All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News
The route for the 2018 Beating the Bounds Walk
April 2018 Issue 183
© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham
Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown…… Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine
844858 842850
Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339152 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod……… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor, Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email Friday closed.
WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..
Chairman: Stewart Gibson… Hall Bookings…
845084 07398 244634
Drama Group Football Club… Guides…… Brownies… Explorer Scouts… Scouts…… Beavers… Cubs…… . Bramham Primary School
Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Sarah Clayton………………………………… … Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 07801 081894 Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Helena Buck 849757 Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… Gerry Taylor, Secretary… Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Pavilion Bookings Number
Lynne Marshall Keith Innocent … Mavis Wilson Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Williams…. Linda Richards, Chair… Paul Marshall … Gerry Taylor, Secretary
845828 or 07817 849556 844529
844767 841197 842321 Marion Hogg 844191 842275 842151 844767 07731 822562
The Clergy Letter for April I had hoped to be writing to you with the glad news that we had been successful in appointing a new incumbent to our Benefice but it is not to be… just yet. After the interview process the panel reported that they felt that neither candidate was suitable for our Benefice. We will just have to be patient and wait until God puts the right candidate into the process. Answering questions from an interview panel is not an easy thing to do. Any of you readers who have applied for jobs or promotions will know what it is like to sit in front of a panel and try to be truthful in your replies whilst trying to glean what they wish to hear from you! Before the interview you must do your homework and investigate the role you would be called to work in. You would look at the company or organisation and consider what you could give to them to enhance their present position. If you are hoping to be in the role for a considerable amount of time, there is a level of honesty and integrity that is necessary for you to be able to function well for a prolonged period. No one is able to live and work a lie for long! I wonder what it would be like if we had to apply to God to be a Christian? Would we hear of the opening through the local community or would there be an advertisement in the local paper: –
‘Wanted:- a well-motivated person of any age required to join a global community of faithful people. You would be required to love your CEO with all your heart, mind and strength and your neighbour as yourself.’!! On the day of the interview (if you were shortlisted) would you turn up with a portfolio to prove your loving capabilities, a list of charitable giving, and maybe a Bible to show your breadth of reading around the subject? How nervous would you be, and would you be sure of giving the correct answers to all those soul-searching questions? I wonder how many of us would be given the position?!!
The joy of the situation is that the founder of the company is not divisive. He will accept all who come to him with enquiring minds. Training will be given on the job and skills will come with practice. This Chief Executive Officer, (God by name) will be accessible to each of his people at any time of day or night and will not differentiate by race, rank, intelligence or colour. All are allowed to apply without prejudice or preference. The job would require you to tell as many people as possible of the company mission statement and interest them in joining too. Your demeanour would need to be loving, giving and kind to all you meet. Optimum practice would be achieved if you met together with other members on a regular basis (possibly once a week) to share the shortcomings of your performance and join in adoration and love for the CEO and his team. You would be given inspirational texts to listen to and reflect on. They will recharge your motivation and send you out with renewed vigour. The retirement plan is unique. All previous members are sustained for ever in a place of love and joy. There will be a performance management appointment (a day of reckoning) at the end of time when each member will be able to stand before God and discover the merciful qualities of that CEO and his team, when their performance as a Christian is reviewed. It sometimes helps to look at our lives as Christians in another light to save ourselves from becoming complacent. We have the best job in the whole of creation and it is good never to take it for granted. It is worth sharing with as many people as possible that Jesus, as one of the three founding members of our Company, loved us so much that he died on the cross for all our shortcomings. He is worthy of our loyalty and love. Revd Trish
