August edition of Bramham Parish Magazine

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All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News

The new rock at the entrance of the village by the Bowcliffe traffic lights, with grateful thanks to all those involved with the move.

August 2018 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

Issue 187 1

Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown…… Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine

01904 737345 844858 842850

Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339512 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod……… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor, Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email Friday closed.

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 845084 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Explorer Scouts… Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Beavers… Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 07801 081894 Cubs…… . Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Linda Richards ( Chair) 842151 Pete Dunn (Vice Chair) 843345 Ian Dalton 849455, Helena Buck 849757 David Hopps 842807 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Valerie Whitbread 541075 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… Gerry Taylor, Secretary… Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair Bell Ringers Jeremy Kendall Bramham in Bloom… Lynne Marshall Community Action Group…. Philippa Dalton … Monday Club Mavis Wilson Readers Group… Jillian Lawson 844858 Sing Bramham Lynne Marshall Bramham Shop & Post Office. Lynne Williams…. Folly Allotments Association Linda Richards, Chair… Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Paul Marshall … Pavilion Bookings Number Gerry Taylor, Secretary



845828 or 07817 849556 844529 843520 844767 07921 387751 842321 Marion Hogg 844191 844767 842275 842151 844767 07731 822562

August: The letter from the Clergy

I am writing this letter just after the service of thanksgiving to celebrate the centenary of the St. Mary’s branch of the Mother’s union. It was a lovely occasion, with plenty of visitors as well as members to toast the day and enjoy the ‘birthday’ cake.

As I was thinking back to 100 years ago and picturing Mrs Glennie, the vicar’s wife, speaking to the married ladies of the congregation and trying to interest them in joining this new branch of the Mothers’ Union, I thought about the lives of these women at that time. There was a growing band of new widows in the villages as the war in Europe seemed to be going on forever and more jobs for the women to do in the absence of the men who had signed up to fight for the country. Family life would have seemed to have a new interpretation in those days of war. I wonder what place the faith of these women played in their lives? There was acceptance that most people would attend church for all the services on a Sunday and I am sure the prayers of the congregation would have been with the soldiers and sailors abroad, but how did their faith hold up in the relentless passage of war on a day to day basis? Did daily reading of the Bible and personal prayer help them; how many people found time to come into the church and experience that quiet time in a ‘sacred space’? Did the new branch of ladies dedicated to upholding the Christian traditions of family life and wholesome neighbourliness make a difference to those around them?



Clergy Letter continued from page 3. Since those times there have been very few months that war has not dominated our news broadcasts. The fact is that nowadays war can mean all sorts of battlefronts; armed conflict in other countries, war on drugs in our own country, war on poverty even in our own district, and a battle against the abuse of young and vulnerable people. Through all of this maelstrom of conflicts there is the membership of the Mothers’ Union holding up the Christian values that we should all be keeping in our everyday lives. This branch of the MU has been in our midst for the last 100 years and there are people over the whole of its history who have prayed for the families all around them. Their prayers have been continuous for all those in any sort of need. Our villages of Bramham, Boston Spa, Thorp Arch and Walton historically have all been separate with their own communities, but the Benefice of Bramham binds us all together now in all sorts of ways. St. Mary’s may be the only Mother’s Union branch in the Benefice but the members there have a much wider view of ‘union’. The worldwide membership is held together by the same values and it could be, that in your own battles with life there are ladies ( and men; membership now includes both!) anywhere in the world praying for you. It would take very little for you to also find the time to pray for all those families anywhere in the world in any condition of conflict. I pray that you will take up that challenge.

Rev Trish Rev’d Jane Brown Her last service in the Bramham Benefice See page 21



BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE FOR AUGUST Names are included on Request—there are forms in the Lady Chapel 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 11th 17th 19th 20th 21st 23rd 25th 31st

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.

