MCP Application Booklet 2017 - 2018 - AIESEC in the Netherlands

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AIESEC in the Netherlands MCP application 2017 - 2018

Dear AIESECer, By reading this document, you have taken the first step to becoming the Member Commi:ee President (MCP) of AIESEC in the Netherlands for the 2017-2018 term. I know that for many of you it is early, as you have just started your current roles in the organisaNon. But within a couple of weeks, you could be the one leading our naNonal enNty to the next level. You could be the one in the unique posiNon of having a strong influence on the direcNon our organisaNon takes. You will be facing the challenge of translaNng your vision into acNonable goals and plans and creaNng long-term strategies that will determine the future of AIESEC in the Netherlands. As an MCP, the challenges you face are a unique opportunity to develop yourself extensively on both personal and professional levels. To work in such a dynamic environment of leading an organisaNon run by 300 ambiNous, eager and talented young people is a challenge like no other. You will face many challenges and opportuniNes every day, and you will be pushed to become the best version of yourself. Being MCP is also a huge privilege. You are able to lead and inspire 300 students by providing highly rated board posiNon experiences. You can travel the world to represent AIESEC in the Netherlands in the global network and build friendships with people from all over the world. You have the responsibility for the long term health of an organisaNon which is almost 70 years old, has very powerful alumni, many external stakeholders, and works with a budget of over 1 million euros. And most of all, you are able to create your impact for yourself and the people around you and to create your own legacy. I sNll remember my process of deciding whether to apply for MCP very well. I knew I wanted to conNnue in the organisaNon, even aUer more than two years in it. I felt ownership of what we are doing and an urge to conNnue driving the posiNve change. Of course I had my doubts: Was I ready to lead this organisaNon next year? And what would other people think of my decision to conNnue in AIESEC? What can I bring to AIESEC that nobody else can? In the end, I really asked my self what I wanted and took control of my own life. I asked myself: ‣What do I want to achieve in my life? ‣What will bring me the most personal fulfilment and saNsfacNon next year? ‣Do I have the feeling that I can significantly impact and contribute to the organisaNon? ‣Does the MCP role bring me something I cannot find in any other opportuniNes? ‣What decision would I have taken if I look back on today in 5 or 10 years Nme? And I took the best decision of my life. My advice to everyone is if you think of applying: share it with others. Talk about it. Talk to alumni, to friends and to family, and start wriNng your applicaNon, as the process itself will tell you if you really want to become MCP or not. In the end, do not just think ‘’Why should I do this?’’. Think: ‘’Why not?’’ In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take. AIESEC is powered by youth, who knows maybe next year it will be powered by YOU Roman Shcherbatyy

Contents ‣MCP Job DescripNon ‣ExpectaNons ‣ApplicaNon and SelecNon Procedure ‣CORE Competencies ‣General QuesNonnaire

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Christian Groot MCP 2014-2015 Describing my MCP experience in three sentences is simply not possible. I could try to explain some of the countless things you see, experience, learn and develop during the year, but the most valuable thing about being MCP is that YOU shape your own year, your own experience and your own learnings. You define the future of AIESEC and lead the organizaGon towards success - why wouldn't you go for that unique opportunity?

Charlotte Eijsvoogel MCP 2012-2013 Leading a team, trying new things, challenging and learning about yourself and having an enormous amount of fun! A completely unique experience you will never regret or forget

MCP Job Description Strategy and operations management ‣ConNnuing the implementaNon and execuNon process of the naNonal vision, ensuring that long-term goals will be achieved ‣ImplemenNng ideas from the internaNonal network, aligning the naNonal direcNon with global plans and strategies ‣FacilitaNng naNonal strategic planning ‣Tracking naNonal plan execuNon to ensure goal achievement ‣Defining the role of the LCP team, NST and MC VPs in delivery of yearly Measurements of Success and managing these teams accordingly ‣Ensuring the naNonal and local operaNons’ alignment ‣Empowering local iniNaNves so they can be:er explore their local potenNal Leading the Member Committee ‣FacilitaNng the creaNon of the MC vision, direcNon and main ambiNon for the term ‣Preparing, running and following up MC meeNngs ‣FacilitaNng MC team events and team evaluaNons ‣Regular MC coaching and performance assessment Human resources ‣Managing MC recruitment and coaching LCs on LC recruitment ‣FacilitaNng team development, training and educaNon ‣Responsible for naNonal member development cycle ‣Responsible for reward and recogniNon