We have noticed many regular church attenders are not on the Electoral Roll for All Saints’. Do check with Jillian Lawson or Andy Beaumont and they will add your name.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE FOR APRIL Names are included on request
2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 5th 6th 11th 12th
Violet Horne 2009 Clarence Ware 2007 Edward Todd 2013 Doris Scotney 2011 Alfred Neubauer 2013 Arthur Tindall 2007 Gillian Young 2016 Florence (Cis) Bigland 1983 Margaret Westerman 2010 Jean Abram 2016 13th Annie Reynolds 2004 14th Peggy Norreys 1984 15th Alan Hebbron 2007 Stanley Thompson 2010 Edna Inman 2014 17th Anne James 1973 Norah Sanderson 2010 19th Andrew Gorian Lewis 1971 20th Stephen Douglas Elliott 1990 Anthony Glaze 2006 21st Gary Eason 2007 22nd Daisy Abram 23rd Olive Warrington 2010 24th Phyllis Patrick 1981 25th Susan Marjorie Wilson 2003 28th Sarah Hannah Alderson 1975
29th John Thompson 30th Marion Manderson
The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit. From the Parish Register Internment of Ashes 6th February John Jaques FUNERAL 14th March Edith Joan Buchanan 20th March Susan Craven
Bramham Parish Council
March 2018 Update ....communicating with residents LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKETS - Thank you to everyone for their patience at the ticket allocation day, and a very big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with tickets and refreshments. All tickets have been allocated but a waiting list is being kept. We do often get returns so it’s worth going on it . This can be done at the session in the pavilion on Tuesday 3rd April, 6pm to 8 pm. All information is on the Leeds Festival tab of the website (address below) – check there for the latest updates. CRIME We have unfortunately seen a spate of crime in Bramham recently. The police assure us that our village is still a low crime area in relation to Leeds as a whole, however it is still clearly upsetting. The main advice from the police is that door locks should be . TS007 (3 star rating) or SS312 Sold Secure Diamond Standard). PLAYGROUND: We are aware that there are some small repairs to be carried out, including repair of the artificial grass after recent vandalism. These are in hand and we are also buying new bins. BRAMHAM HOUSE: The potential developers will be at the Village Hall, Monday 26th March to present latest proposals and to take comments/questions. Doors open 7.45. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: The APM will take place at the Village Hall Monday 30th April 8pm. This is not a Parish Council meeting, it is a meeting of the parish, chaired by the Parish Council Chairman. Residents can speak at the meeting and vote on any resolutions proposed at the meeting. The agenda normally includes the Chairman’s report, financial summary, and reports village groups. Anyone wishing to ask for specific agenda items should contact the clerk by 16th April. The Chairman makes the final decision on agenda items.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th April, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website:, Twitter: @thisisbramham
THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome. Vicky 07951 575734
1:1 Confidential Listening All Saints’ Church Bramham 2nd Monday in the month—1.00pm Contact the Parish Office on 01937 844402 to make an appointment
BRAMHAM NSPCC COMMITTEE Invite you to join us for a fun-filled
1940s evening with Emma (Vera Lynn) James
When: Saturday 21st April Where: Bramham Village Hall Cost: ÂŁ30.0s.0d 3-course Meal * Welcome Drink * Licensed Bar * Raffle
For more information or to book your tickets please contact Margaret Morgan on 01937 844688 or Val Hunter on 01937 842247
1st April
5.30 am
St Mary’s Boston Spa
8.00 am
St Mary’s
10.00 am
8th April
10.00 am
Benefice Service at Thorp Arch
15th April
22nd April
29th April
Boston Spa
10.00 am
8.00 am
Boston Spa
The full Service Rota is displayed on the Church Notice Board beside the Lych Gate.
The Ark programme is on page 23
THE MONDAY CLUB for Senior Citizens Village Hall 1.30pm Monday 9th April. We will be delighted to welcome new members to this friendly afternoon We can arrange transport.
