August 2014 Magazine

Page 1

All Saints’ Church

Bramham Parish News

Photo Ernest Nichols

© Copyright All Saints' Church Bramham

August 2014 Issue 139

2 Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Peter Bristow

Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa………………………………………………………………..…. 842454 Rev’d Andy Grant Curate, The Vicarage, Thorpe Arch…………………………………………………………. 541272 Rev’d Trisha Anslow………. Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa…………………………………………………………… 844789 Rev’d Stanley Menzies……. Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham…………………………………… 541047

Churchwardens………………Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park…………………………… 0113 2892790 Deputy Churchwarden……... Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………………………………… 842850 Treasurer…………………….. Mary Clerehugh……………………………………………………………………...…….0113 2441483 Secretary…………………….. Val Clerehugh, Pear Tree Cottage, 1 Windmill Road, Bramham……………………….…. 841150 VCC Members………………. Kate Lofthouse, Gillian Young, Stephen Spencer, Dolly Mullen, Jillian Lawson, Nigel Kitchen, Yvonne Gibson Magazine Editor…………….. Gillian Young, 62 Lyndon Road, Bramham………………………………………….. 843129 Organist……………………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth……………………………………. 0113 2867998 Church Flowers…………….. Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham…………………………………………… 918725 Deanery Synod……………… Jillian Lawson…………………………………………………………………………... 844858 Stepping Stones…………..…Jennie Saynor, Mount House, Willow Lane, Clifford LS23 6JN……………… Group Office………………….Glenda Webb (Office open Monday-Wednesday 11.00 am to 1.00pm)……………


WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..Chairman: Stewart Gibson………………………………………………………………. 845084 Hall Bookings…………………………………………………………………………….. 07432 330972 Magazine Editor……………..Gillian Young……………………………………………………………………………… 843129 Drama Group………………...Secretary: Christine Suddaby…………………………………………………………... 849455 Sports & Leisure Asscn……..Lindsey Cannon: Secretary……………………………………………………………… 541242 Football Club………………….Dave Jacklyn…………………………………………………………………………….. 07809 561199 Guides…………………………Sarah Clayton Brownies…………………… Sam Fenwick-Scott……………………………………………………………………….07984 672624 Explorer Scouts……………. Justin Atkinson………………………………………………………………………….... 541727 Scouts………………………. Jason Turner (Skip)………………………………………………………………………. 842181 Beavers…………………….. Deborah Atkinson………………………………………………………………………….07944 728399 Cubs………………………… Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………………………………………………..07787 113154 Bramham Primary School… School Administrator Kelly Mosley: Head Teacher Sue Pyatt: …………………….. Deputy Head Teacher Laura Ridsdale: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan…………..


Bramham Parish Council….. Valerie Whitbread - Chair 541075…………………………………………………………… 541075 Keith Innocent 841197. Alison Mackie 07725 641000. John Dickson 842706. Scott Jones 07779 412817. June Halliday 845564. Fiona Henderson 843197. Stephen Kitchen 843980. Ian Dalton 849455 Clerk Parish Council

Marie Lynch…………………………………………………………………………………

Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Asscn Anne Topping Chair 844529 Jean Dale Secretary 842533 Bramham in Bloom………. Ernest Nichols …….………………………………………………………………………. Community Action Group… Keith Innocent………………………………………………………………………………. Monday Club………………. Mavis Wilson………………………………………………………………………………… Readers Group……………. Jillian Lawson 844858 & Marion Hogg 844191 Bramham Shop & Post Office...Lynne Williams…..……………………………………………………………………...

Bramham Parish News Team Editor Deputy Editor Advertising Treasurer Distribution Proof Readers Printers

Gillian Young Waiting to be filled Paul Marshall Jillian Lawson Anne & Paul Topping Write Design & Print

01937 843129

01937 844767 01937 844858

01937 588198

841328 841195 841197 842321 842275


Clergy Letter from Rev’d Peter Bristow THE CHALLENGE OF PRAYER: THE RENEWAL OF POLITICS. From the comfort of our living rooms we are witnessing the disintegration of large parts of the Middle East. In addition to recent wars following hard on decades of despotic rule, corrupt government and the historical compromises of 19th and 20th century geopolitical arrangements, we stand helplessly by as millions of people suffer the brutalising consequences of inadequate government and the evils of Islamic fundamentalism. Some are feeling angry that so many of our young soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan and are asking, what was the point of their sacrifice? Nearer to home the debate about Scottish independence begins to intensify as does the debate about whether or not the UK should stay in European Community. With regards to the latter issues there is even the irony that some politicians can hold to the principles of ‘unity’ and ‘separation’ at the same time. At this time we are also commemorating significant events from two world wars and remembering the immense and heroic suffering and efforts of our fathers and grandfathers. It is no wonder we feel confused and, given our relative prosperity, even guilty, before the insurmountable problems of our world. We can just shrug our shoulders and say these great matters of national and international concern are beyond us and are the responsibility of the political classes. The impasse we can feel when facing crises beyond our control and sphere of influence can lead to a passive sense of indifference and inevitability. This cannot

