Howlin’ for Spirit!
Benjamin Franklin HS - D3S - R7- CNH District - Volume II - Issue VII
Table Of Contents Message from the President/Editor (2)
Articles (3/4) Past & Future Events (5/6)
Member & Officer Recognition (7/8)
Reminders (9/10) Board Contact Information (11/12) Page 1
Message from Our… Jeffrey Fernandez - President “Hello Thunderpups! This is your president, Jeffrey Fernandez here to talk about upcoming events for the month of November! The clear highlight of the month of November is the all amazing Fall Rally which is quickly approaching. Our club as a part of the amazing Division 3 South will compete in the biggest cheer session against other great divisions in hopes of winning the SPIRIT STICK! Not only will we have Fall Rally in the month of November but we will also have other great volunteer events that will be announced very soon! Thank you and howl on with service!”
Aja Archuleta - Bulletin Editor “Hey everyone, ARE YOU EXCITED FOR FALL RALLY! I know I am! The month of November is not only the month where we celebrate Fall Rally, but we also have many exciting events, such as the Veteran’s Day Parade and our November DCM. Also, we still have our UNICEF Boxes, so keep on collecting donations, there’s still a week left! The month of October has always been an exciting one for Key Club, but it can’t compare to what November holds! So, keep on serving, everyone, and we just might see you at Fall Rally. Go Thunderpups!
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“Duck Splash was a really fun event that I am really glad I attended! The purpose of the event is to have a fundraiser that supports the Glendale Kiwanis that always host Duck Splash every year since I've been a freshman in high school and a freshman member in our key club. To add to the positivity of the great event was that every ticket earned at our game booth was 25 cents each which meant that whatever we earned at our game booth, we gave half to the hosts of the event and the rest went to our club! At the event I was met with our club's members and got the great choice of picking any game booth we wanted to since our club got their early. We excitedly choose the basketball game booth that would have children shoot with a small basketball into a elevated basketball hoop in hopes of making it and winning a prize form our game booth. The rules of our game booth was that it costs one ticket to play our game and that every person had three chances to make the ball into the basketball hoop. It was especially great to see the smiles and excitement of children shooting the ball and making it in the basketball hoop which was what I greatly enjoyed while I volunteered at the event because as kids became happy, it made our club's members and myself really happy as well. I have attended Duck Splash three times in a row and I have enjoyed each Duck Splash more and more each time I attend this awesome event!”
-Jeffrey Fernandez -Duck Splash
Articles “The event I went to was Dorris Place Elementary School to help volunteer because us and Marshall were invited to this event to go out and help them. When I arrived at the school, I went to speak to the volunteer service table and they told me to go to the basketball booth where I felt very comfortable because I play basketball as a sport as well. I felt like I did a great job where kids gave me a ticket which cost about a dollar each and they have three options of making it into the first, second, or third basket ranging from 1-3 prize tickets which could be redeemed for souvenirs. I met new people as well which made it great where I got to socialize a bit with some of the people from Marshall which made my dad even better as they accompanied me throughout my 4 hour shift which didn't feel that long come to think about it because I was well entertained with kids trying to shoot their way to earn tickets for them to get prizes. At the end of the day, this event made me feel good and it was a time well spent as I got to host my favorite sport as a booth and I got to meet new people with my 4 hour shift ending very fast.”
-Brennon Sao -Dorris Place Music Program Festival
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“Duck Splash!! It was my first time attending this event and now i know people love it so much!! Basically a club runs a
specific game booth for the Duck Splash Festival in Verdugo Park. Our Club was in charge of the basketball game booth. We started around 10 and at first the booths were hardly noticed! So we decided to cheer and congratulate everyone who won! As a result, people wondered what was all the noise and more and more people began to participate in our booth! All our members who attended the event were cheering and having a great time! It was a wonderful experience because we helped and interacted with the community first hand! A lot of people were playing our basketball game booth so we started to run out of prizes! Until around 2 pm all our prizes were gone but we didn’t end there! We allowed the kids to play for free because it was really fun experience! Cheers and screams filled the day especially when we ran out of prizes and started a dunk contest! However, shortly after its time to clean up and we basically take down the booth and clean up around our stations. Our club also helped out on taking down the huge rubber Ducks which made our day even better! We help pack and clean up and that ends Duck Splash! And shortly after we have a cheer session for Fall Rally with some of the clubs from the Division! Overall it was a wonderful experience and i have to go again next year!”
