All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News
Photograph from the Bramham Archives
February 2017 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham
Issue 169
Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Canon Peter
Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa…………………………………… 842454 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa……………………... 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown……...Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…………………………...… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham…… 541047 Churchwardens…………Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park……. Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG… Magazine Editor
… Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG……
Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, Secretary………… Mollie Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park
0113 2892790 844858 842850 844858 0113 289 2790
VCC Members……… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Stephen Spencer Organist……………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth……… … 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham……… 918725 Deanery Synod……… Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones……… Jennie Saynor, ……………… Group Office………… .Sarah Oates (Office open Monday-Friday 11.00 am to 1.00pm)…… ….… 844402
WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..
Chairman: Stewart Gibson 845084 Hall Bookings 07398 24463 Drama Group………………… Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Football Club…………………. Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides……………………… Sarah Clayton………………………………… … Brownies…………………….. Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Explorer Scouts……………… Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Scouts………………………… Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Beavers………………………. Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 078 0108 1894 Cubs………………………….. Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Bramham Primary School…. Executive Head Teacher Sarah Richards…… 843682 Deputy Head Teacher Laura Wild: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council……Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Scott Jones 07779 412817, Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 Naomi Elvin 833288, June Halliday 845564, Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council………. Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion………….. Gerry Taylor, Secretary………………… 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair …………………………… 844529 Bramham in Bloom………… Community Action Group….. Monday Club………………… Readers Group…………… Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Magazine Advertising
Lynne Marshall ……………………… 844767 Keith Innocent………………………………………… 841197 Mavis Wilson…………………………………………… 842321 Jillian Lawson 844858 and Marion Hogg 844191 Lynne Williams…..……………………………… 842275 Linda Richards, Chair…………………………… 842151 Paul Marshall …………………………………… 844767 Paul Marshall
George Macleod, the Scottish Celt and founder of the Iona Community, came increasingly to believe that the mission of the church is not so much to bring the Gospel to every creature but the mission is to bring all mortals to the awareness of the love and purpose of God, already present in all creation, already breaking through. This real presence is so necessary for our time. George Macleod insisted that you can only find God in the now. Life is right now or not at all. It is the here and now that must concern us, not the there and then. It is the body of things that must concern us if we would find the truth of things. This is not an easy concept to understand. Our growing, maturing, loving, living, becoming is an endless process of being here now. Here now being really present to people, to the real presence in them, to our families, to our children, to our neighbours, to all whom we meet that they might find their true selves and life now. And perhaps to become more aware of the love and purpose of God. This century has not been easy and we live in perilous times here and now. We live in a beautiful world, with all the wonders of creation and yet how marred it is by human action. We have the despair of Syria, the carnage of Istanbul, the acts of terror in European cities and the plight of millions of refugees. In our own backyard there are too many victims of exploitation, neglect and carelessness. All these scenes of horror have a devastating effect on families, children, women and the poorest and it is happening here and now. It is the body of these things that must concern us if we are to find the truth of things and paradoxically become more aware of the love and purpose of God. To discover the truth of things in our time is not convenient. Two contemporary theologians