10 // 事工焦點回顧 - 教會啟發
事工焦點回顧 Ministry Highlights
Alpha in the Church 興起服侍教會的領袖
Training up leaders to serve the Church 近年使用啟發的教會及機構與日俱增 , 同時帶領很多人認識
啟 發 的 核 心 價 值 是 建 立 關 係。 我 們 的 事 奉 就 是 跨 宗 派 建 立 關
課程 , 分別是中華 基 督 教 播 道 會 恩 福 堂 , 中 華 基 督教 禮 賢 會
Eric: 我 曾 經 在 不 同 的 循 道 教 會 做 啟 發 導 師 , 而 今 次 更 直 接
及 歸 向 耶 穌 。 2019 年 , 更 多 不 同 宗 派 的 教 會 開 始 舉 辦 啟 發 香港堂 , 中華基督 教 禮 賢 會 九 龍 堂 , 九 龍 城 浸 信 會和 香 港 靈
糧堂等 , 合共有超過 430 位來賓參加 。 啟發的成功有賴合一 及有愛的隊工 。 為裝備各教會及團隊自行舉辦全面及有質素
係 , 見證主內合一 , 實踐天國觀 。
成 為 啟 發 機 構 的 義 務 導 師。 我 想 將 啟 發 的 異 象 分 享 出 去 各 教
會,包括不同宗派的教會。現時為止,我訓練及督導三間 教會,看到不同教會舉辦啟發的過程有不同,亦各有難處
的啟發 , 我們特別舉辦導師培訓去建立更多啟發導師靈活運
心。 過 程 讓 我 看 見 聖 靈 的 工 作, 自 己 都 被 激 勵。 記 得 有 一
Leo: 我是因為啟發信主 ,好想藉著啟發去感染其他人信主 。
教會 。 有一次在 一 間 播 道 會 教 會 分 享 , 很 高 興 自 己 的 經 驗 可
用啟發材料及訓練工具 。 法。
這個導師平台讓我可以有機會將個人經驗和熱情分享給其他 以幫到其他人更有信心和順利地開展啟發 , 同時對自己都有
然 超 額 ,我 也 用 自 己 的 經 歷 去 鼓 勵 其 他 傳 道 人 去 舉 辦 啟 發 。
In recent years, there has been a growing number of
Trainers' platform has given me opportunities to share
churches and organizations that use Alpha, leading
my experience and passion with other churches. One
many to know and follow Jesus. In 2019, churches from a
time, I shared at an EFCC Church. I was glad that my
greater variety of denominations have started launching
experience helped them launch Alpha more confidently
Alpha courses, including EFCC Yan Fook Church,
and smoothly! I was very encouraged by them as well.
Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong, Chinese Rhenish
I long to see us lay aside our differences and unite in
Church Kowloon, Kowloon City Baptist Church, and
sharing the gospel. Just like Alpha's core value of being
Hong Kong Ling Liang Church. More than 430 people
"relational", I believe our ministry is to build relationships
have participated in the Alpha courses held in these
across denominations, to be united in Christ and live out
churches. The key to the success of an Alpha Course
the Kingdom together.
is a united and loving team. In order to help churches and teams run comprehensive and high-quality Alpha courses, we held Alpha Trainers' Trainings to equip Alpha Trainers in using Alpha materials and training tools in a flexible way.
Eric: I have served as an Alpha Trainer in multiple Methodist churches, and this time I took on the role of volunteer Trainer representing Alpha Hong Kong. My wish is to share Alpha's vision with churches from different denominations. As of now, I am training and overseeing
We have invited a few experienced volunteer Trainers to
Alpha courses in three churches. I have observed that
share their perspectives with us.
every church has a different process of launching an
Leo: I became a believer through Alpha, so I really wanted to use Alpha to bring more people to Christ. The
Alpha, with specific challenges and advantages in each church context; I have learned a lot from this