January 20, 2017 Money-Politics, Psychology Of MindSet And The Mindset In Money-Politics/Psychology
(Copyrights: H.Endres) Dear Professor Carol Dweck, my wife is a special education teacher in the arch religious fanatic wealthy KKK ALEC and NRA Republican Nazis ( yes, that’s what they are FYI!) led Cincinnati’s public school system. A “public” system which is in the progress of religious conservative and corporate take-over / or as they say “reform”, among others due to such inconsistent social scientific assumptions as the “Possibility”- or as a similar big business scheme is now called “Mindset” which are evidently too hasty run internationally while dumbing down students as well as teachers alone by leaving them in gray-areas of not knowing what to do and say except only to join the crazy ideologues-run mindset & growth’s research-based pretense-game. I dislike academic dishonesty as much as I will always slightly hold in disrespect all American and some International academics’s absurd political correctness when they are confronted with some eluding religious US Collegeseducated American conservative BS-artists, as I am implying with this email too, elaborated. My wife and I do not actually in complete disagree with many aspects of Prof. Dweck “Mindset”-work as the new social science “in”-thing made-up in Corporate America. We like many others simply disagree with the relevancy/domination of “Mindset”/ perception of self as measure of anything in education. Since the Mindset as the name already imply not only goes into religious indoctrination and brain-washing children, but is generally educating students to be widely unrealistic dreamers, or in worst cases liars and con-artists in an inherently conservative nepotists-dominated and fast-failing militaristic slave-loan labor and mass unemployment market. The Mathematical scientific and methodological inconsistencies of Professor Carol Dweck’s and her team’s Mindset-work, or Dweck’s Dreck as we Germans would call it all, I really couldn’t and don’t have to successfully point out and elaborate here. There are others far better in Mathematics and psychology qualified; bloggers, physicists and academic social scientists who are already sequencing the many ideologic and corporate sales-men nonsensical pseudo science oozing like religious cartels’ and private corporate fake-news funded by the USA, the Vatican, Middle East and Russia’s oligarchs since some times now. "Not many psychologists are very good at maths," says Brown. "Not many psychologists are even good at the maths and statistics you have to do as a psychologist” PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
https://www.buzzfeed.com/tomchivers/what-is-your-mindset? utm_term=.hee02QBlxA#.xm4357vlxB https://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/jan/19/mathematics-of-happinessdebunked-nick-brown http://andrewgelman.com/2016/05/12/happy-talk-meet-the-edlin-factor/ #comment-272996 We all understand the psychological human and particular children’s need for “positive” thought, believing in one-self, positive feed-backs, and the positivists’ human mindset is also useful as cheap kitty/puppy marketing strategy to sell/fill with anything, even absolute nonsense. But making those defuse-emotional pseudo-scientific subjective and frankly irrational interpretations dominant center-point of leading social and educational science, which then induced wide-scale global education reforms, which will then lead to grandiose Kumbaya social and even political changes in students’ performance is outright humbug, if not pure ideological frauds, which ignores primary data sets to will-nilly grab any secondary and tertiary desired data set, mix it up with inconclusive and non-relating Mathematics to proclaim that annoyingly asinine Libertarian Ayn Rand-sche religious conservative growth-ideology: “Just believe us”; the positivity/secret/mindset authors, claim “and you and your child too will grow as rich as Donald Trump.” While the just believe-positivity-mindset-charlatanry grow into powerful billionaires’s businesses and various mega Corporate Presidents Trumps rise from such colluded opportunistic nepotistic lies and colluded myths globally, as if you banally religious conservative people were all mentally ill degenerated, retarded apes ( What we humans merely are, - violently dumb evolved apes -, in my opinion just in different gradients and severity regardless of how evolved and civilized elitists religious extremists White apes, be them American or Middle Eastern, in particular see yourselves in light of your cognitive ignorance of those violently cracking mirrors right in front of you.) who know only to self-deceive, deceive others, and/or mass murder the common people or induce their deaths hideously perpetually successful domestic and in slow-mo genocides since at least 1776 when it comes to the USA alone. And in the USA the American psychology PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
association is always a willful business partner and elites of Psychology are always willful complicit in the over-medicated and mind-polluted devastation of human intelligence, of human rights and of Diversity on the planet. Hitler would have love the American Psychology Associations, as well as Breitbart / Fox Noise-news and the whole leagues of incompetent, overzealous wealthy corporate uber-religious fundamentalist right-wing advertisement-funded fakenews establishments and pseudo-scientific make-believers. Human science and social science have been rather disappointing partisan and ethnocentric religious politicized garbages in the USA since the very begin of the USA: from neglecting to collect exact data on the genocides White settlers committed on Native-Americans, to witchhunts on progressive women, LGBTQ ( via Reefer-Madness, Hysteria etc. things your elusive US American conservative religion-affected psychology field pulled out of their racist white imaginative, not to say lying, asses) to the KKK lynching Black people and Hispanics for generations, and still on-going via your racist/confederate militarized trigger-happy religious extremists and white supremacist “ god’s squads” in police uniforms, and particular via those KKK in political office dressed up as religious world leaders; via the fanatic Nazis-like US armsindustry cartel NRA, via religious secret billionaire societies and other mega corporate and big pharmaceutic billionaires who kill more people with deadly addictive "medicine" in the USA than Islamic terrorists or Christian terrorists combined could, fossil-fueled cabals who privately own many “experts” in the field of psychology and nearly the entire US American state’s elites, including politicians. Global mass surveillance programs, secret mass concentration camps & torture prisons run by CIA agents and US assassinations-squads whom all the religious fundamental US President (Trump today) can commands to rid off his enemies and “subversives”, all things the STASI as well as Hitler’s Nazis would have love to have and would be so very proud of you US Americans of. All such colluded atrocities always involved since the Associations’ creation relevant segments and the leaderships of the American psychology Associations in secrets, now mind you. Psssst..
