....communicating with residents
August 2013 8th Edition
Contents Introduction Bells Bramham in Bloom Brownies Community Action Group Council Accounts Comments financial Statement Chairman’s Report Church All Saints’ Community Fund Discoverers Drama Group Football Club Leeds Festival Magazine Monday Club NSPCC Police Parish Council Running Club Reader’s Group Scouts School Village Shop Village Hall WiSE Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Asscn
Page No 1 21 18 20 16 10 11 3 22 14 15 23 40 39 26 38 20 25 2 37 30 28 29 30 31 33 36
Welcome to the Bramham Annual Newsletter. The Newsletter is produced by Bramham Parish Council. It is one of the ways in which the Council communicates with residents, and also, with contributions from so many community groups, it as a valuable source of information about what goes on in Bramham and around for everyone in the village. Various community organisations were circulated and asked to make a statement about their activities and the Council would like to thank everybody who replied with a contribution. We would also like to thank Gill Young and her team of magazine deliverers for their enormous help in putting this newsletter together and delivering it to your home. Feedback is always welcome. Please contact the Parish Clerk.
Val Whitbread Chairman Bramham Parish Council
Marie Lynch Clerk July 2013
DISCLAIMER All the articles in this newsletter are produced by the organisations concerned and whilst every reasonable care Is taken to try and ensure their correctness and accuracy, we can only apologise for any errors that might appear.
BRAMHAM PARISH COUNCIL Bramham Parish Council is the lowest level of local government for this area. The number of councillors making up a Parish Council varies with the electorate of the parish – in Bramham we have nine. These are: Val WHITBREAD 25 Firbeck Road 541075 (Chairman) Keith INNOCENT 21 Lyndon Road 841197 (Vice Chairman) Martin BATT 1 Church Meadows 842220 Lee BLANCHARD 10 Croft Drive 843958 June HALLIDAY 66 Lyndon Road 845564 Fiona HENDERSON 19A Folly Lane 843197 Scott JONES 13 Lyndon Road 842393 Alison MACKIE 5 Lodge Gardens 07725 641000 Tony SILVERWOOD 31 Croft Drive 07932 859816 The clerk to the Council is Marie Lynch 1 Fossards Close 841328 Cllr Tony Silverwood was elected this year after the resignation of Mike Rhodes and is welcomed onto the Council. The current Council will serve until May 2015 unless there are any resignations, in which case there is an election if 10 or more parishioners request it and more than 1 person stands, otherwise a new councillor is co-opted. To be eligible to stand for election a person must be over 18, and a British subject either living or working within the parish. Generally, in Bramham, councillors have no party affiliations, and their work is entirely voluntary. The Council normally meets at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of the month apart from August when there is no meeting. Meetings are normally held in the Bramham Senior Citizens’ Centre in The Square, but occasionally in the supper room of the Village Hall to allow more room and facilities for residents. All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings, but are only permitted to participate in agenda items if so invited by the Council. However, each meeting has a session of up to 20 minutes prior to the first item on the agenda to receive any comments or questions from residents. In April there is the Annual Parish Meeting (APM), held in the Village Hall, and any resident is entitled to address the meeting. This is not a Council meeting but legislation dictates that where there is a Parish Council the Chairman should chair the APM. Up-to-date information including all the last year’s minutes can be found on the Council’s website: The Clerk can be contacted on
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT FROM THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING APRIL 2013 (UPDATED) 1 The Parish Council extend its thanks to Mike Rhodes, on his resignation from the Council, for his many years of service, and welcomes Tony Silverwood. 2 Community Conference In May last year we held the Community Conference over a Friday evening and Saturday morning. This took a lot of hard work but it was very worthwhile, the result was an excellent event with many village groups represented, including the school, the church, BSLA, village hall, readers’ group, Monday club, NSPCC fund raisers, a group of youngsters requesting a skateboard park – to name just some. Lots of residents came along and enjoyed seeing the hall filled with displays and buzzing with atmosphere. We celebrated all of the great things that are going on in Bramham and also gathered information from residents about what is important to them. Top of the list was the Village Shop! We acted on this by contacting Andrea and Joanne to see what support we could give them, and it does seem that the support from the Community Conference helped with the sale. All of the feedback has been retained and is very useful to the council, we are committed to representing the village as a whole, and we always need to know what residents want and care about. Thanks to Cllr Alison Mackie as the main organiser of the event. 3 Website Our old website, though it served a purpose, was rather uninspiring. We thought it was time to modernise the Parish Council website, and widen it to become a broader whole village facility. After obtaining 3 tenders, we employed a local provider, Social Square, run by Simon and Becky Zimmerman, to do so. There were a few ‘doubting thomases’ about this, raising potential problems, but despite a few teething problems we now have a fantastic product that as well as being a council website containing our Parish Council business, is a vehicle for the whole village. It includes sections for numerous local groups, from the badminton club to the church. It has a link to the school website, and to other council websites. There’s a section for news items so that we can quickly make available newly emerging issues and information, both for the Parish Council and the village groups involved. There’s even a section for bloggers, and many of us are thoroughly enjoying ‘Lottie’s allotment blog’. If you haven’t had a look I certainly recommend it. Continued on page 4
A recent addition under the church section is the Parish Magazine that Gill Young produces, using a flip book format, created by Neil Ferres. It’s a super piece of work. So a very big thank you to Gill and Neil. And a final accolade – we were recently contacted by another Parish Council who had been looking at Parish Council websites for some ideas. They were so impressed with ours that they have asked for details of our suppliers, and told us how inspiring they found it. The website is now very widely used. We have had an amazing 10,000 unique visitors to the site since we launched last October. That’s increasing each month and last month we had over 2,000 new visitors averaging 65 new people a day look at the site. One example of a specific article is the Council’s article on the pavilion that 250 people read, so we are reaching a wide audience. So – another big thank you – to Becky and Simon for a brilliant job, and to Cllrs Alison Mackie & Martin Batt for leading on this. 4 Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Another important aspect of the Community Conference last year was that we kicked off the Neighbourhood Plan. This is a document that we need to produce in order for us to have any chance of influencing Leeds City Council regarding future development in Bramham. With the help of residents on the steering committee we set up displays to show what the NP is all about, obtained written feedback from residents, and asked for more volunteers to join the NP Steering Committee. I’m pleased to report that the Steering Committee now has 6 residents involved, including Nick Lane Fox, working alongside 3 Cllrs, myself, Keith Innocent, who chairs the Committee, and Martin Batt. More volunteers would be welcome so if you are interested just let us know. The Steering Committee produced and issued a door-drop throughout the village to obtain residents’ views on sites that Leeds City Council has identified for potential future development. This told us that residents don’t want to see Bramham over developed, with large numbers of houses, and lose its ‘village feel’, However there is a lot of support for affordable housing to help young people, and others, stay in the village. Acting on this we have voiced our opposition to a potential development of 5,000 houses on the University land at the A64/A1 corner but will be consulting residents to ensure that this reflects their views. There is a lot more to do in the coming year, issuing a wider questionnaire to residents, producing the NP, and gaining approval for it from residents. So watch this space. Continued on page 5
