July mag single pages 2016

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All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News

Commemoration of the Battle of the Somme 1st July 2016—The Thiepval Memorial

July 2016 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

Issue 162

Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Canon Peter

Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa 842454 Rev’d Trisha Anslow Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham 541047 Churchwardens Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park 0113 289 2790 Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG 844858 Deputy Churchwarden ) Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG 842850 Magazine Editor ) Treasurer Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, jowilkinson04@gmail.com 339512 Secretary Mollie Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park 0113 289 2790 VCC Members Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Stephen Spencer, Mary Clerehugh, Organist Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth 0113 286 7998 Sacristan and Church Flowers Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones Jennie Saynor, jen@saynor.me.uk

WHO’S WHO in Bramham

Village Hall Committee……..Chairman: Stewart Gibson 845084 Hall Bookings 07432 330972 Drama Group…………… ….Secretary: Christine Suddaby 849455 Football Club……………… Dave Jacklyn 07809 561199 Guides……………………… Sarah Clayton sarah@claytons.info Brownies……………………..Sam Fenwick-Scott 07984 672624 Explorer Scouts……………..Justin Atkinson 541727 Scouts………………………..Jason Turner (Skip) 842181 Beavers………………………Deborah Atkinson 07944 728399 Cubs………………………….Diane Hare (Akela) 07787 113154 Bramham Primary School….Head Teacher Sarah Richards… 843682 Deputy Head Teacher Laura Wild: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Bramham Parish Council…..Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075, Linda Richards (Vice Chairman) 842151 Scott Jones 0777 941 2817, Naomi Elvin 833288, Pete Dunn 843345 Ian Dalton 849455, June Halliday 845564, Katie Race 077 9281 9612, Clerk Parish Council Keith Langley clerk@bramhamparishcouncil.org.uk Bramham Pavilion………….Gerry Taylor, Secretary 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Asscn ...Anne Topping - Chair 844529 Bramham in Bloom………….Lynne Marshall 844767 Community Action Group…..Keith Innocent 841197 Monday Club Mavis Wilson 842321 Readers Group Jillian Lawson 844858 Marion Hogg 844191 Folly Allotments Linda Richards 842151 Neighbourhood Plan Paul Marshall 84476 Monday Club Mavis Wilson 842321 Readers Group Jillian Lawson 844858 & Marion Hogg 844191 Bramham Shop & Post Office...Lynne Williams… 842275 Editor

Anne Palmer

01937 842850



Paul Marshall

01937 844767



Jillian Lawson

01937 844858



Write Design & Print

01937 588198

Letter from the Clergy

Revd. Peter Bristow

Come to this table… Our congratulations and best wishes go to The Rev. Jane Brown and The Rev. Glenda Webb who were ordained priests on Trinity Sunday, 22 nd May, in York Minster together with 18 colleagues. Immediately prior to the Ordination Ceremony, the Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, concluded with a time of prayer, his sixth month long pilgrimage of Prayer, Witness and Blessing in the Diocese of York. He has walked 1,578 miles and prayed with 25,100 people, visiting over 480 churches and 148 schools, colleges, hospitals and hospices and other institutions. The whole focus of his pilgrimage was to meet people, to pray with them and encourage them to follow Jesus Christ and bless what God is doing in our communities. Following Jesus Christ is challenging in a world which is so busy about securing material blessings. As a priest one is very conscious of the mature, tested faith of many of our older members in our congregations, but also deeply aware of the many who are not really aware of Christ and His significance for us. The process of losing touch with our Christian roots has accelerated through the two world wars of the 20th century and the consequent technological and material developments of our society. When I was serving in the East End of London in the 1980s (where Archbishop Sentamu started his life as a bishop) my then Bishop, Jim Thompson said: “Religion has become for so many like a war memorial, something which happened to other people. So it passes into our cultural history, but ceases to be a living reality.” We do seem to be a society which mostly believes it can live on spiritual inheritance. We describe ourselves as ‘Christian’ but God is of little consequence for many in daily life. Ongoing research confirms that large numbers of us still believe in God (though the numbers of non-believers has recently overtaken believers in God). So is our God is just a ‘God of the gaps’, only called on when there is no one else to turn to ? It is sometimes said that this disappearance of God is due to clergy ‘not being around’, teachers ‘not teaching the Faith’ and the ‘indifference or hostility of the media’ etc.. Some of this may be true, but the real reasons lie with ourselves as individuals. The sharing of the Christian Faith in our schools and youth scenes is as good as it ever has been, but many children cannot translate this into any kind of practice because their own parents do not attempt to share or practice their own faith. All the faith filled assemblies in the world cannot compensate for God being of no significance in our own homes.

