The Almeria Focus – February 2024

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The Almería Focus Introduction & Contents


elcome to the Almería Focus Magazine and useful A-Z Directory for the Levante area, with more than 2000 entries and contact numbers! View it online at The Focus is free every month and distributed from Mojácar to San Juan de los Terreros on the coast and inland as far as Albox and Huércal-Overa. Contents A Few Changes in 2024 .............................................................10 In the News ........…..........................…………................................…….12 So Now You Know .........................................................................38 Buying a New Car ...........................................................................40 Hospital Waiting Lists .......................................................41 The Algarrobico Hotel ................................................................42 Useful Numbers .............................................................................43 A-Z Directory ……………...….......……................................................44 Community News ...........................................................................80 What’s On ..........................................................................................83 Activities, Clubs and Associations .........................................88 Coffee Break ...…...………......................……........................................…91 Jokes of the Month …...............……………............................................92 Your Stars …………......................……...…….............................................…94 For general or advertising enquiries, call or WhatsApp Clare on 667 80 11 40 or email

The copy deadline for the March issue is February 18th.

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A Few Changes in 2024


arious things have changed in 2024 and in is on Saturday, February 17th. We list the various our “In the News” section we explain why dates in our “What’s On” section. electricity prices have increased. The reduced or scrapped ‘IVA’ (VAT) on some food items remain in place until the end of June, whilst petrol and diesel prices continue to be a lot lower than last year. State pensions in Spain went up by 3.8% starting in January and pensioners receive 14 payments each year, with extra ones in July and December. People in normal employment also receive 14 monthly amounts per year but this is re-calculated to be the same amount each calendar month. Despite objections from employers, the minimum wage for a 40hr week has gone up by 5% to 1,323 euros per calendar month. In an article we comment on the fact that this year is the 20th anniversary of the start of the In an article we comment on the figures building of El Algarrobico hotel at Carboneras. for people waiting for surgery, consultant In 2011 central government and the Junta de appointments and hospital tests, that apply to Andalucía agreed that the cost of the demolition La Inmaculada hospital in Huércal-Overa. The and the re-instatement of the land as to how it figures are very out of date as they apply to was in 2003 would be jointly shared. In a New June last year and Juan De la Cruz Belmonte, the Year message, Juanma Moreno, the President SAS (Andalucía Health Service) delegate for our of Andalucia, called for the demolition “during province, considers that many people are not 2024” which seems fairly unlikely. in fact waiting, but have not gone off the lists voluntarily. The Union of Health Workers complain This year, the Dreambeach festival is moving to that at the Torrecárdenas hospital in Almería city a site beside a beach very close to the airport in only 20 of the 28 beds in intensive care are in Almería city. The organisers cite as one of the main use because they are short of 16 staff. When reasons that accessibility for spectators, staff all autonomous communities were told that and performers is greatly improved with nearby wearing masks in health centres and hospitals hotels and tourist accommodation. The site has (not farmacias /chemists or public transport) been booked for 2024 and 2025 but there is no was compulsory from January 10th, Andalucía intention that the festival comes back to Villaricos. along with several others, objected. They stated that their “recommendation” for mask wearing Wednesday, February 28th, is ‘Día de Andalucía’ was quite sufficient as the incidence of flu and remembering this date in 1980 when a referendum covid was not sufficiently high to justify it being voted for Andalucía to become an autonomous made mandatory. community, which happened in 1981. Autonomous communities have their own health departments, Easter Sunday this year is on March 31st, and education departments and courts, and are selfShrove Tuesday, also known as ‘Mardi Gras’ is on governing to a large extent. This includes setting February 13th. Carnival events are supposed to be their inheritance and gift tax thresholds that are finished on this Tuesday, before Ash Wednesday, now very generous. It is a fiesta date in Andalucía the start of Lent that this year coincides with so the normal range of official offices, schools St.Valentine’s Day. The Águilas carnival dates and some other undertakings will be shut. There always run over into Lent, and the last procession are no other major fiesta dates in February.



In the News No Mobile Phones in Schools

down to 10% and then 5%, but until the end of the year it has gone back up to 10%. The reductions in excise duty have also been increased this year from 0.5% to 2.5% in the 1st quarter and 3.8% in the 2nd quarter. As we have mentioned before, the way of calculating the widely swinging cost of the hourly PVPC tariff (8.5 million customers are on this tariff) has been amended, with 25% coming from a longer-term price calculation this year, to be increased next year to 40% and 55% in 2026. For people who are prepared to run appliances when the cost is cheapest during the day (looking at the hourly cost each day on the PVPC tariff will be cheapest, but for people who cannot adjust their consumption each hour, the fixed rate tariff may be cheaper. The increased cost will not be substantial, as we are past the periods in 2022 and 2023 when electricity prices soared. An estimation of the average bill this year is that the cost will increase by 6 euros each month. Renewable energy is the key to lower prices and in 2023, for the first time ever, this provided 50.7% of the demand with the largest amount coming from 2023 New Car Sales In an article we comment on customer satisfaction wind turbines. It peaked last November 3rd at 73%. with new cars, and the ones needing most repairs in 2022 in the German equivalent of the Spanish Dreambeach Almería 2024 ‘ITV’ (MOT) tests. Last year Toyota sold 80,000 new In a shock announcement towards the end of cars in Spain which was the highest number for a December, the ‘Dreambeach Electronic Music make but spread over four models. The model with Festival’ organisation announced that they were the most sales was the Dacia Sandero with 28,000 moving the 2024 festival to the Retamar-El Toyo sales, followed by the Seat Arona with 22,000. This area, on the outskirts of Almería city, on the coast was not enough to put the Sandero in the list of near the airport. They describe this as “a new decade” the 10 most popular cars sold in 2023 that were all (although currently there is only an agreement second-hand ones. The number of secondhand VW for 2024 & 2025) and their concerts at Villaricos Golf sales was highest with 64,000 and the tenth have finished. 2024 is their 10th anniversary and a most popular second-hand sales applied to the spokesperson stated that the El Toyo site had much Citroën C3 with 31,000 cars changing hands. New better connections as the airport is only 5 minutes car sales in our province in 2023 amounted to 7,900 away, it is 10 minutes from Almería city, 15 minutes with 6,000 bought by individuals and although by taxi from the bus and train station and near to the total was 13% more than in 2022, it was less the A-7 motorway. Also, there are a number of than in 2018 when sales peaked and then started hotels and holiday apartments close by for festival to fall during 2019. Last year, only 274 people in goers, staff and performers, but there will still be a Almería province bought an all-electric vehicle. camping area and a car park. The festival dates are August 1st-4th with simultaneous performances on three large stages of ‘EDM/ Mainstream/ Higher Electricity Costs This year, some changes have been made to the Hardstyle’, ‘Techno’ and ‘Breakbeat & Drum & Bass’. price of electricity. The 21% ‘IVA’ (VAT) was reduced It was stated that “they would not be forgetting The Education Department of the Junta de Andalucía (the governing body for our province) has sent a letter to all schools advising them that mobile phones have to be taken off any pupils that bring them to school during the school day. This includes break times and any extra curriculum learning out of school hours. The only exception is if they need to be used as part of a lesson. The confiscation of the phones has to be administered by two people who will be responsible for safeguarding them and returning them to their owners at the end of the school day. It is hoped that parents will not allow their sons and daughters to take them to school if they can’t use them. In general, schools and parent teacher associations welcome the news, although exactly how it will work is not yet completely clear. It will also apply to schools or education centres where students are undergoing their Baccalaureate, pre university qualification. The ban is intended to come into force by March 31st.



In the News the unforgettable moments that the festival has lived in its location between Villaricos and Palomares which belong to the history of ‘Dreambeach’”. Local residents are not impressed and are getting up a petition on The land, where he is planning to build a “Sports city”, is owned by Turki Al Sheikh who also owns the Almería UD football club. People trying to book tourist accommodation for the festival are complaining that the cost is up to twice that of the previous week.

More Non-Spanish than Spaniards ‘El padrón’ is the official list of inhabitants in every municipality, and town halls send numbers at the end of every year to the National Institute of Statistic who then publish various data. Mojácar has become the largest municipality in our province where the number of non-Spanish residents exceeds those of Spanish nationality. The percentage is 50.67 compared to 49.3%. Further analysis reveals that only 19% of inhabitants are ‘Mojaqueros’ born in Mojácar, 11.5% are Spaniards who have moved from other municipalities in our province, 5% are from within Andalucía and 11% from other autonomous communities. The 50.67% of non-Spanish is made up of 2,147 people from the UK, 179 from Rumania, 176 from France, 160 from Germany, 148 from Argentina and 129 from Italy. A smaller number of people from various countries make up the total. Partaloa, Arboleas and Bédar have well over 50% of non-Spanish residents.

“Fallen From The Sky” At the end of 2021 the Spanish government imposed a windfall tax on energy companies and banks that they term income “fallen from the sky”, for 2022 and 2023. It has been announced that it will continue this year, but in a modified form. Energy companies are not happy, and Repsol have even threatened to move their fiscal headquarters to Portugal or France. The energy companies combined profit in 2023 of 7.4 billion euros up to the end of November last year was similar to 2022. Energy companies who had a turnover of more than 1 billion euros had to pay a 1.2% levy. In 2023, on turnover from 2022 they paid 1.6 billion euros in two 50% payments in February and September.

Payments due this year from 2023 figures will remain the same. A government spokesperson stated that it was accepted that massive investment was needed for the transformation of the energy companies into “green” energy that had to be taken into account in determining the levy.

Mercadona Wages Juan Roig, the owner of the Mercadona supermarket chain, has reached an amicable agreement with unions involved regarding pay from January 1st for the next five years. The company has always paid very good wages, and for a new employee with no experience the starting pay is 1,597 euros gross per month that increases progressively to 2,165 in their 4th year. This is 20% more than the 2024 minimum 40hr week wage in Spain that has been increased to 1,323 euros per calendar month. Wages for Mercadona employees will go up by 2.5% each year for a cost-of-living rise that will be increased if inflation goes above this amount. Working hours will be reduced in line with the government’s plans to cut the hours to 38.5 this year and 37.5 from 2025. Workers are encouraged to carry round a 1 céntimo coin as a reminder to spot improvements that could be made, however small. If feasible, they receive a monetary reward, and one employee worked out how to pack bread in a more efficient way on incoming transport. Juan Roig is famous for turning up at a supermarket when they open, without any advance warning, to see how they are progressing. The increased pay will apply to the 1,300 workers in their 33 supermarkets in our province.

Autonomous Community Debt Central government lends money to the autonomous communities, in our case Andalucía, so that they don’t have to raise funds from another source. In the negotiations with the independence parties in Catalonia, so he could receive enough votes to become Prime Minister again, Pedro Sánchez announced a 15 billion euros reduction in the amount owed. It was worked out using the sum of 1,980 euros per 7.5 million inhabitants of excused debt, on a total of 73 billion euros, so 20.5%. The proposal is that it has to apply to all of the 17 autonomous communities. The total debt in





In the News Andalucia is 25.4 billion euros with a population of 8.3 million (the highest number in Spain), so at 1,980 euros per person, this results in a debt cancellation of 16.4 billion euros which is 64%. This puts Andalucía at the top of the league table for money written off per inhabitant. In Valencia it would work out at a 20.2% cancellation, the same as in Catalonia. At the other end of the scale, in Galicia, Castilla y León and the Canaries the debt is very small. Using the 1,980 euros figure based on their inhabitants they would receive a substantial amount of extra money that in the case of Galicia would be 209% of their debt. In the Canary Islands the amount they would receive is calculated to be 338% of their debt. This strange situation using the figure of 1,980 euros, is seen as the only way to make it fair for all the communities. The exact amounts have not yet been specified by central government but the estimates have been calculated by the Bank of Spain and financial experts from the autonomous communities.

Obtaining Mortgages The majority of people hoping to obtain a mortgage go by the rule of thumb that a bank will lend them 80% of the property value. Figures from the Bank of Spain reveal that this is not now the case at all. Only 8% of people managed to get an 80% mortgage in 2020, falling to 6% at the end of 2023. The norm now, is that the percentage banks are prepared to loan is about 62% on average, the lowest percentage since 2015. Another rule of thumb, recommended by the Bank of Spain is that the cost of a mortgage should not exceed 30% of income, but with only 62% on offer, this can be 38%, the highest since 2011. Only in a few cases will a bank lend 40% of income taking into account all the circumstances such as joint incomes and when there are no car loans. To get the 62% mortgage repayments down to 30% of income, people have to buy a much cheaper property. For the banks, with high interest rates since the Euribor went up, interest on 62% of a loan is more than 80% when the Euribor was 0%, or negative! Banks are being far more cautious to stop clients defaulting on their mortgage payments, but this is obviously bad news for individuals. The Junta de Andalucía is still offering a grant of 15%, in

addition to 80% from a bank, for young people under the age of 35 who buy a property costing up to 295,000 euros, providing it is their first home, and they stay there for two years. If you think you qualify, ask your bank for more details.

ITV (MOT) Tests At periodic intervals, vehicles in Spain have to pass the ‘ITV’(MOT) test that is compulsory. For cars, the first test is due when it is 4 years old, every 2 years until it is 10 years old, and then every year. At the end of 2023, partly because of the economic situation, the percentage of vehicles not going for the test had risen to 34% which is causing great concern to the DGT (Spanish Traffic Authority). The penalty is a fine of 200 euros, but with no loss of points as some cars belong to companies. A driver may risk getting a fine, as if it is paid within 20 days it is only 100 euros. The association of ITV stations is proposing that there are increased sanctions with higher fines and a loss of two points for having no ITV, as the vast percentage of vehicle are owned by private individuals. The other suggestion is that when a vehicle fails a second inspection, and is not taken back for a re-test, the existing fine of 500 euros should be increased, with the same loss of points, or more. They consider, with the introduction of the low emission zones in cities, cameras could be programmed to give an alert if there is no current ITV sticker, the same as will be done with no appropriate environmental sticker. Finally, the suggestion is that a valid ITV certificate has to be produced when insurance, or a renewal is obtained. The DGT point out that the average age of vehicles in Spain has now risen to 14 years



In the News 9 months, and an ITV test is essential to show up problems that can cause injuries or deaths if not corrected. Spain has an ambitious target of no deaths on the roads by 2050.

Zurgena, Famous For A Day On the last day of the COP 28 conference in Dubai discussing global warming amongst other topics, the highest claimed recorded temperature in Spain on Tuesday, December 12th at 2.15pm was at Zurgena, where it was 31.3 degrees on the town hall roof and 31.2 degrees in Arboleas at 2.45 pm. This came from the Southeastern Meteorological Association (Ametse) who have 44 weather stations in our province. This organisation is distinct from weather stations throughout Spain belonging to the state Meteorological Agency (Aemet) that recorded 27.9 degrees at 3.20pm at their station in Albox on Monday, December 11th, the fourth highest in Spain. In Huércal-Overa at 3.50pm it was 29.4 degrees, the eighth highest, but the highest temperature in mainland Spain during the day recorded by them, was in Málaga city at 29.9 degrees. Aemet cannot confirm the temperatures registered in Zurgena and Arboleas as they were not measured by their own weather stations, but on the other hand they can’t dispute them.

New EU Migrant Laws After an all-night session on December 19th & 20th, a draft core element agreement with member states on immigration policy was hammered out entitled “The new pact on immigration and asylum”. It is intended that it is ratified by all member states before there is a new EU parliament following the elections this June. Each EU country will have a share of 30,000 immigrants based on the size of the country, GDP, population and the existing number of illegal immigrants coming by boat or land. If a country is not prepared to take immigrants, they can opt to pay 20,000 euros per inhabitant into an EU fund to be spent on equipment or personnel. Additional ‘Frontex’ border control staff in new centres if needed, will have to decide the status of the immigrants within 12 weeks, and if not entitled to asylum, they have to be returned to their home countries within another 12 weeks. This

will apply to the illegal “boat people” and ones that ask for asylum when they arrive in a country and have not made a prior application. The maximum prison term of 8 years for the “mafia” organisers if people die on a boat crossing or lorry transport will be increased to 15 years. It is accepted that the new regulations might not come into force in all EU countries until 2025. One foreseen problem is that 22 of the 27 states are part of the Schengen area where there is free movement without any border checks. Because of Brexit, the proposals will not apply to the UK of course. Amnesty International reacted to the agreement saying that “It will lead to a surge in suffering for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants on every step of their journeys.”

A Terrible Animal Refuge The Seprona arm of the Guardia Civil police perform various functions including the wellbeing of animals owned privately or in refuge centres. If very serious deficiencies come to light, they can be investigated by a district judge who will make various orders including their closure. Under the new 2023 animal welfare regulations, the sacrificing (killing) of dogs or cats is illegal unless expressly authorised by a vet with no other viable action. This reinforces existing regulations. A judge is investigating a municipal pound in Seville that is accused of 14 serious infractions such as cramming animals into too small an area, not looking after them, and not offering them for adoption. It is alleged that last October, 20 cats and 20 dogs were killed, and others left to die from untreated diseases and wounds, ill animals were not separated from healthy ones, and domestic and feral cats including female ones on heat were all together and there was no quarantine area or testing of incoming animals for diseases. Another allegation is that there were no staff there at weekends, despite some cats and dogs needing daily medical treatment. Article 337 of the Spanish Penal Code specifies a (suspended) prison term from 6-18 months for severe offences relating to animals and if there is a second conviction it could be a prison term. Articles from the 2003 Andalucía Animal Welfare Law specifies that animals must be kept in hygienic conditions and they have to be able



In the News to exercise “freely” without leads for one hour a day. The Seville pound has room for 82 dogs and 30 cats but an ex-employee said that “The mortality rate was brutal because of poor management and the refuge is a concentration camp for animals”. A prosecution lawyer told the court that there was no budget for microchipping and despite a private animal charity offering to take some animals when overcrowding occurred, this was not done. A spokesperson from the pound told the court that the situation was now greatly improved.

A Diverse Population The Spanish Institute of Statistics regularly published breakdowns of information they have collected. Latest figures for Almería province from July 31st 2023 give the total population as 756,000, with 386,000 men and 370,000 women. Of these, 169,000, so 22%, are non-Spanish spread over 120 nationalities, and this trend has been observed in previous surveys going up from 138,000 in 2013. Of the 169,000 non-Spanish the largest groups are 77,000 from African countries, 36,000 from Europe and 13,000 from Latin America. Out of the Europeans who became residents in 2022, some 16,000 came from France, 3,000 from Germany and 1,800 from the UK. Despite this, the number of UK residents in 2012 hit an all-time high of 22,400, but last October it had dropped to 17,300. This is put down to the problems many Brits experienced with illegal housing scandals so they returned to the UK, and also Brexit. However, Brits are the most numerous non-Spanish residents in 41 out of the 103 municipalities with several in our area. The age group between 45 and 54 years old is the most numerous, with 125,845 people, and the number of retirement-age persons has reached an all-time high, totalling 119,614. The number of people over the age of 100 was 129, the highest figure on record despite the Covid pandemic, with 93 women.

Roquetas Demolition Order The Supreme Court in Madrid have confirmed that a 2013 and 2019 sentence from the Andalucía High Court is correct, and the ‘Balcón del Golf’ complex of 129 apartments, underground garage and swimming pool in Roquetas de Mar has to be

demolished. The town hall has now run out of appeals. The court agreed that the 2003 building licence was illegal, so the 2006 certificate of first occupation (that allows electricity to be connected and properties occupied) was also illegal. The complex was promoted as being golf tourist accommodation but the court ruled that this was a ruse, and they were always intended to be residential and were sold as being for this purpose. This made them an illegal urban residential development on land not designated for this use. Roquetas town hall has to have an independent assessment of the amount of the municipal taxes (IBI) that have been paid by the owners plus 30%, added to the ‘Catastral value’ of the land and construction, and the increase in land value to date. They have to allocate for this money in their budget, and pay it to third party owners who acted in good faith. No compensation was ordered for the large developer ‘Alfos Arquetectura y Promociónes Immobillarias S.A’ as they went bust in a spectacular fashion in 2009 and owe 100 million euros to the ‘Hacienda’ (Spanish taxman).

The Almeria ‘SIVE’ System Staring in 2006 an “Integrated External Surveillance System (SIVE)” was introduced to detect boats off the Almería coast. It is a radar system that is in operation day and night with three main stations and a central control room with additional cameras that are remote controlled. It can identify the size of a boat, the speed, gives a rough guide to passengers if they are illegal immigrants, and coastguards can be alerted to investigate suspicious craft. Currently there are problems with the very fast “taxi boats” that the mafia organisers are using, not to carry drugs, but to carry people. The fastest ones can travel at 70 knots (130km/h) with a journey time of less than two hours and they discharge their 50 to 70 passengers in a matter of minutes. Most coastguard vessels cannot travel at these speeds, and organising the Guardia Civil to intercept them when they land takes time. The Guardia Civil police in Almería city state that they need a larger reaction unit with up to 20 officers and readily available bus transport for the immigrants. The passengers are not people seeking asylum, but they are ones





In the News who have relatives in Europe and they pay up to 10,000 euros, so big business. The ownership, manufacture and sale (except to authorised organisations) of these semi rigid boats is illegal.

Mojácar Town Hall Refund? The PSOE councillors in opposition on the Mojácar council alleged that the town hall was too late in completing paperwork to claim a 400,000 grant from the Junta de Andalucía Tourist Department, intended to be used for the recuperation and sustainable development of the beaches. This is despite the deadline being extended. They claim that the PP party mayor has to refund the 198,272 euros that has already been received.

Almería Men More Virile A Spanish study has been presented at the 31st conference in Vienna that deals with gynaecology and infertility. 872 sperm samples were analysed taken from 11 assisted reproduction centres in Spain. This threw up a big difference in the virility as regards sperm volume and sperm concentration. In Oviedo, men had 102 million spermatozoa followed by Almería with 82 million. The amount in Alicante was 64 million and in Granada (one of the worse) it was 43 million. The average age of the men who had provided sperm was 38, with no significant differences between regions. The study conclusion was that it was difficult to see why there was such a difference in adjoining provinces such as in Almería city and Granada city, and more investigation had to be done. The survey results are being looked at to see if there are any clues from which men were smokers, their body mass index and occupation, as lifestyle may be the reason for the pronounced differences.

The Christmas Lotteries AI intelligence from the Spanish ChatGPT company was applied to the predicted winning ticket in the ‘El Gordo’ lottery on December 22nd. The prediction was that the numbers 03685 would win the top prize and if not, it would be 02695. “0” has been the first number in 64 previous winning lottery numbers. The first combination of numbers was only on sale in Elche and sold out in a few hours

after their prediction was published. When the results were known, the 1st 400,000 euros prize per ‘decimo’ ticket costing 20 euros were the numbers 88008 and none of the thirteen highest winning numbers started with a “0”! People in our province purchased lottery tickets worth 74 euros per inhabitant, up from 70 euros in 2022. Total ticket sales throughout Spain were put at 3.4 billion euros with 70% returned in prizes, and on January 6th there was another large lottery, ‘El Niño’. Lottery prizes have to be claimed within 90 days, but if it is a very small amount, such as from the Euromillions lottery, a large number of people don’t bother to claim, or they may have lost their ticket. In 2022, just less than 1% of all prize money was unclaimed, but this amounted to 60 million euros going to the ‘Hacienda’ (Spanish tax man).

Formula 1 In Madrid 2026

Fernando Alonso

Authorities in Madrid are saying that they are very close to closing a deal with the massive US company ‘Liberty Media’, the owners of F1, that would see it come to Madrid from 2026 until 2035. The 5km circuit would take in the IFEMA pavilion exhibition complex and part of the M-11 motorway, very close to the Madrid-Barajas airport. Fernando Alonso’s former manager, Luis Garcia Abad, is one of the key figures behind the initiative. The last date for the F1 in Barcelona is 2026, so there could be two Grand Prix races in Spain with the one in Madrid christened the ‘Madrid Grand Prix’ that has been trademarked, along with ‘Formula 1 Grand Prix Madrid’. The Spaniard Carlos Sainz from the Ferrari



In the News team is very popular, along with Fernando Alonso who will be age 45 in 2026 but shows no sign of retiring and holds two world championships from 2005 and 2006, so 2026 is the 20th anniversary. The 2023 event in Barcelona attracted 125,500 spectators, the highest number since 2008.