Thanks to Cllr Keith Innocent for leading and thanks to Neil Ferres for creating NP displays and in collecting display boards from LCC. 5 Option Agreement We have also been reporting in our communications what has been happening with the option agreement – i.e. the agreement between Bramham Parish Council and Leeds City Council for Bramham Parish Council to sell a strip of land along the playing field to Leeds City Council to facilitate development of the Bramham House site. It is up to Leeds City Council rather than Bramham Parish Council to exercise this agreement, and despite assurances from both Leeds City Council and a Ward councillor over the last 2 years that this is going to happen, at the time of writing it hasn’t happened yet. Our solicitor is pressing Leeds City Council to let us know their intentions. 6 Pavilion & Playing field In investigating how the lease would be transferred from the ‘old’ BSLA to its new format, we were advised by our solicitor that the document put in place as a ‘lease’ by Bramham Parish Council and BSLA back in 2008 has in fact never been a valid lease. A solicitor wasn’t used at the time and this led to some key errors, the main issue was that the BSLA was not a legal entity at the time and therefore not a party with which a lease could be entered into. A new lease has been offered to the BSLA but at the time of writing no response has been received. Secondly, we have been going through a due diligence process with the BSLA, whereby we seek information from them to show what any monies coming from the Council will be spent on, and satisfy ourselves that it is a good way to spend your money. So far we haven’t received all of the information needed from the BSLA so we have resolved that if we do receive money from Leeds City Council from the Option agreement, the amount previously agreed with the BSLA for the pavilion will be ring fenced for possible future expenditure. The same due diligence procedures will be followed for any other requests from village groups for funding. 7 Leeds Festival tickets The Council has made some improvements in ticket allocation this year. Last year everyone who was eligible did get a ticket, and we also took up the facility for residents to buy full price tickets for family & friends who could then use the residents’ enclosure. This year we also added for the first time the facility to nominate an additional ticket per household at residents’ price, we have extended the hours that the bus runs, and next year we plan to introduce the facility to apply for tickets on-line. Continued on page 6
Thanks to Cllr Fiona Henderson for leading on this, and to Cllr Lee Blanchard for hand delivering tickets throughout the village. 8 Environment Let’s not forget the Wildlife area by the Old Peoples Shelter – Cllr Martin Batt puts a great deal of time into this with the environmental group. The area is flourishing, with many large mature trees, mainly ash, willow and sycamore, and the environmental group is trying to encourage the growth of wetland wildflowers by cutting and raking the grass. The Wildlife Area, along with our magnificent churchyard, always stands the village in good stead in the Yorkshire in Bloom judging. It has rare native white-clawed crayfish, southern hawker dragonflies, brown trout and bullheads. After some persuasion from the Parish Council, the Environment Agency has agreed to improve the safety of the bridge over the beck to the Wildlife area, by adding steps and a handrail. Leeds City Council has also been clearing out the culverts under the road to ensure the free flow of the beck. Thanks to Cllr Martin Batt 9 These are some of the bigger issues. Moving on to the more everyday work I’ll summarise some key progress. 9.1 Finance - Our finances are better controlled, with our clerk giving us a full financial report every month, indicating how spend is going against our income. The council’s finance committee makes regular checks on the clerk’s accounts and meets to assess the budget for the coming year. All of this has resulted in a council that is much more involved in and aware of, its finances Thanks to our clerk Marie who took over a very messy situation but achieved a successful audit and ensured that councillors are now fully involved. 9.2 Employees - We have formalised our employees’ situation, registering as required with HMRC, reviewing job descriptions, and ensuring that no Council employees are paid below the minimum wage. Thank you again to our clerk for leading this. 9.3 Playground – we have had inspections of the playground and ensured that we complied with any repairs needed to keep it safe. In the longer term we would very much like to replace the playground so have kept expenditure to a minimum but have not compromised safety. Continued on page 7
Thank you to our playground committee, Cllrs June Halliday, Fiona Henderson, Tony Silverwood, Lee Blanchard and Scott Jones.
9.4 Successful Lobbying of LCC •
Secured improvements to the Alms House Hill site
Got LCC to widen the bus gate and extend white lines to discourage inconsiderate parking by the garage
Changes the grass cutting schedule in the Vicarage Lane area to protect planting
Improved response times from LCC in dealing with removal of waste from Children's Play area
New Road and Low Way resurfaced with Bowcliffe Road scheduled for this financial year
Re routed the diversion resulting from the Clifford High St closure away from Town Hill
We are awaiting the LCC decision re resurfacing of Spen Common Lane
9.5 Campaigning •
Opposed Dept. of Transport proposals to increase the speed limit of HGVs on rural roads to 50mph
Lobbied against the proposed cuts to the 770 bus and other services in the Wetherby area - Metro are now inviting tenders with a view to services being retained
Supported the campaign to save Primrose Hill care home - an issue very close to the hearts of some residents.
Our campaign for the introduction of a 20mph speed limit near the school has unfortunately not been successful - Bramham is no 65 on the list - we will work with the Police and the school on a speed awareness campaigns Continued on page 8
10 Communications: We have continued throughout the year to communicate fully with residents, with very comprehensive updates in the Parish Magazine and on the website. This reflects our belief that you as residents are entitled to know what’s going on. The website of course enables us to give you news quickly, such as that regarding the recent Council vacancy. The Parish Council has a twitter account - another way of communicating breaking news, especially with younger people in the village. We have held some of our meetings in the village hall – enabling more residents to attend meetings. 11 Supporting the village: Parish Magazine We recognise the enormous value of the Parish Magazine, a church magazine of course, but also providing a wider village facility. Gill Young and her team do a fantastic job and we very much appreciate it both for the Council and for other users. The Council has agreed in principle to continue financial support for the magazine. Bramham in Bloom – Congratulations to Ernest & team on another excellent year and a silver gilt award. Bramham Football Club – We have made a financial contribution towards their cost of using another pitch pending their return to Bramham. Village Archives – The Parish Council manages the grant made by the Community Fund to the archives, and has worked closely with Neil Ferres on this. Neil has created a fantastic on line Archives site (link to it from the council website). So another thank you to Neil and also to the Community Fund for the grant. Jubilee Gala and celebrations – occasions such as these really do show the village at its best and working together – thank you to Keith and the Community Action Group. Easter Sunday event – this event was held here in the village hall utilizing the wedding marquee donated by Nicola & Steve Finkle, whose wedding reception was held here the day before. The Sunday event was organised by the church, with help from many people in the village, so another thank you to all involved, and to Cllr Alison Mackie who initiated this event by contacting village groups to offer the facility. Continued on page 9
Some more ‘thank yous’: to Mavis Wilson for running the Monday Club, Gerry Taylor for organising the litter pick, and to our employees, our clerk Marie Lynch and our gardener Frank Wood, caretaker Artie Ford, and cleaner Mrs Blanchard at the Senior Citizens’ Shelter. To close: – Councillors are supportive of and involved in the village, we don’t hide away in meetings, we are out there and involved! Whether it’s the gala, the litter pick, playing a part in the panto, or helping out at the beer festival! The hard work is on-going! Val Whitbread Bramham Parish Council Chairman
8 8 10
COMMENTS ON THE UNAUDITED ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 1 Salaries In April 2012 it was discovered that the caretaker & cleaner were being paid less than the minimum wage (approx. £4 per hour). These salaries were brought in to line with that paid to the gardener (£7per hour). Despite these increases, because only 1 Clerk was in post during the year, the salary budget shows an overall reduction. 2 General Administrative Costs These costs show a significant increase of £6314 over the expenditure for the previous financial year. This is largely due to the cost of the election in May 2012 approximately £6k. Unlike the PC election held in 2011 which was held at the same time as ward elections and therefore costs were shared between LCC & the PC, the PC had to cover the full cost of the election of 1 Parish Councillor. Other significant costs during the year include approx. £700 for the Neighbourhood Conference and £465 for the additional hire cost of the Bramham Festival resident’s bus. However that was a one off cost which was met in the interests of the safety of residents attending the festival. Approximately £1k was spent on equipment for the Village Archive; this included a new lap top and scanner. However, these costs were offset by the balance of a previous grant received from the Community Fund and held in the PC’s reserves and reimbursement from the Community Fund during 2012/13. 3 Training Reduced costs because training required for the new clerk and the 1 Councillor elected during the year only. 4 Website Increase in expenditure is due to the one off cost (£1200) of the new website. Annual maintenance costs for 2013/14 are expected to be £240. 5 Children’s Play area The play area is showing its age and maintenance costs are increasing accordingly. 6 Sports contributions Nil - the PC met the cost of the audit of the BSLA accounts for 2011/12 but was not required to so for 2012/13. Continued on page 12
