Division 4 West | The Dragon Files | Issue 6

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Division 4 West Official Newsletter I November Edition




A Letter From our Lietenant Governer

Hello Dragons!

Happy Halloween and Fall Rally South season. I hope you are all pumped for a spooky October


st and a lit Fall Rally. For Halloween,

I hope your clubs are participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. Donations are collected in an orange UNICEF box and all funds raised will be donated to the EliMiNate Project. The Eliminate Project helps provide vaccines to prevent Maternal Neonatal Tetanus. When babies are born with MNT, they become sensitive to the light and touch, as a result, mothers are not able to hold their babies and have to witness their newborn suffer. I hope you all collect donations throughout the Halloween season and remember, a dollar eighty

1 80



) saves a mother and her babies.

But also, with Fall Rally South approaching around the corner, we as a division are fundraising for Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). Pediatric Trauma is the leading cause of death for children under the age of


in the United States. We come together as one district to

170 000

reach our goal of $


for PTP. The money that we raise is able

to train pediatric doctors and nurses, purchase specialized pediatric medical equipment, and develop projects that educate the community on children's safety. But besides the PTP aspects of Fall Rally. You all be will attending Session Four for Fall Rally and a segment of that rally is the Spirit Battle! Come on out to the spirit nights to learn our session cheers, comeback cheers, and other short cheers!

-Tina Nguyen

L-O-V-E we love our LTG


DLT MESSAGES What are you thankful for?

Briana Song, HBHS VP

Hello Dragons! This past month has been pretty spooky hehehe but in November we get to eat a lot and have food babies!! There are so many things that I'm thankful for, like my parents and my friends who support me through everything, and people who make me laugh. I'm also thankful that McDonalds is now serving breakfast all day. But mostly, I'm thankful for Key Club for getting me through the week to something fun on the weekend. I love you all.

"Hello Dragons! For this month, I am thankful for my board and members and all that they do for me. I'm extremely lucky to have people that I can rely on and have those who appreciate me for what I do and who I am!

Kelton Do, FV PResident

I'm thankful for all of the sacrifices that my parents have made to give me the life and opportunities that I have. I'm also thankful for key club because it has allowed me to have a positive impact on my community and the world.

Steven Chun, Edison vP


I'm thankful for my friends and family because they are extremely supportive and caring & thankful for all of the good food places around my house. Also thankful to be in this wonderful club with the best division. :-))

Bridget Ton, Spirit Coord.

I am thankful for having the best damn co in the world, and her name is Bridget Ton. There's no one in the world I would rather work with than Bridget because she's the nicest, sweetest, and most hard-working person.

Alon Gary, Spirit Coord

Hector Bustos, Segerstrom VP

Cindy Nguyen, Marina VP

I am extremely thankful for a variety of things this year. I am grateful for the wonderful family I have been blessed with, my division 4 west family and the bonds I have created with many friends. Happy Thanksgiving Dragons!

I am thankful for all of the wonderful opportunities that life has presented to me so far. I am also eternally grateful for my incredible friends and family that I have been blessed to have in my life.


Frank Le, Executive Assistant

This month, I am thankful for the many opportunities to grow in leadership throughout my Key Club experience. With the upcoming month, take the initiative as a Key Clubber to show leadership in your community! As Fall Rally is quickly approaching this November, use this opportunity to celebrate a year filled with service, spirit, and countless achievements. I am very excited to express my passion for Key Club and share it with the members of the Cali-Nev-Ha District!

I am thankful for everyone that supports the Pediatric Trauma Program because we are saving lives!... especially Key Club International! Kudos to all the members of this organization for supporting this amazing cause.

Tyler Nguyen, Saddleback Pres

I am thankful for my family and friends. Without them I would not be where I am today. Thank you to everyone that has made a positive impact on my life! i love you alllll

Teryn Ngo, Executive ASsistant I am thankful for God for blessing me with good grades and parents who pay for my gas and who make/bake yummy food and for the great friends that I have (and who I have been able the chance to have grown up with). There are no words or even enough fingers to count for the amount of blessings that I have been granted with.

Michelle Bui, Service Expo Coord.


Kendall Nakai, OV Pres

Kaitlyn Ung, Historian

Jonathan Wong, DTE

I am thankful for dragons that truly make caring their way of life, and include others by not LEAFing anyone. A life without laughter is no fun, but I've noticed often jokes are being taken too far, and there is more sarcasm than kindness nowadays, parTURKurly on social media. Remember to not PEA on other's parades and laugh with others, rather than at them. Caring is turKEY. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and let's HAM at Fall Rally.