Muriel Hudson 1988 Reginald Read Shaw 1936 Florence Ella Eastwood John Francis Stirk 1973 Kenneth Kitson 1995 Kathleen Ware 1997 William Midgeley Tindall 1985 Stanley Clegg 1990 Elsie Cook 1994 Walter Wolf 1998 Lucy Cross 1944 Arthur Gamble 2001 Arthur Noble (Priest) 1989 Charles Mullen 1985 Frederick David Heaton 2000 George Edward Kitchen 2005 Ruth Alexandra Watson 2013 Geoffrey Pemberton 2013 Eric Richardson 1989


Diana, Princess of Wales 1997



The 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.30pm at All Saints’ Bramham and ring for one hour until 8.30pm New Bell Ringers are always Welcome Jeremy: 843520




Bramham Parish Council

July 2018 Update The CRIME REPORT for this month was again positive in that only one theft was reported; from the Tenter Hill Allotments. However, the Police were keen to advise residents to remain vigilant with particular regard to keeping doors locked at all times, even when in the garden. PLANNING ISSUES: Church Hill: Ongoing monitoring pending a planning application regarding the site. Farfield House: Permission has been refused by LCC but the developers have lodged an Appeal. The PC is still actively pursuing this matter. Bramham House: a revised submission for planning permission from the developers. Old Hall Cottage: Resold and no new application has been received. HIGHWAYS ISSUES: The meeting with Ward Councillors and LCC’s Chief Highways Officer discussed a range of ongoing issues and potential solutions including parking at the school PAVILION: The new fence is constructed, with further work after the Gala. The work for the additional car spaces to help alleviate parking issues is also in hand and will be completed soon. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: now in last phase of process. PC has endorsed the plan. LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKET COLLECTION: Successful applicants for Leeds Festival 2018 tickets can collect them from The Pavilion on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the week before the Festival. Full details on the Parish website. (See page 11) COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP: Centenary Celebration for End of World War One -Sat 11 November Christmas Fair – Saturday 24 November Christmas Lights Switch On – Friday 30 November Gala – Saturday 15 June 2019



Parish Council Report continued from page 9 WAR MEMORIAL WORK: This important structure has now been cleaned and conservation work will follow SENIOR CITIZENS’ CENTRE: The Wetherby Ward Cllr's, Gerald Wilkinson, Alan Lamb & Norma Harrington are delighted to have been able to secure the funding to upgrade Bramham Senior Citizens Shelter. The shelter is a vital hub for older people in the village and the addition of toilets and other services will enable even more villagers to attend. With other available monies, including a generous donation from the Community Fund, this will now allow the work to start in the near future. Interested groups will be invited to contribute to the future development of this important site. Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 September, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website: Twitter: @thisisbramham

BRAMHAM READERS GROUP Next Meeting is on Tuesday 14th August 7.30 pm in “The Swan” We will be discussing “ The Gustav Sonata” by Rose Tremain

Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858



BRAMHAM COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP Thank you to everyone who came and contributed to the Bramham gala on Saturday 16th June. The weather was kind to us allowing the rain to hold off until we were almost packed up! We had a lovely display from the Tail Waggers Display Team, the majorettes and some wonderful music from Steel Crazy. We also had a wonderful mix of stalls supporting, local groups, businesses and charities. Thank you to Matthew Stjohn for the PA system and music. The raffle was drawn a week after the gala and the lucky winners are

5th prize Fish and chip voucher Winner Julie Sowden 1st prize - Dunsley Hall luxury hotel stay - 6th prize Winner Louise Dunwell Fish and chip voucher 2nd prize Winner Robin Horse trial 2019 tickets 7th prize Winner Daniel Smith and Beki Leak Bengal brassiere voucher 3rd prize Winner Emma sleight £100 bike shack voucher 8th prize Winner Georgina Mills Bottle and chocolate gift 4th prize Bridge Inn voucher set Winner Ann Topping Congratulations to all the winners. I have contacted everyone regarding winnings but if you’ve not yet collected your prize please can you arrange to collect. Thank you

CAN YOU HELP? Bramham Community Action Group is a group of volunteers who arrange various events in the village for the village. If you are interested in joining our team then please get in touch. Even if you can only help out for an hour at events or would be much appreciated. Please contact Philippa Dalton (chair) on 07921387751 for more details thank you.



Banish Summer Holiday Boredom! Come and help with our

Big Clean up All Saints’ Church Friday 3rd of August Come anytime between 9am and 12noon

Refreshments supplied Children welcome Christmas Day Lunch 2018? Do you know that it is less than 22 weeks until Christmas day? Following the small but very successful 2017 Christmas Day lunch at the Village Hall, we have decided to organise a similar event for 2018. If you are not spending Christmas Day with family or friends and would like to join us for lunch and have some company on Christmas day, then please get in touch by phone (07398 244634 or 01937 849455) or by email at . This is not about charity, or who can or can’t pay. This is about you and your partner or carer or parent or child or sibling or friend not being on your own on Christmas Day. Those who joined us last year said it was one of the best events they had been to. Don’t be shy, get in touch and book you Christmas Day lunch with those in similar circumstances to you.




