All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News
The Bramham Beacon to celebrate the 90th Birthday of
Her Majesty The Queen
June 2016 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham
Issue 161
Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Canon Peter
Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa 842454 Rev’d Trisha Anslow Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham 541047 Churchwardens
Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG
0113 289 2790 844858
Deputy Churchwarden ) Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG 842850 Magazine Editor ) Treasurer Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339512 Secretary Mollie Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park 0113 289 2790 VCC Members
Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Stephen Spencer, Mary Clerehugh, Organist Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth 0113 286 7998 Sacristan and Church Flowers Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones Jennie Saynor, Group Office Sarah Oates (Office open Monday-Friday 11.00 am to 1.00pm) 844402
WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..Chairman: Stewart Gibson 845084 Hall Bookings 07432 330972 Magazine Editor……………. Anne Palmer 842850 Drama Group…………… …..Secretary: Christine Suddaby 849455 Football Club……………… Dave Jacklyn 07809 561199 Guides……………………… Sarah Clayton Brownies……………………..Sam Fenwick-Scott 07984 672624 Explorer Scouts……………..Justin Atkinson 541727 Scouts………………………..Jason Turner (Skip) 842181 Beavers………………………Deborah Atkinson 07944 728399 Cubs………………………….Diane Hare (Akela) 07787 113154 Bramham Primary School….Head Teacher Sarah Richards… 843682 Deputy Head Teacher Laura Wild: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Bramham Parish Council…..Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075, Linda Richards (Vice Chairman) 842151 Scott Jones 0777 941 2817, Naomi Elvin 833288, Chris Lewis 079 5231 7129, Ian Dalton 849455, June Halliday 845564, Katie Race 077 9281 9612, Pete Dunn 843345 Clerk Parish Council………. Marie Lynch Bramham Pavilion………….Gerry Taylor, Secretary 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Asscn ...Anne Topping - Chair 844529 Bramham in Bloom………….Ernest Nichols 841195 Community Action Group…..Keith Innocent 841197 Monday Club Mavis Wilson 842321 Readers Group Jillian Lawson 844858 Marion Hogg 844191 Folly Allotments Linda Richards 842151 Neighbourhood Plan Paul Marshall 844767 Editor
Anne Palmer
01937 842850
Paul Marshall
01937 844767
Jillian Lawson
01937 844858
Proof Readers
A & P Topping
Write Design & Print
01937 588198
Clergy Letter from Revd Stanley Menzies
On a recent visit to Scotland I picked up a copy of the monthly magazine of the Church of Scotland and read an article by Steve Aisthorpe promoting the coming publication of his book, The Invisible Church, subtitled, Learning from the experiences of churchless Christians. This chance discovery led me to purchase the book and as an old Celtic mystic would have reminded me, if you think this is chance its time you listened to the Spirit. This is a book that is searingly honest, practical and optimistic. Steve Aisthorpe and his wife were members of a vibrant congregation in the Highlands in the late 80’s and 90’s until they moved to Nepal where they worked until 2007.They then returned to the same Highland community they had left twelve years earlier and discovered that there were far fewer in church and many of the people missing still lived locally. Many people might have put it down to changing times but Steve wanted to find out some of the reasons and decided to undertake serious research whilst working for the Church of Scotland as a Regional Development Officer and one outcome is his book If we are concerned for the health of the church, discouraged by the decline of many congregations and a Christian but not a churchgoer then we should also be asking questions and listening to the experience of our neighbours and members of our families. Here are some suggestions for the way forward. Firstly we need to engage and use our God-given senses. Jesus told his disciples to open their eyes and look around. He conversed with all sorts of folk and listened as well as speaking. He touched and he held children, the outcast and the sick. He welcomed the stranger and showed compassion to those in need and sorrow. He protected the weak and challenged those who would hurt the helpless. He enjoyed eating and drinking with all sorts and encouraged others to show hospitality to the most unlikely folk, strangers and vagabonds, enemies as well as friends. If this is the way forward then it’s quite a challenge. Secondly we live in a time of unprecedented change, as Charles Handy described it the age of unreason, a time when the only prediction that will hold true is that no prediction will hold true. How strange it is that the Church should have the reputation of being impervious to change, as a bastion of the status quo. How strange that an institution rooted in a faith that calls for radical, personal transformation, whose founder is a revolutionary should be resistant to reform. The Anglican tradition is dedicated to “proclaiming the gospel afresh to every generation.” It follows that change is essential as we seek to express the
unchanging message of Jesus in the ever-changing scene. Perhaps we need to think again about this. Too often change is forced upon us due to circumstance, of decisions based on numbers, lack of clergy, changes in society, the nature of work. Change is a sign of life and we should find creative and imaginative ways of managing transition. Fresh Expressions is a recent church initiative which has encouraged the rapid growth of new congregations and should be at the heart of our thinking as it encourages us to engage with people where they are and not where we think they should be.
