Division 15 North December Newsletter | CNH Key Club

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Div. 15N Newsletter | December 2017

DIVISION 15N region 13 cnh district

December 2017

table of contents


2 Index 3 DNE's Note 4 LTG's Note 6 October Recognitions 8 Karaoke DCM 10 Earth Friendly Day 12 Region Training Conference 13 Pie in The Face Fundraiser 14 Magnolia Fall Festival 16 Walk to End Alzheimer's 17 Walk to Defeat ALS 18 Children's Craft Sessions 20 Backyard Sessions 21 Hike Clean Up 22 October Events 23 G Points Winner 24 District Updates & Social Platforms 26 Contact Us

News Editor's Note Hello loves! Can you believe it's already the end of the year?! It feels like just the other day was new years and now Christmas is coming up! With the end of the year comes FRS, so hopefully you guys all were able to attend because it was so much fun this year! Although we didn't take home that spirit stick, we were able to show out all our spirit for the first two rounds! Just talking about it gives me post Fall Rally depression. If you want to know more about it, stay tuned for next months newsletter! Anywho I hope you are all having an amazing holidays, and good luck on finals, you can do it! Stay awesome <3

Alyssa Nelson D1 5n Dne


Lieutenant Governor's Note




I hope you have all had an amazing Thanksgiving. In the holiday spirit, I want to take some time to say thank you to each and every one of you! As of November 10th, Division 15 North has 4,235 service hours, raised $1,500 for PTP, and given me lots to be thankful for. This could not have been done without each member, club officer, and DLT member. In addition be sure to show appreciation to your amazing advisors, who volunteer their time to make sure your Key Club functions! Since it is the post­fall rally season, I want to take this opportunity to remind you what the #1 priority of Key Club is; SERVICE. This month’s Spotlight On Service theme is Providing Basic Needs. During December, remember to make time to give to those who are less fortunate. In California, Nevada, and Hawaii alone there are almost 541,000 children who will not get to spend the holidays in a home. The theme is “Providing Basic Needs” because the CNH District believes that Key Clubbers can make a difference by hosting events such as toy & clothing drives, volunteering at shelters and soup kitchens, or giving a family a great holiday memory. This December, help provide families with the basic needs to survive. More info and ideas can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/dec­sosp! I am so happy to serve Division 15 North, and could not possibly be prouder of what we have accomplished so far this term. Please remember to make service a priority, and don’t lose motivation just because FRS is over – DCON will be here sooner than you know! Love you so much!

Allie Price D1 5n Ltg


October Re Club of Officer of

the Month

the Month

Chaffey Andrew Neitman


ecognition! Member of Surprise the Month


n Miles Mezaki Melani Viernes




October DCM

The monthly DCM for the month of October was held on October 27 th in Upland. This was also the first pre­Fall Rally for the 2017­18 term as well as a karaoke night. The spirit coordinators, Jessica Ortega and Dylan Pelayo, shared the first main cheer with the attendees, and everyone seemed to really like it. Etiwanda was selling snow cones, and Upland's club was selling Tpumps as a way to fundraise. This night consisted of karaoke singing and a costume contest with people dressed up as giraffes, arthur, lilo and more! The costume contest winner was one of Rancho’s members, Joie dressed as Lilo, and she recieved a pumpkin as her prize. During the karaoke singing, Vice President Katelyn Charlize put Charlene and me down to sing a High School Musical song with her. Of course, I can’t sing well, but I really enjoyed it. This type of DCM was fun because there’s all this hype for Fall Rally South, and all the incoming members being new to such an event!

Melanie Viernes Etiwanda

Earth Friendly Day Earth Friendly Day was by far the most enjoyable event that I have ever volunteered for. Not only was it a beautiful place, an open area where the sun radiates warm and vibrant rays as it rises from the horizon, but the work was incredibly fun with the other volunteers. In the beginning we folded up trash cans made up of cardboard. Afterwards, we then lined it up with trash bags and then distributed it around the area. Later, the advisor asked us to fill bags with sand to redirect water from the fire extinguisher demonstration. We worked in teams of two to shovel the loose sands into bags halfway full and loaded it onto a wheelbarrow that was very distant from the place that needed the bags. Also, one of the wheels were popped so it was incredibly difficult to maneuver. Afterwards, I had the ability to hop into the wheelbarrow as my friend pushed me across the area. It was incredibly fun and that got checked off my bucket list. Since the event hasn’t commenced yet, the advisors allowed us to do the fire extinguisher demonstration. They told us that is was a water based fire extinguisher. They also had a grill­like machine where it emits fire that raises 2 feet high. Essentially, we had to follow the PASS technique. P was for pulling the pin, A was Aim the nozzle at the base, S was squeeze the trigger and S was for sweeping back and forth. Afterwards, we helped the other volunteers wrap the hot dogs in tinfoil. Once we were done, I helped direct traffic to convince oncoming travelers to visit the event and essentially get free stuff. I walked up to the car and tell them where to go for shredding, or disposing toxic waste. Once I finish, I said that there is an event where they get to learn about environment and get free food. At the end of the day we helped clean up and I walk home knowing much more about the environment and the recycling process as well as meeting new friends.