If you have any questions please ring Mavis on 842321
The next meeting is on 18th April at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Supper Room Jean C
BRAMHAM READERS GROUP Next Meeting is on Tuesday 17th April 7.30 pm in “The Swan” We will be discussing “My Name is Lucy Barton” by Elizabeth Strout Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858
BRAMHAM COMMUNITY FUND The Bramham Community Fund was created in 2003 to distribute the monies available to Bramham as a result of the Leeds Festival. It was set up by the owners of Bramham Park and the promoter Festival Republic. About two thirds of the money has come from donations made by residents obtaining heavily discounted tickets for the event and the other third is a donation from the promoter. Every year, a committee under the chairmanship of Nick and Rachel Lane Fox and on which the Parish Council is represented, considers applications for grants from community organisations. Since the Fund was set up, it has made grants of over £340,000. The objective of the Fund is generally to support community projects and these must benefit the residents of Bramham. The Fund does not support commercial activities or private individuals. The committee met on 6 March 2018 to consider grants to be made from the proceeds of the 2017 Festival. Grants were made towards the following: All Saints’ Church
Project to repair/replace the organ
Historic Asset
Movement of Percy Cross to Bramham
Conservation Group
churchyard and repositioning of Battle of
£16000 £5170
Bramham Moor sign Bramham Parish Council
Fence and bollards to protect playing field £3500
Friends of Bramham School
Community Outdoor Learning and Environment area
Bramham Parish Council
Overflow parking area for Playing field
Christmas lights for the village centre
Community Action Group
Bramham in Bloom Work in Senior Citizens’ garden Local British Legion branch Contribution to WWI centenary visit
£500 £300
Bramham Parish Council
Installation of donated bench
Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Contribution to speaker support Association Senior Citizens Monday Club
£250 £250 ….continued
Community Fund continued from page 19……………
Consideration was also given to supporting the setting up of a Junior Parkrun. This requires further clarification from the applicant. A further announcement will be made if this is successful. The Fund also supports the shuttle bus between the village and the festival and the ticket administration costs. It is expected that the committee will meet again in March 2019 to consider grants from the 2018 Festival. An announcement will be made in the magazine nearer the date and any community organisation wishing to apply for a grant will be required to submit an application no later than 14 February 2019. Colin Pool
Secretary to the Fund
The Annual Meeting for the BRAMHAM Parish Council Will be held on 30th April in the Village Hall AT 8.00PM. The Parish Council looks forward to seeing as many Residents from Bramham as possible. The Chairman has invited all the Village Organisations to attend and it would be good for at least one representative from each Group to be there. 21
NEW BABY & TODDLER GROUP AT ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH BRAMHAM The Ark will continue to run twice per month at Boston Spa, then will run at Bramham once a month. Both groups will be on Thursday from 1.45pm-3pm and follow a very similar format, involving toys and crafts, stories and songs, as well as refreshments. See the details below for the next date and contact details.
26th April in Bramham Church 1.45pm - 3.00pm Contact: Kate Kennedy
01937 843718
At All Saints Bramham
1.45 pm—3.00pm
Dates for Spring / Summer 24th May 21st June (Joint Midsummer Toddle) 28th June 19th July Joint Teddy Bears Picnic ********** St Mary’s Church Boston Spa 19th April 3rd and 17th May 7th June 21st June (Joint Midsummer Toddle) 5th July 19th July Joint Teddy Bears Picnic Contact Janet McBride 01937 843562
BRAMHAM PAVILION EVENTS 2018 Can you help? The pavilion committee is organising two summer events:
The Bramham 10k run and fun run Sunday 15th July
The Big Bramham BBQ Saturday 11 August
If you can help at either/both of these events please call Val Whitbread on 01937 541075 or email Thank you! 25
BRAMHAM COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP GALA COMMITTEE Due to the snow we had to cancel the AGM and we have re scheduled if for 4th April. Again it will start at 7.30 pm at the Red Lion in Bramham. We need more people to join our group and also to take up some positions within the group, so please come along to find out more, or you are welcome to speak to me anytime on 07595 206611, Keith Innocent
FOLLY ALLOTMENTS Want to try your hand at growing your own food, enjoying healthy exercise in the fresh air? Then contact the Secretary of the Folly Allotments Association. Folly Allotments is a thriving community of people, always interested in welcoming new members. We presently have no vacancies, are always eager to have people apply for the waiting list, to ensure that when plots become available they are swiftly passed on...... Contact details are: John Paterson, Secretary Folly Allotment Association 01937 844719
LOTHERTON HALL, ABERFORD YOUNG ARTISTS’ RECITAL Sunday 29th April 2018 At 2.00pm Leider Recital Sian Haines – Soprano Sam Gilliatt - Baritone Nicky Losseff - Piano Their programme will include ‘An die ferne Geliebte’ by Beethoven and songs by Schubert, Schumann and Mozart Sian, Sam and Nicky appear by kind permission of the University of York Followed by tea and cakes in the Servants’ Gallery Tickets, to include tea, cakes and admission to the Hall, £13.50 Concessions £12.00 Family (2 children and 2 adults) £30.00. Car parking is free with pre-booked tickets. Available from Wendy Shuttleworth, Lotherton Hall, Aberford, Leeds LS25 3EB. Cheques payable to Leeds City Council. Please enclose a SAE. Alternatively telephone 0113 378 2966
Well - it made me smile!! I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY SUNDAY 10th June Drighlington Brass Band will return for a summer concert. This is a fund raiser for the Organ Fund. The Christmas Concert at Bramham Park will be on
Wednesday 19th December.