LCP Team management ‣Coaching and tracking LCPs ‣Embedding the LCP team into naNonal level operaNons and strategies. Ensuring naNonal strategic alignment ‣Designing and delivering LCP-MCP meeNngs ‣Managing LCP team’s communicaNon, accountability and reporNng ‣Keeping conNnuous contact with LCPs regarding LC operaNons and plan delivery, LCP role and team management, follow up of naNonal services and support Governance ‣Managing the Board of Directors, ensuring reporNng and implementaNon of outputs ‣Ensuring legality of AIESEC operaNons ‣Delivering all requirements for InternaNonal Membership Criteria Representation ‣A:endance of naNonal & internaNonal meeNngs ‣CommunicaNon with AI VP EnNty Development and PAI ‣Member of InternaNonal Teams/Working Groups/Subcommi:ees ‣Building country branding strategy and making sure AIESEC in the Netherlands is well-represented in the internaNonal network (physically and virtually) ‣RepresenNng AIESEC on external conferences and events ‣Managing relaNonships with other organizaNons (non-corporate, youth, governmental, corporate) Board of Advisors ‣ContacNng the Board of Advisors ‣CoordinaNng the a:endance and preparaNon of BoA meeNngs ‣Acquiring new BoA members


Expectations Timeline st 1

As MCP you will officially start your term on the of August 2017. However, once you are selected you will already have a number of responsibiliNes as MCP-elect. This mainly involves selecNng the MC team & NST, and represenNng AIESEC the Netherlands at the InternaNonal Presidents MeeNng. Next to that you will already start MCP transiNon on a part-Nme basis. th 29

From the of June 2017, MC transiNon will officially start and you will be expected to be st available full-Nme for AIESEC. You will officially end your term on the 1 of August 2018.

Office & housing The MC office is located at the Hogehilweg 15, 1101CB, Amsterdam. It is a 5-minute walk from Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena train staNon, enabling the MC to travel easily through the country. As a member of the MC team you are expected to move to Amsterdam during your term. 5

Application Procedure Before the 2nd of December 2016, 23.55 (GMT+1), we will need from you: ‣Your Curriculum Vitae ‣Two endorsement le:ers from someone you’ve worked with in the past 24 months ‣The general quesNonnaire + Blank Page Challenge (in printable format) ‣A two minute video in which you introduce yourself as MCP candidate
 The enGre applicaGon package should be in English. The applicaGon should be sent as a WeTransfer file to by the 2nd of December, 23:55 (GMT +1)

Selection Procedure AUer submiong the applicaNon a Vote of Confidence will take place on the 7th and 8th of December: This Vote of Confidence happens at the first and second day of the NaNonal Planning Summit for all EB’s at ‘De Berckt’ in Baarlo. This Vote of Confidence includes: ‣Personal speech about your ambiNon, your vision and your plans for AIESEC in the Netherlands ‣A funcNonal Q&A round ‣A closing speech ‣You need a simple majority vote in order to proceed to the selecNon round. AUer this you enter the selecNon interviews: You will need to go through two selecNon rounds, each round consisNng of two interviews. AUer the first round (two interviews) we will let you know whether or not you will pass on to the second round. This means that if you go through the complete process you will have four interviews. The interviews will be conducted by the MC of 16.17, the Board of Directors and potenNally alumni and externals. During the interviews you will be assessed on: ‣MoNvaNon ‣OrganizaNonal understanding & vision ‣CORE competencies ‣AnalyNcal skills