I'm thankful to be the daughter of two very loving, supportive people. My parents enabled me to experience many things, regardless of how much they sometimes worried. I don't have a large number of close friends, but I do know there are a lot of good people, near and far. I truly value my friends and will never have "enough" or too many.

I am thankful for key club and all that we are able to do for the community and putting smiles on the faces of those around us. I am also thankful for all the new people and friends that I have made through this organization and I hope that this continues for the two years to come. Keep burning dragons!!!

September Blanket Making DCM


This month of September, our division took part in a Region 3 blanket making event. After our original District Council Meeting, which was to take place at Angel's Stadium Light the Night event, got cancelled, Division 30 South, formally invited us to their event, Project Warmth. The event revolved around creating cozy blankets for the orphanages and Project Linus, a non-profit organization that "Provides Security Through Blankets". During the event, instructions were clearly given to each table and the members set out to work, bringing out their crafty sides. In my opinion, I thought the event could have been a little more entertaining. Much of time, many members were seen just sitting around and socializing and what not. This may have been from the shortage of supplies, or specifically scissors. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, it was reported that we were able to make around sixty blankets, meaning that sixty more people could snuggle up in these cute, warm blankets. Although the event may have lacked a few things, I still look forward future region-wide events!

-Emily Son, Marina Key Club

FV Car Wash Last Saturday, FV Key Club hosted our annual car wash at Mobil. When I got there, there were so many people washing cars and having a lot of fun! The customers were satisfied with their fresh cars and the members were happy as well! We all bonded together as a family and we were thrilled that we raised over $400!

-Bridget Ton, FV Key Club

Fountain Valley Social

Fountain Valley Key Club’s “Back to School Social” was a success! From my two years in Key Club, I have never seen so many attendees at this club’s first social. It was held on September 18th at Cordata Park. After a half an hour of hanging around, Kelton Do, FVKC’s president, dispatched his board members into pairs to lead groups consisting of around ten members each. Each group then played a few icebreakers such as “Mafia” and “Baby I Love You” before going back to participate in a relay! Once that activity concluded, everyone was able to spend the rest of the time by socializing with one another, making memories, and ensuring that Fountain Valley Key Club’s upcoming school year will be very remarkable.

-Brian Nguyen, FV Key Club

Division Events

Seey you at14 fall Rally! x



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Flags Magic Mountain

IBuses meet at FVHS

District News




Bee sure to submit your

Key Club stories to the


CNH Cyber Key

For more District Information check out the CNH Cyber Key at CNHKEYCLUB. ORG and while you’re there check out the District Newsletter

*Flyer on next page is taken from the district newsletter

m E M B E R

RECONITION D r a g o n

o f

t h e

m o n t h

M i k a e l l a M i g u e l S e g e r s t r o k

O f f i c e r B i l l y

Mikaella is a busy bee and readily steps up to represent her home club at division events. She has opened up a lot since her freshman year and embodies one of the Key Club core values inclusiveness. She does not hesitate to strike up a conversation with someone by themselves.

o f

t h e

m o n t h

S e r e y v u t h .

G o d i n e z

Billy is always in contact with the Lt. Governor and keeps his home club in the loop with information. He leads club meetings during 2nd lunch and steps up when the President is juggling other extracurricular activites.

C l u b

o f

t h e

m o n t h - F V This school has improved their attendance for Fall Rally drastically. Going from 50+ members last year to 120 this year, Fountain Valley also increased their membership attendance for events. This school demostrates great Kiwanis relations by hosting join events with KIWIN'S and holding a successful Kiwanis takeover during summer.

Letter from the editor Hey Dragons! As October comes to a close and we enter the College App and Fall Rally rush we still need to keep in mind that this is the season for thanks! I know I'm thankful for my friends and my family and everyone else in my life that has supported me through out the years! And I'm thankful that you made it to the end of the newsletter! Well, that’s all until next month’s edition of the newsletter but if you’re dying for some Key Club news until then you can always check out the CNH Cyberkey! See you at Fall Rally! -Aileen Nguyen, D04W News Editor




Also remember to check out the CNH Cyber Key and the newsletter at Cnhkeyclub.org

Thanks for Reading!

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