Skype: loebaosheng ( Aiden Loe, Computational Behavioural Scientist
To: Canadian, UK's German government and Embassies, Der Spiegel, Die Taz, The Guardian & NYT;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;<>;;
“Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindfuck tool/ Fake News-information warfare””
Petition For Liberals’, Minorities’ & Immigrants’ Businesses For Filing Litigation Suits Against Facebook & Cambridge Analytica Et ALL
Be you American “legal” citizen or legal Resident, Mexican/Latin-American, African, Western-European ( British, German etc.), East-European: Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, North Korean, Middle Eastern, Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Syrian, Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, Progressive Multicultural non-religious Liberal LGBTQ Feminist, Hippie, or a more moderate, educated "common sense" Conservative private user, or/and a business' user of Facebook and similar tech giants-controlled Social Media platform, the Investigative Journalism-work on Trump's Russian oligarchs-collusion related to Facebook and Cambridge Analytica Files will interests you too. Not only because Carole Cadwalladr (“How the story unfolded” ) totally deserves a Pulitzer Prize for hers and the Guardian's timely important and extraordinary real Investigative Journalism-work on the TrumpRussian-collusion related Cambridge Analytica Files. But actually more because it is time for the Global population to put a Legal full-stop to these creeping Global religious corporate/fascistic Executives-led Nazism being taken Global via societies-wide political Gleich-Schaltung based on political lies, hate-crimes against Minorities and Immigrants-inducing Fake news and violent armed religious terrorism, all funded by multi-national Oil-Tech and other right-wing conservative billionaires. These new International Journalists-based public confirmation of Facebook's "Information war-fare"-scandal/Cambridge Analytics-Files shows how important beyond just common sense but fully publicly transparent Data-, corporate-, Banking- and Lobbyism-/political Advertisements -Regulations, federally and internationally are mandatory requirement for any healthy and soundly functional society , and why elections-Advertisements and campaign-funding (there were Facebook employed engineers who were working with CA in the Trump-campaign)-limits and political Advertisements/weaponized propaganda-limits, regulations and transparency must be set on national US, Europe-wide and on International level. Particular in connections with right-wing billionaires' social media-social's private surveillance giants in the USA under Trump limitless power to breach all their private users' and business users' privacy and rights. And particular so were the rights of LGBTQ, Feminists, Pro-Abortion-activist Liberal Progressive Democrats-voters, of Brown-skinned Minorities and of immigrants and Secular Atheists as my-self were infringed upon, violated, my life and GermanAmerican business startup was threatened by NRA and Fox News trolls on Facebook, YouTube and on Ohio’s streets, mine and my family’s credit-information’s were repeatedly hacked and published on secret Facebook’s groups and on Nazi-sites. And I am certain similar occur to Millions of other Liberal Progressives, LGBTQ-and Women-rights-defenders and to Liberal moderate-Muslims and Liberal Jewish people, and to non-religious conservative immigrants on Facebook around Earth.
With the NRA, USA’s domestic-grown and fully legalized mega right-wing Corporate big business of genocidal domestic American WMD’s/ arms-selling religious/Christian fundamental terror organization, Jared Kushner and Manaforte are primary Trump-Republican USSR-oligarchs-connected key-players in hiring Cambridge Analytica, the ultra-right-wing fake-news-propaganda-conducting Data firm which illegally collect Facebook's users-data to mine and hack elections and Democracies, as well as the national and international users' privacies and infringed on our intellectual property rights and all people's rights to never be unauthorized psychologically via violence-inducing fake-news divisively manipulate and divided by private ultra-fascistic/right-wing billionaires' corporate entities who are profiteering hugely alone from fake-news-advertising/ deploying divisive falsehood-based military intelligence-strategies - psychological operations” or Psyops: changing people’s minds not through persuasion but through “informational dominance”, a set of techniques that includes rumor, disinformation and fake news - against the multicultural and civilian US American, UK's Germany's and all Social Media's and Democratic Liberal World-population groups. Not only the ethnic, gender and non-religious and other-religious Diversity is amiss among Silicon Valley’s secretive White boys-clubs and the Intelligence and US and other law-enforcements, but there is hardly political Diversity expect the mono-cultural, often xenophobic White religious conservative Judeo-Christian cronyism among any of those named important intuitions of the Surveillance-economy alias Social Media- giants:
Apropos: Not many Democrats-voting White and other US Americans knew before recently even of the existence of “NRA’s Carry-Guard-Insurance” for racist homicidal hate-crime-murdering Republicans and confederate killer-cops. And it is now clear that the elitist ultra-religious conservative alt-right/ rightwing billionaires of the Trump-Republican multi-national oligarchs-appointed, corrupt racist xenophobic homophobic, misogynistic White supremacist cronies from Trump, Kushner, to DeVos to the few
remaining mentally ill Black uncle Tom’s who still publicly greedily fully support Trump’s fakegovernment are running Kultur-wars against Progressive Liberals, LGBTQ+ and Feminists, and are running a new institutionalized Federally-approved racism against all Minorities and McCarthyism--like with-hunts on Brown-people and Migrants in the USA, in Brexit’s UK and everywhere Cambridge Analytica and Facebook were successful in dividing and brain-washing a Democratic US and other population via well-funded violent xenophobic Facebook and other private right-wing Tech and News corporate media such as Fox News, local US TV Media companies and Bannon’s Nazis-aiding Breitbartled fake-news.