be the attitude of the believing Christian. Jesus Christ is Lord of the world and universe, the victory over evil and death is already His. If we cannot surrender these worldly situations to God through our prayer, then He cannot produce new solutions and bring about new and exciting possibilities for peace through us. The world is not God’s chess board, He invites us to co-operate with Him and our prayer relationship with Him is crucial. We are the hands, feet, eyes and mouth of Christ today. The whole of the Bible speaks to us of a God who loves us with immeasurable love, who calls us to know Him and love Him in return. At the beginning of the Book of Genesis we are reminded that there was ‘original grace’ before there was ‘original sin’ and that in creating men and women, God was blessing humanity with divine authority to echo His ways and create loving community and harmony on earth. It is only when we bring the ‘hopelessness’ and ‘helplessness’ of the world and ourselves to God in prayer, to the perspective of the God who loves us, that we can see how our society can begin to change and become aware of the freedom, healing and new vision which is forever God’s invitation to us. In the face of so much suffering the question arises, ‘But does God hear our prayer?’. God is in us and where we are, God is. Through prayer we can begin to see worldly matters from His perspective. Through prayer we can begin to understand His intentions and see something of His solutions to the problems and challenges we are facing. Continued on page 5


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5 Continued from page 3

Without our faith in Christ’s victory over death and its articulation in prayer, the human condition and its politics would remain irredeemable. The selfishness and corruption of sectional interests are forever present, but it is our prayer that inspires, challenges and generates new life. The path to God which is not a way back to our neighbours in places such as Syria and Iraq is a denial of the God who is always with us; and He is a God who saves. God is not only concerned for our spiritual welfare, He is the God of everything. Our prayer is about transforming the face of the earth into the face of Christ. It is about challenging the corruption of politics and it is especially about the renewal of politics.

overwhelming importance of what is good, true and wholesome. Prophecy, the gift of being able to read and understand the signs of the time (so consequently sometimes ‘foretelling’ what might be) arises out of our prayer, and the prophet is the one who breaks open the good – but challenging – news of God’s living, loving word for the people of our day. Our prayer can overcome the brutalising forces of ISIS and the corruption of power politics by channelling and focussing God’s love through us to a situation. It is through prayer that we discover in Christ the God who is truth and goodness and is none other than our neighbour in need, crying out to be saved and healed.

St. Thomas Aquinas said, through prayer we open our minds and hearts to the

The Rev. Peter E. Bristow

THANK YOU FOR THE SCARECROW TRAIL Sunday the 22nd June 2014 proved to be a real community occasion. The village streets and byways were crowded and villagers went to parts of Bramham they hadn’t been to before or for years. All generations were out and about and they enjoyed being together. And all this togetherness was brought about by the Scarecrow Trail and thanks must go to Lin Tritschler for the imagination and to all who provided the joyful and expressive scarecrows. We live in a time when communal joys need to be revalued and restored. We need to treasure our sense of place because it shapes us and is fundamental to who we are. It also reminds us that we share this place with our neighbours. Sharing is one of the great community joys and the Scarecrow Trail gave us the experience of sharing as being about enjoyment in common with our neighbours. These relationships need to be developed and sustained. Sunday the 22nd June set the marker high. Let us keep it there. Revd Stanley Menzies

BRAMHAM READERS GROUP Forthcoming meeting: Tuesday 19th August in The Swan, Bramham at 7.30 pm We will be discussing “The Chessmen” by Peter May New members always welcome: contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858


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7 LADIES OF THE BENEFICE RETREAT AT WYDALE HALL Rest, Recuperation and………Rain!!!! The weather did its best for 48 hours over 3 days to dampen the experience for 12 ladies and Rev Trish. Wydale Hall also did its best with food, comfort and friendship during the same 3 days and Wydale won! As a new venture for many of the ladies, the retreat was just what they wanted - rest and recuperation; but they could have done without the rain. The merry band of twelve ladies, many of whom did not know each other, managed to strike up many a lively conversation in the lovely library and cosy sofa in the hallway. The benefice seemed a smaller and more intimate place at the end of the time there. With an accent on ‘Ladies’ there was story time with the Book of Ruth, a time shift explanation of Ruth’s experience with her Mother-in-law and the redemption of God’s people in Jesus and his sacrifice for us all. The ‘activities’ concluded with a time to listen and reflect on passages from the Bible featuring women. Time was measured by Morning Prayer and Night Prayer- a timeless cycle that wraps around all our days and the world. There was a space made for everyone to celebrate the Eucharist on the final morning. You can’t imagine how much chatting, eating and drinking was fitted into the spaces between activities, walking (yes, in the rain) and dozing! All of this seemed to suit our Ladies of the Benefice to such an extent that it seems likely to become an annual event. Perhaps you would like to join us next May? Rev’d Trish

BRAMHAM CALENDAR FOR 2015 We hope you have all been taking photographs in this glorious summer days for next year’s Calendar.!!! Our village and the surrounding areas will feature in the 2015 Calendar and we need your help to ensure a great production. Without your photographs, we cannot produce it. Our Calendars go all over the country and the world as we send them to friends and family members. It is a lovely reminder of our parish and gives a sense of place. The production of the Calendar is one of our church’s main fund raiser, so please keep taking photographs and hand them in to the Village Store by the 30th August. There will be prizes for the best three entries and judging will take place on 6th September when all the photographs will be on view in the Church from 10.00 am. Stanley Menzies


