All Saints’ Church Bramham Parish News
REMEMBRANCE SERVICES 9.30am at St Peter’s Church, WALTON Act of Remembrance within the service of Holy Communion BOSTON SPA 9.45am at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa. Service of Holy Communion followed by Act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph BRAMHAM 10.00am at All Saints’ Church, Bramham. All Age Worship followed by Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph THORP ARCH 10.55am Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph CLIFFORD 10.50am Act of Remembrance at Clifford Memorial 11.15am Prayers at St Luke’s Church, war graves Followed by sung Eucharist at St Luke’s Church
November 2017 Issue 178
© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham
Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Rev’d Jane Brown…… Curate, The Vicarage, Thorp Arch…… 849148 Rev’d Stanley Menzies Honorary Assistant Priest, 2 Crag Gardens, Bramham………………………… … 541047 Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Terry Lug Farmhouse, Bramham Park………………… Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine
0113 2892790 844858 842850
Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339152 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Mary Clerehugh, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod…………Jillian Lawson 844858 Stepping Stones……… Jennie Saynor, Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email Friday closed.
WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..
Chairman: Stewart Gibson… Hall Bookings…
845084 07398 244634
Drama Group Football Club… Guides…… Brownies… Explorer Scouts… Scouts…… Beavers… Cubs…… . Bramham Primary School
Secretary: Christine Suddaby………………….. 849455 Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Sarah Clayton………………………………… … Aimee Sibley. Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Justin Atkinson……………………… …………. 541727 Jason Turner (Skip)……………………………… 842181 Michael Fox………………………………… ……. 07801 081894 Diane Hare (Akela)………………………………. 07787 113154 Executive Head Teacher Valerie Wilson… 843682 Executive Deputy Head Teacher Ruth Kirby: Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Valerie Whitbread (Chair) 541075 Linda Richards (Vice Chair) 842151 Helena Buck 849757 Ian Dalton 849455, Pete Dunn 843345 June Halliday 845564, James Pirie Katie Race 077 9281 9612 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… Gerry Taylor, Secretary… 845828 or 07817 849556 Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Anne Topping - Chair 844529 Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Pavilion Bookings Number
Lynne Marshall Keith Innocent … Mavis Wilson Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Williams…. Linda Richards, Chair… Paul Marshall … Gerry Taylor, Secretary
844767 841197 842321 Marion Hogg 844191 842275 842151 844767 07731 822562
November is the month for remembering. It starts lightheartedly, with Bonfire Night, then quickly turns towards much more serious occasions, with Remembrance Sunday, then our annual Memorial Service for those who have lost loved ones in the last year or so. Memories weave our past with our present, and connect yesterday with today and tomorrow. Remembering, however, is not necessarily a straightforward activity. Often it is clouded with mixed emotions. As we remember the fallen and injured in wars and conflicts past and current, we both honour them and pray for such conflict to cease. We hold these two things in tension, giving thought to both, for it is only in doing so that we can hope to bring peace into this world. As we remember loved ones who have died, we may encounter not only loss, but joy at happy times spent together or pain at memories of difficult relationships and every emotion in between. Often we find it difficult to express our anger or hurt about someone who has died. We may feel it socially unacceptable to do so, caught up in seeming to remember only the good things about someone. But let’s be honest, it is not uncommon to have had a difficult relationship with those in our family, even with someone we loved dearly. Recognising and accepting the reality of a relationship is the way to deal positively with their death and to remember well. Unacknowledged feelings only fester and tear us apart. The Roman Catholic missionary priest, Robert Schreiter, writes on the subject of forgiveness and reconciliation. He suggests not that we ‘forgive and forget’ rather that we forgive and therefore ‘remember in a different way’ - a way that no longer holds resentment or anger at what has been done. How we choose to remember defines how we will move forward. Remembering is an action; it drives the choices we make in our lives. Jesus told us to take the bread and the wine, of Holy Communion, ‘in remembrance of me’. He meant it to nourish us for his work, not to be the end in itself. Remembering without action is somehow failing to honour the past, through the present.
