June 2017

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All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News

Bramham Brownies in front of the new Wildlife Des Res see page 33

June 2017 © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

Issue 173


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Canon Peter

Vicar of Lower Wharfe Parish (Bramham, Boston Spa & Walton) and Vicar of Thorp Arch 86 High Street, Boston Spa 842454 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown…… Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park………………… Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG………………

0113 2892790 844858

Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine @gmail.com


Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, jowilkinson04Gmail.co 844858 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod…………Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones……… Jennie Saynor, jen@saynor.me.uk Group Office………… Sarah Oates (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice.bramhambenefice@gmail.com) Friday closed.

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… Hall Bookings…

845084 07398 244634

Drama Group Football Club… Guides…… Brownies… Explorer Scouts… Scouts…… Beavers… Cubs…… . Bramham Primary School

Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Sarah Clayton………………………………… … sarah@claytons.info Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 078 0108 1894 Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Executive Head Teacher Valerie Wilson… 843682 Executive Deputy Head Teacher Ruth Kirby: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Helena Buck 849757 Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley clerk@bramhamparishcouncil.org.uk Bramham Pavilion… Gerry Taylor, Secretary… 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair 844529 Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Bramham Shop & Post Office.

Lynne Marshall Keith Innocent … Mavis Wilson Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Williams….



Marion Hogg

844767 841197 842321 844191 842275

Clergy Letter

Rev. Stanley Menzies

June 2017

George Macleod tells this story. A boy threw a stone at the stained glass window of the birth of Jesus. It nicked out the E in the word HIGHEST in the text GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST.Thus, till unfortunately it was mended it read GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGH ST.Such is the genius and challenge of the Christian faith, God comes to this world and in the person of Jesus walks alongside us and it is on the streets and roads that we walk that we will find something of the divine. I have come increasingly to believe that God and all things holy belong in the public square. We live in challenging times and Jonathan Sacks explains why religion matters and what we stand to lose if we lose it.” The reason I do so is that more than people have lost faith in God; they simply do not see why it is important. What difference does it make any more? Our civilisation is built on specific religious foundations and if we lose them we will lose much that makes life gracious, free and humane. We will be unable to sustain the concept of human dignity. We will lose a certain kind of politics, the politics of the common good.” God and all things holy do belong in the public square. Elections are taking place in many Western countries this year, the United States is coming to terms with a new President, the Middle East is in turmoil and we have Brexit to cope with. The former Secretary General of the United Nations insisted that democracies, like all other rulers, need to be called to account, both in what they actually do and in what they actually are. There is urgent need for the theological dimension to this conversation. Reasoned discussion is required, not soundbites.We need to reckon with God in public. As Tom Wright suggests,” we need wise Christian voices at the table and for that matter wise Jewish and Muslim voices and many others besides, voices neither strident nor fundamentalist, voices both humble and clear: the voices, not those with instant answers, but of those with a clear grasp of the truth.” The calling of the church is to be part of the human struggle for justice, truth and peace and to give that struggle heart and hope without looking for credit for itself. We are called to give glory to God in the high street and all those places where we meet with people. We are called to bring all people to the awareness of the love and purpose of God, already present in creation, already breaking through. The church must be known for its environment of freedom of thought and diversity of expression, a place of growth, not of certainty. It should be recognised as a house of forgiveness and reconciliation, of creativity and openness and a place of imagination and mystery.



Clergy Letter continued:When we seek the purpose and love of God in the public square we encourage all companies of human beings, seeking to reckon with life as it presents itself, to drive their questions deep into the mystery at the heart of the universe. Together we may dare to ask, to question the ways in which the image of God in human beings is being defaced; principalities and powers manoeuvre to get life to run their way, heedless of God’s future for humanity. We need to think through the issues of the day, address them with courage and wisdom and develop respect, humility and compassion for all creation. We do not have to do this alone; there are other people with similar concerns and hope for the future. We need them and they need us as we journey together with love.

