Thunderpups Benjamin Franklin High School
Division 3 South
Volume II
Region 7
September 2014
CNH District
Issue VI
Table of Contents Page 2
Pages 3 & 4
Message from
Our President/
Editor Pages 5 & 6
Pages 7 & 8
Page 10
Page 9
Board Contact
Information Page 1
Message from Our… President - Jeffrey Fernandez
“Hello Thunderpups! This is your club president, Jeffrey Fernandez, just wanting to say a huge thanks to the many of you who have attended various Key Club events so far in this month. Many of you have attended volunteer events and others have attended region events to start of your Key Club career which is awesome! Hope to see you all attend even more events that are very coming very soon such as the great Fall Rally! Our club will have the opportunity to attend much more events in the month of October such as Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF and Duck Splash to name a few so please attend every event that you can to grow your Key Club experience. See you all later!”
Bulletin Editor - Aja Archuleta
“Hey everyone, I’m the bulletin editor for Benjamin Franklin Key Club, and I’m glad to say that we’ve been very busy this month! From service events to fundraisers, you have all been very productive and active as members in our club. Hopefully the service doesn’t stop there, because next month we have much more events for you all to attend, such as AIDS Walk, Duck Splash, and, of course, Fall Rally! I hope all you members, old and new, are ready for the month of October, because it’s going to be full of great times. And remember, keep serving, Thunderpups!
Page 2
Past Events Club Fair September 11th Mutt Strut September 13th
Horchata Fundraiser September 18th Climate March September 20th
Region 7 Training Conference/ Luther Burbank Middle School Clean-Up September 27th Page 3
Future Events La Canada Motorcycle Registration October 11th
Duck Splash October 11th
AIDS Walk October 12th
Page 4
Articles !
Marjorie Lamban - Region 7 Training Conference
“On Saturday, September 27, was the Region 7 Training Conference, or RTC. At first I was very hesitant to go because I felt like I wouldn’t know anyone, but I decided to be brave and go anyways. It was better than I expected. There were lots of key clubbers, epic spirit battles, and different workshops that teach you all about Key Club. There was a lot of workshops we were able to go to. It was like school, but with much more spirit. There was one workshop in particular that really inspired me, which was, How to BEE a leader. They talked about their personal experiences with bullying or insecurities, and it related to not just me, but a lot of us in the room. Also, I was pretty surprised how brave people were to also talk about their personal experiences with people they don’t know. The presenters had very inspirational speeches and advices that taught us to be able to stand up for ourselves and that no one should care what people think because what you think about yourself is all that matters. Overall, it was very fun and a very productive event. I got to meet new friends, learn more about key club, and have an idea on who I would like to become in the future.”
Page 5
R7 Training Conference
Ruben Anguiano - Region 7 Training Conference
“RTC!! My first Region Training Conference was awesome! It was a great experience not only because I had tons of fun meeting new people, but also because I learned many new things about Key Club. We registered and soon after our whole region was asked "Region 7, how do you feel?”, and you know what happens after! We had various workshops that will help our board members and our club as a whole. I learned ways to better improve my duty as our club treasurer and as a Key Clubber in general. I had a general understanding of what Key Club was about, but at RTC I learned how important Key Club and its members were locally and internationally. RTC was also a constant day of cheering! At one point the divisions began a spirit battle, which sadly i lost part of my voice in. Then we attended another workshop were we learned more about "PTP," "Eliminate," and the "Thirst Project." I learned how much of an impact one individual can have on our world! And After this general session we had our DCM where we gathered up and talked about our Club Events as a Division! And we happily concluded the day taking a picture as one huge Region 7 Family! I would be glad to attend next year's RTC because it was a great and enlightening experience! I would highly suggest any Key Clubber to attend RTC! It is an event you will never forget!”
Page 6
Member of the Month: Marjorie Lamban
For the month of September, our Thunderpup is no other than Marjorie Lamban! She is currently a junior and is so excited for this year! Marjorie is a very active member, and loves helping others. Joining Key Club will open up new opportunities for her to know her community and be helpful to others. She is always eager to volunteer, and has a lot of enthusiasm in our meetings. Her personality makes the meetings brighter. For this month, she has attended our Region 7 Training Conference. At the conference she was seen as being very attentive to all the presentations. She wants to become a better member for the club and learning all the values and of the club will help her. Seeing all the other members of the club and cheering made her proud to be in the club. If she thought RTC was exciting, she’ll have the time of her life with the upcoming events!
Page 7
Officer of the Month: Ruben Anguiano
Our officer of the month for September is our treasurer Ruben Anguiano! Ruben is currently a sophomore and helping others is one of the few things he loves doing most. He is very self-motivated and is actively contributing great ideas for the club to help us with fundraising! For the month of September, he held our first Horchata Fundraiser. We have fundraised about 60 dollars that day that will go to support PTP. He also attended our Region 7 Training Conference. After attending the conference his knowledge has expanded on how to excel as an officer of the club. Ruben is very responsible and he will strive in the club. Although he can be a little shy, being in the club will open him up. He will continue to brainstorm different ideas for our club and show his dedication to Key Club until the day he dies.
Page 8
Reminders - UNICEF Don’t forget, Key Clubbers! There are still some Trick-or-Treat for Unicef boxes available for you to pick up. Just stop on by Room 536 on Wednesdays during lunch to pick one up at our Key Club meetings! Trick-or-Treat for Unicef is a fundraising program for children sponsored by UNICEF which takes place in the month of October to give children the everyday resources they need. So when Halloween comes around, make sure to turn in your donations!
Remember, any donation is great! Even just coins are fine!
Page 9
Board Contact Information V.
P r e s i d e n t
S e c r e t a r y
P r e s i d e n t Jeffrey Fernandez
Lizelle Oreno
Brennon Sao
! T r e a s u r e r
H i s t o r i a n
N e w s
E d i t o r
Ruben Anguiano
Aja Archuleta
Gabriel Tatlonghari
Page 10
A Kiwanis-family member
! 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 4668 - 317.875.8755 - US and CANADA: 1 - 800 - KIWANIS