illustrate this inconvenience. Jonathan Sacks has suggested to the nations, politicians, church, mosque and synagogue;” For the sake of humanity and the free world, the time has come for people of all faiths and none to declare; Not in God’s name.” Mona Siddique, Professor of Islamic Studies at Edinburgh University speaks directly about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East by Islamists as an affront to Islam. She confirms the presence of God at the heart of the three great religions of Abraham, Judaism, Christianity and Islam which insist you find God in the here and now. At the heart of the Gospel is the here and now with Jesus insisting that He has come to this world to proclaim good news to the poor, release to the captives, sight for the blind, to let broken victims go free and proclaim the year of Jubilee. In all his speaking and acting He was in the midst of life in
the here and now. This is the good news for today and we are called to bring humanity to the awareness and purpose of God. It is where we may find our true selves and our full humanity. Just a small postscript about the Church. More churches leave their doors open daily so anyone can come in. Quite a few have done so and enjoyed the beauty and the peace. In conversation they have said they are not religious, would attend services or affirm a faith. But they do engage in serious thought and realise the worth of pause and reflection. John Bell caught the mood when he wrote;” The love of God comes close where stands an open door.” It is what we do in the here and now that will determine our future and the open door reflects our commitment to openness and to the other, to our neighbour and to the stranger. ——————————————————————The Shoebox Appeal Another great success this year and many many thanks to all those very generous people who made up boxes for the Homeless and the Housebound. The actual value of the boxes was around £1,000, this was a tremendous gift and very well received. Thank you ——————————————————————-
5th February
10.30 AM
Benefice service CONFIRMATION
12th February
10,00 am
Family Service
19th February
10.00 am
Celtic Service
26th February
10.00 am
Holy Communion
BRAMHAM CHURCHYARD We would like to thank all those volunteers who have helped us to tidy and clear and repair the churchyard during 2016. The extra effort put in by people to tend their own graves has been appreciated. This has assisted in the area being kept under continuous mowing. It is lovely to see the graves well tended and supplied with flowers thank you all. This makes the Churchyard a peaceful and pleasant place for everyone. Please may we remind you that by the Diocesan Churchyard Regulations we are allowed to leave Christmas wreaths in place for two months and then have to clear them away. This is necessary as many of them have wire frames which will damage the mowers and strimmers. We will therefore have clearing sessions in early March and would ask anyone who has decorations/flowers which they wish to keep to please take them away before then. We have no wish to cause any of you distress in this matter but wreaths and obvious Christmas items will be removed. Please be aware that we are bound by regulations from the Diocese of York and have noticed the gradual creep of items that are not allowed on the graves or in the ashes garth which we would ask you to remove by the beginning of June. Finally if there are any villagers who have the time and energy to help maintain the Saxon Graveyard of Bramham please contact the Churchwardens and we will happily use your enthusiasm to the benefit of the village. It may be more satisfying and certainly cheaper than going to the gym.
All Saints’ Bramham On these days of the month of February please pray for the repose of the souls of:2nd Samuel Catchersides Kitchen 1969 Sarah Elizabeth Chambers 1977 3rd Geoffrey Parkin 4th John Dykes 1997 Kathleen Craven 2004 Raymond Walter Turner 2008 5th Elisabeth Green 1988 8th Mary Jane Cook 1976 10th James Norman Young Martin Jacques Milner 2001 11th Sylvia June Pratt 1966 12th Edna Broadhead 1986 15th Christopher Joseph Green 1991 16th Leslie John Young 1995 Bridget Stubbs 2015 18th Herbert Tindall Edna Chambers 2011 19th Frederick Seaman Noble 1956 Eric Spencer 2009 21st Cyril Ware 1998 22nd William Chambers 1972 Percy Kitchen 1994 23rd Mahala Richardson 1974 24th Brian Dracup 27th John Thomas Clayton 1978 Evelyn Shaw 1980 David Edward Hope 2006 Lilian Hale 2013 28th Elsie Brown READERS ROTA FOR FEBRUARY LIST OF READERS IS ON THE TABLE AT BACK OF CHURCH please contact Andy Beaumont on 541353
The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints' Bramham for the sick and dying.
Rev’d Trish Anslow Tel: 01937 844789 or The Parish Office 01937 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those needing a special visit..