! -Ruben Anguiano -Duck Splash
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Duck Splash - October 11th
La Canada Motorcycle RegistratioN - October 11th
Past Events - October AIDS Walk - October 12th
Dorris Place Music Program Festival - October 25th
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Veteran’s Day Parade - November 9th
Fall Rally - November 15th
Future Events - November
November DCM - November 18th
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Member of the Month Darrin Chen- Month of October Our Thunderpup of the month is none other than, Darrin Chen! He is currently a freshman and he is ready for anything he is told to do! This is his first year being a member in Key Club, and he loves it! Darrin does everything he can to attend the events and when he does, he enjoys every minute of it! During the month of October, he has attended Duck Splash and AIDS Walk. At Duck Splash, he was seen to be very helpful and active on the booth assigned for our club. He was also very enthusiastic to children and made it enjoyable for the kids and himself. At AIDS Walk, he was excited and filled with lots of spirit. When we did our cheers he was never quiet, but was energetic all through the whole walk! Those around him can feel his vibrant personality. Darrin is looking forward to what this club has to offer him. He has many opportunities to spread happiness to anyone in his midst. If this is only his first year, we can’t wait for what he has in store for the club in the later events!
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Officer of the Month Jeffrey Fernandez - Month of October
Our officer of the month for October is our president, Jeffrey Fernandez! He is currently a junior and is very knowledgeable about Key Club. Jeffrey cares deeply for the club and loves seeing the smiles on other people’s faces. He is very determined and working hard to make it easier for members to attend events. During this month, he has attended the La Cañada Motorcycle Registration and the Duck Splash event. At the La Cañada Motorcycle Registration event, he was early on Saturday to help on the booth and accepted any task that was given to him. It shows his dedication to Key Club by waking very early and ready to help those that are in need of any assistance. Despite the early morning, it didn’t stop him from working on the booth and signing other participants in the event. At Duck Splash, he was seen as actively working the booth and being eager in making the kids happy with other club members. Jeffrey is working hard to keep track of every member for the preparation of next month’s event! He will continue being an active and hardworking president.
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Reminders - Fall Rally Don’t forget, Thunderpups! Fall Rally is on November 15th. So if you want to join our division on a day of cheering, spirit, service, and fun, RSVP our president Jeffrey Fernandez by this week!
Admission + Transportation + Spirit Pack = $58 If you DO plan on attending this event, please pay as soon as possible. Also, you should attend the Cheer Session our club will be having on November 9th to memorize our division’s cheers!
Must Be a Dues Paid Member! Page 9
Reminders - UNICEF Boxes Also, don’t forget about our ongoing event with UNICEF! Whether it’s donations from others or the spare change you find in your house, any donation contributed will go a long way. The donations you’ve collected will help give children the care they need, such as food, clean water, and vaccinations. So you all have until November 5th to turn in your UNICEF boxes, which still leaves plenty of time to collect donations! Remember, any contribution can go a long way, so keep on collecting, Key Clubbers!
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Board Contact Lizelle Oreno Vice President
! d03s.bfkc.vicepresident
Jeffrey Fernandez
Brennon Sao
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Information Ruben Anguiano
Gabriel Tatlonghari
Aja Archuleta Bulletin Editor
! d03s.bfkc.bulletineditor
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A Kiwanis-family member
! 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 4668 - 317.875.8755 - US and CANADA: 1 - 800 - KIWANIS