December Magazine

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All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News

December 2018 Issue 191

© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d. Nicholas J Morgan The Vicarage, Thorp Arch 849148 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine

01904 737345 844858 842850

Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339512 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members……… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod……… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor, Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice. Friday closed.

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 845084 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Faye Reid-Alderton Explorer Scouts… Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Beavers… Danny Hizzet………………………………… ……. 07554663304 Cubs…… . Ruth Middleton (Akela)………………………………. 07786525593 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Linda Richards ( Chair) 842151 Pete Dunn (Vice Chair) 843345 Ian Dalton 849455, Helena Buck 849757 David Hopps 842807 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Valerie Whitbread 541075 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion bookings Number Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Bell Ringers Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Mums & Tots Monday Club Readers Group… Sing Bramham Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

… Anne Topping - Chair Jeremy Kendall Lynne Marshall Philippa Dalton … Linda Matthews Mavis Wilson Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Marshall Lynne Williams…. Linda Richards, Chair… Paul Marshall …


07731 822562


844529 843520 844767 07921 387751 07947 356149 842321 Marion Hogg 844191 844767 842275 842151 844767

Clergy Letter – December 2018 By the time you are reading this, a time of waiting will be over. For you, an in-between time of waiting for a new Priest-inCharge to arrive has passed. The waiting hasn’t been a passive matter though, has it? I know that you haven’t been idly sitting on your hands during the vacancy, so thank you to everyone who has found this time of waiting productive and has risen to its challenges. This has also been a time of waiting for me: of prayerfully pondering whether God was calling me to minister here as a priest and church leader; of waiting to hear the result of my interview; of beginning to learn how things work and getting to grips with what God is already up to in the Bramham Benefice while waiting for the cogs of York Diocese to turn to make it happen. Advent is a pregnant time: literally in the case of Mary of course, but also in the sense that, when Christ was born, the world was waiting for God to burst into the world in a new way, a way longpromised by the prophets and heralded by John the Baptist. We need to be expectant, as Mary was, because our world still has need of God’s love, light and peace to burst in. The Advent season is an opportunity to look forward with hope and reflect upon how we should play our part in sharing the light of Christ. We, like Mary, are called to be bearers of Christ: called by the grace of God to carry Jesus within us - profoundly bound up with our very being - and to reveal him in the world. As your new Priest-in-Charge, I arrive as someone called to work with you to make God the centre of attention and to share God’s love with those around us. We’re in the business of becoming more like Jesus ourselves and introducing Jesus to others. We’re about being a prayerful, pilgrim people, committed to deepening our walk with God, and in the power of the Holy Spirit living out our faith by loving and serving others.




Amid the busyness of life, we need to find space to pause and pray. It’s too easy to get sucked into the busy commercial and media run up to Christmas and peak too early. We need to pray that our hearts will be ready for God to do something new in us. I don’t yet know exactly what that will mean in terms of ‘what’ and ‘how’ – we’ll figure that out together, prayerfully – but I do know what we will look like if we’re serious about it: we will look more like Jesus. Our church communities will reveal Jesus to the world by the way we live and worship. Please do bring family, friends and neighbours along with you to worship this Advent and Christmas at services around our Benefice. Pray that they would encounter the love of God for themselves, and hear and respond to Christ calling them to turn from darkness into his marvellous light. I look forward to getting to know you all and to discovering together where God is leading us over the coming years. Bless you all. The Reverend Nick Morgan Priest-in-Charge

Churches Together Advent Service Sunday 2nd December 3.30pm at St Mary’s Church Boston Spa All Welcome 5



From the Parish Registers

Names are included on Request — there are forms in the Lady Chapel 1st 3rd 8th 10th 11th 15th 16th 17th

19th 20th 21st

22nd 24th 25th 26th 27th 29th 30th 31st

Ernest Dykes 2008 Sara Smith 1993 Kathleen Kendall 1996 Annie Wright 2007 Elizabeth Garwood 2001 George Richard Lane Fox (Lord Bingley) Maria Sanderson Doris Pratt 2002 Alec John Wright 1995 Geoffrey Richardson 1973 Alice May Bradshaw 1976 Francis Leonard Woodcock 1997 Nellie Greenhead 2004 David George Hebbron 1970 Alice Marjorie Stevenson 1987 Nigel Cameron 2005 Winifred Joan Dalton 1993 Cicely Clegg 2014 James Ian Noble 1966 Tom Whittingham 1978 Lynne Foggin 2005 Doris Young 2011 Sheila Thompson nee Ford Elizabeth Sadler 1973 Jane Mary Noble 2014 Peter Noble 1960 Florence Annie Lund 1986 Rebecca Night 1961 William Leonard Worrall 2001 William (Billy) Firth 2005 Jane Sunstead Violet May Morris 2006 Bessie Winifred Rodway 1996 John Read Shaw 1949 Charles Pottage 1959


FUNERALS 17th October Lynn Kwiatkowski (Lynn Kay)

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:- Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.