Those of us for whom God is still a living and living reality, there is a deep conviction that we are handling the most important truth in life; that we are forgiven in and through the power of the Risen Christ and as a result of what He has done for us, have a hope beyond measure. There is a crisis of faith in our society. “Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen… Now it is impossible to please God without faith, since anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and He rewards those who try to find him” (Letter to the Hebrews, Ch.11. vv 1-2, 6) On 18th September we are having a service of Baptism and Confirmation at All Saints, Bramham for the parishes here and we are going to run two courses. One for adults and one for teenagers. I want to encourage as many adults as possible to join this course, especially those who have thought about exploring faith issues in the past. Even if you come only to explore the Christian Faith, that is fine. If you have no previous Christian ‘track record’ or knowledge, it matters not. There is also no expectation or requirement either to opt for Baptism or Confirmation at the end of the course. The course dates will be arranged around the participants and will involve a lot of gentle sharing and dialogue. If you are interested please contact one of the clergy or the Parish Office leaving your name and address.

SUNDAY Services for July at All Saints’ Bramham 3rd July


Holy Communion

Reader Jacqui Turner

10th July

10.00 am

Family Service

Reader Stephen Spencer

17th July


Celtic Holy Communion Reader Barbara Baker

24th July


Holy Communion

10.00 am

Holy Communion with a Holy Baptism Service

31st July


Holy Communion



CONFIRMATION see Vicar’s letter


Reader Yvonne Gibson

Reader Jillian Lawson

From the Parish Church Registers HOLY BAPTISM

5th June

Jacob Johann George Vickers

HOLY MATRIMONY 28th May Michael Sanderson & Donna Gelderd 4th June

Matthew Hunt and Katherine Gibson

Book of Remembrance for July

FUNERAL 17th June


On these days of the month of July please pray for the repose of the souls of:1st Charles Packe 1944 2nd Joan Aarons 2015 Shirley Marina Watson 1980 George Richard Ernest Wilson 1980 Dorothy Wilkinson 1982 5th Albert Pottage 1976 6th Gertrude Field 1980 8th Harry Caygill 1983 Emma Elizabeth Holmes 2007 9th Mary Summersgill 1982 10th Geoffrey Brian Schofield 1994 11th Claude Ward Jackson 12th Oswald Finnie 2010 14th Charles Birdsell 1975 Charles William Firth 1979 James Hugill 2007

Remembrance Book continued

15th Frank Mitchell Priest 2005 16th Tony Clerehugh 2011 19th Jean Florence Harper 2006 21st John Hampton (Priest) 1993 22nd Bill Foggin 2001 24th Charles Shaw 1969 25th Walter Blanchard 1983 26th Frederick Walter Bond 1966 Ena Rebecca Helliwell Edward (Mick) Chambers 2003 28th George Young 1968 30th Ruth Young 1969 31st Florence Kate Benson 1974 Francis Gordon Ward Lane Fox 1989

Bramham Parish Council www.thisisbramham.co.uk

June 2016 Update ..communicating with residents To All Bramham Residents: update from the June meeting Clerk: The Parish Council welcomes its new clerk, Keith Langley. Keith is already an experienced Parish Council clerk and is keen to be involved in our parish.

Adult Gym Equipment instruction: Thank you to Alison Mackie for offering free instruction to anyone wishing to use the gym equipment near the pavilion. See separate ad from Alison. Police consultation: The Police and Crime commissioner for West Yorkshire, Mark Burns-Williamson, has launched a consultation to gather your views about what needs to be done in our area. You can complete the survey at www.westyorkshire-pcc,gov.uk/get-involved/your-priorities-your-plan.aspx or call 01924 294000. Cycling consultation: The Leeds ‘Cycling Starts Here’ board wants your views, whether a cyclist or not, about the future for cycling in our area. Consultation is open until 26th June at https://consult.leeds.gov.uk Senior Citizens’ Centre (SCC): The SCC is in a poor state of repair. A group of Parish Councilors is meeting with the Quantity Surveyor to discuss costs and options for the SCC and will be consulting with residents regarding its future.