People like Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Betsy DeVos and Prof. Carol Dweck are endemic evidence that the USA is dominated by opportunistic lying / facts-obstructing / important details omitting ultra religious conservative big business psychologists & ideologydriven wealthy social engineers/ academic educated pseudo-science selling BS-Artists, who seem to be on far too many of their own happy-medications. Or high on the belief in 'the Secret/ Beyond your best-/god-sects and similar make-beliefs as their generator of monetary growths. Financial growth for them certainly only, cognitive and economic decline for most of of the American society where the empty gaps and empty stomachs are being filled up with false hopes and positivity-mindset-myths & religious force-proselytizing charity scams, while such asinine career pathological liars/ obscurants only lie about or rather “ obscure”/neglect to mention their own monetary enrichment via non-reproducible tax-free charity-BS and private-public corporate “partnerships”, as they lie about most of their absurd own research’s 'neglect-able' data sets, their illogical argumentations, and about the mindless oligarchic misogynistic religious fundamentalist status-racist opinions which is underlying the absurd positivity-Mindset-BS. And we others certainly not dare question those kinds of elites's pseudo-academic fraudulence publicly, because they are such elusive well-versed white liars/obscurants with high prestiges and national business reputations. Our wealthy elite University educated dumb people- with banal self-overrating ultra right-wing billionaire elitists as Peter Thiel, Betsy DeVos, Carol Dweck and Steve Bannon - with such giant Affluenza as large as their criminal ego. Fanatic egos , which are capable of bankrupting anyone or ruin anyone’s legitimate critics's carrier/ tenure, or they can even send one of their legalized killers in police uniforms or CIA Assassins after “subversives” ones to shoot you in a fabricated traffic-stop? Would YOU know?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X0mgOOSpLU http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/16/technology/peter-thiel-donald-j-trump.html?_r=1 http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/22/magazine/peter-thiels-heroic-politicalfantasies.html https://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/this-is-how-steve-bannon-sees-the-entire-world? utm_term=.ddKA4DZq7G#.uhgoPrBpy2
Might it be that Betsy DeVos, Bannon and Thiel received similar anti-diversity/ antisecularism-based higher self-identity “Mindset” miseducation in Stanford and/or Yale as you are giving now in Stanford and spreading into general education globally like a religion, dear Prof. Dweck? Where I am at one of the reasons we are contacting you today: The reasonable boundaries of non-linear mathematic have been overstepped among others certainly as usual to tunnel federal cash to a few family dynasties and corporate conglomerates resulting in mega oligopoly big business ponzi's and big DATA's McCarthyism Stasi-like opportunists’s led obscurantism and pseudoscience. Religious universities-educated Ideologues appear united in their exercise of trying sometimes too annoyingly very hard to dress their faulty work in the social sciences, which, by definition, are not closely connected to very precise physical laws and processes, in the exalted language of mathematics and mathematical physics- be it via fake science, fake news, fake polls, fake crime data, fake pro-life/ anti-abortion facts, fake scientific claims and organized fakery of happiness, empty primitive religious virtues and sick values, and beliefs in imaginary genetic superior white mindset. Not just such abuse of science and mathematical excesses can lead to nonsense; any such attempts are all religious nonsense than in anyway ways based on valid scientific methodology. Religious, partially fascistic nonsenses disguised as science, as politics or law/justice, where the richest pathological liars and bullshit artists form even the recent U.S. government and the president. We should also not dismiss what such American excess in abusive prescribing of big pharmaceutic psychoactive medications as opioids, meth, and Adderall do to the minds of wealthy and already without psychopharmaceutics pretty ruthless wealthy religious people in politics and religious states, who are stuck in sociopathic state of religious “pro-life while 33,3000 gun deaths /1,300 annual deaths caused by US trigger-happy and often with a deadly racist “Mindset” police officers annually are ignored for mere white supremacist religious pseudo-political greed for gun profits as freedommake-beliefs and pseudo-scientific climate change deniers’ fakery for corporate/ big pharm.’s charity dark money. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jan/18/2016-hottest-year-everrecorded-and-scientists-say-human-activity-to-blame
USA’ Positivity/HAPPINESS/Mindset-shtick even wrapped in thoughtfully preached garbage, or some of the most-unrelating stringed-together and discriminating Google and Facebook’s fake-news hurling Algorithms are still just make-believing BS not just to my wife and to me no matter how the conservative NCLB-while LACPB ( no child left behind, while reality is to leave all colored/poor people/LGBTQ+/ non and other religious people behind)- ideology is repacked and reshuffled. But nevertheless my wife and I noticed additive one of Professor Carol Dweck’s many fallacies in her Mindset-myths: You Prof. Dweck and your team utilize successful US athletes, basketball players as your chosen examples and idols for your mindset-story-telling. I understand that Football and playing basketball successfully and maybe even becoming quasi a star and a millionaire for a while through sports is seen as economic and social success. But even-though one must infer and admit that most of those guys went to College for concussions and other cognitive deficits-increasing physical injuries, they received inflicted to them while “studying” on elite US Colleges. So using such athletes to sell and dictate your mindset into education and to students and teachers is not necessary the kind of academic “mindset” (pun intended, g’nadige Frau) I’d expect from a superb educated American female or any competent academic professor, dear Prof. Dweck, as you who supposedly seek to improve students’ understanding and comprehensions of complex fields of matter as science, climate, equality and planet. What is your “mindset” worth, ($7bn of taxpayer money spent in the last 20 years on football stadiums alone, I suppose not already as much too?. Source:See below) when billions of Dollars in US education are wasted on Football stadiums? Universities in the USA are full of people with the “mindset” of hyper violent, misogynistic, closet-homosexual, religious extremist buttom-grabbing, date-drug rapist cro-magnon-man-like gladiators on steroids, and guns on US College campuses shows your absolute genocidal white supremacist American intent a-new for that matter.. For example: On higher education & Football (the American excuse of “Foot”-ball) is the what-ever-it-takes “mindset” of a Black or White 300 pound College football player with lasting concussion injuries, and the intellect and mind of a 13 years old more valuable to the player himself, or to Investors/“owners” and gamblers, dear Prof Dweck? https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2017/jan/12/san-diego-chargers-los-angelesmove-nfl-owners PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
So my questions are: Do severe head-injuries/concussions-endangered Football players/ athletes necessary belong in the highly cognitive demanding academic environment of Colleges and Universities? Or will their “mind-set” suffice and carry them through demanding academic courses even-though their brain-cells’s connectivity degenerate from head collision to head collision? What about kids polluted with Lead water in Flint, they all just need the right “Mindset”, our “prayers” and more “god” and a father and a mother in their lives, I’ll presume Prof. Dweck? Secondly: Weren’t you Prof Dweck and your team aware that particular the athletes you love to mention to justify your “research-based Mindset” have unique autistic dedication and focus alone mainly for one passion, and different socialization history unlike most “normal” people? Meaning, your mindset might apply only for certain levels of autistic minds under certain social, environmental and other ideal circumstances/conditions, or maybe even for wealthy White religious conservative US American children alone, your state’s students maybe only even? Afterall you Americans’ might be in-deed exceptional and superior genetically-, if we are all around Earth to assume so from seeing Trump’s “winner-mindset”-, a reason why your mindset-results are not so easy reproducible by others expect by you and your team Prof Dweck? 3rd: Speaking of Trump’s “winner-mindset” Prof Dweck, would you say pathological liars and self-overrating, cognitively and intellectually so far under-performing rich colluding Neocons’ successes as Trump are an evidence of the efficacy of your mindset-growth-hypothesis, or rather the absolute devastation of it? Opinions, please?! In other words Prof. Dweck: Is Donald Trump not already the living personification/ idol and the kind of future uniform “I lie to win, you honest people are all losers”-personalityPSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
type your mindset-growth educated students will naturally become? In other words, will your mindset-educated students not just mainly become successful con-artists and pathologic colluding liars. Just as Trump? Mind you please there are large historical and quantitative data to support the thesis that the USA, but generally religious states/nations are in the particular predisposition to harboring, nourishing and growing highly economic and socially successful pathological liars, cut-throats, colluding cabals and religious Ponzi schemers.