Bramham Parish Council

November 2018 Update The CRIME REPORT: This month the report noted four crimes in Bramham; one Burglary Residential, one Criminal Damage and two of Other Theft so once again, the police are recommending that residents are vigilant with regard to keys in houses. They also ask that residents report anything suspicious quickly so that action can be taken. PLANNING ISSUES: Church Hill: Cllrs continue to monitor closely and a further site visit by LCC has been requested. Ward Councillors have offered their support with this matter. Farfield House: A decision re the Appeal is expected to be reported at the next Parish Council Meeting in December. Bramham House: No decision has yet been issued, but the deadline for comments is 12th November so the issue will probably be heard at the December Plans Panel. HIGHWAYS ISSUES: Some progress has been made on certain issues, including rumble strips and timber bollards on the West Wood Road. However other issues still need addressing and are being actively pursued PAVILION: The grass car parking extension work is now complete. The increase in use of the facilities is very pleasing, so more volunteers would be very welcome. If anyone feels they could help on a Saturday morning with the refreshments, please contact the Clerk to the Council. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: The Referendum date is scheduled for 14th February and all residents will get the opportunity to vote on it. Residents are strongly urged to vote ‌‌ BROADBAND AVAILABILITY: The Parish Council is grateful to Jon Newall and others who have researched and championed the ways in which



Parish Council notes continued………….. Broadband could be improved. However, as a public body, the Council is prevented from financial support of any potential scheme but will continue to press for change via our local and national political representatives. COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP/FOLLY ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION

Grateful thanks to all who made the Centenary Celebration for End of World War One happen on Saturday 11 November. This was a splendid event well supported by residents. A reminder of upcoming community events where volunteers and support would be welcome as well as resident attendance! Christmas Fair – Saturday 24 November Christmas Lights Switch On – Friday 30 November Christmas Workshop – Saturday 15th December Gala – Saturday 15 June 2019 11th NOVEMBER REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE: Bramham Residents remembered those who died serving their country at the newly cleaned and refurbished Cenotaph. Many thanks also to Bramham Historic Asset Conservation Group who have now gathered together the various Rolls of Honour for WW1, which will now be permanently displayed in the Village Hall. The BHACG is also continuing its work regarding the Historic Percy Cross, Battle of Bramham Moor Explanatory Plaque and the siting of the Village Entrance Rocks. FRIENDS OF BRAMHAM SCHOOL: Raised the issue of the potential need for more secure perimeter fencing in view of the recent burglaries. They were asked to put together a proposal which looked at all potential measures and funding streams which might be used to address the overall issue. SENIOR CITIZENS’ CENTRE: The upgrade of the building has been considered at a meeting of council members and a further meeting in November will further consider: the potential specification in the light of advice given from the Senior Conservation Officer, the appointment of a project manager and the future engagement with community stakeholders.



Parish Council Notes con nued………. LEEDS FESTIVAL APPLICATION DATE 10th March 2019:

There will be only one Application day this year, as all tickets were allocated on the first day, so the second day was redundant. Next Meeting: Wednesday 12 December, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact: Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website: Twitter: @thisisbramham

BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MONDAY 10th December 2018 At 8.00pm in the Village Hall



Christmas Day Lunch At Bramham Village Hall This is a special invitation to anyone in Bramham who might be spending Christmas Day without family and friends, even though you might have plans for Boxing Day. The invitation is for all ages, young and older and irrespective of ability or income! If you have a partner or relative or carer we would be delighted to welcome them, too. Or you may have a neighbour or friend who might like to come along with you. Or just come on your own. If you prefer, you can join us for the preparation and clearing up, too. There is no charge and we can also arrange transport for you. Lunch will be at 12.30pm for a pre-lunch drink, followed by a traditional Christmas dinner. After lunch there will be an opportunity to watch the Queen’s speech at 3pm together with other guests. It will help us to plan if you can let us know that you would like to join us. Please get in touch with Christine Suddaby on 01937 849455 (please leave a message if no-one answers), use the reply slip below, or email Christine at Nearer the time you can let us know if you require transport Please come and join us! Fill in the details below and leave it at Bramham Medical Centre, the Village Shop or the Church. Or you can pop it through Bramham Village Hall letter box or send it to Christine Suddaby at 21 Firbeck Road, Bramham.

