D15N Key Club October Newsletter

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Div. 15N Newsletter | October 2017

DIVISION 15N region 13 cnh district

table of


2 Index 4 DNE's Note 5 LTG's Note 6 August DCM 8 Healthy Start Event 10 Hike Clean Up 11 Alta Loma Club Rush 12 Media Makeover 14 Poster Making 15 Upcoming Events 16 Recognition 18 New Spirit Gear 19 D15N Website 20 District Updates 21 Connect w/ Us 22 Contact Us

Hey lovlies it's ya boy (buzzfeed unsolved refrence ? yes ? no ?) If you didn't already know my name is Alyssa Nelson and I'm the D15N News Editor! First things first, I hope all of you are having an amazing day, week and month! Hopefully you all are having a blast as the clubs start to settle in, and begin to have more events! Next, I would like to thank my tech and historian babies for working so hard the last month, and from the bottom of my heart im so proud of y'all if you're reading this!! Make sure to come out to the next DCM because I got a surprise for y'all (hehe). And if you're not a historian, I'm still super proud of all the things you do, and hope to see you at some division events!!! Enjoy the rest of the newsletter, and thank you so much for reading, love y'all!!!! <3

Alyssa Nelson D1 5n Dne

News Editor's Note

Lieutenant Governor's Note

Happy October my giraffes! I hope that you're all doing well and going strong as FALL RALLY SOUTH APPROACHES! Don't forget to appreciate your board members and advisors as this stressful season approaches!I'm so excited to experience FRS for the first time as Division 15 North! Be sure to keep an eye out with your officers for spirit gear order forms and to confirm transportation and chaperones ASAP!I love you all so much and you have already made me the most proud LTG EVER! Please never hesitate to contact me with absolutely anything, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming spirit prep!

Allie Price D1 5n Ltg

August DCM

One of Division 15 North’s monthly Division Council Meeting (DCM) took place on August 26 of 2017 at Red Hill Park in Rancho Cucamonga. I stayed at the DCM, which was themed as a Service Sunset, the whole time from 3:00 to 5:00pm. From 3:00pm to around 3:40, we waited for other members from each club to arrive and sign in so we didn’t start without people that were on their way. After we allowed some members to arrive, we started around 3:50pm and began the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the Key Club Pledge. Right after, our Lieutenant Governor, Alexandria Price, invited a representative from each club in Division 15 North to do roll call. For Etiwanda, our representative was our very own president, Charlene Sangalang. Alexandria then presented awards. Etiwanda’s secretary, Ashley Tandoc, received “Officer of the Month” award for turning in her MRFs early every month. The meeting ended at around 4:00pm, which was followed by pie­ing our DLT. I pie­ed four of the DLT, but after, they ran out of whipped cream to pie more. We continued on with the DCM and started creating dog toys with old t­shirts. After crafting dog toys, we grabbed a snack while waiting for others to finish their dog toys; however, I left before I could begin the next activity. I love going to these monthly events because it helps me catch up and bond with members from other clubs in my division. I’m sure our officers and members like these events, also, to meet members they’ve never met before, and to bond with other officers and/or members from each club.