10.00 am SERVICES IN BRAMHAM FOR JUNE 8.00 AM Holy Communion services—NB the venue 4th June

8.00 am


St Mary’s


11th June

8.00am Walton

10.00am Children’s Service HC

18th June

8.00 HC

10.00 am

St Mary’s


9.00 am

11.00 am see p. 29


Benefice Service

25th June

St Mary’s 5


From the Book of Remembrance for

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:-

All Saints’ Bramham On these days of the month of June please pray for the repose of the souls of:-


2nd 4th 5th 6th 7th 9th 10th 11th 13th 15th 16th 17th

18th 19th 20th 24th 29th

Celine Watson 1953 Ronald Anthony Clegg OBE 1995 Alexander Claude Irvine 1995 Arthur Kitchen 2007 Robert William Hills 2000 Doreen Smith 1984 Michael Edward O'Brien 2006 Robert Keith Ware 1980 Gertrude May Wilson Roland Allenby 2012 Thomas Hebbron Louis Lee Campbell (infant) Yvonne Elsworth 2012 William Henry Cook 1965 Peter Stubbs 1981 Edith Mary Adams 1956 Margaret May Stubbs 2006 Denis Stevenson 2003 Patrick Mark McCormick 2006 Maisie Miller 2013 Luke Barker (infant) 1994 Charles Harry Kendall 2001 Henrietta Pickards 1973 Hilda Amy Stirk 1985 Harry Kitchen 2002 Muriel Bleasdale 2010

Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in


Weddings 27th May Daniel Jordan and Kirsty Wilton

Funerals 26th April Robert Gibson 22nd May Len Ketteridge 24th May Joan Smith



Bramham Parish Council www.thisisbramham.co.uk

May 2017 Update ....communica ng with residents Remembering Bob Gibson Everyone on the Parish Council is saddened to hear that former Vice Chair Bob Gibson passed away recently. Bob gave a great deal to the Parish Council and to Bramham, he was a well respected member of the community and his loss will be deeply felt. Our sympathies go to Chris Gibson and all of the family at this very difficult time. LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKETS COLLECTION: There are 3 sessions for collection of tickets at THE PAVILION. Sunday 20th August 4pm to 6pm, Monday 21 August 6pm to 8pm, Tuesday 22nd August 6pm to 8pm. LEEDS FESTIVAL BUS: Councillors have arranged with Festival Republic to have a special gate, for Bramham and other VIP residents only, where the Bramham Bus will pick up and drop off. Any non Bramham residents who get on the bus will not have access via this gate. The gate is nearer, so this will help reduce journey and waiting times. See separate article in this magazine and website. GALA BUS: We are pleased to support the Community Action Group and residents who have difficulty getting up to the playing field by financing a mini bus. BOWCLIFFE ROAD AND GRASS VERGE: The builders at the Sawmills site have given assurances that the road and grass verge will be repaired before they leave, and Leeds city Council Highways have been requested to ensure that this happens. PARKING AND HIGHWAYS ISSUES: We continue to press for a visit by highways to assess issues throughout the village and by the school. Ward Councillors have said that they will also put pressure on..

Next Meeting: Wednesday 7 June, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion.



PARISH COUNCIL NOTES CONTINUED………….. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: clerk@bramhamparishcouncil.org.uk Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website: www.thisisbramham.co.uk, Twitter: @thisisbramham

THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.00pm and ring for one hour until 8.00pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome. Contact


DO you wish you could talk to someone in confidence? Please note that the date is changing to the SECOND MONDAY in the month. At this time of the year the Bank Holidays get in the way!!! On the second Monday of each month there will be someone with many years of experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns, sitting in Church. This is not Counselling, simply an understanding and confidential listener. Please call in between 10.00am and 12 noon on the SECOND Monday of each month if you would like to talk. Mollie Browning



Early Cancer Diagnosis Will Save Lives Local researchers in Leeds are beginning an exciting new project, funded by Cancer Research UK, to improve early cancer detection. With around 29,900 people in Yorkshire and the Humber diagnosed with cancer each year, research into this area of work is essential. This innovative local research aims to accelerate progress towards the day when 3 in 4 people are surviving their disease for 10 years or more. In April Professor Richard Neal embarked on the revolutionary Cancer Research UK funded project, CanTest, which will run for five years. Richard will lead the CanTest research in Leeds, and alongside a hand-picked team will investigate ways of bringing new and improved cancer diagnostic tests straight to GPs. The research will prioritise ‘difficult-to-diagnose’ cancers, which are also associated with poorer patient survival. Professor Neal said ‘This research has patients at its heart. Cancer diagnosis needs to be improved, and new and better cancer testing is central to this. “I am a GP myself and I know how difficult diagnosing cancer can be, and the difficulties that some patients have in getting a prompt diagnosis. Getting the patient tested with the right test at the right time in the right setting should produce major benefits to patients and the NHS.” “It is thanks to gifts left in Wills to Cancer Research UK that researchers, like me, can continue ground-breaking work to help beat cancer sooner“, concluded Professor Neal. CanTest will work towards the discovery of new and effective ways for GPs to diagnose cancers and discover how to maximise different methods in a local surgery setting. Ultimately this project has the potential to save time for GPs and patients and reduce the agonising apprehension of waiting for results. With early diagnosis being a defining element of successful treatment and survival outcomes this research could be truly life-saving. Leave a life-changing legacy Gifts in Wills fund more than a third of Cancer Research UK’s work which includes essential projects like CanTest. For more information and to receive your free pack on writing your will call your local Legacy Manager Jon Collins on 01423 709 380