Your Name………………………………………………………………. Your Address…………………………………………………………… Your phone no…………………………………………………………. Any Dietary requirements……………………………………….. I would like transport………………………………………………. I will be accompanied by…………………………………………. 15


DRINGHLINGTON BRASS BAND BRAMHAM Park 7.00 pm Wed. 12th December There are just a few tickets left for this annual concert the cost is £20. If you would like a ticket please book one now—contact Anne Palmer 01937 842850 Also if you have already purchased a ticket, but now find that you cannot attend please can you return it to Anne asap. There is always a waiting list. MONDAY CLUB 1.30pm The next meeting will be On Monday in the Supper Room of the 3rd December in The Village Hall—Party Time Everyone is welcome to this 842321

THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION 19th December in the Supper Room A Christmas Party Hosted by The Committee 7.15 pm



Iris Dew Celebration of life 4 September 2018 I would like to say a huge thank you for all the hard work leading up to Mum’s Memorial Service at All Saints Church and her Celebration of Life afterwards. Everyone involved came together so enthusiastically and gave freely of their time and talents. Many intricate strands were woven together by so many people behind the scenes to achieve such a perfect day. It just couldn’t have happened without you all. Thank you so much to everyone who gave their time to come along on the day to share the happy times and the inevitable grief. The memory of this day has made a deep impression on my heart for ever. Bramham is such a wonderful, inspirational village of which Mum loved being a part. You all did her proud. Andrea

Bramham Drama Group News, 2018

This year’s pantomime is Wizard of Oz, written by Leonard Caddy and directed by Fiona Henderson. Tickets will be on sale from early October. Please order your tickets as soon as possible – in previous years we had some disappointed residents who didn’t order early enough, and found their chosen performance was sold out. Performances and ticket prices (sorry, no concessions) are as follows:• Weds 5 December at 7.30 £6 • Thurs 6 December at 7.30 £6 • Friday 7 December at 7.30 £8 • Sat 8 December at 2pm £8 Sat 8 December at 7.30 £10 Please contact Betty Box Office for tickets on 07747 778536. Please text or leave a message if there is no answer and she will return your call. Or you can book by emailing details of the tickets you want to Payment taken in cash, cheque or by card.



REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Sunday 11. 11. 2018 Bramham Village celebrated this special anniversary in a memorable way. The Morning Service was supported by the Uniformed Groups and there Leaders. At 11.00 am the traditional 2 minutes silence was kept at the War Memorial and the wreathes were laid by many village organisations. Thanks to Stanley Menzies for conducting the service, Simon Noble the organist and for the playing the Last Post. The Readers and the children who read poems. The Lighting of the Beacon on the Windmill Hill field at 7.00pm. The Community Action Group offer huge thanks to :Bramham Park for allowing us to use the field, James Ingham for building and lighting the bonfire, Sainsbury’s of Tadcaster for supplying bread rolls, Sykes House Farm for the delicious sausages. Tony Lawn for the onions, Folly Allotments for the pumpkin soup—with just a little spice to keep us warm. Oat Cuisine for the scrummy flapjacks. The Village Hall Committee for the bar, the Cub Scouts and Beavers for their wonderful Roll Call. Nick Morgan for the reading, Simon Noble for playing the Last Post. Nick Young for the loan of cones and everyone who came along to support this special event.

And finally thanks to the Action Group for organising this memorable event. Our special thanks to all the Ladies who provided the knitted poppies for the Church display, Porch and around the Lych Gate. Thank you. They looked amazing and we all learnt about the purple Poppies — which were for the animals who served in that dreadful World War. Thank you to everyone for making this Anniversary special.