The Clergy Letter continued from page 3 Just as we find in the story of Jesus’ life, a call to remember the past with an intensity that shapes our present, so we do well to hold our past honestly, learning from our mistakes, dealing with our anger or frustrations, and seeking a future of love and hope. The ultimate remembering, of course, is that offered by Jesus, indicated in his response to one of the criminals who was crucified next to him. This criminal recognised Jesus to be the Son of God and said to him “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”, to which Jesus responded “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42-43). Thankfully, Jesus Christ is not bound by the emotional complexities of our remembering. He remembers us exactly as we are, warts and all, yet he still remembers us with love. Revd Jane Brown Curate Benefice of Bramham Parishes of Lower Wharfe - Boston Spa, Bramham and Walton— and Thorp Arch 01937 849148
ARMISTICE DAY Saturday 11th November As always on this day we shall gather at the War Memorial to remember the fallen. The names of those who gave their lives will be read and .a wreath laid. Please join us at 11am for this short act of remembrance.
From the Book of Remembrance for All Saints’ Bramham
NOVEMBER 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 9th
13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 20th 21st
22nd 24th 25th 28th 29th 30th
Grace Hugill 1980 Simon Harvard Pearson 1996 Graham Finch 1983 Thomas Horsley 1996 Wendy McKenna 2009 Mary Campbell 2004 Kathleen Florence Knight Harry Birdsall 1957 Clifford Pottage 1968 Charles Bigland 1973 Pam Nussey 1999 Peter Spencer 1997 David Peter Edward Eastwood 2008 John Lewis Wilfred Shaw 1997 Ada Louisa Clark 2000 Marcia Mary Lane Fox Ellen Kitchen 1988 Joseph Hiley 1989 Mary Hiley 1999 Annie Elizabeth Pottage 1988 James William Mullen 2004 Sarah Elizabeth (Nan) Reynolds 2000 Harry Tindall 2009 Christopher William Cook 1997 Hilda Mainprize 2003 William Knight 2001 Mary Parkes Evelyn Elizabeth Hatfield 1980 Iris Dykes 1992 Alice Levitt 1999 Victoria Lane Fox 1997 Kenneth George Nussey 2011
The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit. FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism 17th September Harry Wylie 24th September Layton Belton 15th October Alfie Lister
Bramham Parish Council
October 2017 Update ....communicating with residents LEEDS FESTIVAL TICKETS Leeds Festival 2017 passed very successfully with the improved shuttle bus service and new gate. The new system of personal application and distribution of tickets enabled residents to access tickets more securely and with greater assurance of success. Resident feedback on all aspects of the application process will be used to further refine the process for next year. The Application day for 2018 is Sunday March 4. NEW GARDEN – Apologies – we got it wrong again! The new garden is on the corner of Lyndon Road, and Croft Drive. BRAMHAM HOUSE / FREELY LANE: We have been contacted by developers who are in discussion with Leeds City Council regarding the sale of Bramham House and redevelopment of the site to include a care home and housing. However it seems that the proposal is still at an early stage and not confirmed. We are contacting LCC to ensure that we are kept up to date and will advise residents as soon as we have any news. The Clerk and vice chair met with LCC on site regarding current problems with trespass, and anti- social and dangerous behaviour in the area. They have assured us that they will increase security patrols and make the site harder to access. AUDIT: The external audit of Parish Council accounts is complete with no significant issues. Thank you to Keith, our clerk, for the hard work in keeping everything in order.
PARISH COUNCIL UPDATE CONTINUED FROM PAGE9 Next Meeting: Wednesday 1st November, 7.30 pm, in the Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact: Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website:, Twitter: @thisisbramham
THE BELL RINGERS The second and fourth Tuesday in the month the Team meet at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bell Ringers are always welcome. Vicky 07951 575734 DO you wish you could talk to someone in confidence? Please note that the date is changing to the SECOND MONDAY in the month. At this time of the year the Bank Holidays get in the way!!! On the second Monday of each month there will be someone with many years of experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns, sitting in Church. This is not Counselling, simply an understanding and confidential listener. Please call in between 10.00am and 12 noon on the SECOND Monday of each month if you would like to talk.