POP UP CHARITY SHOP IN AID OF ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY Saturday 10th June 10.00 am—12 noon In Bramham Pavilion (Refreshments will be available as usual for Pavilion Funds)

THE FREI COMPAGNE—BATTLES, BURIALS AND BELIEFS. Sunday 13th August 11.30 am— 4.00pm in Bramham Churchyard.



BRAMHAM OPEN GARDENS & PLANT SALE JUNE 11TH 2107 11am to 4pm Contact Keith Innocent 07595206611 or keith@thomlinsons.co.uk The plant sale will start the gardens route at the Pavilion on the Playing Fields where there will be a PIMMS & PROSECCO TENT, refreshments and teas and coffees. WE NEED MORE GARDENS TO OPEN. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO OPEN YOUR GARDENS. All money raised will go towards the Bramham Gala



Village Hall

5th June, We would love to see New faces, everyone is welcome. If you need a lift, please contact Mavis on 842321 OPEN DOOR SCHEME FOR THE CHURCH Congratulations to The Winners for December who were No 45 Sue Westwood No 52 Ernest Nichols and in March No 73 Mrs Beryl Warriner. The next Draw is at the end of June. If you would like to join the Scheme the next list will be compiled in September. £10 for the year and a chance to win £100 every four months. All proceeds go to the general fund of All Saints Church.





Entry fee: £9 affiliated, £11.00 unaffiliated Enter at bookitzone.com (Search Bramham in the location) Entries on the day if not full A multi terrain course of approx. 10k. Most of the route is off road on tracks & bridleways in pleasant countryside. It is an undulating course and the last section brings you to the top of Windmill Hill before descending through the lovely village of Bramham then up Almshouse Hill, fondly known as the Bramham Beast (short but steep!) to the playing field. Also on the day CHILDREN’S FUN RUN incorporating a mini obstacle course doing laps on the playing fields. Join us between 10.30 – 11:30am to run, walk, hop, skip or jump as many laps as you can! Children must be under adult supervision, and under 3’s accompanied by an adult on the course. Entry fee of £3 includes a medal and drink – raising funds for Friends of Bramham School. Proceeds of the 10K run go to maintaining Bramham Pavilion as a village facility Refreshments & facilities at Pavilion * Playground for children * A great family day SPONSORED BY THE PASSION


The event is organised by Bramham Pavilion Committee & Bramham Parish Council



Collection of Leeds Festival Tickets The full allocation of Leeds Festival Tickets has now been completed. There is a waiting list and when any tickets become available, residents on that list will be contacted by the organising committee. Tickets will not be posted or delivered to residents. They MUST be collected from the Pavilion at one of the stipulated times. Any tickets not collected will be offered to those residents still on the waiting list. Collection Times

Sunday August 20 4-6pm

Monday August 21 6-8pm

Tuesday August 22 6-8pm

Ticket Collection Only one resident per application is needed to collect all the household tickets Tickets will be distributed in alphabetical order, from labelled desks and will be signed for by the resident. Residents will need the yellow receipt and proof of their identity. (Passport/driving licence as will be needed for Leeds Festival) Any tickets not collected at these times will be offered to those residents still on the waiting list.

Its Panto Time! (Oh yes it is) Bramham Drama Group are performing the World Premiere of “Rumplestiltskin� by Shane Huby from Wednesday 6th of December to Saturday 9th December. If you are interested in being involved in the production, either on stage or behind the scenes please contact: Pat Rimmington 841435 patrimmington@talktalk.net Jillian Lawson 844850 jillian1981@talktalk.net Auditions for adult cast members will be held in Bramham Village Hall on Wednesday 19th July at 7.30pm. Details of auditions for junior cast members will be in the July magazine.



THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION The next meeting will be on Wednesday 21st June in the Village Hall at 7.15 pm The Speaker will be Ian Tomlinson “Stained Glass a Mystery Trade” All visitors will be very welcome Jean C


THE BRAMHAM READER’S GROUP The next meeting will be at The Swan Inn on Wednesday 7th June at 7.30pm when we will discuss “Moggerhanger” by Alan Sillitoe For further information please contact Jillian on 844858 or Marion 844191 23







FAMILY DOG SHOW LOTS TO DO AND SEE. When….THE FUN STARTS AT 12 until 4pm. Where…..Playing fields off Aberford Road DON’T FORGET ITS FREE ENTRY



Cont. from page 26. PRAYER WALKS 2017 Everyone welcome Mon 29th May, Fox & Hounds B Spa Revd Jane Brown Wed 31st May, Walton Village Hall, Revd Jane Brown Fri 2nd June, The Green Thorp Arch Revd Trish Anslow (finishing at the Pax) We meet outside each of these places at 7.00pm please see May magazine p 35 for full details or email parishoffice.bramhambenefice@gmail.com

You are cordially invited to a SONGS OF PRAISE SERVICE Led by Revd. Canon Peter Bristow At St Mary’s Church On Sunday 25th June at 11.00am This is Canon Peter’s farewell retirement service marking 17 years as Vicar in these parishes and 45 years of ministry. To be followed with soft drinks, wine and cake. The Congregations of St. Peter’s, Walton; All Saints, Thorp Arch; St. Mary’s, Boston Spa and All Saints, Bramham, would love as many people as possible, especially those associated with Peter’s ministry, to join them for this special occasion. RSVP by 20th June to: Sarah Oates, Parish Administrator. Email: parishoffice.bramhambenefice@gmail.com Parish Office, St. Mary’s Church, High Street, Boston Spa, LS23 6DR. Tel: 01937 844402


Pamper Parlour For all your Beauty Needs (formerly Summerhouse of Beauty from Bramham) Gel Nails and feet Manicures/Pedicures Brow/lash tint and trim Facial Massage If you prefer the comfort and privacy of a home contact Beverley on 07841625877 or email beverleygomerson@hotmail.co.uk

20% off your first booking! Prices start at just ÂŁ15


READERS ROTA for the JuneServices 4th June Jacqui Turner

11th June Children’s Service

18th June Barbara Baker

25 June BENEFICE SERVICE St Mary’s 11.00am

Stepping Stones This month at Stepping Stones we created a magical Prayer Sta on in the Lady Chapel …. This is part of fortnight leading up to Pentecost (20th May to 4th June), where Churches Together along with the Diocesan Anglican Mission are running a series of events on prayer en tled "Say one for Me". So, we made the night sky, which gently hung above us with the moon and stars, shining over the whole world. We wrote prayers on stars and placed them in the sky. There is a li-le camp fire to provide (imaginary) warmth and comfort. There is a basket of stars which we invite anyone can go in and write a prayer on (and some sellotape to a-ach to the sky!) we hope you agree it is a lovely place to sit and reflect for a few minutes in our busy lives. The next Stepping Stones session is on Friday 9th June at All Saints Church - 5.30pm. All welcome. The Family Service takes place at All Saints every second Sunday (11th June) at 10am. For more informa on please contact Jennie Saynor: jen@saynor.me.uk.


LOTHERTON HALL, ABERFORD YOUNG ARTISTS’ RECITAL Sunday 25 JUNE 2017 At 2.00pm Vangelis Patsalides - Bassoon Egle Sarmaviciute - Piano Their programme will include music by Elgar, Schumann, Saint-Saens, Donizetti and Verdi The artists appear by kind permission of the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester Followed by tea and cakes in the Servants’ Gallery Tickets to include tea, cakes and admission to the Hall £13.00 Concessions £11.50 Family (2 children and 2 adults) £20.00. Car parking is free with pre-booked tickets. Available from Wendy Shuttleworth, Lotherton Hall, Aberford, Leeds LS25 3EB. Cheques payable to Leeds City Council. Please enclose a SAE. Alternatively telephone 0113 378 2959.

The end of the walk for Beating the Bounds p33 32

. WILDLIFE ‘DES RES” ARRIVES IN BRAMHAM An excellent team effort was demonstrated in Bramham on Tuesday evening between Bramham in Bloom and the 1st Bramham Brownies. It all began at 6.00 pm in a sunlit glade in The Bramham Wildlife Area situated off the Square. 16 excited Brownies, 2 Dads, Brownie Helpers, Brownie Leaders, myself Lynne Marshall Chair of Bramham in Bloom plus good friend and volunteer Tess Ferres all met loaded up with bags of recyclable items, pallets already in situ at the site of the new Wildlife Bug Hotel. All the Brownies took turns to place their items in the levels of the frame constructed by Dad Russ and Dad Andy. Everyone became more and more eager as the construction took shape. All the components were collected during the previous two weeks by the Brownies themselves based on pictures and lists of things to collect ie moss straw pipes plant pots fir cones wood twigs and so on and so on. By 7.00 the magnificent building was complete and our first resident had moved in………….a frog found in the wood pile was carefully introduced to the ground floor section of the dwelling!! Huge smiles and congratulations were given and the Brownies finished off the evening with a selection of songs. Thank you to everyone who took part. Well done.. a very successful project completed!!