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Stepping Stones July’s Stepping Stones was a celebration of the end of the school year. Everybody sat in the early evening sunshine enjoying fish & chips in Bramham’s wonderful Church yard. Afterwards, everyone was able to enjoy a cup of tea or juice, whilst Reverend Andy told the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. The story is an interesting one, recounting the vanity of a king who thought he should be worshipped rather than God. Daniel who continued to pray to God was thrown into the lion’s den for defying the king. Of course it all went wrong, and God saved the day (and Daniel) by keeping the lion’s mouth shut. The king realised his error, and Daniel was not eaten, unlike the fantastic fish & chips (sorry you didn't get a sausage Thomas!) provided with thanks by Kirkgate Fish & chip shop in Tadcaster. Whilst on the subject of thanks, we forgot to acknowledge the support given to us by Cyclesense in Tadcaster for providing a bike for the scarecrow display last month. Thank you Cyclesense.. The Stepping Stones children attend Bramham, Boston Spa (St Mary’s and Primrose Lane) and Thorp Arch schools. More children are attending, and these sessions are becoming increasingly popular. The theme for Stepping Stones is always linked to the Family Service the following Sunday – these services are very relaxed and child friendly. Any child is welcome to attend regardless of if they attend any Church or not. It is simply a way of meeting other families in a relaxed friendly environment. We are having a break for summer; the next session is on Friday 12th September at All Saints Church - 5.30pm. The Family Service takes place at All Saints every second Sunday (14th September) at 10am. For more information please contact Jennie Saynor All Saints Church Bramham, serving Bramham’s Community for over 860 years. Jennie Saynor


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11 BRAMHAM GALA This years Gala was held on Saturday June 28th and despite the rain lots of people came along. Those that were there were treated to a fantastic display from Ben Potters Birds of Prey display which included a vulture that wanted to walk everywhere and a falcon that flew around the arena and swooped down to the handler missing heads by inches!!

The Supreme Starlets Majorettes once again gave two great performances, we really appreciate their support as they have been with us almost since we started the Galas. The NSPCC laid on a superb barbecue with burgers and hot dogs, we are pleased to say that they sold out so clearly everyone enjoyed the food. The beer tent was busy and we had lager as well as real ale laid on. Music from Nyk, Keith and Fiona entertained the customers in the bar until well into the late afternoon. There were plenty of stalls and sideshows along with traditional games such as the coconut shy and splat the rat, Bouncy castles and Zorb Balls. Thanks to all the groups that came and had a stall. I want to thank all the helpers. We are lucky to have people in the village who are willing to help us setting up, running it and dismantling. For helping setting up dismantling I would like to thank lots of people including Chris & Bob Gibson, Mark & Jo Ogden, Emma, Kieran & Rob Sanderson, Chris & Mick Wray, Reg McDonald, Ian Dalton, Emma Hunter and Paul Topping. Continued on page 13


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13 Bramham Gala continued from page 11

Thanks to those who manned stalls during the Gala, Val & John Whitbread, Marie & John Lynch, Chris & Bill Goodliffe, Kate & James Pirie, Mrs Swales and Beth Frankland who also provided us with a lot of the games we used. Thanks to Scott Jones, Lee Blanchard, Paul Marshall and Kevin Coggan who did a great job on car park duties. Thanks to some of our sponsors, Nyk Hall from APS Clothing who supplied the T shirts for our design a t-shirt stall. Barbara Baker for giving us some wine for the tombola. Sainsbury’s for supplying the children's games prizes. I hope I have mentioned everyone but thanks to everyone that came. Most of all I want to thank my wife and co committee member, Vicky for all her help and support and coping with my stress for the weeks leading up the day! Lets hope next year we have better weather and more people come to ensure we keep it going. Don’t forget if you don’t use it you lose it!! Keith Innocent Bramham Community Action Group

HarvestFest St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa Flowers, Music and More…

26th to 28th September 2014 Friday 26th VIP Preview Evening - ticket only Preview of flower displays, music, wine and canapés. Saturday 27th Open from 10am-4pm Flower displays, stalls, festival café, children’s activities, musical performances. Sunday 28th Community Celebration Service 10am Open from 12noon - 4pm Flower displays, musical festival, café open for hot lunches and afternoon teas.


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15 CALLING ALL LOCAL BUSINESSES OWNERS... It's that time of year again - I'm organising sponsorship for the Bramham Beer Festival. We have a few options this year... the band, the beermats and the glasses have already been sponsored. Here are the other options: 1) Whole Festival (banners everywhere, logos on all the advertising and banners, big mention in all local advertising, full page advert in programme, etc.) = £1,000 2) Sponsorship of the bar (banner placed underneath the bar in the Hall on the day provided by sponsor, full page advert in programme, etc.) = £200 3) Sponsorship of the Food (banner placed in the supper room, underneath the food hatch, full page advert in programme, etc.) = £200 4) £100 Sponsor a barrel (A full page advert in programme, logo on barrel) = £100 5) £50 Sponsor a barrel (A half page advert in programme, logo on barrel) = £50 6) £30 Sponsor a barrel (Name in programme, logo on barrel) = £30 Please let me know if you'd be willing to do it again, or if you're a new business - GET INVOLVED!!! Give me a shout and I'll email details.

