March magazine 2018 pub

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All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News March is the time to Tidy up in the Church yard. The Churchyard Team will begin the bi annual tidy up during March. The VCC would be most grateful if relatives can be sure to remove all old wreaths and decorations from family graves before the 18th March. As the spring season gets ever closer this will mean that the grass cutting will begin. PLEASE try to keep your family graves tidy and free from unwanted items; Particularly glass items which break very easily and cause damage to the mowers and to litter pickers. There are dustbins by the church porch for flowers only, Please DO NOT PUT glass in these bins, but better still if you can take all the waste home - this is a safer solution. We remind you that NOTHING may be added to a grave plot without the consent of the clergy. Cutting Bramham Churchyard is a mammoth task and if the operatives have to keep stopping to remove loose items this becomes a time consuming exercise. If you are in doubt about anything please consult the Churchwardens. We have one of the most beautiful churchyards around, please help us to keep that way.

March 2018 Issue 182

© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown…… Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park………………… Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine

0113 2892790 844858 842850

Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339152 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod…………Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones……… Jennie Saynor, Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email Friday closed.

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… Hall Bookings…

845084 07398 244634

Drama Group Football Club… Guides…… Brownies… Explorer Scouts… Scouts…… Beavers… Cubs…… . Bramham Primary School

Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Sarah Clayton………………………………… … Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 07801 081894 Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Helena Buck 849757 Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… Gerry Taylor, Secretary… Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Pavilion Bookings Number

Lynne Marshall Keith Innocent … Mavis Wilson Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Williams…. Linda Richards, Chair… Paul Marshall … Gerry Taylor, Secretary


845828 or 07817 849556 844529


844767 841197 842321 Marion Hogg 844191 842275 842151 844767 07731 822562

Wrestling with Questions and Belief Can you remember, as a child, ever being irritated by the fact that adults wouldn’t just tell you how to do something? Instead they would encourage you to work it out…perhaps asking questions which might prompt your understanding. My mum was a primary school teacher, so I had no hope of ever getting a straight set of instructions! Every situation was treated as a learning opportunity. Very frustrating when you just want the answer, and you want it NOW! I remember having, as an adult, a very lively discussion about the nature of belief – not what we believe but what it means to believe. My counterpart was a scientist, approaching the issue in a very precise scientific way. I, on the other hand, am very happy living with belief, alongside a knowledge that there is so much we do not understand. For me, and many millions around the world, the central truth is that Jesus Christ is God, who chose to become human, to live, to die and rise again for our sake, and around this central truth there are many issues about which Christians may, in all good faith, take different views. Often, we get too caught up in determining whether we ‘believe’ or not, without engaging with the complexity of the issues. It is all too easy, therefore, to take the view that we don’t believe, because it seems the easier one to take when we really do not know. And, it seems, many people think Christian belief is a one size fits all package! As though once we have taken on board the central truth of Jesus Christ being our Saviour and Lord, we then all adopt a common set of beliefs about all sorts of issues – a bit as though we have downloaded a database or software programme! If that is what God had intended, he would have written his Word, the Bible, in words of one syllable! It seems God wants us to engage actively with his Word and his ways. He wants us to wonder, to debate, indeed to struggle so we learn for ourselves. The great Christian writer, Jean Vanier, says: “Questions are like wrestling. We are faced with something unfamiliar, something we don’t understand. We can walk away, or we can dare to engage – to challenge ourselves and this unknowing.” Vanier released his book ‘Life’s Great Questions’ in the UK in 2016. In it, he explores how vital it is that we engage with the important questions of life not from a position of doctrine, but a spirit of faithful exploration and a willingness to hear, to share, to learn.