7. 137 contributions - (this is a proportion of the precept that the Parish Council can spend for the benefit of residents) Acting on the advice of the internal auditor, grants previously shown as community, church or environmental, are included in this total. Grants were awarded as follows: Bramham Community Action Group (Jubilee Medals) Bramham in Bloom Community Police Vehicle Framing of village map All Saints Parish Church (distribution of Annual Report) Royal British Legion Bramham Football Club
£191.00 176.00 69.15 75.00 200.00 50.00 100.00
A contribution towards the cost of the Parish Magazine for 2012/13 was received too late for consideration at the March meeting of the PC. A contribution of £400 will be considered at the April monthly meeting. 8 Playing Field During the year it was discovered that although the playing field was being cut, LCC had failed to invoice the PC for the year ended March 2012. It appears that towards the end of 2010/11 the previous council had not renewed the contract for the coming year on the basis that the full council was up for election in May 2011 and that it should be left to the incoming council to agree arrangements. It would appear that the new council was not made aware of this but the grass continued to be cut by LCC because its employee had always done so! The situation became apparent when the lock to the children’s play area seized which prevented machine access and the grass in that area got out of control. LCC agreed to write off the costs for 2011/12 and to invoice the PC for 6 months for 2012/13 at a cost of £1050. However, the PC will have to meet the full cost for 2013/14(quote still awaited). The remaining expenditure of £ 291 approximately represents waste collection, repairs to the boundary fence and mole clearance. 9 Bramham Senior Citizen’s Centre ( formerly the Old People’s Shelter) The 2011/12 electricity costs for the shelter were based on estimated readings. Actual readings were submitted in April and the account was found to be in substantial credit. The monthly direct debit payment was reduced from £55 to £25.00 with an annual cost of £300. The credit has now been exhausted and as a result of a recent reading the monthly direct debit has been increased to £ 80. The remaining expenditure £317 covered, carpet cleaning, the fitting of new locks and mole clearance. However, structural damage has recently been discovered and it is possible that significant expenditure may be required in order to keep the shelter open. Continued on page 13
10 Reserve – the reserve at the end of 2011/12 was approximately £29,000 and now stands at £26,000 approximately. Although this does represent a decrease, it still exceeds guidance that reserves should be between 33% and 100% of a Parish Council’s precept - for Bramham this is £20,000. NB: The external auditor did ask why the PC ‘s reserves were so high and asked if money was being put aside for a special project. Additional information On the advice of the internal auditor payment and receipt file established
Monthly payment schedule now checked by Chair & vice Chair before accounts for payment are approved
Bank reconciliations now completed monthly rather than quarterly
PC now compliant with minimum pay regulations
Payslips introduced
HMRC file established
Rent review file established
3 tenders invited for the new website thereby meeting requirements of the PC’s financial regulations
HLW Keeble Hawson (property lawyers) appointed to advise the PC on the playing field lease and also act as lead on the option agreement with LCC. Whilst it is expected the cost of this work will exceed £1k, the PC’s Financial Regs state that quotations for work in excess of £1k, are at the discretion of the Council therefore there was no absolute requirement to tender this work. Advice is currently being given on a pro bono basis but charges are comparable with those of the retained solicitor Ware & Kay.
Standing Orders amended to reflect the introduction of a new code of conduct for members .
BRAMHAM COMMUNITY FUND Residents who obtain tickets for the Leeds Festival are required to make a donation to the Bramham Community Fund. Festival Republic, the promoter of the festival has the final decision and has specified that the fund should be applied to projects which benefit the residents of the parish. The committee which recommends the grants meets under the chairmanship of Nick and Rachel Lane Fox, and so far has announced grants of over £230,000. Grant recipients to date include: Aberford Road Allotments All Saints’ Church Bramham & Clifford FC Bramham Brownies Bramham Drama Group Bramham FC Bramham Guides Bramham in Bloom Bramham Methodist Church Bramham Primary School Bramham Scouts Bramham Sports & Leisure Association Bramham Village Hall Bramham Youth Club Clifford Scouts Community Action Group Little Tykes Monday Club (Senior Citizens) Old People’s Shelter Village Magazine Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Grants based on each year’s ticket sales are normally made at a meeting around the new year and any organisation seeking funds should in the first instance contact me before 1 December. The Fund cannot make grants to individuals, commercial organisations or for projects which will not benefit the residents of the parish. This year the Fund made grants to the Village Hall (£14,000), Drama Group (£2,900), BSLA (£2,300), Community Action Group (£2,000), All Saints’ Church (£1,500), Archive project (£800), Bramham Scouts (£500), Bramham Brownies (£200) and Senior citizens (£100). Colin Pool Secretary to the Fund
BRAMHAM DISCOVERERS 2nd Sunday in the month currently at 9.15am* in the Village Hall before the Family Service (*this time may change going forward) All families are welcome to come and join us at Bramham Discoverers. It is an ideal opportunity for parents to spend time with their children in a very relaxed atmosphere. We have a really lovely group of families attending and the sessions are very much enjoyed by the children and adults alike. Most of the children are aged between 2 – 9yrs but all ages are welcome and the baby brothers and sisters of the older children can come along too! Each session has a theme or a message based on either a current event or a story from the bible. During each session there is always a fun activity/game to get the children interacting and the Children get a chance to do a show and tell afterwards at the Family Service in Church. Bramham Church is a very child friendly place and the children always participate in some way during the Family Services. They can carry up the offering, the bread, wine and water for communion, sing songs, and often do readings and prayers. Bramham Church really wants to encourage parents to bring their children to the Family and Children’s services, even the ones who can’t sit still! We have rugs and blankets and some beautiful quilted mats set out at the front for the children to sit on, and there are plenty of colouring books and crayons set out as well as a good selection of children’s books and Bible stories at the back of the church for the children to enjoy during the services. We often have crafts for the children to enjoy during the ‘big’ services and at Family Services we always get the instruments out during the last hymn so the children can make their presence known, and they do! Why not come along and give it a try, it’s an ideal opportunity to meet other children and parents from the village and to have a bit of fun. If you would like to know more, please contact: or
BRAMHAM COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP This group was set up in 2005 as a result of the Parish Plan and its main aim is to provide the village with community activities. The first thing done was to find a permanent position for the Christmas Tree and after securing funding for lighting this has been an annual feature with Carols around the tree at Christmas. The BCAG has also run other events including an Easter Egg hunt for children finding eggs and treasure hunts incorporating a very pleasant and informative route around the village. We have also been heavily involved in the new Community Gardens on the corner of Lyndon Ave and Wetherby Road. In conjunction with the Big Lottery and Groundwork's UK money was raised to change this piece of unsightly waste ground into a beautiful garden suitable for all ages. This year we held a successful Open Garden event with a Plant sale which raised much needed funds towards the Gala. The main activity over the last 12 months for the BCAG has been the organisation of the Gala. Since the first Gala in 2006 each year has seen it develop into a well supported and well attended event. As more people become aware of the Gala and the organisers learn from experience this has grown in 8 years to become one of the area’s best known events The 2012 Gala was held on the Diamond Jubilee weekend to include those Jubilee celebrations as well. The Gala had as the main attraction the return of Elaine Hill and her sheepdogs showing off their skills in herding a group of ducks through a range of obstacles. The usual stalls and stands were there with a bar beque, fish and chips and ice cream. The bouncy castle, side shows and bucking bronco all provided excellent entertainment for the crowds. Majorettes gave a sterling show in the arena and the Morris Dancers performed in the Beer Tent where a range of drinks including real ale from the Rudgate Brewery was available. Rudgate produced a special beer, Jubilee Ale for this royal occasion. The Monday night saw the lighting of the Beacon, one of over 4000 beacons across the country lit that night to culminate in the Queen lighting hers at Buckingham Palace.