We had a good day for the annual walk around the parish boundary and we welcomed many new faces to the group. The youngest walker was 7 and the oldest—well never mind that! Picnic lunch in the garden at Terry Lug Farmhouse—thank you to Chips and Mollie Browning and thanks to Ian Dalton for the Yorkshire Tea. A few did the entire walk and many others joined in at different stages. Why not come along and join us next year? Finally a big thank you to Neil Ferres for leading the Group again.


THIS ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE FOR £70 FOR 12 MONTHS. We can try and include adverts at any time but prefer to have new adverts in September for further information please contact Paul Marshall 844767



WE ARE LOOKING FOR GROUPS, FRIENDS OR FAMILIES TO TAKE PART IN GROUP GARDENING SESSIONS. YOU WILL MAKE NEW FRIENDS HAVE FUN AND SUPPORT YOUR VILLAGE. If you are willing to help here are the following jobs you can do…………… Cenotaph Containers Village Square……. Planting new plants which are delivered to a collection point. Water on a rota basis, check for weeds and cut off dead flower heads. Empty beds in Autumn and re-plant. 3/4 people. Bowcliffe Gardens…….2 /3 flower beds same as above. 2 families or groups of 3/4. Milnthorpe Flower Beds……….Flower beds opp. the Jubilee Garden on Wetherby Road. Same as above. Groups of 3/4 2 families or sibling groups. Wallbaskets on the White Horse wall opp. the Cenotaph. As above. Ideally 2/3 friends or a family. The Committee and other volunteers will garden with you in group sessions. Being a member of Bramham in Bloom is a very enjoyable hobby particularly with fellow volunteers. YOU ARE REALLY HELPING YOUR ENVIRONMENT AND KEEPING BRAMHAM LOOKING BLOOMING LOVELY !! Contact Lynne 844767 Kate 849041 Rochelle 845235 Keith 541801 Pam 845843 Alison 845266



WETHERBY CHORAL SOCIETY 1st July at 7.30pm St James’ Church Wetherby Conductor John Dunford Soloists Hannah Kerr soprano Lucy Appleyard mezzo soprano Antonio Vivaldi—Gloria Benjamin Britten—Rejoice in the Lamb Leonard Bernstein—Chichester Psalms Tickets £15—under 18’s free Email tickets@wetherbychoral.org.uk Tel: 07860 454894 or from members of the Society


MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th June bramham.magazine@ gmail.com or deliver to Anne at:Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please do not email pdf’s.

Saturday 22nd July the Annual HOG ROAST at Terry Lug Farm House, Bramham Park Tickets ÂŁ10 further details in the July magazine. Remember 13th August another visit From the Frei Compagne in the Churchyard.


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays

Village Store

Post Office

Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30





Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30


Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

Graveyard Over the past few months several items have been placed on graves which are not allowed by the Diocesan Graveyard Regulations which govern this Saxon churchyard. An advisory list has been posted in the church notice board by the lych-gate. We would be grateful if you would consult this and if in any doubt please remove the items or contact us if you have a question about anything. Glass and other breakable items such as pots are not allowed and are a danger to anybody walking or working in the churchyard. We would ask you to remove all such items if you wish to keep them as we will be clearing anything like this from the middle of July onwards. In the meantime please do not put any broken glass or pottery in the dustbins as they represent a health and safety hazard.


HELP URGENTLY NEEDED This magazine needs another volunteer to assist Anne Palmer compiling this magazine. At the moment it is just for two months of the year ! We have a Publisher programme and the Bramham Magazine gmail will be made available to you. For further information please contact Anne on 01937 842850. WHAT’S ON IN BRAMHAM IN JUNE 3rd

Book Sale in aid of Arthritis Research—Pavilion 10.00am


Monday Club 1.30 pm


Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Pavilion

Village Hall

Reader’s Group The Swan 7.30 pm 10th Pop up Shop Alzheimer’s Research - Pavilion 10.00am 11th Open Gardens 11.00 am—4.00 pm 17th Ceilidh Village Hall 7.00pm 21st YCA

7.15 pm Village Hall

24th Summer Fair at School 12 noon—3.00pm 25th Songs of Praise St. Mary’s Boston Spa 11.00 am Peter Bristow’s Farewell Service 1st July

Bramham Gala

16th July

Fun Run

22nd July HOG ROAST



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