Division 4 West | The Dragon Files | Issue 1

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Easter Events

Table Of Contents

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3 20 4 10 Message from our LTG

Messages from the DLT

Past Events

Upcoming Events

Recong -nition


A Message 3 From our LTG

"Hello Division 4 West! I hope everyone is still alive after AP / IB testing! It has only been roughly a one or two months since the new term started and we have already accomplished so much. We have raised over $500 for March of Dimes and performed over 815 service hours! G-double O-D J-O-B good job, good job! We will have about 11 months to go and cannot wait to see how far we will be able to strive. Now it's time to kick off our countdown to summer with the May DCM. Thank you to everyone who attended the very first DCM of the 2015-2016 term and for those who were not able to attend, I hope you will attend this one! This DCM will be filled with Baby Themed Ice Breakers, challenges, and a special DLT surprise (it involves pictures ^-^). Shout out to everyone for kick“Shout out to everyone for kicking ing off Division 4 West into a great start off Division 4 West into a great for the new term! I hope to see everyone at the May DCM at the FV Rec start for the new term!� Center.

Fired Up for Service Tina Nguyen D04W Lt. Governor

Catherine Le , I joined Key Club because at Club Rush it seemed like one of the most engaging organizations on campus and I had only heard positives things about it from older siblings and students. Everyone in the club instantly welcomed me even though I was a quiet and shy freshman, and the rest of my Key Club journey is history!

Elaine Dang , I joined key club my freshman year not really knowing what it was.I went to the weekly meetings and some home events but it had not hit me how great key club was until my sophomore year when I became more active in my home club and befriended my board. Going into my senior year, key club has been a "key" part in my high school career giving me people and leadership skills I will always treasure.

Kendall Nakai , I joined Key Club during Club Rush not really knowing what it was, but out of interest in serving my school and city community. Over time, I've realized how large of an organization it is and how far reaching the positive effect of each person, club, and division has to the entire world. It's honestly the number one club any high school student should join and be active in due to the leadership qualities one can gain, and then give back to their world in kindness and service.

Kelton Do , Hi everyone! I'm Kelton Do and I joined Key Club my freshmen year because I thought it would be a great way to meet a bunch of new people while helping out the community at the same time!

Nathan Vo , I joined Key Club to have fun and to meet new friends from high schools in my area. Out of all the other clubs I have been in, Key Club has the most friendly and accepting community of high schoolers, and I encourage everyone to join no matter how shy they are.

Jordan Augsburger , My freshmen year one of the seniors in my class told me to go to a meeting because she was in Key Club. So I went and now almost 3 years later, I'm still here and more proud than ever to be part of this organization.

Hector Bustos , I joined key club because I wanted to get involved at school while helping my community one step at a time. And now I am super grateful I joined key club because I've been given the chance to meet so many great people!

Cindy Nguyen , I joined Key Club as a freshman because my brother dragged me along to the meetings. I once thought that it was crazy that anyone would want to give up their weekends to volunteer instead of relaxing after a long week of school, but joining Key Club was one of the best decisions I have ever made. This wonderful organization has changed my life for the better and I can't wait to spend my last year making a difference in the world alongside a phenomenal group of people that I have the honor of calling my family.


Jasmine Le , I joined Key Club because I was allured by the service and community it offered. I stayed in Key Club because of what Kiwanis can do for the charities it supports.

Zeyra Ceballos , I joined key club because transferring to a different school knowing less than about five people, key club was the only thing I had been for sure about before coming into FVHS. I was able to meet so many incredible people, while having fun, and making a positive difference in the community. I couldn't think of a better way to start off my highschool career

Jonathan Wong , Greetings Division 4 West Dragons! My name is Jonathan Wong and I am honored to serve as your Tech Editor for this term! I first joined Key Club mainly because they had candy at Club Rush, but after attending a handful of events I soon realized that it was much more than that. With the support of the seniors last term I gained the confidence to become much more involved and got to the place where I am now. I look forward to a great term with you all!

Michelle Bui , I joined Key Club during Club Rush not really knowing what it was, but out of interest in serving my school and city community. Over time, I've realized how large of an organization it is and how far reaching the positive effect of each person, club, and division has to the entire world. It's honestly the number one club any high school student should join and be active in due to the leadership qualities one can gain, and then give back to their world in kindness and service.

Alon Gary , I decided to participate in Key Club because I knew I can positively impact others' lives while meeting new friends. Also, I heard about Christina Tran and I had to meet her because I didn't think someone could humanly cry that much.

Bridget Ton , I joined Key Club because they were giving out free food at the first meeting and I knew that this would be a great opportunity to make new friends and have a lot of fun!!:-)

Frank Le , Since I was in middle school,I was excited to join Key Club after seeing so many of my friends being involved in the organization! However, the more important question is "Why have I stayed in Key Club?" Asides from all the friendships and bonds I've made, Key Club is the first thing that I've actually done that I got to choose for myself, and because of that, I am willing to give back all my efforts to contribute to the organization that has helped me grow so much!

Teryn Ngo, I first joined keyclub because I saw my friend post pictures from DCON and i thought that was interesting so I joined the club to go to DCON! But then i realized how big key club is and how much more there is to it, ranging from spirit to service. I am really glad i joined the club :)


Kaitlyn Ung , I joined key club because I wanted to create high school memories. Key club was simply more than volunteering. It establishes friendships and opportunities to give back to the community

Aileen Nguyen , Like many, I joined Key Club as it was one of the most popular clubs on campus. However, I stayed in key club not only because of the amazing people I have met but also the amazing opportunities that it has given me to give back to the community. I also love how it can be a perfect fit for both a super outgoing senior or that super shy freshman that I was.