Rebecca Zimmerman

Tel: 07932 957806 SCARECROWS


Unfortunately I was not around for the weekend but did manage to see most of the displays on the Monday.

We had our usual stall at the Gala and raised just £1 short of £200. Many thanks for your support by purchasing the plants. Hope they are growing well!

No I wasn’t impressed I was overwhelmed by the number of entries the quality, and ingenuity of the designers.

As in the past the plants were provided by Leeds City Council Parks and Countryside at no cost to us.

As the organizer, I am sure Lin must have been very pleased with the result which gave a lot of pleasure to the residents and the children in particular.

A Great Event Ernest Nichols

Many thanks to Keith and his team for all their hard work in preparing for the Gala, which was, as usual not only very entertaining but gave a great feeling of “community” Looking forward to next year. Bramham in Bloom Committee


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Flowers by Philip

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Bramham Parish Council

July 2014 Update ....communica ng with residents

To all Bramham residents: Here is the update from our July Parish Council meeting, and latest developments: Bramham celebrations: We would like to thank the NSPCC committee for organising a wonderful weekend in Bramham to celebrate the Tour de France, with the French evening, scarecrow trail, and picnic. And thank you to all of the other village groups that took part. This really was Bramham at its best, with everyone coming together to make it a very special time. Thank you too, to Keith Innocent and the Community Action Group for putting on another excellent gala, the amount of hard work that goes into this is amazing. It was also good to see some new residents becoming involved, do contact Keith if you are interested in helping with future events. Pavilion: We have appointed a Quantity Surveyor to produce a schedule of works to complete the pavilion. We have requested documentation from the BSLA with regards to the build that would help us to progress matters quickly and avoid incurring some significant costs but unfortunately this has so far not been forthcoming. We will continue to press ahead with the outstanding works and assure you that it will be done as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated on progress. Playground: We reported last month that our application for a grant from Grantscape towards refurbishment of the playground was unsuccessful. We are now investigating other possible sources of grants, before considering a reduced cost alternative or using more of the option monies. Leeds Festival: Councillor Fiona Henderson is maintaining a waiting list for anyone who was unsuccessful in the ticket allocation. Further details with regards to ticket delivery etc. will be updated on our website Next Meeting: The Parish Council does not meet in August, but we will still be progressing all of the issues above. Next meeting is Wednesday 3rd September, 7.30 pm in the Senior Citizens’ Centre. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website Contact:

Marie Lynch Bramham Parish Clerk

E mail: Address: 1 Fossards Close, Bramham, LS23 6WD Website:


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19 YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Our speaker in June was Sarah Grindall from Yorkshire Water who gave us a very interesting talk, with slides on all aspects of the supplying of our water, including advice on how to save it. June was a busy month for us with first our serving of refreshments at the Senior Citizens Centre on Bramham Scarecrow Day and then our cake stall at Bramham Gala.

Both these efforts were a great success, entirely due to all our members who contributed so generously with their time and, not least, so many cakes! There will be no meeting in August but we have been invited to join Shadwell Branch for afternoon tea and get-together on Friday 8th August at 2 pm in Shadwell Village Hall. Any members wishing to go or needing a lift, please contact the Committee. Jean Dale

STROLL IN THE PARK 2014 Despite the weather doing all it could to disrupt proceedings we want to thank all of the brave souls that came to the Stroll in the Park on Saturday the 19th. Your kind support turned what might have been a tragedy into another enjoyable event. We are most grateful to all of you who brought cakes and buns that went well with the hot drinks and helped swell the funds. Yorkshire strawberries which were supplied by Makin’s at Garforth were a big hit with all who indulged. There were star appearances from Rachel Foster our face painter and Simon Noble, our church organist, and his friends. A big thank you to our band of loyal and very hard working volunteers without whom we would not have survived. The Raffle Prize of a family ticket to the Bramham Horse Trials in 2015 kindly donated by Mr Nick and the Honorable Mrs Rachel Lane-Fox was won by a pink ticket number 450. Chips Browning

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Sunday Services at Bramham All Saints for August 3rd August

7th after Trinity

10.00 am Holy Communion

10th August

8th after Trinity

10.00 am Benefice Service at All Saints’ Bramham

17th August

9th after Trinity

10.00 am Benefice Service at All Saints’ Thorp Arch

24th August

10th after Trinity

8.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Benefice Service at St Mary’s Boston Spa

31st August

11th after Trinity

10.00 am Benefice Service at St Peter’s Walton

Week Day Services Holy Communion at All Saints Bramham Friday 1st August at 10.00 am Any alteration to Services will be announced in Church or detailed on the notice board