Thirdly at the heart of our faith is mission. This may seem a traditional, churchy term but it is surprisingly contemporary. The word mission means sending and it is the thread running through the Bible, rooted in the character of God. He is a sending God, at Creation He sent His Spirit to bring life. He sent Abraham out to a new land on a journey of faith to be a blessing to others. He sent His son, Jesus to save his people. And Jesus sent his disciples into the world. God sends His Spirit. Today God is still sending us out into our time and our world because that is where we are with our neighbours. Mission is what God is doing in the world, seeking to restore and liberate creation and He asks us to be His co-workers. As Rowan Williams explained “ mission is finding out what God is doing and joining in.” May we begin the discovery of mission with all who live in our midst and may we speak with them, listen to them and with them take whatever steps are necessary to refresh our Church for this generation. Service of CONFIRMATION for the Benefice 18th September 4.00pm Bramham Church There will be two groups, one for adults and one for young people aged 12—15. We need to start the courses very soon so anyone interested please contact a member of the Clergy or the Parish Office as soon as possible.
From the Book of Remembrance for All Saints’ Bramham On these days of the month of June please pray for the repose of the souls of:-
2nd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Celine Watson 1953 Ronald Anthony Clegg OBE 1995 Alexander Claude Irvine 1995 Arthur Kitchen 2007 Robert William Hills 2000 Doreen Smith 1984 Michael Edward O'Brien 2006 Robert Keith Ware 1980 Gertrude May Wilson Roland Allenby 2012 Thomas Hebbron Louis Lee Campbell
9th 10th (infant) 11th Yvonne Elsworth 2012 13th William Henry Cook 1965 Peter Stubbs 1981 15th Edith Mary Adams 1956 16th Margaret May Stubbs 2006 17th Denis Stevenson 2003 Patrick Mark McCormick 2006 Maisie Miller 2013 18th Luke Barker (infant) 1994 19th Charles Harry Kendall 2001 20th Henrietta Pickards 1973 Hilda Amy Stirk 1985 24th Harry Kitchen 2002 29th Muriel Bleasdale 2010
The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Church Bramham for the sick and dying. Rev’d Trish Anslow Tel: 01937 844789 or the Parish Office 01937 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those needing a special visit.
From the Parish Church Registers Holy Baptism 13th March JOSEPH THOMAS MYERS 3rd April ELIZA STEVIE ROBIN KITCHEN 15th May MIA-ROSE STEPHENSON CHARLIE GROGAN Funerals 17th April GILLIAN YOUNG
27th April JEAN ABRAM
Do you wish you could talk to someone in confidence? On the first Monday of the month there will be someone with many years experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns, sitting in Church. This is not Counselling, simply an understanding and confidential listener. Please call in between 10.00 am and 12 noon. Mollie Browning
All Saints’ Church Bramham
Sunday 7th August 11.30 -4pm Medieval Bramham at War: Battles and Burials
Join us for tours of the Church and Churchyard, and meet the re-enactors of Frei Compagnie, who will be on hand with armour, weapons and other displays of medieval life for camp followers at the time of the Battle of Bramham Moor of 1408. If you have an interest in local history and would like to be involved in organizing this event contact:
LOTHERTON HALL, ABERFORD YOUNG ARTIST’S RECITAL Sunday 26 June 201 6 at 2.00 pm Ashley Fripp Solo piano Mozart Sonata in B-flat major, K. 333 Debussy Images Book 1 Chopin Barcarolle in F-sharp major, Op. 60 Andante Spianato et Grand Polonaise, Op. 22 Ashley Fripp is supported by the Worshipful Company of Musicians, London Followed by tea and cakes in the Servants’ Gallery Tickets to include tea, cakes and admission to the Hall £12.50 Concessions £11.00 Family (2 children and 2 adults) £20.00. Car parking is free with pre-booked tickets. Available from Wendy Shuttleworth, Lotherton Hall, Aberford, Leeds LS25 3EB. 3EB.Cheques payable to Leeds City Council. Please enclose a SAE. Alternatively telephone 0113 378 2959 .