One of the really most-disturbing side-fact is that is wasn’t the highest-funded Globally predictive Algorithms-running all-seeing eyes in the military-Intelligence communities NSA, not the CIA, nor FBI, MI5, MI6 not Mossad nor Russian Intelligence or the religious militarized US law-enforcement agencies who actually are uncovering all the direct connections and politically dirty-tricks used by Cambridge Analytica's elections outcome-shifting PsyOps-operations and Facebook's Bots-running Cyber white supremacists for Trump and other violent religious extremists ( who conduct violent terroristic hatecrimes on immigrants-and on Liberals-,due to large numbers of right-wing fake-news paidadvertisements, inducing on so-called "Social" Media - and from Social Media the same xenophobic racist fake news often - unquestioned- transpires into the real US TV-news and into Global News) but a Green-card-holding Canadian ex-employee, a Cambridge Analytica- whistleblower, in partnership with the British Guardian-team of Carola, and I believe the NYC. Christopher Wylie, the Canadian whistleblower who helped found the data firm Cambridge Analytica and worked there until 2014, has described the Cambridge Analytica and Social Media giant as Facebook as an “arsenal of weapons” in a culture war.
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Cambridge Analytica's Bosses tell undercover reporters how honey traps, spies and fake news are abuse to support their paying political or business clients. Robert Mercer's family's and Steve Bannon's datacompany at the center of the Facebook-led data-insecurity and elections-hacking-cases boasted of using honey traps-entrapping of rival candidates in fake bribery stings and hiring prostitutes to seduce them, using fake news campaigns and operations with ex-spies to swing election campaigns around the world. All these so far to the detriments of immigrants, Liberal Progressive LGBTQ- and pro-Abortionrights-active Feminist politicians and Climate change-advocates and environmentalists in the USA and across Europe. And everywhere where Cambridge Analytica and Facebook’s secretive PsyOps-businesses operated were Democratic elections and the local publics’ mood was via hate-crimes inducing and paidadvertised fake-news shifted far-right into religious extremism, and tyrannical, non-democratic organizations and crazy leaders as Trump, Brexit, Duterte, Putin and others continue to “win” elections everywhere via Social Media giants-billionaires’ secretive Algorithms. In one exchange, Cambridge
Analytica’s chief executive, Alexander Nix, is recorded telling reporters: “It sounds a dreadful thing to say, but these are things that don’t necessarily need to be true as long as they’re believed.”
