All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News
A few snowdrops to cheer us through the dark days of January. Photo taken by Paul Marshall
January 2017 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham
Issue 168
Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Canon Peter
Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa……………………………………………………………….. 842454 Rev’d Trisha Anslow……Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa……………………………………………………….. 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown……...Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch……………………………………………………….. 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies…Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham……………………………….. 541047 Churchwardens…………Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park………………………… 0113 2892790 Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………………………… 844858 Deputy Churchwarden…Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG……………………………… Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, Secretary……………… Mollie Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park
844858 0113 289 2790
VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Stephen Spencer Organist………………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth………………………………………0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham…………………………………. 918725 Deanery Synod………… Jillian Lawson……………………………………………………………………………….. 844858 Stepping Stones……… Jennie Saynor, ………………….. Group Office…………….Sarah Oates (Office open Monday-Friday 11.00 am to 1.00pm)…………….… 844402
WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..
Chairman: Stewart Gibson……………………… 845084 Hall Bookings……………………… 07398 244634 Drama Group………………… Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Football Club…………………. Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides……………………… Sarah Clayton………………………………… … Brownies…………………….. Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Explorer Scouts……………… Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Scouts………………………… Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Beavers………………………. Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 078 0108 1894 Cubs………………………….. Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Bramham Primary School….. Executive Head Teacher Sarah Richards…………………… 843682 Deputy Head Teacher Laura Wild: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council…… Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Scott Jones 07779 412817, Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 Naomi Elvin 833288, June Halliday 845564, Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council………. Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion………….. Gerry Taylor, Secretary…………………………… 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair ……………………………… 844529 Bramham in Bloom………… Lynne Marshall …….…………………………………. 844767 Community Action Group….. Keith Innocent………………………………………… 841197 Monday Club………………… Mavis Wilson…………………………………………… 842321 Readers Group…………….. Jillian Lawson 844858 and Marion Hogg 844191 Bramham Shop & Post Office. Lynne Williams…..……………………………… 842275 Folly Allotments Association Linda Richards, Chair…………………………… 842151 Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Paul Marshall …………………………………… 844767
Anne Palmer
01937 842850
Paul Marshall
01937 844767
Jillian Lawson
01937 844858
Write Design
& Print
01937 588198
Letter from the Clergy Rev Jane Brown
Exploring the Spiritual in the New Year As a Benefice, we have been engaging in a programme to shape the future of our churches and considering how we can grow and serve our communities as we move forward. What we see is a world that has increasingly rejected ‘church’, perceiving it as irrelevant and old-fashioned. Yet, interest in spirituality – in all its many and varied forms - has not declined, in fact may well have been renewed in recent years. It seems many have a sense that there is ‘something’, but struggle to define, however loosely, what it is and many are wary of established doctrines and churches. Christianity is a faith that believes strongly in the spiritual power and presence of God. We believe in God revealed in three ways: God the Father; God the Son – Jesus Christ; and God the Holy Spirit. To us God is not inactive; he is not detached or distant. People sometimes feel they can’t begin to approach God, until they ‘believe’ – whatever they think that means. But I wish to suggest that it is only in the exploring, however tentatively, that we can begin to experience and come to know God. When we meet someone new, we don’t wait until we know all about them before we engage in conversation with them. Rather we begin to chat and gradually we inquire, we explore, we share and so learn about each other. We are told that we make up our minds about new people in a matter of seconds, and yes, we do make a judgement, but I have sometimes found my initial assessment radically overturned by getting to know someone better. Sometimes deep friendships have emerged with people to whom my initial reaction was much less favourable! But only by giving time to finding out more about them, getting past the initial off-putting signals (which usually say more about me than them) and discovering who they really are. A New Year provides an ideal opportunity to reflect on our relationships, those with friends, family, colleagues, and with our maker. How much time and energy do we give to each? As you are setting out all those ambitious plans for the New Year (resolutions for health and fitness etc….), I encourage you to consider how you will feed and explore the spiritual within your life. If prayer is new to you, give it a go. How about aiming to spend just 10 minutes quietly in God’s presence each day? No need to say anything, unless you want to. You can just be
and see what God says to you. Having a prayer to say, such as the Lord’s Prayer, or a song to sing or listen to, and a candle to light, to start the time may be helpful but isn’t necessary. Try it. See what difference it makes. If you’re ‘an old hand’, then try something new. Prayer is never ‘done’; it is never mastered, just like all our relationships in life. It is only in opening ourselves to God in this way that we can hope to come to know him better.