EBlades Wind Turbines The EBlade Technology company is a SpanishGerman undertaking manufacturing wind turbine blades, just over the border into Granada province at Ferreira, which started up in 2016. Competitively priced, they supply them to Germany, the UK, Poland, the US and Japan, and they are shipped from Almería port. Their longest blades have been 56 and 61m but a production line for 86m blades is now up and running that has cost 7 million euros. To put 86m in context, double decker buses are between 12 and 13m long. In 2024 they expect their workforce to increase to 200 and produce 150 blades up to the end of 2025. At a meeting with the president of the port authority in December, it was agreed that the port access would be improved along with modifications to the roads and street furniture in the immediate vicinity. The blades are transported to the port during the night to minimise problems with other traffic.

following a death and a will. 66% say that the financial help they give is more than they received from their own parents but consider it is a current necessity. Many parents think that inheritance and gift tax should be reduced, but in Andalucía we are fortunate that it has been reduced to nothing (if under 1 million euros) for direct family members.

The Surgery Backlog

In an article we comment on the waiting lists at hospitals in our province that includes La Inmaculada hospital in Huércal-Overa. In December, Juanma Moreno, the President of the Junta de Andalucia, announced that in 2024 EU funding of 138 million euros will be used to pay surgeons, theatre staff, anaesthetists and post operation nurses who volunteer to carry out operations for five hours in the afternoons, a continuation of the extra operations carried out in 2023. The aim is to clear a backlog of 6,200 people in our province who have been waiting more than 12 months for surgery. 6.8 million euros is being spent at La Inmaculada hospital to build a new nephrology (kidney treatment) unit and 3.4 million euros for the construction cost of the new medical centre in Mojácar, planned to be open before the end of this year. The brand new hospital at Roquetas de Mar is also due to open later this year. Many Help from Mum and Dad staff, particularly nurses, are still on temporary A survey has been published, funded by the BBVA contracts and the intention is that by the end of bank foundation, that deals with the financial 2024 a total of 95% will be given permanent ones. help that parents now give to their children and grandchildren. It comments on the fact that in Mortgages and Investments previous times, children in a good financial situation Fortunate people who have money saved up in helped their elderly parents, but this is almost a Spanish bank deposit account, but with paltry entirely a thing of the past. 37% of parents over interest, are choosing to pay off some of their the age of 60 state that they help their children mortgage or invest elsewhere. With the variable rate from month to month, either with the cost of Euribor interest rate continually rising to over 4% living such as the price of food, or paying their since March 2022 when it was a negative amount, electricity and water bills. 51% say that they have mortgage payments have zoomed up. A variablehelped their children to purchase a home or rent rate mortgage of 180,000 euros over 20 years now a property and 80% have advanced money so that costs 143 euros more per month. Alternatively, their children can obtain better qualifications and there are some bank accounts that pay a good go on training courses. 50% have given money to rate of interest up to 4% or more for a two-year their grandchildren in the last year. The survey period, as well as government bonds. These are refers to this as a “living inheritance” as it transfers issued by the treasury when a government want wealth from one generation to another, not just to raise funds for a fixed period of time and pay



In the News a good rate of interest on the money they raise, up to 4% for a 10 year bond. Residents of Spain, not just financial institutions, have bought 20 billion euros in bonds and their money is completely safe. People can trade in them, so sell them in the interim period, for a lower interest rate if they need the money. Financial experts point out that the choice of paying something off a mortgage is often driven by worries that any increase will cause financial hardship, so this gives peace of mind. If the current interest rate on a Euribor mortgage is 5%, it is difficult to find other investments that will match this. Conversely, some people with a fixed rate mortgage can exceed the interest they are paying from investments. Hopefully, the Euribor rate will come down this year, so investments may make sense. The experts advise people with disposable money in deposit accounts, to leave some of it there “for a rainy day”. Financial analysts state that 30 billion euros has been withdrawn from Spanish bank deposit accounts during 2023 because of the poor interest rates.

Pensions in 2024 The rise in Spanish state retirement pensions in the coming year is based on the inflation figures up to the end of the previous November, and for 2024 it will be 3.8%. This is paid from the January, and pensioners receive 14 monthly amounts with an extra month paid in July and December. It is slightly more than the inflation amount that in November fell to 3.2%, not taking into account the rise in food costs. Pensions for widows with dependents has gone up by 14%, and 6% for disability ones. The amount of money that the Social Security paid out for 10.1 million retirement, widows, orphans and disability pensions last November was 12.1 billion euros which was 11.5% of GNP (Gross National Product), but it had peaked at 12.4% in November 2020 as a result of the pandemic. It was considerably more last December with the extra payment.

New Spanish Submarines The S-81 Isaac Peral submarine, the first of four, built by the Spanish Navantia company at Cartagena recently completed all the sea trials and has been handed over at the port to the Spanish Navy.

Ordered in 2004 the first one was to be delivered in 2013 but it emerged when the final weight of all the equipment was calculated that it could submerge but not come back up! The shipyard went to the Electric Boat company in the US for assistance who determined that the submarine at 300 tonnes more than the initial calculations had to be made to be 81m long, 10m more than planned, with a rebalancing and repositioning of all the equipment, and the total displacement weight finished up at just under 3,000 tonnes. This advice cost 14 million euros and the initial cost estimate of 1.75 billion euros per submarine went up to 2.14 billion and finally 3.9 billion. In 2026 a third submarine is due to be handed over with fuel cells powered by hydrogen generated from bioethanol. The Isaac Peral and the second submarine will have their propulsion systems replaced when it is time for a major overhaul. The new system allows for the batteries to be charged whilst at sea with a period of three weeks before surfacing. Navy trials of the Isaac Peral will take place over the next 12 months to iron out any bugs, and it will then be declared fully operational and new submarines will be offered to NATO, and hopefully purchased by other countries. There are 32 crew members and another 8 specialist operation personnel. Spanish Navy experts who have assisted in the sea trials describe it as being a “noble and reliable ship, which behaves very well”. A very long saga!

Almería Province Births The Spanish Institute of Statistics regularly publish data that they have collated, and recently they revealed their results as to the number of nonSpanish mothers giving birth, irrespective of the nationality of the father. Throughout Spain the average percentage of non-Spanish mothers is 15%, but more in Andalucía with 35% in our province. The next highest percentage in Málaga province was 22%. In Almería the population following births went up by 738 with more births than deaths. Another growing record in Almería province is the births to mothers over the age of 40 that, up to the end of September last year, was 431, up from 422 in 2022, 409 in 2021 and 320 in 2020. Of the 431, some 380 were to women aged 40-44, 49 from age 45-49



In the News and 5 over the age of 50. Births above the age of 50 are normally the result of assisted reproduction. A midwife at the Torrecárdenas maternity hospital states that nowadays many women wait until they are financially stable before having children, although there were more medical risks over the age of 50. María del Carmen gave birth to twins by caesarean section at a hospital in Barcelona in 2006 a few days under the age of 67. She had IVF treatment in America (telling them she was 65), because this was refused in Spain. Apart from her age she was single. She is the oldest woman to give birth in the Guinness Book of Records, but there were a great many people who thought she was far too old. Unfortunately, she died of cancer in 2009.

on certain words. Alternatively, a person may be asked to supply personal details that includes a bank account number. If people have messages allegedly coming from Correos asking for money they should go to their post office to confirm that it is a scam and report it, or contact their bank if money has been stolen. In the worse-case scenario, if the notifications come in an email, the fraudsters will install malicious software to acquire a large amount of data if you go onto the website they specify.

Green Energy in Andalucía Juanma Moreno, the President of the Junta de Andalucía, gave a presentation at the COP28 Climate Conference in Dubai in December. He stated that Spain and Andalucía were in the forefront in Europe for green energy production from hydrogen. A director of ‘Cepsa’ gave details of their hydrogen undertakings in Andalucía with plans to invest 3 billion euros and create 10,000 jobs involving 400 companies. Juanma Moreno revealed that there were another nine The Shakira Settlement major projects in the pipeline with an investment The Columbian singer Shakira has been embroiled of 1.84 billion euros creating 6,000 jobs. in a dispute with the ‘Hacienda’ (Spanish tax man) for several years. The dispute is quite simple; the Hacienda claim that in 2012-2014 she was a ‘Correos’ Scam Spain’s National Cybersecurity Institute has issued a resident in Spain for more than 186 days each year, warning that there are fraudulent scams relating to so she had to pay Spanish taxes. Shakira disputes the Correos postal service. Fraudsters are sending this and claims she was tax resident in Columbia out text messages (in Spanish), purporting to come and also in Miami. She intended to fight the court from Correos that there is a parcel that is awaiting case with over 117 people testifying by video as to delivery and this looks legitimate when they provide where she actually was in these years. It had been a tracking number and shipment date. A person is agreed that she could testify from Miami, where given a website to sort out the delivery and see the she lives, on days that did not interfere with her amount of money they have to pay for “customs performance schedules. On November 16th she clearance”. Quite often the person being scammed accepted a Latin Grammy award in Seville for best is asked to purchase a ‘Paysafecard’ that costs 50 Latin song and the next day she met with her euros and send the PIN code to the scammers who lawyers in Barcelona to instruct them to settle the then pocket the money. The National Cybersecurity court case, just days before it started, on terms Institute warns people to be on their guard and that have been proposed since 2022. She stated the messages may have spelling mistakes or bad that the lives and welfare of her children, Milan and grammar, but this is quite often a ruse to avoid filters Sacha, were of paramount importance along with



In the News her career, although she still disputed the amount of money she allegedly owed. She broke up with Barcelona football player Gerald Piqué in 2022 after an 11-year relationship, and he had told her to contest the court accusations. The Hacienda was asking for a prison term of 8 years and two months and a fine of 23.5 million euros. Shakira had already paid the Hacienda 17 million euros, and they agreed to cut the “defrauded” amount by 50% with a fine of 7 million euros. A prison term of an agreed three years was replaced by a fine of 432,000 euros. It is highly unlikely that she would have been given a prison sentence for tax fraud, but this could have led to ramifications regarding her green card in the US if she had a criminal conviction. The Hacienda are still pursuing her for events in 2018, when they claim she avoided paying tax by a complicated network of companies that transferred her music rights to a shell company. In the last quarter of 2023, the most popular Google searches in Spain, in order, were the ‘ChatGPT’ AI company, Shakira and the war in Gaza. The fines should not be too much of a problem as Shakira’s net worth at the end of 2023 was put at between 380 and 400 million dollars.

No Paperwork There are inspectors in Spain who visit business premises to check that employees are legal and the owner is paying Social Security. A recent court case started in Almería city where a 54-year-old man was accused of various offences. The inspectors found that there were five women and two men working in a brasserie in our Levante area who had no contracts, which is illegal, and the owner was not paying Social Security. The employees were not therefore clocking up payments that could enable them to claim unemployment benefits or count towards a pension or healthcare. The Ministry of Employment asked for a prison term of two years (so a suspended one), a fine of 10 euros per day for 10 months and a ban on working in the restaurant trade for three years.

women, along with a female child, were making very regular trips abroad from Seville airport in the past 18 months. They were apprehended at Seville airport on their next journey and one of the women had 3kg of hashish concealed in a false skirt and 380 grammes in her cabin luggage that she had transferred from her vagina in the toilets. The other woman had 300 grammes concealed in her shoes. When x-rayed, each of the adults had swallowed 100 balls weighing 10 grammes each, with a total value of 250,000 euros. The three Spaniards arrested had previous convictions for drug offences so were kept in custody, and Social Services took the young girl into their care.

A Lot Of Money! The very famous Latin American singer Luis Miguel is performing on July 13th at the Roquetas de Mar stadium, with room for 30,000 spectators, as part of his ‘Luis Miguel Tour 2024’, the first time he has come to Spain since 2017. Tickets went on sale at the beginning of December, but at very expensive prices. The cheapest cost 86 euros for standing room only, and the first few rows of the “Platinum” VIP seats nearest the stage cost 822 euros with ones further back from 230-570 euros. Seats with reduced visibility of the stage cost 172195 euros. During his career he has performed 567 concerts with audiences of 5 million. His song “Por Debajo de la Mesa” has been seen on YouTube 133 million times and he has won six Grammys and six Latin American Grammys following 15 nominations. Despite this, it remains to be seen how many tickets will be sold, although 50% of the 86 euro tickets were purchased on the day they went on sale. Other high-priced tickets, but not on this scale, applied to ‘The Rolling Stones’ concert at El Ejido in 2007, and the 2011 concert by Shakira in Almería city. When many fans were already there, her concert was cancelled after a large gantry pillar had broken, and it was declared to be too dangerous for anybody to be underneath.

Ignoring Mother

Drug Smuggling

Ursula Von der Leyden, the President of the EU, National police from a drug and customs unit has consistently warned people of the up and in Andalucía discovered that a man and two down nature of crypto currency and the need for



In the News it to be regulated. It recently became known that her son had ignored her and speculated with this currency, and had lost 60% of the money he spent. The amount of money involved was not specified, but it was quantified as “not being a considerable amount”, fortunately. A good example of “mother knows best!”

Overcoming Addiction When people become addicted to alcohol, drugs, smoking and compulsive gambling or in some cases video games, hopefully they seek help. The Junta de Andalucía Department for Social Health and Addictions published figures in December relating to Almería province. Since 2005 a total of 39,000 addicts have sought help, 1,400 people in 2022 and 1,200 last year up to the end of September. In the same periods 466 and 462 people went to alcohol dependence centres. The Association of Rehabilitated Alcoholics of Almeria (ARA) launched the campaign “Without alcohol, I have fun”. 490 and

410 persons sought help with a cocaine addiction, and 244 and 170 addicted to cannabis. Heroin addicts are going down in numbers from 255 in 2006 to 137 in 2016, and only 82 up to the third quarter of September last year. The successful use of Methadone as a substitute for heroin is given as the reasons for the drop. About 30 people each year seek help from excessive smoking, and 85 and 74 people wanted help with their addiction to gambling. Young people below the age 21 who have problems with excessive video game time are not counted as being addicted, although they can seek help, but this only applies to a small number of people. The most common profile of addicts going for help is a man aged 34% (in 80% of all addictions), who has obtained ‘ESO’, the compulsory secondary education qualification. 53% are working, 33% are unemployed and 9% are attending training courses. As regards women, the average age is 45, with 60% in work, and 33% addicted to cocaine and 33% to alcohol.



So Now You Know... The Columbia Tragedy The space shuttle ‘Columbia’ was launched on January 16th, 2003, but on February 1st, just sixteen minutes before it was scheduled to land, the Space Shuttle broke apart in flight over West Texas and Louisiana, killing all seven crew members. The fatal accident resulted from damage caused during liftoff when a piece of insulating foam from the external fuel tank broke off, piercing a hole in the shuttle’s left wing. This allowed hot gases to penetrate the wing upon re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. From an analysis of film showing the launch, the piece of foam breaking off could be clearly seen. This was the second space shuttle lost in flight.

Buffalo Bill American frontiersman “Buffalo Bill” Cody was born in Scott County, Indiana, on February 26th, 1864. He became a rider for the “Pony Express”, fought during the Civil War as a frontline scout and took up buffalo hunting in 1867. He claimed to have killed over 4,000 buffalo in only 17 months. In 1883, Cody founded his own show, “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West,” a circus-like extravaganza that toured widely for three decades in the United States and later in Europe. Besides Buffalo Bill himself, the Wild West show starred sharpshooter Annie Oakley. His larger-than-life persona contributed to his extreme worldwide popularity. Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), the 40th U.S. President, was born in Tampico, Illinois. He spent 30 years as an entertainer in radio, film, and television before becoming governor of California in 1966. Dubbed the “Great Communicator”, the affable Reagan became a popular two-term president. He cut taxes, increased defence spending, negotiated a nuclear arms reduction agreement with the Soviets and is credited with helping to bring a quicker end to the Cold War. He became firm friends with Margaret Thatcher which helped relations with the UK. He survived a 1981 assassination attempt and died at age 93 after battling Alzheimer’s disease. 38

The Dresden Bombing Dresden was a famous and beautiful German city that hardly contributed anything to the German war effort in WW2. During February 1945, American and British bomber planes, claiming they were disrupting important railway links, carried out “carpet bombing”. This was the dropping of enormous amounts of bombs over one area, including incendiary bombs. On February 13th, 800 British bomber planes dropped 1,400 tons of bombs, US planes dropped 500 tons, and on the 15th 950 tons. The city was totally destroyed in a fire storm that could be seen 200 miles away. An estimated 135,000 civilians were killed. Rock Singers’ Plane Crash On February 3rd, 1959, rock singers Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and ‘The Big Bopper’ Richardson died in a plane crash. Buddy Holly had chartered the flight to avoid harsh travel conditions on the tour bus from his gig in Clear Lake the night before to the next stop on the “Winter Dance Party” tour in North Dakota. Another band member had flipped a coin as to whether he or Richie Valens went on the flight. In bad weather conditions, the pilot Roger Peterson was flying “on instruments” that meant he had no visible horizon confirmation. “The Day the Music Died” was composed by Don McLean for his album “American Pie.” Thomas More Thomas More was born in London on February 7th, 1478. He spent four years in a monastery, then became a lawyer and scholar, publishing a famous book ‘Utopia’ in 1516 detailing the ideal political system. He subsequently held the title Lord Chancellor of England. As a devout Catholic, he refused to acknowledge the divorce of King Henry VIII from Queen Catherine, thereby refusing to acknowledge the King’s religious supremacy. He was charged with treason, found guilty and beheaded in 1535, with his head then displayed from Tower Bridge. Four hundred years later, in 1935, he was canonised by Pope Pius XI. 39

Buying a New Car


hen a person decides to purchase a new car there are various considerations. A survey has shown that reliability and the cost of repairs are very important to 37% of buyers along with the warranty period, such as the 7yr warranty from Kia. Other makes have a warranty that is more than the obligatory 3 years, and some manufacturers offer an extended warranty for an additional cost. It is difficult to determine reliability but if we look at the makes that taxi drivers buy in Spanish cities, 60% are from Toyota that are in first place with their Corrolla model and in fourth place with their Camry model. The Skoda Octavia is in second place and the Mercedes Benz E class is in third place. Of course, taxi owners want a large car and they are going to clock up a considerable mileage in a short period of time.

C3 Aircross, VW Sharan and BMW X5/X6. With 5-year-old cars from 18% to 16% the Dacia Duster was top followed by the VW Sharan, BMW 2, Seat Alhambra and Dacia Dokker. At the seven-year test, from 25% to 22% the Dacia Duster, Dacia Dokker, BMW 5/6, Dacia Logan and Fiat Punto were the ones with the most faults. With cars that were 9 years old, from 33% down to 23% the Dacia Logan led the list followed by the Fiat Punto, Dacia Duster, Ford Mondeo and Renault Twingo. It is noteworthy that with age, Dacia cars did very badly. The Mercedes-Benz B class, GLC, SLC, Audi Q2, Q3, TT, VW Golf Sportsvan and the Suzuki Vitara had the least serious defects.

The Spanish Consumer Organisation, “OCU”, have carried out a survey of 52,000 motorists in five European countries, including Spain, covering 326 models. In their league table of new car reliability, with ratings out of 100, the score was from 95 down to 60. The three makes with the highest scores were Lexus, Subaru and Toyota with 91 points, closely followed by Kia with 89, Hyundai and Honda 87, Seat and Dacia 85, and Skoda 84. Volkswagen, Peugeot, Smart, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Mini all scored 82, and Ford, Citroën, Audi, Volvo and Renault 80. At the bottom were Tesla (the worst at 60) coming up to Alfa Romeo and Land Rover with 64, Jaguar with 68, Jeep with 72 and Fiat and Opel with 76.

Another survey concluded that electric vehicles had more problems than petrol and diesel cars, and plug-in hybrids had additional problems. Jake Fisher, a director of an auto-testing company, puts this down to manufacturers needing more expertise coming from experience. Plug-in hybrids have two complex power systems mated together, and flaws and glitches are still being ironed out. Also, plug-in hybrids are very heavy The TÜV company in Germany oversee the and many motorists report fuel consumption is equivalent of ITV tests in Germany and publish a higher than the manufacturers claim. league table. The first test is when a vehicle is 3 years old and then every 24 months. Out of 10 21% of purchasers were looking at size and million vehicles tested in 2022 (43% were over capacity, 9% were influenced by design, 7% had a 10 years old), 20% had serious problems needing definite narrow price range, 7% thought that fuel repair. At the first test with 11.4% down to 8.8% consumption was important, 5% were faithful to of the same model, the worst was the Dacia a particular brand, but only 3% were interested in Logan, followed by the Dacia Dokker, Citroën environmental impact. 40

Hospital Waiting Lists


igures from the Andalucía Health Service these cancellations are notified to their doctor or (SAS) relating to the waiting times for surgery hospital, the numbers are not accurate. or an appointment to see a specialist in Almería province have both gone up, and caused a major row. However, they relate to June last year so are not up to date. The PP (roughly a conservative party) who have governed the Junta de Andalucía since 2019, claim that they have continuously put in place improvements to cut down the waiting times. The PSOE (roughly a labour party) who are in opposition claim that the present figures are “scandalous”.

Hospital La Inmaculada, Huercal-Overa

The total numbers waiting for surgery or to see a specialist in all of Andalucía was 83,200 and he criticises the numbers put forward by the PSOE who ran the Junta for over 30 years. He stresses that the “official” number of 22,000 when the PP came to power in 2019, ignored 42,000 people who had been “hidden”. He points out that the number of medical staff has gone up by 45% to 7,100 since the PP took over the Junta, and their figures are accurate, not invented. He also points out that they are spending 138 million euros in 2024 on a “shock initiative” to encourage surgeons, operating theatre staff and recovery nurses to volunteer to carry out operations for five hours on weekday afternoons, and receive the corresponding extra pay, that started last year. In early January the Andalucía Minister for Health announced that since last October 1st, 11% fewer people were waiting for surgery. There is a shortage of anaesthetists, and in some cases they Juan De la Cruz Belmonte, the SAS health delegate are being sent from one hospital to another, or for our province, has various explanations ones from private hospitals are being employed. including a 2% rise in the population to 750,000 from 2018-2022 and delays due to Covid. Also, José Luis Sánchez of the PSOE is calling on all as the life expectancy increases there are more patients who have gone over the official time elderly people who disproportionally need more periods to go to their hospital and put in a healthcare. He has announced a comprehensive complaint on forms provided for this purpose, review of the numbers, claiming that many people or online. He criticises the time periods between don’t go to specialist appointments or attend for figures being published which should be every surgery because their health has improved whilst six months, not once a year and out of date, waiting. He further states that many pregnant so improvements or worsening of numbers are mothers put off non-urgent surgery. Unless quickly apparent. Our health area is the Northern Region comprising 45 of the 103 municipalities in the province with 180,000 people centred round the Inmaculada hospital in Huércal-Overa. A good statistic is that there were 700 less people waiting for surgery but it was still 2,700. A total of 41,00 people were waiting for a hospital test or an appointment with a consultant. The official waiting time for an operation is 90-180 days depending on the complexity, 30-60 days for a consultant appointment, and 30 days for a hospital test. 9,300 people were waiting for an orthopaedic appointment, 8,860 for eye problems and 6.100 for skin complaints. Waiting times were from 16 days (gynaecology), 31 days (mental health), and up to 250 days (respiratory problems). The longest times waiting for surgery were 771 days for eye operations, 225 for knee operations and 196 for hernia operations.


The Algarrobico Hotel Since 2004, anyone travelling from Mojácar to Carboneras cannot fail to notice the 21 steppedstorey 411 room ‘El Algorrobico’ hotel. In 2003 the town hall granted the Azata del Sol company planning permission.

the Andalucía High Court ordered that another independent assessor should determine the value of the building and the economic loss to the builder.