4th: Prof. Dweck Do you think education generally should be made in every following generation easier for students? should we put only academic problems in front of students which they can coup with, so they never fail nor know failing, Prof. Dweck? Opinions please! 5th: Would your mindset study yield same exact results independent from the students cognitive ability, independent from social/family, geography/national/climatic and nutritional value? (<= is the student’s mindset tested for starving for security from armed white supremacists, KKK/ Trump and for food first rather than for knowledge?) What about the “mindset” of refugee children freezing to death right now? And Black U.S students with PTSD alone from large numbers of racist police induced homicides in their cities, and incoming KKK grand dragon as Attorney General, Prof Dweck? Many racist, colluded lying US Killer-Cops-incidences’s politics and policies, and the mentally ill Book-deals dreaming fraudulent fake news media and corrupt elite KKK defenselawyers paid-off Juries’s judgments connected to them for example Prof Dweck are not just mindset ”bias”, that ruthless ignorant Mindset are among Neocons biggest source of income & their road filled with dead bodies and lies leading ultra conservatives to national political domination: https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertsamaha/blue-lies-matter? utm_term=.pcA4az8mvl#.kba4Q5b8L3 PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38611693 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/12/baltimore-justicedepartment-police-reform-agreement Ex-investigator’s suit alleges corruption, coverup-Mindset? http://northjersy.news/ 2h8JDhG via @northjersey 6th: People, particular students with PTSD, or students in clergy sex abuse-cases and women who where p*ssy-grabbed raped by Trump would you see your “mindset”-program as such victims-supporting psychology, or as supporting the offenders, Prof Dweck? What about CIA torturers, the people who clean up homicides after the police, or the moderators who work with “inhumane and disgusting content”, or white religious fanatic US KKK police officers who collude to loot or shoot brown, lgbtq, feminists and secular people, they too are simply to develop the kind of infinitively ignorant “Mindset” you are prescribing as their coping mechanism with deadly fascism and nazism, I will assume Prof. Dweck? Your academic arrogance to be extreme ignorance-driven, dear madame, and that of countless US BS elite Colleges educated religious conservative elitist bull-shit-artists as you, are rather telling Prof Carol Dweck,. In fact of many of your white old conservative males it a frightening form of pseudo-academic, opportunistic ignorance, which is enabling, aiding and berates the ongoing US American as well as global fascism oozing out from the USA and Middle East. The below religious white supremacist insanity-drive “Mindset”, Prof. Dweck is YOUR fault among many others’s political & academic American certainly. And you all know that as well as I do too since the field of psychology has always been an useful of the religious extremist big money establishment concept mainly of ruthless sociopath who employ and deploy armed killers in uniforms to evade public scrutiny, to control the angry impoverished masses and monetize us as ongoing since centuries not just in the USA, but particularly here in ultra UBER religious conservative parts of the U.S.A:
https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertsamaha/blue-lies-matter? utm_term=.pcA4az8mvl#.kba4Q5b8L3 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jan/11/microsoft-employees-childabuse-lawsuit-ptsd ‘I, the most wickedest richest men of god create conflict to stay in power, why I invented god was alone 4 power’~ Abraham& his other degenerated Bros: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/chicago-priest-puts-a-bounty-on-heads-of-killers/? ftag=CNM-00-10aab0g Fanatic religious Pro-life and religious Killer bounty-priests & even a patriarchal #P*ssygrabbing child-King-President are those the religious #GamblingMafia’s leaders “Mindset”, or how do you interpret such fanatic patriarchal mind-set . Prof. Dweck? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/11/tennessee-woman-released-abortionattempt-tennessee Were all the above mentioned US American sociopathic psychopaths possibly former students of your “Mindset”-filled psychopaths-creating programs, Professor Dweck, or does a slight majority of the ( White) religious US American society just has an inherently violencedriven “Mindset” and genocidal genealogy? Can you elaborate how students should have a “positive Mindset” in one of the most deadly violent racist gun-fanatic, as it is religious fanatic armed KKK, ISIS and other sick religious fanatic bastards filled USA with mentally ill fanatic p*ssy-grabbing rapists as political, big business and Intelligence leaders? An USA with more than 33,300 gun deaths where as 1,300 dead Americans annually are police-induced and only “voluntary counted, thus police-induced homicides on minorities, the poor and secularists are obviously by far under-reported, if not at all. Could you do the “research-based” Math on such significant questions, please? I’m rather curious of your imaginative results on those forms of religious extremist institutionalized status-racist, misogynistic, homophobic ethnocentric
sociopathic “Mindset” of you banally religious and megalomanic delusional religious conservative US American (white) wealthy males, Prof. Dweck. As said before Professor Dweck, we do not disagree, (as a public school teacher in religious conservative Trump Ohio my wife can’t publicly say too much against your inconclusive and practically for Special Education useless “Mindset” garbage anyway without risking her public school teacher job in this ALEC NRA & KKKK Trump Tech & fake-news corporate cronies led post-truth- era which you pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-academic right-wing and ultra religious Corporate US con-artists enabled, dear Prof Dweck FYI) with the general intent of your “mindset” research. But the general value of your “Mindset-fraud for education, social and academic performance-improvement of the US American or any society and the human race alone based on wishful over-emphasized, hyper-religious “just believe in yourself and buy my Mindsetthinking” are rather doubtful. Considering how gullible a large part of the educated US American and Brexit voters fell for misogyny and anti-Hillary fake-news run as the ultra conservative mindset for hyper moralized liars-politics of asinine big business cronies, encouraging mentally ill white idiots and religious Nazis , at least in cases of adults idiots as Trump, with your Mindset BS is evidently not recommended by such extreme form of ignorant megalomanic delusion and disregard for all facts and formalities as it is usual among a large part of your pitifully misogynistic religious totalitarian US American ( white males primarily but not only) males . Meaning Prof. Dweck, you can sell and teach your hyper-positivistic, ignorant mindset-Dreck as the shiny new “science-based”trick to make wealthy pathologically lying and deceitful US American students jump the hoops, but the real mindset of success of the American society is presented, represented and resent at the same time, as idols for a “just believe” and militaristic, ruthlessly genocidal imperialistic growth-mindset-society are Athletes/soldiers, and psychopathic Nazis and KKK in US police uniforms who hideously shoot to kill poor White liberals, secularists, LGBTQ and poor POC hideously, mass killing like religious sects run police officers on steroids and on opioids. Your retention “science-based generations of “Mindset”-lies under various names and terms Dr. Dweck are among what enabled and allowed Hitler, Stalin, McCarthy, etc. etc. and now Trump to flourish: Keeping a whole violent specie in an ignorant religious "Mindset" in itself is the most violent religious Nazism. Congratulation Prof. Dweck, the US Republicans and Trump proved in-deed that particular colluding white liars, pussy-grabbing rapists, criminal Vatican and other religious mafia thugs, with their ever-self-over-estimating, PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