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> Mean-while Facebook still publicly claims deceptively and falsely: "We enforce our policies in a variety of ways — from working with developers to "fix" the problem, to suspending developers from our platform, to pursuing litigation." Well, so too can any and all Facebook's private users as well as Facebook’s immigrant and Liberal business users who also can now use Litigations against Facebook to pursue highly important policy changes regarding Tech giants' power over users data by pursuing litigation, since Facebook has long records of privacy violations since Facebook's business model is built on gathering biometric and other data such as your real name, who your friends are, your "likes" and interests, where you have been, what websites you have visited, what you look like and how you speak. Facebook uses all that collected users’ data for profits for advertisers, for right-wing political parties and/or totalitarian religious nations-leaders to target users, consumers and voters. And crack on dissent. There comes a time where we all need to just take a deep breath, think and make a choice regarding the continuity of the Human existence and Democracy, as a whole: Will humans allow by religious extremists' organizations and billionaires' well-orchestrated Facebook and other Media's fake-news propaganda, their pseudo psychological Nazis' warfare mindfuck tool to frame and blame mainly Brown-skinned people, progressive Liberals and Immigrants for all that plagues alone for example the US society, from Opioids-over-prescribing, to Banana-Republics-like hate-crimes-led gun-violence and murderous White Confederate killer-cops-led gun-homicides on unarmed Liberals, Afro-Americans and immigrants by legally armed White vigilantes and mentally ill religious Nazi-terroristic school-shooters, all followed by the predictable mutually repeating revenge-murders on police officers and funding of ever-more armed White vigilantes and deadly militarized SS-like police all secretly funded by the NRA's Trump-Republican and Facebook's religious fundamental Russian, Vatican, Islamic. Etc. oligarchic investors just alone here in the USA.
New York Times reported that Facebook knew about Cambridge Analytica's efforts two years ago, but didn't take steps to suspend the firm until recently. Wylie elaborated on that in an interview, speaking disparagingly about the social network: "Rules don't matter for them, Facebook/ For them, this is a war, and it's all fair," Wylie told reporters. "They want to fight a culture war in America," he added. "Cambridge Analytica was supposed to be the arsenal of weapons to fight that culture war": ( one of the highest gun-death ratio of Brown people, LGBTQ, non-Russians, non-Republican voters and nonChristians)
On Saturday, 3/17/2018 the New York Times and the Guardian published joint reports alleging Facebook's statement only came after reporters with the newspapers inquired about Cambridge Analytica possessing — and still possessing — data from as many as 230 million Americans/50 million users. Cambridge Analytica is the data analysis company that rose to prominence for its work on Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and which has been accused of having a shadowy influence on British voters. Social Media giant Facebook and particular Cambridge Analytica now find themselves in the middle of a political firestorm, amid a roiling debate over 'information warfare' that is being used to influence the electoral process. Cambridge Analytica/ Global Science Research (GSR) are accused of harvesting Facebook user data to profile voters that that were ultimately targeted by the Trump campaign, which spent over $6 million on information obtained by the firm.
Christopher Wylie ( Canadian who holds a British Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa – a UK work visa given to just 200 people a year), at 24, came up with an idea that and later became a key figure in digital operations during Donald Trump’s election campaign. Christopher Wylie worked for data firm Cambridge Analytica, whose CEO is Alexander Nix, reveals how personal information was taken without authorization in early 2014 to build a system that could profile individual US voters in order to target them with personalized political advertisements. At the time the company was owned by the hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and headed at the time by Donald Trump’s key adviser, Steve Bannon then executive chairman of the “alt-right” news network Breitbart – was Wylie’s boss of the political "digital (propaganda-)operations" running data firm. A private company called Cambridge Analytica, Global Science Research (GSR),is listed as a data analytics firm which had a major role in the Leave campaign for Britain’s EU membership referendum (Brexit),and later became a key figure in digital operations during Donald Trump’s election campaign. In addition to Trump, the organization has worked on campaigns supporting Republicans Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Thom Tillis, a senator from North Carolina and others.Cambridge Analytica also worked for Ted Cruz's campaign in 2015, then for Trump in 2016. Cambridge Analytica claim to use [illegal] psychological cyber-Surveillance Algorithms mixed with Military-Intelligence's entrapment-strategies called "psychographic" profiling to understand behavior, and the company's CEO has boasted that it "profiled the personality of every adult in the United States of America — 220 million people." It insists it played an instrumental role Trump's ultimately successful bid for the presidency, and the company also helped develop "the messaging" for a pro-Brexit group. Cambridge Analytica entertain connections to Eastern European and UK's ultra-Nationalists and has also has deep ties to Trump-connected Alt-rights' leading figures. Former senior White House counsel Steve Bannon served on Cambridge Analytica's board of directors, and Cambridge Analytica is largely owned by the right-wing Mercer family, one of Bannon's, Milo's violent religious Christian altrights/Nazis and Trump's biggest donors. As Mr. Wylie, the courageous "migrant-worker" and whistleblower describes it, he was the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindfuck tool”. By that time Steve Bannon had become Trump’s chief strategist Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, SCL, had won contracts with the US State Department and was pitching to the Pentagon, and Wylie was genuinely freaked out. “It’s insane. The company has created psychological profiles of 230 million Americans. And now they want to work with the Pentagon? It’s like Nixon on steroids.”