Greenpeace “discovered” the 95% completed hotel when future staff were being interviewed, and along with the ecology organisation Salvemos Mojácar this led to the work being paralysed by a court in Almería in 2006. As it stands today, it is exactly the same as then. On the Spanish coast there is a “maritime boundary” that determines the distance that construction is allowed from it. Azata del Sol and the town hall genuinely believed this was 50m, but it turned out it was 100m, and Also, in December 2022 the Supreme Court ruled the hotel infringed this boundary and was illegal. that the building was “plainly legal” until the town hall withdrew their licence, which could then be A very large number of court cases since 2006 in followed by a demolition order. They agreed that the Junta de Andalucía High Court and the Madrid from 1994 the land was protected and a building Supreme Court, often contradictory, have not licence should not have been granted. The official resulted in its demolition, which is the eventual value of the land on the ‘escritura’ (title deed) aim. In 2008, the Andalucía high court approved when Azata del Sol bought it was 2.3 million euros. the suspension of the work, and a court in The Junta have been trying to refund this to the Almería determined that the building licence was builder, and at one stage turned up at a court invalid. Carboneras town hall stated they would in Almería with a cheque. The builder declined to appeal this decision. Apart from the maritime come to the court hearing and won’t accept the boundary, the whole question revolves round the money. designation of the land, whether it was protected or not, and if it could be built on. In 2011 it was On November 27th last year, with intense announced that the Junta de Andalucía and pressure, there was a meeting of Carboneras central government would between them carry councillors to approve the licence being nullified, out the demolition and restore the land to its in accordance with the instruction from a court former state, once they owned it. in 2018. There is a coalition of political parties, and PSOE councillors voted against it so the In 2014, the Andalucía High Court changed their motion was not passed. They fear that Azata minds, ruling that the land was zoned for urban del Sol could take them to court and obtain a development, and in 2015 that the building very large compensation order. At various times licence was legal. The builders had the state the town hall has been given deadlines with of the construction valued by independent threats of fines if they do not revoke the licence. assessors at 70 million euros and they asked Ecologists in Action and Salvemos Mojácar insist for this in compensation, but it was ruled that that the town hall has to be fined, but so far they could not be compensated because of the this has not been done. In a New Year message, infringement of the maritime boundary. This Juanma Moreno, the President of Andalucia, was confirmed in 2021, but in December 2022 called for the demolition “during 2024”. Next? 42

Useful Numbers Emergencies (Multi-lingual) ......................112 Emergencies: Life Threatening Emergencies ....................061 Other Health Emergencies .......902 505 061

HACIENDA (TAX OFFICE) Huércal Overa .....................950 470209 / 950 471013

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Albox (Funerarias Teruel) ................................950 430122 Guardia Civil ............................................................062 Huércal Overa (Colly Fer) ...........................950 616161 Local Police ...............................................................092 Garrucha (Funerarias Funerga) .....................950 460295 Coast Guard .................................................900 202 202 Mojácar (Funeraria Pérez) .............................950 478102 Vera (Funeraria Ntra. Sra. de las Angustias) 950390884 AIRPORTS Almeria airport .....…...............…902 404 704 / 950 213 700 HOSPITALS Alicante airport …...............……913 211 000 / 966 919 000 Huércal-Overa, La Inmaculada .........................950 029000 Corvera airport …….............................................….913 211 000 Almería Torrecárdenas ......................................950 016000 Almería, Virgen del Mar (Private) ...............950 217100 BRITISH EMBASSY Virgen del Mar Emergencies :.......................950 217240 Madrid ...........................................................................917 146300 LOCAL POLICE BRITISH CONSULATE Albox ...........................................................................950 121080 Málaga (for this area) ........................................952 352300 Carboneras .............................................................950 136136 Cuevas del Almanzora .....................................950 548700 UK PASSPORT INFORMATION Garrucha ....................................................................950 460002 Huércal-Overa .....................................................950 470585 Mojácar .....................................................................950 472000 EMERGENCY UK PASSPORTS Pulpi .........………...........................................................950 465049 Vera .............................................................................950 390010 CREDIT CARDS 24hr EMERGENCIES 4B(Visa/Mastercard) ….........902 114400 / 913 626200 American Express …................................................900 814500 Diners Club ….............................................................902 401112 Mastercard ….............................................................900 971231 Servired (Visa/Mastercard) …...........................902 192100 Visa ….............................................................................900 991124

TOWN HALLS Albox .............................................................................950 120908 Antas ............................................................................950 619015 Arboleas .......................................................................950 449430 Cuevas del Almanzora ..........................................950 456488 Los Gallardos .............................................................950 469000 Garrucha ......................................................................950 460058 Huércal-Overa ..........................................................950 134900 ELECTRICITY Mojácar .......................................................................950 615009 Endesa Enquiries: .....................................(free).800 760333 Turre ............................................................................950 479011 Breakdowns:.........................(free).900 850840 Vera ..............................................................................950 393016 WATER Galasa Enquiries: ..................................................950 391200 TELEPHONE (Movistar) Breakdowns: ...........................................902 355575 Normal Operator ........................................................1004 Gestagua (Albox) ....................................................950 120649 Faults Operator .........................................................1002

International Operator ........................................11825

GAS Cepsa (Silver bottles) Leaks ….......................902 100224 TAXIS See Directory pages Cepsa, information ….......................................902 416416 Repsol (Red bottles) Leaks .......................901 121212 MOBILES LOST OR STOLEN Repsol, information ...........................................901 100100 (From any ‘phone) Orange ….......................................................................656 001470 ITV (Spanish M.O.T. Centres) Telefónica Movistar ..............................….............095 702611 Vera, Albox, Veléz Rubio Vodafone …................................................................607 123000 Central number …………….......................................959 999999 Yoigo ….........................................................................622 622622 TRAINS Renfe ……..........…….902 240202


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AFIRA (Mojácar) ...........................................................622 549019 Asesoría Forte (Vera) ........................950 395778 / 682 372196 Asesoría López (Vera) …….....................................….950 393071 Asesoría Torres (Mojácar) ...........................................950 472748 Asesoría Sánchez Moral (Mojácar) ...........................670 099726 Barbara Caparros Ridao (Vera) ….............................950 390427 CG Legal & Financial (Mojácar Playa) .950 472504 / 670 215926 Cabrera Cervantes (Turre) ................950 099400 / 627 464545 Cazorla Martinez (Turre) ..........................................950 479137 Cervantes Alarcon Consulting (Garrucha) .950 106490 / 647 863787 Concepción Rivas Gil (Arboleas) …..........950 438092 / 647 577716 Flores Montoya Asesoria S.L. (Garrucha) ....................950 132577 Gecko Legal Services S.L. (Mojácar) .....50 475949 / 638 264621 Gestoría Salvador (Mojácar Playa) .............................950 473192 Mojácar Playa Asesores …….......................…………950 472710 Rodriguez Paris (Antas) .............................................950 619039 Sintra Consultores (Vera) ….......................................950 393815 Vera Advisors (Vera) ………………..................………950 390621 Villalba Asesores (Albox) ..........................................950 431720


Acupuncture Antonio Herrero ......................................670 099725


AA Parking (Almería, Murcia, Alicante) ......................639 081067 Aqua-Car (Alicante) ……………....................................966 790 011 Coastline Alicante Airport Parking .............................661 517890 Plane Parking S.L. …………..........................................966 840 289 ...............(24hrs Alicante) 656 532725, (24hrs Murcia) 656 532724 Seguro Parking (San Jávier – Murcia) ……............622 062115 Victoria Parking (Alicante) ............................................965 830 254


ABC (A Better Climate) .......................647 247494 / 950 092604 Andy Lake - Williams Electrical ............................…..677 741366 Bédar Directo ..............................................................689 702916 Cool Solutions ............................................................600 621436 DCM Digitek Comms (Mojácar) (See p.19) .950 472947 / 670 084438 Electrotorres ........................................677 530410 / 610 750771 MD Air Conditioning & Refrigeration S.L. 607 364917 / 950 432110 Richard Hayes ...........................................................603 567676 SolAir (See p.7) ................................950 472081 / 645 294064 Solo Satellite & Air-Con. (See p.23)...950 398146 / 699 909737


Exclusive Airport Shuttles ..........................................950 092602


AC Security .........................................950 387822 / 657 397218 AXA ...........................................................................950 478763 B-Safe Digital Security Solutions ...............................634 349859 Prosegur Alarms ...........................................................900 822097 Safes & Security (Dean)...............................................666 949213 SE Telecoms ..............................................................697 780499


Delfos (Mojácar) ......................................................647 163681 Pink House (La Concepción) ............622 288750 / 681 095096


Angel Pardo (Técnico) .......................950 121960 / 687 939315 Antonio Martinez de la Casa .....................................950 092094 Architecture & Engineering Mojácar ...........................950 655468 BeniHomes (Albox) ......................................................950 500410 Blas Haro Morales (Mojácar).......................................639 317429

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 44

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


Daniel González Aranda (Vera) ......................................686 846 624 Elena Acebo Architects (Huércal-Overa) .669 680098 / 950 134976 Néstor Fábrega (Mojácar) ....................................670 363125 Paula Puente (Mojácar) .............................................610 433001

ABS Steve Ennis ..........................................................687 846016 Ana Rodríguez (Huércal-Overa) ..........950 939154 / 606 784598 Cerrajería Jara (Las Buganvillas) ……………………..950 109986 Cristalería Omega (Mojácar) …..........950 478137 / 670 500711 Dorothy Baños (Albox)..................................................661 463842 Enrique Aguirre S.L. (Garrucha) .................................950 460028 Homes & Beyond (Garrucha) ....................................950 132458


Adolfo Prado .................................................................950 472668 Alison ..............................................................................630 833873 Anushree Krementz ...................................................672 721096 Caz (art classes) ………................................……….607 444034 Dee Butler (Albox) .................................................….663 341904 Delfos Gallery (Mojácar) ….........................................647 163681 Evie Fox ....................................................................603 624659 Fran Fajardo (murals) .....................................................634 4499500 Isabel Raths (Bedar) ................................................677 034957 Jeremy Fox-Rayner ...............................................0044 7549667172 Jill Bennett (Mojácar) ........................950 478383 / 600 070188 Living Design (Albox) ...............................................678 308073 MarianMay Simpson …...........................………..……629 113436 Melanie ......................................................................638 495784 Michele Winfield (Purchena) .....................................+44 7745585289 Miki ...........................................................................628 458491 Pink House (La Concepción)................ 622 288750 / 681 095096 Roberto Lombardi ................................950 930757 / 671 800317

Mojácar Home Improvements ...................................950 473104 S.Willems Bathroom renovation ...................................641 192429 SpeedyFit (Screens) ..................................................600 006032 Toldos Farrago (Screens)(Vera) .................................667 567564

BEAUTY See Hair, Health & Beauty BEDS & BEDDING

Colchón San Gines (Huércal-Overa) ........................950 809519 Me & Mrs Jones (Mojácar) (See p.25)........................634 364795 Sleepcentre (Albox) (See p.5) ..........868 931872 / 671 715294


Auction Subasta (Los Carasoles) ..UK 7413190882 / 643 137106 Location Warehousing S.L. (Antas El Real) ..............950 528565


The Metal Works (Albox).......................950 930520 / 638 900949


Curtains with Style (Interior blinds) ...950 069032 / 678 811125 Costasol S.L. (Lloyd Dean) (See cover)...........................667 652 888 Coverbox (Albox) …................................................…615 992007 Cristalería Omega (Mojácar) …..........950 478137 / 670 500711 Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9) 950 459060 / 638 063196 PersiVera 2005 S.L. ......................................................627 978635 Screenmasters (See p.35) ...….…...........................677 152911 Sol Shaders S.L. (See p.35) .....................................627 907207 Speedyfit ......................................................................600 006032 Toldos Farrago (Vera) ...................................................667 567564


Cornish Pride (Albox) …...................................………666 618933


Wow Pops (El Real, Antas) .....................................643 158154

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 45

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Sleep Tight (Albox) .................................................722 122598 Unicraft (El Real, Antas) .............................................692 176 069


Casa Barranca (Huercal Overa) ..............................648 250699 Casa Caballito De Mar Boutique B&B (Bédar) ........950 095956 Casa Montes Guesthouse (Arboleas) .......................686 400331 Castellón (Bédar) ........................................................642 435909



Glass Bottom Boat (Villaricos port) ….......................662 604456 Partylevante (Puerto Deportivo Garrucha) .................680 942141 Sunshine Charters (Garrucha) ....................................634 398074


Librería Nobel (Vera) ..................................................950 392642 The Book Box (Albox) ……...............................…….662 585098 The Book People Almería …........……686 817945 / 626 578164


C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) .............950 634388 / 627 635514

Costa Books ................................................................634 304344


Bowlera (Arboleas) …..........................................….662 112170 Indalo Bowling Mojácar ............................................950 473073

BUILDING MATERIALS (& Sanitary Ware, Tiles etc)


Aguila Bike (Las Buganvillas) .....................................950 133063 All Bike All Run Sport (Albox) ...............................647 836426 Bikespin (Huércal-Overa) ................. 95027678 / 662 543056 Doltcini (Clothing) (Mojácar) ..............950 092600 / 658 028646 Easy ebike Hire ....................+44 7554 013955 / 634 341196

Lufran Bike Sport …………....................................….607 074753 Rock & Road (Garrucha) ..................850 992805 / 628 263338 Rodeca Bike Zone ..................................................950 132525 Weekend Sport (Las Buganvillas) ..........................950 460738

BLINDS see Awnings & Blinds BOATS & NAUTICAL

Veramotor S.A. ............................................................950 392552

The Almería Focus is the magazine that everyone keeps to hand. To advertise your business call or WhatsApp Clare on 667 80 11 40 or email

Aridos Mojácar S.L. ……..........................................650 914257 Brico Depôt (Huércal de Almería) …........…………….950 625652 Casa Conchillo (Albox) …..........................................950 430740 Contrucciones Angel Oller (Albox) ...........................950 431453 Comercial Vera (Vera) ..........................664 648652 / 950 393329 Enrique Aguirre S.L. (Garrucha) .................................950 460028 Leroy Merlin, Gran Plaza (Roquetas) ….................…950 339800 VeraSur SL (Vera) ....................................................950 393028


ABS Steve Ennis ....................................................687 846016 Adam’s Building Services .............................………..600 041820 Alan Barker ........................................950 099913 / 600 268176 ……......................659 685133 / 950 9305202

Arboleas Building ………........………..........................634 306690 Art’n’Build ..................................................................641 679728 Bédar Directo ............................................................689 702916 BeniHomes (Albox) ....................................................950 500410 CES Builders (Paul) .................................................685 017178 Christopher Knell Building Contractors .....................634 344450 Complete Renovations ........................644 389255 / 672 379960 Construcciones Y Excavaciones Petete ....................696 052944 Country New Houses ................................................674 165671 Dan (Almanzora area) .................................................692 596681 David Croft (Urcal) ………....................................……661 148067 Pritchard Construcciones (See front cover)................662 046497 Elegant Homes S.L. ..............................950 092603 / 687 629777 Elite Constructions .....................................................636 092632 Have Tools - Will Travel ...........................................641 438931

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 46

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Idomia Project Management ....................................643 582920 J B General Builder ................................................ 687 024884 M13 ...........................................................................657 105084 MD Building Services ..........................628 414861 / 628 414862 Mario the Handyman ................................................642 245017 Mat Murray ................................................................647 841750 Michel Cools (Taberno) ...............................................641 814611 Nail It .........................................................................621 252997 PR Building Services ..................................................662 422170 Palmer Project Managemant ..................................744 609364 Paul Acreman (General Builder) ..............……………607 196779 Plasterboard Solutions ...............................................624 961299 Saxon’s Complete Building Services ..618 920126 / 968 485729 Sierra Construcción ...................................................611 028716 The Andalucian Building Company ............................671 971686 TRP Construction .......................................................641 309708 Valoser Obras ............................................................642 016954

Total Entertainment (Albox) ......................................950 121318 Total Entertainment (Arboleas) ..................................634 348902 Total Entertainment (Mojácar) ……….................……950 615596 Total Entertainment (Turre) .........................................950 468295



Juan’s Carniceria (Mojácar Playa) .............................950 478409


Alison’s Homemade British Cakes .............................639 028517 Occasion Cupcakes (Velez Rubio) ............................634 329403 The Cake Boutique (Arboleas) ............................+44 7800 892244


Camping el Cantal (Mojacar) ................................. 950 478204 Camping Los Gallardos .............................................679 970399 Campsite Marion (Vera) .............................................607 316553


Al Andalus Car Hire ...................................................664 269440 Auto Corner (Limousines) ...................950 069198 / 667 439671 Caracola (Mojácar) ............................950 473157 / 637 545814 Costa Coches (Mojácar) .......................950 459208 / 950 069272 Costa Rentals Antas ......................... 950 085362 / 662 336439 Europcar .............................,......................................950 615101 Mo-Car (Mojácar) ...............................950 478307 / 626 976973 Solvi Car (Mojácar) ………….......................................950 478151 SRS Vehicle Services .................................................950 449095


Jones’s Mobile Valeting .............................................661 571939


Hog Roasts ...............................................................671 851135 The Whole Hog / Hog Roast parties ..968 485729 / 618 920126 Soft Ice Cream and Frozen Yoghurt Machines .......600 006032


CBD Natural (Huércal Overa) ..............950 882237 / 661 373684



Jones’s Mobile Valeting

Bédar Madera (Bédar) ...............................................687 503181 Cutler’s Carpentry .....................................................697 907708 Go2 Joinery & Services ............................................674 963957 Mojacar Carpentry & Home Improvements ...............603 688622 Simon the Woodworker .............................................667 989270 Total Carpentry ............................................................624 961299 Unicraft …...............................................................…692 176069 Wildwood Bespoke Joinery ......................................634 328574

............................................661 571939

Baby Basics (Equipment Hire, Mojácar) ..................641 679728 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) .............950 634388 / 627 635514 Mobility Almería (Mojácar Playa) ..............................634 322475 Meditania, Children’s Activity Centre (Turre) ...........661 751244 Smartie Pants the Clown ..........................................617 815221 The Baby Hire Centre ..............................................615 806126



Clinica Montero (Albox) ................................................647 827793 Clinica Podológica (Garrucha) ...................................950 132768 In-Step (Arboleas) .......................................................634 330067 iPIE (Mojácar Playa) ..........................950 500336 / 623 380187 Kim White (Turre) ………...........................................637 149659 Paula Tyrrell (Mojacar) ................................................634 389596

C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) ...............950 634388 / 627 635514 Colin the Card (Albox) ..........................................…..650 600032 Forget Me Not (Las Buganvillas) ............................950 118043


Paul the Chimney Sweep …………..617 150300 / 850 993057 Sammy Sweep ..........…................................…………..619 070839

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 47



Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


Isabel Morales .............................................................617 749105


Anna (Tarot) ………...........................................………670 897832 Beverley Kearns ...........................................................600 796684 Chrissie Cremore ........................................................634 349638 Psychic Karen (Turre) ….............................................663 477658 Tarot readings by Susan .........................................643 960118

Barbara Clarke ..............................................................637 469937 Chrissie Cremore (Reiki)............................................634 349638 Donald Mackinnon (Hypnotherapist) ........................628 651022 Emotional Freedom Technique ......................................711 066 822 Eve Morgan .............................................................647 203652 Fred Smithers (Acupuncture) ...............950 930456 / 618 107351 Gill Ballard (Healer/Counsellor) ...........................663 336655 Heaven Scent Holistics ...........................................663 923733 Hypnotherapy (Karen) ................................................663 477658 Dr. Jane Thompson (Psychotherapy)...968 485729 / 618 920126


Amba Cleaners ...........................................................697 516955 Chris ............................................................................627 565049 Cherie’s Ironing & Cleaning (Mojácar) ............………634 301389 Crystal Clear .............................................................637 229464 Daisy Proaño Alcivar (Contract & private) ……...….663 538596 Dusters Cleaning Company .......................................683 547581 Idea (Mojácar) ...........................................................605 162709 Jan’s Domestic & Builders Cleaning .........................660 868467 Jones Upholstery & Rug cleaning ….........…………661 571939 Limpiezas Cristina ......................................................…660 306695. Limpiezas Maxlim (Palomares) …....678 567783 / 629 680161 Oven cleaning (Sue Parmenter) ..............................711 080697 SDF Cleaning Services .............................................711 005562 Shine Bright (Mojácar area) ...................................711 068645 Upholstery & Leather Cleaning .................................636 193256 Xtreme Cleans Property Care ..................................634 328911

CLOTHING (Personalised)

Sello Gráfico (Mojácar Playa) ...................................607 424452 Rascals Designs ............................... 950 064665 / 686 582140


Androidez (Vera Playa) ....................950 042338 / 661 375489 Advance Digital ........................................................616 506569 Beck Tech Solutions (Huércal-Overa) ......................618 779162 Beep (Garrucha) ……………..................................….950 133059 Connexions (Turre) ....................................................950 479502 C.Y.G. Vera ...............................................................950 393350 Don Robinson ............................................................646 587746 Dynos Informatica (Albox) …………..................……..950 430806 IKamale-on ……………..............................................950 616521 Infordatox (Albox) .....................................................950 633223 Mark Adamou (Mojácar) .....................634 324918 / 634 306799 Mr. Micro (Turre) ......................................................950 479502 PC Playa (Mojácar) ..................................................634 356498 PRYS Informatica (Antas) ........................................617 382511 Reperamos (Albox) ....................................................644 346111 Paul Wieder (Mojácar) ..............................................617 830696 SH Informatica (Albox) ..............................................615 647058


Karen Green (Holistic Therapist) .....615 163416 / 850 993150 Malcolm Forrest-Hazell (Counsellor/Psychotherapist) ...693 489725 Natural Health (Mojácar) .........UK 0783 4872273 / 658 638142 Reshmi Purmar (Psychic, healer, spiritual coach) ..634 370903 Shiatsu (Wendy) .......................................................671 851135 Sound Therapy/Reiki/Readings (Bedar) ......................711 096381 Sue Osman (Therapist) ……...............950 473021 / 600 847964 Susan Hales (Tarot) ................................................ 643 960118 VaVa Health & Wellness (Remedial Therapies)(Vera) 642 314316 Dr. Wanda Broeshart .................................................610 243327


Elaine’s Wools (Arboleas) ...........................................667 273889 R.F. (Marquetry) ...........................................................711 003476 Simply Art (Albox) …...................................................643 563803


Currencies Direct (Mojácar) ...............950 478914 / 661 373404 Global Currency Exchange (Mojácar Playa) ..............950 615319

AA Window Doctor ......................…........................630 231644 Screenmasters (See p.35) ......….…..........................677 152911 SpeedyFit .........................................950 472357 / 600 006032


Acupuncture & Massage ...........................................637 120429 Anushree Krementz (Healing / Satsang) .................672 721096

The Almería Focus 5,000 copies delivered monthly to 250 places. Advertise and get your business seen. Call or WhatsApp Clare on 667 80 11 40 or email

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 50

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


Cortinas Gredécor (Vera / Huércal-Overa) ..................950 391361 Curtains with Style (See p.21) ........950 069032 / 678 811125

Image (Helen) ....................................950 930192 / 665 178326 Issysweigh (Albox) ........................................................600 334318 Pam (Turre) .................................................................639 465631 Slim Well Spain ..............................................0044 7794118214 Vicki (Turre) ...............................................................650 764623

DIGGER HIRE See Excavation DIVING See Scuba Diving DOCTORS & CLINICS (Private)

Curtainsandthings .................................................……678 684564 Solo Style ………...............................950 528334 / 626 319907


Can Connect (Albox) …........................................….....950 121149 Total Entertainment (Albox) ........................................950 121318 Total Entertainment (Arboleas) ...................................634 348902 Total Entertainment (Turre) ...........................................950 468295 Total Entertainment (Mojácar) ……..............................950 615596


Zen Cycle Mojácar ......................................................643 722762


Pukka Plastering & Damp Proofing (Almanzora area) .692 596681 Southern Spain Damp Proofing .................................652 358672


Alias Quadros Dental Studio (Mojácar) ....................677 005005

Analysis Clinic (Mojácar Playa) ...............................950 475282 Centro Médico Mojácar ..............................................950 475105 Clinica Medica Garrucha ……...........950 133157 / 617 404500 Euroclinicas (Vera) ...................................................950 391300 Centro Medico Slavica (Mojácar) .............................950 001789


Anita (5 Bone Kennels) …………......................……662 344734 Berta Ayora (Turre) ....................................................637 395775 Brigbe’s Dog Grooming ...........................................630 557123 Carla García (Mojácar Playa) .................................662 257084 Centro Garras (Huércal-Overa) ............950 616820 / 617 456548 ChuchosChic (Mojácar) ........................950 168778 / 621 231369 Elite Dog Grooming (Albox) …….…...........................617 313587 Luis (Clinica Veterinaria Garrucha) ....950 132200 / 628 663616 Lulu’s (Albox) ...................................950 952940 / 600 046557 Pampered Pooches (All areas)..................................662 344734 Pelitos (Los Gallardos) ..............................................637 286176 Precious Perros Mobile Grooming (Aoife) ..............634 342470 Shampooch professional pet grooming .......................642 276442 SoloPerros (Turre) ......................................................674 509382 Ulti-Mutt (Turre) .........................+44 7894747657 / 634 332578 Vivancos Dog Grooming (Vera Playa) ......................608 178361


Didi Arias (Mojácar) ……............................................639 724521


Chris Walker .............................................................622 591096 Damaso .....................................................................647 292966

