CHHS Key Club February Newsletter

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CHHS Newsletter | February 2017

Division 15 | Region 13 | CNH

Chino Hills Key Club high school

Vol VII | Issue V


2 Index 3 President Elect Note 4 d15 x d35e DCM 5 Officer of the Month 6 Conclave 7 Upcoming Events 8 Meet the Board 10 News Edior Note 11 Contact Us

I feel so lucky and happy to be the next President of the 20172018 Key Club year! I really look forward to volunteering with amazing, caring officers as well as members, and I can’t wait to continue to grow our club! Thank you to those who supported me and let’s rock this next school year!

President Elect Note

Erin Huang| Pres E.

January DCM Gina Min | VP E.

At the January DCM I had an amazing time. Not only were we able to fundraise for key club, but we were able to have fun with our friends. We began the DCM off by the usual update of attendance and the events going on with our clubs in Division 15. Our Vice President Erin Huang received an award and Michelle Ho, our Division Secretary, gave every secretary a sweet treat. It made me happy to see such sweet acts of kindness. After the icebreakers with Division 35E, we were able to start iceskating! We had so much fun just playing around, although my feet hurt. My friend, Alyssa Nelson, also asked her boyfriend to Winter Formal and it was so adorable. There was a good amount of members who came to this event from CHHS and everyone had a grand ol' time.

Congrats! Shout out to Erin Huangster for being an amazing VP, and future Pres! We all love you so much and appreciate all the hard work you do for us all!! We know you amazing things waiting for you!

Upcoming Events 2/23 BRE Mother Son Dance 2/24 BRE Father Daughter Dance 2/25 CHHS x Ayala Hike February DCM 4/9 DCON! 4/15 Polynesian Club Luau Set Up Tedx Set up

Region 13

Conclave Isabella Tan | Tech Editor E. This year's region 13 conclave was at the San Jose Charter Academy. At this event, key clubbers listened to the speeches of LTG candidates from various divisions. Delegates would then vote for their new LTG!! The candidates' speeches were all very engaging and captivating. It was really intriguing being able to hear candidates express their love for key club and how it inspired them to run. Not only did I get to listen to some amazing speeches, but I also got to meet some giraffes from Ayala Key Club!! Our new LTG for D15s ended up being Michelle Ho and for D15n, Allie Price!! Overall, I really enjoyed attending conclave and definitely recommend members to attend next year!!

Josie Ma Treasurer

Andreana Flores News Editor


Gina Min Vice President President Sara Wang Vice President

Leo Park Secretary


Erin Huang President

Isabella Tan Tech Editor

Jackeline Ngo Director of Activities

News Editor Note

Hey y'all it's me again!! Can you believe we're already going into March next week?! This year is going by crazy fast along with our term! If you guys didn't already know I'm no longer going to attend CHHS and won't be able to see all your guys beautiful faces, but jokes on you, you can't get rid of me I'm gunna visit you lovelies all the time <3. With that, this is my second to last newsletter already T^T BUT I LEAVE YOU ALL IN GREAT HANDS! My child Andreana will take great care of all you guys as soon as I'm gone and will continue the legacy of news editor!!! Even though the term as well as school year is coming to an end and we are all starting to wind down, let's all make sure to put 100% of our effort into everything by going to lots of service events we have and don't give up! I love you guys as always, adios!

Alyssa Nelson | News Editor

Contact Us!

President Jackeline Ngo | Vice President Erin Huang | Secretary Irene Yoon | Treasurer Jake Yoon | Tech Editor Ally Chien | News Editor Alyssa Nelson | Director of Activities SaraWang | Spirit Chair GinaMin |

Thanks Reading! for

Follow Us! CHHS Key Club keyclubexecutiveboard@g @chhskeyclub @chhskc @chhskc to 81010

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