Andrew Doan Upland



Region Training Conference On October 14, 2017 at 10AM, I attended the Region 13 training Conference. It’s my first time going since Freshmen year and I must say, it felt that I relived the moment I learned more about Key Club as my love for key club continued to sprout from this event. I may have been a bit late due to the far location but it was definitely worth attending. From workshops ranging from public speaking to graphic marketing, I not only learned important information needed for my officer position through these fun workshops, but I was also able to reunite with a couple of fellow key clubbers I haven’t seen for a period amount of time. After our first few workshops, we had the opertunity to have a nice lunch and to socialize. Following that, we finished up our last two workshops and watched a fashion show of bussiness attire, key club casual, and spirit gear! We then finished up with a closing including information about FRS and DCON! Honestly, going to this year’s Region Training Conference helped me notice how much I've grown since freshmen year and it made me proud of myself!


Charlene Sangalang Rancho Cucamonga

Pie in the Face Fundraiser


Alta Loma Key Club’s officer board decided to sacrifice themselves as targets for many pies to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. However, the event would not have been a success without the help of some of our favorite teachers who also gave up their lunch breaks to get pied! During both lunches, officers and teachers attended to large crowds of people who wanted to pie them in the face. Some students pied the officers and teachers in the face in sympathy, while others yelled “This is for the B­ I got first semester!” in combination of a hard­felt pie to the face. One of my freshmen from the Link Crew program at Alta Loma even decided to help the club out with the fundraiser, pieing me in the face, simultaneously saying “Oh my gosh, Regina, I’m so sorry!” Although the public embarrassment and stickiness from the pies were not ideal, the officers and teachers’ pains were worthwhile for the cause we were supporting. In total, the club raised over $75 to donate to PTP. Thank you Mr. Alexander, Ms.Lambert, Mrs. Hernandez, and everyone else who made this ‘Pie in the Face’ event successful!

Regina Tambunan Alta Loma


Magnolia Fall Festival


Throughout the various fall festivals that our members got the opportunity to participate at, the one that stood out the most was the Magnolia Family Fun Night at Magnolia Elementary in Upland, California. As the meaning behind this event can be seen as an event that is largely focused on attempting to bring the community of Upland together for a single family fun night, in which they can forget about their stressful week or other external factors and simply go out to this event to spend time with their loved ones. As key clubbers we were given the task of helping the staff and facility set­up all the booths and games, as well as at the end of the night help clean­up. Through the course of the night we were tasked with helping run all the various booths and games. And it seemed like it was going to be an ordinary Key Club event, in which we were simply going to run the games and ensure that the children attending have a good time. And when it was all said and done the event looked exactly the same way it had looked my freshman year. Which was able to take me back to how that same day four years ago, I was given my first taste of leadership. And how I was starting to build some of my closest friendships that have lasted throughout my whole high school career. Because this event gave me the chance to reflect how far I have gotten since then and how much Key Club has gave me the opportunity for personal growth. Since, Key Club has been my outlet to find out who I am because the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Danny Delcid Upland


Walk to End Alzheimer's

At the walk to end Alzheimer's I was truly revisited by the past. This event was one of my very first service events of my high school career and it never fails to disappoint. Upon waking up painstakingly at 5 am to get their on time and we still many key clubbers attend this event. Once we arrived we were given the task to set up the posters and help fix cones. As time got closer to the event we were then delegated to give informational information about signing a paper to congress. Retrieving signatures was the best part as we made it a challenge to see who was able to get the most. My group was super extra and went to “extremes� to get more clipboards and more pens so multiple people were able to sign. We continued to do this for the majority of the event but as time reached the end of the event they let us enjoy looking at the plethora of booths. Each booth raised awareness about Alzheimer’s and had very many interactive points to it. There were games, food, and even very cool flowers they gave out. As we continued to volunteer I could not help and see how much fun each key clubber had and honestly is something I personally could not forget.

Zyrone Loreno Upland

Walk to Defeat ALS

Personally, I really enjoyed volunteering for the Walk to Defeat ALS. The workers and volunteer coordinators were extremely kind and prepared to give us instruction. They were also kind enough to bring us some donuts and provide us with food since we had to be there early to volunteer, which I very much appreciated. My experience at the Walk to Defeat ALS was amazing, I thought it was incredible how so many people who don&#39Ížt even know each other decided to come together one day to use their combined powers to help find a cure for ALS. As a volunteer at the event, it really brightened my day to see people sacrificing their time to support people who are fighting through the ALS disease. It was even more empowering to see people with the disease fighting for their health and happiness. I really enjoyed volunteering with them and I plan on doing so again.