DOORS See Windows & Doors DRY CLEANERS

City Sec (Vera) .........................................................950 390255 Centro Dental Dr. Cremades (Vera) .........................950 390655 Clinica Dental (Albox) ..................................................950 120732 Clinica Dental, Multicentro (Mojácar) ........................950 478989 Clinica Dental Palomares .....................950 109710 / 670 878427 Clinica Dental, Parque Comercial (Mojácar) .............950 478534 Clinica Dental Saludent (Huércal-Overa) ……………..950 135672 Dentalbox (Albox) .....................................................950 121284 Nadal Pérez, M A (Turre) ...........................................950 479444 Odonto Stetic (Los Gallardos) ...........722 706732 / 950 398993 Puerta de Vera (Vera) ...................................................950 395319 Valero Martinez (Garrucha) ………............................950 132047


1:1 Diet ............................................... 711 019507 / 660 373103


Total Entertainment (Albox) ......................................950 121318 Total Entertainment (Arboleas) .................................634 348902 Total Entertainment (Turre) ...950 468295 ...(Mojácar) 950 615596 VHS to DVD conversion ..............................................647 202599


Eco1 (Garrucha) .........................................................627 690056


Centro Comercial Almanzora (Olula del Rio) ............950 442012 Centro Ferretería Lopez Mojácar .............................950 473111 De Pablo S.L. (Vera) ..............................................950 390129 Electro Ahorro (Albox) .............................................950 121069 Electro Hogar Rodriguez S.L. (Garrucha)..................950 460832

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 51

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Euronics .............. (Albox) 950 430702 (Garrucha) 950 460832


A1 Services ……….....................................................679 631458 Abbott Electrical ….............................638 010691 / 950 137208 Andy …..............................…................950 438237 / 679 656450 Andy Lake - Williams Electrical ..........................…..677 741366 Baltasar ..........................................................................655 691107 Bédar Directo .................................................................689 702916 DJT Electrical Services (Vera) ...........686 817945 / 626 578164 ElectroTorres .....................................677 530410 / 610 750771 EMI Electrical Installations ...........................................673 502867 Fernando (Huércal Overa) ..........................................677 549247 Francisco Montoya (Mojácar) .........................……….687 466352 N.E.Electrics(Arboleas) ..............................................634 358777 Peace of Mind 24/7 ............................................... 637 974662 Zlatan ................................................630 207864 / 682 277576


CDB Natural ...............................................................950 882237 Mobility Almería (Mojácar Playa) ......634 322475 / 633 629883 Voluta’s Place (Mojácar Playa) …...............................699 975552


Abbie Lou (Female vocalist) ......................................687 340544 All Skas .....................................................................635 333387 Andy Owen ................................................................634 370388 Ashley Cathcart .........................................................693 486788 Bob Rock ..................................................................666 310251 Brendan O’Dee (Singer/Guitarist) ..............................610 855964 Brian Dee ………........................................................647 897533 Carl Lewis ..................................................................634 364041 Carol George (Female Vocalist) .................................634 285009 D n A Accoustic Duo .................................................634 366372 Debbie Davis .............................................................694 438917 Dominic Doolittle .........................................................634 353525 Driftwood …….............................................................687 672028 Dynamite International Rock Band ............................666 310251 Emma Wild ................................................................642 276385 Flamenco Dancer (English speaking) ............................687 480694 Francisco J. ‘Pasus’ ..........................950 397401 / 699 510966 Free Ride ...................................................................606 127424 Funky Nomad .............................................................643 256459 Geoff Murrell ..............................................................699 462859 GuitarMac ( Guitar/Vocals ) .....................................634 340476 Harmony Duo .............................................................687 340544 Jack Law ....................................................................689 750176 JuJu Entertainment ............................950 950797 / 697 462746 John Vincent - Sinatra tribute ..................................642 097532 Jools Hirst ..........................................................0044 7754 035724 Kay Frances (Vocalist) ........................950 069288 / 689 404244 Kayleigh Easton (vocals) ...................................... 642 581198 Kev Moore ................................................................600 762856 Kris Kelly (Female Vocalist) .................................. 634 374525 Lady Ellen Sings .............................673 459331 / 677 475268 Loose Change ...........................................................671 754851 Marilyn Shipley ..........................................................722 300797 Maurice Casanove ......................................................671 386947 Maximum Output Karaoke /Disco .............................697 317557 Melanie Howard-Coles ...............................................607 324624 Mel J (Female Vocalist) .............................................664 111990

Melodee (Duo) ..................................610 855964 / 664 111990 Melodeemusic (Backing Tracks & Recording Studio).....610 855 964 Pedro Clemente .........................................................678 752178 Phil and The Invisibles ..................... 950 475752 / 651 045120 Richard Hill ...................................................................670 243461 Roadrunner (duo) ............................628 122363 / 684 330431 Robin Lamble ..............................................................602 469425 Seldom Sober ............................................................689 750176 Sharna Knight (Vocalist & Entertainer) ....................0044 7340 638513 Sharon-Elizabeth Regan ........0044 7858 459637 / 666 673055 Shirin (bellydancer) .......................................................607 805367 Smartie Pants the Clown ..........................................617 815221 Solo Simon ..................................................................667 989270 Spotlight Entertainment (Karaoke, disco etc.) .........634 311652 Starry Jazz trio/quintet .............................................645 886919 Stiff Upper Lip ...........................................................699 462859 Sue Moretta ............................................................672 543027 Sultans ......................................................................667 787124 Sunset Beach Rock Band ......................................711 004575 The Fat Lizard Band .....(English) 651 045120 (Esp) 617 464728 The Buddhas ………………...................................….687 033106 The Geckos ..............................................................651 659109 The Sonny Boy Blues Bans ................................634 311165 The Trippers .............................................................671 163857 Tom Lee ……............................................................671 754851 Tony Matthews (Quiz organiser) ..............................634 391414 Tony Justice ………...........................950 950797 / 637 159249 Triple Trouble Blues Band .......................................671 754851 Wine Not? Accoustic Duo ........................................678 752178


ADC Property (Valle del Este) (See p.13) ...............672 421884 Alhambra Holdings (Mojácar) .............950 475199 / 629 673450 AlmeríaCasas (Albox) .......................950 169680 / 658 845741 Almería Homes ................................0044 1273 929286 / 950 930 259 Almeria Property Finder (Albox) ................................950 431624 Almería Prop. Investments (Las Buganvillas).950 460874 / 666 260792 Amay (Vera Playa) .....................................................673 352852 Angel Property (Palomares) .....................................950 618054 Antonio Martinez de la Casa (Energy certs)..............950 092094 BMS Huerta Nueva .........................950 615035 / 669 355914 BeniHomes (Albox) ................................,...................950 500410 Blue Sea Villas (Mojácar)(See front cover) ...........950 478643 Calida Homes (Arboleas) ......................950 430763 / 634 302801 Casa y Campo (Lubrin) (See front cover) ..............678 587007 Casas Almería (Huércal Overa) .......950 134434 / 649 777218 Citrus Homes ...........................................................638 849254 Cole’s of Andalucia .............................950 469592 / 659 265907

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 52

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Complete Holiday Care .....................950 478612 / 610 808631 Cortijos Almería …………........……...........................676 916088 D & D Property Care, Sales & Rentals .....643 335386 / 643 337063 Dream Homes Almería (Arboleas) ............................697 875717 Españarural (Albox) ............................950 102505 / 654 359607 European Property Company (Mojácar) ...................950 285704 Fincas Vera Playa ..............................950 460670 / 639 314767 FW Properties ..................................634 325152 / 634 352285 Grupo Platinum Estates (San Juan) (See p.4) 950 466112 / 666 687251 Holmes for Homes (Arboleas) ..........850 993099 / 664 012024 Homes of Spain (Huércal Overa).........950 616516 / 616 562447 Indal-futur S.L. (Mojácar) ……............950 615156 / 609 026526 Indasol Mojácar S.L. ..................................................950 472200 Inmobiliaria Almanzora ..................... 9501 20406 / 637 251238 InmoTerreros (San Juan) ...............950 096180 / 666 255765 K7 Mojácar ................................................................950 478555

Linnitt Properties (Turre) ..............................................950 479054 Mojácar Estates .........................................................950 478935

Mojácar Homes & Villas ............................................634 330652 Mojacarmar ...........................................950 475891 / 636 903184 Multicasa Aguilas .................................................... 968 493009 Neinor Homes ............................................................900 110022 New Horizon Villas (Zurgena) .................................950 438221 New One Stop (Mojácar) .............................................950 473040 New Wave Villas (Mojácar) (See back cover)950 475800 / 607 146352 Next House Almería (Albox) .................950 500060 / 645 066139 Next Stop Almería (See p.3)..............950 617518 / 678 034651 Nicla Property Consultancy S.L. ............950 133508 / 628 585538 Okisur (Mojácar) (See p.31) .......................................950 472010 Olive Property Sales (Bédar)(See cover) .950 469624 / 687 938466 Paco Parra (Garrucha) ..................................................678 903998 Polansky and Associates ...........................................950 478086 Price Brown Partnership (Mojácar) ...............................950 478915 Property Floor Plans ...................................................619 672431 Real Almería Property (Mojácar) .......950 336 769 / 620 368194 Realtors MB Spain .......................................................678 347125

Rural Almería (Mojácar Playa) ..............................…950 472200 SYM Spain (Albox) .................................................951 250574 Sonia Cantalejo Bueno (Energy Certs.)......................608 147640 Spanish Estate Agents (Albox) ……950 431855 / 661 143871 Spain Assured ....................................950 469622 / 634 300020 Spain Property Finder …..............…….......................686 878789 Spanish Property Choice (Mojácar Playa)(See p.48)..950 615388 Sun Med Properties (Vera Playa) .......................…..950 618209 Vaitier SL (Cabrera) ................................................609 626140 Veritas Homes (Mojácar) ...........................950 472430 / 610 053563 VIP Almería (Mojácar Playa) (See back)..950 472524 / 617 587903

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 53





Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Voss Homes (Huercal-Overa) ...................667 891 741 / 950 616 827

Hemp Horizon ............................................................602 004096 Koko’s (Mojácar Playa) .............................................613 026780 Liz Fashion Accessories (Garrucha) .627 970819 / 607 511179 Oasis Fashions (Mojácar Playa) ................................950 473222 Palme (Mojácar Playa) ............................................950 472813 Prins Vitali (Mojacar) ….............................................950 478690 Saga Boutique (Mojácar) ......................................950 475258 Sunflower (Mojácar) ...............0044 7596 063544 / 600 880525 Taylor’s Hats, Caps & Accessories (Valle del Este) ..711 097014


WPMS Inmobiliario (Villaricos) ..........678 321111 / 950 618697


JuJu Entertainment .............................950 950797 / 697 462746


Aridos Mojácar S.L. (Vera) .....................................650 914257 Bob (Mini digger) (Albox) ..........................................642 392922 Construcciones Y Excavaciones Petete ....................696 052944 Diego Ramos S.L. (Los Gallardos) ……..............…..647 841750 El Cano SL )Mojácar) ................................................950 479185 Elite Plant Hire (JCB) ………….................................636 092632 MD Digger Hire & Construction.................................634 375428 Nash Groundworks ...................................................722 546192


Aero Extinción S.L. (Almería) …........………………..950 263565 Extin-Torres S.L. (Mojácar) ........................................950 475067


Chimeneas Mojácar S.L. (Turre) ...............................950 472135


The Chippy (La Alfoquía)


Andinas Buggy Treks ..............................................645 984122 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) .............950 634388 / 627 635514 Costa Almería Tours ..................................................646 760389 Day Tours Almería ............................651 592836 / 645 253155 Mojácar Jeep Tours .................................................611 028716 Mountain Biking Spain …...............……637 831509 / 661 178656 Rancho Luz del Sol (Partaloa) …..........……...……………..642 1185467


Curtains with Style ...........................950 069032 / 678 811125 Hemp Fabric ...............................................................602 004096 Material Girl Fabric Warehouse (Albox) ................633 683872


AMASS …….....................................................……..678 035992 Blacktower ................................................................657 684094 Blevin Franks ...........................................................965 705502 CG Legal & Financial (Mojácar) .........950 472504 / 670 215926 Currencies Direct (Mojácar) …....……950 478914 / 661 373404 Indalo Partners ............................................................950 472242 Kennedy Financial Services .....................................678 035992 Offshore Money Management ..........952 830916 / 950 398078

Dandara (Garrucha) ................................................950 617013 Etcetera (Mojácar Playa) ...........................................950 532810 Garabatis (Children’s) (Mojácar Playa) …...………670 035630 Glad Rags (Albox) ………........................................634 313071 H & R Men’s Fashion (Albox) …............................692 682164

........................................634 324484


Pete Fishing Trips (Mojácar/Garrucha) …..................634 379173 Rio 600 Boat Fishing (Sid & Graham). 647 020929 / 647 803030

FITNESS & DANCE See also Activities-Clubs-Associations

Alison ..........................................................................666 273168 Aqua Aerobics - Marianne (Arboleas) ......................637 435864 Club Deportivo Puerto Rey ......................................950 460545 Debbie James (Personal training) (Mojácar) ...........687 619239 Dorothy Rowntree, personal trainer (Mojácar)..........666 815838 Evolution Fitness Club (Arboleas) ............................667 306764 Fitness For All (Bédar) ………........…………………..647 593323 Geoff Oram (Personal Training) ...............................634 362436 Gimnasio Formas (Turre) ...........................................950 468065 Gympower (Personal trainer) (Albox) ......................609 591606 Jova Sport Center (Mojácar Playa) ...........................671 247035 Platino Gym (Mojácar Playa)......................................950 284845

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 58

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Sano Centre (Albox) ...................................................610 544306 Sano Centre (Huércal-Overa) ...................................666 021259 Sierra Club Desert Springs ......................................687 599115 Sol Yoga Centre (Arboleas) .......................................686 400331 Sophia Wellness Centre (Arboleas) ...........................950 449451 Valle Del Este Spa & Health Centre ........................950 548600 VaVa Yoga / VaVa Danza (Vera) ................................642 314316 Young at Heart Fitness .............................................711 032244

Price Busters (Albox) .................................................950 951494 Pincha Aperitivos (Mojácar) .........................................610 384912 Sol Supermercado (Albox) …..................................….711 012006 Spices n’ Herbs in Spain (Albox)...............................689 482694 The Corner Shop (Albox) ………………950 930539 / 680 776791


AA Window Doctor ..............…….........................…630 231644 Bugs ..........................................................................600 049515 Coastal Mosquitoes ...........................606 040462 / 610 000700

Typical Gourmet (Mojácar) ..........................................950 472108 Vinoteca Delicatessen (Garrucha) ..............................637 393873


Valero Alonso (Antas) ................................................950 453316


Curtains with Style .........................950 069032 / 678 811125 Dave ..........................................................................634 351275 Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9) 950 459060 / 638 063196 SpeedyFit ..............................................950 472357 / 600 006032 Toldos Farrago (Vera) ................................................667 567564 Tony Justice ..................................…..950 950797 / 637 159249


Hortiflor (Mojácar) ....................................................950 478985 Isamy Florist (Los Gallardos) ...................................670 215902 LIS Florist (Garrucha) ................................................950 460901 Persa Floristas (Albox) …….......................................950 120211


All Asia (Arboleas) .......................................................641 461304 Catch of the Day UK Fishmonger ........ 634 301490 / 634 304288 Coviran (La Alfoquía) ..................................................652 827481 Eurowise (Albox) ………………...............................…..950 439801 Gastronomía (Delicatessen) (Las Buganvillas) .......950 132048 Harrison’s (Albox) .........................................................643 518352 Ideal British Supermarket (Huércal-Overa) .........…..950 135222 La Venta de Alfaix Minimarket (Alfaix) .....................950 469660 Las Buganvillas Minimarket ………........................…..635 036408 Manoli (Arboleas) …....................................................627 941654

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 59

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email CollyFer (Huércal Overa) …….............617 456259 / 617 456335 Funeral Homes Robles (Cuevas) ..............................657 921383 Funeraria Ntra. Sra. de las Angustias (Vera) 950 390884 / 607 705672

Muebles Rodríguez (Los Llanos, Arboleas) …...........950 430778 Muebles La Simona (Garrucha) ...............................950 132443 Oak Furniture Spain .............................622 288750 / 681 095096 Something Special (Turre) .........................................637 159249 Unicraft (El Real, Antas) (See p.95) .........................692 176069

Funeraria Pérez (Mojácar) ...........................................950 478102


Avalon Europe S.L. ............................950 069012 / 634 321296 Golden Leaves Funeral Plans (Benitachell)............. 966 493082 Iberian Funeral Plans ...........................951 203994 / 965 993498


Homes & Beyond (Garrucha) ....................................950 132458


La Buena Artesania (Mojácar) ....................................950 475508 Prosecco Tables ..................................................0044 7709 244366 The Furniture Doctor ................................................667 989270


Abodes (Mojácar Playa) (See p.5) .............................697 778355 Ahorro Mueble (Albox) .........................950 120992 / 661 975417 Continental Descanso (Antas) 950 459011 (Albox) ....950 633288 El Rincón de Mueble ....(Vera)950 460867 (Antas) 950 459071 Elegant Exteriors Marble Furniture (Albox) ...............642 495439 Embargos Bestiales (Antas El Real) ......................950 105711 Homecentre (Albox) (See p.5)...........868 931872 / 671 715294 Homestyle (Turre) .....................................................674 514999


24hr Casaserve ..................................950 466438 / 676 306269 Antas Garden Centre (El Real) ...............................610 243838 Cedar Landscapes …….............……......................…620 112193 Complete Pool & Property Maintenance 634 343541 / 634 891709 Darryl Primo Gardens .................................................643 371630 Indalocio Garden Furniture & BBQs .(See p.17)........850 993090 Inspired (Furniture & BBQs) (El Real, Antas) ..............950 147763 Jardin Natural ............................................................685 478187 L & M Landscapes .................................................670 409538 La French Touch ........................................................607 226269 Lady Muck Gardening ...............................................697 317557 Luke’s Landscapes and Gardens ............................641 684017 Madera Mania (Garden Supplies) …...........................667 562872 Mel Wood Landscapes ...................................0044 7973843706 Mobile Shredder & Mulch Garden Service .............687 024884 Nash Groundworks (See p.31) ..................................722 546192 Potty Finca Services ..................……..950 163930 / 616 855294 Riegos y Conducciones (Antas, El Real) .................950 459146 Saxon’s Garden Maintenance ............618 920126 / 968 485729 The Tidy Gardener .................... 0044 7957167633 / 634 318369 Xtreme Cleans Property Care ..................................634 328911


Smith Plumbing (Spanish Authorised).........................950 468041

Homes & Beyond (Garrucha) .................................950 132458 Ideas del Mueble (Antas) .........................................950 452816 Indalocio Garden Furniture & BBQs (See p.16)..........850 993090 Inspired (Furniture & BBQs) (El Real, Antas)(See p.33)950 147763 Koala Furniture (Antas)....................................….........950 392307 La Lonja (Lorca) (See p.27) ......................................968 443322 Linea Nueva (Arboleas) ……………….620 237529 / 950 120630 Me & Mrs Jones (Mojácar) (See p.25) .......................634 364795 Mueble-Hogar Milenium (Los Carasoles) 950 449013 / 645 947328


Gas Alboran ..........................................656 662000 / 950 259382

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 60

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


Sassy Casa (Arboleas) .................................................627 249462


Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9) 950 459060 / 638 063196 Screenmasters (See p.41)........….…...........................677 152911 SpeedyFit .........................................950 472357 / 600 006032 Toldos Farrago (Vera) ...............................................667 567564

GLAZING (Supply & Repair)

AA Window Doctor ......................…............................630 231644 Cristalería Mojácar …............................................…..950 475376 Cristalería Omega (Mojácar) …..........950 478137 / 670 500711 Cutting Edge (Hair & Beauty) (Albox) .........................950 633086 Cristalería Rubi (Vera) ………......................................950 390546 Dave Eccles (Mobile Hairdresser) ......950 525790 / 687 033106 SpeedyFit ............................................950 472357 / 600 006032 Donna’s (Albox).....................................950 930167 / 628 669456 Rincon de Mary (Mojácar) ................................. 644 505210 GOLD & JEWELLERY BUYING ElEl Rincon de Mary (Mojácar) Yasmin ......................656 646257 Cash4Gold ...........................................692 596681 / 653 098329 Elaine Mobile Hairdresser (Coast & Inland).................634 379424 Gold & Jewellery Buying ...........................................616 453813 Elegance (Turre) .........................................................634 308877 Etticut (Turre) ..............................................................667 971960 GOLF COURSES Farrow’s Hair Design (Arboleas) .................................950 634346 Aguilon Golf (Pulpi) ......................................………..672 655600 Forever Chic (Palomares) ..........................................601 634193 Cortijo Grande ..........................................................950 479176 Heaven Scent (Huércal-Overa) ……......................…..663 923733 Desert Springs ........................................................637 861591 Holistic Treatments (Ali) ..............................................634 308906 Marina Golf ..............................................................950 133235 Isabel Castaño (Hairdresser, Bédar) ..666 045552 / 950 469462 Valle del Este ...........................................................950 398743 Jackie Miles Kirby …..................................………….642 829269 Jean & Co.(Mojácar Playa) ……............................…950 615094 GOLF TUITION Gareth Edwards (Cortijo Grande) …...........................950 479176 Jenny’s Hair Design (Albox) .....................................620 447858 Martin D’Archivio (Mojácar) ........................................635 446460 Kyra Beauty Salon (Arboleas) ...........950 106294 / 643 357906 Neil Evans (Desert Springs Golf Resort) ..............638 531821 Jing Nails ....................................................................622 251432 Valle del Este (Vera) ...............................................676 256923 Julian Hair Design .....................................................634 354507 Julie Rodriguez ..........................................................634 338017 Kim White (Beauty)(Vera & Mobile) …….......…...…….637 149659 GRASS, ARTIFICIAL Grass 4 U .................................................................638 574145 LU & NA (Valle del Este) ……............................…950 461113 Greenfingers Arboleas S.L. ..........……......…………629 947633 Marcela Torres (Manicure & Pedicure) ....................697 421672 Nash Groundworks ...................................................722 546192 Miki Designe (Villaricos) ..........................................635 867757 Smart Grss Spain (La Hortichela) .............................643 011764 Naturalmente Mediterraneo (Skin care) (Garrucha) 655 299494 Tiger Turf ............................................950 431624 / 635 652745 Nicole Andreano (Las Buganvillas) ...........................675 622216 Oceanic Massage Therapies (Mojácar)...666 710964 / 687 619239 Opulence (La Alfoquía) …..................................…...711 061763 GUTTERING Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9) 950 459060 / 638 063196 Osteopathy & Acupuncture Clinincs (Arboleas & Galera) 621 209380 Pampered Beauty Centre (Palomares) .650 092766 / 950 618129 HAIR, HEALTH & BEAUTY Pedicura Gabriela (Garrucha) ......................................692 840315 Affinity Beauty Treatments (Turre) ............................678 992093 Pure Natural Deodorant ...........................................950 066163 Amazing Nails ............................................................641 640578 R retreat (Cucador) ……...........…...............................626 144680 Anavi Estillistas (Palomares) .....................................670 094722 Room 97 (La Alfoquia) .............................................683 479261 Angela Ellis - Holistic Therapist ...............................642 577637 Salon de Peluqueria y Estetica (Garrucha) ...........950 133162 Avon Co-ordinator (Mojácar) …...................................670 722705 Sarah Noble (mobile hairdresser) ...........................692 195500 Avon Cosmetics (Arboleas) ………........................….691 987454 Avon Cosmetics (Húercal Overa) …....647 092010 / 950 137208 Avon Cosmetics (Turre & Vera) .................................643 102335 Avon (Total Entertainment, Albox) .............................950 121318 Avon (Total Entertainment, Arboleas) ........................634 348902 Beaches (Hair & Beauty) (Mojácar) ..........................950 473110 Beauty by Marilyn .......................................................950 398852 Beauty Center (Mojácar) (See p.37)..........................687 480694 CDB Natural (Skin care) ................................................950 882237 Carlos Barber Shop (Mojácar Playa)...........................610 575911 Centro Estética (Mojácar Playa) …..................………950 472680 Claire & Inma (Mojácar Playa) ...................................950 147630

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 61

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Shiatsu Centro de Terapia (Huércal Overa) .........671 851135 Sophia Wellness Centre (Arboleas) ...........................950 449451 Spacio 277 (Mojácar Playa) ....................................622 679733 Stella’s Hair & Beauty (Las Buganvillas) ..................950 699973 Sunlight Spain (Herbal Products) ...............................684 212474 The Salon (Albox) ..............................950 717938 / 685 652222 VaVa Health & Wellness (Remedial Therapies)(Vera) 642 314316 Wacky Barber & Hairdresser (Mojácar) ....................667 961645