delusional colluded fraudulent and mindlessly ignorant mind-set make it to the top of the foodchain and nuclear-drones-chains. Your pretty unjust and absurdly primitive US Constitutional chains of since centuries most-deadly racist Nazism made in USA, which’s roads are plastered with injustices, countless gun deaths - 33,000/1,300 *(2017-1776) - perpetual domestic genocides quasi- and only pathological WHITE liars / Mindset-fundamentalism run as a religion of big business of BS- Trump education can grab high position on that pyramid-shaped ladder along-side with ruthless global mega religious extremist billionaire investors-owned corporation called the USA. The most disturbing fact about you pedantic lying American fanatic religious elites is not only that you are like n extremely genocidal Christian ( pardon” Judeo-Christian) version of the Islamic state, but that you grandiose US Americans repeatedly sell your fraudulent frauds as Mind-set and other religious- ideological mental illness and typical American greed-led shortsightedness- fueled garbages as “Science-based” around the planet. You create Alternate facts which your mentally ill religious conservative US American state of BS for mindset allow you to revise history and transform the whole mankind into dumb degenerated Lemmings who allow a mad-mad as Hitler- heir Trump to rule this planet violently with nuclear weapon? You Americans and a positive “Mindset” to pass on around Earth? My dear Prof. Dweck, are you mescugge? Do you think most common people on Earth are meschugge, or still that uneducated, that much of greedy non reflexing, colluding and lying fools as most of you hyper-religious conservative American elites ( at least so I can assuredly say about the fanatic Republican Southern & Mid-Western KKK-villes such as Indiana, Kentucky and for the ALEC/ NRA church Nazis-led Ohio). As a nation, the USA is a split-personality with tendency to genocidal Mindset. And that Dr. Dweck you can put in your racist white supremacist elite nonsensical religious infused “Mindset”-Crack-pipe and smoke it too! In any courts of your choice for that international matter Prof Dweck. Because your selfish nationalistic, ethnocentric US American BS-ING of the whole human kind, must come to a full halt one way or the other! My best regards, Prof Dweck. Anthony Endres Projectheureka LLC;,
The Money-Politics/Psychology Of MindSet And The Mind-set In money-politics/ Psychology
To: Prof. Andrew Gelman Prof. STEPHEN GUASTELLO, PH.D. Department of Psychology: Prof. Alan D. Sokal Department of Physics Dr. Nick Brown: Dear Prof. Andrew Gelman, Prof. STEPHEN GUASTELLO, Prof. Alan D. Sokal et all I’d like to request your academic support in a social media and psychology experiment and project to determine and measure how dangerous the ignorant “mind-set” of a segment of population really is, particular Ignorance based on American religious conservative elites. Ignorance of common people have a different lower national or global effect, while the pathological ignorance of the affluent and super rich and religious leaders have world-changing effect of people’s “Mindsets”.Project is, if adapted to other traditions and nations reproducible in other religious conservative elites led societies, results may vary depending on conservative or progressive socialization. I am investigating among for a book about my own well documented and rather very negative experiences and opinions on a fanatic religious, and genocidal extreme conservative parts of the USA, - and for a possible International lawsuit against the US religious big business establishment and Ohio’s state government for colluded top-to-down racism, misogyny , antilgbtq, anti- secularist hate-crime funding and much more- including for the exact numbers and other data of people since about the 50’s, who were forced-medicated, as well as data on US Americans you crazy never-earning religious Nazi bastards long-termed put of anti-psychotics, opioids by region, by states, city, gender, “race”/ethnicities, religion. NON-religion etc. And in particular am I looking to determine if particular Liberals/ progressives, feminists and LGBTQ , poor people and POC with Autism, Atheists/ non-religious minorities and immigrants were among the largest recipients of such psychological treatments in the fanatic religious conservative PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
Republican states more than in the former more progressive Democrats states, if the comparisons are based on those listed parameters. Considering the unjust U.S. mass-incarceration of the said progressive groups of people, there are more that suspicions to suspect that the U.SA’s conservatives political, economic and other dominations are due to coordinated drugging, dumbing-down/ Lead and other big Pharma./ corporate poisonings, wrongful mass incarcerating and shooting of the progressives, poorer people in the USA: I accuse the USA on International level of committing and hiding it’s perpetual domestic, white supremacist religious KKK Nazi Republicans-led Genocides thus with undeniable data! Living in the data and NSA STASI-ism country number one, USA, I was expecting the USA to be more Nazi-like accurate in “data-keep” than even us common Germans, particular for police induced gun violence in the USA, based on similar above mentioned parameters. Point being: for the US Republicans being such religious fanatics who don’t seem to shy away from using misogynistic lies, Russian propaganda fake news and even well-funded, fabricated or instigated Ferdinand-effect/ deadly religious terrorism to maintain / obtain political power, we must globally thus assume that the “mindset” of the Republican LIARS- sound-boxes and the US uber corporate fake-news media intentionally incite violence and hate-crimes in the US American, in white religious guys and in crazy racist/religious US police officers. Violence are thus the real desired Ferguson-Effect NRA Republicans’s mindset use to generate ever growing profits for themselves while more average Americans are shoot or die in Climate change your deranged religious “Mindset” denies and ignored like the suicidal lunacy the whole religious fundamentalist Christian-Nazis-like Trump’s USA appears to be. For a frenetic religious conservative, hyper modern nuclear society which proclaim uber proudly to be oh-so pro-life and the “god-given greatest nation, while it’s at times the greatest in colluded Ignorance and in breeding the wildest, most barbaric people-slaughtering human killing-machines on Earth, it’s rather stinking fishy like Trump’s grabbed ultra conservative lying psychos-pussies, that there are no lists / no data on police violence-induced victims’s religion, not on their exact ethnicity, gender identification nor status? Neither the religion of police victim or murder culprits are registered? What if religious ( let’s assume Islamic) White extremists hid among the police who are killing people, could you devise a “Mindset”-methodology to test for and expose that, by the way Prof Dweck?
