CHHS Key Club September Newsletter

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CHHS CHHS Newsletter Newsletter | | September September 2016 2016

I V E U S S I | I I V E M U L VO

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Table of

Contents TOC 2 vice president's note 3 club rush 4 August DCM 6 isaiah's rock 7 website 8 upcoming events 9 editor's note 10 contact us 11

Meet your vice president Derek Kutsunai | Vice President HEYY KEY CLUBBERS ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN... BACK TO SCHOOL! When we come back to school that also means that we are back in action with the events and now there will be even more events! This year will be a lot of fun because we so many fun events lined up!! Don't forget we have a meeting every Monday in the Small Gym at Lunch. You should not miss these because this will inform you on new events! Also you can join or remind or go to our BRAND NEW WEBSITE to get informed! I'm really excited for this year and getting to hang out with YALL!! Have a Good School Year!

Club Rush

Jackline Ngo | President YAAAAY!!!!! THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR HAS COME AROUND, AND THAT MEANS A NEW YEAR OF KEY CLUB WITH NEW MEMBERS, RETURNING MEMBERS AND EVENTS!!! Club rush has been a week long during lunch and extremely busy for all the clubs on campus and KEY CLUB!!! We all set up during lunch the whole week with posters, buttons, sign up sheets, and candy! We also had members help spread information about key club to interested incoming members as well as Gina and Alyssa pursuading people to join! It was a super fun time to come out and sit at the booth while spreading information about Key Club and meet all our new giraffe bbys interested in Key Club!! If you’re reading this, JOIN KEY CLUB!!! YOU WON’T REGRET IT!!!!!

Derek Kutsunai | Vice President ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! The time to see all those future key clubbers sign up and return to the one of the greatest clubs ever, KEY CLUB. This year at club rush it was SO MUCH FUN and we had a lot of ppl who signed up to be apart of our key club. Out of the 5 days we were the only booth to constantly get people to come out and still sign up!! We had returners and new faces but they all said they wanted to better the community so they joined! We handed out flyers and had a big booth set up to endorse us and we told ppl we meet every Monday at lunch in the small gym!! When we said that everyone was super pumped to go and it was a really GREAT FEELING!! I'm honestly so excited for this year not only as an officer but as a member Because I know that this club has a bright future!!! I CAN NOT WAIT TO HOLD THE FIRST MEETING THIS YEAR AND ITLL BE SO FUN AND THE VIBE WILL BE GREAT!!

August DCM

Erin Huang | Vice President This past month's Division Council Meeting was actually really fun! We met at a English Springs Park near my house so it was a really easy ride! When we got there we went though each school and it was really cool to how their clubs were progressing especially as the new school year starts. It was also nice to hear about the events the division and the clubs had coming up! There were a bunch of school fundraisers as well as bondings! After the meeting we played Jukebox where we all go into different teams and have to sing a song based on the key word that our LTG gives us. I didn't know a lot of people in my team but they were actually really kind and we even won the game! After that we had Hawaiian BBQ, it was so delicious! I had to go home early but I heard the service event after was pretty neat too!(We made doge toys and cards for children in the hospital & dylssa happened LOL ­ Alyssa) I'm looking forward to the next DCM with all my friends!

Isaiah's Rock Gina Min | Spirit Chair Isaiah's Rock has always been one of my favorite events and I was glad enough to be able to attend it, being the first event of the school year! We did many things, such as organizing clothes for distribution/donation and preparing food. This being the first official event of the school year, so many members, new and old, came to help around the house! It was great to meet the new freshman members and get to know everyone else too while at the same time working for the owners and providing help for less fortunate. As we sorted clothes, some members were even to find some snazzy clothes to take home ( I got my $1 bby jacket ). Those who cooked made hotdogs, fries, and melons for dinner and it was delicious for the less fortunate as well as those who ate dinner! This was my first event as a freshman and it was super exciting to see those who enjoyed it as much as I did back then!!

New Website!

Alyssa Nelson | News Editor Hey guys so if you haven’t already heard we recently revamped our club website ( it’s lit! Because our site was WAAYYY overdue for an upgrade ya girl decided to fresh start and make a new page where you can find everything you need involving CHHS Key Club! Within the website you can find hours, files, events and more! We also have our photo gallery where you can find pictures from all our events, submit to us through any of our social media and we’ll add it up :D! Let me know if you have any comments, questions and critiques you’d like to give it would mean a lot!

Upcoming Events September DCM God's Pantry College Night Tastea Fundraiser Project Pie Fundraiser Ice Skating Social Isaiah's Rock RTC

NEWS EDITOR's NOTE Alyssa Nelson | News Editor

HAPPY SEPTEMBER GUYS! I hope everyone is prospering in their studies and extra curriculars so far WOO! CHHS Key Club is back up and running, hopefully y'all have been attending meetings and going to our new events, and for our new members WELCOME TO THE FAMBAM :D!!! This month has been great so far we've seen lots of you guys attending events and coming to the last two meetings and it makes my heart warm <3. We've also been planing some exciting social events and funraisers *cough tastea* SO ANTICIPATE THOSE TO COME SOON! I wish you all the best for the rest of the month and will see you again next month!!!

Upcoming events

Jackeline Ngo President Erin Huang Vice President Derek Kutsunai Vice President Irene Yoon Secretary Jake Yoon Treasurer Ally Chien Tech Editor Alyssa Nelson News Editor Sara Wang Director of Activities Gina Min Spirit Chair

Contact us! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns!

r o f s k n a h T ding! a e R Chino Hills High Key Club @chhskeyclub @chhskc

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