July 2017

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All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News

The Archbishop of York at Bramham School

July 2017 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

Issue 174


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Canon Peter

Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa 842454 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown…… Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park………………… Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG………………

0113 2892790 844858

Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine @gmail.com


Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, jowilkinson04Gmail.co 339152 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod…………Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones……… Jennie Saynor, jen@saynor.me.uk Group Office………… Sarah Oates (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice.bramhambenefice@gmail.com) Friday closed.

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… Hall Bookings…

845084 07398 244634

Drama Group Football Club… Guides…… Brownies… Explorer Scouts… Scouts…… Beavers… Cubs…… . Bramham Primary School

Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Sarah Clayton………………………………… … sarah@claytons.info Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 078 0108 1894 Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Executive Head Teacher Valerie Wilson… 843682 Executive Deputy Head Teacher Ruth Kirby: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Helena Buck 849757 Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley clerk@bramhamparishcouncil.org.uk Bramham Pavilion… Gerry Taylor, Secretary… 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair 844529 Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Lynne Marshall Keith Innocent … Mavis Wilson Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Williams…. Linda Richards, Chair… Paul Marshall …



Marion Hogg

844767 841197 842321 844191 842275 842151 844767

Clergy Letter from The Revd. Triish

Have you ever been away from home on a holiday for a couple of weeks or more and come back to that feeling of being ‘out of the loop’? Life has gone on around you and all sorts have happened without you. The feeling of being on the outside looking in can last for quite some time. Imagine, if you will, the feeling of blankness that greeted me after a whole seven weeks away from the busyness of life in the parishes. Easter happened; weddings, funerals and baptisms went on without me, and there was the beginning of the ‘Say One for Me’ event. Faith is a strange thing; it can bumble along without others for a while. We can convince ourselves that it is strong enough to weather the absence of communal worship and joint prayer times, but in truth it is the time together that recharges the batteries of our faith. When we read the Bible, we can see that it was the time together that taught the disciples the foundation of their emerging faith in the Good News. They had time listening to Jesus, they could see love in action and witness the miracles that this Messiah performed in God’s name. We can read of those times and learn so much from the same situations. Just as the disciples did, we can talk, reflect and listen to each other and challenge our understanding of that Good News. In such difficult times as the recent months with terrorism appearing in our own back yard, in Manchester and London, it might seem that we can’t make the link with life 2,000 years ago and today. How would Jesus teach on the actions of others? Have you and your friends and neighbours thought and debated the events through the eyes of disciples? On the day of Pentecost the disciples were hiding in the house in fear of persecution and waiting for something to happen! Christ’s answer to their situation was to send them the Holy Spirit. It was their motivation to move out and meet the world head on in the power of that spirit; to talk and empower others to meet Christ in their lives.



Not much has changed in the intervening years! We are still a band of disciples with the Holy Spirit empowering us to tell others of the Good News. We do not need to dwell on the negative actions of some people; we need to remind ourselves daily of the power of that spirit in our lives. Go talk and pray together and feel the difference. Rev Trish

Wydale Hall –Ladies of the Benefice retreat, May 2017

Praise be! It didn’t really rain this year!! There was the odd short shower but nothing to get wet with. This is a first in the four years we have been going to Wydale. Ladies, we are on a roll. Eleven of us went to the Diocesan house this year to consider the lives, loves and learning of the two sisters, Mary and Martha. We had four lively sessions talking about all the ways Jesus enriched the lives of the sisters. The rest of our time was taken up with relaxing, feasting on the wonderful views and praying together. After a conversation amongst ourselves we decided to avoid the Half Term week next year (yes, they all said it would be good to continue) so I have provisionally booked our rooms for

Monday 4th – Wednesday 6th June 2018 Have a look in next year’s diary and check that you can come. I will open a list today and you can let me know if you can come. The retreat is very gentle and is open to all ladies of the Benefice. If the gentlemen of the Benefice feel left out we can always arrange a similar retreat for you!

