An introduction to the 6x model by Marc Weber BĂĽng, CEO, SimpliFlying Global Institute
in a meaningful way. This
line and how to go about
branding is unique and
sets airline brands apart.
executing a meaningful
different from other industries. Because with an airline, brand engagement can last anywhere from 2 hours up to more than 24 hours, both before, during and after the flight. The reason is not just a matter of how long any flight might be, but airlines also have an incredible number of touchpoints both before and after the actual flight, which provide many different opportunities to inter-
act with their customers
As such, traditional mar-
brand strategy.
keting methods are not
The 6X Model also forms
enough when it comes to
the basis of much of Sim-
marketing an airline effec-
plifying’s work over the
tively and making a truly
past 10 years, and it is
remarkable brand. This is
likewise at the heart of
exactly why the 6X Airline
Shashank’s book, SOAR, in
Brand Model (6X Model)
which he analysed 8 re-
was created by CEO of
markable airlines from all
SimpliFlying, Shashank
over the World, by flying
Nigam, - to help airlines
to their headquarters and
be aware of and better
conducting interviews
understand what these
with their front-facing
differences mean when it
staff as well as their c-suite
comes to branding an air-
Airline Marketing Monthly | January 2020
Airline marketing and