Over the years, several people have told me of their concern about their inability to say or to sing certain statements in our church liturgy or hymnody. Those who experience this are often perplexed and sometimes concerned that it means they are ‘not really Christian’. Creating an environment in which we can openly and constructively share our faith, the elements of which we struggle with and those we rejoice in, is so important to our spiritual well-being. There is no shame in questioning! God is big enough to cope with our doubts and our uncertainties. In fact, he actively encourages us. Whether you would think of yourself as a believer or not, beware being fixed and dogmatic about your position. God invites into a journey; a journey of exploration and questions. As we continue our Lenten journey of reflection, we have the ideal opportunity, in our Lent Course, to question and discuss with others. If you are new to faith, or simply wanting to explore it, we continually offer opportunities to do so – just let us know you are interested. Revd Jane Brown

It’s that time again!! Wydale Hall –Ladies of the Benefice retreat, 2018 We are into our 5th year of this annual retreat and I am happy to invite you all to sign up for another trip to Wydale Hall After a conversation last year amongst ourselves we decided to avoid the Half Term week this year so I have provisionally booked our rooms for Monday 4th – Wednesday 6th June 2018 Have a look in your year diary and check that you can come. The price for this year is £142 for the two nights. Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements. The retreat is very gentle and is open to all ladies of the Benefice, whichever church you go to. If you have a friend that you would like to bring along, go ahead- invite them to join us. If you would like to check the website to look at the facilities the address is Rev Trish




Amelia Kitchen 1940 Neil Isaiah Lewis 1944 2nd Ethel Winifred Clayton 1975 5th Doris Hebbron 1979 6th Walter Ware 2006 Fred Morris 2010 Frank O’Brien 7th Mary Jane Sanderson 1976 8th Robert Simpson 1981 Walter Chambers 2012 14th Mary Hilda Young 1991 Thomas Young 1992 15th Elizabeth Smith 1947 Nellie Bond 1978 22nd Harry Lund 1983 Les Darley 2009 Mary Elizabeth Holly 2009 23rd Alfred Richardson May Booth 2002 Irene Elliott 2007 24th Amy Smith 1985 25th Mary Agnes Emily(Lady Bingley) Irene Shenton 2007 Edith Annie (Toppy) Albrecht 2004 26th Ernest Hatfield 1994 29th Alan Wilkinson 1983 Trevor Norgate 2012 30th Alice Stirk 1982 31st Harry Vernon Broadhead 1984 Arthur Hyde 1991 James Herbert William Cook 2004 Names are included on request

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit. From the Parish Register HOLY BAPTISM 11th February Albert ‘Bertie’ Stanley Grogan 18th February Emily Jessie Myers FUNERAL 7th February Richard Hunter



Bramham Parish Council

February 2018 Update ....communicating with residents LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKETS - The main ticket allocation day is Sunday March 4th,09.00 to 13.00. There will be a follow up session in the pavilion on Tuesday 3rd April, 6pm to 8 pm. All information is on the website (address below) – check there for the latest updates. SENIOR CITIZENS’ CENTRE We have for some time been pursuing obtaining funds from the s106 monies from the Woodyard development (these are monies paid by the developers to Leeds City Council for use in the Parish) for water installation and refurbishment. However this has not been successful. We have taken this up with Ward Councillors, who are also pursuing other funding sources. ALMSHOUSE HILL PLOT: The Parish Council owns a small plot of land off Almshouse Hill. It has decided to put the plot up for sale. Details will be with Thomlinsons Estate Agents in Wetherby.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 7th March, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact:Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307

Website:, Twitter: @thisisbramham



NEW BABY & TODDLER GROUP AT ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH BRAMHAM We are pleased to announce that we will be starting a new group – or rather expanding a well-established group – in Bramham church. We have been running a successful group called The Ark at St Mary’s Boston Spa for many years. As we have had so many families from Bramham attending, we have decided to run an extra session each month, here in Bramham. The Ark will run continue to twice per month at Boston Spa, then will run at Bramham once a month. Both groups will run on Thursday from 1.45pm-3pm and follow a very similar format, involving toys and crafts, stories and songs, as well as refreshments. See page 23 for the next date. We hope to see you there!

THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome. Vicky 07951 575734

1:1 Confidential Listening All Saints’ Church Bramham 2nd Monday in the month—1.00pm Contact the Parish Office on 01937 844402 to make an appointment




21ST April

Start at the Primary School AT 8.30AM Full details of the route next month There is a slight change to the route this year, full details in the April magazine. EASTER LILIES Traditionally we place white lilies in Church in memory of departed loved ones. If you would like to have a lily in church this Easter. Please contact Dolly Mullen before 15th March Dolly will then order the appropriate number in plenty of time so that the flowers are at their very best for Easter Day. They may cost in between ÂŁ3 and ÂŁ3.50.