The following children who were baptised In All Saints’ Bramham celebrate their birthdays in august 17th August 2008 17th August 2008 17th August 2007 20th August 2003 20th August 2005 22nd August 2012 22nd August 2012 28th August 2007 30th August 2003 31st August 2003

Joseph Oliver Roberts Joseph William Hill Poppy Stephanie Jaye Burton Holly Martha Fornsworth Jacob Noel Barritt Susan Elizabeth Harper Clara Anna Harper Misha Violet Kitchen Darcy Mia Diclemente Lewis Harvey Hodgson

We wish them a Happy Birthday and Every Blessing RING THE

WEDDING in All Saints’ Church, Bramham

28th June 2014 Andrew Frank Scrivener and Claire Louise Teasdale

We wish them every happiness


Bell Practice nights at All Saints’ Bramham Tuesday 5th August and Tuesday 26th August 7.00 - 8.00 pm

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PAUL BISSETT (T/A Mobile Foot Clinic Limited)

Registered Foot Health Practitioner * * * * * * *

Assessment of foot condition Nails cut, filed & cleared Thickened nails reduced Ingrown & thickened nails treated Corns and hard skin carefully removed Advice & treatment of verruca & fungal infection Therapeutic foot massage after treatment

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Ladies Hairdresser at same address

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All types of alterations undertaken including shortening trousers and dresses

210 High Street, Boston Spa

Please ring 01937 843378


23 From the Book of Remembrance for

All Saints’ Bramham

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints' Bramham for the sick and dying.

On these days of the month of August please pray for the repose of the souls of:- Rev’d Trish Anslow 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 11th 17th 19th 20th 21st 23rd 25th 31st

Tel: 01937 844789 or The Parish Office 01937 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those needing a special visit..

Muriel Hudson 1988 Reginald Read Shaw 1936 Florence Ella Eastwood John Francis Stirk 1973 Kenneth Kitson 1995 Kathleen Ware 1997 William Midgeley Tindall 1985 Stanley Clegg 1990 Elsie Cook 1994 Walter Wolf 1998 Lucy Cross 1944 Arthur Noble (Priest) 1989 Charles Mullen 1985 Frederick David Heaton 2000 George Edward Kitchen 2005 Ruth Alexandra Watson 2013 Geoffrey Pemberton 2013 Eric Richardson 1989 Diana, Princess of Wales 1997

READING ROTA FOR AUGUST Sunday 3rd August Sunday 10th August

Jacqui Turner Jillian Lawson

Anyone who is unable to read on their allocated day, please contact Andy Beaumont on 541353 WEDNESDAY


May they Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory

Put the date in your diary if you want to take a load off the shoulders of your relatives!

A NEW LISTENING SERVICE We are going to take the mystery and hard ON THE FIRST MONDAY OF work out of funeral services. No euphemisms, no coy words, it will be all about dying! THE MONTH Over tea and a piece of cake we will look at the funeral service with all its alternatives and listen to readings and hymns. Bring your own ideas for music to help others make a choice. This gives you all some influence over your an own funeral service.

On the first Monday of each month there will be someone with many years experience of helping the bereaved and other issues, available to listen to you. This is not Counselling, simply understanding and confidential listener.

It definitely will not be doom and gloom – it Please feel free to drop in to Bramham will be a convivial afternoon with a useful purpose. Church between 10.00 and 12 noon Molly Browning See you there! Rev Trish


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01937 541727 Climate Controlled Vehicle with Satellite Navigation We serve all the Airports and offer Coastal and longer runs at a very Competitive ÂŁ1.15p per mile 7 days a week 364 days a year (excludes Boxing Day) Visit our website

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Call: Glen Ford 01937 833372

25 YORKSHIRE IN BLOOM SUMMER JUDGING Again the sun shone and the flowers throughout the village looked at their best. A big thank you is due to all our gardeners and helpers for all their hard work. The judges were delighted with the displays at Bowcliffe Road as they entered the village. The Vicar’s scarecrow ‘stand-in’ could be seen admiring the colourful troughs at the church gate. The Jubilee Garden, the Milnthorpe and Wetherby Road beds were shown off to their best in the glorious sunshine. In and around the Village Square the flower beds, baskets and planters looked very attractive. Looking from the Cattle Ramp gardens the judges made favourable comments regarding the bridge and wall baskets and the hanging baskets along Front Street. Apart from the floral displays one of the highlights of the judging was a visit to the Primary School. They were impressed with the plants that the children were growing and that they ate the fresh produce at school. The children were very knowledgeable and the judges commented on their maturity and politeness. Clearly the school, as with the church, plays a very important part in the award that is given to the village. Bramham in Bloom are very grateful to APC Clothing for sponsoring our new hi viz waistcoats for all our gardeners in the village and at the Primary School. Continued on page 26


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PAUL EAMES Plumbing & Heating Engineer

No Messing, Straight Forard, Now't Flash

Your Local Glass Merchants *Mirror -Safety Glass *Bevelled Glass *Shop Fronts *Greenhouse Glass

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Buy your double glazing units direct from us the manufacturers