Enrique Aguirre S.L. (Garrucha) .................................950 460028 Ferretería Gonzalez (Mojácar) ……….........................666 471384 Ferretería López (Mojácar) ……..................................950 615026 Ferretería Longo (Albox) ……....................................950 430064 Ferretería Soler (Garrucha) ……..................................950 460073


Girasol (Albox) …..........................................................639 089170


ABC (A Better Climate) ......................647 247494 / 950 092604 Graham (oil heating) ……….......................................620 112193 Neater Heater ………....................................………….634 312171


Baby Basics (Equipment Hire, Mojácar) ..................641 679728 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) .............950 634388 / 627 635514 Mobility Almería (Mojácar Playa) (See front cover)......634 322475 Expecting a Baby (Almanzora Valley) ....950 436581 / 666 375688 Sound Systems ..........................…............................630 231644 Vera Hire (Las Buganvillas) .....................................629 483776

HOME CARERS see also Nursing

Angels Nursing Care ..........................850 993849 / 711 080462 Committed2ucare ................................645 513477 / 711 017074 Committed2ucommunitycare ......................................684 333442 Consultus Care & Nursing ............................0034 711 060615


Casona Granado (Nr Lubrin) .....................................950 069077 Hostal Don Tadeo (Villaricos) ..................................950 467105 Hostal El Olivar (Mojácar Pueblo) .........950 472022 / 672 019767 Hostal Muria (Villaricos) ..............................................642 050290 Hostal Playa Azul (Villaricos) .............950 467075 / 609 386282 Hotel Al Sur (Calabardina) ...........................................968 419466 Hotel Carlos 111 (Aguilas) ...........................................968 411650 Hotel Carmona (Vera) ...................................................950 390760 Hotel - Casa Rural, Cortijo de la Media Luna (Mojácar) 950 478813 Hotel El Paso (Aguilas) …............................................968 447125 Hotel Family (Agua Amarga) ......................................950 138014 Hotel Madrid (Aguilas) ................................................968 411109 Hotel Mamabel’s (Mojacar Pueblo) .....950 472448 / 663 700542 Hotel Mayari (Calabardina) .................620 629508 / 968 409338 Hotel Overa ................................................................950 470879 Hotel Playa (Mojácar) ..................................................600 350382 Hotel Puntazo (Mojácar) ...........................950 478265 / 950 478 229 Hotel Rural Azabache (Arboleas)..................................690 258813 Hotel Mexico (Puerto Rey) ...........................................950 132061 Hotel Salinas (Cabo de Gata) .....................................950 370103 Hotel & Spa Don Juan (Aguilas) .............................968 493493 Hotel Tikar (Garrucha) .................................................950 617131 Hotel Valhalla (Carboneras) ........................................950 130444 Hotel Valle del Este .....................................................950 398743 Hotel Virgen del Mar (Mojácar) .................................902 472222 La Esperanza (Mojácar Playa) ..........686 906624 / 606 916055 Las Colinas Suitotel (San Juan de Los Terreros) ......950 466353 Parador de Mojácar ......................................................950 478250


Almeria Castaño House Clearance ........................611 028716 Items For Sale Mojácar .......................694 439275 / 950 478753 Pink House (La Concepción) ..............622 288750 / 681 095096 The Attic (Cucador) ..…….…................672 184354 / 648 250699


Chris Leek .................................................................642 608805 Linda Pettit .................................................................642 016954 Louise B. (LouB’s) ....................................................664 038031 Sharon Presley ..........................................................648 069200


Grupo Sedesa (Vera) ...............................................950 390990


Adeslas ............................................950 472701 / 633 431900 Albox Insurance .........................................................950 121943 Elite Carers ................................................................627 158138 Helping Hands Mojacar ...............................................678 590988 Home Care Services by Andreea ..............................645 253397 Indalo Care Group .....................................................634 332824 Michaela Talbot ..........................................................622 015765


Centro Hipico Valle del Almanzora .........................691 241878 Didi Arias (Mojácar) ...............................................639 724521 Media Legua Equestrian Centre (Vera) ..............……667 243561 Rancho Luz del Sol (Partaloa) .................................642 118546 Sanctuary Limaria ......................................................628 239696

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 62

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Alhambra Holdings (Mojácar)...............950 475199 / 629 673450

Helvetia .......................................................................673 063798 Ibex Insurance Services Ltd (Mojácar & Albox) ........950 120070 Liberty Seguros (Turre) ….................950 479568 / 620 179206 Liberty Seguros ..........................................................913 422549 Mapfre (Mojácar) ...950 478151 (Garrucha)................950 617376 Maxine Morgan Liberty Seguros (Las Buganvillas) .........669 074 996 Mojácar Insurance ......................................................634 323399 Sol Insure ……….............................................………..950 472098


ASSSA Seguros (Vera) ...............................……………950 392487 Asisa (Vera) ................................................................950 391950 Axa .....................................................950 478763 / 609 667333 BWI Bryan White Insurance (Mojácar) ......................950 472098

Evie Fox-Rayner ..........................................................603 624659 Curtains with Style (See p.21) .........950 069032 / 678 811125 Deco-house (Ann) ......................................................666 260792 Essential Solutions ……..............................................627 245658 Instant Walls ................................................................624 961299 Lola Barranco ……...…..........................950 086116 / 691 261818


Acaciophone (Mojácar) ......................950 968216 / 900 827209 Albox Online ...........................................................950 091111 Connexions (Turre) …….............................…………..950 479502 Next ...........................................................................950 479369 Plusnet ...............................................744 610389 / 850 992555 GSF Communications ..............................................950 473102 Satcomms ..............................................951 406556 / 622 524335


Catalana Occidente (Palomares) ..............................950 618054 Catalana Occidente (Mojácar Playa) .........................950 478307 Edward William (Marine Insurance) ……………….….952 476090 García & Trinidad (Albox) …….............950 120340 / 620 240563 Gestoría Salvador (Mojácar Playa) ............................950 473192 Grupo Catalana Occidente (Mojácar Pueblo) 950 478061 / 653 806908

Connexions (Turre) ...................................................950 479502 DCM Digitek Comms (Mojácar) (See p.19) .950 472947 / 670 084438 Europa Digital ......................................950 133233 / 678 332815 Ezetv ........................................................................950 091112 GBTV ...........................................................................616 888058 GSF Communications ..............................................950 473102 IPTV UK ...................................................................603 613918 IPTV Spain UKTV ..............................654 617496 / 699 386277 Mobility Almería (Mojácar Playa) ..............................634 322475 PC Playa (Mojácar) ...................................................634 356498 Revolution Technology (La Alfoquía) ..............................694 440104

S E Telecoms .............................................................697 780499 UKTV Almería ......................................850 993202 / 694 440184


1-2-1 Translations (Spanish, English, Norwegian)......662 390453 Alpha Interpreting and Translation ....950 133508 / 677 530690 Andrés (Mojácar) ......................................................679 932632 Antonio García Russell (Mojácar) .............................606 198958 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) .............50 634388 / 627 635514

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 63

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Five Bone Hotel (Turre) ............................................630 234556 Kareclif Cattery (Albox) ...........................................677 791165 Kit Cat Luxury Cat Suites (Los Gallardos) ..............674 113217 Paws*A*While (Nr Albox) …....................................…696 562662 Pet Sitting in Your Home ………….......................…….637 061482 Sharon Presley ..........................................................648 069200 Sleepy Hollow (Huércal-Overa) ….............................617 313587 The Hilton Cattery ..............................950 163489 / 664 565479 Woodhouse Boarding Kennels/Cattery (Arboleas) ….950 930585


Carolina Pérez Gallardo (Sworn Translator) .............647 863745 Carolyn (Mojácar area) ........................950 132905 / 608 692545 Cristina ……...........................................................…..626 741386 Clara Mata .................................................................629 132529 Donna González-Linnitt .............................................699 067922 Elizabeth ....................................................................662 504734 Espanglish Translation & Interpreters . 950 390037 / 950 392876 Hind (Mojácar - French, Arabic, English) ...............616 605341 Jenni (Almanzora valley area) ..............................653 098329 Jill Willems (Turre) ......................................................627 855930 Joanne Tissington ……………...................................637 267150 Kathryn Jones .........................................................629 931125 Laberinto (Spanish, English, French, Dutch) ...........609 781438 Marcela Chávez Riveros (Mojácar) ......................... 676 951352 Marguerite …….....................................................…..687 814157 Marisa .........................................................................636 179128 Mauro Medina ............................................................639 742127 Michaela Talbot ..........................................................622 015765 Milena (Albox) ………....................……654 359607 / 711 794366 Mojácar Interpreting ...................................................617 830513 Nieves Gómez (Mojácar) ........................................... 622 306389 Parsons Knows ..........................................................672 668803 Paula Similie (Mojácar) ................................................627 423675 Pedro .........................................................................655 510420 Robert Boucher ..........................................................693 618705 Simply Solved ………..................................................663 327091 Susan Leach ...............................................................664 616037 Susi ..............................................................................617 920 190 Wendy Interpreter/Translator ...................................... 661 194278 Yamile (Written Translations) ........................................626 207575

24hr Casaserve .................................950 466438 / 676 306269 Artizan (Vera) (See p.2) ....................…950 390635 / 661 985310 Charlie Fyre ..............................................................686 833444 Cocinas El Real (Los Gallardos) .........639 036051 / 622 232186 Cocinas Puntocom (Huércal-Overa) ...950 921975 / 722 136950 Ergo Küchen (Huércal-Overa) ...................................636 447730 Harlequin Kitchens (Albox) ……........………………….619 584405 Homes & Beyond (Garrucha) ....................................950 132458

J.B. Kitchen Fitters (Turre) .......................................687 024884 KDI Kitchens .............................................................605 163613 La Lonja (Lorca) (See p.27) ........................................968 443322 Mojácar Home Improvements ....................................950 473104 S.Willems kitchen fitting service ....................................641 192429


D & C Landscaping ..................................................634 359082 La French Touch .................. ..................................607 226269 Luke’s Landscapes and Gardens ............................641 684017 Mel Wood Landscapes ...................................0044 7973843706 Nash Groundworks .....................................................722 546192



Cherie’s Ironing & Cleaning (Mojácar) ............………634 301389 Bish’s (Mojácar Playa) Pressed for Time ......................................................711 065805

.............................................711 051400


Castellón (Bédar) .........................................................642 435909 Jewellery Paula (Albox) ...........................................960 430871 Joyería Pérez (Garrucha) ........................................950 460636 La Luna (Garrucha) .................................................950 132543


Animal Hotel (Águilas) ..............................................639 722197 Boarding Kennels Los Llanos de Rosa (cats & dogs) ..629 448073 Country Kennel (Turre) .........................950 473011 / 627 564640 The Laundry Room (Vera Playa) ..............................666 007824 Dog & Cat Sitter Service …………………..................676 389592 Gail .....................................................693 769079 / 697 500673

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 64

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


City Sec (Vera) .........................................................950 390255 Clean Team Laundry Service ...................................634 332502 Costa-Azul (Aguilas) ……..........................................968 414327 Ivi’s Lavanderia (Las Buganvillas) ............................950 132657

LEGAL SERVICES See also Solicitors

ALO Services (Zurgena) ....................950 449179 / 667 994682 Almería Documents Direct (Arboleas) ..50 991411 / 616 293334 Asesoría Sánchez Moral (Mojácar) ..........................670 099726 Barbara Caparros Ridao (Vera) …..........................950 390427 CG Legal & Financial (Mojácar Playa) ..950 472504 / 670 215926

MS Legal ..............................................950 479613 / 634 322827 Rodriguez Paris (Antas) ............................................950 619039 Vera Advisors (Vera) .................................................950 390621 Villalba Asesores (Albox) ............................................950 431720


Bowlera (Arboleas) …..........................................….662 112170 Extreme Adventure Mojácar ......................................687 919840 Indalo Bowling Mojácar ............................................950 473073 Karting (Garrucha) …..........................................……950 460207 Lunar Cable Park (Cuevas del Almanzora) .................665 512873 Nautarium Sea Museum (Garrucha) ………........…..950 139554 Paragliding ………................................635 243539 / 680 358549


Anteva (Mojácar Playa) .......................850 984888 / 605 179179

Guzman Seguridad (Albox) ..................950 431497 / 617 272885 Locksmith (Dean) .....................................................666 949213

Cam Concepts S.L. (Huércal-Overa) …....…………. 950 471357 Cervantes Alarcon Consulting (Garrucha) 950 106490 / 647 863787 Gecko Legal Services S.L. (Mojácar) 950 475949 / 638 264621

Phil the Pick 24hr (Arboleas) …................................697 243181


Nuar Home (Vera) .......................................................665 554019


Gestoría Salvador (Albox) ........................................950 500401 Gestoría Salvador (Mojácar Playa) ............................950 473192 Gestoría Soria Bonilla (Mojácar) ................................950 478420 Kim Clark UK Benefit advice ……..….950 169729 / 663 297568 Mayor Consulting (Garrucha) .......................................950 615185 Mojácar Playa Asesores ……........………...……………950 472710 Pilar Pérez Gestión S.L. (Mojácar) ............................950 478863

Colin & Carlos ....................................660 903158 / 630 455328 Firewood Arboleas .................................................647 932078 Leña Ramos (Arboleas) ….........................................616 044719 Lee (Arboleas) ...........................................................636 092632 Leñas Cazorla (Turre) ...............................................607 827783 Levante Logs ............................................................670 243724 Log-On-Tommy …........................................................619 070839 Palm Deliveries (Albox) .....................950 122416 / 686 966008 Phil (Arboleas) …........................................................634 328779 Potty Finca Services ............................950 163930 / 616 855294

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 65

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


Edela Media (Social Media) (Mojácar) ....................607 146352 Mojácar Business (Social Media) ............................950 680110


Metalbox (Albox) .........................................................950 633090 P & D Metals ..............................................................638 707406 Speedy Fit Security Grilles ........................................600 006032 The Metal Works ..............................950 930520 / 638 900949

Acupuncture & Massage ..........................................637 120429 Alternativa (Jessica Rippin) ......................................676 284170 Andreea (Therapeutic Massage) ................................645 253397 Anushree (Cranio - Sacral -Therapy) ......................672 721096 Holistic Massage (Ali) ...............................................634 308906 Holistic Massage (Lorraine) ................950 064484 / 687 569113 Jason (relaxing massage) ........................................711 026456 Lymphatic Drainage & Cranio Sacral-Therapy (Gabi) 633 011442


Mike Sheehan (Neuromuscular Therapy) .....................657 050394 Oceanic Therapies (Mojácar) ......................................687 619239 Ray Daniel (Sports massage)………...........................617 741564 VaVa Health & Wellness (Remedial Therapies)(Vera) 642 314316 Zen Massage (Mojácar & Bédar) .............................643 766935


Me & Mrs Jones (Mojácar) (See p.25).........................634 364795 Sleepcentre (Albox) (See p.5) ..........868 931872 / 671 715294 Unicraft (El Real, Antas) .............................................692 176 069

Camping Los Gallardos .............................................679 970399 Caravan Storage (Antas) ……..............................….661 508776 Casa Móviles .....................................637 418906 / 951 161348 Cherribar Park Homes ............…………950 396908 / 629 688153 Flor de Vida (Aguilas) ..........................968 438535 / 660 329907 Hispavan (Antas) (See p.11) ........................................687 845730 Veramotor S.A. ...........................................................950 392552


D Perez Motor (Antas) ...............................................950 069022 Harley Dees …………................................................600 685550 Montoya Motos (Garrucha) …...............................…..950 133033 Nafta Custom (Antas) ………...............950 619293 / 615 938352


Total Entertainment (Albox) ......................................950 121318 Total Entertainment (Arboleas) .................................634 348902 Total Entertainment (Turre) .....................................950 468295

NURSING see also Home Carers

Angels Nursing Care ..........................850 993849 / 711 080462


Committed2ucommunitycare ......................................684 333442 Dine In ....................................................................+44 7487392926 Hannah’s Kitchen .........................................................642 142745


AA Window Doctor ....................…............................630 231644 Carpentería Metalica Chacón (Albox) …................950 431738 Cerrajería Jara (Las Buganvillas) …............………….950 109986 Coastal Rejas ...........................................................610 000700 Ideal Metal Designs ...................................................656 834064 Jon (Zurgena) ............................................................626 972545

Committed2ucommunitycare ......................................684 333442 Michaela Talbot .........................................................622 015765


Alternativa (Anne-Marie Pichon)

...............................666 966573


Centro Optico Otra Mirada (Vera) ...............................640 836696 Federopticos (Aguilas) ……........................................968 414468

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 66

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Federopticas Diaz (Albox) ..........................................950 121122 Multiopticas Indalo (Garrucha) ...................................950 460665

Optica Villazar (Mojácar Playa) …...........................….950 472783 Opticalia (Albox) .....................................................950 121084 Opticalia Aisa (Garrucha) .........................................695 473333 Primera Opticos (Aguilas) .........................................968 493482 Salas (Huércal Overa) ................................................950 135081 + Visión (Aguilas) …....................................................968 414279


Alice Bellot (Mojacar & Arboleas) ….................………633 352259 Centro Physis (Olula del Rio) .................................695 355381 Enrique Arias (Mojácar) .........................950 472974 / 629 289385 Hector Gutiérrez (Vera Playa) ............607 479379 / 950 132765 Osteo Maestra (Arboleas) ......................................950 449451 Sanatura (Albox) .................................610 269162 / 642 809453


Multiopticas Indalo (Mojacar) .....................................950 472285 Multiopticas Indalo (Campohermoso de Nijar) ............950 385082 Natural Optics (Garrucha) .........................................950 133921 Opticas Indalo (Garrucha) ..........................................950 133865 Opticas Indalo (Carboneras) .......................................950 130707 Opticas Indalo (San Isidro de Nijar) ...........................950 366200 Óptica Albox …………….......................................…..950 121991 Optica Mahis (Vera) ………...................................…..950 390777 Optica Orbera (Huércal Overa) ....................................950 135596 Optica Orbera (Albox) .................................................950 430101

2 Strokes .....................................................................649 186107 A.J. Painting & Decorating .......................................687 024884 Alan Barker ......................................950 099913 / 600 268176 Antonio Perez (Mojácar) ………........................…….691 240495 Borders Painting ………..........................................…687 661807 Cabrera Painting and Decoration Works ...................637 524709 Casanove Interiors ......................................................680 836166 C.I.S Services (Arboleas) .........................................634 621747 Curtis Helm Multiservices .........................................610 394815 Daniel ……………..................................................….642 236810 Darpa S.L. ..................................................................691 055726 Darren Hargreaves ...................................................626 855483 Eddy Venner ............................................................711 035030 Grupo Brideca (shop) (Huércal-Overa) 950 471045 / 950 135881 JPM .............................................................................627 090422 Jay the Painter ........................................................697 176787 PB Painting ...............................................................661 184848 Paul ...........................................................................649 186107 Phil the Painter ……..............................................…671 227259 Pinturas Chano ..................................677 082787 / 662 580295 Premier Painters ..........................................................711 055648 The Fast Brush .........................................................950 472668 True Colours .............................................................636 638670 Vera Painting Services ............................................711 004024

PATIO & POOL ENCLOSURES See Screened Patio & Pool Enclosures


Son d’Aromas (Mojácar Playa) ...................................666 348253

The Almería Focus is the magazine that everyone keeps to hand. To advertise your business call or WhatsApp Clare on 667 80 11 40 or email

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 67

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email


Famim (Albox) .............................................................950 430783 Jason ……..........................................950 064015 / 680 903609 Sedesa (Vera) ………….............................................950 390990

Physiotherapy Centre (Albox) ...........950 431463 / 657 516247 Remedio clinic (Mojacar) ....................950 472980 / 617 741564 Vitea Fisioterapia (Vera) ...................950 390655 / 663 024255



Casa de Cabra (Albox) ........................................ 633 364329 Bonmascota (Albox) ....................................................678 799445 Pink House (La Concepción) ..............622 288750 / 681 095096 La Tienda de Basilio Rubio (Albox) ...........................651 131412 PIZZERIAS Madera Mania (Los Gallardos) …..................……….667 562872 Mojácar Mascotas ......................................................679 411203 Antonella (Mojácar Playa) ..............................……..950 450215 Pet Tag Engraving ...................................................711 006027 Bocapizza (Albox) ......................................................950 120506 Que Guau! (Mojácar) ...............................................633 558540 Cafetería Levante (Mojácar) ....................................950 615224 Tucano Mascotas (Vera) ............................................650 292670 Centro Plaza (Palomares) …...............................…..950 618614 Union Jack (Pet Transportation) ...........………………….902 109560 Chili (Turre) ................................................................950 468425 VetCare (Vera Playa) .................................................950 775102 D’Angelo (Mojácar Playa) ..........................................950 478517 D´Luigi (Arboleas) .......................................................602 815929 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES El Gaucho (Mojácar Playa) .....................................663 304531 20seven photography ...............................................634 301635 Enrico (Mojácar Playa) ......................950 472995 / 642 514738 Almería-Fotografía ....................................................663 627942 Góndola (Garrucha) ..................................................950 133928 Bluwater Photography ….........…………………...……616 189002 Gondola (La Alfoquía) ….....................……………..643 136117 Chincheto (Mojácar) ....................................................687 489182 Meson Felipe San Bernabé (Mojácar Playa) ..…….950 475966 El Studio Primo ..................................643 371630 / 643 517001 Ilario Imperial (Mojácar Playa) ...............................….950 478098 Fotomicar (Lyle Mallen) ............................................620 786914 Jardin (Vera Playa) .................................................950 467023 Fotos Fabrega (Albox) ………...........…………………950 430223 La Muralla (Mojácar Pueblo) .......................................950 472928 Frank Millar Photography & Videographer ….............642 107953 Los Gurullos Pizzeria (Mojácar) ................................950 968242 Indigo Photography & Video ....................................637 974793 Lucky Pizzeria (Villaricos) ........................................642 767122 Omar De La Cruz ………..........………950 460213 / 609 284852 Memoli (Vera Playa) ..........…………..950 093017 / 603 804676 Professional Video & Photographic Services inc. Aerial...647 202599 Napoli (Mojácar Pueblo) .............................................950 102472 Real estate photography .............................................722 452265 Provenzal (Mojácar Playa) ..........................................950 478308 Rod Westwood ………........................950 472321 / 609 611207 Pulcinella (Mojácar Pueblo) ......................................950 478401 The Image Suite …….............................…...................647 918 848 Rincon del Zahorí (Mojácar Pueblo) ..630 314400 / 661 604220 Quick (Garrucha) .........................................................950 132305 PHOTOCOPIES & SCANS Sottocasa (Mojácar Playa) ........................................950 093075 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) ...........950 634388 / 627 635514 PLASTERERS neö-cöpy (Vera) …...................………..950 390424 / 622 262100 Pronto Printing (La Buganvillas) (See cover).............950 133492 Pritchard Construcciones .........................................662 046497 Servidea 2020 (Mojácar Playa) .................................950 399726 Pukka plastering (Almanzora area) ...........................692 596681 Total Entertainment (Albox) ......................................950 121318 PLUMBERS Total Entertainment (Arboleas) .................................634 348902 24hr Casaserve ......................................950 466438 / 676 306269 PHYSIOTHERAPY Bédar Directo .............................................................689 702916 Caroline De Maeght (Villaricos) ...............................650 134805 Blocked DrainsRUs ............................950 091109 / 648 768587 Centro Physis (Olula del Rio) ....................................695 355381 Carlos (Saliente) Plumbing & Heating .....................620 742954 Clínica Fisioalbox (Albox) .........................................629 402852 Curtis Helm Multiservices .........................................610 394815 Clinica MOS Fisioterapia (Mojácar Playa) ................644 394335 Drainage Solutions .............................616 531283 / 670 088966 Fisiomar Physiotherapy Centre (Albox) ....................667 425197 Graham ....................................................................620 112193 Fisioterapia Vera-Salud (Vera Playa) ...607 479379 / 950 132765 Knowles ….........................................950 137197 / 606 807797 Gabi Triebel (Mojácar Playa) ..............633 011442 / 950 472263 Fernando (Huércal Overa)...........................................677 549247