Welcome to Emma Hunter Benefice Administrator A big welcome to Emma Hunter who took on the role of Benefice Administrator from January 2018. Emma has lived in Bramham for many years, and spent 19 years as a Primary School Teacher in Leeds before deciding to have a change if direction in order to spend more time with her two sons. Married to Paul, Emma is an active member of the community in Bramham and has been involved in the Community Action Group, and also with Stepping Stones. In her spare time Emma enjoy sewing, quilting and shopping! We wish her every success in her new role.





10.00 AM


St Mary’s

Holy Communion Bramham


Thorp Arch

Holy Communion Bramham see below

Mothering Sunday


St Mary’s

Lay Led HC Bramham



Holy Communion,

Palm Sunday 1st April

Bramham St Mary’s

Holy Communion Bramham


Easter Vigil


11TH March at All Saints

The VCC of All Saints warmly welcome everyone in Bramham to come along to this special Service to celebrate Mothering Sunday. Small posies of fresh spring flowers will be presented to all the Mothers in the congregation— and this of course includes Grannies too!! The service will be a informal All Age Worship format which will be very easy to follow and the service will be shorter than usual. If you have never been to the Village Church before—give it a go—you may surprise yourself!!!



THE MONDAY CLUB Village Hall 1.30pm Monday 5th March We can arrange transport.

If you have any questions please ring Mavis on 842321


The next meeting is on 15th March at 7.15pm in the Village Hall, Supper Room this is the AGM and will be followed by a Cheese and Biscuit and Wine Supper. Jean C

BRAMHAM READERS GROUP Next Meeting is on Monday 19th March 7.30 pm in “The Swan” We will be discussing “Somebody at the Door” by Raymond Postgate Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858



Intinction The practice of ‘dipping’ the wafer in the wine at the Eucharist is being gently discouraged in the churches of our Benefice. You will see from the letter from the Archbishop of York that he is encouraging all the parishes to adopt the same approach. There are a few people in our congregations who have chosen not to drink from the chalice during Communion for a variety of reasons. The most common reason seems to be a wish not to pass on germs from colds etc. The chalices used in our churches are all either silver or coated in gold. These metals do not absorb, or hold onto germs. The alcoholic wine is also not able to pass on germs. The practice of the Eucharistic ministers is to wipe the rim of the chalice inside and out between each recipient and to turn the cup. Each person should then receive a clear part of this ‘common cup’ to drink from. If a person still wishes to refrain from sharing the chalice then the Archbishop recommends they only take the wafer. The important thing about this action would be to know that taking communion in one kind (only the wafer or wine) is a complete communion and not to be considered incomplete in any way. If anyone would like to discuss this further please contact the Revds. Jane or Tricia who will talk you through the request.



BRAMHAM NSPCC COMMITTEE Invite you to join us for a fun-filled

1940s evening with Emma (Vera Lynn) James

When: Saturday 21st April Where: Bramham Village Hall Cost: £30.0s.0d 3-course Meal * Welcome Drink * Licensed Bar Raffle For more information or to book your tickets please contact Margaret Morgan on 01937 844688 or Val Hunter on 01937 842247

MARY RHODES AND FAMILY would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and very generous donations at Maurice’s recent funeral. It has all been sent to the British Heart Foundation Thank you



NEW BABY & TODDLER GROUP AT ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH BRAMHAM The Ark will run continue to twice per month at Boston Spa, then will run at Bramham once a month. Both groups will run on Thursday from 1.45pm-3pm and follow a very similar format, involving toys and crafts, stories and songs, as well as refreshments. See the details below for the next date and contact details.