Continued on page 17
The Gala Gig and Jubilee Tea Dance provided further entertainment for the village in the Village Hall. 2013 Gala was held on Saturday 29th June and the main attraction was the Savage Skills cycle display team who stunned the crowds with their fantastic performances of daredevil stunts. The majorettes performed for the crowd and a great time was had by the children in the fun sports competition, although for many the highlight was the adults 3 legged race which always proves popular. We look forward to 2014 Gala so watch the Parish Magazine for details and dates. We are always looking for helpers and volunteers, either helping set up the site the Friday or Saturday or even providing support on the day on a stall or helping in the bar. If you can help or wish to join our committee, contact one us:Chairman
Keith Innocent 07595206611
Jo Ogden on 07949466500
BRAMHAM IN BLOOM (The Environment Group) The group was set up in April 2005 with the express purpose of Improving and Enhancing the Environment of the Village, and numerous projects have been undertaken since then. Chairman: Secretary: Treasurer: Committee Member:
Ernest Nichols Tel 841195 Gill Young Tel 843129 Meryl Nichols Tel 841195 Martin Batt Tel 842220
Review There is always the tendency to go on and on planting in all the spare areas but Villages that have done this tend to change the nature of the Village. With this in mind we feel that the present development is about right for Bramham and the Yorkshire in Bloom judges thought so too. Yorkshire in Bloom This year the award was Silver Gilt, which shows that the Village was judged to be significantly above average and one that the whole Village should be proud of. We have said on many occasions that this is an award for the Village as a whole and not just for the floral displays. For instance the judges were particularly impressed by The Primary School, All Saints Church, The Wildlife Area the Senior Citizens garden and facilities, and the number of residents who displayed our poster. If anyone wants to see just what is looked at, and its very extensive, have a look at the Yorkshire in Blooms website. Further Development As mentioned above there was never any intention to over develop the flower beds and therefore last year very little was done. We have continued with our programme of bulb planting and have now introduced around 30000 bulbs, daffodils, bluebells and snowdrops. Evergreens have been planted which will eventually screen the rear of the Electricity Sub Station. Future Projects Bulb planting will continue. How about getting involved, its only a few hours once a year in September. Give us a ring.
We aim to continue to develop and improve the existing flower and shrub beds
As usual we will maintain our close relationship with the Primary School and try to involve them and other young people in the thing that we do. Continued on page 19
Financing This is virtually all through sponsorship and mainly from resident who have our thanks. Please try and support them whenever possible. This year we have again lost sponsors and it has been very difficult to find replacements. If you feel that you or a group of people could offer sponsorship please give us a ring, it may be less than you think. We also have a collection jar in the Village Stores which reflects the support from the Village as a whole. Our Helpers There are around 25 to 30 people actively involved in all our projects but we can always do with extra help. As mentioned in in the previous Annual Newsletter we like to encourage young people to become involved in all that we do and we now have four family groups helping us. Over the past seven years we have had tremendous support from Leeds Floral Initiative in the guise of Richard Gill. Certainly without this support and advice we would not be where we are today. Come and Join us Meetings are kept to a minimum and realistically all that is required is about an hour per week, a bit more at planting times, and if the summer is dry some regular watering. We really do need more help even if this is just to be a gardeners helper. All that is required is to take on some small part of the maintenance of a bed and do it in your own time. Why not give it a go!! Talk to us at any time to find out more about what we do or come to the AGM on 22nd October 2013 in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm.
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Bramham in Bloom Committee
BRAMHAM BROWNIES Brownies have had another busy year doing lots of activities in and around school, they have been involved in district events like singing at camp fire and Christmas service. We have had a busy time ourselves as leaders and the brownies getting ready for our pack holiday, going away for the weekend. All the Brownies over the next year are going to be getting ready to celebrate 100 years of Brownies, they will be involved in lots of activities towards this and will be attending lots of events. Bramham Brownies celebrated winning the trophy for sports day 2 years ago and have kept it for 2 years as last years was rained off, we are about to do sports day again and we are hoping that it stays with us again for another year. We would also like to say a big farewell to Denise Barton who has been a valued leader at Brownies, some people will remember Denise from years gone by as a Brownie leader for themselves and all the Brownies we have had over the years will also remember her. Denise is now going to retire from Brownies and we would all like to wish her well in what she does, we have all enjoyed Denise's company and help over the years. Thank you very much for everything you have done at Brownies Denise. Sam (Brown Owl) ~~~~~~~~~~~
BRAMHAM NSPCC COMMITTEE There has been a committee in Bramham for more than 30 years. Our objectives are to publicise and maintain the profile of this National Charity, whilst raising valuable funds. Over the past 7 years the people of Bramham have helped us to raise nearly ÂŁ25,000. We aim to hold at least one large fund raising event in the Village Hall, every year, supported by one or two smaller events. The committee is currently a group of 9 ladies who meet 3 or 4 times a year and we are fortunate to be able to call on the much valued help of husbands and other long standing volunteers. We welcome new members or volunteers who are willing to give a little of their time. Previous activities have included Quiz Nights, BBQ's and Children's Fancy Dress at the Village Gala, the Calendar for Bramham, an evening with Ainsley Harriot in the Village Hall, Jazz evenings and Bridge evenings but we welcome any suggestions that would broaden our appeal to the community of Bramham. If you require any information or would like to help in any way please contact Margaret Morgan 844688 ~~~~~~~~~~~
If you fancy a challenge
Ring the
The ringers of All Saints Bramham are a small group of enthusiasts who are determined to keep the bells ringing not only for the Church, but also as a social and community service at weddings and major events in the life of the village. Practice nights twice per month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 7pm to 8pm. Beginners sessions by arrangement on a ‘tied (silent) bell for anyone wanting to learn from scratch. If you fancy the challenge –
Come and join us or contact Paul Topping phone (01937) 844 529
ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH All Saints’ church Bramham, is part of the Parish of the Lower Wharfe together with St. Mary’s church Boston Spa and St.Peter’s church Walton. The last twelve months have been very busy and have shown just how successfully the church has continued to move forward. We have welcomed many more new faces to church, particularly families with young children, all of whom enjoy the wonderful range of activities and the children are encouraged to join in the Family Services as much as possible. There is a craft/colouring table at the back and plenty of books and toys to keep the restless ones entertained! The children now have a set of instruments which are brought out for the final hymn at the Family Services and Baptisms, which allows them to let off a bit of steam at the end of the service, and they certainly like to make their presence known!! We are happy to report that attendance numbers are growing at our services, which take place at 10am every Sunday morning and particularly at our Family Services, at 10am on the 2nd Sunday of every month and we always look forward to extending a warm welcome to new faces. Our aim is to make coming to church an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for all ages and we are constantly making changes to meet the needs of all our parishioners. We are delighted that the increase in people coming to our services and supporting our events, means that we must be doing something right! Our Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday, Easter Day and various Christmas Services continue to be very well supported and the Crib Service on Christmas Eve seems to have become the most popular service of the year, often standing room only! The Bramham Discoverers group continues to run in church on the 1st Sunday every month and this is an ideal opportunity for families who have children up to the age of 11yrs to get together in a more relaxed environment. The Fundraising events we put on throughout the year are not just to get a bit of extra money for the church, they are absolutely vital, as without them and without your support we would be unable to keep the church doors open. It costs over £900 a week just to keep the church going! Shocked?! Sadly, for the first time in a long time, we are experiencing real financial difficulties this year and therefore we desperately need the financial support of our villagers to keep our church going. Many people see it as the focal point of the village, regardless of whether they go to church or not and the church is looking at its best at the moment. It is a vibrant and happy place yet at the same time serene and peaceful and it is being enjoyed by more people of all ages than it has done for a long time.