LEADING PRAYERS IN CHURCH – might you be interested? Praying for the needs of the world, our communities and ourselves is an important part of our worship together as a church. We are keen to encourage lay people to lead our prayers (often called ‘intercessions’) as much as possible. We will be running a short training session, for those who may be interested, on 28th January. Please come along, even if you are not sure whether you are ready to lead the prayers. There are many and varied styles of ‘intercessions’ and each person may prefer to lead in their own way. This session will also be useful for those who currently lead intercessions, and would like a refresher or to consider other styles. We will also be running a second session later in the year, for those who already regularly lead intercessions and would like to try some more creative prayer styles. The session will run as follows: Sat 28th January Bramham Village Hall
11am – 1pm
Members of all churches within the Benefice are invited. It is not necessary to book a place, but it would help us with our planning if you could contact the Parish Office to confirm attendance. Should you have any queries, please speak to one of the clergy.
PRAYER IDEA – JANUARY 2017 PRAYING FOR THOSE YOU CARE ABOUT… - A USE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS Write the names of people or issues you care about on strips of card or paper. Cutting the signatures out of the Christmas Cards you received, is a personal and eco-friendly way to do this. Put them all on a bowl, basket or other container. Each day, draw out a few of them and pray for them. There is no need for fancy words or wellthought out phrases – just tell God what is on your heart in relation to that person or issue.
The Christmas Shoebox Appeal For St George’s Crypt Leeds. A big thank you to everyone who made up boxes for this Appeal.
THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL A THANK YOU TO EVERYONE IN BRAMHAM who contributed towards the Appeal this year. The Poppy Appeal is the major single source of revenue for the RBL Benevolent Fund. Each year more people come to the Legion for help and the cost of that help is continually increasing. Daily we see and read of your Service men and women employed in peace keeping duties in many parts of the world, often in considerable danger, and this means that there will always be a need to provide help for them and their dependents, when they themselves no longer can.
January 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 6th
Gary Mann (Priest) 2005 Mary Simpson Fred Young 1976 Una Ward Jackson Barbara Barrett 1982 William Arnott Wilkinson 6th Kenneth Barber 2007 7th George Hebbron 9th Marcia Agnes Mary Lane Fox 1980 James Walker Booth 1983 Amelia Wright 2008 13th Thomas William Goodwin 1972 Joan Alice Bye 2014 14th Daniel Henzell 1970 Frank Reynolds 1998 Maria Van-Laoy Craddy 2011 15th Mary Stevenson 1976 Robert Owen Nash 1977 16th Christine Mary Shaw 1994 17th Emily Molly Stockdale 1989 William Guy 2001 18th John Chambers Cooper 2010 19th Gwendoline Wagstaff 1966 Irene Blanchard 1990 21st Thomas Mace 2006 22nd Emma Kendrew 1975 Frederick William Barker 2004 23rd Charles Reynolds 1982 Ernest Hale 2002 John Reginald Derek Shaw (Priest) 2000 25th Rita Reynolds 2011 24th Raymond Easby 2008 26th James Edward Hunter 1957 27th Louise Ware 1952 29th Harry Smith 1967 Robert Bowman 1979 Anthony Howard Aarons (2003) 30th Ernest Charles Hare 2006
1st January 15th January 29th January
The Blessed Sacrament Is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Church for the Sick and dying. Revd. Trish Anslow Tel: 01937 844789 or the Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.
FROM THE Parish Church Registers FUNERALS
15th November Samantha Haines 21st November
Hazel Scott
HAZEL SCOTT David and Kate would like to thank all Hazel’s friends and the kind people of Bramham for their love and support during this sad time.