FROM THE Parish registers FUNERAL 7th December
Keep in touch! Find us at Parish of Lower Wharfe To receive Facebook updates about news, services and events at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa St Peter’s Church, Walton & All Saints’ Church, Bramham please ‘like’ our Facebook page. Our NEW parish website can also be found at Our website includes all our up to date services and parish diary, plus up to date news and events happening at your local
ALL SAINTS BRAMHAM DIOCESAN CHURCHYARD REGULATIONS PLEASE DO NOT Mark the grave with any kerb or edging of any kind; it makes mowing difficult and can risk injury to the mower operator. Lay any chippings, gravel or stones; if caught by the mower these could damage Church windows or persons in the Churchyard. Plant trees, bushes, shrubs or herbaceous flowers. All graves must be covered only in grass. Place any item other than fresh flowers or artificial silk flowers on the grave. Place any vase or container on or near the grave. Place any picture, photograph, statue, ornament or similar on the memorial or grave. Place items in the shape of a book, heart, cross or similar. Use glass or other breakable or sharp items; this is an obvious health & safety issue and can cause fire. (Please also read the notice on page 9)
Bramham Parish Council January 2017 update Communicating with Residents
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Call in at the Village Hall Supper Room, Saturday 4 February, 2pm to 4pm, to meet the team and find out what’s happening since the recent questionnaire. LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKETS: Remember the date – 19th March – Village Hall! PARKING AT THE SCHOOL & SPEED LIMITS: We are continuing to liaise with Leeds City Council and appreciate the help of Ward Councillor Gerald Wilkinson on these issues and in arranging clearing of the verges to keep the footpath clear. SCHOOL SCOOTER SHELTER: We are very pleased to support Friends of Bramham School in their fundraising for a scooter shelter with a grant of £500 and wish them luck with the project. POSTERS : Many village groups (including ourselves!) put up posters on lampposts etc advertising village events. Please remember to take them down the day after the event. This is the legal requirement and prevents them from becoming litter. REPORTING CRIMES: Our Police Community Support Officer has advised that residents need not be reluctant to report crimes, or possible crimes, for fear of repercussions. Reports can be reported via anonymously via Crimestoppers. If you have any concerns do contact the police. Next Meeting: Wednesday 1 February, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion.
We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307
BVH news December 2016
P rices held for 4th year running!!
We are pleased that we are able to hold the hire charges at the same level as we have for the last three years. Please remember to book the hall early if you have a special event in 2017. We have already taken several bookings and don't want you to be disappointed. Prices include a 3 hour party package for children’s parties on Saturdays and Sundays for bookings between 11am and 5pm, plus some weekdays. Improvements in the Hall Hall users will have noticed ongoing improvements in the hall, much of it courtesy of a grant from the Community Fund. The old pool table in the large kitchen has been replaced by a stainless steel storage island. There is improved access to the side door and the old retaining wall of the car park has been replaced (we hope to have planters in place along the top of the new wall later in the spring, supporting Bramham in Bloom). The side door will be replaced shortly to make it a DDA compliant fire door. We have installed a false ceiling and new lights in the supper room to make the room warmer. The dimmable lights in the main hall are being replaced. The hall was redecorated inside and out during the summer. Recent visitors to the hall have commented on the high standard of the facilities, cleanliness and maintenance. A Village Hall web site? Several people who have booked the hall recently have asked if there is a dedicated Village Hall web site. The answer is “no”, but only because no one on committee has the time or skills to create a website. If you are reading this and you have those skills, would you be willing to volunteer to create a web site? Please get in touch with one of the committee via the number or email below.
The Village Hall can be booked by phone or text on 07398 244634 or by email on . Committee can be contacted via Stewart Gibson on 01937 845084 or Christine Suddaby on 01937 849455, or by post via Bramham Village Hall, Church Hill, Bramham LS23 6QF. Find “Bramham Village hall” pages on Facebook or see
BEATING THE BOUNDS Once again we will be Beating the Bounds of the Parish, come along and join us for this annual walk around the Parish boundary, this year it will be on Saturday 22nd April, starting from the Village School at 8.30am. Full details in the March Magazine. You do not have to walk all the way, if you prefer to leave the walk after a few sections or indeed join in half way through we will arrange car transport to pick you up at certain appointed locations. Another volunteer car driver is needed.
DO YOU WISH YOU COULD TALK TO SOMEONE IN CONFIDENCE? On the first Monday of each month there will be someone with many years of experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns, sitting in Church. This is not Counselling, simply an understanding and confidential listener.