I read this recently: “IMAGINE BEING BORN into a world of bewildering, inescapable sensory overload, like a visitor from a much darker, calmer, quieter planet. Your mothers eyes: a strobe light. Your fathers voice: a growling jackhammer. That cute little onesie everyone thinks is so soft? Sandpaper with diamond grit. And what about all that cooing and affection? A barrage of chaotic, indecipherable input, a cacophony of raw, unfilterable data. Just to survive, you’d need to be excellent at detecting any pattern you could find in the frightful and oppressive noise. To stay sane, you’d have to control as much as possible, developing a rigid focus on detail, routine and repetition. Systems in which specific inputs produce predictable outputs would be far more attractive than human beings, with their mystifying and inconsistent demands and their haphazard behavior. The VPAs were different and they behaved differently, Markram says. They were quicker to get frightened, and faster at learning what to fear, but slower to discover that a once-threatening situation was now safe." Above describes on one side what its like to be autistic,- but it’s also how it is to be a religious fanatic conservative mediocre intelligent white guys afraid to loose their imaginary “values” and religious “virtues” to modernity, to more intelligent and successful women and minorities -; similar expressions of the two “disorders". What I'm not only implying is that most religious conservatives based on their gradient of extreme religiosity are actually cognitive and emotionally retarded, why their beliefs in myths tends toward extreme uniform fears increased among via perpetual religious right-wing Corporate fake-news/ miss-informations resulting in the US Americans further increasing religious extremism, ethnocentricity, xenophobia and cold-blooded deadly status-racism. The irony is that similar to above describe barrage of chaotic, indecipherable input, a cacophony of raw, unfilterable data oozing out of never-learning cunning snakes-oil-selling religious conservative US American and other similar elites’ asses directly into world politics, world economy and global human education and into socalled religious “science-based” research in the USA is that is precisely how intelligent secularists, atheists, lgbtq, feminists students and adults etc. pp feel - sensory overloaded- in a religious fanaticism and emotional irrationality and pathologic colluding liars-run deadly racist religious extremist White and other patriarchic patriotic, greed-led sociopaths-led society as many conservative US states are, I assure that . Trust me, HYPER institutionally religious conservatives PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
anywhere are vicious pathologic colluding liars. I am one who was able to by “accident” record some of our Ohio’s big business elites and their secret views on Black people, on nonreligious people and on Diversity, since then I have found most religious conservative political and money elites, not just caucasian ones mind you, as mere banally cunning and despicable lying, uneducated wealthy psychopathic sociopaths full of patent ignorance of reality and of priorities of FACTS and data sets. Basically said religious conservative US BS Colleges- educated barons van Munchhausen just makes shit UP, they dress their bull-shit up as “research-based” and shove the cognitive diarrhea like Uber quickly down a dumb-down populace throats and irritate so only the real intelligent children and adults. While the same religious extremist Dr. Psycho big-asses’ in psychologists’ uniforms over-medicate not just a large part of the American people for big pharm.’s Dollars with utmost deadly opioids and other lack of empathy and psychopathy-inducing psycho- pharmaceutics which in your limitless arrogant greed for money and absolutistic world domination lets you US American god-like “emperors”-wannabes not only kill of massive numbers of “Liberals” by medicating them all to infants’ inanity or worse to their death, but you all in the USA dismiss the cumulative and hereditary effects of all those fucking pills, mixed with a violent militaristic egocentric white supremacist nuclear-armed religious fanatic and cunning “mindset” into sociopathic suicidal or genocidal garbages. Fact ladies and gentlemen is: The American Psychology Association with big Pharmaceutic corporations and asinine fanatic opportunistic Republican law-makers created the opioids/heroin epidemic, just like Hitler’s pharmaceutic dealers helped foment German and global Nazism in the past. You are a fucking Corporate drug dealer nation, which ironically out-lawed Marijuana for the longest alone to make ever-more “ Hippies/ Liberals”, women/feminists, lgbtq, and secularists addicted to your deadly big pharmaceutics poisons, and declare them all mentally ill / “depressed” while you use the “Depression” in the fake news media to justify their murdering by white supremacist police officers or US Nazi psychopaths whom your ignorant American Mindset garbages breed such as George Zimmerman.APA’s ignorance of the violent KKK and Nazis in the US high establishment of money and power , APA’s ignorance of NRA a religious fanatic white supremacists-led arms cartel which dominated and held for 8 years even more power than the entire Obama administration, APA’s ignorance of the mirade of ultra violent militaristic photo-realistic " empire" & war video-games to very young children, access to real militaristic assault rifles which religious conservative White American children mainly have PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
extremely easy access to, combined with what the daily gun homicides and ultra right-wing fake-news propaganda disguised badly as the news in many parts of the USA does to children, minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ , Atheists, feminists and even the rather saner low-income religious believers of the Abraham’s tax-free garbages called religion’s “Mindset”, none of the socalled academic “science-based” elites dared to point out . But instead such an ignorant elitist pills-dealing psychology- establishment as APA sells BS as “Mindset”? Clearly the wrong people are still been locked up in asylums, and medicated to death in all the religious extremist and elitist rich idiots-filled parts of USA: Yes, I indeed publicly judicially and directly accuse the USA and particular the GOP and U.S Big Pharma. and the NRA arms industry lobby of more than just 3 decades of drugging, incarcerating and via hired killer-cops and white vigilantes harming and institutionally organized to discriminate, defraud, loot, bankrupt and disempower and police-shoot secularists, atheists, liberals, feminists, and other minority and non-Christian groups of Americans. Living in this ultra religious conservative KKK-elites and religious big business mafia-led Ohio and observing the lunacy of rich fanatic educated white and black opportunistic lying religious fools in the USA showed me undeniably that religious conservatives in particular suffer of an extreme psychoses-based form of arrogant ignorance and collude as if a whole US society or even the whole 3 Abraham’s religions-dominated societies suffer of an unique form of Munchhausen syndromes: In other words religious people are all naturally more ignorant than non-religious people, and they are certainly the more elusive “what-ever-it-takes”-liars. Religious conservative douches-bags elites everywhere had after-all in their past centuries of hideousness enough time to collude their lies, to infiltrate and power-grab US Academia, US politics and the highest echelon of military nuclear power. They lie out of their deranged religious fanaticism drooling assess like hookers, even if it doesn’t work and every idiot can see as with the “Mindset” garbage that it is either irrelevant, only tertiary relevant or absolute garbage, while the silly US elite Neocons pseudo-Academics ignore the higher priorities of relevancies callously, they dare sell such BS around the world as “research-based” Science? Similar pseudo-academic assholes will in 2017 try to sell us all Abraham’s WHITE imagined Nazi “god” as high-science and more real than Climate change and Evolution, since that’s what USA’s insanity-driven religious Nazis and Middle East Islamists and zionists have been selling at least from 2004 ( I emigrated then, so