THE MONDAY CLUB for Senior Citizens There will be no Meeting for the Monday Club in August. We look forward to seeing you all in September. The Summer Garden Party was a great success and many thanks to the helpers Pictured below Mavis Wilson and her happy band of helpers

THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION No meeting in August 19th September Dr Ruth Beckett “It All Started with Henry”



Thank you to SING BRAMHAM for entertaining us so well on Sunday 8th July. On such a very hot afternoon it was a joy to be in Church. We loved the songs you chose to sing and the tea was scrummy. £278. 70p was raised for the Organ Fund. The Group will begin again in September. New members welcome.

Bramham Drama Group Pantomime This year’s pantomime will be “The Wizard of Oz” If you are aged between 7 and 12 and would like to take part in the pantomime come to Bramham Village Hall on Monday 10th September between 5 and 6pm to find out more! You must be able to attend rehearsals on Monday evenings between 5pm and 6pm and be available for all five performances between 5th and 10th of December Look forward to seeing you there! 19


FLOWER FESTIVAL AT ALL SAINTS’ BRAMHAM 8th and 9th SEPTEMBER The Theme is ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL This event will be run in a similar fashion to the Christmas Tree event of a couple of years ago and we will welcome any organisation or individual who wishes to display a flower arrangement which fits in with our theme. For more information please contact

Mavis Wilson 842321

During the weekend refreshments will be served and we hope that there will be musical interludes during the day. Donations for the Church

Revd Jane Brown is leaving us to become Rector of Garforth WE WANT TO GIVE HER A GOOD SEND OFF! Please join us at her Final Service here on Sunday 2nd September 2018 at 10:30am at All Saints’ Church, Bramham followed by lunch in Bramham Village Hall The service will be a Benefice Holy Communion and will be suitable for all ages. Revd Jane’s Licensing at St Mary’s, Garforth will be on Thursday 20 th September at 7:30pm. All welcome. 21



This year for our Holiday Club we have a sporting theme! This summer sees both the FIFA World Cup and the Hockey World Cup along with lots of other sporting events. The TeamBuilders daily programme focuses on awesome stories from the Bible (including Joseph, Moses, Esther, Jesus and Paul) – each one giving children the opportunity to see what life is like on God’s team, and inviting them to join his team for themselves! Also please note there are two services to introduce and close the Holiday Club – everyone is welcome to come along to these lively and interactive services: Holiday Club Opening Service Sunday 29th July 10.00am Holiday Club Closing Service Sunday 5th August 10.00am Please let Kate Kennedy know if you’d like to be involved with our amazing team of volunteers who help make the Holiday Club happen each year. The Holiday Club is for the whole benefice – children are most welcome from Bramham, Walton, Thorp Arch, Clifford, Boston Spa and elsewhere. If you’d like an application form for your child to attend please email: A date at Buckingham Palace for Sue Cawthray Sue is the CEO of Harrogate Neighbours a charity/not for profit organisation providing care services for the elderly in Harrogate. Sue has 30+ years experience of working in the elderly care sector and her work on nutrition for the elderly over the years included Chairing the National Association of Care Catering. Over the years Sue has supported other local charities as a volunteer and a board member. Sue says her attendance at the Queens garden party was an absolute privilege and an experience that I will never forget. I will be forever grateful to the late Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire Mr Barry Dodd who I had the pleasure to meet last year and he nominated me for my services to the sector.



Summer Sports at the Pavilion Field Activities will be most suitable for children aged 2-7 years old, although all children are welcome to come and join in along with a parent / guardian. Including the Mums and Tots group. On Wednesday’s 8th August – multi-sports 15th August – Make and Fly a Kite nd 22 August – Games, Bikes & Scooters 10.00 – 11.30am The well-loved parachute games will be back again! Parents must stay and play. Sessions will be run by volunteers. (£2 per child) Refreshments will be available. Profits to help with the Pavilion running costs. Run by the Bramham Pavilion Committee. Profits to help with Pavilion running costs. Run By Bramham Pavilion Committee.