CAROLS AROUND THE TREE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE IN THE SQUARE Friday 21st December 7.15 pm Mulled wine and Mince Pies—bring a torch A collection for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance

BRAMHAM IN BLOOM News Update………… Thank you to all residents who attended the Bramham in Bloom AGM on Wed. 24th Oct. There was a short review of activities and projects throughout 2017-2018. Our involvement in the community, our horticultural achievements and concentration on protection of the environment encapsulates the very purpose of Bramham in Bloom. Next year we will continue to concentrate on ways we can save on maintenance of all planted areas and displays. Our small group of volunteers is unable to keep all beds open. We will close down Bowcliffe flower beds but we will replace them with an alternative display. New volunteers will be able to join different groups of volunteers in specific village areas. More on that in the New Year. Many village groups took advantage of the free donations of daffodil bulbs from The Arium which will enhance areas around Bramham in the Spring. Please keep the flower beds leaf free over the winter and continue to admire the floral displays at the Cenotaph, the village square troughs, the Church troughs , Wetherby Road beds, the rockeries on Lyndon Road and in the Senior Citizen Garden particularly the new flower sculptures in the garden. MAY WE WISH A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE IN THE VILLAGE AND A HUGE THANK YOU FROM THE BRAMHAM IN BLOOM COMMITTEE. Lynne Marshall Dec 2018



Carol Service Sunday 23rd December 6,30pm All Saints’ Church

Followed by mulled wine and mince pies All Welcome!

THE CRIB SERVICE Christmas Eve at 3.00pm

Bramham Church

We invite all children to dress up in any nativity costume. if they would like to, especially if they would like to join in on the day. Are there any children who might be interested in reading a few words or lines of the nativity play or who would like to take part without speaking, please will you email Always a very popular service do come early. This event was the highlight of the year in 2017!!!! 25



Saturday mornings up at the pavilion are a fun time. The field is full of children playing football, and in the pavilion the hot drinks and bacon butties go down well, and we all enjoy a chat. Just a few of us cover run the kitchen and it would be lovely to have a few more helping sometimes. Would you come along occasionally and give another volunteer a hand? It doesn’t have to be every week, just now and again would be a big help. The funds raised all go into a ring-fenced ’pot’ to keep the pavilion running as a Bramham village facility. We’re a friendly lot! Don’t be shy! If you might be interested call 07731 822562 for a chat, or email Val - Thank you Bramham Pavilion Committee

WETHERBY CHORAL SOCIETY INVITE YOU TO The Messiah concert on Saturday 15th December 7.30pm at St James’ Church Wetherby 27

With Thanks To Pete Dunn For his Second Seasonal Poem.

I'll tell you a true festive story, As you sit round the table and munch, Why this Christmas day in Bramham Some old folks have turkey for lunch It started last year on Christmas Eve, Coming up 'bout quarter past two. Santa was stuck in a hamper After he'd been on a bit of a do. Stanley and Mick and young Ian 'ad got into a bit of a fix, But Santa 'ad come to their rescue For just twelve pound, ten shilling and six. This time Committee hoped things would be different, They'd been planning for nigh on a year. They'd sorted invites, supplies and logistics, Leavin' plenty o' time for a beer Now just when they thought they might finish, And last knockings were almost in sight, Christine 'ad unloaded toboggan, And she found she were five turkeys light. Now this discovery quite upset Christine, She muttered a little swear word, Then sent for t' Christmas Tree fairy, To magic up one giant bird. "Ee by gum", said Christine to t'fairy, "It looks like our turkeys have flown, But in the absence of wing and tail feathers, They couldn't 'ave gone on her own." "Oh Bugger" replied little fairy. Which were really quite un-fairy-like. "I'll have to make tracks back t' Sykes Farm." And with that she jumped on her bike. "Hold on just a minute" cried Christine, But fairy 'ad shot off in a flash, So quick that she'd gone and forgotten That she needed to pay 'em in cash. Now I could 'ave told you for nothing There were trouble to come, mark my words, For fairy weren't that educated, In the genus and species of birds. Well Christine 'ad waited for hours 'Till 'er patience were running out like. Then at last she saw t' fairy in distance, But t'fairy wasn't riding her bike.