Next Meeting:

Next meeting is Wednesday 6 July, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion.

We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:

Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk,

Email: clerk@bramhamparishcouncil.org.uk Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307

Website: www.thisisbramham.co.uk, Twitter: @thisisbramham

Sunday 17th July at 10.30 am


FREELY LANE, BRAMHAM, LS23 6RR Entry fee: £9 affiliated, £11.00 unaffiliated Enter at bookitzone.com (Search Bramham in the location) Entries on the day if not full A multi terrain course of approximately 10k. Most of the route is off road on tracks and bridleways in pleasant countryside. It is an undulating course and the last section brings you to the top of Windmill Hill before descending through the lovely village of Bramham then up Almshouse Hill, fondly known as the Bramham Beast (short but steep!) to the playing field. Also an informal, free to enter, "fun run" for adults and accompanied children will start at 10.35 am, covering laps of the playing field to a maximum of 2.5k or 25minutes. Just turn up and run. Proceeds go to maintaining Bramham Pavilion as a village facility.

SPONSORED BY APC CLOTHING, BRAMHAM GARAGE, and SAINSBURY’S TADCASTER Refreshments at Pavilion The event is organised by Bramham Parish Council and the Pavilion Committee


SATURDAY 13TH AUGUST 4PM TO 10PM Kids’ time thru to grown ups’ time Live Music from ‘The Stolen Phones’

Real Ale, fizz, pimms, lagers & more! Local produce! LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKET REFUNDS—VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE All successful applicants for Leeds Festival tickets have now been informed. All requests to return any unwanted tickets MUST arrive by midday on Friday 15th July. No returns will be processed after this date, as the completed list has to be sent to the Festival Organisers for printing of the actual tickets. Any requests for returns should be sent to: Linda Richards, Vice Chair Bramham Parish Council Stone Cottage, Tenter Hill, Bramham LS23 6QZ

Stepping Stones

Junes Stepping stones saw the children making their own perfume…. using garden herbs, and flowers from the church yard, mixed with a little oil and a few drops of essential oils. The children loved searching through the greenery to find pretty flowers for their creations, which they stirred into glass jars that they had carefully decorated. After refreshments they listened to Rev’d Trish tell the story about a lady who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears then massaged them with perfume seeking forgiveness for the wrong she had done. At the family Service on Sunday the children drew around their own feet and decorated the picture with flowers to represent the beautiful smell of the perfume, they then added a few drops of their own perfume to remind them of the story. Any child is welcome to attend Stepping Stones whether or not they attend Church. It is simply a way of meeting other families in a relaxed friendly environment. The next session is on Friday 8th July at 5.30pm. The Family Service takes place at All Saints every second Sunday (10thJuly) at 10am, all are welcome. For more information please contact Jennie Saynor: jen@saynor.me.uk. All Saints Church Bramham, serving Bramham’s Community for over 860 years. LOTHERTON HALL, ABERFORD SUMMER EVENING CONCERT SATURDAY 23 JULY 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm CATALEYA QUINTET Hannah Black - flute

Alasdair Hill - oboe

Eanna Monaghan-bassoon

Adrian Somogyi-clarinet Kirsty Howe-horn

Programme to include music by Rossini, Danzi, Farkas, Ibert, Poulenc, Debussy and Parker Tickets: Full price : £16 Concessions : £13 Tickets to include welcome drinks on arrival with wine and canapés in the interval. Admission to the Hall is also included. Car parking is free with pre-booked tickets. Available from Wendy Shuttleworth, Lotherton Hall, Aberford, Leeds LS25 3EB. Cheques payable to Leeds City Council. Please enclose SAE. Alternatively telephone 0113 378 2966 or email wendy.shuttleworth@leeds.gov.uk