Rev Trish



The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:-

From the Book of Remembrance for

All Saints’ Bramham On these days of the month of July 1st Charles Packe 1944 2nd Joan Aarons 2015 3rd Shirley Marina Watson 1980 George Richard Ernest Wilson 1980 Dorothy Wilkinson 1982 5th Albert Pottage 1976 6th Gertrude Field 1980 7th Victims of London Bus & Tube bombings 2005 8th Harry Caygill 1983 Emma Elizabeth Holmes 2007 9th Mary Summersgill 1982 10th Geoffrey Brian Schofield 1994 11th Claude Ward Jackson 12th Oswald Finnie 2010 14th Charles Birdsell 1975 Charles William Firth 1979 James Hugill 2007 15th Frank Mitchell (Priest) 2005 16th Tony Clerehugh 2011 19th Jean Florence Harper 2006 21st John Hampton (Priest) 1993 22nd Wilfred (Bill) Foggin 2001 24th Charles Shaw 1969 25th Walter Blanchard 1983 Robert Hill 2016 26th Frederick Walter Bond 1966 Ena Rebecca Helliwell Edward (Mick) Chambers 2003 28th George Young 1968 30th Ruth Young 1969 31st Florence Kate Benton 1974 Francis Gordon Ward Lane Fox

Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.


Baptism 11th June Anna and Thea Scrivener



Bramham Parish Council www.thisisbramham.co.uk

June 2017 Update ....communica ng with residents

LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKETS COLLECTION: Remember there are 3 sessions for collection of tickets at THE PAVILION. Sunday 20th August 4pm to 6pm, Monday 21st August 6pm to 8pm, Tuesday 22nd August 6pm to 8pm. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTRE: Thank you to all residents who responded to the recent consultation. There were some very useful suggestions about its future use. The Parish Council has now agreed in principle to go ahead with installation of water and toilet, subject to confirming availability of funding (we are pursuing sources in addition to PC reserves and Community Fund). The intention will be to widen its use to encompass the garden and wildlife area and for all residents, not only Senior Citizens. We also thank everyone who has offered practical help. We will follow up on this and it would be a real community project if residents can help. However please do note that any building project will have to be professionally managed and subject of course to planning and building regulations, and with proper insurance cover. Use of volunteers would therefore have to fit within these parameters. All responses have been collated into one document that does not give names/ contact details in order to respect confidentiality. If anyone wishes to see the document please contact the clerk. COLLINGHAM JUNIORS AT THE PLAYING FIELD! We are delighted to welcome Collingham Juniors, who have a number of Bramham players, to Bramham. Their 8 to 9 year old teams will start playing on the playing field at Freely Lane, Saturday mornings from late August this year. This provides another income towards pavilion upkeep but just as importantly fulfills a wish to see the pavilion and playing field used for junior football. More information on Collingham Juniors can be found on their website: www.collinghamfc.co.uk PAVILION EVENTS 10k and Fun Run Sunday 16th July BBQ Saturday 12th August Check the website to keep up to date with monthly charity book sales etc.



Next Meeting: Wednesday 5 July, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: clerk@bramhamparishcouncil.org.uk Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307

Website: www.thisisbramham.co.uk, Twitter: @thisisbramham

THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.00pm and ring for one hour until 8.00pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome. Contact


DO you wish you could talk to someone in confidence? Please note that the date is changing to the SECOND MONDAY in the month. At this time of the year the Bank Holidays get in the way!!! On the second Monday of each month there will be someone with many years of experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns, sitting in Church. This is not Counselling, simply an understanding and confidential listener. Please call in between 10.00am and 12 noon on the SECOND Monday of each month if you would like to talk.

Mollie Browning



Ladies of the Benefice Retreat at Wydale Hall – 2017 Time for a change from everyday surroundings and routines…..a time to relax, be catered for (afternoon tea treats prepared by resident chef Robert - oh so tempting homemade scones with jam and cream and a Victoria sponge cake oozing with jam and cream! ) Yes, we risked coming home a little heavier in weight perhaps, but for certain Rev. Trish gave us food for thought … She invited us to consider whether we are a Martha or a Mary in our own lives? We discussed biblical stories of the encounters between Martha, Mary and Jesus. How each in turn interacted differently and responded differently each with the other and why they behaved as they did……how their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour grew during their encounters and how God honoured their faith and Jesus’ trust in Him by raising Lazarus to a new life. We learnt how both the sisters, notwithstanding their different behaviour and ways of serving him when Jesus was amongst them, came to a greater understanding of the importance of focusing on Jesus and trusting his words and deeds whenever he was physically present with them, but that God could heal when Jesus was not present, providing they had faith and asked for healing in Jesus’s Name, for God’s glory. During our relaxation most of us took the opportunity to stroll in the beautiful grounds drinking in the peace and quiet, the seclusion of the walled garden and enjoying the distant views over the Vale of Pickering, others browsed the Library books; some knitted small squares for a baby blanket charity. We also enjoyed viewing a film entitled “The Way” one evening. Our thanks go to Rev. Trish for guiding our thoughts………………………we all returned home restored and refreshed. A Retreat Addict







3rd July, Come along and enjoy a social afternoon with tea and cake and a natter. If you need a lift, please contact Mavis on 842321 BVH news July 2017

Public safety at the hall.

