Turn Up The Future Awards 1718

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Turn Awards Up The Future Loud Ac(ons that contributed to a


List of Awards •

Striving for Excellence Awards

Demonstra8ng Integrity Award

Living Diversity Award

Ac8va8ng Leadership Award

Enjoying Par8cipa8on Award

Ac8ng Sustainably Award

The Hustle Award

Striving for Excellence Awards* The Striving for Excellence Awards recognise LCs that have shown great results in making AIESEC FOR The Netherlands BIGGER, BETTER and FASTER. The awards are split into 4 product categories: iGT, oGT, oGE and oGV. The awards will be based on the following metrics:

Relative & Absolute Growth in Approves SU - APD Conversion (B2C) Raise - APD Conversion (B2B)

50% 12.5%

% FIN - CO


Process Time*


Average EP NPS


*depends per product

Every LC applies for these awards automaKcally. *The awards are to recognise LCs that have achieved excellence in the respec7ve product this term, they are not to reward individual teams, but rather the whole LC and every person and business unit has contributed directly or indirectly to make this happen.


Demonstrating Integrity Award The DemonstraKng Integrity Award recognises the LC that has communicated openly and honestly with all stakeholders while ensuring that our acKons back up our words and we fulďŹ l our responsibiliKes and promises. The award will be based on the following metrics:

GCPs of innovative events with highest ROI (#APD from event)


% FIN-CO + #CO


% SONA & GFB (correct & before DDL)


LCs apply for this award by submiNng at least one GCP (max. 150 words/GCP & incl. picture(s)) of an innovaKve event that resulted in a high number of approves (incl. EXPA IDs of all EPs converted from the event)

Living Diversity Award The Living Diversity Award recognises the LC that has interacted and worked with members from other enKKes at conferences and/or in co-delivering quality cross-cultural leadership experiences. The award will be based on the following metrics:

% of exchange done with national partners


#APD in national projects


GCPs of Learnings from other entities implemented


CX Challenge Certification


LCs apply for this award by submiNng at least one GCP (max. 150 words/GCP) of learnings they got from another enKty that were successfully implemented and how. OďŹƒcial na)onal partners: oGV: Indonesia, Brazil, Colombia, Malaysia, Guatemala, Ghana, Mozambique, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Bahrain oGE: Brazil, Indonesia, Austria, Romania oGT: Brazil, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Romania iGT: Greece

Activating Leadership Award The AcKvaKng Leadership Award recognises the LC that has strived to develop the most leadership in the Netherlands this term. The metrics for the Striving for Excellence Awards combined are the indicator for the winner of the acKvaKng leadership award. The awards will be based on the following metrics*:

Metrics GV


Metrics GT


Metrics GE


Every LC applies for these awards automaKcally. *for this award, only the products run in the LC will be taken into account

Enjoying Participation Award The Enjoying ParKcipaKon Award recognises the LC that has managed to engage its’ members most with AIESEC as an organisaKon. Its’ metrics are based on naKonal contribuKon, as well as enjoying the leadership development our organisaKon promises to offer. The awards will be based on the following metrics:

National taskforce & NST contribution


% of members on IXP*


# of members staying in AIESEC (>12 months)


% of members attending NatCo


% of members filled in initial & exit LDA


LCs applying for this award need to send informaKon on how they contributed to naKonal taskforces and/or to the NST, as well as EXPA IDs of members on IXP and a list of members that is staying in AIESEC 12+ months (max. 200 words). *IXP = Members going on exchange

Acting Sustainably Award The AcKng Sustainably Award recognises the LC that has shown to manage its’ ďŹ nances to the most opKmal usage. This LC takes into account that future generaKons will be able to provide more leadership experiences. The award will be based on the following metrics:

% Revenues coming from core operations


Operational results


Budget execution


Every LC applies for this award automaKcally, if LCVPe has passed LCVP Academy.

and FER

The Hustle Award The Hustle Award recognises the LC that has successfully shown that it knows no excuses and aimed to send every single person possible to live a leadership experience through AIESEC’s exchange programs. This LC has gone to the limits and beyond and truly shown what a ďŹ nal sprint should be. The award will be based on the following metrics:

Hustler of the Day

Hustlers of the Week

Most approves per day (across all products) - 50% Top 3 # of approves per week (across all products) - 50%

Every LC applies for this awards automaKcally. FYI: Every Day there is ONE point (divided to the LCs that were Hustler of the Day), There is an addiKonal full point for every LC listed as Hustler of the week)


Award Ceremony

The award ceremony will take place on the 29th of June aHer the closing of the Na8onal Youth Speak Forum in RoMerdam. Keep the whole night free, it will be worth it! Side-note: If we hit #1173 approves total by this date, you can expect some specials, including performances.

Application Procedure

Watch out, some of the awards require you to send informa8on to mc@aiesec.nl . Read the booklet carefully and submit your award applica8ons by the 28th of June, 18.00 (The DDL for results counted will be the 29th of June 14.00 and will be extracted from EXPA)

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