Mollie Browning
Bramham Community Fund The Bramham Community Fund exists to distribute the money generated by Festival Republic from the sale of residents’ tickets at the Leeds Festival together with other donations made directly by the promoter. The requirement is that funds are to be used for the benefit of the community of Bramham. Since the Leeds Festival moved to Bramham in 2003, the Fund has allocated grants to a value of over £320,000. The last allocation of grants, based on the 2016 Festival took place in March 2017. It is planned that the allocations from the 2017 Festival will be considered in March 2018. The Fund is therefore now accepting applications. The closing date is 14 February 2018. To keep it simple, there is no formal application form. Just write to the Bramham Community Fund c/o Colin Pool at 7 Prospect Bank, Bramham, LS23 6RS or send an email to saying what you would like a grant for, how much and why. The Fund committee under the chairmanship of Nick Lane Fox will then meet to consider the applications. Proposed projects should normally be completed within one year of the grant being awarded. If a project is expected to exceed that timescale, the application should indicate as such. You should be aware that in the past preference in the allocation of grants has been given to new projects rather than funding the ongoing support of existing activities. Applications cannot be accepted from individuals, commercial organisations or for projects which do not benefit residents of Bramham. Colin Pool Christmas is fast approaching and we know for some this is a difficult time financially. If you need help or know of anyone who needs help them please do contact us to find out where your nearest Referral Agent is and they will also explain where you go to collect your food. It isn’t only food we supply, we can also signpost people to further help. For more information call 07840455725 See Also page 39
Memorial Safety in Bramham Churchyard There are rules and regulations set by York Diocese for the introduction of a memorial into the Churchyard. No memorial should be placed on a grave without permission first being sought from the priest in charge. Memorial safety within the churchyard is very important and over the next few months a safety inspection will be carried out to ensure that all memorials are safe and will not be a safety issue. Memorials will be tested by qualified assessors. The memorials will be categorised into risk areas – High, Medium and Low. Those in high risk areas will either be laid flat immediately on the grave or staked and banded. If there is a safety issue with your family memorial, the Memorial Mason who supplied your memorial will be able to rectify the safety problem and bring the memorial to the correct modern fixing standards and comply with the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) Code of working practice and British Standard 8415. Please contact the Churchwardens for further information.
BRAMHAM CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR Bazaar in the Village Hall Stalls, Santa Claus, Raffle, Tombola, and more Christmas Tree Festival and Craft Fair In Church and Music from the Singing Group 25th and 26th November 12 - 4.00pm See the poster for more information. 15
THE MONDAY CLUB Village Hall 1.30pm Monday 6th November, we have a very friendly afternoon for senior citizens and we would love to see new faces. If you would like a lift please ring Mavis Wilson 842321
Our next event will be on Wednesday 15th November the pre Christmas Lunch at Dintingdales Restaurant Scarthingwell . Will members please meet at 12.30—1.00pm Jean C
BRAMHAM READERS GROUP Next Meeting Tuesday 7th of November in “The Swan” We will be discussing “The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper” by Phaedra Patrick Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858
THE ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE A chance to reflect and remember our loved ones who have died, will take place on Sunday 19th November at 4.30pm at All Saints’ Church Bramham If you have a loved one that you would like to be remembered at this service, and you plan to attend, please either let the Parish Office have the name, or add the name to the list at the back of any of the Churches, Bramham, Boston Spa, Thorp Arch, Walton. Please make sure that the name of your loved one is clearly printed. Rev. Jane Brown Curate, Benefice of Bramham
Churches Together Advent Service Sunday 3rd December 3.30pm St Luke’s Clifford
Christmas Tree Festival All Saints’ Church Bramham Decorate a tree and enter our great Christmas Tree Competition! Entry fee only £5 per tree Prizes for the best decorated trees Trees will be displayed in the Church 25/26th November12 to 4pm Any kind of tree can be entered as long as it is no taller than 4 feet. Trees can be brought in to church between 2pm and 7pm on Friday the 24th of November To enter email your details to Or fill in the application below and leave it in the village shop or at 21 Lyndon avenue no later than 8th of November Name/Organization _______________________________________________ Contact tel/email ________________________________________________
If you are unable to bring your tree on the 24th November please contact Jillian 844858 or Mavis 842321 To arrange an alternative time
CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX APPEAL Christmas is just around the corner and preparations are underway. Once again we are having a Shoebox Appeal in Bramham to bring some cheer to some of the neediest and to those we should remember in the festive season. Our appeal will be on behalf of the homeless, children in need and the elderly in our parish. St George’s Crypt in Leeds provides 70,000 meals each year for the homeless and offer support in many other ways. They would welcome the gift of warm clothing, socks, underwear, gloves, scarves, jumpers, toothpaste and brushes and toiletries. Many children and their families receive little or nothing at Christmas and toys, pencils, notepads and items of clothing would be most acceptable. The elderly, the lonely and the housebound in our midst appreciate small acts of kindness and small gifts chosen with thought are most welcome. There are two suggestions for the Shoebox: 1. Find a shoebox or a container and place your items in it. Clearly label whom it is for. The boxes should be taken to the Church in December. 2. There will be collection boxes in Church labelled for the different categories in which you can place your items. The Church is open daily from 10am to 4pm. Last year your gifts were received with joy. We know that you will give with imagination and generosity.