Of particular concern at the current time is the condition of the bell tower and associated bell installation and throughout the rest of this year and next, the Village Church Council will be very busy with fundraising efforts in order to complete the necessary repairs. If you feel you would be able to financially help us in some way, please contact the Treasurer, whose number is in the Parish Magazine and your help will be very much appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you into our church and please do contact us if you would like any more information. The contact details for the clergy members as well as the Churchwardens are always published on page 2 of our monthly parish magazine. Please always check the Parish Magazine for details and time of services, as they can vary. Finally our congratulations go to our parish priest, the Revd. Peter Bristow, who this year celebrates 40 years of ordained ministry. Andrew Beaumont Churchwarden ~~~~~~~~~~~
BRAMHAM DRAMA GROUP The Drama Group works hard to stage at least two productions each year, usually in the Village Hall, one of which is an annual pantomime in December, plus one in the summer months. In 2013 we have had an exceptional summer with two performances – a Murder Mystery Play in May followed by Calendar Girls in July. Two contrasting productions that between them show how versatile the group is. If you haven’t been to a pantomime in years, why not come to see our annual pantomime in December? We have members of the audience who return year after year, saying that the show is on a par with any they see in Leeds. They look forward to being entertained at a very reasonable ticket price, with cheap drinks from the bar and all profits being used for the benefit of the drama group. Continued on page 24
There is a Junior Drama section of school-age members (5 to 18) which meets occasionally during the year and often provides junior parts for the pantomime. Our junior section has provided inspiration for some members to study drama, theatre or related subjects at College and University, whilst others have joined national drama companies. Current group members include teachers of drama, dance, professional lighting technicians, writers and TV/Film directors, but just as important are the many members who have jobs outside drama, but who bring enthusiasm (and talent) to all aspects of the group. The Drama Group is not just about the actors, singers and dancers you see on the stage, but relies on a few members who provide support by way of lighting and sound, music and special effects, set and scenery design/build, publicity and ticket sales, make-up, props and costumes, stage management and prompts. Most of these backstage crew members receive little recognition for their efforts, but without them there would be no productions. Outside of rehearsal/production time we enjoy trips to the theatre, and other social events, including fundraising for equipment. The Bramham Community fund has generously agreed to donate funds to update equipment in 2012/3 including lighting and sound. We would like to encourage new members to join us both on stage and more importantly for technical lighting and sound roles. We would especially encourage younger people in their teens, 20s and 30s to become involved. The group meets to rehearse on Wednesdays and Sundays ahead of a production but backstage crew undertake work on other days as required. There is no need to have experience, just lots of enthusiasm. We will find a role for you off or on stage. Anyone interested in joining the group can contact any members of the drama group or telephone Christine Suddaby Drama Group secretary) on 01937 849455,email
WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE This year has been another successful and proactive one for your local police in Bramham. Overall, recorded crime over the last 12 months has risen slightly to a total of 26 offences compared with the previous period. However it is pleasing to report that there have been just 3 burglaries this last 12 months compared with 7 the year before. Last year we reported on 4 local men who had been arrested for a series of lead thefts from local buildings, I can now report they have all received summons to a appear in court within the next few weeks. The old ambulance station on Freely Lane seems to be a magnet for local youths. As a result of complaints regarding this, patrols have been stepped up in the area. Only last week a local youth was found there in possession of a quantity of drugs which resulted in him being arrested and dealt with accordingly. Reports of anti social behaviour within the village have reduced considerably. Bramham Primary School is also a focus for our attention due to illegal and inconsiderate parking within the vicinity by parents/ carers collecting/ dropping off children at the school. Such parking is dangerous to other road users and to the very children attending the school. Speeding vehicles is still a concern for residents, especially near the school. Local officers will be working with the Parish Council and enforcing the speed limits regularly. The annual Leeds Festival held at Bramham Park is also fast approaching. We will, as always, be out in force to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible and that as little disruption as possible is caused. Crime prevention. At this time of year, warmer can often bring opportunities for criminals. Please remember to lock all your doors when out gardening and close windows and doors when out. Wetherby Police Station public counter closed last month as part of the Forces ongoing spending review. The police station itself still remains a police base 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Officers can also be contacted by one of the many contact point opportunities within the village and also between 1000 am and 1200 noon, Tuesday and Thursday at the Wetherby One Stop shop, Westgate, Wetherby. You can contact us on 0113 285 5374, leave a message for one of your neighbourhood officers (listed below) on or email us at If you have a more pressing matter, ring 101 (the new non-emergency number). In an emergency ring 999. We strongly encourage you to call the police at the time if possible rather than reporting problems after they have occurred. Your local officers are PC 1675 Hall, PC 1042 Des Cassidy, PCSO 470 Becky Jackson
MAGAZINE All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News continues to be well received by the village and continues to have regular input not only from the Church but from the Parish Council and most village organisations. Thanks are due to all people who send in their articles each month. At the Community Conference last year the Magazine was voted Bramham’s 2nd best village asset. So many people are involved in the production of the magazine. We are especially indebted to Anne and Paul Topping who proof-read the magazine each month before it goes to the printers and to the following who deliver the magazine each month come rain or shine:John Baker Jeremy Kendall Sam Hooton Tony Huby Peggy Kitchen Jillian Lawson Kelly Jakeman Dolly Mullen Jacque Turner Richard Jessop Kathy Brunf Tracy Johnson Jean Cooper Catherine Birdall Revd. Stanley Menzies
Valerie Soper Barbara McCurrie Colin Poole Ann Palmer Joan Reschen Sally McKillop Linda Richards Rachel Engley Doreen Stang Elna Barton Caroline Heaton Simon Rotheray Sheila Clayton
Particular thanks are due to Jillian Lawson who is now in charge of Distribution. From August 2013, Jillian is redesigning the magazine delivery routes and in reply to her recent request for additional help with delivery, has received ten offers of help. Our grateful thanks are due to Gladys Horsley, Iris Dew, Julia Hammond, Doreen Elmes and Barbara Baker who are retiring after many years of devoted service and to the people who are now offering their services. My personal thanks to Neil Ferres for his continued technical advice and to Martin Batt, Ernest Nichols and Katie Kitchen, who still keep me well supplied with photographs for the cover. I would like to put on record our thanks to Martin, Michael and Andy and their support team at Write Design and Print, Wetherby, for their help, support and patience with printing the magazine and for meeting seemingly impossible deadlines. . continued on page 27