READER’S ROTA FOR JANUARY 2017 Jacqui Turner 8th January Children’s Service Barbara Baker 22nd January Yvonne Gibson Jillian Lawson
CHURCH SERVICES IN JANUARY 2017 Please check the main notice board for services at other Churches in the Benefice
1st January 8th January 15th January 22nd January 29th January
8.00am Holy Communion at St Mary’s 10.00 am Holy Communion at St Mary’s 8.00 am Holy Communion at Thorp Arch 10.00 am Family Service Bramham 8.00 am Holy Communion St Mary’s 10.00 am Celtic Service Bramham 8.00 am Holy Communion Bramham 10.00 am Holy Communion Bramham 8.00 am Holy Communion St Mary’s 10.00 am JOINT SERVICE AT St Mary’s
Mums & Tots At Bramham Pavilion Every Wednesday starting Jan 4th until February 8th 2017 inclusive This is a 6 week Trial period (Use it or lose it!) Time 10.00 till 11.30 am
£2 per child
Refreshments available Donation of good clean toys welcome, 0-4 years (Sorry no bikes, prams, soft toys) Toys can be dropped off by contacting Linda Matthews
01937 541899
Run by Bramham Pavilion Committee
Canon Peter has announced his retirement A few weeks ago I announced my retirement as Vicar of Bramham Benefice. This will be on 30th June 2017 when I will be in my 45th year of priestly ministry, the last 17 of which have been spent very happily serving the parishes and you here. It has been a great delight to live and work in such lovely villages.
Our Family has ‘come of age’ here and Debbie and I feel we have been truly blessed by your love, care and support. The formation of a new parish and the development of several lay ministries as well as the appointment of a parish administrator and youth worker have been significant features of my time here I take with me huge admiration for the talent and generous contributions of so many people to the life of these parishes and communities. I am particularly proud and thankful for the six curates I have helped to train and delighted by the seven parishioners who offered themselves for priestly ministry during my time here. At a deanery level I was thrilled to be able to introduce the marriage preparation programme which has now hosted over 1,000 individuals preparing for marriage.
While in the middle of serving a busy term as the rural dean (2006-11) I found myself caring for 17 churches who were waiting for clergy appointments ! Both in the Diocese of Worcester and for the last 12 years in York I greatly enjoyed the many challenges presented by the role of the Liturgical Re-ordering Adviser for the Church’s planning authority, the Diocesan Advisory Committee, which is responsible under the Chancellor for all aspects of church planning and building. Over the years we have been able to make many changes to improve our own church buildings by making them more accessible and useable with the latest project close to completion at St. Peter’s. In the last few years links with the new Diocese of Asante Mampong in Ghana have been a huge privilege, opening up a culture and faith very different from our own but no less vibrant. Rev. Trish and Rev. Jane will continue to look after you and their presence and service will reduce the impact of the interregnum. In early 2017 the Diocese of York will begin discussions about the coming interregnum and the preparations for the appointment of a new vicar. At this point we are not entirely certain where our retirement home will be but it is most likely we will be moving to Middlesbrough. Debbie and I wish you every blessing as the parishes move into a new and what will be an exciting era of challenge and change, particularly as the Benefice is currently exploring a new programme for renewal and growth.
Canon Peter
Bramham Parish Council December 2016 Update
PARISH COUNCIL CLERK: Congratulations to Keith on achieving the Certificate in Local Council Administration – very well done! PARKING AT THE SCHOOL & SPEED LIMITS: Leeds City Council (LCC) has advised that the first step in assessing any need for parking facilities is a traffic assessment by LCC Highways. The Parish Council has requested that this is carried out asap. The police have issued warnings to some inconsiderate parkers. We are also again approaching LCC regarding speed limits by the school and liaising with the school and Clifford Parish Council on this. DOG FOULING PROBLEMS: We are working with the school on a competition for children to design an anti dog fouling sign. We plan to have 6 in the village and hope it will have more of an impact than the ‘traditional’ signs. POLICE ISSUES / ROAD SIGNS: We are reminding LCC about the damaged road signs, eg on New Road. Please remember you can report any vandalism by calling 101 or on-line at We are pleased to report that the anti -social and possibly criminal behavior on Freely Lane has significantly reduced thanks mainly to an increased police presence. POLICE ADVICE: •Always lock your doors and windows even when you’re at home •Shut your windows. Always take the key out of the lock and keep it in a safe place - do not leave keys in reach of the letterbox, a cat flap, or on view through a window. •Make sure items such as car keys, laptops, tablets, phones and cash cannot be seen through a window.