BRAMHAM READERS GROUP Next Meeting Wednesday 8th June at in “The Swan” We will be discussing “Elizabeth is Missing” by Emma Healy Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858
Summer Raffle
Fun for all the FAMILY
Face Painting
BBQ + Refreshments
Stalls + Prizes Galore
Come and Explore
Stalls and Prizes Galore
TAEKWONDO DISPLAY, LOTS TO DO AND SEE. THE FUN STARTS AT 12 noon TO 4pm. FREE ENTRY To book a stall contact Keith on or 07595206611
It’s Back- by popular demand The Murder Mystery! Bramham Drama Group presents Who Killed the Soap Star? July 1st and 2nd in Bramham Village Hall 7.30 for 8pm Licenced bar Unmask the murderer and win a prize! Tickets £10, to include a light supper, from: the Village Shop bramhamvillagehallbookings@gmail .com or phone/text 07432330972 buy six tickets before 19th June and get a free bottle of wine!
Sunday Services
At All Saints’
Bramham for
June 2016
5th June
Rev. P Bristow
Holy Communion
Rev. T Anslow
Family Service and Holy Communion
Rev. J Brown
Celtic Service
26th June
8.00 am
Rev P E Bristow
Holy Communion
5th after Trinity
Rev S H Menzies
Holy Communion
2nd after Trinity 12th June 3rd After Trinity 19th June 4th after Trinity
Bramham Parish Council May 2016 Update
....communicating with residents
To All Bramham Residents: update from the May meeting Frank & the Senior Citizens’ Centre Garden: Frank Wood, who has looked after the garden so well for several years, has now retired. The Parish Council extends its sincere thanks to Frank who has been so helpful with many aspects of maintenance in the village as well as at the Centre. Bramham in Bloom, under the Chairmanship of Lynne Marshall is now going to be looking after the garden. Audit: Thank you to Marie for another successful internal audit. Accounts are available for inspection 6 June to 15 July. Clerk: At the time of writing Marie is still with us but will be leaving in June. We are in the process of recruiting a new clerk. Councillor representative roles have been updated:
Chair: Cllr Whitbread Vice Chair: Cllr Richards Finance: Cllrs Halliday, Elvin, & Dunn Planning: Cllrs Jones, Richards & Dunn Allotments: Cllrs Richards, Jones & Halliday Archives: Chair & clerk Senior Citizens Centre: Chair & vice chair Community Fund: Chair & vice chair Community Action Group liaison: Cllrs Richards & Whitbread Environment Group Liaison: Cllrs Elvin & Richards Harewood/Wetherby Forum: Cllrs Whitbread, Race, Dunn & clerk School liaison: Cllr Whitbread Play area: Cllrs Elvin, Race + residents Village Hall liason: Cllrs Dalton, Halliday & Richards Pavilion: Cllrs Whitbread & Jones Adult Gym equipment: Cllr Elvin Next Meeting: Next meeting is Wednesday 1 June, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website Contact: Marie Lynch, Bramham Parish Clerk, Address: 1 Fossards Close, Bramham, LS23 6WD
E mail:
Website: Twitter: @thisisbramham
THE INAUGURAL BRAMHAM 10K SUNDAY 17TH JULY at 10.30am BRAMHAM PAVILION & PLAYING FIELDS, FREELY LANE, BRAMHAM, LS23 6RR Entry fee: £9 affiliated, £11.00 unaffiliated Enter at (Search Bramham in the location) A multi terrain course of approximately 10k. Most of the route is off road on tracks and bridleways in pleasant countryside. It is an undulating course and the last section brings you to the top of Windmill Hill before descending through the lovely village of Bramham then up Almshouse Hill, fondly known as the Bramham Beast (steep but short) to the playing field. Free fun run for children and anyone wanting a short fun run on the playing field itself (no formal entries or results - just turn up & run). Proceeds go to maintaining Bramham Pavilion as a village facility. This event is organised by Bramham Parish Council SPONSORED BY:
WETHERBY RUFC Wetherby’s remarkable run had to come to an end sooner or later, unfortunately this happened in the National Vase Semi Final, in a hard fought game Wetherby came unstuck going down 7-13 dashing our hopes of a Twickenham Final. The week before a record crowd of around 400 had turned up to see Wetherby beat second placed Thornensians 28-23. Wins followed at Baildon 48-10 and home to Stocksbridge 63-5 which secured the Championship, the season was rounded off with a home win against Rotherham Phoenix 52-19. The Reds therefore went through the entire season unbeaten the only lost point a draw against Goole.