Wylie had been at Cambridge Analytica’s parent company, SCL, exposed to “information operations”, which ranks alongside land, sea, air and space in the US military’s doctrine of the “five-dimensional battle space”. His brief ranged across the SCL Group – the British government has paid SCL to conduct counter-extremism operations in the Middle East, and the US Department of Defense has contracted it to work in Afghanistan. Another Cambridge Analytica’s/ SCL's former employee described the firm as “MI6 for hire”.Cambridge Analytica, entered into a commercial arrangement with a company called Global Science Research (GSR), owned by Cambridge-based academic Aleksandr Kogan, specifically premised on the harvesting and processing of Facebook data, so that it could be matched to personality traits and voter rolls. Christopher Wylie additively holds receipts showing that Cambridge Analytica spent $7m to amass this data, about $1m of it with GSR. (Source, mainly: Cambridge Analytica has been the subject of investigations on both sides of the Atlantic – Robert Mueller’s Russian Collusion-inquiry here in the US, and separate inquiries by the Electoral Commission and the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK, both triggered in February 2017, after the Observer’s first article in this investigation. Cambridge Analytica, in its statement to The Times, said that all SCL' “personnel in strategic roles were [religious conservative/right-wing Republican nationalist U.S. nationals or Green-Card holders, Canadian, like Mr. Wylie, or European. Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, retired US army lieutenant general discloses now that just before the end of Trump's campaign Flynn entered into a consulting agreement with SCL Group, a Virginia-based company related to Cambridge Analytica, the data mining and analysis firm that worked with Trump’s campaign, and Mr Flynn now discloses additive income he had that includes payments from the Trump transition team: “Cambridge Analytica: the key players” are Alexander Nix, CEO, an old Etonian who from 2007 took over Cambridge Analytica's mother-corporation SCL's elections division, and claims to have worked on over 260 campaigns globally. Aleksandr Kogan,[data miner and thisisyourdigitallife creator], Aleksandr Kogan was born in Moldova and lived in Moscow until age 7.Kogan is a naturalized US citizen and got his PhD at the University of Hong Kong before joining Cambridge as a lecturer in psychology and expert in social media psychometrics. Steve Bannon, former board member, Bannon, a former Goldman Sachs-investment banker turned extreme religious conservative, xenophobic, ultra-racist and anti-Semitic “alt-right” online-media mogul and ex-, Steve Bannon was boss at the American-Nazi website Breitbart. In August 2016 Bannon became Donald Trump’s campaign CEO. Bannon encouraged the third-ranked reality TV star to embrace the “populist, economic nationalist” agenda
Robert Mercer, is an arch religious conservative American aka US Republican computer scientist and hedge fund billionaire, who, - similar to the ALEC Koch Brothers - used his fortune to become one of the most influential men in US politics as a top Republican donor. An AI expert, he made a fortune with quantitative trading pioneers Renaissance Technologies, then built a $60m "war chest" to back conservative causes by using an offshore investment vehicle to avoid US tax." Rebekah Mercer has a maths degree from Stanford, and worked as a trader, but her influence comes primarily from her father’s billions. The fortysomething, the second of Mercer’s three daughters, heads up the family foundation which channels money to rightwing groups. The conservative mega‑donors backed Breitbart, Bannon and, most influentially, poured millions into Trump’s presidential campaign. (Source: the key players” ) The defense and military establishment were the first to see the potential of the [psychological profiling of population groups via Facebook Algorithms]-research. Boeing, a major US defense contractor, funded Kosinski’s PhD and Darpa, the US government’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is cited in at least two academic papers supporting Kosinski’s work. According to Paul Grewal, Facebook's VP & Deputy General Counsel on March, 16, 2018: Kogan requested and gained access to information from people after they chose to download his app. His app, “thisisyourdigitallife,” offered a personality prediction, and billed itself on Facebook as “a research app used by psychologists. In 2015, (Facebook) "learned that a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge named Dr. Aleksandr Kogan lied to us and violated our Platform Policies by passing data from an app that was using Facebook Login to SCL/Cambridge Analytica, a firm that does political, government and military work around the globe. He also passed that data to Christopher Wylie of Eunoia Technologies, Inc.":
" get on their bad side and all of a sudden you are face to face with [Facebook CEO] Mark Zuckerberg’s secret police.”
