April 2020 O&P Almanac

Page 52


Feature your product or service in Marketplace. Contact Bob Heiman at 856/673-4000 or email bob.rhmedia@comcast.net. Visit bit.ly/almanac20 for advertising options.

ALPS Valve Integrated Pump ALPS Valve Integrated Pump (VIP) is just what you need for elevated vacuum systems. Designed with the practitioner in mind, the VIP is easy to install and easy to use. Once the amputee dons the prosthesis and places a seal sleeve over the socket, the pump is activated from the user’s weight during heel strike, and draws elevated vacuum after toe-off during swing phase. Engineered out of a medical-grade silicone and two valves to control the airflow, the VIP is available with two different levels of vacuum to accommodate most users’ activity levels and skin types. Call us or visit www.easyliner.com for more information.


2nd Generation Coapt Control Gen2 is the all-new and reimagined myoelectric pattern recognition control system from Coapt. Compatible as an add-on system to virtually every powered upper-limb prosthetic configuration, Gen2 unleashes an unprecedented level of personal, intuitive control for its wearers. Coapt’s Gen2 has enhanced the performance of the COMPLETE CONTROL pattern recognition core and introduces unrivaled new features, changing the field once again: • CONTROL COACHTM—An onboard A.I. companion guiding the wearer through accelerated learning and adoption of their prosthesis control • ADAPTIVE ADVANCETM—An extra machine learning layer capable of continuously improving Gen2’s harmony with its wearer. For more information, visit www.coaptengineering.com.

A Perfect Fit for You and Your Patients Apis custom program offers practitioners best options and services for patient compliance. All products are covered under risk-free guaranteed-fit promise. We stand firmly behind our words. Call us at 1-888/937-2747.

LEAP Balance Brace Hersco’s Lower-Extremity Ankle Protection (LEAP) brace is designed to aid stability and proprioception for patients at risk for trips and falls. The LEAP is a short, semirigid anklefoot orthosis that is functionally balanced to support the foot and ankle complex. It is fully lined with a lightweight and cushioning Velcloth interface, and is easily secured and removed with two Velcro straps and a padded tongue. For more information, call 800/301-8275 or visit www.hersco.com. 50


Consistently capture true anatomy under weight-bearing conditions with the Symphonie® Aqua System, available through Cypress Adaptive. This innovative, hydrostatic technology replicates the exact forces one would experience while standing in a prosthetic socket. The accuracy of the weight-bearing impression eliminates the need for cast modifications and enables the practitioner to achieve consistent outcomes and efficiently provide the patient with a comfortable, well-fitting socket. For more information, contact Cypress Adaptive at 888/715-8003 or visit our website, www.cypressadaptive.com.

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