•Do not leave power cables or charger units for laptops and tablets plugged in and on show. •If you are out, try to make your home look occupied by using a timer switch to control lights. •Make sure Euro cylinder locks have achieved - TS 007 (3 star rating) or Sold Secure Diamond Standard for lock cylinders (SS312). LEEDS FESTIVAL NEW APPLICATION PROCESS: Don’t forget to keep the date - Sunday 19th March – one day for applications in person at the Village Hall. See December magazine.
Keith Innocent, the Community Action Group, the School, Commmunity Groups and The Red Lion for a super Christmas Lights switch on evening. To Linda Matthews and Tricia Price for a fun Children’s Christmas Activity morning at the Pavilion. Mavis Wilson and the Monday Club for Carols round the tree. All Saints Church for all of their Christmas services. Next Meeting: Wednesday 4th January, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion.
We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307
Website:, Twitter: @thisisbramham
If you have a car and a day or two a week to spare then we’d love to hear from you…. The WiSE Transport Scheme provides a cost effective way for the over 60’s to get to appointments, meet friends and attend the wide variety of social activities that the Wetherby area has to offer. With around 200 clients registered to use the service, we desperately need additional volunteer drivers please…do you think you could help? We’ll more than cover your vehicle costs and you’ll be able to meet lovely local people and do something really meaningful in your community. To find out more please contact Bridget Tasker or Greg Webster, our WiSE Transport Coordinators by calling the WiSE office on 01937 222066. Alternatively please email them at
We finished off the year of our Stepping Stones sessions with a really special evening. It started with Mrs Legault (in her slippers!) reading the children a Christmas story, under the twinkling lights of the beautiful Christmas tree, which was really magical. The children then decorated a Christmas wreath for their doors, they were all individual and looked amazing …. we had some that were traditional with holly and berries, some with pompoms, some that were made into reindeer with red noses and some were dressed as Father Christmas! Some of the children also decorated 3D wooden Christmas trees. Whilst the children were working on their decorations the adults enjoyed a sneaky glass of mulled wine! The children enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate with squirty cream and marshmallows (thank you Carla!) followed with some home made mince pies which were delicious (thank you Helen!). Its been really nice having everyone join us at Stepping Stones this year, thanks to all the parents for their help and we really look forward to seeing you all next year. A very special thankyou to Helen for her continued support, and to Kate Kennedy and Rev’d Jane for their help throughout the year. Stepping Stones is open for any child to attend regardless of if they attend any Church or not. It is simply a way of meeting other families in a relaxed friendly environment. The next session is on Friday 6th January 2017 at All Saints Church - 5.30pm. The Family Service takes place at All Saints every second Sunday (8th January 2017) at 10am. For more information please contact Jennie Saynor All Saints Church Bramham, serving Bramham’s Community for over 860 years.
CAROLS AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE A huge thank you to Mavis Wilson for organising the Carols around the Tree on 16th December, a splendid turn out. Simon Noble accompanied the singers—who were in good voice this year, so that bodes well for the Singing Group? One or two carols sung by the children, and they were fantastic!!!! Thank you. Thank you to the Mince Pie makers and to all Mavis’s helpers. A lovely start to the Christmas season. ...and the Tree looked amazing.
The Book of Remembrance Is there anyone in the Village who has amazing calligraphy skills? We do need somebody to take over the task of keeping the Book of Remembrance up to date. In October we recorded the death of DEREK KNIGHT who had written in all the names for the past 16 years. Usually this is done on an annual basis and then the list is reproduced in the parish magazine each month. The names do not automatically appear in the Book but if the families wish the names of family members to be recorded please get in touch with Anne Palmer. The date of death and the name of the deceased and it will be entered for you.
BRAMHAM READERS GROUP The next meeting will be on 8th January, 2017 at 7.30pm at the Swan Pub and the book under discussion will be The Improbability of Love by Hannah Rothschild Contact Marion 844191
or Jillian 844858
Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association The next meeting will be on 18th January in the Supper Room of the Village Hall at 7.15 pm.