Katelyn Charlize Etiwanda


Children's Craft Event An event that our members took part of in October was the Sierra Vista Trunk or Treat at Sierra Vista Elementary in Upland, California. Compared to the other various fall festivals throughout our community the Sierra Vista Trunk or Treat is special in the sense that they attempted to come with a spin on the traditional fall festivals that were being held in our community. Which brought about the idea of a trunk or treat, in which various individuals would bring their cars to the event, and their trunks would be completely transformed into various games and booths. We were tasked of helping the individuals willing to transform their trunks to fit into the halloween theme. As well as just went around the campus making sure that none of the children would get lost and also giving them candy for coming out to the event. And as the night of the Trunk or Treat came to an end, we were tasked with helping the individuals that volunteered their vehicles to clean­up, and just hand out as much of the extra candy to all of the children remaining. This event is special to our club because through the course of our time in Key Club we have been able to see this event grow and prosper because we have been helping their staff from the very beginning. And it's just amazing to see an event from the very beginning and just take the time to admire how much it is able to grow and prosper in such a short time. This event is able to show our members that they all have the capability to come up with a service project, and no matter how small they think it would turn out because it takes a small action to set off a larger reaction. And the Sierra Vista Trunk or Treat is proof that a small idea that starts off in one person’s head has the capability of reaching out to the community and making a larger impact.


Danny Del-cid Upland



Backyard Sessions

Having hosted two backyard sessions in the past two years, RCHS Key Club is proud to announce that our third consecutive backyard sessions was a success, having raised $93 for PTP! This event is unique to our club for it is always held in someone’s backyard where any Key Club member is able to show off their talents through performances! Some included dance performances, singing and more! And of course, with spectacular performances, must come great food for everyone to enjoy! Another great aspect about this event is the social aspect of it: the bonding! This year, we held this event at a member’s backyard named Richa, who we deeply appreciate for having let us have it there. At her beautiful backyard, we as an ohana cheered on our friends and officers as they got up to perform while enjoying the amazing food under a beautiful night sky.

Galen Han Rancho Cucamonga

Hike Clean Up

With this being our second hike cleanup of the school year, occurring every other month, our hike cleanups give members an opportunity to exercise, enjoy the beautiful view, and help the community at the same time. What could be better than that? Before going up the trial, we played an icebreaker to get to know who we’re working with better and make new friends. After that we proceeded up the trial and picked up any trash or recyclables along the way. At the top, we separated into groups and continued doing the same thing and then walked down the mountain. Although I’ve been to many of these hike cleanups, it’s always a different experience every time since I’m walking with new people and seeing parts of the trial that I’ve never seen before. I love this event so much because I can spend some time away from the worries and stress of school and just relax in nature. In conclusion, our bi­monthly hike cleanups fill up the check list for anything a person could want in one event. Being an event where you can make new friends, witness the beauty of nature, get your fitness on, and more, this event is, in my opinion, the best event our club has. However, we mustn't forget that this event is to serve the community and that by participating, we are helping the community become a better place one step at a time (literally).

Trung Vu Rancho Cucamonga


November Events! Isaiah's Rock Packaging When: Tuesday, November 21, 6:00PM-9:00PM Where: 13031 7th St Chino, CA 91710 What is it: Opportunity to assist in providing meals to families in need so that they may enjoy a warm Thanksgiving Dinner. (Dinner will be provided!)

Isaiah's Rock Distribution When: Wednesday, November 22, 7:30AM-3:00PM Where: 13031 7th St. Chino, CA 91710 What is it: Opportunity to assist in providing meals to families in need so that they may enjoy a warm Thanksgiving Dinner.

OPTIONAL: Isaiah's Rock is asking for donations of new toys or money donations of $10 to provide toys for children during the upcoming holiday season. This is an amazing opportunity to directly benefit children in the community during the holiday season! *MAKE SURE TOYS ARE


**Message DNE at d1 5n.newseditor@gmail.com if you would like to promote any future events!**




To Upland for recieving #1 G Points for earlybird articles and visuals for the second month in a row!

t c i r t s i D tes Upda

CNH Newsletter

Cyberkey www.cnhkeyclub.org/


t c e n Con us with @d15ngiraffes



Contac Club Presidents ALTA LOMA


Chengui Wang

Nasser Elihajjaoui





Claudia Renero

Carla Balveneda

aguedarenero47@gmail.com carla10695@gmail.com



Franchesca Ho

Jessica Ortega

franchesca.ho394@gmail.com d15n.rchs.president@gmail.com



Charlene Sangalang

MISSING d15.ehspresident@gmail.com Please submit ASAP!

UPLAND Danny Deicid



ct Us! Division leadership Team




Aaysha Memon

Allie Price



EVENT COORDINATIOR EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS Grace Yang Chenghui Wang & Alyssandra Guanzon d15n.events@gmail.com


NEWS EDITOR Alyssa Nelson






Amy Le d15n.techeditor@gmail.com

Caitlin Huang




Andrew Yuki Le d15n.maintc@gmail.com

Andrea Ruiz Alvarez d15n.treasurer@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!

keyclub.org cnhkeyclub.org

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