1.45pm - 3.00pm 22nd March Contact: Kate Kennedy 01937 843718

The New Rockery area Lyndon Road A resident who lives close to the area sent a photo showing very deep tyre marks in the grass. Evidently some people have been seen to park and drive over the grass surrounding the garden. Why would anybody want to do this? This is the new plot on Lyndon Road, Residents have spent hours making this area look really lovely and some careless person comes along and ruins it!! Please DO NOT spoil this area?



t Patrick’s Night Celebration Saturday 17th March 7.30pm Bramham Village Hall Dancing to live Ceilidh Band “Fiddlers Wreck” Irish Dancing Demonstration Licenced Bar, Tickets £10, to include 2 course supper, available fromBramham Village shop or by text/phone to 07398 244634 or

Table Top Sale Bramham Village Hall on Wednesday March 14th at 9.30 for Sellers to set up for a 10:00 start time. Free Table Top entry Do you have any (non electrical) baby/ children’s items (including clothes) for sale? Please bring them along to the Supper Room. All items must be in good condition and priced. Unsold items to be taken home. This event will run alongside our weekly Mums and Tots Group and we would ask for a donation (out of profits only) to boost our funds. Refreshments on sale. Mums and Tots Time as normal 10:00 till 11:30. Fee £2 per child. All enquiries to Linda Matthews 01937 541899

Run By Bramham Pavilion Committee



CARIBBEAN Evening in aid of EDSA Many thanks to all who attended and contributed to the Caribbean Evening . Everyone seemed to enjoy the singing, playing of the steel pans and joining in with the choruses! My grateful thanks to all who helped to make this occasion such fun, whilst working incredibly hard at the same time! Combining all the ticket sales, contributions, donations and goodwill gestures, we managed to raise just over ÂŁ900 for the Township project in the Western Cape of South Africa. This money will be invaluable in supporting a new venture to enable school leavers to undertake craft apprenticeships and hopefully give them a skill for life. I go to the project in March and look forward to reporting back on the progress we have made in Barrydale.

FOLLY ALLOTMENTS Want to try your hand at growing your own food, enjoying healthy exercise in the fresh air? Then contact the Secretary of the Folly Allotments Association. Folly Allotments is a thriving community of people, always interested in welcoming new members. We presently have no vacancies, are always eager to have people apply for the waiting list, to ensure that when plots become available they are swiftly passed on...... Contact details are: John Paterson, Secretary Folly Allotment Association 01937 812466



BRAMHAM IN BLOOM UPDATE MARCH 2018-02-12 Gold Award Winners 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

The Lyndon Road/Croft Drive Rockery. Many different bulbs are appearing in the rockery and the planting is looking well. Residents have requested the siting of some new trees behind the rockery and the seat. These will be planted in March hopefully weather permitting. We will no doubt be looking for volunteers to help with this project. Please keep in touch to find out when. The committee have taken advice from The Arium, Thorner and selected 5 medium sized trees with a variety of leaf colour, blossom and berries. Many volunteers, gardeners and residents helped Bramham in Bloom throughout 2016/2017 to create a beautiful area for residents who live close by. Rev. Stanley Menzies ‘officially ‘ opened the garden in Oct. 2017 surrounded by Gill’s family, friends and many people from the village who sponsored and worked on the garden. Wetherby Lions, Bramham in Bloom, Leeds City Council Parks & Gardens and a bequest from Gill’s family made the garden possible. Thank you for all your support. Please can we take care of the area and show respect to all concerned. A new sponsor has come forward to maintain it along with our gardener Jackie who lives nearby. If you would like to make a small donation to this project please contact Lynne Marshall/Keith Howland 844 767 Spring is on the way! Let’s hope the weather dries up the soil a little. General gardening around the beds is needed to remove the wet leaves that have collected around the plants in order to avoid rotting. Warmth and a little sun will work wonders with plant growth and provide colour. The bulbs are showing throughout the village particularly the snowdrops on Bowcliffe Road and in the Senior Citizen Garden. Bramham in Bloom have projects planned for this coming year involving community groups, residents and the school. BRAMHAM IN BLOOM COMMITTEE


A huge thank you to Tony Silverwood, master plumber and wonderful human being. You fixed my leaking boiler over the New Year Holiday and refused any payment. Thank you so much. A grateful resident on Low Way in Bramham


Dear friends Thomas and I have decided to organise a Bramham Spring Clean on the mornings of Sat 3rd and Sun 4th March as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s national campaign that weekend. We hate seeing litter spoiling our lovely village, and we love a bit of litter picking helping keep our village looking at its best, so when we saw the national initiative organised for this weekend we thought why not? We can help make our village spick and span. I have sorted out a skip (free from LCC) and I am on the case re getting litter picker grabbers and bags, so we just need volunteers to do the litter picking with us. I think we need around 20 pickers on each morning.