I can’t tell as exact what went on before that period in Ohio or most part of the USA) till 2016 not just only in the ultra religious conservative KKK-filled US states as Ohio. US Americans are an ignorant and pedantic fanatic self-righteous jingoistic people, the more fanatic jingoistic colluding LIARS you are the wealthier you are and the more profits made out of the American culture of injustices, organized fraudulence and the bottomless ignorance to all the USA committed atrocities, domestic ones alone. So much ignorance of facts, that I asked myself, how could someone like me prove and show a couple of religious conservative US elites off publicly as colluding ignoramuses and mindless cunning fucking mentally ill religious sociopaths, you know who they really are?! Well I certainly will require International academic and social-psychological and public support, but one of the main reason I am contacting you all here is to have important PC-free honest conversations with US American religious conservatives. I am interested in intellectually and in open discourses challenge the nonsense of the ultra conservative elites in particular as Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, Fox News, GOP law-makers, NRA’s KKK police union leaders, dumbly cunning White rich US Bimbos, males+females, as Dweck and various other pathological liars who dictate this world with mere BS they jointly pull out of their liars’s asses. As I said before, as a German educated Secularist, I don’t fully doubt Dweck’s “Mindset” as a 1% motivational tool in education and people’s lives, but focussing on 1% data relevancy ignores the 99% of other far more significant and relevant “sets”! In that form of neglect, fatalistic ignorance religious conservative militaristic injustices-filled supremacist societies are truly the “greatest” because they are FULL of affluent and nepotistic White connected bs-artists whom you can’t question nor doubt due to their religious dark-money connections to each-others and to an imaginary patriarchal tribal “god”- BS who induces even more of their fear-and bottomless greed-induced ignorance of reality, planet and majority of other differing people, just to sell ever-more primitive ideological BS - disguised as “research-based” to a whole human specie and enrich themselves, patting their own corrupted shoulders for successfully deceiving the whole human race out of Trillions of Dollars again and again, and again.
Patent ignorance, and lack of empathy ( but a greatly colluded pretense of empathy) are more psychological pattern in the religious conservative/ self-deceiving what-ever-it-takes "brain" than they are common to the rarer autistic brain: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160105-the-man-who-studies-the-spread-ofignorance https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jan/16/natural-selection-making-educationgenes-rarer-says-icelandic-study
How Talking About Trump Makes Him Normal In Your Brain http://www.wnyc.org/ story/george-lakoff/ via @WNYC http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/dont-think-rampaging-elephant-linguistgeorge-lakoff-explains-how-democrats-helped https://georgelakoff.com/2016/11/22/a-minority-president-why-the-polls-failed-andwhat-the-majority-can-do/#respond
1. the USA is corporation. Not a real representative Democracy: The corporation never represented a whole American people's interests and well-being nor does the US Corporation intend to. 2. the USA is a religious, military corporation. And a corporate religion: Free-market ( for "us") is run like a militant religion where make-beliefs dominate the economic reality for a 99%. And religious freedom + 'pro-life' totalitarianism are proving to be pseudo political and mega corporate police state/ un-freedom caused by religious whitewashing run as the big business of a tiny 1% in modern politics. http://onewisconsinnow.org/press/all-children-matter-hit-with-5-2-million-fine-forillegally-funneling-campaign-money/ PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
http://www.alternet.org/education/5-reasons-billionaire-gop-donor-and-public-schoolprivatizer-betsy-devos-should-not-be https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4643936/sen-sessions-says-secular-attorneys-may-equalclaim-truth 3. religions, pathological liars and con-artists/BS-artists: wealthy demagogues/fascists fly into power with help of colluded lies and dark money of countless religious organizations, religious leaders/ business leaders, intelligence & police leaders who are millionaires and billionaires. Trump like all the born-rich and "what-ever-it-takes"-go-getting billionaires are pathological liars as are all religious leaders de-facto: http://www.alternet.org/media/14-fake-news-stories-created-or-publicized-donald-trump https://www.theguardian.com/technology/peter-thiel https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/31/james-comey-fbi-directorclinton-emails <<<<< https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/12/bernie-madoff-prison-life-ponzisupernova-podcast-experience https://theintercept.com/document/2014/02/24/art-deception-training-new-generationonline-covert-operations/ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jan/13/whatsapp-backdoor-allowssnooping-on-encrypted-messages https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/inside-the-alt-rights-campaign-to-smeartrump-protesters-as?utm_term=.lqrNpZ5aDv#.iaJ1w8y2Rd
the cumulative effects of fast-phased scientific progression, nuclear absolute super destructive economic uber duper-power combined with ultra conservatism-infused ultra PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