The Winners after the 10K race in July, a very hot day but a great success thanks to all the volunteers who assisted. The Childrens Race was a great success and there are lots of lovely photographs—too many for this very full magazine.



BRAMHAM SCHOOL CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF THE OUTDOOR LEARNING CENTRE Friends of Bramham School (FOBS) have taken an area of unused school grounds, overgrown with brambles, thistles and dead trees, and have transformed it into a tranquil oasis featuring a wooden outdoor classroom, an allotment, a pond and dipping platform and a bird hide. Before any soil could be dug or any fruit tree planted, FOBS needed to raise almost £15,000. As well as funds raised from events organised by FOBS, support totalling £8,500 came from a number of local organisations, including the Bramham Community Fund, Diggle’s First Fruits (a Cliffordbased charity), the West Yorkshire Freemasons via the Laschelles Lodge in Wetherby, the Wetherby Wharfedale Rotary Club, the George A. Moore Foundation and The Arium. With the money finally in place, a team of dedicated parent volunteers set about the transformation over the past six months. Many days have been spent digging and rotivating very hard soil, positioning allotment planters, laying turf and paths, and planting vegetables, flowers and trees. Georgina Mills from Friends of Bramham School said: “This project has been two and a half years in the creation. We are thrilled that so many local organisations have shared our aspiration and recognised the benefits of this project to the children at Bramham Primary. The level of grant support we have been received has been truly fantastic. We are delighted to welcome representatives from the grant providers to the new facility, so they can see the wonderful new outdoor space that their kind support has helped create. The children of the newly-established after-school gardening club proudly showed our visitors around the area, drawing their attention to the vegetables and flowers they have nurtured and the natural creations, including grass snakes and bird baths, they have made.” Mrs Richards, Executive Head Teacher, stated: “We teach our children friendship and how to be a good friend; the friendship shown to our school from our dedicated team of hard working parents in Friends of Bramham School is palpable…there is an old African Proverb which states, ‘it takes an entire community to raise a child,’ and this outdoor learning area exemplifies how, when we all come together, excellence can be achieved. We are so grateful for all the tremendous support we have received.”

Photos on page 29 the view of the completed Outdoor Learning area, and the Children celebrating the event.



Mrs Kirby, Assistant Head Teacher shared: “This new outdoor learning area provides all the children of Bramham Primary School with the opportunity to have lessons outdoors – whatever the subject – whether practical, hands on work for a science project, or the chance to map an area in geography, or to be inspired through nature for a piece of artwork. Our new outdoor learning provision further enables us the opportunity to deliver an outstanding education to all our children, now and in the future.”


HAVE YOU ANY OLD PENS? Recycle your old plastic pens here!! Bramham School has this week been accepted on the Terracycle Writing Instrument Recycling Programme as a Community Collection Point. This is GOOD NEWS as lots of benefits: 1

2 3 4

You can recycle old/dead/unwanted pens, felt tips, highlighters, markers—ANY BRAND OR TYPE—so plastic waste not going in bin to landfill, rather made into new things like plant pots and benches. Each item collected raises money for our village school. Shows our children to be responsible with plastic and it being recycled. So PLEASE GET COLLECTING— rummage through drawers, cupboards at home and bring your old, unwanted pens, felt tips, highlighters, pen lids (not pencils) to the collection box in school. Please ask people at your work to collect too—ideally create a collection box for colleagues. Spread the word locally for people to bring their old pens, etc to the school—it really is a community collection point. Any Q;s please do ask me. Thank you Georgina Mills





To everyone in the village who supported B in B on our very special day. The judges, Chris and Roger, were extremely friendly and positive as we travelled around stopping to look at all the colourful flower displays and important features. The school Outdoor Learning Area was greatly admired! Along Lyndon Road, the church troughs and churchyard, the Senior Citizen Garden, the sparkling Cenotaph and containers and the Wildlife Area. Front gardens and communal areas were also clean and well nurtured. Then a walk along past the ramp beds, Beck Bridge baskets, garage and on to the Medical Centre all received encouraging comments. Up Wetherby Road to Bowcliffe Corner and a quick visit to Folly Allotments to reach the Pavilion where tea and delicious cakes were served by Marie, Val and Tricia. Thanks ladies. All this accomplished in an hour and a half!!!! WELL DONE AND THANKS TO SPONSORS, VOLUNTEERS, WATERERS ESPECIALLY, LITTER PICKERS, RESIDENTS AND ALL WHO HELPED TO MAKE OUR VILLAGE SPARKLE AND BLOOM SO WONDERFULLY!!!