Saturday - we will carve up the village and do a street/area each Sunday - litter pick along the Paradise Way sliproad from A64 as strewn with litter I think starting around 9:30 on each day to get a good few hours in before stopping at lunch time. Children are very, very welcome to come and join in with you - I think it’s important to involve children in this type of community and environmental activity. However as you’d expect they are your responsibility and great care must be taken near roads and handling litter. I am hoping to borrow as many hi vis tops as I can. Depending on volunteer numbers it might be one litter picker grabber per family to share. We really hope we can pull together a blitz team to help our village have a Spring Clean. Please let us know if you can help and which day. Thank you so much Georgina and Thomas xx NB Another note about Dob Fouling See page 36


Bramham Primary School is reaching for the stars! Bramham Primary School has launched an exciting crowdfunding initiative to try and raise funds to buy new equipment to help the children learn how to code and program. And, they would love to have the support of everyone in Bramham. Computing has undergone a huge curriculum change in recent years with emphasis now placed on teaching programming skills from the age of 4. Learning how to code, debug and simulate algorithms will equip the children with the skills needed to succeed in a world of ever-changing technology. To do this, new coding and robotic equipment is needed which will engage and motivate all the children, and spark their creativity and curious minds.

Continued on next page…………………………...


FOBS CONTINUED……... Reflecting the technological and modern world theme of their project, the school has submitted a crowdfunding project via the Rocket Fund. Take a look at their pitch and fabulous video on The school is seeking to raise £1,500 for a range of coding equipment. Friends of Bramham School are helping to promote and publicise this fantastic project, and raise awareness and support amongst the local community. Every £1 donated is greatly appreciated and takes us a step closer to the children accessing the key equipment - the exciting little bee-bot robots for the youngest children cost £60 each, as does the more advanced raspberry pi robot. We have until 26th March to reach our target. Excitingly, if we are one of the first 10 projects to reach 25% of our target we receive a FREE £500 boost so we are working hard to earn this.

How can you help us? Please take a look at the school’s project on the Rocket Fund website If you can donate, please do as it would be wonderfully appreciated Tell your friends, colleagues, neighbours all about this exciting project in our village school – please share the project’s Rocket Fund weblink on social media

Be part of making the children at Bramham Primary “Top of the Bots” Thank you very much Friends of Bramham School


FINAL REMINDER Leeds Festival Ticket Application Day - Sunday March 4th 2018 Bramham Village Hall Doors Open 9.00am Doors Close 1.00pm Resident eligibility will be based on the electoral roll. ALL RESIDENTS wishing to apply MUST be on the electoral roll. Photo ID MUST be brought for each applicant. One resident can queue to apply for tickets for other members of the household. Payment will be made by cheque to separate accounts for the different types of ticket. Resident tickets including nominated ones, will be payable to Bramham Community Fund Full price tickets will be payable to Festival Republic So applications with a combination of resident discount tickets and full price tickets will need 2 cheques to pay separately for the different discounted or full price tickets. NB refreshments, including bacon sandwiches will be available during the morning. All queries email:


BRAMHAM NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Regulation 14 Consultation period for the draft Bramham Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) ended on Monday 12th February 2018. I can advise that we received a total of 167 completed surveys returned online or via the Freepost envelopes from the 770 distributed, together with 12 responses/comments from the 44 Statutory Consultees and Stakeholders with whom we are required to consult (e.g. local politicians, neighbouring parish councils, Highways Agency and local businesses and the like). We now have to review all comments and relevant points made in these responses and prepare proposed courses of action to be taken, before meeting with the Leeds City Council (LCC) Neighbourhood Plan team to discuss our proposed actions and agree all amendments necessary before final submission of our Plan for formal ratification by LCC. After ratification the Plan goes through a referendum process amongst residents, where if more than 50% of those who vote are in favour, the plan is formally adopted and has legal status. Many thanks to all those of you who took part in this process by returning your completed surveys and, particularly, to those of you who added relevant comments. Paul Marshall

Chair, Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Get Well Soon Simon Rotheray, who has been delivering the Parish Magazine for many years, has been in hospital having surgery on his heart. He is at home now and hoping to be back on his round again soon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Simon.