politicized religious/ethnocentric fundamentalism, as in the USA and in the middle East, on the minds of people and on such an hybrid-society are under-rated. in the big business called American psychology of the corporation called United States is also where regular people are over-analyzed, spied on, over-medicated, brain-washed, sold propaganda/BS as fact and news to, and where people are mass incarcerated like cattle in private corporate security-investments called crony-capitalism of a few billionaires' special-interests-growth. Meanwhile the mostobvious grandest pathological liars, most world endangering sociopathic, misogynistic wealthy bullshit-artists and religious colluding billionaires as Trump GOP & Islamic oil kings are declared the "winners", cold-blooded white supremacist murderers of minority children are framed by wealthy BS-selling sociopaths in the corporate falsehood media as the poor surviving victims of a violent brown-skinned animal and "demon", and of 'god-less liberals/lgbtq+, feminists who certainly all always deserved to be shot like Obama or Joe Cox for Brexit. Mind to elaborate on the “Mindset” of those kinds of students and people? Ever notice who always seem to make political career and form the government alone via the Ferdinand-Effect (cunningly collude to make nonsense up and kill oppositions alone to gain political & economic absolute power)? Wealthy religious conservative leaders, religious organizations and religion-affiliated mega Corporations I'd make a statistic bet are significant part of the super majority-minorities who are abusing Ferdinand's corp over and over again: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jasonpatinkin/how-to-get-people-to-murder-each-otherthrough-fake-news-and The ironic simile of pseudo science and ultra right-wing politics are in both's extreme dedicated cunning focus on children and pre-categorizing common people and progressives like different shaped pebbles to fit in different shaped holes artificially. From everything/what-ever-ittakes for our children, our "values" and pussy-grabbed motherland, to pro-life for embryos while gun rights to shoot the poor, migrants and/or minority teens just like George Zimmerman and countless criminal, deranged police officers are our sociopaths's "values"; pro-privatization of public education and of public resources to criminals-predicting Facebook’s, Google’s and NSA algorithms which all focus on categorizing, framing, blaming, shaming, criminalizing and PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
monetizing the poor, people of color, lgbtq and liberals like cattle via "cattle herding formulas" used not only to add complex but fraudulent Math to the research-based-pretense called public education reform by the pathological sales-men and women of religious conservative nonsense. Nonsense like the make-beliefs of USAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economic independence and an absolutist freemarket of cronyism in finance business world-dominations which ignorant super wealthy religious conservative theocrats as Trump and the corporate media spread while ignoring how connected, diversity-richer and multi-multicultural and inseparable the whole human-kind has particular on the big business levels have become: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/16/germany-hits-back-at-trump-criticismof-refugee-policy-and-bmw-tariff-threat 3A .Fake-news and framing/repetitive lying/ obstruction of facts are religious languages ( Mindsetâ&#x20AC;?) of violence to entice and normalize atrocities: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ jasonpatinkin/how-to-get-people-to-murder-each-other-through-fake-news-and
The irony of who the real alarmists and fraudulent US fake news experts as Fox news and Breitbart have in the USA already demonstrated they can kill / have shot a lot of lgbtq, minorities, Mexicans and others alone with lies and opioids-and steroids-addicted police officers and armies of racist Facebook Trolls and Bots: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/21/mark-zuckerberg-facebooktrump-hate-speech-censorship https://www.buzzfeed.com/maggyvaneijk/the-police-cant-stop-people-sharing-this-12year-olds-suicid?utm_term=.xuVEBjM4g3#.ih1jaEZrL2 https://www.aclunc.org/blog/facebook-instagram-and-twitter-provided-data-accesssurveillance-product-marketed-target
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/29/facebook-bans-gun-sales-onlinebackground-check https://theintercept.com/2016/10/06/in-the-chicago-police-department-if-the-bosses-sayit-didnt-happen-it-didnt-happen/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/12/syrian-who-took-merkel-selfie-suesfacebook-over-defamatory-posts 3B: USA's racist, lying Killer-Cops politics is not just "bias" it's Neocons source of income & the road filled with lies to world domination. Your professional opinions on such militaristic “gods squads” KKK police brotherhoods’ “mindsets” and on their level of social, psychological sanity would be very intriguing:
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38611693 https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertsamaha/blue-lies-matter? utm_term=.pcA4az8mvl#.kba4Q5b8L3 4. religious conservative billionaires are trying to reframe the issues/problems which are due to patriarchal, misogynistic ethnocentric xenophobic jingoistic racist homophobic extreme religiosity/ extreme ignorance, extreme inequity and extreme inequality of wealth/ extreme status and privileges-difference, and thus extreme irrationality into an issue of the Western word vs everyone else, or a "Race-war". As some believers always hyper-imagine the annual war-onchristmasy advertisement-campaign as a real "race"-war on them and their individual imaginary tribal boyfriend. 5. Les Moonves, the Executive Chairman and CEO of CBS, said, as reported by the Hollywood Reporter about Trump's candidacy: "It may not be good for America, but it's damn PSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
good for CBS." He added: ìDonald's place in this election is a good thing. Ö Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? ... The money's rolling in and this is fun... I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.î "The numbers are easy to find online Trump got between $2 and $3 billion in free media coverage, while Hillary struggled to break into the evening news, and Bernie was largely ignored until the final months of the Democratic primary": http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/ trump-tv-ratings https://www.thenation.com/article/the-discourse-suffers-when-trump-gets-23-times-asmuch-coverage-as-sanders/ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/leslie-moonves-donald-trump-may-871464 6. Every single one of Michael Moore's arguments, since the general private corporate media generally are quick to point out a numbers of possible mental disorders of yet another minority victim of police involved shooting, or that of the Trump as finger-rapist-accusing women: http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/michael-moore-backs-john-lewis-6-reasonstrump-illegitimate-president 7. The wolfs disguise themselves as the religious sheep, the religious culprits pretend to be the victims, those who create the problems proclaim to "fix" it just to further suck on power and enrich themselves to Kings’ status. And yet another recent incoming mindless King has no clothes on, if seen with an autistic mind, as mine, which can indeed filter the barrage of chaotic, indecipherable input, a cacophony of raw, unfilterable data religious conservatives throw at us like others see the Photos the sun irradiate. I see those quantum physics-based connections sometimes too, but different story. How many Black male adults high up on the Autism spectrum, Asperger spectrum do YOU know ladies and gentlemen? How many Women, black or white, high up on the Aspergers spectrum do you know? How many of the same named data set groups of people do you on the other-side know who were diagnosed and medicated into hallucinating big Pharmaceutic drugaddicted cognitive garbages in the USA falsely with depression or even “mental illness”?