DRIGHLINGTON BRASS BAND CONCERT AT BRAMHAM PARK WEDNESDAY 13th DECEMBER Tickets £20 please apply early to Anne Palmer 01937 842850 25
WORKSHOP Wednesday, December 20th 10.00 till 12.30 at Bramham Village Hall Age Range 2 to 10 years Children to be accompanied by Responsible Adult.
Separate soft play area for Mums and Tots ACTIVITIES:: Christmassy crafts including card and Tree Ornament Making, Cup Cake Decorations;
Ticket Price £3.50 per child to include Children’s picnic type lunch with drink Tickets Available from Mums and Tots Group Shop or by contacting Linda Matthew 541899 Refreshments available to purchase Tea, Coffee, soft drinks, Mince Pies & Mulled Wine, snacks etc., Organised by Bramham Pavilion Committee
Bookings are being taken for 2018 We are pleased that we were able to hold the hire charges at the same level as we have for the last three years. Please remember to book the hall early if you have a special event in 2018 – birthday parties, christenings, anniversaries, weddings. We have already taken several bookings for 2018. Prices include a 3 hour £30 party package for children’s parties on Saturdays and Sundays for bookings between 11am and 5pm, plus some weekdays. Friday and Saturday from nights from 5pm are £120 (plus a refundable deposit). The Village Hall Committee can (sometimes) provide a bar for your event at no additional cost to you. Disco lights and access to the sound PA system can be provided on request. The hourly rate is £12 for the main hall, £8 for the supper room (small hall). £18 for the en re hall. 100 Club – just £10 per year with a chance to win £100 Thanks to all those who those who continue to support the 100 club. If you would like to join the 100 club, or pay your 2017 annual amount of just £10, please get in touch with a committee member (details below). You could win £100. The draw will take place early in the new year. Be in it to win it! The Village Hall can be booked by phone or text on 07398 244634 or by email on Committee can be contacted via Stewart Gibson on 01937 845084 or Christine Suddaby/Dalton on 01937 849455, or by post via Bramham Village Hall, Church Hill, Bramham LS23 6QF.
Bramham the Village in Times Past We are often asked for a copy of this publication, if you happen to have a spare copy please can you let us have it. Reprinting is not an option due to copyright rules. The Bramham Archive is available online
Luncheon on Thursday
2nd November 12 for 12.30 pm
in the Village Hall. Tickets £15.
2 course lunch
Bar—raffle Please phone 01937 844688 or 01937 845240
Thank you BRAMHAM NSPCC for inviting the Dunvant Male Voice Choir, we all had a wonderful evening and we hope you made lots of money for the NSPCC.
Bramham Beavers Monday 2nd October saw the Beavers from Bramham and Clifford work with Bramham in Bloom to create their own new flower bed at the Bramham school, where they meet every week. As part of earning their Gardener badge, the children worked hard digging, planting and watering the beautiful flowers kindly donated by Bramham in Bloom. Lynne Marshall provided hands-on guidance to the children on how to plant. The Beavers absolutely loved their first gardening session and are keen to take it in turns looking after the flowers. This session would not have been possible without the community help from Bramham in Bloom, and the Beavers group is really grateful for the support given. Georgina Mills
OPEN EVENTS Friday 3rd November 9.15am / 10.15 am / 11/15am Tuesday 7th November 9.15 am / 10.15 am / 11. 15am Monday 13th November 1.30 pm/ 2.30 pm
See postcards in the Post Office.