Brianna Song , I joined Key Club because I have a passion for helping others and the community. Not only that, I feel a need to help people feel comfortable in their surroundings while volunteering and having fun with their friends!

Megan Undlin , Key club is not only a club, but a team, in which we can strengthen our communities and have fun with our friends at the same time. It gives students the power and platform to truly change, help, and support people who need it the most.

Billy Sereyvuth , I joined Key Club for its extensive amount of community service. It provided me more than just service but a way to connect with other genuine people.

Tyra Choun , I joined Key Club solely because I was drawn to the enthusiastic nature of it And I stayed because I earned a new found love for service and friends. Initially, I didn't have any friends when I first joined, but as time passed I gained many friends and memories quickly. I was also welcomed with open arms, I didn't feel as secluded as I have been with other clubs and I just didn't feel uncomfortable. Key Club is something I hold dear to me because it's what keeps me going throughout the day, it's something I can go back to if I am ever feeling down. As many have already said Key Club is like an Ohana to me and that means nobody gets left behind. This partially the reason why I had joined this organization.

Tyler Nguyen , I joined Key Club in hopes of earning community service hours and maybe meet some new people. But nonetheless, I gained more than just mere hours: Ohana.

Why did you join Key Club?


Division Banquet Going to the final event of the immediate

past term on behalf of Marina Key Club was quite an enjoyable experience. From the fantastic talent performances by fellow D4W key clubbers, to speeches of our past DLT, the banquet was the most heartfelt experience that I had ever had in Key Club. Finally seeing all of the work and dedication that D4W’s former DLT put into the division makes me proud to be a dragon. The banquet was fantastic. It was fun, heartwarming, and incredible overall. The talent portion of the banquet was top-notch, and the food was very satisfying. During the award ceremony, I was so proud to have been able to be part of such a fantastic home club. Marina Key Club won distinguished club of the year, and many of our board members won prestigious awards in their respective positions. It was so extraordinarily satisfying for our club to be recognized for all of the work that our board and members put into every event. Following the awards was the speeches. I have never been so touched by anything even close to the heartfelt interconnections within the DLT. The warmness and tears that were exhibited by the past DLT really made me see what Key Club is really about. Key Club is a family that is joined together driven by the passions of every individual member, any single person who wants to help the community and make a difference. The banquet was the perfect event for all members to sit down and reminisce over memories made during events, and enjoy the achievements of our division as a whole. It was THE BEST EVENT EVER .

Richard Duong Marina Key Club


MARCH OF DIMES This event was very fun as there were

many people to socialize with. It started with the key club divisions getting excited in the morning and preparing for the event. Everybody donated out of respect for the children and people in which the event was held for. Once the walk began, people talked, yelled their chants, and had an overall exciting time. It was fulfilling to see how many people were supporting HOAG hospital and their efforts to help the children. Afterwards, most of the key clubbers ate lunch together and were able to bond through more socialization. The April DCM was very entertaining

Zachary Huang Huntington Beach Key Club


An event that was held in April was the

Easter Egg Hunt. It was interesting to see all the people that turned up, both volunteer wise and general admissions wise. I personally worked one of the game booths where the player would try to throw the ball into a different colored circle for a prize. Even though our booth was not as popular as the gold fish one, I enjoyed seeing all the kids and making their day when they won something. Also, we worked well as team to do the jobs assigned to us to meet the needs of those around us. We are all happy and proud to be a part of this event's success.

Jordan Augsburger, Edison High School Key Club


FV EASTER EGG EVENT This volunteering event is an annual event presented by our Kiwanis! It is also one of the first service events of the term, and it is a really great event! The club helped run game booths, work the jumpers, and over watch the Easter egg hunts! It is a fun and great experience, and it was a great way to give back to our community! It was really nice seeing the happy children celebrating Easter!

Teryn Ngo

Fountain Valley Key Club

MAY DCM Come out for the 2nd DCM of the Term! This month it will be baby themed in honor of project eliminate so come prepared to play some baby themed games including baby food and pictures!

DCON SURVEY www.surveymonkey.com/r/78KQRBF


District Design Contest: Have you or a member you serve ever dreamt of what it'd be like to have your design on thousands of shirts & pins? Well, now it's time to make that dream a reality with the CNH DCON Theme Design Contest! Imagine what it would be like to see your design all over CNH publications and clubs for the next 13 months. Imagine thousands of Key Club members wearing your design on shirts and pins. Most of all, imagine having your design represent what it means to be a true Guardian of Service!

Submissions are due Sunday May 31st before 6:00 PM Happy Designing!


Brian Nguyen Fountain Valley High School

Jonathan Wong



Contact Information: Presidents:

Edison-Jordan Augsburger Jaugs2@gmail.com Fountain Valley -Kelton Do keltondo@gmail.com Godinez-Dennis Franco Darrell_franck@yahoo.com Huntington Beach-Nathan Vo nathanvo1998@gmail.com Marina-Catherine Le CatherineLe4West@gmail.com Ocean View- Kendall Nakai kendallnakai@gmail.com Mater Dei- Elaine Dang


Saddleback-Tyler Nguyen nguyentyler44@yahoo.com Segerstrom- Tyra Choun


Division Lieutenant Governer: Tina Nguyen d04w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Region Advisors: Mrs. Pong - epong119@aol.com Mr. Barry - fbarry642@Gmail.com Credits: Cover Photographs by Dustin Tran RTC Flyer by Jenny Chung, Division 30 South's DNE District flyers found on CNH website


Division 4 West Official Newsletter

if you would like YOUR articles and pictures to be featured in the next edition of the newsletter, please email them to d04w.cnhkc.ne@gmail.com by June 10th by 6:00 pm

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