Wetherby then went to Northallerton in the Semi Final of the Yorkshire Shield and came away winners 23 – 14, thereby securing a Final against our old foes Thornensians at West Park Bramhope. Bob Gibson
MONDAY CLUB As you know we meet on the first Monday of the Month in the Village Hall at 1.30 pm until 3.30 pm, and we are always delighted to welcome new faces. If you need a lift please will you ring Mavis Wilson on 842321. We had an excellent meeting in May and we look forward to a similarly enjoyable afternoon on 6th June.
NEIL AND KAREN at the Red Lion would like to thank all the lovely people who have sent cards and good wishes to Karen during her recent illness and she is happy to report that she is now fighting fit and looking forward to providing you all with Sunday Lunch! Please come along you will be very welcome.
Reader’s Rota for June 5th June 12th June
Jacqui Turner Stephen Spencer
19th June
Barbara Baker
26th June
Yvonne Gibson
If you are unable to read on any of these dates please telephone Andy Beaumont 541353
BRAMHAM ON BBCs THE ONE SHOW On 23rd April in Bramham a Beacon was lit as part of the national chain of celebration beacons across the country. At Windsor the Queen lit the first beacon which started the chain of around 1000 across the UK. To make it an extra special event Bramham was featured on numerous BBC news channels and was seen by millions of people on BBCs The One Show when it appeared on the screen during the National Anthem sung by Katherine Jenkins. Whilst most places had traditional metal beacons with either a gas fired flame or one with some wood in, Bramham had a large bonfire! This was situated on Windmill Road in the village so that it could be seen from far away. Organiser Keith Innocent said “the beacon at Sutton Bank could be seen shining in the distance so we must assume they could see ours”. Lots of people turned out on the very pleasant evening and joined in to celebrate the Queens Birthday. A bar was available on site to help toast Her Majesty. The barbeque helped feed everyone and the evening ended with some fireworks. Keith Innocent on behalf of the Bramham Community Action Group said that the group laid on the event and also raised money to fund Bramham Gala which takes place on July 2nd. Keith said “It’s a fantastic example of a great community getting together to put on such a superb event. Loads of people helped by providing wood for the bonfire, donations of food for the barbeque and helping on the night. Special thanks to Sainsburys in Wetherby for donating some food and drink, Wetherby Skip Hire for donating a large quantity of wood, Mike Rhodes and all those villagers who helped create our biggest bonfire by bringing up wood to burn. We also need to thank the kind people of Bramham for coming and who also donated lots of money to help make the evening a success” NB The photograph on the front of this magazine
The Pavilion team is in full swing planning for this year’s events. Look out for: Fun Run 17th July Summer Playgroup BBQ 13th August – Live music this year! Bake Off 24th September And remember Saturday morning kitchen 10.00 to 11.00! The pavilion is available for hire : children’s parties, family/ friends gatherings, sports events, coffee mornings, fitness sessions/health meetings or any other ideas you may have to use our new and exciting space. £8 PER HOUR – MEETING ROOM (INCLUDES USE OF KITCHEN)
£40 PER HALF DAY – WHOLE PAVILION OTHER OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE - PLEASE ASK For more information please visit and click on the Pavilion tab or call 07731 822562 We are always looking for volunteers to join our team to help with events and with new ideas how to use the Pavilion. We’re a fun group, get in touch if you might want to be involved.
Bramham in Bloom 2016 Yorkshire in Bloom JUDGING DAY IS WED 6TH JULY By taking part we enhance the status of our village because not only do the judges look at floral displays but also they look at the village as a whole.