Below you will ďŹ nd the relevant CORE competencies that can be used for preparing your interviews. We very much encourage you to contact MC members and alumni to create a be:er understanding of AIESEC in the Netherlands. You will deďŹ nitely need to do this in order to successfully complete the quesNonnaire. This is the contact informaNon of the Member Commi:ee in 2016-2017:



Phone Number

Email Address

Roman Shcherbatyy



Thijmen Calis



Anje Knottnerus



Margriet van Gils



Lian Tolner

MCVP Marketing


Karolina Kujawa



Marc Latour



Daley van de Sande



On behalf of MC: Good Luck


Core competencies MCP DEVELOPING A WINNING TEAM OpNmizing suitable interpersonal characterisNcs to create a team that works together effecNvely and efficiently; striving to realize team objecNves. OBTAINING BUY-IN SNmulaNng others to commit to a project, plan, idea; delegaNng tasks to others, making them responsible for meeNng objecNves; gaining involvement by seeking input and individual opinions. COMMUNICATION Clearly transferring a message, thoughts, and/or informaNon to a designated group through means of creaNng an interpersonal rapport with the audience; assisNng the audience in understanding the informaNon by adapNng to their moNvaNons. COACHING AssisNng others in strengthening their development opportuniNes through means of guidance and feedback. CreaNng opportuniNes to discuss others’ performance, progress, and mistakes; tapping into their moNvaNon to reach a collecNve objecNve. Acknowledging and accrediNng achievements. ENCOURAGING CHANGE CreaNng an environment where innovaNve changes are encouraged and implemented to saNsfy development opportuniNes; sNmulaNng others to think of new procedural approaches; supporNng change and its acceptance. ALLOCATING RESPONSIBILITIES DistribuNng decision-making responsibiliNes amongst others, aligning duNes with individual capabiliNes and job funcNons; clearly defining and allocaNng tasks in order to opNmize business efficiency. ORGANIZATIONAL VISION AND VALUES Placing the organizaNon’s visions at the vanguard of all decision-making; striving to realize objecNves which saNsfy the organizaNon’s visions and values. ADJUSTABILITY Ability to adapt to external changes without compromising performance; adjusNng conduct to fit changed circumstances, expectaNons, and/or customs while upholding professional efficacy. TAKING STRATEGIC ACTION IdenNfying the organizaNon’s long-term vision and objecNves, gathering informaNon in order to create a strategy and steps of acNon to realize the long-term vision; making a decision, commiong to a strategy, and ensuring smooth execuNon. 8

General Questionnaire 1.What is driving you to conNnue in AIESEC? Why have you decided to stand for President of AIESEC in the Netherlands? What do you want to take out of this experience? 2.Why should you NOT be selected as MCP of AIESEC in the Netherlands for the 2017-2018 term? 3.What are your three key strengths and weaknesses and how would these help or challenge you in your MCP term? 4.Make a brief SWOT analysis of the organizaNon keeping in mind how the organizaNon has evolved since 2010. With this context, what would you do as MCP to lead 2017-2018? 5.What are the biggest quesNons and challenges 2017-2018 has to find an answer to? 6.In the context of 2017-2018, rank in order of importance the key responsibiliNes of President of AIESEC in the Netherlands (team management, strategic direcNon, financial sustainability, governance and accountability, global network engagement and communicaNon, and external representaNon) and the reasons for your ranking. 7.What is the relevance of AIESEC in the Netherlands for The Netherlands and how can this be improved? 8.What is the biggest goal you want to achieve as MCP of AIESEC in the Netherlands and how will you achieve it? 9.Define your key growth strategies for for all of the business units. Which ones will be your focus for the upcoming year? 10.Create a naNonal roadmap for AIESEC in the Netherlands unNl 2020. What are the key focus areas per year, main organizaNonal changes, and why?

Blank page challenge You have 1 page and all your creaNvity to propose what is the biggest quesNon that lies in front of AIESEC today and give an answer to it. You have the license to change the system, to challenge any paradigms and unleash the potenNal of the organizaNon.


AIESEC in the Netherlands

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