Activity Diary Dates… Boston Spa…The Boston Buskers is our Boston Spa based singing group. We now come together twice each month rather than the original once monthly meet. Come along to the Village Hall every second Wednesday in the month and every last Tuesday in the month from 1.30pm – 3.00pm. Wetherby…Our new lunch group for the over 60’s Chatter and Batter is proving very popular. The group meet on the third Tuesday of every month from 11.30am – 1.30pm at Wetherby Social Club. We’d love you to join us and enjoy fish and chips from The Wetherby Whaler. We have nostalgic music playing and it’s a chance for you to meet new people in a friendly and relaxed environment. Lunch is haddock and chips plus tea or coffee for £5. Orders are taken on the day at 11.45am so please arrive as promptly as possible. Also, why not come and enjoy an afternoon at The Elderberries…we meet every third Wednesday in the month from 1.30pm-3.30pm, again at Wetherby Social Club. We are usually entertained by a singer singing songs from years gone by, whilst enjoying tea, coffee, cakes and our regular raffle. If something a little more active is preferred…Chairobics takes place every Friday at 10.30am at Wetherby Social Club and if you’re feeling more energetic why not stay on for Aerobics from 11.45am – 12.30pm. The Howlers is our led, themed singing and discussion group. Join us at the Methodist Church in Bank Street, Wetherby every last Thursday in the month from 1.30pm – 3pm. For further details about any of our social groups and activities, please contact Karen Leaf, WiSE Activities Coordinator on 01937 588994 or visit our website www.w-ise.org.uk We’d also like to remind you about the WiSE Transport Scheme – a weekday service that runs from 8.30am – 5.30pm providing transport locally to people over the age of 60 for shopping, hairdressing, medical and social appointments. For further details please call 01937 222066.

Bramham’s “POP UP” Restaurant As Featured in Wetherby News and Excelle Enjoy a restaurant setting in Bramham Pavilion with a delicious 3 course menu and bring your own wine and drinks. Limited places so please book to avoid disappointment. For more information contact Jo.Edwards@njoyourfood.co.uk or 07496 443319


Pop Up Saturday 30th July Recipe of the Month (as served as a starter at the Pop Up) FRENCH ONION SOUP (serves 4) 85g / 3 oz Butter 2 tbsp. plain flour 100ml / 3.5 fl oz white wine 4 thick slices of baguette 150g / 5.5 oz Gruyere Cheese Preparation

6 onions, sliced 1 4 tbsp. red wine 1 tsp sugar 2 tbsp. olive oil Salt & Pepper

Melt the butter in a large saucepan over a low heat. Add the onions, season and cook, partially covered, for 10 mins. Sprinkle with flour and cook for a further 10 mins until onions start to brown. In a heatproof jug mix together the wines and 1.75l / 60 floz of boiling water, then slowly pour the mixture over the onions. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 – 15 mins. Taste the soup and adjust the salt and pepper, if it tastes sour add the sugar. To make the cheesy croutons, preheat the grill to high. Put the baguette slices on a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with grated cheese. Grill for 4 – 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Divide the soup into bowls, pop the croutons on top and enjoy.

BRAMHAM IN BLOOM SUMMER JUDGING DAY WEDNESDAY 6TH JULY Just a reminder to everyone in the village that the judges will be here on 6th July The timetable is approx.

2.30 pm Church

In the Square approx. 3.00 pm Pavilion

approx. 3.45 pm

PLEASE COME AND CHAT TO THE JUDGES … THEY ENJOY Talking to Residents, Gardeners and Volunteers. Beforehand please can you tidy all the verges, front gardens and any areas near to your house. Carry out some litter collection………… I have litter bags and litter pickers. Display posters from the Bramham School Poster Competition. Weed and dead head all the beautiful flower beds, containers, baskets and communal Gardens. Let’s look forward to a happy day full of sunshine THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND COMMITMENT TO OUR VILLAGE Lynne Marshall 844767

FOLLY ALLOTMENTS, ABERFORD ROAD, BRAMHAM Just a reminder to anyone who missed the article a couple of months ago, we have recently let 3 plots to those on the waiting but now find ourselves still with 2 vacant plots due to a change of mind of the 2 remaining applicants on our waiting list. So, any residents of Bramham over the age of 18 who wish to be considered for a plot when one becomes available should initially contact Paul Marshall (Secretary) by telephone (01937 844767) or by email at phmpm@sky.com. It’s still a good time of the year for someone to take on an allotment and get it ready for autumn and winter crops! As before, allotments are always assigned on a first come/first served basis - when one becomes available the first person on the waiting list gets first ‘dibs’! As well as tending an allotment, which in itself is a very rewarding leisure activity with many benefits, you will be joining a vibrant community with a growing number of activities. So do come and join us! Paul Marshall THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The Speaker at our May Meeting Was Jessica Brayshaw from Hotter Shoes, Harrogate. A bright and lively speaker who gave a very interesting talk on the History of the Shoe Shop, starting with one shop in Southport to the 80 plus worldwide. We were able to inspect some shoes and we were most impressed with their style and comfort. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 20th July and it will be our Summer Lunch.