Now Christine wasn't an expert On methods of transport as such, But she knew about Struthioniformes In other words it were a bloomin' Ostrich Fairy 'ad arrived at the farm shop, Realised she 'adnt got any bread, Offered her bike in exchange for a turkey, Got given an ostrich instead. Now before you think old folks were served ostrich, I'll tell you the rest of my tale, 'Cause once more Santa came to the rescue And fairy she got out of jail. So........ Christine's face it got redder and redder, She developed a sort of a twitch, The glow from 'er nose outshone Rudolf And it put frights up the poor yon ostrich. "Whoa nah then steady" said fairy quite kindly, But ostrich soon scarpered in fear, For it knew what happened to big birds On this day, at this time o' year Now Santa had heard the whole story When he called in for 'is traditional pork pie, So he pulled a few strings wi' butchers And everyone heaved a great sigh. But Christine hadn't quite forgiven poor fairy, So t'fairy said, quite contrite, "What can I do to make it up to thee?" And Christine's eyes they shone with delight. Christmas tree were covered in tinsel An' decorations donated from shops, But Christine drew fairy's attention t'fact, That there were nowt to put on the top. The fairy she looked up at Christine And her face it turned a mite red, And then, like a good little fairy, She went and she did as she said. So now at the end of Christmas Day We can say it wouldn't be t'same, Without the kindness of Mrs Dalton And our fairy, Mrs Wray is her name! Pete Dunn


Above and below stairs at the Linton Antique Society You may have seen actor and storyteller Chris Cade at the National Railway Museum or at other venues in various guises but ON Thursday 13 December he appears at Linton Memorial Hall at 8pm as the butler at Brodsworth Hall in 1871, ready to divulge the secrets behind the organisation of a great house. There are new members of staff to engage and manage, and though a butler is a very important person, we must remember that some of us are born to serve and others to be served… As Christmas is nigh, there is music and refreshments too! Entrance is £7 for non-members but why not join the Society? Annual membership of £25 (individual) or £45 (joint) gives access to all talks in the season and the opportunity to participate in private visits and attend the Spring Lunch. To join, contact Jennie Westerman on 01937 572714 or download the membership form on the Society’s website, You can also join at any meeting. Next Meeting: Thursday 10 January Rococo Silver and Some Revelations About Its Owners with Ralph Hoyle


Children’s Christmas Workshop Saturday 15th December 10.00 am till 12.30 pm at Bramham Village Hall Age range 2 to 10 Years Children to be accompanied by Responsible Adult. Separate Soft Play area for Mums and Tots. Activities: Christmassy Crafts including Card and Tree ornament making; Cup cake Decoration; Tombola Ticket price £4. per child to include Children’s picnic type lunch with drink. Tickets available from Mums & Tots Group, the Shop, or by contacting Linda Matthews 01937 541899 Refreshments available Organised by Bramham Pavilion Committee.


Sing BRAMHAM We rehearse every Tuesday at. 7.00 pm during term time in Church. We will welcome new singers do come along and join us. Lynne Marshall 844767

If you have a car and a little time to spare then we'd love to hear from you The WiSE Transport Scheme provides a cost effective way for the over 60's to get to appointments, meet friends and attend the wide variety of social activities that the WiSE area has to offer. With around 200 clients registered to use the service, we need additional volunteer drivers covering a geographical area from Wetherby in the North, Thorner in the South, Harewood in the East to Walton in the West. You won't need to commit to specific times or days so you'll have lots of flexibility and we'll allocate you a client within close proximity to where you you think you could help? In return for your time, our clients will cover your journey costs and you'll be able to meet lovely, local people and do something really meaningful in your community. To find out more please contact Bridget Tasker, our WiSE Transport Coordinator, by calling the WiSE office on 01937 222066. Alternatively please email her at



Sing Bramham have been invited to sing Christmas Carols at Wetherby Manor Christmas Fair on Sunday 2nd December between 2.00- 4.00 pm. On Thursday 20th Dec at 2.00 pm the singing group have also been invited to sing carols at ‘The Cuttings’ …….. a new Care Home in Harrogate. CAROL SERVICE AT ALL SAINTS’CHURCH BRAMHAM SUNDAY 23rd DECEMBER AT 6.30 pm. The service will be followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Everyone is welcome to come along and take part.

Are you trying to avoid plastic—then buy your milk in bottles! Bryn Wilson delivers Bottles of Milk to your doorstep in Bramham three times a week, also available Eggs, Bread, Water, Fruit Juice and of course Milk and Cream. Average price for milk 60p. Editor’s comment

Ring Bryn on 07809 110568

You will be helping the Dairy Farmers and saving the planet


THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome. Contact Jeremy Kendal 843520

The full Service Rota for all churches in the Benefice is displayed on the Church Notice Board beside the Lych Gate For full details about Youth Activities see the Benefice website or contact Kate Kennedy 843718 For any information about the Churches please contact the Parish Office 844402 34