6 Victoria Street, Wetherby LS22 6RE

Tel: 01937 585683

OW'T TO DO WI GAS, WATTER OR OYL Call Me First on 01937 844108 - 07788 961928 Boiler Bust? Gas Fire Had It? Burst Pipes? Dripping Taps? Call Me Any Time of Day or Night (Evening Service Available) No Daft Fees or Call-out Charges, Honest Reliable and Dead Cheap

Also Good with Dogs Corgi and OFTEC Registered 201833 Water-Gas-LPG-Oil-Solid Fuel

Gary N Yates Painter & Decorator Over 30 years experience No job too small 132 Prince Rupert Drive Tockwith YO26 7PU

All aspects of joinery, building, property alterations, improvements and repairs. • Doors • Windows • Loft Conversion • Extensions • Velux Skylights (5* Accredited Installers)

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Tel 07976 504767

Tel: 01937 541540 Mobile: 07721 785800



27 Bramham in Bloom - Continued from page 25

Many residents came to chat to the judges as we passed time in the Senior Citizens’ Garden. The skeleton on his yellow bike observed the proceedings having missed Le Grand Depart to France! We will not receive the overall result until September but we have high hopes for a favourable result for our community. Bramham in Bloom Committee

BRAMHAM DRAMA GROUP Pantomime Auditions have now taken place for the forthcoming pantomime. This year’s pantomime will be Dick Whittington and will be directed by Dr John Nicholls. The show will be performed from Wednesday 3rd December to Saturday 6th December. Tickets will be available from 1st September from Betty Box Office on 07747 778536 or you can book by emailing Christine Suddaby (secretary)

MONDAY CLUB The next meeting will be Monday 1st September - there will not be a regular meeting of the club in August. Last month our members were invited for afternoon tea and entertainment by teachers and students at Tadcaster Grammar School. The cakes were made by one of the teachers and were absolutely delicious! It was a lovely afternoon and enjoyed by all. There was a free raffle with some lovely prizes and lots of the group went home with beautiful vases of flowers. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Headmaster, the Teachers involved and the Students who put on such a lovely afternoon for us, and entertained us so professionally. Mavis Wilson


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H.C.TOWNSEND & SON Funeral Directors incorporating


ZxÉÜzx ^|àv{xÇ Éy UÜtÅ{tÅ

The Complete Funeral Service

Family Run Business est.1927

A Family Run Business Est. 1808

* Dignified, Caring and Professional Service * Personal Attention Day or Night * Private Chapel of Rest * Pre-funeral Arrangements Tailored to your needs

Tel: 01423 871110 Oakfield House, Tofts Lane, Follifoot, Harrogate HG3 1DY

• 24 Hour Personal Service • Private Chapels Of Rest • Monumental Masonry • Pre-paid Funeral Plans

THORNER: 0113 2892354 GARFORTH: 0113 2862980 WETHERBY: 01937 588888 26 Main Street, Thorner, Leeds, LS14 3DX

“Forget-me-Not” Sumptuous Party Teas and

Elegant Funeral Teas Classic English elegance, tailored to your occasion. Quality Home Baking Pretty China Fresh Flowers Crisp White Linen Handmade Bunting Please call Edie Russell on:

07841 116370 Email:

Sybella De La Fontaine Mezzo Soprano


20 years experience in pet care – share in that experience All pets incl. rabbits, birds etc Family run - Vet recommended All heated + individual outdoor runs Dogs twice daily field walks

DOGGY DAY CARE AVAILABLE RIDING SCHOOL & LIVERY STABLES Lessons for beginners to advanced Full, Part, DIY and Holiday Livery Tel: 844929 or 844165 (but not after 8pm please)

Tony Barker & Sons FUNERAL DIRECTORS est. over 100 years A Personal and Dignified Family Business Private Chapel of Rest at Boston Spa and Tadcaster

84 High Street, Boston Spa Tel: 01937

842574 or 832163


(Organist at Bramham Church)

Singer for Funeral & Memorial Services Well known classical arias and respectful laments

Organist/Pianist & Accompanist

0113 281 10 09 or 0795 620 3578

0113 286 7998


Piano, Keyboard, Organ , Brass & Theory 1 Barleyhill Crescent, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1ED

29 N.S.P.C.C BRAMHAM CELEBRATES TOUR DE FRANCE Bramham Community celebrated the Grand Tour and raised money for the NSPCC. The NSPCC committee would like to thank all the community groups, businesses, individuals and village school who made the weekend such a success. Your generosity has raised close to ÂŁ3,000 for the Charity.