Mrs Peggy Kitchen would like to say a big thank you to the Church and others for their wonderful support after her spell in hospital and for the letters of sympathy after the death of Gill. Gill was a wonderful friend to me and my family. Always there and ready to go the extra mile, and for 60 years we shared many things and life is very different without her. She was always in pain and all I can say now is that she is free from pain. Rest in Peace Gill you deserve it. And thank you for all you did for the Village.

COMMEMORATION OF THE Battle OF THE SOMME 1st July 2016 The Battle of the Somme, also known as the Somme Offensive, was one of the largest battles of the First World War. Fought between July 1 and November 1, 1918 near the Somme River in France, it was also one of the bloodiest military battles in history. On the first day alone, the British suffered more than 57,000 casualties, and by the end of the campaign the Allies and Central Powers would lose more than 1.5 million men. The Thiepval Memorial, the Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, bears the names of more than 72,000 officers and men of the United Kingdom and South African forces who died in the Somme sector before 20 March 1918 and have no known grave. Over 90% of those commemorated died between July and November 1916. The memorial also serves as an Anglo-French Battle Memorial in recognition of the joint nature of the 1916 offensive and a small cemetery containing equal numbers of Commonwealth and French graves lies at the foot of the memorial. On the 1st July 2016 the Wetherby Branch of the Royal British Legion in conjunction with Ward and Town Councillors are organising a commemoration service in St James Church at 11 am. A 2 minutes silence will be held along with a wreath laying ceremony. Everyone is welcome

THE MONDAY CLUB The meeting arranged for Monday 4th July has been cancelled. The August Meeting will be our Outing on 2nd August. Please note this is a TUESDAY not a Monday. I will inform you all of the time and venue by telephone. Anyone unable to make that date please let me know? Mavis Wilson 842321


STALLS, SIDESHOWS, BOUNCY CASTLE, TAEKWONDO DISPLAY, LOTS TO DO AND SEE. THE FUN STARTS AT 12 noon TO 4pm. FREE ENTRY To book a stall contact Keith on keith@thomlinsons.co.uk or 07595206611

All Saints’ Church Bramham Sunday 7th August 11.30—4pm Medieval Bramham at War: Battles and Burials Join us for tours of the Church and Churchyard, and meet the re-enactors of Frei Compagnie, who will be on hand with armour, weapons and other displays of medieval life for camp followers at the time of the Battle of Bramham Moor of 1408.

If you have an interest in local history and would like to be involved in organizing this event contact: jillian1981@talktalk.net anne@palmeryorkshire.com

What’s On in Bramham in the near future:1st July

Commemoration of the Battle of the Somme

1st and 2nd Murder Mystery Play in the Village Hall 2nd July

The Gala 12 noon—4.00pm Playing Fields

3rd July

The Scarecrow Trail

6th July

Bramham in Bloom Judging

17th July

Fun Run Bramham Pavilion 10.30 am

23rd July

Hog Roast at Terry Lug Farm House 3.00— 8.00pm

7th August MEDIEVAL EVENT Churchyard 11.30 am—4.00 13th August BBQ Bramham Pavilion

The Hog Roast Terry Lug Farm House 23rd July 3.00pm—8.00pm Family tickets £30—individual tickets £10 available from the Village Shop. Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the Park. The raffle prize a family ticket for the Horse Trails 2017. Delicious Strawberries and Cream, Bar available. See the June magazine for more details.

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Church for the sick and dying Revd. Trish Anslow Tel: 01937 844789 or the Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names Of those who are sick or those needing a special visit.

Articles for the August magazine should be sent to Anne Palmer at Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham 01937 842850 anne@palmeryorkshire.com BY 14TH JULY MOBILE LIBRARY. The Library visits Bramham on Mondays 1.30pm to 2.30pm in Lyndon Road BRAMHAM CALENDAR 2017 Competition. We will be selecting photographs for the next calendar on 10th September. We need photographs taken in Bramham, covering all seasons of the year, in landscape form. Further detail in the August magazine.

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