BUSINESS FOR SALE – BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE AND POST OFFICE Due to the owner wishing to eventually work part time this very well-established business is now up for sale. The Post Office supplies a range of traditional services including personal banking, pensions, benefits, utility payments, postage and returns acceptance, all from a secure single position fortress counter. The retail side of the business provides an extensive selection of general convenience grocery items, fresh bought-in bakery and dairy products, snack foods, news, confectionary and tobacco lines, greeting cards, sundries and a range of traditional beers, wines and spirits, all displayed in a bright, welcoming mini-supermarket-style customer service area. In a recent village survey, “Bramham Village Store and Post Office” was voted the biggest asset to the village. Details: For Sale as a Ltd Co at: offers around £90,000 Tenure: Leasehold Business Rates: None, qualify for small business rate relief 5* Food Hygiene Rating Energy Performance Certificate available as required under current Government legislation The premises has a full Post Office approved alarm system

To discuss the above or for further detailed information contact Lynn on 07943 812650 or e-mail bramhamvillagestore@btinternetcom


THE LEEDS LIBRARY SERVICE MOBILE VAN LYNDON ROAD Every Saturday morning 10.15 am—11.15 am

MUMS & TOTS They meet every Wednesday between 10.0 am and 11.30 am at the Pavilion. Contact Linda Matthews for Information. 01937 541899

ARTHRITIS RESEARCH UK Our sale of books is ongoing. We currently have the book unit in Sainsbury’s, Tadcaster and we are making £100 per week. We also have sales at York Hospital, Crossgates Shopping Centre and Wetherby. BOOKS WANTED If you have any books you could donate—please ring Sheila Clayton on 01937 842954 to arrange collection.



BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30

Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed

Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th December, . It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not

as a pdf. NB This Magazine is available on ISSUU Facebook and Parish website


What’s on in Bramham in December? 3rd Monday Club 1.30 village Hall 5,6,7,8 Village Panto Village Hall Every Wednesday Mums and Tots 10am—11.30 am 10th Village Hall AGM 8.00pm 12th Parish Council Meeting—Pavilion Drighlington Brass Band – B. Park 7.00 15th Children’s Workshop Pavilion 19th YCA Christmas Party 7.15 21st Carols around The Tree –The Square 23rd Church Carol Service 6.30pm 24th Crib Service 3.00 pm Church 25th

Special Lunch in the Village Hall 12.30 pm CHURCHYARD

One flower pot per grave

We are extremely fortunate to have a small band of people who cut the grass on a regular basis. However it is very inconvenient to have extra plant pots and ornaments on the grave plot. Another hazard is glass, this is very dangerous for the people cutting the grass, also one or two people are putting gravel near the Ashes Garth, this is dangerous for anyone using a strimmer. Please do not leave glass or gravel in the churchyard. The contents of the large sacks in the grave yard are sent for compost and other items should not be placed in these sacks. Therefore Dog excrement, glass and plastic is a major nuisance. Please take this home and place in your own dustbins. RULES FOR THE CHURCHYARD are on the bookshelf at the back of Church.


Sunday 2nd December Holy Communion BCP 8am St Mary’s Boston Spa Benefice Holy Commumion 10am All Saints’ Bramham Friday 7th December Holy Communion BCP 10am All Saints’ Bramham Sunday 9th December Holy Communion BCP 8am All Saints’ Thorp Arch Parish Nativity 10am St Peter’s Walton followed by Holy Communion 11am Sunday 16th December Holy Communion BCP 8am St Mary’s Boston Spa Lay Led Service 10am All Saints’ Bramham Benefice Carol Service 4pm St Marys’ Boston Spa Sunday 23rd December Holy Communion BCP 8am All Saints’ Bramham Carol Service 6.30 pm All Saints’ Bramham Christmas Eve 24th December Crib Service 3pm All Saints’ Bramham Midnight Service 11pm St Mary’s Boston Spa Midnight Service 11.30pm All Saints’ Thorp Arch Christmas Day Holy Communion BCP 8am St Mary’s Boston Spa Holy Communion 10am All Saints’ Bramham Boxing Day Lay Led Service 10.30am St Mary’s Boston Spa Sunday 30th December Benefice Service 10am St Mary’s Boston Spa Sunday 6th January Holy Communion BCP 8am. St Mary’s Boston Spa Holy Communion 10am. All Saints Bramham Christingle Service 4pm. All Saints’ Bramham


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