From the The Bramham in Bloom Committee and Team.


Are you trying to avoid plastic—then buy your milk in bottles! Bryn Wilson delivers Bottles of Milk to your doorstep in Bramham three times a week, also available Eggs, Bread, Water, Fruit Juice and of course Milk and Cream. Average price for milk 60p. Editor’s comment

Ring Bryn on 07809 110568

You will be helping the Dairy Farmers and saving the planet

THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome.





We all need friends Friends can become scarce as we get older, especially for those who are living alone. Knowing that a friend is popping round can make a huge difference in an elderly person’s life. Our befriending service involves matching an elderly person with a volunteer. The befriender provides friendly conversation and companionship on a regular basis over a long period of time. Where possible, matching is often based on shared interests and on both parties living in the same area. In Boston Spa, we currently have two people waiting for a befriender. People of all ages and from all walks of life become our volunteers. All are given ongoing support from WiSE. Whatever a persons talents, they can be used to help us. The role can involve anything from dropping in for a coffee and a chat to arranging a trip to the shops or sharing a specific social gathering. Visiting can be satisfying and enjoyable for the volunteer as well as the person being visited. Many of the people we support have experiences and stories to tell that can fascinate and entertain. For the elderly, companionship and social interaction brings a sense of being part of a community and often helps with problems of isolation. If you can spare an hour or more each week and think you’d like to become a WiSE befriender or would like to find out more, please contact Carole McLelland, our WiSE Volunteer and Befriending Coordinator on 01937 588994 or email

The full Service Rota for all churches in the Benefice is displayed on the Church Notice Board beside the Lych Gate


SERVICES IN August FOR BRAMHAM Benefice Date 5th 12th

Time 8.00am

Place Boston Spa

10.00 am

Benefice Service Thorp Arch



10.00 am

Bramham HC


Benefice Service




Boston Spa


Boston Spa Benefice


Bramham HC BCP

10.00 am

Walton Benefice Service


One flower pot per grave

We are extremely fortunate to have a small band of people who cut the grass on a regular basis. However it is very inconvenient to have extra plant pots and ornaments on the grave plot. Another hazard is glass, this is very dangerous for the people cutting the grass, also one or two people are putting gravel near the Ashes Garth, this is dangerous for anyone using a strimmer. Please do not leave glass or gravel in the churchyard. The contents of the large sacks in the grave yard are sent for compost and other items should not be placed in these sacks. Therefore Dog excrement, glass and plastic is a major nuisance. Please take this home and place in your own dustbins.



We require someone to do the paper round on weekday mornings starting as soon as possible. This could be ideal for a teenager (must be 14 years of age) or a retired adult and would involve approximately 2 hour 15 minutes walking or 1 hour 15 minutes in a car, starting at 7am, delivering papers on a route around the village. If you are interested or would like to discuss further please contact Lynn at the village store or phone 07943812650.

HOUSE CLEARANCE At my home before we leave in August, the address is Royal Oak , Main Street, Aberford, used to be a public house , date , 11th August from 10,o, clock to 4, o, clock , in the large car park , weather , permitted, or in the house thank you

Catherine Rothery 36


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30

Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed

Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th August or deliver to Anne at:- Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf.

NB This Magazine is available on ISSUU Facebook and Parish website


THE OPEN DOOR SCHEME The Winners of the Open Door Scheme this year have been:September 2017 No 4 Mr and Mrs Seth December 2017 Beryl Warriner £25 William Smailes March 2017 No 31 did not claim the prize June 2017 159 Yvonne Bannerjea Subscription will be due in September BEFORE 30TH September when the first draw is made. If you would like to join in this year please get in touch with Anne Palmer. £10 pre person per year 4 prizes of £100 pa and one extra prize of £25 in December. All proceeds for the Church General Fund to keep the door open for the Village.

OPEN DOOR SCHEME 2018—2019 Name……………………………………………….. ADDRESS……………………………………………. Post code………….. T. No…………………………… Email…………………………………………………… Please enter my name into the 2018/2019 Open Door Scheme. I enclose my cheque for £10 OR pay via BACS BACS DETAILS Sort Code 40 46 21 Account Number 01051369 Reference Your 39



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