Marks are awarded for:Cleanliness and tidiness of communal areas General appearance of residential gardens Floral displays improving the local environment i.e. hanging baskets, planted hayracks, containers. Areas that display community participation such as the churchyard, school gardens, allotments, the Senior Citizens Garden, Jubilee Garden and the Square. Let’s make sure our front gardens and verges are tidy Our flower beds are well tended and weed free. Ensuring there is NO LITTER anywhere in the village. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANTICIPATED SUPPORT -
information email
For more
Are you handy and enjoy fixing things? Do you have a little bit of free time to help a good cause? Do you also appreciate the gorgeous floral dis plays around our wonderful village? If so, Bramham in Bloom is looking for a handyman / woman volunteer to do a few odd DIY jobs eg. hanging brackets, fixing signs etc‌ Please contact Lynne Marshall on 01937 844767 or 07790821488
Are you on the Church Electoral Roll? PLEASE NOTE this is not the same role as the Parliamentary Electoral Roll. If you are a regular attender at All Saints’ Parish Church and you name has been on the Electoral Roll in the past it may be necessary to ask you to complete another form. This Roll is updated every 6 years and very often Parishioners forget to fill in a new form. Next time you are in Church please collect an application form from the back of Church and complete it and your name will then be added to the Church Electoral Roll.
Hog Roast at Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park
Saturday 23rd July From 3.00pm—8.00 pm In aid of All Saint’ s Church All are welcome to explore Bramham Park’s stunning gardens, and enjoy a hog roast feast with all the trimmings. The Gardens will be open from 3.00—5.00pm and then the Hog Roast will be ready. Save £5 and pre book a family ticket @ £30.
Individual tickets @ £10 include free admission (worth £5) to Bramham Park and gardens, free car parking, hog roast and free squash for children under 6 years! Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the Park with plenty of activities for children. There will be face painting and a garden trail and why not enter the raffle for a family ticket to the Bramham Horse Trails by donating a cake?. Treat yourself to delicious tea/ coffee and homemade cakes and indulge in strawberries and cream. Bar available. Entertainment -The Accordion Duo and Simon Noble, Organist. To book your ticket, return a completed booking form on the reverse of this page to either Bramham Village Store or Chips Browning at Terry Lug Farm House, Bramham Park LS23 6LT. EVENT details contact: Credit card payments: email@
NAME……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. EMAIL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel Phone………………………………………………… Mobile No……………………………………………. No of Adult Tickets @ £10………………………… Family Tickets @ £30……………………… Method of Payment Cheque
Bank Transfer
Credit Card
DATE………………………………… SIGNATURE………………………………………………………………
Please POST to Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park LS23 6LT. Or return to Bramham Village Store. To ensure that we have sufficient food for everyone it is very helpful if you can let us know how many will be attending. At least a week in advance. Thank you.
BEATING THE BOUNDS We had a marvellous day for the Beating of the Bounds and it was good to see many new faces joining the walk. Our thanks to Neil Ferris for organising the walk, to Chips and Mollie Browning for allowing the walkers to relax for a short while in their garden before the final stage.
Bramham Primary School Outdoor Area – News update! We have had some exciting news recently with regard to the new project; we have started to develop our outdoor spaces into exciting learning areas for the children to engage in. Friends of Bramham Primary School applied to the Community Action Fund and received £400 for garden equipment and resources. On top of this Bramham in Bloom applied to the Leeds City Council 'RedHall' grant scheme and received £500 for resources linked to animal habitats. We now have a very healthy pot of money to start the project’s development. The school recently took part in the Annual Poster competition for Bramham in Bloom. There were some amazing, bright and colourful posters that the children has obviously spent a lot of their own time at home making. Redhall's & Bramham in Bloom provided very generous outdoor, garden inspired prizes that were given to the children of the winning entries. Many thanks to all who have helped so far to get this project underway …… Watch this space! Mrs Sarah Richards Executive Head Teacher. THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Mrs Gillian Young - It is with great sadness that we have to report the loss of our Treasurer, Mrs Gillian Young, who died suddenly last month. Mrs Young was not only an excellent Treasurer, who kept our accounts in first class order, but played a major part in all our activities. A winner of many prizes for her flower arrangements at the local YCA Homecraft competitions, she was always available to give her expert advice on our own entries. Gillian also hosted our monthly committee meetings at her home providing a lovely supper on every occasion. We shall all miss her terribly and she will never be forgotten. OUR SPEAKER IN April was Mr Michael Duncombe whose talk “Thanks for the Memories” thoroughly lived up to its title. We all enjoyed looking back with him to his early days at Primary School, where he was entrusted by the Head Teacher to take the proceeds of the school dinner money to the bank. After secondary School he attended a technical college where he studied engineering, he then trained to be a Youth Officer, spending his career helping youngsters find their way in the world. Our next meeting is on 15th June and the speaker will be Mrs M Chalmers on “Felt Making” at 7.15 pm in the Village Hall. Everyone welcome.