If you have a car and a little time to spare then we’d love to hear from you The WiSE Transport Scheme provides a cost effective way for the over 60’s to get to appointments, meet friends and attend the wide variety of social activities that the Wetherby area has to offer. With around 200 clients registered to use the service, we need additional volunteer drivers please. You won’t need to commit to specific times or days so you’ll have lots of flexibility…do you think you could help? In return for your time, we’ll cover the journey costs and you’ll be able to meet lovely local people and do something really meaningful in your community. To find out more please contact Bridget Tasker, our WiSE Transport Coordinator, by calling the WiSE office on 01937 222066. Alternatively please email her Wetherby Walking for Health Join us for a 30 - 60 minute walk and a chat each Wednesday at 10.00am outside the Methodist Church on Bank Street, Wetherby. The walks are designed for people who are maybe recovering from an illness or an operation or who just need to start exercising again. If you have problems with your health, walking could help you feel great again! Find out just how easy it is to get out and about start walking for both fun and exercise. Walking for Health website - If you have any questions then please contact Karen Leaf, our WiSE Activities Coordinator, on 01937 588994
TO ADVERTISE IN THIS PARISH MAGAZINE Please get in touch with Paul Marshall 01937 844767 Email: Prices range from £40 for 1/10th of a page A5 To a full page at £300. The Magazine is delivered to every household in the Parish 750 homes and one or two beyond. For further information please get in touch with Paul.
Saturday April 21st 2018 Bramham is delighted to be beating the bounds of its parish shortly and all villagers, their friends and families are invited to join us on this lovely walk. Beating the bounds is an ancient custom where a group of old and young members of the community walk the boundaries of the parish. Please note – this year we start from Bramham School - and the Lunch Stop is at Bramham Park House The following describes the stages of the walk and should be read in conjunction with the attached map showing the route around the local area. It is intended that participants start off as a single group and try to maintain the group over the 6 stages. This is to simplify the logistics involved in marshalling the walkers and providing the transport to and from the stage start/end points. It is also felt that walkers being involved with a single group will benefit from the camaraderie engendered when walking together. So you may walk all 6 stages or simply select one or more as suits your abilities and join the stage you want at the appropriate start time shown below. A description of each stage is given below. These are intended to give an idea of the environment and walking conditions for each stage, they are not a detailed description of the routes which may vary with weather conditions on the day. Stage One: Bramham School to Newton Kyme – 8.30 am start (prompt) – 2.8 miles ) FULL DETAILS OF EACH STAGE ARE AVAILABLE—PLEASE CONTACT Anne Palmer WHO WILL SEND YOU A COPY. ……..Beating the Bounds continued on page 35
PLEASE NOTE there is a change on the back page of the magazine Citizens Advice Leeds The Citizens Advice (Bureau) at Cross Gates has closed. Please contact 0113 223 4400 or go to
Stage Two: Newton Kyme to Toulston Lane – 10.00 am start – 1.66 miles – transport leaves village square 9.45 am - ( park at Newton Kyme new housing development ) Stage Three: Toulston Lane to Spen Lane End – 10.45 am start – 1.74 miles – transport leaves village square 10.30 am - ( park on Warren Lane ) Stage Four: Spen Common Lane End to Bramham Park House – 11.30 am start – 3.5 miles – transport leaves village square 11.15 am (park at Spen Common Lane end) Stage Five: Bramham Park House to Junction of Dalton Lane and Compton Lane – 1.30 pm start – 3 miles – transport leaves village square 1.15 pm ( park at Bramham Park House )