Melanie Viernes Etiwanda

Healthy Start Event

The Healthy Start event was an event in which a few of my fellow key clubbers

(Danny, Zyrone, Nathan, Katherine) and I (Chris) went to Upland Elementary and helped to fill up backpacks for the students of the school. We formed a sort of assembly line where we passed down a backpack and filled it with school items like pencils, notebooks, scissors, erasers, glue sticks and much, much more. Of course our assembly line system wasn’t flawless since the first person in line was constantly having to open up packets of notebooks. My personal struggle was refilling the box with pencils since we got through roughly 10 bags a minute. After completing about half of the bags we decided to take a break and enjoy some of the cookies the hosts gave us. A few minutes later we were all gathered around the teacher’s desk and Danny began pressing the stapler to a beat and I began drumming some pencils against the table; eventually Nathan and Katherine joined in by clinking a cup with pens. We decided to each play a different beat one by one and we each drumming our respective writing utensil and/or stapler. Zyrone joined in our little circle and began shaking a water bottle. The rest of us gave him a look and asked what the heck he was doing to which he simply replied “I’m shaking the water bottle. ”We all went back to work with chocolate chip cookies in our stomachs and Zy being a weirdo in our heads. The women hosting the event asked us to switch lines with them since up until then we had been filling the Kindergarten, the easier of the bags. We all transferred to the other line and well...the only way I can really describe the transition is: imagine the old Charlie Chaplin scene where he’s working the machine line; now imagine that but with pencils flying through the air and teenagers yelling at each other to go faster. Eventually we finished all 300+ backpacks; our next task was folding all the boxes formerly filled with supplies and crush them so we could throw them away. In total, we finished packing more than 300 bags in about an hour and a half when it would’ve taken up to three hours at a regular pace. The hosts and Kiwanians were very grateful for our help and quite surprised at how quickly we had packed the bags. Ultimately, the experience was a great way for the key club members who attended to bond and help some elementary






Chris Nguyen Upland

Hike Clean Up

On the 19th of August in our new 2017­2018 school year, Rancho Cucamonga High School Key Club held our first event with our newest additions to the club! Gathering at 7:00AM at Ettiwanda Preserve, we first started the event as a welcome to and welcome back to Key Club and began an icebreaker to get to know one our new members. After we finished, we started our trek up the hiking trail to the falls while cleaning the trash and waste on the way there. With 35 members in attendance, the trail was surely clean by the time we arrived to the falls. There we explored and enjoyed the beautiful scenery that the nature offered. We returned back down the trail at 10:00AM, and the event was a splendid success for our club.

Travis Perales Rancho Cucamonga

Alta Loma Club Rush Club Rush was held during the last week of the first month of school for Alta Loma. The Key Club stand at Club Rush was adorned with large posters of Key Club and volunteering sayings as well as pictures of previous events. Officers also walked around the quad during lunch with posters yelling, “Join Key Club!” to get more students aware of and to join our club! Many students came to the booth, totaling with over 100 sign­ up’s. Although there weren’t as many sign­up’s this year in comparison to last year, we hope to retain nearly the same amount of members in the club at the end of the year, making this club rush a success!

Regina Tambunan Alta Loma

Media Media Makeover Makeover An event that some of our members participated in the month of August that was not only special to our club, but also meant a lot to our community was called Media­MakeOver at Imagine That in Upland, California. Our club has always tried to keep very close connections to our Kiwanis, and we have always tried to help them in a way that we can, and vise­versa. Since, we have been truly lucky to have been given the chance to get to know the Upland­Foothill Kiwanis, who have always tried to help us in any way that can, as well as, given us the necessary guidance we need to not only make an impact in our community, but also have been a key factor in our personal development as individuals. The purpose behind Media­MakeOver is to raise the necessary fund to keep the teen center running and making the necessary renovations to give it an even more enjoyable atmosphere. Our Kiwanis Mr. Cano and Mr. Frayer had a vision of a place where teenagers like us can go, and hang out with our friends, without having the negative atmosphere that comes along from our peers who have made the decision of using narcotics and may try to influence other to do so too. This event was able to open our eyes to reality that there are individuals who don’t give a positive influence as other Key Clubber do, and lead some of our peers to make the same poor decisions as they had. And from this vision that our Kiwanis had the Teen Center was born, which is any teenager’s safe heaven, it is place that is full of entertaining games and various activities that the teens can do to pass time, and have fun time with their friends, while also being in a safe location. But the Teen Center isn’t free, and is quite expensive to renovate and keep up and running, which is where Media­MakeOver comes into play. At Media­MakeOver as Key Clubbers we always try to help our community in way that we can, so when it came time to helping at Media­MakeOver, we where more than happy to a part of our Kiwanis’ project. At this event we were put in charge of making sure that everything went smoothly, for example, we were in charge of setting­up, helping monitor the crowd, and once the night ended we were in charge of helping clean­ up. This event attracts quite a large crowd from our community, in which they would pay an admission fee to attend, and all the proceeds that we received at this event would go directly into helping maintain the Teen Center up and running. As the night of Media­MakeOver was about to commence, as Key Clubber we were in charge setting up of, so we arrived at the event at 5:30pm, and made sure that any last minute details were taken care of, so that once the attendees started to arrive everything was going according to schedule and we were ready to begin. As the night carried on our members were in charge of monitoring the crowd, and were trying to resolve any issues that came up through the course of the night. We were also given the opportunity of going around and greet everyone that attended the event, and explaining to them the true intentions behind the hosting of this event, as well as, trying to get them to buy raffle tickets and other various prizes, since all the proceeds that we received would go straight to keeping the Teen Center open.