MONDAY CLUB We offer an Open Invitation to any Senior Citizen to join us for a Social Afternoon on Monday 6th February at 1.30pm We can arrange transport—please ring Mavis on 842321
CAROLS AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE Thank you all for your generous support we collected ÂŁ360 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance
A huge thank you to the generous residents of Bramham who supported 1st Clifford Scout Group’s Santa Sleigh this Christmas. We are pleased to say that Santa’s visit in Bramham and Clifford raised £700. A wonderful sum which will help the Group continue to organise weekly sessions and activities for boys and girls (from 6—18 years) from the villages—fun, adventure, new skills and challenges, wishing everyone a happy 2017 from 1st Clifford Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ex-
Gill Young’s family made the collection at Gill’s Bloom.
a large donation from funeral to Bramham in
The year before she retired in 0ct. 2015 Gill suggested that she would like to see a garden at the junction of Lyndon Road and Croft Drive. On her drive home each day she would then pass by her garden. The new Bramham in Bloom Committee after Gill,Meryl and Ernest Nichols had retired asked Gill’s family if the new garden could be dedicated to the memory of their mum, Gill Young. Phase One of the project has been completed and now we are ready to start on Phase Two with the help of a very generous donation from Wetherby Lions. This phase will include more planting of alpine plants and grasses, a sleeper seat and a decorative stone and paved area. The grass surrounding the garden will be restored. We have sponsors and volunteers waiting to maintain and take care of the garden in memory of a very gracious lady who loved Bramham her village. Lynne Marshall
- Chair of Bramham in Bloom Committee
Stepping Stones We started the New Year talking about Epiphany, the Feast of the Three kings (Magi). We discussed the three wise men, what gifts they bought… we had some real gold, incense and Myrrh, and we talked about how they were important. We then made some super crowns – fit for a king! At the Family Service on Sunday Father Peter talked to the children in more depth about this and they had much to say about what they knew about the 3 Wise Men. The children also helped to read the prayers and take up the offerings at communion.Stepping Stones Stepping Stones is open for any child to attend regardless of if they attend any Church or not. It is simply a way of meeting other families in a relaxed friendly environment. The next session is on Friday 10th February 2017 at All Saints Church - 5.30pm… there will be a valentines theme! The Family Service will take place at All Saints the following Sunday
(12h Feb 2017) at 10am. For more information please contact Jennie Saynor
Congratulations! To Simon Rotheray on gaining his black belt in judo Simon would like to progress with his interest in judo. If anyone knows of a suitable club in the area please contact Simon on
Can you help? The Village Church Council would like a Secretary to take the Minutes of the Meetings. If you can help please contact a member of the VCC or the Parish
ITV IS LOOKING FOR BRITAIN’S LONGEST REIGNING DRIVERS! Are you over 90 years of age AND still driving – we would love to hear from you! Do you have a passion for motoring? Does your car give you freedom and independence? Do you know someone who is over 90 and still passionate about driving? With a wealth of experience on the road, we’d love to hear YOUR stories! If this sounds like you or someone you know please call us on 0207 013 4411 or email
YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Will meet on Wednesday 15th February in the Village Hall. 7.15 pm Our Speaker will be Caroline Neuff and her topic “A Journey on the Waterways from Moscow to St. Petersburg”. Visitors are always welcome, do come and join us.
BRAMHAM IN Bloom say “A huge thank you” to everyone who has donated money into the Post Office Jar during 2016, just over £180. 00 was collected.
The Bramham Singing Group We are delighted to report that we have the required number of people to attend the Singing Day Workshop on Sunday 5th March. If you would like to join us please contact Anne Palmer asap (01937 842850)
However the Singing Group are looking for a Musical Director/ Leader, or a pianist. If you know of anyone who may be interested in taking on this role, please will you get in touch with Anne Palmer. The first course will be for 6 weeks only—and if, after this session the Group wish to continue then we will arrange for a second course to be held later in the year. Dates and times to be fixed to suit the Group members. Remember this is for fun — nothing too serious.