"low-paid contractors who do the grunt work for big tech companies, the incentive to keep silent is more stick than carrot. What they lack in stock options and a sense of corporate tribalism, they make up for in fear of losing their jobs. One European Facebook content moderator signed a contract, seen by the Guardian, which granted the company the right to monitor and record his social media activities, including his personal Facebook account, as well as emails, phone calls and internet use. He also agreed to random personal searches of his belongings including bags, briefcases and car while on company premises. Refusal to allow such searches would be treated as gross misconduct."
Working for Facebook or Google, Uber is for many Facebook employess quasi akin to working for the STASI or Putin's private corporate Intelligence, what considering that Russian oligarchs and other rogue leaders most-likely paid Facebook and Google via Cambridge Analytica and co. to run Psychopspropaganda / fake news on populations, as occured during the US Presidential and UK's Parlam. elections. If the GDR's STASI or Hitler's Propaganda SS have gone global, they would behave exactly like the secretive technology giant owned by ultra-right-wing, multi-national billionaires called Facebook
Summary: Wylie offers a unique inside-views of the 2016 events leading to Trump'a anti-Democratic rules. Of how Facebook was hijacked, repurposed to become a theatre of war: how Facebook became a launchpad for what an extraordinary attack on the US’s, and on Multicultural Secular democratic processes in the European Union. Wylie has the paper trail to present the Enquirers's Journalists, the receipts, invoices, emails, legal letters – records that showed how, already between June and August 2014, the profiles of more than 50 million Facebook users had been harvested. Most damning of all, Wylie had a letter from Facebook’s own lawyers admitting that Robert Mercer's familiy and Breitbart's Steve Bannon's Cambridge Analytica private data firm had acquired those intrusive user data illegitimately. There are other evidences beyound Wylie which would show that Steve Bannon and other modern wealthy religious fundamental Nazis with affluence abused those globally-operating bigdata /Social Media giants, as Robert Mercer's family-owned Cambridge Analytica, privatized right-wing military-
police-like corporate FBI and NSA namely Peter Thiel's Palantir and Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook's etc. pp cyber-surveillance-tools,- just as Russia and other totalitarian leaders-, by exploiting via well-funded legalized hate-crime gun-violence, xenophobic, homophobic misogynistic hatred and the fears of the American people just to turn Americans against Liberal Americans, and all Americans against "illegal" Mexicans and other immigrants. And violently change so (deconstruct the administrative state" as Bannon and Paul Ryan call it) the American Multi-cultural Liberal progressive Secular Democracy.
"SCL Elections had previously used a similar suite of tools in more than 200 elections around the world, mostly in undeveloped democracies that Wylie would come to realize were unequipped to defend themselves":
Facebook, Twitter and other too-big-to-fail "“fake it till you make it” Uber-US Tech giants - just like the militarily WMDs-pushing religious Mafia-cartel the NRA and the fossil-fuel-industries- still won’t supply Data on their secretive International corporate and right-political partners Advertisement profits- data to the Public nor to the Courts on how many of social media's billions of Social Media users are Bots, Algorithms, and propaganda, even-though those fake users and Propaganda-Bots are being Globally abused to not only to shift elections and societies toward religious extremism and Christian, Islamic or/and Zionist-Nazism, but to via fake news and via fake-research/investigative data instigate violent gun-armed hate-crimes and foment deadly politics and policies of hate against Liberal Social Progressives, against LGBTQ, against so-called "illegal and legal Mexicans and Immigrants, against Liberal/ moderate Muslims and Jewish people, and particular against Secular Atheists and non-religious Feminists in the USA and farer.
