Division 4 West | The Dragon Files | Issue 7

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Division 4 West Official Newsletter I December Edition




A Letter

From our Lieutenant Governer

Hello Dragons!

Can you BEE-lieve the term is coming to an end in a short three months? That means… election season is just around the corner. We will be electing our new Lieutenant Governor for the on January


2016 2017 -


th at Orange Coast College and clubs will be conducting

their own elections soon. Make sure to come on out to conclave to witness history and see who will be leading Region


for the

upcoming term. The term marking an end also means that District Convention is around the corner. DCON is really pricey, BUT you can help the club subsidize the prices if you attend Surf City on February


organization will be donating $


th. The

per volunteer and that donation can

really help out the clubs in covering hotel fees and transportation fees for each member. In December, I was placed in a potential life threatening position and I had a realization that I have not interacted with many of you as I would like to. I’m sure some of you heard about the false shooting at occurred at Mainplace mall on December


th. Well, I was with my

friends browsing through the stores and the next thing I remember was hiding in the back of the store thinking that I was in danger. (Don’t worry because it was a false alarm after police came to investigate) But while I was in the back room, I thought to myself “who from


west would actually remember me?” I see so many

familiar faces at DCMs, but it hit me that I rarely talked to any of the new members. Once you read this, feel free to message me so I can get to know you! I’m always here for all of you dragons. Whether you need advice on elections, school advice, relationship advice, family advice, just anything. I’m only a phone call or a Facebook message

-Tina Nguyen

away, so don’t be afraid to reach out to me!

L-O-V-E we love our LTG

PAST EVENTS In this winter wonderland of a month, Ocean View Key Club a two members from other HB clubs volunteered at the the downtown Huntington Beach Christmas Tree Lighting. This event was a perfect example of spreading community love, cheer, and fellowship. From watching adults and children and high schoolers alike perform on stage, to giving away trays upon trays of cookies and cake pops donated by local businesses, it was just magical. The tree lighting itself happened after sunset and we watched it flash with different colors off the bulbs and were surrounded by kids waiting to see Santa Claus. Overall, it feel gratifying to see the appreciation of each sugary treat given out and holiday cheer entailed.

-Kendall Nakai, Ocean View

Huntington Beach Tree Lighting

“Overall, my 2nd Fall Rally South experience was a crazy emotional rollercoaster. After three stressful Spirit Nights where I taught cheers and sold merchandise to the members to hype them up, the day has finally come. We all met at Fountain Valley High School at 5:30 am. We got to Six Flags and seeing Key Clubbers from all over California and some from Nevada wearing their Spirit Attire made my heart flutter with joy. Everyone cheered their hearts out during the Spirit Battles and overall it was a great time. Since Division 4 West had the last session, we were all so tired by the time we walked into the rally...although my spirit chairs and I did hype up the whole division enough that we made it to Round 1. In between the rounds, the Executive Assistants auctioned off the LTGs and Exec. District Board on stage. Everyone cheered their hearts out and we made our Lieutenant Governor, Tina, proud. Even though we did not win the spirit stick, at the end, we all came in as a family.”

-Bridget Ton, FV Key Club

Fall Rally South

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich making Event In the spirit of Key Club Week: “Random Acts of Kindness,” Marina Key Club decided to do a PB&J making event for the Collette’s Children Home in Huntington Beach. Throughout this event, I had some likes and dislikes. I really liked how this event allowed my friends and me to have fun making some sandwiches for a good cause, but bread was in constant low supply so we had to wait for more bread to be delivered. Overall this event was a blast, but it would be great if next time, we had more bread to start. Even so, we were still able to make over 400 sandwiches for people who would greatly appreciate it. Our club was able to get together to make a big impact on the local community!

-Christian Lam, Marina Key Club

Division Events

District News




Bee sure to submit your

Key Club stories to the


CNH Cyber Key

For more District Information check out the CNH Cyber Key at CNHKEYCLUB. ORG and while you’re there check out the District Newsletter

RECONITION D r a g o n

o f

m E M B E R t h e

m o n t h

B r e n t N i s h i o k a o c e a n v i e w K e y C l u b When I first meet Brent at the blanket making DCM, I did not expect him to become so involved with the division and his home club. I always see him in every club photo and at every division event. I always see him trying to talk to members outside of Ocean View and trying to include everyone.

O f f i c e r S u m m e r

o f

t h e

L u , H u n t i n g t o n

m o n t h B e a c h

I always see Summer Lu carrying her camera around during Division events taking pictures for all clubs. She never hesitates to capture kodak moments and uploads the picture for the division to see right after the event. She carries a positive attitude with her during events and I always see her smiling with every push of the shutter.

Club of the month-Segerstrom Segerstrom being my home club, I was able to see them improve so much over the course of the 2015 year. They present so many service events during club meetings and balance out the service with social events. In addition, they also push out fundraisers for the club and always interacting with the members.

Letter from the editor Hey Dragons! As this year comes to a close, I just want to say thanks for reading this newsletter! I just hope that you all have a great time with family and that you all prepare for finals!!!! But don't stress too much and take some time off to spend it with your Key Club Family. :) Remember to check out the CNH cyberkey for more news!




remember to submit your stories and pictures to d04w.cnhkc.ne@gmail.com

Thanks for Reading!

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