In addition to the 750 copies delivered free to all houses in Bramham and surrounding farms, we have a postal distribution of approximately 10 copies each month to people who have moved away but still want to keep in touch with what is going on in Bramham The support of the Advertisers is very much appreciated and we hope all readers will use their services whenever possible, as without the Advertisers we wouldn’t be able to produce a free magazine. Sending out invoices and chasing non-payment is a time consuming chore and we are indebted to Paul Marshall who has kindly offered his services to help with this. Income from Advertisers does not meet the full outgoings for the publication of the magazine and the Church funds are not great enough to meet this deficit, so we are extremely grateful for the support of Bramham Parish Council, to meet the short fall. We do wish to continue issuing a free magazine to all householders in Bramham. From January 2013 the magazine is now copied to the Bramham Parish Council website in a flip book style. If you haven’t ready done so, please check this out. Thanks to Neil Ferres who arranged this procedure and thanks are also due to Steve Cooper who previously copied the parish magazine to his Word Press website. I would like to point out that parental consent is always given for photographs of children appearing in the magazine and consequently on the website. The birthdays of children who have been baptised in Bramham Church appearing in the magazine are always approved by the parents and the names and dates in the Book of Remembrance appear at the request of the people concerned. If you would like a loved one to be remembered on the anniversary of their death, please contact me on with their details. As time goes by there is always the increasing risk that the Editor of this magazine might not be able to undertake the allotted duty at the very time when the duty has to be performed, so we are looking to appoint a Deputy Editor who will get to know how the magazine is produced. If you have a leaning towards using your skills to produce the Magazine each month, we would very much like to hear from you. Please talk to me in the first instance on 01937 843129 for more information. Gillian Young Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~
1ST CLIFFORD SCOUT GROUP The Group provides Scouting Activities for boys and girls from age 6 upwards. We meet weekly in term time at Bramham School*. Activities this year have ranged from camping and climbing to carol singing and craftwork. We have been ice skating, gliding, fired arrows, played football, taken an enchanted winter walk, joined in fun-days, been swimming, cycling and hiking too. We join in community events in both Bramham and Clifford villages. We attend local churches and services, and help local charities too. Beavers: Ages 6 – 8 - meeting Mondays 5.30 to 6.30pm Beavers is all about having fun and forming friendships. We play games, make things and learn new skills. This year we had a wonderful time at Christmas sleepover, attended the District sports day and joined the Cubs and Scouts at District Camp . Contact Debbie Atkinson 07944728399 Cubs: Ages 8 – 10½ - meeting Mondays 6.30- 8.00pm Cubs learn new skills, working both individually and collectively to gain activity badges and challenge awards. We join in many weekend activities run by Wetherby District including camping, orienteering, skills days, football and archery. Contact Diane Hare 842518 Scouts: Ages 10½ to 14 (Troop 1) meeting Mondays 8.00 – 9.30pm at *Clifford Village Hall (Troop 2) meeting Tuesdays 7.30 – 9.00pm Scouts participate in many fun and adventurous activities whilst working towards activity and challenge awards. We enjoy summer and winter camps, indoor and outdoor troop nights and also join in District activities, such as the annual raft race. Contact for Troop 1 David Barrow 8440444, Contact for Troop 2 Jason Turner 842181 Explorers: Ages 14 to 18 - meeting Thursdays 7.30 – 9.30pm Provides a wide range of Scouting activities and opportunities for DofE Awards for older boys and girls. Explorers are part of Wetherby District but will maintain close ties to 1st Clifford Scout Group. Contact Justin Atkinson 541727 For further information, or to volunteer to help within a section, please use the contacts listed above. Alternatively you can speak to our Group Scout Leader:-
Peter Dykes MBE on 843222, and Asst. Group Scout Leader Diane Hare on 842518
BRAMHAM SCHOOL Bramham School has had an amazing year in 2012/13. We would like to thank the whole community for their support since 2010 when we federated with Shadwell Primary School. In March we were subject to a thorough inspection by a member of Her Majesty's Inspectorate under the rigorous new Ofsted framework for inspecting schools. The overall judgement was that Bramham is a good school. This means it is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils' needs and that pupils are well prepared to go on to secondary education. We continue on our journey of improvement and progress further every day towards Bramham becoming an outstanding school in the future. If you would like to find out more about our school please visit our websites; and where you will find a wealth of information regarding what we do and also how to apply for a place. If you wish to visit the school please call and make an appointment – we would be really happy to meet you! Our contact details are; Bramham Primary School Clifford Road Bramham Leeds LS23 6JQ Tel: 01937 843682 Fax: 01937 845975 Executive Head Teacher; Sue Pyatt Executive Deputy Head; Laura Wild & Valerie Wilson
BRAMHAM READERS’ GROUP Bramham Readers’ Group was started in 2009. We meet monthly at The Swan at 7.30pm to chat informally about books and reading. There is no obligation to attend every month and the books are supplied by Wetherby Library. This year we have enjoyed some very interesting discussions on all kinds of books; fiction, biography and even poetry! New members will be made very welcome. See the Parish Magazine for dates of the meetings or Contact: Marion Hogg 844191 Jillian Lawson 844858
BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORES Bramham Parish Council would like to extend a warm welcome to Lynn, the new owner of the Village Stores. We all know that this is a highly valued village amenity and are delighted that Lynn will be continuing the good work now that Joanne and Andrea have moved on. Lynn and her husband have lived in Bramham for 10 years, and Lynn has many years retail experience, so they will no doubt put their own stamp on our shop, which was voted Bramham’s best loved asset at last year’s Community Conference. Good Luck! Bramham Parish Council
BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL It has been another very positive year for the village hall. The investment made in renovating our kitchen and toilets has brought its reward and we have seen a significant increase in bookings. About 40 organisations now use the hall on a regular basis whilst the hall has proved to be a popular venue for events and private parties. Once again we have seen what an attractive venue this can be for wedding receptions particularly bearing in mind our location opposite our delightful village church. The advice is to contact us early if you want to book all or part of the hall . Simply contact us on our mobile phone booking system. You will be surprised how reasonable our charges are ! For those of you unfamiliar with the facility, the hall has a large function room with stage and small bar plus a second smaller function room ideal for meetings or smaller gatherings. The two rooms can be hired together or separately In addition, a large and newly fitted kitchen plus luxury toilet facilities make the hall an attractive venue for so many different occasions At this point I would like to thank our management committee for all their hard work in developing and maintaining this important village facility. In particular I would like to thank Fiona Henderson and Marie Lynch for their tremendous input over a period of time. Both have now resigned from our committee to focus on their Parish Council duties. In the past year the committee whilst supporting many of the events in the hall have also organised a number of popular events themselves ranging from our annual Beer Festival to our new regular Ceilidh to celebrate Burns Night. In addition, should you need a bar for your own event, subject to availability, we can provide this facility at no cost with proceeds to the Village Hall Renovation Fund. Please keep a look out in your Parish magazine where all our future events are advertised. Renovation and development plans continue. Work has begun on restoring the cottage attached to the hall. This is a long term project and the pace of the work will be dictated by our fund raising efforts and the willingness of local businesses to offer equipment and assistance. If anyone can assist please contact one of the numbers below. When completed we will have a three bedroomed cottage to let which will provide a much needed regular source of income to the Hall. Continued on page 32