Leeds Festival 2017 Registration Day
Bramham Residents Tickets
19 March Bramham Village Hall
This year we have changed the ticket allocation process to one based on the Thorner system to enable residents who attend on the day to know if they have tickets or not. Please note: A Bramham resident who is making the application for their household must be present on the day. 08.00 Doors Open; refreshments will be also available from this time. 08.00 onwards applications will be completed in the queue. Assistance will be given to ensure accuracy and compliance of requirements, to limit mistakes which might prevent allocation of tickets. 10.00 onwards commence processing and allocation of tickets. A minimum of one resident from each household buying for themselves or to nominate tickets must be present. 14.00 processing of applications finishes Household applications can be made by a single member of a household if the tickets are for each household member’s personal use. Adequate proof of residency will be required for all applicants not just the person queuing. Nomination tickets will be limited to one per household. We will not be relying entirely on the electoral register - please bring current proof of residency and proof of identity Bramham Resident Eligibility Ticket supply is limited and eligibility will be based on current residency. All applicants will need to prove current Bramham residency and also provide photo ID. New style Driving Licences are ideal and cover both residency and ID. Options could also Include a current utility bill, bank statement or doctor’s letter for residence or a valid passport, bus pass or similar for ID. NB One ID must be photographic. ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE TREATED EQUALLY, VOLUNTEERS
LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKET APPLICATION CONTINUED…. Please ensure you have adequate proof of residency for younger residents Resident tickets - £42 donation to Bramham Community Fund 1 per resident 1 Nominated per household Full price resident tickets - £217 Children under 13 (12 or under) at the time of the festival, will not need a ticket Names of all ticket users must be given at registration and cannot be changed as photo ID will be needed when tickets are collected at the Festival. Full payment for all tickets must be made at registration, by cheque (payable to Bramham Community Fund). Cash will not be accepted. Information will only be used by Bramham Community Fund and Festival Republic for the purposes of ticket allocation and Leeds Festival access. Incomplete applications (e.g. no proof of residency, lack of ID, re-
BRAMHAM PAVILION Thanks to everyone who supported our fund-raising efforts in 2016 to help with the running costs of the pavilion – to steal the slogan from a well known supermarket: ‘Every little helps!’ Saturday Kitchen will be re-opening on Saturday, 4th February for hot drinks, snacks and our famous bacon butties between 10am -11am. If you are out and about on a Saturday morning, why not call in? We would also like to remind organisers of local village groups that we offer the pavilion meeting room on a ‘hire free’basis on Saturday mornings for your own fund raising events which proved very successful last year for the local branches of Arthritis Research UK and NSPCC. Please contact Gerry Taylor or Val Whitbread to make bookings or to request
THE CHURCH OPEN DOOR SCHEME The Christmas Draw winners were No 69 Ernest Nichols and No 45 Mrs Sue Westwood. With thanks to everyone who joined the scheme this year. The cost is £10 per person per year and there are 4 Draws during the year. The money is used for general every day expenses for the Church. If you would like to become involved please contact Anne Palmer.
We need a Calligrapher? The Book of Remembrance is kept in the Lady Chapel in Church where the names are carefully recorded. If you think you could help us please contact one of the Churchwardens or a member of the PCC. Survey of the Churchyard—a plan for the summer!! We would like to record and photograph all the old gravestones in the churchyard and we plan to start this sometime after Easter. If anyone would like to be involved with this project please contact Neil Ferres or Anne Palmer. 842850 THE CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL At the Annual Parochial Meeting in April we will be checking the Electoral Roll—not to be confused with the Leeds City Council Electoral Roll. If you are a member of the Church of England and attend Bramham Church then you can register on the Electoral Roll of All Saints Church. For details please contact
If you enjoy talking to people, have some time to spare and want to make a real difference to someone's life then why not volunteer for Wetherby in Support of the Elderly WiSE aim to enable people over 60 to live at home whilst reducing social isolation and supporting those who care for the elderly As a volunteer you can help with any of the following… Volunteer Driving get individuals to local appointments, meet friends and attend social activities Volunteer for Fun Social Events Volunteer to be a Befriender making sure people who live alone or have no or limited social contact are not lonely or forgotten.Volunteer at our Community Café: The WiSE Owl, Boston Spa Interested? Call: Carole McLelland on 01937 588994 Or pop into the One Stop Shop on Westgate in Wetherby and have a chat If you want to see what we are up to, find us on Facebook
RING THE BELLS!! Bell practice nights at All Saints’ Bramham 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings 7.00 - 8.00 pm
If you fancy the challenge, come along and join us, or phone 01937 844529
A Muddy Archaeologist at the Linton Antique Society On 9 February 8.00pm at Linton Memorial Hall, the ‘Muddy Archaeologist’, Gillian Hovell, author of Visiting the Past, will take you on a tour of the history of our islands from prehistory to the industrial revolution, as seen through the archaeology that is, literally, all around us. She shows that history isn’t just found in the big, famous sites and promises that you’ll never look at an empty field in the same way again...
