Liverpool Lifestyle JUNE 2020

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J U N E 2020


pursue a new course or a new association.

ARIES (21 MARCH–19 APRIL) This is a month where both singles and those with partners can advance at speed or change with dramatic intensity. Money and relationships figure strongly. There may be beneficial news, important opportunity and romantic meetings all coming at you. However, you’ll need to take a hard look at spending.

LEO (23 JULY – 22 AUGUST) You may decide to study or increase the dimension of your knowledge as you move from one level of wisdom to the next.You may develop new practices or skills to use later on. A new relationship may change the state of things, where you’re living and even life direction.

TAURUS (20 APRIL – 20 MAY) You will have luck on your side so make the most of it and strike while the iron is hot.Opportunity comes through those you meet and you may expand your activities into new areas through such influence. All of this may contribute to career development. GEMINI (21 MAY – 20 JUNE) This is an expansive phase where you can gain greatly through being out there, keeping a clear and positive attitude and being ready to take the chances that come. New ideas, new working associations and new social directions are keys to the future.


CANCER (21 JUNE – 22 JULY) Your dynamic style will attract attention from on high, and you might shift career tracks within the same business or industry. Whether single or committed, some may have to leave a lot behind in order to

VIRGO (23 AUGUST – 22 SEPTEMBER) It will be a time of quiet planning, and you’ll need plenty of privacy in order to see things as they really are.Your perseverance in the love department pays off in a lovely way. Couples make interesting new sparks now, while singletons can find someone to warm their heart. LIBRA (23 SEPTEMBER – 22 OCTOBER) Your big heart and grand intentions fuel you this month. Your natural optimism will be a spiritual optimism drawn from the deepest of wells within you. You’re electrified by a new vision, whether it’s one of reconnecting or starting fresh, and you’re electrically attractive as well. SCORPIO (23 OCTOBER – 21 NOVEMBER) You may have dealings with wealthy or powerful people. You may discuss money in a new way. You may embark on a course of learning that brings deep knowledge. For some there

may be a sexual liaison from the world of your associates. SAGITTARIUS (22 NOVEMBER -21 DECEMBER) There may be new connections that come into emotional and domestic sphere of your life and alter your living conditions. Singles can soar through, while couples might plan a great escape together.You may begin to devote energy to a cause or a new spiritual direction. CAPRICORN (22 DECEMBER – 19 JANUARY) This month will draw you on the path of a search for truth and deeper meaning. For some, this will bring an enrichment of current direction as you seek to know and understand more of what you do. Others will study them insightfully through detachment. AQUARIUS (20 JANUARY – 18 FEBRUARY) This is a testing time and big decisions may be better left till later. You may feel pulled in different directions, and it can be hard to find a balance and to fill your own personal needs. You may fall out with someone or someone may leave your circle. PISCES (19 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH) New projects will go well for you, though they will occasionally reach a hectic pace.The investments may be an appealing prospect and you will want your money to work for you. Your natural optimism will no longer be in any way a surface or superficial cheerfulness.


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