The speaker will be Alison Moore and the subject of her talk is “Spanish and Spice”. Visitors are very welcome to attend. Jean Cooper
MAGAZINE DETAILS The deadline for the February Magazine is 14th January, 2017 Please send articles to Anne Palmer or use the gmail account. Articles sent as A WORD document are the most helpful.
Bramham Community Fund The Bramham Community Fund exists to distribute the money generated by Festival Republic from the sale of residents’ tickets at the Leeds Festival together with other donations made directly by the promoter. The requirement is that funds are to be used for the benefit of the community of Bramham. Since the Leeds Festival moved to Bramham in 2003, the Fund has allocated grants to a value of over £300,000. The last allocation of grants, based on the 2015 Festival took place in March 2016. It is planned that the allocations from the 2016 Festival will be considered in March 2017. The Fund is therefore now accepting applications.
The closing date is 14 February 2017. To keep it simple, there is no formal application form. Just write to the Bramham Community Fund c/o Colin Pool at 7 Prospect Bank, Bramham, LS23 6RS or send an email to saying what you would like a grant for, how much and why. The Fund committee under the chairmanship of Nick Lane Fox will then meet to consider the applications. Proposed projects should normally be completed within one year of the grant being awarded. If a project is expected to exceed that timescale, the application should indicate as such. You should be aware that in the past preference in the allocation of grants has been given to new projects rather than funding the ongoing support of existing activities. Applications cannot be accepted from individuals, commercial organisations or for projects which do not benefit residents of Bramham. Colin Pool WETHERBY RUFC Since my last article Wetherby have experienced mixed fortunes in Yorkshire 2 where they seem to have found their level. The committee 3 years ago drew up a five year plan, to obtain promotion from Yorkshire 4 in year 1, consolidate in Yorkshire 3 the following year and win promotion the next. As they achieved the first goal and went on to win Yorkshire 3 the next year without losing a game they are now ahead of themselves. The target this season was to avoid relegation and at the half way point they have won 8 and lost 6 so it looks encouraging that the target will be achieved. Recent wins have been 24-19 against Wath on Dearne, 55-10 against Sheffield Medicals and 20-7 against West Park the former team of Stuart Lancaster the previous England Coach. Fixtures for January 14th Firsts v Roundhegians 28th
Crusaders v Morley Bob Gibson
Burns Night 2017 – 21st January – tickets are strictly limited By popular demand we are holding a Burns Night Ceilidh on Saturday 21st January, with Fiddlers Wreck Ceilidh Band, who have entertained us for the last 4 years. Tickets are £15 each which includes a two course traditional Burns supper and whisky toasts. Tickets will be available from early January, from the Village Shop or by contacting the Village Hall on 07398 244634. Or by email to Please note that payment can now be taken by Debit or Credit card when you book by phone. New Phone Number Please note that there is a new phone number for the Village Hall Bookings. It is 07398 244634 Bookings for 2017 Please remember to book the hall early if you have a special event in 2017. We have already taken several bookings and don't want residents to be disappointed. Prices are currently the same as 2016, which includes a 3 hour party package for children’s parties on Saturdays and Sundays for bookings between 11am and 5pm. Friday or Saturday night is £120 from 5pm to midnight. Season greetings and thanks..... to all users and supporters of the Village Hall, please continue your support in 2017. The Village Hall can be booked by phone or text on 07398 244634 or by email on . Committee can be contacted via Stewart Gibson on 01937 845084 or Christine Suddaby on 01937 849455, or by post via Bramham Village Hall, Church Hill, Bramham LS23 6QF. Find “Bramham Village hall” pages on Facebook or see
Do you wish you could talk to someone in confidence? On the first Monday of each month there will be someone with many years of experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns, sitting in Church. This is not Counselling, simply an understanding and confidential listener. Please call in between 10.00 and 12 noon on the first Monday of each month if you would like to talk.