Bramham’s “POP UP” Restaurant As Featured in Wetherby News and Excelle Enjoy a restaurant setting in Bramham Pavilion with a delicious 3 course menu and bring your own wine and drinks. Limited places so please book to avoid disappointment. For more information contact or 07496 443319 Thursday 16th June Restaurant
Sunday 27th June Coffee Shop
Recipe of the Month (as served as a starter at the Pop Up) CAPONATA (serves 4) Olive Oil 2 Aubergines cut into chunks 1 tsp Dried Oregano 1 red onion, finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced flat leaf parsley, chopped 2 tbsp. salted capers, rinsed Handful of stoned green olives 3 tbsp. of balsamic vinegar 5 large tomatoes, chopped Preparation Heat the olive oil in a large pan. Add aubergines chunks, oregano and season. Cook for 5 mins shaking now and then. When the aubergine is golden, add the onion, garlic, parsley and cook for a further 2 mins. Add more oil if required. Put the capers, olives and balsamic vinegar into the pan and allow the vinegar to evaporate. Once evaporated add the chopped tomatoes and simmer for 15 mins. Drizzle with a little olive oil and fresh chopped parsley and serve as a starter with fresh bread or a salad to accompany any meat or fish – great bbq side salad.
Activity Diary Dates… Chatter and Batter is our new lunch group for over 60’s to come along and enjoy fish and chips from The Wetherby Whaler. There will be nostalgic music playing and quizzes to be enjoyed in a friendly and relaxed environment. Lunch is haddock and chips and tea or coffee for £5. The group meet on the third Tuesday of every month from 11.30am – 2.00pm at Wetherby Social Club. Orders are taken on the day at 11.45am so please arrive as promptly as possible. The Boston Buskers has had a promotion from once a month to twice a month. If you like to sing, please feel free to come along every second Wednesday in the month and every last Tuesday in the month from 1.30pm – 3.00pm at Boston Spa Village Hall. Chairobics takes place every Friday at 10.30am at Wetherby Social Club and if you’re feeling energetic why not stay on for Aerobics from 11.45am – 12.30pm. For further details about any of our social groups and activities, please contact Karen Leaf, WiSE Activities Coordinator on 01937 588994 or visit our website
Scrumptious “Dine at Home” dishes Every Friday Evening Freshly prepared, nutritionally balanced, locally sourced ingredients, cooked especially for you here in Bramham by Jo. 2 courses for £10.00 Meals change weekly
Single, Couples, Families, Dinner Parties just ask! To receive menus & information weekly contact or 07496 443319
What’s on in Bramham in the near future 6th June
Listening Service in Church 10.30am—12 noon Monday Club The Village Hall 1.30pm
8th June
Reader’s Group 7.30pm
The Swan
18th June
Primary School Fair 12 noon until 2.00pm
26th June
Lotherton Hall Recital 2.00pm
1st / 2nd JULY The Play Murder Mystery Village Hall 7.30 for 8.00pm 2nd July
Bramham Gala 12 noon—4.00pm Playing Fields
3rd July
Scarecrow Trail
Please leave them out until after the Britain in Bloom Judging on 6th) 6th July
Britain in Bloom JUDGING BRAMHAM
17th July
Fun Run 10.30 am
23rd July
Hog Roast at Terry Lug Farm House
7th August
MEDIEVAL Event 11.30am-4.00pm
Articles for the July Magazine should be sent to Anne Palmer at Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. 01937 842850 or email by 14th June. Depending upon the space available we may have to edit your article . Please try to keep the message brief.
Mobile Library The weekly visit of the library to Bramham is on Mondays 1.30pm to 2.30pm in Lyndon Road