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 68

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Francisco Montoya (Mojacar) …............……………..687 466352 GSF Communications (Mojácar) ...............................950 473102 Smith Plumbing S.L. ..................................................950 468041 Graphic design ...........................................................722 452265 Idea (Huércal Overa) ...............................................605 162709 PODIATRISTS Mail Boxes Etc (Vera) ............................................950 393835 See Chiropodists & Podiatrists Mobility Almería (Mojácar Playa) .............................634 322475 Mojácar Business .......................................................950 680110 neö-cöpy (Vera) …...................…..950 390424 / 622 262100 POOL COVERS 1 Stop Pool Shop ...............................950 104345 / 637 582696 Pronto Printing (La Buganvillas) (See cover) ..........950 133492 Coverbox (Albox) …….................................................615 992007 Sello Gráfico (Mojácar Playa) ..................................607 424452

Enclose My Pool ..................................606 040462 / 670 510097 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Hispavan pool covers ........................950 047033 / 687 845730 24hr Casaserve ...................................950 466438 / 676 306269 Real Covers (Mojácar) ........................950 478763 / 609 667333 ABS Advanced Building Services .............................687 846016 WS Cover ...................................................................667 480363 Arboleas Builders ………...............…950 930536 / 634 306690 POOLS & POOL MAINTENANCE Can I Help You (Vera) ……….................................691 662267 1 Stop Pool Shop ...............................950 104345 / 637 582696 Complete Pool & Property Maintenance 634 343541 / 634 891709 24hr Casaserve .................................950 466438 / 676 306269 Curtis Helm Multiservices .........................................610 394815 Aguafer Piscinas S.L. ................................................950 617064 D & D Property Care & Rentals (See cover).643 335386 / 643 337063 Alloa Pool Care (Albox) ………….................…………..650 244018 Exclusive Holiday Villas ............................................634 348703 Almeria Pools .............................0044 7957167633 / 634 318369 Hire a Hubby …………........................950 436679 / 619 066022 Blue Diamond Pool Care ..........................................697 238933 IDP Services …………................................................608 238775 Clean Pool Service (Arboleas) ...................................606 654389 Indalfutur S.L. (Mojácar) ……........….950 615156 / 609 026526 Complete Pool & Property Maintenance 601 634192 / 634 891709 J & J Property Care ....…….................950 452106 / 617 657414 Pritchard Construcciones ............................................662 046497 La Casa es Tuya .......................................................663 931471 Heat My Pool ....................................950 528128 / 663 303350 Mode Services ...................................950 525790 / 687 033106 IndalPool (Albox) …………................................……..950 431859 Mojacar Estates ..........................................................950 478935 Mat Murray ...............................................................647 841750 Mojácar Homes & Villas ...........................................634 330652 Oasis Pool Cleaning Services ............634 332170 / 634 332178 Procare Property Service (Arboleas) .......................642 370681 Olive Tree Farm Pool Services ...............................643 463129 Triton Property Maintenance ...................................634 326322 Piscinas Miguel (Maintenance) .............950 478652 / 607 480865 Xtreme Cleans Property Care ..................................634 328911 Pool Medics ……………...................................……….634 353525 Zlatan ................................................630 207864 / 682 277576 Pools & Piscinas (Cleaning - Bédar) .........................637 915898 Procare Pools (Arboleas) ..........................................642 370681 Proyectados Pool Sureste ............................................630 810299 Salvador (Pool Maintenance) ......................................696 426523 Sundance Spas - Pool Maintenance S.L. ..................950 472845 Tanby Piscinas ............……….............950 468230 / 609 888549 Triton Pool Cleaning ...............................................634 326322 Tropicana Swimming Pool Construction 650 906114 / 689 404244 True Blue Pools & Spas ..............................................661 148998


Blue Sea Villas (Mojácar) (See front cover)............….950 478643 Can Connect (Albox) …….........................................950 121149 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) ..............950 634388 / 627 635514 Connexions (Turre) ..................................................950 479502 Forget-me-not (Las Buganvillas) ...............………..950 118043 Frankie’s Bar (Vera Playa) ......................................662 474861 Mail Boxes Etc (Vera) ............................................950 393835 Offex Spain ................................……..966 765950 / 661 386942 Pam’s Post (Albox) ............................................... 664 565479 Postbox Terreros ......................................................621 285212 Spanish Property Choice (Easypost) ..950 615388 / 635 722290 The Post Shop (Albox) ………..................................951 250574 Total Entertainment (Albox) ......................................950 121318 Total Entertainment (Arboleas) .................................634 348902 Total Entertainment (Turre) ......................................950 468295


Alhambra Holdings (Mojácar) ................950 475199 / 629 673450 Almeria Accommodation (Turre)..+44 (0) 7956 544591 / 711 020708 Almería Holiday Rentals ............................................638 701670 Almería Property Agency (Arboleas) …..850 993099 / 606 281865 Almeria Rentals ................................. 650 764623 / 648 523073 Apartamentos Torrelaguna (Las Buganvillas) .............950 132580 APT Lets (Valle del Este) ….................950 619227 / 626 578164 Blaumar (Huercal Overa) .....................950 135512 / 670 869533 Blue Sea Villas (Mojácar) (See front cover).............….950 478643 Casa Benedict Rentals (Turre) …...………....…………616 189002 Casa Paz Holiday Lettings (Huercal-Overa) ...........693 935118 C.A.T. Services (La Alfoquía) ..............950 634388 / 627 635514 Citrus Homes ...............................……......................638 849254 Clean Team Property Care & Rentals 850 993202/ 642 911850


AdverTees (Albox) ...................................................641 407147 Design & 3D Printing ................................................641 651902

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 69

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Coastal Properties (Mojácar) .......................................950 475235 Complete Holiday Care ....………...........950 478612 / 610 808631 D & D Property Care & Rentals (See cover).643 335386 / 643 337063 E-Property Almería .......................................................677 146592 Exclusive Holiday Villas ..............................................634 348703 Holiday Home Europe .........................950 120210 / 654 590258 Holiday Letting Service ........................950 472903 / 627 565049 Homes of Spain (Huércal Overa).........950 616516 / 616 562447 Indalfutur S.L. (Mojácar) ……........….950 615156 / 609 026526 Indasol Mojácar S.L. ...................……....................….950 472200 Inmoterreros ...............................................................950 096180 KW Resorts Holiday Rentals ......................0044 (0)1293 863320

La Casa es Tuya .......................................................663 931471 Mojácar Estates ........................................................950 478935 Mojácar Holiday Services .......................950 699947 / 634 972377 Mojácar Homes & Villas ...........................................634 330652 Mojácar Long Term Rentals …...............................…636 903184 Next Stop Almería ................................950 617518 / 678 034651 Price Brown Partnership (Mojácar) ............................950 478915 Primos Property Services .......................643 517001 / 643 371 630 Real Almería Property (Mojácar) ............................634 316068 Rent Mojácar ............................................................950 615042 Sandy Goldfinch ........................+44 7767 301159 / 670 575897 Sunshine Villas............................………850 993202 / 694 440184

Swallows Nest Holiday Apartment (Fines) .................711 032950 The Key ................................................................0044 7541 842710 Triton Property Services ..........................................634 326322 Voss Homes (Huercal-Overa) ...................667 891 741 / 950 616 827 Year Round Holiday Rentals .............950 619178 / 627 763052


Almanzora S.L. (Desert Springs) ...............................950 467104 BMS Huerta Nueva ............................950 615035 / 669 355914 Elegant Homes S.L. ............................950 092603 / 687 629777 Elide Group S.L. …............….............950 390009 / 950 615076

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 70

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email El Pinar de Bédar ......................................................950 469496 GM Associates (Mojácar) ……….........……..............…950 475225 Miramar (Marina Golf) ................................................950 397060 New Villas (Albox) ………………........………............…950 121036 Nicla Property Consultancy S.L. .................................950 133508 Polansky and Associates ..........................................950 478086 Promobys …………….................................................950 618889


Dr. Jane Thompson ............................968 485729 / 618 920126


Onda Aguilas (100.1) …............................................968 447864 Smooth FM online (89.8) ......................................634 332666 Spectrum FM (96.1) ...........................950 615142 / 678 332815


MD Air Conditioning & Refrigeration SL ...607 364917 / 607 366040

REMOVALS & STORAGE See also Van & Man Hire

Amanda’s (Lubrin) ............................950 069682 / 634 310512 Brian’s Removals (Mojácar Playa) .........................674 280268 Dave’s Transport (International / Local)....................620 049524 English Move (Tony) ….............................................699 819213 Indalo Storage .........................................................950 821002

U-Store (Antas) .........................................................654 482746 UK Direct ..................UK 0044 7719.118.879 / Spain 642 099479 Union Jack Removals (International) ….......………….902 109560 Wanderers Transport and Storage ..UK 0044 7906852325 / 623 300425

RESTAURANTS, BARS & CAFES See also Chinese Restaurants & Pizzerias

Agua Amarga

La Chumbera ............................................................634 676298 Los Tarahis (Beachbar) .............................................950 138235 Restaurant Family ......................................................950 138014


Indalo Transport ......................................................950 821002 Items For Sale Mojácar ..................694 439275 / 950 478753 Location Warehousing S.L. (Antas) .............................950 391412 Los Gallardos Store ...................................................607 687760 Moovit Transport & Storage ...............950 930316 / 642 586701 Sprinter Services (Vera Playa) .............605 376873 / 950 609121 St. George’s European …UK 0044 207 193 5984 / 952 485984 Storage 42 Removals and Storage (Albox) ...............634 325639 Storage Solutions (Arboleas) ................950 930316 / 671 220105 Swift Transport (Arboleas) ........................................618 511234

Bar Lepanto .......................................642 859040 / 950 120261 Charlotte’s Bar & Restaurant ...................................950 787614 Cornish Pride ...................................................………666 618933 Elephant Cafe ...........................................................699 090183 Gran Muralla (Chinese) ...........................................950 120166 Happy Garden (Chinese/Asian). ................................950 120851 La Cena ……........................................……………..950 430930 La Palmera ….............................................................950 430993 La Parrilla ................................................................950 430024 Mesón de Irene ………........................647 730103 / 950 430145 Restaurante Virgen del Saliente ................................669 300291 Scrumptious ...............................................................608 543866 Taberna Topares ........................................................647 443248 TCs .............................................................................642 347943 Terraza Lamarlo ........................................................670 306290 The New Delhi (Indian) ……...........….950 431705 / 639 231507 The Taj (Indian) ........................................................950 633278


La Venta de Alfaix .....................................................671 272464


El Fogon, Asador Argentino ........................................950 459081

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 71

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Mi Casa .................................................950 453007 / 950 453048


Bar Limaria ..............................................................950 930047 D´Luigi ........................................................................602 815929 Harley’s .....................................................................642 637371 Hostal Meson ………..........................950 430137 / 635 612738 Hotel Rural Azabache ..............................................690 258813 New Bar International .............................................693 709931 Nueva Trinidad ..................................850 993250 / 634 369833


El Cortijo ...................................................................950 398108 El Paso ................................................678 868963 / 950 469409 Miramar .....................................................................950 469308


Riad Cabrera ………………….....................................950 092042

Cerro Gordo

Bistro Bonita .......................................650 599739 / 950 930169

Cortijo Grande

Las Herrerias

Eugenia ......................................................................950 069021

Los Carasoles Bar Los Camioneros

...............................................634 352548

Los Gallardos

Apolo ……...................................................…………..600 495182 El Palacio ..................................................................641 650907 Miraflores ..................................................................950 528324 Oasis Pool Bar ...........................................................693 734991

Mojácar - see also Mojácar Pueblo

Aku Aku (Beachbar) ............................950 478981 / 634 979360 Alma Beach Club ......................................................674 665806 Al Punto (Brazilian) ...................................................950 475899 Ankara Beach Terrace ..............................................950 473042 Antonella (Italian) .............................................……..950 450215 Aurora (Beachbar) ....................................................950 472163 BaoBab .....................................................................689 642923 Badgers ................................................678 141556 / 950 478525

Finca Listonero .........................................................950 982045

Cucador La Vida

……….................................….........……….950 634562

Desert Springs Resort

El Torrente Restaurant ........................................……950 091546

El Campico (Bédar-Lubrin)

La Montaña ...............................................................950 398856

El Pilar de Lubrin Restaurante Albar

El Pinar Bar El Pinar

....................................................647 877091

...........................................................634 302673


Angus & Hereford .....................................................950 460588 Aurinko ....................................................................950 533350 Casa Adriana ......................................637 099475 / 950 133154 Chino Peking (Chinese) .............................................950 132948 GBG ……………...................................950 132625 / 639 915993 Góndola ....................................................................950 133928 La Cantina de Floor ....................................................950 132757 Maui Gastro ….................................................………950 460882 Nautico …................................................................687 918669 Restaurante Andalucia ..............................................950 460604 Restaurante Azul, Hotel Tikar ...................................950 617131 Rincón del Puerto …….......................950 133042 / 950 133043 Tierra y Mar .............................................................643 463940

Balti Tower ll ..........................................................632 246365 Bar Luz ....................................................................950 027844 Bellagio Sports Bar ...................................................950 472342 Bellavista ..................................................................950 478800 Bocaina Beach Club .................................................950 527597 Botaniq ...................................................................681 127504 Bowen Resto Bar .............................. 666 406203 / 634 357654 Cabo Norte ..............................................................665 891772 Cala Marina (Beachbar) ...........................................689 572249 Captain’s Tapas Bar & Restaurant ...........................617 477797 Caribe ........................................................................643 197724 Casa Egea .................................................................950 472190 Casa Flor ..................................................................626 353147 Casa Juan …………................................................….950 450305 Cave Bar ...............................................................…..950 478799 Cheers………….....................................................…….643 664077


Chiringuito Kiosko Bar El Parque ...........................677 403224 Enoteca Crisbe ...................................950 134100 / 607 338460 El Capricho …........................................................637 595326 El Paladar .......................................673 695939 / 631 494536 Hotel Overa .............................................................950 470879 New Why Not? ............................................................950 135614

La Alfoquía

Gondola .................................................………..……..643 136117 Indian Tandoori ........................................................632 110888 The Heathers ............................................................642 835993

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 72

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Chiringuito Manacá (Beachbar) ............693 618671 / 600 045599 Cortijo de la Media Luna .....................950 478813 / 676 547555 Cowboy Kenny’s Bar and Que ................................711 007976 D’Angelo .....................................................................950 478517 Delfín Dorado......................................950 475212 / 645 220095 Dolce Vita ................................................................950 478476 Don Pancho (Mexican) ............................................950 472543 El Anzuelo ...............................................................950 283401 El Chacho ...................................................................613 131639

El Cid (Beachbar) ..............................950 472063 / 696 056128 El Deseo .................................................................629 287265 El Gaucho ................................................................663 304531 El Sitio ....................................................................950 615411 El Toro .....................................................................691 628061 Enrico (Italian) ...................................950 472995 / 642 514738

Fusion Beach ...............................................................950 615224 Ganesha (Indian) ......................................................602 006977 Gastro Malabar .........................................................950 472970 Habana 1957 ...........................................................850 987214 Hola Ola (Beachbar) .................................................664 097279 Ilario Imperial (Italian) ..............................................950 478098 Imperial Playa (Italian) ..............................................950 475360 Isla Blanca ................................................................603 032677 Kontiki (Beachbar) ....................................................617 774330

Kukis ...........................................................................950 377076 La Bohemia ...............................................................677 659072 La Cabaña ..................................................................950 615179 La Cantina (Mexican) ..............................................950 615030 La Cava ...................................................................950 472181 La Estancia …….............................................………654 562449 La Gaviota ……………...............................................950 472177 La Paratá ...................................................................950 375590 Los Amigos ......................................…………………950 478489 Los Gurullos Pizzeria .............................................950 968242 Levante .....................................................................950 615224 Lua Beach Club ...........................................…………950 472643 Lucero ………....................................................…….673 544617 Mandala Beach Club ................................................950 473131 Mesón El Que Faltaba ............................................950 478806 Mesón Mémé ……………...........……….674 141159 / 647 954405 Marama .....................................................................606 615435 Marcelo Entre Tapas ........................673 744249 / 950 027218 Martín Morales ...........................................................950 478812 Mesón Felipe San Bernabé ...................…………….950 475966 Meson Mémé …........…………………..674 141159 / 647 954405 Mandala Beach Club ..............................................950 473131 Mimi’s Bar ..................................................................651 872604 Mohana .......................................................................677 420108 Neptuno Beach Club .............................................…616 005387 Olive Tree .........................................622 348221 / 950 786423 Omega ................................................950 475317 / 647 675919 PJ’s Cafe .................................................................634 368446 Pachamama .................................................................643 199723 Palacio Imperial Marina (Thai, Japanese, Chinese) .950 472208 Parador de Mojácar .................................................950 478250 Parwaz (Indian) .......................................................631 995178 Playa Juana Beach Club ............................................690 984992 Puerto Madero Tapas Bar ........................................950 884617 Robert (Marina de la Torre) …………..............………950 110412 Rusty Nail .................................................................662 153813 Sal Marina ...................................................................950 472405 Scotty’s El Tropico ...................................................687 382540 Sensations ................................................................950 472057 San Pedro Belgian Bar ...........................................722 485340 Shea’s Kitchen (See p.7) ............................................950 478186 Sol y Arena (Beachbar) .............................................950 478308 Sottocasa (Italian) .......................................................950 093075 Terraza de la Luz .......................................................722 194767 The Emerald Isle ......................................................850 994616 The Irish Rover ..........................................................950 473135 The Lemon ....................……...............................…….950 472659 Tito’s (Beachbar) .......................................................950 615030 Torre Bahía Lounge ..................................................634 897350 Trufibar .......................................................................664 103611 Twister .....................................................………………600 006032 Valery (See p.15).........................................................662 968460 Zeppelin ......................................................................643 199723 Vista del Mar ..............................................................711 054966

Mojácar Pueblo

Arlequíno ..........................................950 478037 / 649 337781 Calima (Moroccan) ...................................................608 807331 Casa Minguito ………...............................................950 478614 El Aleman .................................................................617 317801 El Antler …….....................................................……600 540661

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 73

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email El Pimiento (See p.29) ............................................647 163681 La Candela …...........................................................647 724367 La Taberna (Mojácar Pueblo) ..................................950 615106 Napoli Pizzeria .........................................................950 102472 Pulcinella (Italian) .....................................................950 478401 Restaurante Aires del Sur ..........................................637 938996 Restaurante Mamabel’s ...............................................950 472448 Rincón de Embrujo …....................…………………….600 531270 Rincon del Zahorí .............................630 314400 / 661 604220


102 Tapas Bar …………......................950 467745 / 615 157905. Akua ..........................................................................621 210854 Asagía Asador ...........................................................662 305051 Monika’s Bar .......................................950 467720 / 659 672615 La Dulce Casa …......................................................602 451772 The Oasis ............................................950 467381 / 676 365010

La Peperina .........................................678 643013 / 678 642856 Lua Puerto Rey ........................................................950 478202 Maraú Beach Club ……................................…………671 580340 Paradise Bar/Chiringuito ...........................................667 554957 Pizzeria Jardin ..........................................................950 467023 Yaho (Thai / Asian) .................................................645 018403

Vera Playa (Las Buganvillas / Pueblo Laguna)

Anto’s Irish Bar ............................................................950 309730 Bistro .......................................................950 970050 / 608 921287 Dragon Chino ...............................................................950 133226 La Colonial ..............................................................….950 133918 Memoli Pizzeria .................................…..950 093017 / 603 804676 Pub Millionaire ........................................950 378692 / 603 770551


Mis Amigos ..............................................…………….612 508447

Piedra Amarilla, Partaloa Lorena’s

...................................................................634 345353

Pueblo Laguna

New Bistro ................................................................608 921287 Restaurant Laguna …………….........................……..950 132566

San Juan de Los Terreros

Costa Tranquila (Beachbar) ......................................620 236798 La Geoda ..................................................................673 020159 Mi Cortijo …………......................................................950 466323 Mondy Playa ........................................600 254314 / 622 807809


Alice’s Bar ……….......................................................620 876485 Casa Adelina ............................................................950 479153 Chili ...........................................................................950 468425 Ciringuito Extreme .....................................................673 617732 Doner Kebab ............................................................603 527699 Hostal Rural .............................................................950 478806 La Pará ……………………..................................…….637 545590 La Sorpresa ...............................................................950 099901 Rosie Lees ..............................................................643 198600 Solare ......................................................................608 802227

Vera Playa (Naturista)

Bar Oh La La! ............................................................616 338355 Chiringuito Naturista ...................................................950 397726 La Golondrina ............................................................683 342376 Puntonat ......................................................................636 401424


Bar La Plaza Villaricos .........................................…950 467590 Don Tadeo ..................................................................950 467105 El Faro ..................................................649 766252 / 687 351764 El Galeon …….....................................................……671 588790 El Gato ..............................................619 884792 / 628 169659 Gastrobar D’Alvaro ......................................................648 220383 Los Conteros ....................................950 618629 / 699 010705 Lucky Bar Pizzeria ...........................................…….642 767122 Playa Azul ........................................950 467075 / 609 386282

Valle del Este Golf

Hole in One Karen’s Bar ..........................................950 461068 Sawadee Thai .........................................................634 393235


Gran Muralla (Wok Buffet) ......................................950 391691 La Amistad …………….…......................................…666 272817 Terraza Carmona .....................................................950 390760 Thai Fusion Phuket ...................................................658 381786

Vera Playa

Armony Beach Club .................................................617 745021 b2 Mohana (Argentinean) ........................................678 642856 Bar La Reva ..........................................................618 541115 Benitos/La Alcazaba ..................................................633 530453 Chiringuito Cositas ..................................................610 959770 Frankie’s Bar ............................................................950 467541 Gnomo Feliz II ..........................................................950 462540 KOA/Blue Parrot ......................................................611 482966


Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9) 950 459060 / 638 063196


Ark Roofing ...............................................................634 379173


Homecentre (Albox) (See p.5)..........868 931872 / 671 715294 P & R Rugs (Los Llanos de Aroleas) .......................665 258680 Pink House (La Concepción) ..............622 288750 / 681 095096


Cortijo Pocico de la Nava (Mojácar) ...........................670 777752 Finca Arboleda (Vera) ..............................................678 027656 Mi Abuela Maria (Mojácar) ……..........................……659 198424


ABC (A Better Climate) ......................647 247494 / 950 092604

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 74

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email DCM Digitek Comms (Mojácar) (See p.19) .950 472947 / 670 084438 Europa Digital ....................................950 133233 / 678 332815 GBTV (Albox and Mojácar) .......................................616 888058 GSF Communications (Mojácar) ...............................950 473102 Solo Satellite & Air-Con. (See p.23) ......950 398146 / 699 909737 Tweaks (Albox) .........................................................620 040331


Enclose My Pool ...............................606 040462 / 670 510097 Inside Out In Europe S.L. ....................................677 114576 Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9).. 950 459060 / 638 063196 Screenmasters (See p.35) ......….…...........................677 152911 Sol Shaders S.L. (See p.35) ........................................627 907207 Buceo Mojácar


........................................................950 472760


Almeria Castaño House Clearance ........................611 028716 Amanda’s (Lubrin) ............................950 069682 / 634 310512 Homestyle (Turre) .....................................................674 514999 Items for Sale Mojácar .....................694 439275 / 950 478753 John’s (Albox) .............................................................634 325639 Merka Recycla (Huércal Overa) .........950 616683 / 666 577006 Pink House (La Concepción) ...........622 288750 / 681 095096 The Attic (Cucador) ..…….…................672 184354 / 673 608854


CD Snooker Mojácar ..............................................609 026526 Snooker Ambigu (Los Gallardos) ..............................661 973205


Ainsol Energy (Turre) ..................................................689 702916 DCM Digitek Comms (Mojácar) (See page 19)...........950 472947 Ecocorp .......................................................................671 716597 Go Solar (Mojácar) ......................................................654 596247 Hi-Tec Solar (Turre) ............................609 888549 / 950 468230 Hispavan Solar ..................................950 047033 / 687 845730 Sunergy Almeria ........................................................636 261240


Alonso & Garrido (Albox) ...........................................950 121040 Alonso & Haro (Vera) ..............................................950 392208 AM & RG (Mojácar) ………….............950 478984 / 649 286437 AVSA Lawyers (Aguilas) ..........................................968 446576 Babelia (Mojácar) ……..........…........635 577562 / 950 397114 C & P Solicitors (Mojácar) ….....…………950 460731 / 675 383 160 Cabrera Cervantes (Turre) ................950 099400 / 627 464545


Alice ..........................................................................620 876485 Alexis Shillinglaw ......................................................634 361874 J.F.M. Modas Sedal (Turre) ..............950 468031 / 606 945502 Lola Alterations & Repairs (Mojácar Playa) .950 475994 / 637 963835 Solo Style ....................................................................626 319907 Sew n Sew Susie (Albox area) ..........950 930...643 / 633 683872 The Sewing Room ....................................................607 375697