Mollie Browning
Flight into Egypt A teacher asked her Sunday School group to draw pictures of their favourite Bible stories. She was puzzled by Patsy’s picture, which showed four people on an airplane, so she asked him which story it was meant to represent. "The flight to Egypt," said Patsy. "I see ... And that must be Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus," the teacher said. "But who's the fourth person?" "Oh, that's Pontius-the Pilot.”
Practice nights at All Saints’ Bramham
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 7.00pm—8.00pm come along and join us, or phone
THE MONDAY CLUB There is no meeting in January, but the next meeting will be on Monday 6th February 2017. 1.30 pm Mavis wishes all the Senior Citizens a very happy new year and thanks all her volunteer helpers for their tremendous help as she could never manage without them. Everyone is welcome to attend and we would love to see new faces, transport can be provided, if you would like further information please contact Mavis Wilson 842321
‘SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVERAL DWARFS’ The pantomime ‘Snow White and the Several Dwarfs’ was the perfect choice for the forty plus cast of Bramham Drama Group performed at Bramham Village Hall in early December. As the title suggests, the script allowed for more than the usual seven dwarfs – ideal from a casting perspective, particularly as there were twenty seven juniors wishing to take part. The script included all the desired ingredients that audiences want to see in a pantomime as well as a few quirky extras thrown in for good measure ( a BDG trademark!) Judging by the favourable comments overheard at the end and the smiles all round, the show was undoubtedly a resounding success. That there was an obvious shortage of males this year- with the dame being played by the very talented Emma Little - mattered not, as we were treated to strong performances from the lead roles who took advantage of the fast paced script and revelled in showing off their talent for foreign accents, notably the hilarious ‘over the top’ German accents of the two stooges played by Stewart Gibson and his grandson, Jack Howard and indeed the Dame’s subtle Irish brogue added colour to her mischievous delivery, to be sure. Amy Curtis, in the lead role, gave an assured, confident performance and the group will be sad to miss her as university beckons next year. And talking of double acts, the credit for this year’s production must go the joint directors, Christine Suddaby and Christine Wray; friends, neighbours and long standing members of the drama group. These two ladies, who both work full time, (do they have an extra hour or two in their days, I wonder?) should be applauded for putting together such a delightful and entertaining show. They were ably assisted by Matt Suddaby and Aimee Wray who trained the fantastic junior section. Fiona Henderson pulled all the strings together as producer and James Rodgers was the musical director. It may be an amateur production, but Bramham Drama Group certainly knows how
Please clear leaves away from flower beds so that the plants can have some space away from rotting leaves.
Weed beds if necessary…
…..Thank You. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Boston Spa and District Churches Together Present A Ceilidh With Lairum Rise
Saturday 4 February 2017 7:30 - 10:30 at Clifford Village Hall Tickets ÂŁ10:00 to include Pie & Pea Supper Raffle! Bar! Tickets available from your local Churches Together rep or Judith on 0774 970 1655 & Emily on 844345 All proceeds to WYDAN and LASSN
BRAMHAM NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN GROUP CONSULTATION EVENT SATURDAY 4TH FEBRUARY 2017 2pm to 4pm VILLAGE HALL SUPPER ROOM Further to our article in last months Parish News, we can report that we’re making good progress with assessments of the parish assets. We can now move on with detailing our objectives and aspirations for the parish and drafting out policies to help guide future planning decisions which may impact the parish. It is important to recognise that these are not ‘our’ policies, i.e. those of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. They are the decisions of the residents of this parish, prepared by us from the collected results of the recent survey and the various community events. With this in mind, we will be holding an event in the Village Hall Supper Room from 2.00 - 4.00pm on Saturday 4th February 2017. Residents will be able to comment on and input into the first draft of our Neighbourhood Plan, discuss any aspects of this and/or raise any questions with the members of the NP Group together with David Gluck of Plan Ahead Communities, the consultant who is guiding and assisting us in preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan. Before accepting our final NP draft for inspection and assessment, Leeds City Council will need to be satisfied that we have consulted fully with Parish residents, so please do put a note of this event in your diary and play a full part in your Neighbourhood Plan. In the meantime, may we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Paul Marshall Chair
English Romantic Modernism at the Linton Antique Society On 12 January 2017at 8.00pm, author and art historian Suzanne Fagence Cooper looks at the work of two major 20th century British artists ─ John Piper, particularly noted for his dramatic pictures of historic buildings, and Eric Ravilious, a brilliant watercolourist, print-maker and designer ─ and its potent influence on a range of young contemporary artists, some of whom are Yorkshire-based. Entrance to this talk at Linton Memorial Hall is £5.00 but is free to Society members. To join, contact Mrs Barbara Hepburn on 01937 582243 or download the form on the Society’s website – or you can join on the night. Next talk: 9 February 2017, 8.00pm: A Muddy History of Britain (A Local View) with Gillian Hovell.
