20026833

Sanne Nieman


+31 6 11778209

Mirjam Oosterhuis


+31 6 48602742

Sabine Momma


+31 6 83223787


On behalf of MC 15.16:

Good luck!


General Ques<onnaire MoPvaPon, leadership and organisaPonal understanding 1. What is your moMvaMon to apply for the MC of AIESEC the Netherlands? And, specifically, the funcMon(s) you are applying for?

What are your key strengths and key weaknesses and how would these help or challenge you in your MC term?


Why should you be selected as MC of AIESEC the Netherlands in 2016-2017?


Define your team management strategy and leadership style. How would you lead a team?


Please explain what the AIESEC Way, AIESEC 2020, the BHAG and the ELD programs are, and how they connect/relate to one another.


Where do you envision AIESEC the Netherlands to be in 2020?

Specific Ques<onnaire MC VP Finance 1. NOTE: This quesMon should NOT be completed in your applicaMon. Aker you have applied you will get the informaMon needed. Please prepare the analysis for your interviews. A. Please provide an analysis of the financial historic overview of AIESEC the Netherlands. What are your main conclusions and what do you see as the main areas of focus for the MC VP Finance based on the informaMon provided. B. What are the biggest threats that AIESEC the Netherlands faces financially? C. Taking into account AIESEC the Netherlands current Financial and Business Model, which evoluMon would you propose (Short Term & Long term wise), regarding cost structure, pricing model and funds distribuMon? D. What investments would you suggest for 2016? 2. How do you see the role of the MC VP Finance, including Mme division between the different responsibiliMes? 3. Please prepare a detailed SWOT analysis of the current operaMons of AIESEC the Netherlands taking into account the financial implicaMons. 4. How would you as a MC VP Finance support organisaMonal growth of AIESEC the Netherlands?


MC VP iGIP 1. Describe the current state of iGIP in the Netherlands in terms of our products, markets, and measurements of success. 2. What do you see as the biggest trends facing the Dutch society? How do these trends affect iGIP? 3. What do you see as the current key strengths and key weaknesses of iGIP in the Netherlands? 4. Define what you believe are the key growth strategies for iGIP in the Netherlands.

MC VP OGX & Marketing Please dis&nguish answers for oGIP and oGCDP. If you are applying for both, answer every ques&on separately for both func&ons.

1. Describe the current state of outgoing oGIP and/or oGCDP in the Netherlands in terms of our markets, products, and measurements of success. 2. What do you see as the biggest trends facing the Dutch society? How will these trends affect oGIP and/or oGCDP? 3. What do you see as the current key strengths and key weaknesses of oGIP and/or oGCDP in the Netherlands? 4. Please describe the current state and your ideal state of the brand posiMon and awareness of AIESEC in the Dutch student market. 5. Define the key growth strategies for oGIP and/or oGCDP.

MC VP Sales 1. Describe the current state of our external market, non-exchange products, and measurements of success. 2. What do you see as the added value of Youth Speak to Dutch society? 3. Describe the five strategic partnerships you would like to acquire for AIESEC the Netherlands. Why, and how would you pursue these? 4. Describe the current state of iGIP in the Netherlands in terms of our products, markets, and measurements of success. 5. Define the key growth strategies for MC level iGIP and our non-exchange products in the Netherlands.


Blank Page Challenge In this secMon you are completely free to show your creaMvity, vision, and/or plans for your term as MCP of AIESEC the Netherlands in 1617. You can only use one page, but you can make it in any format you want (powerpoint, pdf, drawing) as long as you stay within one printable A4 paper.


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