Entrance to this talk is £5.00 but is free to Society members who also have the opportunity to book for the Annual Lunch and the special visit to Arley Hall. To join, contact Mrs Barbara Hepburn on 01937 582243 or download the form on the Society’s website – or you can join on the night. Next talk: 9 March 2017, 8.00pm: The Great Twelve: Senior Livery Companies of the City with Fenella Billington. Note to Editors For further information about events and speakers, please contact Michael Harvey, the Society’s Press and Publicity Officer at
THE READERS GROUP The next meeting will be on Tuesday 7th February at 7.30pm at the Swan. Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford
A few Garden Hints from David Mitchell
My vegetable plot is looking a bit miserable. The end of the cauliflowers and carrots need lifting and disposing on the compost heap. The chard is still there for use along with the leeks and Kohl rabi, something that I tried this year and which was very worthwhile as an extra vegetable on the plate. It was also easy to prepare (just peel it) and easy to grow although I could have got it in earlier to give it a longer growing season. It is still very valuable as a shortterm crop and grows quickly to give a small sweet root. The snow white turnips (variety ‘Snowball’) did well and some are still left for the picking. Some Pak Choi ‘Glacier’ lies in the row. The price of this in the shops surprised me recently. I was pleased to see some of ours left. In all these cases it is worthwhile distributing slug pellets especially if the weather warms up unexpectantly. Turkey went by the board for Christmas and we had beef instead. My turn to dig the horseradish roots and prepare. Use the fresher root growth, not the old and finely grate, combined with vinegar and then single cream and brown sugar. Prepared a couple of weeks in advance brings out the taste. Mind you the eyes watered grating the stuff. A stiff Macallan went well here. If that Christmas tree is still lying from Christmas, there is a value in either chipping it yourself for mulching or leaving it for the binmen. Whilst things are quiet then this is a good time to clear any herbaceous borders of leaves and arisings and a decision made to split large clumps of plants. Likewise, those shrub borders need clearing out. One of my borders is really over the top and I need to remove a Philadelphus and transplant a white berried mountain ash. This Sorbus cashmiriana is very beautiful with both its “candle wax” berries and autumn colour but has got a little lost. Some of the ground cover Persicaria bistorta ‘Superba’, the Lamiums, the Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fire Glow’, scrambling Rubus and Lysimachia ciliate ‘Firecracker’ need thinning, weeding and transplanting. Perhaps also a chance to select rooted offshoots of all these and pot up for friends later in the season. It is a very quick way to multiply plants.
NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN GROUP A REMINDER Consultation Event Saturday 4th February 2.00pm—4.00pm Village Hall Supper Room See the January Magazine for details COMMUNITY FUND Applications to the Community Fund must be handed in to Colin Pool before 14th February. MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th February. or deliver to Anne at:Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can
With Apologies from the Editor there was a mistake in the “What’s on” page last month. The Application for Festival Tickets is on 19th March. The Application for the Community Fund Monies is 14th February.
BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30
Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30
Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30
Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you
THE CHURCHYARD, thanks to the hard work of Jeremy Kendall, our churchyard is looking lovely. Many thanks to all those who help to keep the recent graves tidy. Please remember NOTHING CAN BE ADDED TO A GRAVE STONE OR A GRAVE PLOT WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE CLERGY