32 Bramham Village Hall - continued from page 31
Currently hire fees cover the day to day running of the hall but all development and maintenance work is paid for by additions fund raising , grants or awards. A shorter term project which we hope to complete this year is the renovation of the small bar area in the main hall. This will be modernised to the same standard as our kitchen and toilets and will significantly improve the appearance of the hall. I would take this opportunity to thank the Community Fund for their financial assistance in supporting this project. To everyone in the village – please continue to support us – please come and enjoy this wonderful facility whether its for your own party or event or to enjoy the wide variety of entertainment provided at the hall This is not a facility run by or for a particular group in the village to the exclusion of others – it is for everyone …. and everyone is welcome ! Stewart Gibson Chairman, Bramham Village Hall Committee Tel: 845084
Treasurer – Christine Suddaby - Tel: 849455 Bookings – 07432 330972
Established in October 2003, making this our 10th anniversary year, we are a registered charity organisation funded by Leeds City Council who provide a wide range of services and support for the over 60’s residents of Wetherby and the surrounding villages. Did you know? • We have over 80 volunteers helping to deliver befriending , luncheon clubs, socials and other services in and around Wetherby •
Our gardening scheme in association with Wetherby Secure College of Learning maintains 140 gardens
Around 60 older people receive information and advice each month
60 people a year attend our silver surfers computer sessions
Around 40 people a month attend WiSE memory cafes
NEWS AND SERVICES Befriending Service The WiSE befriending service is in great demand as many elderly residents are isolated and lonely with few or no regular visitors. It is amazing the difference having a friendly visitor can make to a person living alone, especially with limited mobility. If you would like further information about becoming a volunteer or you know someone who could benefit from having a volunteer visit them, please get in touch with our WiSE Volunteer Coordinator, Linda Dixon by calling 01937 588994. Information and Advice Service Our invaluable service enables us to provide information and advice for older people, their relatives and carers on a wide range of issues such as benefits, form filling and finding help at home etc. Nicola is based in the WiSE office at the One Stop Centre, Westgate, Wetherby from Tuesday to Friday. On the first Wednesday of each month, Nicola will be at the Wise Owl Café at Boston Spa Village Hall from 10.30am until 1.30pm. She will also be available at our new Knit One Purl WiSE knitting group at the WiSE Owl Café every Thursday afternoon from 1.30pm to 3.00pm. If you would like to speak to Nicola for help or advice, please either pop into the One Stop Centre, telephone 01937 588994 or email Continued on page 34
34 WiSE - continued from page 33
Vulnerable Adults Many of us read in the papers about elderly people being abused. WiSE would like to make you aware of The Leeds Safeguarding Team. Their website is If you think an elderly person is being abused then please contact them on 0113 224 3511. Activities Co-ordinator WiSE has recently appointed Lillian Allen as Activities Co-coordinator. An important part of her role is to support local groups for the elderly in Wetherby and the surrounding villages. If you would like some support with activities or entertainment, then please do not hesitate to give her a call on 01937 588994 or email The WiSE Owl Cafe As many of you will know, we opened the doors to the WiSE Owl Café for the Community, in Boston Spa Village Hall, at the beginning of January this year. We are delighted to report that the Café is proving a big hit with customers. Many have commented on the friendly welcome they have received, the relaxed atmosphere, and the quality and variety of food and drink being served. On the menu are a lovely selection of teas, coffees and fruit juices, freshly prepared sandwiches, bacon butties and a delicious soup of the week, all sourced with seasonal ingredients from local suppliers wherever possible. For those with a sweet tooth, our homemade cakes are sure to please you and our recently introduced afternoon teas, at a very reasonable £8 for two people, are already really popular. The Café is open each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00am to 4.00pm and we very much look forward to welcoming you. To see a sample menu, visit NEW WISE ACTIVITIES AT THE WISE OWL CAFÉ, BOSTON SPA VILLAGE HALL
Zumba Gold – a fun, weekly dance fitness class with two classes every Thursday - 10.00am-11.00am for the more active, with a gentle seated class from 11.00am-12 noon. Cost £4 per session to include a drink at the WiSE Owl Café. Please wear comfortable clothes and suitable footwear. Knit One Purl WiSE – a fortnightly knitting group for those who’d like to have a knit and a natter. Every other Thursday from 1.30pm until 3.00pm. Cost £2 per session to include a cup of tea or coffee. Continued on page 35
35 WiSE continued from page 34
Poetry and Prose - If poetry is more your forte, we’d love to see you at our monthly poetry and prose afternoons, between 2.00pm and 3.00pm on one Thursday each month. Each session costs just £2 to include a cup of tea or coffee. If you’d like dates or further information on any of our new activities, please call our WiSE Activities Coordinator, Lillian Allen on 01937 588994. The Café Boston Spa and The Sunshine Café Collingham Our Cafes are a welcoming environment for people with dementia and their carers. They offer tea and delicious cakes, entertainment, companionship and advice from the Alzheimer’s Society. The Café in Boston Spa is held in the Village Hall (Jubilee Room) on the second Tuesday of every month between 2pm and 4pm. The Sunshine Café in Collingham is held on the last Wednesday of every month again between 2pm and 4pm. For further details on our Cafe’s please visit our website or contact Lillian Allen, our WiSE Activities Coordinator: Telephone 01937 588994. Carers Leeds and WiSE Our Carers’ meetings in Boston Spa Village Hall are available for family carers; caring for someone who is ill, frail or disabled and can’t manage without help. Why not come along to meet other carers and enjoy some light refreshments in warm and friendly surroundings. For further information and details on dates, please call Angie at Carers Leeds on 0113 2468838 or Neil at WiSE on 01937 588994. Social Groups Monthly social activities in Wetherby, Bramham and Clifford are open for anyone over the age of 60. Whether you like to sing, dance, play bingo or bridge, social afternoons are full of fun and laughter and make a real difference to the lives of those who attend. For further details of local groups and activities please visit our website or contact Neil, Linda or Lillian on 01937 588994. Our New Web Site We are very pleased with the positive feedback we have received about our new website and rebranding. Traffic to the site has certainly increased and hopefully you are all finding it very useful. We will be keeping you up to date with news and activities on the site and always welcome your views and comments. Please visit and let us have your feedback.