Stage Six: Compton Lane to The School –2.30 pm start – 2 miles – transport leaves village square 2.15 pm ( Dalton Lane is a farm access track so be careful where you park – walkers doing the last stage only could be dropped off at Wattle syke ) Transport: Will be available to take participants to the stage starting and ending points. The vehicles will depart from the VILLAGE SQUARE at the times shown overleaf. To return to the village square after your walk simply take the transport waiting at the stage end. You can of course make your own arrangements to be dropped off and picked up at the stage start/end points which are all on routes out of Bramham. Please note that stage times are estimates and may vary on the day. Clothing: Please ensure that you are correctly dressed, have good strong footwear and that you have food and drink with you to last the duration of the walk. Dogs are welcome but - MUST BE ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES AND MAY HAVE TO LIFTED OVER STYLES. Contacts: For further information contact Rev’d Stanley Menzies – 01937 541047 or Neil Ferres – 0789 720 7397 We hope that many villagers, their families and friends will join in the walk and support All Saints’ Church Bramham
Pre-Raphaelite women at the Linton Antique Society On 12 April at 7.30 pm in Linton Memorial Hall, Suzanne Fagence Cooper, art historian and author of The Model Wife: The Passionate Lives of Effie Gray, Ruskin and Millais, will present her talk postponed from February. She will reveal the vital part women played in the lives of the Pre-Raphaelite group of artists: the tragic Elizabeth Siddall, artist, model and wife of Rossetti; Effie Gray, Millais’ wife and model; and the ‘stunner’ Jane Morris, wife of William and Rossetti’s model and lover. The talk, the last in the current season, will be preceded by the Society’s AGM. Entrance £7 for non-members. Members, free. For more information about the Society, visit the Society’s website
THANK YOU We would like to thank the kind person who cleared our drive in the deep snow. Anne and Paul Topping 36
Parish Council Meeting—Pavilion—7.30pm Community Action Group AGM —7.30pm - Red Lion
9th April
Monday Club—Village Hall—1.30pm
17th April Reader’s Group—The Swan—7.30pm 18th April Y C A 7.15 pm Supper Room Village Hall 21st April Beating the Bounds Walk 8.30 am at School NSPCC 40’s Evening Village Hall 26th April The Ark—Bramham Church 1.45 pm see page 23 30th April Parish Council AGM Village Hall 8.00pm
CONGRATULATIONS TO Mrs Betty Woodcock who celebrated her 100th Birthday on 16th March. Betty is now a resident in a Care Home in Garforth. Betty lived in Bramham for 96 years, much of it at Heygate Farm, on the High Street, but later moved to Aberford Road, opposite the Blacksmith’s Workshop, and then on to Lyndon Road. Betty is still smiling and has vivid tales of the past, - pony and trap rides to Spen Farm in the snow at Christmas; making bombs during the war at Thorp Arch, and of course Church and Chapel friends. With plenty of memories she still says Bramham is her home. With thanks to David Woodcock for sending this message. 37
BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30
Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed
Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275
MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th April or deliver to Anne at:- Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf.
NB This Magazine is available on ISSUU Facebook and Parish website
It’s that time again!!
Wydale Hall –Ladies of the Benefice retreat, 2018 We are into our 5th year of this annual retreat and I am happy to invite you all to sign up for another trip to Wydale Hall. After a conversation last year amongst ourselves we decided to avoid the Half Term week this year so I have provisionally booked our rooms for Monday 4th – Wednesth day 6 June 2018 Have a look in your year diary and check that you can come. The price for this year is £142 for the two nights. Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements. The retreat is very gentle and is open to all ladies of the Benefice, whichever church you go to. If you have a friend that you would like to bring along, go ahead- invite them to join us. If you would like to check the website to look at the facilities the address is Rev Trish
ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL We hope to stage an Autumn Flower Festival on 8th and 9th September in the Church. Following on the lines of the Christmas Tree Festival we would welcome flower arrangements from all the organisations in the village or from individuals. The Theme will be announced in the next Magazine. For information please contact Mavis Wilson 01937 842321 39