Health Hazard - Dog Fouling on the Playing Field “No Excuses!” Once again Parish Council have had complaints about persistent dog fouling, particularly on the playing field and football pitches. Posters designed by local children are displayed all around our village to draw attention to the problem of dog fouling and the owners who do not clear up after their dogs. The Parish Council have arranged for extra bins to be provided at the entrance and exit to the playing field to help with the problem. It’s a health risk to all our patrons and users of Bramham Pavilion and Playing Field, but especially children. There are some nasty diseases that can be caught from the bacteria and parasites excreted in dog faeces including roundworms (toxocariasis), hookworms, tapeworms, salmanellosis, campylobacteriosis, giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis. There really is no excuse! Leeds City Council (LCC) has told us that people who fail to pick up after their dog has fouled are committing a criminal offence. If the owner can be identified LCC can issue a fixed penalty notice which is a fine of £75 or they can prosecute through the Magistrate’s Courts where the maximum fine upon conviction is £1,000. Can you answer any of the following questions which will enable LCC to take action and/or patrol the area and issue a fixed penalty notice on the spot? Do you see the same person walking their dog, at around the same time each day and failing to pick up? Do you know where they live? Can you describe them and/or their dog? If the dog owner was using a car, did you note the registration number? Is the same dog roaming unattended each day and fouling whilst out alone? Do you know where it lives? If you have any information as to who is committing these offences please contact LCC on 0113 2224406. You can also e-mail any information to Any information given will be treated and dealt with in the strictest confidence.


WHAT’S ON IN BRAMHAM THIS MONTH? 3rd and 4th The Village Litter Picking Day see page 31 4th

Leeds Festival Ticket Allocation 9.00am


Monday Club 1.30 Village Hall


Parish Council Meeting—7.30pm Pavilion

11th Mothering Sunday 10.00 am Church 14th

Mums and Tots Table Top Sale 10.00 am Village Hall




St Patrick Night Ceilidh Village Hall 7.30pm

AGM 7.15 PM

18th Police Contact 18.00 Senior Citizens Shelter 19th Readers Group—The Swan 7.30 pm

Police Contact points for Residents Drop in for a chat, seek advice and ask questions from your local PCSOs Date of next chat 18th March 18.00 hrs 37

BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30

Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed

Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th March or deliver to Anne at:- Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf.

NB This Magazine is available on ISSUU Facebook and Parish website


To all of you who donated food over the past year and especially over the Christmas season. Your donations have enabled us to provide food parcels for people who would have had little or no food over this festive time. It has also been lovely to be able to also provide some festive treats including mince pies and Christmas puddings. Your kind donations enable the food bank to continue to support individuals and families who are experiencing difficult times. Thank you also to all our partner agencies who hold the vouchers and especially food bank volunteers who collect the food donated, sort it in our warehouse and distribute the food at our distribution centre at the Barleyfields Centre, Wetherby. We look forward to working with you all in 2018 and the importance of your food donations is vital to the work of the foodbank. Food can be donated at several venues across Wetherby and surrounding villages. Our distribution centre is open at the Barleyfield Centre, Wetherby 10-12pm Tuesday and Friday. For more information Best wishes to you all for 2018 Wetherby Choral Society – March 2018 concert

George Frederick Handel - Israel in Egypt Saturday March 24th at 7.30 pm St James’ Parish Church, Wetherby Conductor- John Dunford Soloists Andrea Ryder (Soprano) Jenny Bianco (AltoAustin Gunn (Tenor) Phil Wilcox (Bass) Accompanied by the Wetherby Pro Musica Orchestra Tickets- £16.00 (under 18s free), available: by e mail from by telephone from Kathy Hart on 07860 454894 from Nicolla Florist, 1, Bank Street, Wetherby (tel: 585233)



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