Users of the hall are reminded that the stage should not be used unless it has been specifically booked, and in par cular, children must not be allowed to "play" on the stage. Following a serious incident that involved a village hall commi ee member, step ladders have been removed from the hall and will no longer be available to users of the hall. If anyone chooses to bring a step ladder this will be en rely at their own risk. The village hall will not accept responsibility for anyone using ladders at the hall. Bookings for 2017 & 2018 Please remember to book the hall early if you have a special event in the second half of 2017 or in 2018. We have already taken several bookings and don't want residents to be disappointed. The cost for a Friday or Saturday night hire is from £120. Day me hire is from £8 an hour for the supper room or £12 per hour fir the main hall. There is a children's party rate of £30 for three hours on Saturday and Sunday before 5pm, subject to availability. The hall is licensed un l midnight for entertainment and for the sale of alcohol. For some events the village hall commi ee may be able to provide a bar, subject to availability. Please use the village hall bookings email address or the mobile phone number shown below to enquire about availability.

The Village Hall can be booked by phone or text on 07398 244634 or by email on bramhamvillagehallbookings@gmail.com . Commi ee can be contacted via Stewart Gibson on 01937 845084 or Chris ne Suddaby on 01937 849455, or by post via Bramham Village Hall, Low Way, Bramham LS23 6QT. Find “Bramham Village hall” pages on Facebook or see www.thisisbramham.co.UK





Entry fee: £9 affiliated, £11.00 unaffiliated Enter at bookitzone.com (Search Bramham in the location) Entries on the day if not full A multi terrain course of approx. 10k. Most of the route is off road on tracks & bridleways in pleasant countryside. It is an undulating course and the last section brings you to the top of Windmill Hill before descending through the lovely village of Bramham then up Almshouse Hill, fondly known as the Bramham Beast (short but steep!) to the playing field. Also on the day CHILDREN’S FUN RUN incorporating a mini obstacle course doing laps on the playing fields. Join us between 10.30 – 11:30am to run, walk, hop, skip or jump as many laps as you can! Children must be under adult supervision, and under 3’s accompanied by an adult on the course. Entry fee of £3 includes a medal and drink – raising funds for Friends of Bramham School. Proceeds of the 10K run go to maintaining Bramham Pavilion as a village facility Refreshments & facilities at Pavilion * Playground for children * A great family day SPONSORED BY THE PASSION


The event is organised by Bramham Pavilion Committee & Bramham Parish Council



Bramham Drama Group Pantomime 2017 Bramham Drama Group is performing the World Premiere of “Rumplestiltskin� by Shane Huby from Wednesday 6th of December to Saturday 9th of December. If you are interested in being involved in the production, either on stage or behind the scenes come along to Bramham Village Hall on Wednesday 19th July at 7.30pm for informal auditions. If you are unable to attend on the night, please contact: Pat Rimington 841435 patrimington@talktalk.net Jillian Lawson 844858 jillian1981@talktalk.net There will be a separate meeting for juniors (under 12) at 5pm on Monday 17th of July in Bramham Village Hall



Services for 8.00 am and 10.00 am Bramham Benefice

2nd July

9th July

8.00am HC BCP

10:00am HC

Boston Spa

Bramham Rev T Anslow

8.00am HC BCP

10.00a m HC

Thorp Arch

Family Service Bramham

16th July

8.00 am HC BCP

Rev T Anslow

10.00 am Cel c

Boston Spa

23rd July

30th July

Rev. J Brown

8.00am HC BCP

10.00 am H C



8.00am HC BCP

10.00am HC

Boston Spa

Rev T Anslow

Rev S H Menzies

STEPPING STONES At stepping stones this month we learned about Trinity and how many good things come in three's. The weather was lovely so we sat in the beautiful church yard and ate yummy biscuits with 3 layers, while we chatted about the subject and played games and then finished off a lovely evening with a game of hide and seek. Our last stepping stones this summer is on Friday 7th July at 5.30pm, all are welcome. Jennie Sayner