We need to talk! There is a lot BS going on the USA that I am well-aware of and if forced to prove it in UN Geneva courts would lead to world war 3. FYI I also had years ago access to Eli Lilly mainframe, I worked in Tech in Germany, and as every Autistic person I am a curious monkey, so I read and read and read. You get the point: All knowledge starts with knowing that which is hidden to others. In that, I fear I know as much as Edward Snowden when it comes to reality of the USA if not even slightly more on the personal CEO level, why mine and my families lives were threatened and I was a bit forced to go on against Chrysler for intellectual property thefts and as I will continue to be forced to go on legal against the traitor James Comey’s FBI for colluding to discriminate, defraud, cyber attack and frighten by framing/wrongly incriminate a progressive German Black Atheist startup for pyrrhic victories for religion, just because you American Nazis don’t like what I have to say about the USA or about the 3 Nazi religions of Abraham’s. There are other modern and sound intellectual ways not just for me alone to challenge the corrupt cunning religious falsehood establishments: My wife and me particular and a few International friends want to intellectually in public online discussions with religious conservative elites, not with the common idiots they deploy like Trolls & Bots, please!) and me as one the representations of the minority groups most affected by religious conservative pseudo-sciences based discriminating policies. And you dear psychologic establishment will kindly help me do that what neither of you ever will develop the courage to do: Let me take ultra conservative falsehoodpreaching Nazi assholes as Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, Dweck and others apart in public discussions, me vs ALL of them either at once or over-time. I’m ready, once I was able to predict their next moves and plots, the ways to defeat them intellectually too became obvious. You will not understand it, neither, I fear many of you Americans will not understand this email nor the gravity of what I offer you, unless you have an autistic mind which grans details as well as the whole simultaneously. I have yet to still meet regular US College absolvents who can, I only met one Bloomington Professor who truly impressed me and significantly influenced my views on Climate change with his academic insight who also warned me of the resistant of the right-wing establishment I will encounter in my endeavors. Why my “hopes” are not with idiotic religious politicians and corrupt law-makers, but with you dear Professors. And my hopes are with you too Prof Dweck, but only if we can discuss where your Mindset is fatalistic wring and counterPSYCHOLOGY OF MINDSET
productive and what can objectively be changed to make education work for most, not for some rich spoiled nepotistic bras who then later in power just pull shit out of their ass they confuse with their brains in their white privileged or religious privilege arrogance. I can humiliate and humble nearly anyone, even in their own academic field, that is my own special Autistic gift and since I have none of the usual cues which holds Autistic people’s tongue back, I’m the ideal candidate for that as well as for your research on the human mind of religious ( White) elites vs a common non-religious and in Europe averagely educated Black adult of 49 years old. It’s time I measure my own intellect and compare publicly with those of your supposed “greatest” and show them what mindless thoughtless idiots some are particular the more elite rich kids conservative Collegeeducated they are the more arrogantly ignorant they are as Peter Thiel Bannon and Dweck show so explicitly. Such absurd religious conservative sociopathic elites anywhere are all fucking egomaniacal cowards anyway, if I may say so, who certainly would not willingly face a intelligent common person as me in a discussion. Or do YOU think you have the intellectual courage needed to face me and my wife who has to work with your positivistic naive “Mindset”-garbage in a few necessary public discussions or email communications on the matters at hand Prof Dweck? What do you have to loose dear woman, you are the renown academic elite US university educated academics, ja? Well then you don’t have to fear my mind, madame, I’m know to be verbally much nicer to women than men. Anyways to not make this initial email which I will publish and give free for others to publish, I’m utmost curious of your response to some of my arguments and news on those things Awaiting your answers and your support on some of the matter, I am to suggest to you in follow-ups should you show engagement rather than the usual whitewashed US American arrogant ignorance of mindless religious elitist-tools. Sorry but in times of Nazism who plot to kill secularists, PC is really only for dumb fuckers and for over-medicated religious Lemmings/ imbeciles.
P.S.: Religious/make-beliefs story-telling might be a part of being human but most populists/story-tellers are also pathological liars and exceptional religious brain-washers. As scientists and as psychology scholars you particular have the duty to educate, inform and thus protect the American people and thus world public from dangerous ideologues, wealthy colluding mad-men and psychopathic fascists in highest places. But the field of psychology like all big business sold out to big pharmaceutic corporations, the field of psychology was/is still engage and complicit in mass surveillance and secret torture programs as well as in turning Americans into some of the most big pharmaceutics, as anti-depressant, Opioids and Adderall-abusing people on the planet: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/28/opioid-addiction-west-virginialawsuit http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/08/opioid-charts-explainer http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/09/09/seriously-sinister-big-pharma-opioidmaker-bankrolls-opposition-pro-pot-referendum
They say the most cognitive & emotionally retarded” violent people/ societies are like the most mentally ill people, unaware they are retarded or fucking crazy! I’m a “retarded”, so what exactly are so many of you US White religious Conservative wealthy “educated” guys?! I say lets’ find out in direct comparisons of intellectual versatility in open BS PC-free discourses. Just me Vs any of your white religious conservative US American elitist males or women? I don’t discriminate in being an educated Black German asshole to racist ignorant fucking dumb bastards of any “race”, gender nor status! In fact I believe I’m slightly better in being an ASSHOLE as the USA in that regard: I can well-versed, - and dyslectic multilinguistic typo-ridden - articulate my non-religious Liberal educated Assholery at least in sound comprehensive realistic terms, unlike most of your absurd expensive BS elite US religious Universities educated, white supremacist American CON-ARTISTS!
Thank you for your time, and for ignoring my grammar and typos. German is my native tongue and evidently I am dyslexic as you as the “experts” should be able to tell alone from reading my first few paragraphs here. And I sincerely have enough of the American religious conservative ignorant arrogance and I believe you American all are begging for global intellectual and economic challenges to once and for all bankrupt you power-addicted deranged, ever-racist US American lunatics . So, let me be the first to challenge your greatest American intellect/ intelligence”? Why not the regular no-body just as me, nich wahr Professors and USA’s religious corporate politics “elites”? Let’s have a global conversation please! I can create the online conference any time I wish and merely invite all of you, if you are willing to bring me those I religious patriarchal Nazi fuckers as Peter Thiel, Bannon NRA, police leaders, Fox news owners etc. to publicly challenge on their patent IDIOCY, as an International citizen hmm? Mind to do so now? You US American white-privileged males and private University elite are arrogant, but you are merely cognitive cowardly assholes, just like all religious fanatic assholes: You never dare to face a truly disrespectful, well-informed common person as me in public intellectual discourse! Why not , after all you genocidally religious extreme US American elite Munchausens have pathologically lying Nazi assholes as President as the “Russia”-appointed Fascist-Government now, night wahr? Welcome to being finally the official Nazi system, dear US religious elites! “The best humiliations to religious fanatic pseudo academics and supremacist assholes , who deceive all others, decide and designed everything to be deadly for the common person are best given by a common person”~ Old saying
Best Regards, Projectheureka LLC Anthony Endres 3030 Mapleleaf Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213 Phone: 513-631-5459 E-mail: A.Endres@outlook.com Skype: projectheureka @projectheureka @green-diversity ________________________________
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