Liz Whitaker ~~~~~~~~~~~
YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The Bramham branch is part of a country-wide association dedicated to preserving the heritage of Yorkshire by furthering the skills, knowledge and social activities of its members. Chairman:
Mrs Anne Topping
Tel: 01937 844529
Mrs Jean Dale
Tel: 01937 842533
Mrs Gillian Young
Speaker Secretary:
Mrs Julia Hammond
Mrs Margaret Bain Mrs Mavis Wilson
We hold our meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm in the Village Hall Supper Room. The membership subscription is £10 per year, part of which goes to our central organisation. We have had a very busy year celebrating the Jubilee with ‘Tea with the Queen’ at the Gala. Members also enjoyed a celebration meal at Rogerthorpe Manor and the Yorkshire Day celebration at Burton Constable. In the current year we are celebrating the YCA Pearl Anniversary and will be enjoying further outings, fashion shows and celebration meals. Speakers at our meetings this year are again varied, subjects ranging from ‘Reincarnation’ to a talk on the ‘Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’. We also have a Christmas meal out and a summer social. Although a small branch, members are able to take a full part in County and West Riding area events (e.g. YCA Carol Service in York Minster, Yorkshire Day celebrations etc.), and we actively support local community events such as the Gala, Village Hall, Church Bazaar and the Environment Group. We are a thriving and friendly group offering a warm welcome to new members and visitors. Details of monthly meetings are always advertised in the Parish Magazine. Jean Dale
BRAMHAM RUNNING CLUB … See you in the Square! Bramham Running Club was set up in June 2009 and is simply a group of friends and neighbours who enjoy meeting up to run and keep fit. We have no formalities and no joining fees; it is open to anyone and everyone. The group has grown and evolved over the past four years and there are many achievements that we are extremely proud of, not to mention the incredible team mileage total which, at the end of June our was approaching 22,000 miles! We always welcome new members to contribute to that mileage total; it could be 2 miles or 20… every mile counts. This year we have also introduced a bonus mile incentive scheme to help boost the team total even more. Aside from running, some members are enjoying meeting up to take part in other sports and activities too including cycling and swimming. Whatever your experience and running ability, everyone can enjoy running with the club. We have power walkers, joggers, runners and sprinters and all that is required is a pair of trainers, shorts and a t-shirt (no designer gear!) I’m pleased to say we’ve seen a number of new members join us this Spring and their repeat attendance shows it must be worth coming back. 2012 / 2013 ACHIEVEMENTS Like last year a number of members have taken part in local triathlons with particular mention to Jess Learmonth who won both the Tadcaster and Wetherby Triathlons; but also came 5th in the Blenheim Triathlon competing in the elite race. We’ve also had members compete in the Newby Hall Duathlon, the Major Series, the Edinburgh and Chester Marathons, Leeds Half Marathon, Race for Life and the Stockeld Park Santa Run! Some cyclists from the club have also taken part in the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride; 70 miles from Wetherby to Filey, and the Etape du Dales; a gruelling 112 mile course through the Yorkshire Dales. We always have a great turn out from club runners in the Bramham Park Fun Run where there are 5km and 10km options and the choice to run or walk the course. This year the event is on Sunday 6th October, why not make this an event to aim for and come join us? NEW MEMBERS We’re always really pleased to see new members in the Square, it doesn’t matter how much or how little running experience you have, or even if you want to just to powerwalk with friends. You’ll be amazed how much distance you cover when chatting with other runners! The miles soon add up after just a few weeks. Continued on page 38
38 Running Club - continued from page 37
We also have more serious runners who regularly set themselves new challenges, so if you are a runner please come along too and take part in the more serious training sessions to help take your running to the next level. WEEKLY RUNS Tuesdays: 5.30pm – 2/3 miles powerwalking/running; 6.00pm – 4/5/6 mile routes Fridays:
5.30pm – a gentle circuit to ease you into the weekend
Sundays: 10.00am – normally an off-road circuit, routes to suit all We look forward to seeing you in The Square. Contact Nina for more information: Tel: 07950630703 E Mail: ~~~~~~~~~~~
THE MONDAY CLUB The Monday Club is a social gathering for Bramham Senior Citizens, meeting the 1st Monday in every month. We have an average of 20 members but would love to have more. Tea and home made cakes are provided. There is some kind of entertainment, a speaker, Wii keep fit, Music, Cards, Dominoes, Bingo, or just sit and chat! We also arrange various outings. Lifts can be arranged if needed. For more information please contact: Mavis Wilson tel: 842321 ~~~~~~~~~~~
LEEDS FESTIVAL 2013 sees the Leeds Festival coming to Bramham Park for the August Bank Holiday weekend for the 10th year. The agreement that the Parish Council has with Festival Republic, the promoter of the festival, and Bramham Park Estate, is that free tickets are made available for people resident in the parish, who then make a contribution to the Bramham Community Fund, which is an organisation separate from the Council, and which is chaired by Nick Lane Fox of Bramham Park. This year the council has also negotiated to provide full price tickets, but with use of residents’ facilities, for residents’ friends and family who are not themselves residents. In addition it has secured a number of nominated tickets at reduced price. Residency is defined (for those over age 18) as being on the electoral roll, or providing proof of address in Bramham. Restrictions on bringing alcohol into the residents’ area are imposed by Festival Republic and are as last year. Marie Lynch Parish Clerk
Cllr Fiona Henderson
BRAMHAM FOOTBALL CLUB Bramham Football Club runs an adult male side in Division 2 of the Harrogate & District League on a Saturday, and a further side in the Claro District League on a Sunday. Anyone from the age of 16 is eligible to play for either side. We are based at the games field on Freely Lane although unfortunately due to matters out of our hands with the farce which is the changing facility, it looks like the Saturday side will once again be playing in Boston, with the Sunday side playing their games at Clifford. The management of the club has a local player policy, with the majority of players coming from Bramham and the surrounding villages and area, we are always on the lookout for new members including people who wish to join the committee. With an influx of more new players for the forthcoming season, the management team of Dave Jacklyn & Ted O`Donoghue are hoping for success for both teams. We are always on the lookout for any sponsorship no matter what, so if there is any interested party, please do not hesitate to contact me. The Saturday side finished a creditable 6th in the league, having been promoted the previous season, while the Sunday side also finished 6th following promotion the previous season. Pre season training will commence Tuesday 9th of July at 6.45 at Freely Lane, (details will be made available via the club’s website & advertised locally), and all players new & old are most welcome. If you require any information regarding the football club, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07809 561199. Yours in sport, Dave
USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS WY Police (non emergency)…………………………………………. 101 Police Support Officer for Bramham ………………………….……0113 285 5374 Doctor - Boston Spa…………………………………………………… 01937 84 2842 Doctor - Bramham…………………………………………………….. 01937 84 5854 York & District Hospital………………………………………………... 01904 631 313 Harrogate District Hospital……………………………………………. 01423 885 959 St James Hospital ... …………………….…………………………….. 0113 243 3144 Leeds Infirmary………………………………………………………….. 0113 243 2799 Seacroft Hospital………………………………………………………… 0113 264 8164 Train Enquiries…………………………………………………………… 0845 748 4950 Leeds City Council General Enquiries……………………………… 0113 222 4444 LCC Refuse and Pest Control………………………………………... 0113 222 4406 LCC Benefits Advice & Council Tax,……………………………….. 0113 222 4404 LCC Highway Faults, Pot holes, Street Ltg, Drains …………… 0113 222 4407 LCC Parking Services…………………………………………………… 0113 395 0050 LCC Planning Dept………………………………………………………. 0113 222 4409 LCC Social Services (children)………………………………………...0113 222 4403 LCC Social Services (Adults)…………………………………………...0113 222 4401 Leeds North East Homes………………………………………………. 0800 915 1600 Noise Complaints out of hours………………………………………. 0113 240 7361 Citizens Advice Bureau…………………………………………………. 0844 477 4788 Child line……………………………………………………………………. 0800 11 11 Crime stoppers…………………………………………………………….0800 555 111 British Gas Emergencies………………………………………………. 0800 111 999 Yorkshire Electricity Emergencies…………………………………… 0800 375 675 Yorkshire Water (Day and Night)…………………………………… 0845 124 2424 Metro Bus Enquiries…………………………………………………….. 0113 245 7676 National Express Buses………………………………………………… 0870 580 8080 Wetherby Library………………………………………………………… 01937 58 3144 Boston Spa Library………………………………………………………. 01937 84 5239 NHS Direct…………………………………………………………………. 0845 46 47 Chemist - Cohens, Boston Spa…………………………………….. 01937 84 2985
This index is a free service and the producers of the booklet cannot accept responsibility for any errors or changes in the telephone numbers after going to print.