Take a Stroll in the Park and go the Whole Hog! Saturday 22nd July 3.00pm – 8.00pm Enjoy a stroll around the beautiful grounds of Bramham Park followed by a mouth -watering hog roast (or delicious vegetarian alternative) in the gardens of Terry Lug Farmhouse. . Bar! Cakes! Live entertainment! All for £10!! Family ticket (2 adults 2 children under 12) £30 in advance £35 on the door For tickets ring 0113 2892790 25





FAMILY DOG SHOW LOTS TO DO AND SEE. When….THE FUN STARTS AT 12 until 4pm. Where…..Playing fields off Aberford Road DON’T FORGET ITS FREE ENTRY



‘Battles, Burials and Belief Journey into the past to discover the fascinating details of Bramham’s history Sunday 13th August 11.30 to 4.0pm All Saints’ Church Meet the members of the Frei Compagnie battle reenactors and explore the realities of life and death in medieval times Try your skill with an English longbow FREE Entry Refreshments available


Pamper Parlour For all your Beauty Needs (formerly Summerhouse of Beauty from Bramham) Gel Nails and feet Manicures/Pedicures Brow/lash tint and trim Facial Massage If you prefer the comfort and privacy of a home contact Beverley on 07841625877 or email beverleygomerson@hotmail.co.uk

20% off your first booking! Prices start at just ÂŁ15



THIS ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE FOR £70 FOR 12 MONTHS. We can try and include adverts at any time but prefer to have new adverts in September for further information please contact Paul Marshall 844767


IMPORTANT INFROMATION RE LEEDS FESTIVAL The organisers of Leeds Festival, Festival Republic, have been working hard to develop traffic management plans which aim to increase safety, ease congestion around and through local villages including Bramham, minimise disruption and also ensure the safety of the festival goers and residents. The traffic plan has been overhauled and improved significantly since last year. Following discussions and consultations with both West Yorkshire Police, Bramham Parish Council, Leeds City Council and all other relevant agencies, they will be implementing the below changes: The A64 one way road closure on the Thursday has been removed and will be implemented on the Sunday evening/Monday instead for 2017. Purple Gate – the NEW location of the Resident & Guest box office, situated off Thorner Road, and much closer for Bramham residents. The resident car park will also be accessible via the new ‘Purple Gate’. Only Thorner Residents will continue to park near Yellow Gate, where the taxi rank will also be located. Any guest ticket holders will be able to pre book a taxi inside Purple Gate should they wish to do so. Yellow Gate – will now just be used as the public bus/coach station. By removing the guests and non Thorner residents from the vicinity of Yellow Gate this will alleviate the number of pedestrians waiting to be picked up or walking on Bramham Road by Nova Scotia Farm and on to Thorner, which caused serious safety concerns in 2016. A total road closure through Thorner Village – taxis and other festival traffic using routes through Thorner has been an ongoing issue, to a greater or lesser degree, since the festival began at Bramham Park in 2003. With the support of Thorner, having lawful road closures in place means that Festival Republic can now try to prevent taxis and any non-resident vehicles travelling to the festival site via Thorner. For anyone working in Thorner or needing to access local businesses, they will be allowed through the closure without a pass, although cont. on page 35


Community Walk Sunday 6th August 2017 We are inviting our friends, volunteers and members of the local community to join us on our Community Walk on Sunday 6th August 2017. The aim of the walk is to raise awareness of WiSE as well as raising funds to support our services and activities. During the day there will be a number of walks of varying length and difficulty. These range from a marathon (26.5 miles) to “The Last Stretch” from Collingham to Wetherby (2.5 miles). Most of the walks are on pavements or good footpaths. A good pair of shoes or trainers will be fine. You will need to be equipped for whatever the weather might be on the day – anything from a waterproof to suntan lotion! There are between 10 and 30 places on each walk so if you are interested in joining us, please get your application in quick to avoid disappointment. Each walker will be asked to give a donation of £5. You can also ask for a sponsor sheet but collecting sponsors is optional. For further information and to find out how you can apply, please contact Karen Leaf at WiSE on 01937 588 994 or email karen@w-ise.org.uk