Desarascos Litesa ............................670 863791 / 609 442695 Drainage Solutions …...........………….616 531283 / 670 088966 Blocked DrainsRUs ............................950 091109 / 648 768587 Ginés Millán (All areas) ……….............(after 4pm) 607 366355 Limaser (Vera) ……..................................................950 390732 Sepserve (All areas) …..............................................675 838808


Casas Almería (Huércal Overa) .................................950 134434 Davies Solicitors (Mojácar) ........................................950 472775 EuroAbogados (Vera) .................................................950 617017

José M. Ortega López (Garrucha) .......693 788311 / 642 024256

SIGNS (Shop & Vehicle)

Idea (Huércal Overa) ...............................................605 162709 Pronto Printing (La Buganvillas) (See cover).............950 133492


Aridos Mojácar S.L. ..................................................650 914257 Casa Conchillo (Albox) ......................950 430740 / 695 844425 El Cano SL (Mojácar) ................................................950 479185 Servacon .....................................................................950 475853

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 75

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Ross Legal Services (Aguilas) .................................968 412321 Ruiz Orozco (Vera) ..................................................950 390282 Saugar Abogados (Mojácar) ......................................950 615038


IndalOcio (Arboleas) .................................................850 993090 Sundance Spas (El Real, Antas) ..............................635 758773


True Blue Pools & Spas ..........................................661 148998

STORAGE see Removals & Storage SURVEYORS

Survey Andalucía (Architect Daniel González) ............686 846624

José Francisco López Molina .............950 133607 / 635 189986 Leticia Moreno-Torres Camy (Vera) ......950 391249 / 607 840182 Lopez & León Solicitors (Garrucha) ..950 888314 / 666 513917 Loustau Abogados (Mojácar) .........................................950 475012 Mar Abogados & Consultores (Mojácar) .................950 478911 Mario Redondo (Albox) ….................950 430222 / 626 389322 Miguel Angel Rojas Benitez .......................................950 615404 Pablo Suarez (Purchena) ..........................................610 014680 Mundi Abogados (Las Buganvillas) ........................950 460999


Forget Me Not (Las Buganvillas)..............................950 118 043


Classic Tattoo (Mojácar Playa) .................................605 611782 Lisa V Tattoos (Cantoria) ....................634 362737 / 642 024810 Oscar (Mojácar Pueblo) …................................…….629 944374

TAXIS (Legal)

Levante Radio Taxis (all areas)................................950 888111 Exclusive Shuttles pre-booked airport taxis (office hours).950 092602 Marlan Taxis Villaricos .................................................609 764900


Albox-Online ………..............................…………….950 091111 Androidez (Vera Playa) ..................950 042338 / 661 375489 Connexions (Turre) ...................................................950 479502 Indalphone .............................(Mojácar) 950 475784 / 622 455 608 Indalphone ...........................................(Huércal-Overa) 950 471470 GSF Communications (Mojácar) ..................................950 473102 Orange (Vera) ...........................................................950 393538 Next .............................................................................950 479369 The Phone House (Albox) …………….950 121045 / 670 359698

TILING & PATIO WORK See also Building Services

Ramírez Abogados (Vera) .......................................950 391171 Rodriguez Paris (Antas) ..........................................950 619039

1 Stop Paving (Albox) ………................................…634 313939 ABS Steve Ennis ....................................................687 846016 A.J.B. Tiling Services ...............................................687 024884 Arboleas Paving ……………...............................…….636 092632 Borders .....................................................................647 803030

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 76

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Curtis Helm Multiservices .........................................610 394815 Elegant Homes S.L. ..............................950 092603 / 687 629777 Mode Services ...................................950 525790 / 687 033106 Saxon’s Complete Building Services ......618 920126 / 686 377172 Steve Holman .......................................................... 697 678708 United Tile ................................................................667 702817


Ponce S.L. (Garrucha) ..............................................950 617181 Seth Pittham (Arboleas) ......................950 634477 / 666 826886


Wood2Go (Velez Rubio)..............................................950 614050


Almería Alcazaba (castle) .......................................…950 271617 Almería Solar Centre ( Nr.Tabernas) ....950 387990 / 670 866122 Aquarium (Roquetas de Mar) ...................................950 160036 Fort Bravo – Western theme park (Tabernas) .....….950 165405 Nautarium (Sea Museum) (Garrucha) ………………….950 139554 Nijar Butterfly Farm .................................................617 692778 Oasys Western Park & Zoo (Tabernas) ….............….950 365236 Western Leone Theme park (Tabernas) …............…950 165405


TRANSLATING - see Interpreters TRANSPORT - see Removals TRAVEL

Autocares Rodriguez (Coaches) ...............................950 469061 Halcón Viajes (Vera) ................................................950 393472 Exclusive Airport Shuttles ........................................950 092602 Levante Travel (Garrucha) ...................950 132258 / 628 604752 Mojácar Tour (Mojácar Playa) ............................…..950 475757 Viajes Zafiro Tours (Aguilas) ....................................868 782663 Zafiro Tours (Albox) ………..................................……950 121021 Zafiro Tours (Mojácar) .................................................950 615343



Uniformes de Levante (Los Gallardos & Vera) ..........902 110218

Chris Walker (Spanish Accent Coaching) .................622 591096 Darío (English tuition for adults) ...............................642 314316 Dave Eccles (Drum lessons) ..............950 525790 / 687 033106 ELC Education & Language Centre ........................669 294342 English tuition & conversation (TEFL) (Vera) ............642 314316 Espanglish ...............................................................950 390037 Guitar Lessons ………….....................................…..667 989270 Hind (French & Arabic, Mojácar) ............................616 605341 Jewellery making ......................................................642 435909 Kinder Garrucha (Bilingual Education Centre)...........950 460472 La Galeria Art Classes (Albox) …..............................663 341904 Marcela Chávez (Spanish-English school support)....676 951352 Pencils English Academy (Garrucha)..........................634 314110 Piano Lessons …………............+44 7930 373786 / 634 374931 Sarah Dyson (Computer tuition) …....................……687 632435 Simon Farmiloe (Spanish & English)(Albox/Mojacar) ..647 677097 Step by Step Language Centre (Mojácar) ...................600 565284

Curtains with Style (Fabrics) ............ 950 069032 / 678 811125 Jone’s Mobile (Upholstery cleaning) …....……………661 571939 Unicraft ........................................................................692 176069 Upholstery & Leather Cleaning .................................636 193256 Upholstery Larios (Cuevas del Almanzora) 950 456 364 / 651 998738

VAN & MAN HIRE See also Removals & Storage

Amanda’s (Lubrin) ............................950 069682 / 634 310512 Andy (Trailer hire/drive) (Mojácar) ..........................600 225929 Indalo Transport ......................................................634 336468 K.Morris (Vera) ...........................0035 711004024 / 0044 7759692010 Pink House (La Concepción) ..............622 288750 / 681 095096 Storage Solutions (Arboleas) ...................................950 930316 Way 2 Go (UK/Spain) ……UK 0044 208 0904292 / 965 794682


Great Cost Matriculation ...........0044 7957167633 / 634 318369 Hispavan vehicle importation ......................................687 845730 Talleres Daydo (Antas Real) ….……….950 459116 / 607 373298


Auto Corner (Turre/Los Gallardos) ….......................667 439671 Auto Shine Body Repairs ………........607 324623 / 607 324624 Costa Coches Antas .........................950 459209 / 625 133383 Fran’s Garage ....................................664 571060 / 950 164912 Go Car (Arboleas) ....................................................950 431861

The Almería Focus 5,000 copies delivered monthly to 250 places. Advertise and get your business seen. Call or WhatsApp Clare on 667 80 11 40 or email

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 77

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Gómez Motor (Huércal-Overa) ..................................950 471250 Euro Repar Mojácar Motor (Mojácar Playa) ….......950 478335 NV Transmatix (Antas El Real) ..................850 989958 / 631 556955 Reparbox (DIY) (Antas El Real) ...............................687 879744 SRS Vehicle Services ................................................950 449095 Stop Car (Mojácar) ......................................................950 500734 Taller Daydo (El Real) .........................950 459116 / 607 373298 Taller Fran (Turre) ..............................664 571060 / 950 164912 Talleres Azor ..(Mojácar) 950 478519 ..............(Vera) 950 391400 Talleres Vizcaino (Mojácar) ........................................950 472104 The Car Surgery .....................................................666 272792 Tyre King (El Real) ................................................950 459253


Cool Air (Air Conditioning) ........................................673 195872 Veloc Tuning ECU Remapping Services ..................600 827517


AA Car Sales (Mojácar) ...........................................950 459208 Auto Corner (Turre/Los Gallardos) …......................667 439671 AutoFex (Arboleas) ....................................................950 431861 Automobiles Playcar SLU ...................950 459302 / 672 737663 Costa Coches Antas ...........................950 459209 / 625 133383 Euro Repar Mojácar Motors ...950 472056 ..(Workshop) 950 478335 Navarro Segura - Seat (Vera) ............670 038580 / 950 393170 Nissan & Ford (Albox) …............................................950 430856 Pink House (La Concepción) ..............622 288750 / 681 095096 Pit Stop (Oria) ……………....................................…..950 124828 SRS Vehicle Services ................................................950 449095 Skoda - Cadena Automocion SL (Vera) .....950 393190 / 637 029737 Talleres Azor ...............(Mojácar) 950 478519 (Vera) 950 391400


Centro Vet ABC (La Alfoqúia) ….................................950 449064 Astrid (Mojácar) ..............950 472252 Emergencies: 629 099920

Centro Garras (Huércal-Overa) ........950 616820 / 617 456548 Clinica Nexo (Albox) .......950 430814 Emergencies: 617 305784 Clinica Nexo (Olula del Rio) ..950 441819 Emergencies: 617 305784 Clinica Huellas (Aguilas) ...968 447877 Emergencies 629 445327 CliniVet (Turre) …..........................…..950 069780 / 626 171999 Costa Indalo (Mojácar) ........................950 475213 / 605 495017 Egesta Centro Vetinario (Vélez Rubio) ..950 411208 / 608 438683 Europa (Mojácar) .................950472262 Emergencies: 629 099921 Javier .............(Garrucha) 950 132200 Emergencies: 619 236059 Movet (Mobile) .........................................................644 672782

Veravet (Vera Town) …............…............................…950 393307 VetCare (Vera Playa) ...............................................950 775102 Veterinary Centre (Huércal-Overa) …........................950 616781

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 78

Free directory entries: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email Lady Jane Window Cleaning (Arboleas) ...................634 322526 Mick .............................................................................634 327075 Time 2 Shine (Mojácar & surrounding area) 634 615753 / 639 465450 Window Panes ..........................................................617 208231 Woody the Window Cleaner (Almanzora Valley) .......634 349665


WATER (Tanker Delivery)

Sierra Cabrera Water ........................651 994419 / 608 057941


Aquavera (Vera Playa)

............................................950 467337


Healthy H2O ..............................................968 437270 / 666 302 987


MODS .........................................................................600 284975 Mojácar Web Services ..............................................633 202248 Web Design .................................................................722 452265


Carl the Squeegee (Turre) .........................................634 364041 Clean Team …………..............………850 993202 / 694 440184 Idea (Mojácar) ..................................................……..605 162709 James ..........................................................................678 988812

AA Window Doctor ...................................................630 231644 Pritchard Construcciones .............................................662 046497 Enrique Aguirre S.L. (Garrucha) ..............................950 460028 Interglaze ……..............................…...................... 680 743311 Lifestyle Enclosures Europe S.L. (See p. 9) 950 459060 / 638 063196 Mojácar Home Improvements ....................................950 473104 Ortega Windows & Doors .......................................950 393305 Plas-Tech Windows ...................................................600 320761 Screenmasters (See p.41)......….…............................677 152911 Speedyfit .............................................950 439228 / 600 006032


Bodega Gran Baco (Aguilas) .............................…..968 925655 Enoteca Tikar (Garrucha) ……..............................….950 617131 Isalva (Palomares) ………..........................................615 265092 Typical Gourmet (Mojácar) .......................................950 472108 Vinoteca Delicatessen (Garrucha) ...........................637 393873


Chimeneas Acar (Albox) ...........................................950 120077 Chimeneas Mojácar S.L. (Turre) ..................................950 472135 Enrique Aguirre S.L. (Garrucha) .................................950 460028 Oasys (Tabernas)


....................................................950 365236

To enquire about box adverts: WhatsApp 667 80 11 40 or email 79

Community News Indalo Players Serving Up Their Next Production

them cabbage with every meal. It doesn’t take Thelma long to realise how awful everything is at the nursing home and her apathy soon turns By Chrissie Cremore to anger and then action as the medication is With the 25th anniversary of Indalo Players arriving discarded and Thelma discovers her mettle. She in March 2024; founder and actress Janet Franklin and her aged cohorts stage a rebellion but the wants to direct Vernon Coleman’s comedy MRS result is something nobody envisaged! CALDICOT’S CABBAGE WAR which was released as a film in January 2003; starring Pauline Collins MRS CALDICOT’S CABBAGE WAR is a genuinely and John Alderton. Janet contacted the author’s heartfelt human comedy with a subtle social agent and Vernon replied saying that he was happy thought-provoking message. Highlighting the to waive the royalty fee. The story is a poignant, skewering of society’s treatment of the elderly warm and funny story about an ordinary but population. Far too much is run for profit these downtrodden housewife, Thelma Caldicot. Thelma days and to hell with the customers or clients! has been pushed around by others for most This modern escape fantasy is undemanding and of her life and endured 30 years of a dull and entertaining and there will be tears and cheers boring marriage to a domineering, obnoxious and from the audience. Janet says “there are 22 insensitive husband. integral characters and I also know that I have found Almeria’s answer to Pauline Collins! This is Not giving away too much of the plot; due to a world premiere and I am thrilled and delighted sudden circumstances, Thelma is coerced by her to produce and direct this fun, family comedy”. shifty, manipulative and avaricious son Derek and Amateur Dramatics is about the love of theatre and his equally greedy wife Veronica to move into a run- participants are called “amateur” simply because down residential nursing home, which also allows they don’t get paid...not because they are unable him to get his hands on the family house. to perform a first class production and entertain. And here comes a First Class Premiere to celebrate The Twilight Years Rest Home is run with a strict the long-standing Indalo Players Theatre Group! regime and although the residents are not overly Check their website: mistreated, the elderly inmates are not exactly handled with due reverence either. The Manager Tickets are now on sale. For further information and Matron medicate and patronise their “guests” see the poster on page 84 or call 629252 292 or into glazed submission and to save money serve 670722705. Most of the cast rehearsing

Loles López Opens Mojácar’s First Residence for the Elderly Press release by Mojácar Town Hall and the Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality

The Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality regional minister, Loles López, has opened the Jardín de Mojácar residence for the elderly, the first of its kind in the Almería locality. She highlighted the 112 new places created by the Junta de Andalucía in the province for this group among the 1,500 put into service throughout Andalucía in 2023. 80

Community News Last November, the Regional Ministry for Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality gave accreditation for 60 places, subsidising the first eight. This centre, completely new, has individual and shared rooms and features such as a therapeutic kitchen or garden. The drive for these eight subsidised places forms part of the 1,970-place expansion for people in a situation of dependency that the regional ministry carried out in 2023 (1,500 for the elderly, of which more than 1,200 are already occupied, and 490 for people with disabilities). Of this increase of 1,500 places in senior citizens, 112 correspond to Almería, and all of them are already occupied.

Accompanied by the local Mayor Francisco García and centre representatives, the regional minister was able to see first-hand the professionals’ good work and the quality of the services provided. In addition, she was able to talk with the users of this residence and exchange impressions about their This increase in the public offer of places means stay. redoubling the efforts that the Junta is making “The Jardín de Mojácar residence shares with the to improve the Andalucian dependency system, regional ministry the backing for a care model the largest in Spain. Since 2019, more than 4,500 centred on the person, and as its motto goes, new places have been created in Andalucía for ‘Warmth plus care equals quality,” said López, who people in a situation of dependency. In short, congratulated the Local Council for making this Juanma Moreno’s government has in five years centre a reality, municipally owned and managed multiplied by 16 the creation of new places. by the entity Arquisocial. The mayor stressed that it had been satisfying to be able to welcome the regional minister and show her first-hand the Jardines de Mojácar facilities. “For our government team, our elderly is one of the most important priorities and for whom we always work to obtain the best facilities and the best services,” continued the Mayor, who recalled that the residence was a necessity in the municipality, which is registering a progressive increase in the average age. The residence director Ana García spoke along the same lines, praising the regional minister’s approach, thanking her for her visit, which “has made the residents so excited.” “After a great deal of effort, this residence is a reality and we work every day for the well-being of our senior citizens, who give a lot and deserve the best,” she stressed.

Mojácar’s new Junction at the A-370 and A-1203 Press release from Mojacar Town Hall

The Junta de Andalucía has put into service the new intersection that will reduce the risk of accidents at the crossing of the main lorry traffic route to Garrucha Port (A-370) and the Mojácar coastal bypass (A-1203). The Regional Minister for Development, Territorial Planning and Housing, Rocío Díaz, together with the mayor of the municipality, Francisco García, saw for herself the result of these remodelling works at the intersection, which has become a link at a different level following an investment of close to three million euros (2,997,464 euros). The new intersection will provide more guarantees of road safety to the 13,000 drivers who go through this intersection daily. 81


What’s On Madrid & Barcelona

Querencia is a flamenco performance by the Antonio Najarro company and comes to the Maestro Padilla auditorio in Almería city on Saturday, March 16th, at 8.30pm. Tickets are 15 & 18 euros.

Bruce Springsteen and the E-street band perform in Madrid at the Civitas stadium on June 12th & 14th and at the Olympic stadium in Barcelona on June 20th. Tickets range from 65 to 128 euros and can only be purchased from the websites and, with a maximum of 6 tickets per person.

Almería Pasión Vega, the very popular Spanish singer, comes to the Maestro Padilla auditorio in Almería city on Friday, February 9th, at Michael’s Legacy is a tribute 8.30pm. Tickets are 30 & 35 euros. concert to Michael Jackson that is considered to be the best portrayal, voted for by the Spanish Michael Jackson fan club, with 500,000 spectators so far. It comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on Saturday, March 2nd, at 9.30pm. Tickets are 25 euros Mikecrack y la Superama Secreto is a performance for children and comes to the Maestro Padilla auditorio in Almería city on Friday, March 8th, at 5pm and 7.30pm. Tickets are 20, 26 & 28 euros.

The family musical ‘Trolls’ comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on Sunday, February 18th, at 5.30pm. Tickets are 15 euros.

The South Korean Christian orchestra, choir and soloists perform at the Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on Wednesday, April 3rd, at 8.30pm. The concert features classical compositions by Mozart, Brahms & Khachaturian, and Korean folk songs. Tickets are 20 euros in advance and 22 at the door.

The 2024 ‘Dreambeach’ festival “10 Years of Dreaming” will move to El Toyo in Almería city, not Villaricos. It takes place from Thursday, August 1st, to Sunday, August 4th and tickets are now on sale from Marina García, a well-known and very respected flamenco performer, comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on Saturday, February 17th at 9pm. She is celebrating her 10th anniversary since she first started performing. Tickets are 18 euros.

I Love Rock and Roll is a family event designed to introduce rock and roll to children. It comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on Sunday, February 25th, at 12 noon. Tickets are 12 euros


What’s On Roquetas de Mar Malú, one of the most famous Spanish performers, has sales of more than 2.5 million songs and has received numerous awards. She performs at the Roquetas auditorio on Saturday and Sunday, February 10th & 11th at 9pm. Tickets are 40, 49 & 61 euros. Aladino (Aladdin), a family musical, comes to the Roquetas auditorio on Thursday, February 29th, at 6.30pm. Tickets are 2 euros.

Tom Jones is coming to the Almería Feria site on August 4th at 10.30pm. Tickets are on sale from Ticketmaster and go from 49,50 to 99 euros. They are limited to 6 per person paid with a credit card. The Neon Collective 80s show is a tribute concert to the Cure, U2 and Depeche Mode in the original English led by DJ Karl Sound. It comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on Saturday, March 23rd at 10.30pm and the performance lasts for 3 hrs. Tickets are 18 euros in advance or 25 euros at the door. Tickets for concerts in Almería (except Teatro Cervantes) available from the ticket office in the Teatro Apolo, 25 Rambla Obispo Orberá, Almería , tel: 950 230 922. Mon- Fri, 10.30am-1.30pm Tickets for Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, from box office at Calle del Poeta Villaspesa,1. Open Mon-Fri, 11am-1pm & 4pm-7pm, Saturday from 11am-2pm, or 1hr before performances, or from


El Arrebato, a singer originating from Seville, is a pop and flamenco performer and comes to the Roquetas auditorio on Saturday, March 9th, at 9pm. Tickets are 36 & 41 euros. The Film Symphony orchestra, as part of their ¡Henko! tour come to the Roquetas auditorio on Saturday, May 18th at 8.30pm. Tickets are 38 & 43 euros.

What’s On Roquetas de Mar Auditorio tickets are on sale at www. or their ticket office, open Tuesdays to Fridays from 11am-1pm & 6pm-8pm.



Tebdemir, a Spanish dance spectacular performed by a flamenco ballet company and soloists, comes to the auditorio on Saturday, February 24th, at 8pm. Tickets are 10 euros from the La Bella y la Bestia (Beauty and Convento de la Victoria or www. the Beast), performed by the Candileja company comes to the Teatro Villa on Saturday, March Exhibtions 16th, at 6pm. Tickets are 25 euros in advance or 30 euros at the Guitar Exhibition The Museo de la Guitarra in Almería city is celebrating door. their 10th anniversary. Until March Pasión Vega, the very popular 22nd, visitors can see guitars and Spanish singer, comes to the musical instruments such as lutes Teatro Villa on Saturday, April and harps, charting the evolution of 20th, at 9pm. Tickets are 12 euros the guitar from 4,000 years ago with in advance or 15 euros at the door. 20 historical examples. In particular, the Spanish ‘Torres’ guitars from Tickets can be obtained from Andalucía have special mention. The the box office open Mondays to museum is at Carretera Ronda del Fridays from 9am-2pm, from 1 Beato Diego Ventaja, S/N, 04002, hour before the performance or Almería and is open from Tuesdays to Saturdays, 10.30am-1.30pm & from www 5pm-8pm, and on Sundays in the morning. The entrance fee is 3 euros, but 2 euros for minors and pensioners.

The annual carnival is from Friday, February 2nd to the 24th and starts with a drag queen event at 8pm at the sports pavilion. From 9am-2pm on Saturday, February 3rd there is a regatta at the port, and a Carnival music concert takes place at the auditorio on Sunday, February 4th at 12 noon. Admission is free. The main processions take place on Sunday, February 11th, on Tuesday, February 13th and the final one on Saturday, February 17th. All the processions start at 6pm, and following the final one there is the burning of ‘Don Carnal’ and a firework display. Archipiélago de los Desastres is a dance spectacular created by Isabel Vázquez, produced by Elena Carrascal. It has won a host of awards and comes to the auditorio on Saturday, March 16th at 8.30pm. Tickets are 3, 5, 8 & 10 euros.

Michael’s Legacy is a tribute concert to Michael Jackson that is considered to be the best portrayal, voted for by the Spanish Michael Jackson fan club, with 500,000 spectators so far. It comes to the Teatro Villa on Saturday, February 17th, at 9pm. Tickets are 15 euros in advance or 20 euros at the door.


Israel Fernández, a famous flamenco singer who has won many awards, performs at the auditorio on Feb. 3rd at 8pm. Tickets are 18 euros.


Hakuna Matata is a family musical with Disney characters and comes to the auditorio on Sunday, March 24th, at 5.30pm. Tickets are 16 euros.

Mojácar Moors and Christians event in 2024 will take place from June 14th-16th. Open Mic Night alternate Thursdays at Miraflores, Los Gallardos, kick off at 8pm. Everyone welcome.

Aguilas tickets from Victoria Travel 968 410 929 &, Museo Arqueológico, www. or from 2hrs before performances at the box office.

