The Eliminate Project

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The Eliminate Project

What is The Eliminate Project? •  A massive Kiwanis and UNICEF effort to “eliminate” maternal and neonatal tetanus around the world –  Thus allowing for both Key Club and KIWIN’S to support the project as well •  In order to entirely “eliminate” maternal and neonatal tetanus a total of about $110 million US dollars will be needed in order to... –  supply the syringes and vaccines –  provide transportation –  safe storage of materials –  a staff of over 1,000 skilled professionals •  The Eliminate Project is not just a project but the opportunity to give someone the chance to live.

What is Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus? •  Tetanus –  1. A bacterial disease marked by rigidity and spasms of the voluntary muscles. –  2. The prolonged contraction of a muscle caused by rapidly repeated stimuli. •  Maternal- Relating to the mother •  Neonatal- Relating to the newborn •  MNT basically gives excruciating affects at birth — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful involuntary movements of the limb and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. •  This is very very painful for the newborn

Who is affected? •  Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus affects not only a mother but also her child. •  This disease is highly preventable but it affects mothers and children who have little or no access to healthcare because they cannot afford it or live in remote areas. •  MNT kills a baby every 11 minutes, 130 newborns a day, and nearly 49,000 newborns a year. •  Although we have eliminated MNT from many countries, the mothers and children of 23 nations still suffer from MNT.

How Can We Help? •  We can help by creating various fundraisers contributing to Project Eliminate •  Through a series of three vaccinations for $1.80, you can save a mother and all her future children from tetanus. •  Help Kiwanis and UNICEF eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus from this world and do your part to save a baby’s life today by raising awareness for this completely preventable disease with your friends, families, and school.

Goals and Progress? •  This year KIWIN’S has set a goal to raise $20,000 for The Eliminate Project by June of 2016 –  As of July 13th 2015 KIWIN’S has raised $5,911 and 67 cents this is about 30% of our goal already! •  Ways to earn funds... –  Hold fundraisers •  restaurant fundraisers, sell merchandise(buttons, sweaters etc…) –  Ask for donations •  Simply asking for donations at meetings, socials, and events can help raise funds for the cause –  Work with Kiwanis, Key Clubs, other KIWIN’S clubs to help contribute even more to the project and its efforts to “eliminate” maternal and neonatal tetanus.


Additional Resources •  Visit to learn more information about the Eliminate Project •  *Note* There are many videos about The Eliminate Project find one that you feel is most impactful! •  The Eliminate Project Article/Website: –

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