Nicole Jones
A True Renaissance Woman
lways ready to display the length she wanted, whenever she felt it. Nicole Jones has adorned long nails since 1993 and loved them as a child. Admitting it is a task acquiring an occupation with nails her length. She explained the difficulties of applying for work when people assume efficiency is futile with those nails. A statement those of us in the workplace know all too well. Fortunately, it has not hindered her career. The Owner of Exquisite Design Nail Salon and a licensed cosmetologist. A professional model and promotional model for The Tampa Bay Tornadoes Arena football. The nail it down stride she carries down the runway draws oohs and ahs alike. As for the iniquity of her bombastic nails. The rude questions people ask in a judgmental tone. Not appreciat-
ed, nor warranted for this fashionista. A nail tech, her designs are unique and personal, drawing more attention for their art than substantial length. She utilizes the stretch of her paws for her artistry. In essence, they display the skills and professional aptitude of this intriguing enchantress. The emergence of other women who enjoy long and decorative nails has made it more of an accessory few can adapt to and maintain. X’treme Nailz Magazine delves into the extreme nail paradox as a positive endeavor many have longed to get an in-depth perspective on, eroding many of the negative assumptions people generally fall prey to. Nearly all the women in this genre have dealt with irritating toilet questions. Although annoying, Nicole understands the lack of underTREME NAILS MAGAZINE • 21