There was a waiting list for the sell-out French Evening in Bramham Village Hall on Saturday night. 140 guests were treated to a champagne reception, followed by a four course meal which had been prepared and served by the 10 strong Bramham NSPCC committee. As if this was not enough, non stop entertainment with a French / Yorkshire flavour was provided throughout the evening by local talent. The cafe scene was set by the accordion duo George Syrett and Sue Wilkinson, the lights dimmed and we were transported to the Parisian nightclub scene. Alison Mackie's troupe of 8 local volunteers" Les Folies de Bramham" made their world debut and raised the roof with their titillating high kicking can can dancing. They were undaunted by the interloper, Matt Suddaby's cameo appearance in the third act. Continued on page 31


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Physiotherapy and

Sports & Injury Clinic AMANDA BUCH Bsc. (Hons) MCSP. SRP.OCPPP Dip.Inj.Th

trainfx Health Club Fitness for a healthy body & mind Enjoy the benefits of keeping fit at your local trainfx health club and gym Unit 718 Thorp Arch Estate Wetherby LS23 7FF

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Evening and Weekend appointments available Member of the organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in

Birthday Gift Vouchers available ÂŁ20-ÂŁ50

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Looking Good on the Outside Feels Great on the Inside

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Acrylic & Gel Nails, Shellac, Minx, Manicure, Pedicure, Waxing, Threading, Brow & Lash Tinting, Lash Extensions, Facials, Micro Dermabrasion, Micro Current, Massage (including Hot Stone), Hopi Ear Candling, Spray Tanning, Make-Up Application

Established supplier of embroidered and printed clothing to schools, clubs, companies, pubs and all organisations.

For the most competitive prices and widest range contact us now Unit 6a, Guardian Park, Station Road Industrial Estate, Tadcaster.

Tel: 01937 833449 Web site:

Call Gail to discuss your requirements on 07977 194 896 15% discount on first treatment

31 Continued from page 29

Bramham Drama Group, once again, showed their versatility with three hilarious Allo Allo sketches ably led by newcomer Rob Freeman in the part of Rene. Cabaret style singer Terri -Ann Prendergast ( a Princes Trust supported business) powerfully delivered a medley of well known numbers and the evening was ably rounded off with a mixture of humour and song, by local Ian Gomersall. Sunday morning saw over 70 scarecrows springing up around the streets and gardens of Bramham. The whole village came alive as throngs of family groups meandered around the village admiring the talents and creativity of their fellow residents. Glorious weather was a bonus for the Yorkshire Countrywomen who served refreshments from the picturesque Senior Citizens centre. We certainly hope to repeat this event next year.

Please will you forward any digital photographs to Neil Ferres who has kindly volunteered to produce a souvenir of the occasion. Maybe there will be an opportunity later in the year to display your printed photos at a coffee morning. A large crowd finished off a highly successful community weekend by turning up on the playing Field with a rug, a picnic and some garden games to share with their neighbours. Lin Tritschler


Please mention this magazine when calling Advertisers JOIN THE FUN ! Window Cleaning and

‘The Fitness League’ in Bramham Village Hall Suitable all ages & all abilities

Garden Maintenance NO JOB TOO SMALL

Exercise to music. - Good for body and mind - Make new friends.

Fully insured, invoices available, friendly local service

Morning classes: Thursday 9.15 – 10.15 a.m.

Free no obligation quotes

Other classes available in Wetherby - Monday & Tuesday. Fully qualified teacher - for more information:

contact Yvonne Gibson 845084

call Dave Metcalfe on 07724 721455

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THE ORIGINAL DOMESTIC GODDESS Domestic Cleaner Reliable, Honest and Trustworthy Bramham and all areas covered

Contact Shirley

0790 390 1473

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WiSE (Wetherby in Support of the Elderly) is a registered charity overseen by a Board of Trustees. We are currently looking for new Trustees to help support the work we do. If you are interested in joining us, the questions and answers below may help you. What skills/abilities should I have if I want to become a Trustee? You will need to be interested in helping to develop work to support older people in Wetherby and the surrounding villages. You might already be a volunteer or have heard about our work from others. You don't need to have a particular skill but if you have then that would be great. What time commitment is involved? The Trustees meet once a month to keep an eye on the strategic development of WiSE's work within the community and, in particular, its relationship with its funder Leeds City Council. In addition to these meetings Trustees also sit on one or more sub committees which focus on specific areas. Most of our existing Trustees are also volunteers with WiSE but that is not a requirement if you want to be a Trustee. How do I find out more? You might want to talk it through with someone before you express an interest. If so please contact Dave Masterman, Chair of Trustees, at the following email address;

34 MUSICAL EVENING At All Saint's’ Church, Bramham

Saturday 13th September at 7.00 pm With Simon & Friends Featuring

The Barley Brass Trio Musical Director Simon Noble also

The Organ & Keyboard Admission Adults £5.00 Children £2.00 Wine and light refreshments will be served in the interval

PILATES Pilates is a form of exercise that works the core muscles, to improve posture and body tone, as well as mobility and flexibility. Moves are done slowly with control and precision. Classes at Bramham Village Hall Tuesday 7.00 pm & 8.15 pm Wednesday 6.00 pm Friday 9.15am & 10.30am - Beginners If you are interested in coming along please contact Fiona Harris

07906 937352 • • • • • •

Quiet country setting Home from home Breakfast Club Meal heating facilities From 18 months Cot facilities

Drop in and see what we have to offer. You will be impressed. c/o St Johns School for the Deaf Church Street, Boston Spa Tel.: 844239 Registered charity: 1041173

YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT DOG WALKER Bryony Law 01937 339413 New customers & Senior Citizens receive a 10% discount,uk