‘One Stop Centre’, Westgate, Wetherby, LS22 6NL Tel: 01937 588 994 Email: info@w-ise.org.uk Web site: www.w-ise.org.uk Charity No. 1163698

THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The next meeting will be on Wednesday 19th July at the Windmill Inn, Linton Lunch Time Our Summer Event 12 noon Jean C


Leeds festival important notes—please read them? they will be stopped and questioned, and if legitimate will be allowed through. But, if it is obvious to the traffic marshals that they are attending the festival and simply trying to circumvent the closures, then they will turned away. Whilst we will accommodate Bramham residents who choose to drive to site, we would encourage all residents not to walk to, and from, the festival. There is no pedestrian access to and from Leeds Festival. Please do not walk to the festival, due to safety concerns and, instead, use the regular shuttle bus provided which will run between the pick up point at the bus stop outside the Red Lion and the Purple Gate. Residents will be issued with wrist bands to prevent non residents using the shuttle bus. This proposal from Festival Republic has support from Bramham Parish Council and is fully supported by West Yorkshire Police. We hope you welcome the proposed changes and hope you enjoy Leeds Festival if you are attending this summer. Further information for those attending will follow in next month’s newsletter.

"Anything Could Happen “ have been taking their improvised story telling shows around schools since the beginning of the year. Now they're performing a special show in the village hall on the 9th of July. Aimed at younger folks (ages 4 to 12 and their adults) the performers will create stories based on audience suggestions. This is a free event with a voluntary collection at the end of the performance. Doors at 11:45am. Show starts at 12pm and ends at around 1pm." Eddie French



BRAMHAM SINGING GROUP We have just completed the first of hopefully many, six weeks of singing. We all can say that this has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience. We learnt how to formulate harmonious tunes together and we have truly enjoyed the motivational and supportive atmosphere each Monday evening has brought. Libby, our vocal coach, was very passionate and was enthusiastic from beginning to end, even when she had us all pulling extremely funny faces to stretch out our jaw muscles, thank goodness it was in the privacy of the beautiful Bramham church and no one else could witness our funny expressions. As for the singing, I think we would all agree we were very proud of the three songs we learnt complete with harmonies and I for one cannot wait to begin the next sessions of singing. What a success it has been. Well-done ladies! Session Two began on Tuesday 20th June. 7.30pm if you would like to join us please ring Lynne on 844767 Sara Newton

READERS ROTA FOR JULY 2nd July Jacqui Turner 16th July Barbara Baker

9th July Family service 23rd July Yvonne Gibson

30th July Jillian Lawson

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th July bramham.magazine@gmail.com or deliver to Anne at:Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please do not email pdf’s.


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays

Village Store

Post Office

Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30





Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30


Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

Graveyard Over the past few months several items have been placed on graves which are not allowed by the Diocesan Graveyard Regulations which govern this Saxon churchyard. An advisory list has been posted in the church notice board by the lych-gate. We would be grateful if you would consult this and if in any doubt please remove the items or contact us if you have a question about anything. Glass and other breakable items such as pots are not allowed and are a danger to anybody walking or working in the churchyard. We would ask you to remove all such items if you wish to keep them as we will be clearing anything like this from the middle of July onwards. In the meantime please do not put any broken glass or pottery in the dustbins as they represent a health and safety hazard.


HELP URGENTLY NEEDED This magazine needs another volunteer to assist Anne Palmer compiling this magazine. At the moment it is just for two months of the year ! We have a Publisher programme and the Bramham Magazine gmail will be made available to you. For further information please contact Anne on 01937 842850. WHAT’S ON IN BRAMHAM IN JULY 1st July

Bramham Gala

3rd July

MONDAY CLUB 1.30pm Village Hall

5th July

JUDGING FOR BRAMHAM IN BLOOM Parish Council Meeting—Pavilion 7.30pm

7th & 8th Who Killed the Ship’s Captain - Drama Group Play 9th July

Anything Could Happen 11.45 am—1.00pm V Hall Story Telling for children see page 35

16th July

Fun Run Adults and Children

19th July

YCA Summer Lunch Windmill Linton

12 noon

22nd July HOG ROAST Terry Lug farmhouse 3—8. 00pm

13th August Battles Burials and Beliefs




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