Send details of your events to or WhatsApp 667 80 11 40


What’s On Market Days Huércal-Overa, Antas, Berja Monday: Albox, Los Gallardos, Cuevas del Almanzora Tuesday: Wednesday: Mojácar, Bédar, Lubrin, Vélez Blanco, Palomares, Tabernas Thursday: Cuevas del Almanzora, Olula del Río, Carboneras, Sorbas Friday: Garrucha, Turre, Zurgena Saturday: Aguilas, Vera, Arboleas, Vélez Rubio Sunday: Villaricos, Purias, San Juan de los Terreros, Fines

Rastros, Car Boot Sales, etc. Saturday: Sunday:

Los Llanos, between Arboleas & Albox Plaza del Rey, Velez Rubio Mojácar Rastro, Multiple Use Centre


Activities - Clubs - Associations Clubs, Societies & Activities Free Spanish and English Lessons Available in some municipalities. Enquire at your local town hall. Almanzora Group of Friends, Albox Library and Social Centre, Tues - Fri, 10am1pm, Plaza San Antonia, Barrio Alto, Albox. Extensive English Library, DVDs and talking books, monthly magazine, monthly quiz, trips. or Facebook: Almanzora Group of Friends. Tel: 602 495 306 Almeria Link Friendship Group Membership is free and open to all. We meet at weekends in the Mojacar area to enjoy dining experiences and form friendships. New members are always welcome. Please contact Bob on 950472551 WOW Women on Wednesday Scotty’s, Mojácar Playa, 2pm. Get together, buy, sell, swap, meet new people. Loose Women Club Tuesdays, 1.30 - 4pm. El Chacho Bar & Restaurant, Mojácar. All welcome. Flamenco Forum for English Speakers on Facebook. Information and events. Tel: 687 480 694 Dames in Huércal Overa 3rd Wed. of the month, 10.30am, Tennis Club, Huércal Overa. All welcome. Tel. Jan Oliver 642 413 945.

Dames in Turre Monthly lunches and trips. New members welcome. Chairman, Barbara Wardley, Secretary, Moira Armatage +34 711 007 192, mogsy2009@ The Royal British Legion - Zurgena & District Branch La Parrilla, Albox, first Thursday of the month, 11am. Email zurgenaRBLsecretary See branches/zurgena Indalo Hash House Harriers Meet 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11am, various locations. Mojácar Bridge Club Contact Les Brice 697 297 991 or Ron Hounsell 711 064 726. www.bridgewebs. com/mojacar/ Vera & District Lions Club The Lions meet regularly, including social events. New members and volunteers warmly welcomed. The Lions Charity Shop in Turre is open Thursday to Saturday, 10am-2pm. Mobility equipment available for those in need. There are plenty of roles for volunteers from occasionally moving furniture to scrapbooking, from event organisation to helping clean the shop. For more information, including forthcoming fundraising events see https://veralions. com, email veralionssecretary@gmail. com or call President Andy Pearson on 711 005 682. The Royal British Legion, Mojácar First and third Thursday of every month (except July & August) at 11am, coffee and chat at Cokkia Restaurant (opposite Neptuno). Ex-Forces and non-Service people all welcome. We hold lunches and other events which we publicise at the coffee mornings and on local media. For welfare advice and help for the exForces community in need of support email SpainNorthCommunitySupport@rbl. community. If you wish to hold an event in aid of the Poppy Appeal or help at our collection points in October and November please email Mojacar.Committee1@rbl. community or ring 699 953 222. We are now on Facebook, click on Groups and search for Royal British Legion Mojacar Branch.


Psychic Development Circle Various classes at different times. Everyone welcome. Tel: Barbara 637 469 937 Vera Photo Club First Sunday of month, Bar La Pará, Turre (opposite the Vet), 10am - 12.30pm. Presentations by invited speakers, field trips, instruction, studio photography, monthly assignments and exhibitions. All levels welcome. Phone Sarah 670003717 or Claus 628585538. Freemasons in the Province of Almeria Craft & Chapter. 661 026 912 or 670 27 27 37 Freemasons – The Side Degrees Mark, RAM, RSM, OSM & Allied. 678 574 579 Albox Computer Club Hotel La Parrilla, Albox. Fri, 10am. All levels of experience are welcomed. www. Traditional Japanese Reiki and Gendai Reiki Ho Classes, workshops, and Reiki shares in Mojacar. Tel: 634 347 930 Ancestry Club for Beginners & Intermediate Tel. 634 309 590 Mojácar Community Library Multi-Use centre. Mon, Wed and Fri, 11am - 1pm . Arboleas Indalo Gardening Club Community Centre, opposite the Health Centre car park. Last Friday of the month, 10:30am - 1pm.

Activities - Clubs - Associations Clubs, Societies & Activities continued Amigos de los Coches Clasicos Local multi-national group of classic car enthusiasts. Meetings the first Thursday of the month, 3pm, Hotel Rural Miguel Rosi, junction 559 E15/A7., email:, tel. David 630740502 Antas 1/10 Scale RC Club Thursdays 10.00am at RC Circuito, Antas. Ring Chris on 634328059 for more details. Model Aero Flying Club, Cortijo Grande Sun. & Wed., 10.30am. Contact Jeff on 950 469304 or Colin on 666 982186 Aeroclub ULM Günter (Vera) Tel: 607 316 553 Pita Escuela Agave School of Río Aguas. A multicultural, environmental and musical project, specialized on the integral usage of the agave plant and the processing of its wood.Tel 630 66 18 65 (Timbe) Sunseed A hands-on practical centre for low-impact living and environmental education in Los Molinos del Rio Aguas near Sorbas. Free tours at 4pm. Tel: 950 525 770

Religious Groups & Churches Church of England (Anglican Services) Mojácar, Sundays, 11am; Llanos Del Peral, Sundays,11am; Aljambra Chapel Albox, 2nd Thursday monthly at 11am. For directions, details and all church activities please see or contact Tony Noble on 634303807. Also available Funerals, Wedding Blessings, Wedding Vow renewals and Baptisms. Kingdom Hall, Jehovah’s Witnesses Tues 7:30pm & Sun 10.00am. Poligono Aljoroque - C/El Cajete 6, Antas. Contact: 652 293 269 Turre Evangelical Church Sundays at 10.30 – worship, a not too long talk from the Bible, coffee and cake. Welcoming and relaxed – all welcome. Find us on Turre’s main street, Avenida de Almeria, corner of C/Alberquillca. Email: Tel: (0034) 711 035 486 Web:

Support Groups & Charities MACS Cancer Support Group General Enquiries call 634 328 334 10am to 4pm. 24/7 Careline: 634 656 555. Fully Spanish registered charity. Shops in Mojácar, Turre, Albox and Huercal-Overa open Mon-Fri, 10-2pm www.macscancersu Email: macscancersupport@ Stepping Stones Carers Support Group Turre Evangelical Hall, Thurs, 11am-2pm. Tel 950 472 822 or 677 683 385 www. Age Support Almanzora Shop and welfare office near Peugeot garage, Albox, open Mon-Sat, 10:0013:45. Lunch club, bereavement group, equipment loan, befrienders. Helpline 642 045 210. A.A. Alcoholics Anonymous Mojacar Area Meetings:- Monday 6pm, Turre Evangelical Church (Avenida de Almeria, Turre). Friday, 6pm, Living Water Church, Mojacar Playa (opposite Red Cross building). Tel: 634 300 364 or email

New Life Church, Huercal-Overa We are a Jesus centred church family learning to love one another. Sunday service at 11 am, tel. 685 628 184

Universal Wonderful Street Academy NGO that supports street children in Accra (Ghana). Registered charity. www. Beatriz: 617 182 154

Living Water Church Mojacar Playa Opposite Red Cross Centre and Salas Farmacia. Sunday Service 11am. Bible study, Tuesday 10am. Prayer, Tuesday, 12:30pm. Cafe Church, Thursday 11am to 1pm. See FaceBook or visit www.

Harmony Community Support Providing assistance to those in need. Tel. 634 339 192 Mon - Fri, 11:00 - 14:00

Aguaviva Evangelical Church Near the health Centre, opposite BiciBox, Albox. Tel: Rod Southwood, 687 560 544 Roman Catholic Masses These can be found on for most places.


Walk for Life Arboleas If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer and need help or support contact our welfare team. Email Tel. 643 63 81 77. To volunteer to help at any of our events and become a Friend of Walk for Life email Tel 644602249. Send details of your group to or WhatsApp: 667 80 11 40

Activities - Clubs - Associations Music & Drama Groups



Open Mic Night Alternate Thursdays, 8pm, at Miraflores, Los Gallardos, 8pm. Everyone welcome.

Sol Yoga Centre, Arboleas Tel: 686 400331

Strictly Line Dancing Salon de Actos, Centro de Usos Multiples, Mojacar. Fridays, 4–7pm. Beginners welcome. Contact: Glynis 648217503 or Mary Beth 661671526 or

Indalo Players Well established drama group always looking for new members to act or help back stage. Contact Jennifer Jordan email phone 34 722 860 085.

VaVa Yoga Studio, Vera. Tel: 642 314 316 Yoga Therapy with Portia Oliver. Tel: 681301474 www.

Eleanor’s Line Dance Class Charlotte’s Bar, Albox, 2pm- 3-45pm, Mondays. All levels welcome. 950439003.

Independent Theatre Group Always looking for new people, novices & full blown Thesbians. Call Ian Jones on 950 436 581 or 666 375 688 or e-mail

Step2It - Line Dancing Arboleas. Weds: 6.45 p.m-7.30 p.m, First Steps/Intro. 7.30 p.m-10.30, Beginners / Improvers /Intermediate. Carrie Ann 627279584

The Luvvies New members always welcome for acting or work behind the scenes etc. Tel. 634 346 309 or e-mail

Almeria Line Dancers Julie - 634304625 / 950110433

Jacqueline Welby Productions New members always needed to act or work back stage or with any other activities. Tel. Jacqueline Morris Welby 634 313 531 Orquesta Ciudad de Vera A friendly group of musicians of various ages and levels. All newcomers welcome, only requirement is to play an orchestral instrument and read music. Rehearsals Vera Auditorio on Saturday mornings. See www. for details. Vera Voces A friendly choir singing classical music, directed by pianist, singer and director, Barry Jobling. All welcome, no auditions. Rehearsals Mondays, 5-7pm, at Vera Auditorio. Facebook: Vera Voces. Contact All Aloud Community Choir Meet every Wednesday at Bar Kubatin (at Hostal Meson) Arboleas from 3pm to 5pm. All welcome, no auditions. Albox Ukebox A friendly group that meets weekly on Tuesday afternoons in Charlotte’s Bar (formerly Chapman’s) in Albox to learn and sing songs with the ukulele. All welcome. For details tel. Chris on 634 375 471.

Ceroc Dancing Artisan Centre, Mojacar, Tues 8.15pm Beginners, Improvers, Advanced. All welcome. Contact Tracey 687251799

Arts & Crafts Sewing Group, Mojacar We meet at Scotty’s el Tropico bar for sewing, knitting, crochet etc. Weds. 10.30 to 12.30. Tel. Brenda 634 34 34 92. We are a friendly group meeting for coffee and chat.

Belly Dancing Mojácar, Garrucha & Huércal-Overa. Contact Fatima: 610 472 596 Bellydance Classes Mojácar, Turre, Palomares. Call 639 724 521

Ladies Sewing Circle Evangelical Church, Turre, Wednesday 10.30 – 12.30 Tel: 667 702 774

Dance Classes with Hollie Newell Ballet, tap, contemporary, modern, jazz, lyrical, zumba and more. Based in Turre. Tel: 634 317 391

Cloud Zebra Craft Workshops & Clubs In Almanzora and Oria, Tues 10-2, Thurs and Fri, 10.30 -2.30. Call 744 60 96 30. No experience needed.

Performing Arts Centre DanZaVera 54 Verasol, Vera. Royal Academy Ballet, Imperial Society Modern, Tap and Jazz. Also Hip-Hop, Oriental Dance, Spanish Classical. Tel Anita: 670 715 787

Bedar Arts Centre Ceramic classes, Mondays and Wednesdays. Painting classes Tuesday 10:301330. For info, call 664 896 555

Complete Beginners Flamenco Mojácar. No specialist shoes or equipment required, friendly hour long class. Email

Mojácar Quilters We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10am at various locations in Mojácar. We welcome anyone interested in patchwork and quilting. Help and support provided as well as chat. What’s App or ring JD on 722 236 237 or email jd@

VaVa Yoga Danza (Spanish) With Barbarito. Cuban & Latin Salsa, Bachata & Merengue. Tel: 642 314 316


Send details of your group to WhatsApp: 667 80 11 40

Activities - Clubs - Associations Sports Almería Lawn Bowling Club Contact Shirley: 679 970 399 Bowling Club de Zurgena Friendly, social and competitive bowling, all levels & standards. zurgenabc@gmail. com. Cabrera Lawn Bowling Club Indalo Lawn Bowling Club First class facilities with all levels of bowling catered for. Visit our website http://www. Mojacar Bowls Club Behind Marina Mar Hotel. Everybody welcome - Tues, Thurs and Sat starting with coffee at 9:30. Contact Janet 627204422,

Valle del Este Golf Society. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays. Contact Alan Townsend Tel. 690 090 982 Almería Golf League Contact Les on 950 619 273. Marina Phoenix Golf Society Visitors welcome Mondays and Thursdays. Tel Don Atkins 605 051 238. Email Huzzah Golf Society Friendly group of all abilities, playing Aguilon golf course each Monday and local courses. All welcome. Call Eric & WhatsApp 643 04 96 96. Fb: Huzzah Golf Society. Email:

Los Bandidos Run, jog, walk a 5km route along the Paseo. Weds/Sat, 9am, Red Cross end (from 4th Oct). See Facebook. Contact Kevin on Arboleas Table Tennis Club Mon/Wed/Fri, 9.30 - 10.30 am, building with blue door next to swimming pool bar, Arboleas. Beginners welcome. Contact Chairperson - Keith tel 634 326 350.

Fitness & Martial Arts Girasol, Albox Pilates, children’s karate & Tai-chi. Tel 639 089 170

Albox Club de Tenis Sun & Thurs mornings, Tues afternoons. Tel Sue: 950 064 369 Fb: Albox Club de Tenis

Aerobics or Pilates Campo de Futbol, Turre. Contact Vicki 650 764 623 or

Aguilón Amigos Golf Club Aguilon Golf Course on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays teeing off just before 9am. If you would like to play email

Cabrera Tennis Club Contact info@

Slimming Group Sophia Wellness Centre Arboleas, Thurs 12.30pm, Contact Vicki 650 764 623 or

Badgers Golf Society Mojácar We play every Wednesday and alternate Saturdays. All are welcome. Contact Paul Cunningham on (0044)7775837453 WhatsApp or

Tennis Coach Diego Rodriguez Tel: 689 688 226

Boxers Golf Society Albox All welcome to join us as members or guests. Call in at the Why Not bar in Albox on Saturday mornings or email

PartyLevante Sailing Club Initiation for children from 7 yrs in small groups. Email or call 680942141

Mojácar Playa Golf Play every Tuesday around 11.30. Mostly at Marina Golf Club. Everybody welcome. Membership available. Call James 681 355 796. Golf trip holidays also available. Golf tour operator. Forum Golf Society Plays friendly events at local courses twice a month. Richard Price. Telephone 850993073 or Golfing Guapas Society We are a group of ladies of all nationalities meeting one Friday in the followed by lunch and prizes. All welcome. Call Vivienne 683 558 696.

Club de Tenis y Padel Indalo Vera. Tel: 950 59 28 77 - 608 250 607

Padel tennis lessons At home. Tel: Ulises Gutiérrez, 606 902 691

Santa Irene Sailing Club Come and join us out on the water sailing or crewing our safety boat. Every Sunday at 10:30 in the boat park at the north end of Garrucha harbour. Email www.

Mojácar Taekwondo 5 years to adults. Various classes & times. Contact Serge 646844708. Facebook GTF Spain Sophia Wellness Centre, Arboleas Various activities. Tel. 950 449 451. Fitness with Alison, Mojácar Full Body Workout, Pilates, AquaZumba, Zumba, Step Aerobics, Total Toning, AeroFit. Tel 666 273 168. Hollie Newell Zumba Almeria Turre, Los Gallardos, Arboleas and San Juan. Contact: 634 317 391 Jova Gym, Mojácar Various activities. 671 247 035. See facebook.

Adelante Gimnasia Artìstica Huercal-Overa.Classes for fun gymnastics, competitive levels, pre school and adults. Fully qualified coach. From 2 years. Tel 622 129 702 or www. Facebook Adelante Gimnasia artistica.

Qigong Group courses and personal training. Partaloa and Albox area. Contact Ilse +32 497451953 or +34 643489975

Walking Football Club Turre football ground, 9.30am, Monday, for training, exercise & playing. www.

Mojácar Qigong/Taijiquan Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00am. Samsara (Opposite Lua) monjchalao@ See Facebook


Qigong Classes Mojácar & Lubrín. Call 711 096 381.

Coffee Break


Jokes of the Month The Police This is the true story of George Phillips of Meridian, Mississippi, who was going to bed when his wife told him that he’d left the light on in the shed. George opened the door to go turn off the light but saw there were people in the shed in the process of stealing things. He immediately phoned the police who asked, “Is someone in your house?” and George said, “No,” and explained the situation. Then they explained that all patrols were busy, and that he should simply lock his door and an officer would be there when available. George said, “Okay,” hung up, counted to 30, and phoned the police again. “Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people in my shed. Well, you don’t have to worry about them now because I’ve just shot them all.” Then he hung up. Within five minutes three squad cars, an Armed Response unit, and an ambulance showed up. Of course, the police caught the burglars red-handed. One of the policemen said to George, “I thought you said that you’d shot them.” George said, “I thought you said there was nobody available.”

The Blind Dogs Two friends are walking their dogs, a Dalmatian and a Chihuahua, when they smell something delicious coming from a nearby restaurant. The guy with the Dalmatian says, “Let’s get something to eat.” But the guy with the Chihuahua says, “We can’t go in there, we have dogs with us.” The first guy says, “Just follow my lead.” He puts on a pair of sunglasses and walks into the restaurant. “Sorry,” says the owner, “No pets allowed.” “But this is my seeing-eye dog,” the guy with the Dalmatian says. “A Dalmatian?” “Yes, they’re using them now.” The owner says, “Very well, then, come on in.” The guy with the Chihuahua repeats the process and gets the same response from the owner: “Sorry, pal, no pets allowed.” “But this is my seeing-eye dog,” says the second guy. “A Chihuahua?” asks the incredulous owner. “A Chihuahua?!,” replies the man in the dark glasses. “They gave me a Chihuahua?! Are you sure???” The Flying Lesson Two pilots eat some contaminated food and collapse in the cockpit. A couple of brave passengers decide to take control of the plane. They get onto air traffic control who guide them. “Ok stay calm…now do you see those 3 red switches located on the main panel?” “Yes, yes!!!” “Ok, make sure they are all switched to ‘on’” “Ok, ok!!” “You see the dial above the copilots head?” “Yes, yes!!” “Make sure it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise” The passengers follow the order …. “Ok it’s done!!!!” More instructions from Air Traffic Control.… ..“Now, the blue button on the left hand panel…make sure that you press it twice.” “Ok, we’ve done that.” “Good. Now slide the green lever between the two seats 50% downwards.” The two passengers are in a state of panic by now, but after 5 or 6 minutes of more intense conversation and instructions, air traffic control declare…“Well, I think we’re going to be ok……you’re clear to take off from runway 6.”

Needing Helpline Advice I’m John, I really need your advice on a serious problem: I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs: if the phone rings and I answer, the caller hangs up; she goes out with the girls a lot. I try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home but I usually fall asleep. Anyway, last night about midnight I hid behind our boat in the drive. When she came home, she got out of someone’s car buttoning her blouse, then she took her panties out of her handbag and slipped them on. It was at that moment, crouched behind the boat, that I noticed a hairline crack in the outboard engine mounting bracket. Is this something I can weld, or do I need to replace the whole bracket? 92

The Grandma After 65 years of marriage, my grandpa still calls grandma “honey”, “sweetie”, “baby”, and “sugar”. I asked him for the secret to keep love alive so long. He replied, “I forgot her name 10 years ago, and I’m too afraid to ask her what it is!”

In The Cemetery A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, “Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?” The first man approached him and said, “Sir, I don’t wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I’ve ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?” The mourner took a moment to collect himself and replied, “It’s the grave of my wife’s first husband.”

Bad Language Two golfers and a priest went out to play a few rounds and the first golfer missed a key swing. “Goddammit, I missed!” he said. The priest scolded him, saying that God would punish him for taking the Lord’s name in vain. However, it happened again. “Goddammit, I missed!” The priest tutted and reminded him to keep the Lord’s name holy. Finally, the golfer fluffed a shot again, “Goddammit, I missed!” The heavens opened up and a massive finger pointed through the clouds, igniting a lightning bolt that hit the ground and killed…. the priest. As the golfers looked at the dead priest and then looked up at the sky in confusion, a profound voice echoed from above: “GODDAMMIT, I MISSED!” GI Insurance Airman Jones was assigned to the induction center, where he advised new recruits about their government benefits, especially their GI insurance. It wasn’t long before Captain Smith noticed that Airman Jones was having a staggeringly high success-rate, selling insurance to nearly 100% of the recruits he advised. Rather than ask about this, the Captain stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones’ sales pitch. Jones explained the basics of the GI Insurance to the new recruits, and then said: “If you have GI Insurance and go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay $200,000 to your beneficiaries. If you don’t have GI insurance, and you go into battle and get killed, the government only has to pay a maximum of $6000. Now,” he concluded, “Which group do you think they are going to send into battle first?”

The Spell A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year. If he didn’t speak for two years he could speak two words, and so on. One day, he fell in love with a beautiful princess. He refrained from speaking for two whole years so he could call her “My darling.” But then he wanted to tell her he loved her, so he waited three more years. At the end of these five years, he wanted to ask her to marry him, so he waited another four years. Finally, as the ninth year came round, he led her to the most romantic place in the whole kingdom and said, “My darling, I love you! Will you marry me?” And the princess replied, “Pardon?” 93

Your Stars Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. You should be in business for yourself. Keep busy and let them fume while you’re not around. It’s a good time for long awaited relationships to begin. Your Mar. 21 luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday.

- April 20

You may blow situations out of proportion when dealing with the one you love. Sudden good fortune will help you cover your debts. You can make major gains professionally by completing projects on time. Apr. 21 Opportunities to get together with people in powerful - May 21 positions could help you get ahead. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. You can certainly gain popularity; however, don’t do it by paying for everyone else. Put your energy into selfimprovement programs that promise to make you into a better you. Plan some family outings. You can make May 22 new friends and experience new things if you do a bit - June 21 of travelling. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday. Don’t expect romantic encounters to be lasting. Trips, educational pursuits, or projects that could lead to new outlooks should be on your agenda. Be discreet about your feelings, and hold back until you find out a little June 22 more about the person who’s coming on to you. Your - July 22 luckiest events this month will occur on a Tuesday.

July 23 - Aug 22

You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren’t already committed to someone else. You will get bored quickly, so make sure that you have scheduled enough activity to hold your interest. Take a look at the possibilities of starting a small part time business with friends or relatives. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Sunday.

The danger of minor accidents will increase with the turmoil. Changes in your home will be positive. Try to make arrangements with close friends or relatives to spend a few days away. Get involved in physical Aug. 23 activities that will stimulate you.Your luckiest events this - Sept. 23 month will occur on a Wednesday.

Property deals will pay big dividends. You should be setting up interviews or sending out your resume this month. You may find that female colleagues will be more help than you anticipated. Do not ruffle feathers Sept. 24 if possible. Your luckiest events this month will occur - Oct. 23 on a Friday. Opportunities for travel and communication are evident. If you put your mind to it, you could entertain or host a multitude of social events. Some time spent with that special someone should be your intent. Try to Oct. 24 understand their point of view. Your luckiest events this - Nov. 22 month will occur on a Saturday. Positive changes regarding your personal status are evident. Verbal abuse could lead to carelessness. Resist the temptation to gamble. Risks will not be profitable. You must not lead someone on or show Nov. 23 interest in them for the wrong reasons. Your luckiest - Dec. 21 events this month will occur on a Tuesday. Curb any jealous fits if your partner has been flirting with someone else. Do things with your children and avoid situations that make you feel as if you’ve neglected the ones you love. Changes at home might come fast and Dec. 22 furious. You may have a problem with coworkers if you - Jan. 20 try to tell them what to do. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday. You will gain a lot if you listen. You can solidify your relationship if you plan a special evening with your mate. Expect temper tantrums on the home front if you haven’t been letting someone have their way. Jan. 21 Move forward if you want to turn your life around. Your - Feb. 19 luckiest events this month will occur on a Tuesday. Family responsibilities are escalating. You can make new connections if you play your cards right. Relatives will be happy that you dropped by. Don’t let your emotions get out of hand. Your luckiest events this Feb. 20 month will occur on a Wednesday.

- Mar. 20


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