FRIENDS OF BRAMHAM SCHOOL We have worked together with Bramham in Bloom members to clear, tidy and replant an area of shrub planting near to the main entrance of the school. It is in a prominent position and it was agreed that the area should look at its best to welcome visitors into the school. The existing shrub planting needed cutting back, and in some areas, removing completely where it was very overgrown. New shrub and bulb planting were included to add colour to the area in the spring time—we are looking forward to seeing the bright and cheerful displays of tulips, alliums and daffodils. New planters will also be added outside the main entrance doors and filled with seasonal bedding plants. Thank you Bramham in Bloom for your support with this project. Michelle Baxter
Friends of Bramham Primary School would like to thank the local businesses below. All of whom very kindly donated prizes for our most recent fundraising events. Without local support, such events would not be possible so we are very grateful. Piglets —a family Pass The Windmill (Linton) - Sunday Lunch Workout like a mum—personal training session and 2 x free block of 5 classes. Bramham in Bloom - 2 x magnums of Prosecco Sterling Motors — Prizes and sponsorship Bella Italia — Meal for two 1066 Deli (Collingham) - Full English Breakfast x 2 Clayfever — voucher Gemma at Ian Blakey Hairdressing — Free blow dry Sant’ Angelo — 4 tickets to a Live Tribute Dinner Show Kate Mell Flowers — voucher Cycle Sense — Voucher for a Cyclone Cycling Helmet Wetherby Leisure Centre — 3 Month Bodyline Premier Pass Brookbabes — Meal Voucher Firths Butchers — Voucher The Grange — Sponsorship
Thanks also to everyone who has attended our events and helped us raise money for our lovely village school — we really do appreciate it. If you feel you can help us in the future with any raffle prizes please contact Kate Pirie on 07897 415273
CHURCH OPEN DOOR SCHEME 2017-2018 Thank you very much for supporting the 2017—2018 Open Door Appeal. The first lucky winner was Number 4 Mrs M Seth. The next Draw will be 31st December, if you would like to join in please get in touch with Anne. £100 four times each year and an extra £25 for the Christmas Draw in December. Please contact Anne Palmer for details. 842850 Or you can send a BACS payment or a cheque made out to Bramham Village Church Council.
CHURCH SERVICES IN November 2017 5th
8.00am Holy Communion St Mary’s 10.00am Holy Communion Bramham
12th Remembrance Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion at Thorp Arch 10.00 am Family Service followed by War Memorial 19th 8.00am Holy Communion St Mary’s 10.00am Celtic Communion Bramham 26th 8.00 am Holy Communion Bramham 10.00 am Christmas Tree Festival CHRISTMAS DAY LUNCH IN THE VILLAGE HALL Please see the flyer with the Nov Magazine. The organisers would like to know if you would be interested in attending the special lunch on Christmas Day. If so please fill in this note and return it to Christine Suddaby/Dalton Telephone 849455 or leave it at the Post Office, or the back of Church, The Medical Centre before 1st December please.
NAME………………………………………………………….. ADDRESS…………………………………………………….. Tel. No……………………… Dietary Requirements…………………………………… I would like transport
I will be accompanied by……………………………….
BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30
Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed
Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275
MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th November or deliver to Anne at:- Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf.
EVENTS IN BRAMHAM DURING NOVEMBER 2017 2nd 3rd, 7th, 13th 6th 7th 11th 12th 15th 19th 25/26th
NSPCC Luncheon 12 for 12.30 Primary School Open Events page 34 Monday Club 1.30pm Supper Room VH Readers Group at the Swan 7.30pm Armistice Day 11.00am War Memorial Remembrance Sunday 10.00am Church YCA Pre Christmas Lunch page 17 Memorial Service 4.30 pm see page 19 Christmas Tree Festival/Bazaar see page Craft Fair 12noon until 4.00pm
1st December, Christmas Lights Switch on 6.00pm 6—9th PANTOMIME SEE PAGE 31 13th Drighlington Brass Band Bramham Park