Danny Delcid Upland

Poster Making

On August 23, 2017, the officers of Etiwanda’s Key Club decided to help out Etiwanda’s SA in poster making. The posters we made were put in bins based on what the poster associated with; ie posters made for rallies are put into a bin labeled as “Rallies” and posters welcoming freshmen would be put into a bin labeled as “C/o 2021.”Although this event lasted only two hours, helping SA in poster making was quite fun because I wasn’t alone in making a poster. I liked poster­making because one of our officers is in ASB, so he introduced us to some of the SA members making posters. I made a few new friends, and so did the other officers. I enjoyed this event mostly because I got an opportunity to bond with the people I will be working with this upcoming term, and at the same time, help out my school in activities they might’ve been behind on.

Melanie Viernes Etiwanda

9/23 Region Training Conference Where: Cal Poly Pomona (3801 W Temple Ave, Pomona, CA 91 768) Cost: $5 with presale, $7 without! ! ! ! 9/29 September DCM Night Market Where: Victoria Arbors Park (7429 Arbor Ln, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91 739) What: Clubs will be selling different types of food/drinks. Similar to the 626 night market. Bring: Medical release form and MONEY to

purchase food.

1 0/28 RCHS Backyard Sessions Time: 2-7pm

Price: $5 presale, $7 at the door ; presale will be up soon :) Where: 6656 Murrieta Ct. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91 739 More info on D1 5N FB page!

**Message DNE, if you would like to promote any future events!**

Recog Officers of the Month

Alyssa Nelson & Ashley Tandoc

Club the M



b of Month


#1 G Points Los Osos

New Spirit Gear! T-Shirt By: Alyssa Nelson

Hoodie By: Amy Le

Crewneck By: Kaitlyn Hall

Div. Website! d1 5ncnhkcltg.wixsite.com/d1 5n

CNH Newsletter

Cyberkey www.cnhkeyclub.org/


club presidents ALTA LOMA Chengui Wang chenghui925@ hotmail.com

CHAFFEY Claudia Renero

LOS OSOS Nasser Elihajjaoui nasserlel@gmail.com

RANCHO CUCAMUN Jessica Ortega jessica.ortega @gmail.com






Please submit ASAP!




Danny Deicid



Franchesca Ho

Charlene Sangalang d15.ehspresident@gmail.com



division leadership team

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Allie Price d15n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR Aaysha Memon d15n.fundraising@gmail.com



Grace Yang d15n.events@gmail.com

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS Chenghui Wang & Alyssandra Guanzon d15n.assistants@gmail.com

SECRETARY Caitlin Huang



Alyssa Nelson d15n.newseditor@gmail.com



Hans Ocampo

Amy Le d15n.techeditor@gmail.com

HEAD TASK COORDINATOR Andrew Yuki Le d15n.maintc@gmail.com


TREASURER Andrea Ruiz Alvarez d15n.treasurer@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!

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