This space available for £35 per year

35 WHAT’S ON IN BRAMHAM 1st Aug 4th Aug 5th Aug 6th Aug 13th Aug 13th Aug 19th Aug 20th Aug 26th Aug 27th Aug 30th Aug 1st Sept 3rd Sept 6th Sept 20th Sept 12th Sept 26/28th Sept 4th Oct 28th Nov 3rd/6th Dec 17th Dec

Pop Quiz The Swan 8.30 pm Bereavement Listening All Saints' Church Bramham 10.00 - 12noon Bell Practice 7.00 - 8.00 pm GREEN BIN BROWN BIN How to plan your own funeral service - St Mary’s Church Boston Spa 2.00 pm Bramham Readers Group The Swan 7.30 pm GREEN BIN Bell Practice 7.00 - 8.00 pm BROWN BIN Last date for photograph entries for the Calendar Monday Club 1.30 Village Hall, Bramham Parish Council Meeting 7.30 pm Senior Citizens Centre Judging of Photographs for 2015 Calendar - Village Hall 10.00 am Bramham Beer Festival Stepping Stones 5.30 Bramham Church HarvestFest S Mary’s Church, Boston Spa Edwina Hayes Concert (details later) Fashion Show by Life and Soul Clothing (details later) Village Pantomime Christmas Brass Band Concert at Bramham Park

Please see new Advertisers this month Page 34 - Furry Frendz (Dog Boarding) and Bramham Pooch Patrol (Dog Walker) BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide: • • • • • • • • • • •

Post Office services, FREE cash withdrawal facility at the post office Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationery and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Lynn, Marie, Tracey, Louise and Sam will be happy to help and serve you. Village Store Post Office Mon-Fri. 06.00-19.30 09.00-17.30 Saturday 07.00-19.30 09.00-12.30 Sunday 07.00-12.30 Closed Bank Hols 07.00-12.30 Closed 12 Front Street, Bramham LS23 6RD Tel: 01937 842275

36 Useful Telephone Numbers Police Non emergency - incident already taken place 101 (including burglary) Police Incident actually happening (including burglary) 999 Police Support Officer for Bramham)…... ……. 0113 2855374 Doctor - Boston Spa ……………………….…. 01937 842842 Doctor - Bramham ……………….…………… 01937 845854 York & District Hospital…………………...…… 01904 631313 Harrogate District Hospital………………....….. 01423 885 959 St James Hospital……………………............... 0113 243 3144 Leeds Infirmary…………………………………. 0113 243 2799 Seacroft Hospital…………………………….…. 0113 264 8164 Train Enquiries………………………………….. 0845 748 4950 Leeds City Council (general enquiries)……….. 0113 222 4444 LCC Social Services (children)…………….….. 0113 222 4403 LCC Social Service (adults)……………….…... 0113 222 4401 LCC Refuse and Pest Control……………..…. 0113 222 4406 LCC Benefits Advice & Council Tax ……..…. 0113 222 4404 LCC Highway faults,Pot Holes,Street Ltg,Drains…… 0113 222 4407 LCC Parking Services……………………..…... 0113 395 0050 LCC Planning Dept………………………..……. 0113 222 4409 British Gas Emergencies………………………. 0800 111 999 Yorkshire Electricity Emergencies………..…... 0800 375 675 Yorkshire Water, Day & Night ……………....... 0845 124 2424 Metro Bus Enquiries……………...……….……. 0113 245 7676 National Express Buses……………………..…. 0870 580 8080 Noise complaints out of office hours………….. 0113 240 7361 Wetherby Library……………………………..…. 01937 583144 Boston Spa Library…………………………...... 01937 845239 NHS Direct…………………………………..….. 0845 46 47 Chemist - Cohen's Boston Spa…………….. 01937 842985 Citizens Advice Bureau (Crossgates)……...… 0844 477 4788 Crime Stoppers………………………..……….. 0800 555 111 Childline…………………………………………. 0800 11 11

Articles for the

August magazine should be sent to: Gill Young 62 Lyndon Road, Bramham by

14th JULY Tel: 01937 843129 or email Mobile Library The weekly visit of the library to Bramham is on Mondays 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm in Lyndon Road

Thought for the Month What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. Confucious

Our August Smile - A TRUE YORKSHIRE MAN!! A Saudi Prince was very ill and had a very rare blood group. His doctors searched all over the world for a match and finally found a man in Bramham and asked if he would give blood to the Prince. Being a good Bramham man he agreed instantly. Two days after the Prince’s operation the Bramham man looked in his drive and saw a Ferrari, in his letter box were the deeds for a mansion and when he looked in his bank account there was a deposit of £200,000. The next day the Prince phoned to see if his gifts were sufficient for saving has life. Naturally the Bramham man said that he was more than satisfied. The Prince was pleased and gave him his phone number so that he could call if there was anything that the man ever needed in the future A year later the Prince was taken ill again and they asked the man if he would contribute blood again - naturally the man was delighted to agree. 6 months later a box of chocolates was delivered to the man with a note from the Prince thanking him for saving his life again. The man thought that he might have missed something and phoned the Prince. “No mistake lad tha nows as got Yorkshire blood in mi veins Na.” said the Prince.

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