‘SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVERAL DWARFS’ The pantomime ‘Snow White and the Several Dwarfs’ was the perfect choice for the forty plus cast of Bramham Drama Group performed at Bramham Village Hall in early December. As the title suggests, the script allowed for more than the usual seven dwarfs – ideal from a casting perspective, particularly as there were twenty seven juniors wishing to take part. The script included all the desired ingredients that audiences want to see in a pantomime as well as a few quirky extras thrown in for good measure ( a BDG trademark!) Judging by the favourable comments overheard at the end and the smiles all round, the show was undoubtedly a resounding success. That there was an obvious shortage of males this year- with the dame being played by the very talented Emma Little - mattered not, as we were treated to strong performances from the lead roles who took advantage of the fast paced script and revelled in showing off their talent for foreign accents, notably the hilarious ‘over the top’ German accents of the two stooges played by Stewart Gibson and his grandson, Jack Howard and indeed the Dame’s subtle Irish brogue added colour to her mischievous delivery, to be sure. Amy Curtis, in the lead role, gave an assured, confident performance and the group will be sad to miss her as university beckons next year. And talking of double acts, the credit for this year’s production must go the joint directors, Christine Suddaby and Christine Wray; friends, neighbours and long standing members of the drama group. These two ladies, who both work full time, (do they have an extra hour or two in their days, I wonder?) should be applauded for putting together such a delightful and entertaining show. They were ably assisted by Matt Suddaby and Aimee Wray who trained the fantastic junior section. Fiona Henderson pulled all the strings together as producer and James Rodgers was the musical director. It may be an amateur production, but Bramham Drama Group certainly knows how to deliver a high-class pantomime that many would say could give a professional version a run for its money. If you missed the production this year, make a mental note to come along in 2017 – you won’t be disappointed. Geraldine Taylor
The festive spirit arrived in Bramham on a cold and crispy night on Friday 25th November when the Christmas lights were switched on in the village centre. As a result of generous sponsors the village now has 7 lamppost Christmas motifs as well as the magnificent Christmas Tree located outside the Senior Citizens shelter opposite the War Memorial. The festivities started at 6pm in The Square where Bramham Primary School entertained the crowd with some lovely Christmas carols and music. Mulled wine was served by Bramham Community Action Group who organised the event, mince pies were made by
members of the NSPCC, the school also bought homemade cakes and goodies to sell and homemade fudge was also available. At 7pm to the delight of the crowds, the lights along Front Street and in The Square came on and the tree lights were switched on by Val Whitbread from Bramham Parish Council and Mother Christmas aka Karon Haffonden who later led the crowds in singing many popular Christmas songs. Keith Innocent
BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL 11.00 AM UNTIL 4.30 PM “FROM THE TOP” the people running the event are offering a day of learning songs from various genres and disciplines. Workshop members do not have to be able to read music as the songs will be taught aurally and visually. The session is ideal for both beginners and experienced singers. The Workshop Leader, Laura Taylor, is a very experienced vocal coach leading various choruses and choirs. Her sessions are always filled with fun and are designed to give everyone a relaxed and enjoyable experience. Laura’s colleagues Margaret Swain and Geoff Amos will assist her throughout the day. Margaret sings with the multi-award female chorus “The White Rosettes” Geoff is the administrator and also provides cakes and biscuits. OH YES PARTS OF THE DAY ARE SET ASIDE FOR THE CONSUMPTION OF CAKE! HERE ARE ONE OR TWO TESTIMONIALS ……. I can’t believe I’ve done it. What a great day! ……..lovely cakes, fab songs, loved the range of them and the warm-ups. …....the sound we achieved was beautiful..can’t wait for the next one! Cost £25.00 for the whole session. All music, tuition and cakes are included! Applications and members need to SIGN UP before the END OF JANUARY 2017 as we need to confirm with Laura A MINIMUM NUMBER OF 20 as soon as possible please. CAN WE DO IT ? …..YES!................... Please contact Anne Palmer 842850 or Lynne Marshall 844767 by email or phone asap to secure your place.
WANTED – NEW GOVERNORS What are we looking for? The governing body of the Federation of Bramham and Shadwell Primary Schools is made up of, parent, staff a local authority and co-opted governors. Our governors may come to us through a variety of routes and with a range of different backgrounds, skills and experiences, but they are all volunteers who work together for the benefit of the schools. We are currently looking for new co-opted governors and would be delighted to hear from anyone who has: • an interest in the performance of the schools • an open and enquiring mind • the ability to look at issues objectively • the confidence to ask questions and join in debate. • a willingness to listen and make informed judgements • the ability to work well with others • time to give to the effective governance of the school. We would be particularly interested to hear from those with a financial background and those who are involved in community activities in Bramham. What can we offer?
• A chance to develop skills in strategic leadership • The opportunity to work with our team of governors and staff in improving our schools • Training to develop an understanding of specific school matters • A sense of achievement in making a difference to our schools • The satisfaction of helping children to achieve “excellence for all”.
What is the governing body’s role? The governing body of our schools plays a key role in: •. setting the strategic direction of the schools • deciding policy and future development plans • monitoring progress towards meeting targets. • finding the right balance between supporting and challenging the performance of the schools • ensuring sound financial management • upholding good governance and working towards the success of the schools The governing body works together as a team: • the whole governing body meets together at least three times a year • governors also work together in committees to look at specific aspects of the school • some governors have specific roles, for example, Special Educational Needs and safeguarding, • In addition to a full and detailed induction programme, all governors have the opportunity to undertake further training to build on existing skills or to help develop new ones Being a governor can be enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Kathryn Wilkinson, the Vice Chair of governors, at
BURNS NIGHT Bramham Village Hall Saturday 21st January 7.30pm Dancing to live music from “Fiddlers’ Wreck” Ceilidh Band Tickets £15 to include two course supper and whisky toasts Tickets available from the Village Shop or by contacting the Village Hall on 07398 244634. Or by email to Book early to avoid disappointment!
What’s on in Bramham this month? 4th Jan
Parish Council Meeting in The Pavilion - 7.30pm
4th Jan—8th Feb Mums and Tots 10.00 am –11.30 am 8th Jan
Readers Group—The Swan Inn—7.30pm
18th Jan
YCA - Supper Room—7.15 pm
21st Jan
Burns Night—Village Hall—7.30pm
28th Jan
Leading Prayers—Village Hall—11.00am-1.00pm
4th Feb.
Ceildh—Clifford Village Hall—7.30pm—10.30 pm
6th Feb
Monday Club resumes—Supper Room—1.30 pm
14th Feb
Closing date for application of Festival tickets.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR YOUR DIARY 2017 5th March Singing Day Workshop 19th March Festival Tickets Village Hall 13th August Medieval Event Bramham Churchyard. 13th December Drighlington Brass Band Concert Bramham Park
The Concert this year was amazing, with a new Director of Music and the amusing compere Bob
we had a delightful evening. With
sincere thanks to Nick and Rachel Lane Fox for inviting us to Bramham Park and to their attentive staff for looking after us so well. We hope to have raised in excess of £800 for the church.
BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30
Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed
Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275
MAGAZINE COVERS Several people have commented on the coloured photograph on the front page of the Parish Magazine, sadly this costs a little more, but if you would like to sponsor a cover for a particular month we would like to hear from you. It can be anonymous or the name of the company will be printed under the photograph. Please contact Anne Palmer 01937 842850. THE CHURCHYARD, thanks to the hard work of Jeremy Kendall, our churchyard is looking lovely. Many thanks to all those who help to keep the recent graves tidy. Please remember