Facebook is known now to be thus quasi co-responsible for violent hate-crimes-enticements via Russian and other pro-Trump-trolls well-funded Facebook-Advertisements fake-news, as Facebook is coresponsible for the spread of online trades of child-porn, illegal sex trafficking and military assault riflessales via PayPal-API's, and both Facebook as well as PayPal have been abused in secret facebook-group for illegal online Fentanyl-drug-dealing, for violent assaults on Liberals, on Feminists, on LGBTQ and on Brown-skinnned USA's "confederate" Police-violence-protesters by religious Nazis/NRA's Trump's and Bannon's Republican alt-rights. Facebook has the usual too-big-to-fail Corporate arrogance to pretend to be solely the victims of someone else just to perpetually grow ever-more governmental fundings-based FacebookAdvertisements-profits to ever-more set it own corporate policies while Facebook is refusing to abid by the national and International laws regarding taxations, regarding full-transparency of its political Advertisements/ racist-divisive, falsehood-based misleading of millions of millions of Americans, Republicans, Caucasians, and all religious people everywhere, while Facebook and other Social Media Tech giants are perpetually breaching the USA's and international privacy rights, consumers rights, and all laws regarding political treason committed by private Tech giants which are secretly colluding with enemy-states and regarding the same private corporations-led illegal surveillance of its users just to selfenrich themselves and with Bannon's Cambridge Analytica change the political culture via a "Kulturwar". _exposed_online
Facebook's was and is still being abused as intelligence projects for Russia's and International private contractors and as White supremacists/ religious Nazis' cutting-edge cyber weaponry abused against USA's Secular Liberal Democrats' Democracy and against other World Democracies, and particular was Facebook abused to wrongfully vilify, to stir up hate-crimes against and launch a violently deadly Global McCarthyism-like with-hunt on Brown-skinned/ non-White Immigrants, against Progressive ProAbortion Liberals, against Feminists, against Climate Change-activists, against police-violence-protesters, against Pro-Palestine-Rights-supporters and against all Human Rights-activists everywhere where Facebook aligned with Pro-Trump's Bannon's and Mercer's Cambridge Analytica conduct its surveillanceeconomy-based too-big-to fail cyber propaganda/ cutting-edge cyber weaponry-led PsyOps against its national and international user-based. There are other documents in Wylie’s stash, including a pitch made by Cambridge Analytica to Lukoil, Russia’s second biggest oil producer. In an email dated 17 July 2014, about the US presidential primaries, Nix wrote to Wylie: “We have been asked to write a memo to Lukoil (the Russian oil and gas company) to explain to them how our services are going to apply to the petroleum business. Nix said that “they understand behavioral micro targeting in the context of elections” but that they were “failing to make the connection between voters and their consumers”. The work, he said, would be “shared with the CEO of the business”, a former Soviet oil minister and associate of Putin, Vagit Alekperov. The presentation to Lukoil, Russia’s second biggest oil producer had little to do with “consumers”. Instead, documents show it focused on election disruption techniques. The first slide illustrates how a “rumour campaign” spread fear in the 2007 Nigerian election – in which the company worked – by spreading the idea that the “election would be rigged”. The final slide, branded with Lukoil’s logo and that of SCL Group and SCL Elections, headlines its “deliverables”: “psychographic messaging” aka NRA/ALEC's Trump-Republicansled fake-news- and fake science-massively supported Anthropogenic Accelerated Climate change-denials for the fossil-fuel industry in specific. And most-likely did Cambridge Analytics or another similar corporation ran dis-information campaign for the Opioids-industry, for the gun-industry and for religious fundamental scam-organizations [ such GJH Global Ministries the Hillsong megachurch in Australia, Heritage Foundation, The "pro-life and kill-all-LGBTQs"-Christian organization called Focus On The Family, and even individual totalitarian Islamic states-and Zionist leaders as Netanyahu ], and to antiimmigrants-organizations. In the United States in 2017, Cambridge "pitched" its services to MercedesBenz, MetLife and the brewer AB InBev, a former employee said. In seeking to grow Cambridge Analytica' business profits further perpetually and ruthlessly in the United States and overseas, Mr. Nix has mentioned some highly questionably illegal practices: This January, in undercover footage filmed by Channel 4 News in Britain and viewed by The Times, Mr Nix boasted of employing front companies and former spies on behalf of political clients around the world, and even suggested ways to "entrap" [ Liberal Progressive etc.] politicians in compromising situations. Mike Pence Evangelic fundamentalist extremism-Segment on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO):
Apropos: “Hey Hey NRA, How many kids did you kids did you kill today?!” Dear Florida's Marco Rubio &Rick Scott, LESS of your NRA's Nazi-empire-building-cronyism and more Bridges-and Infrastructure-building, all you incompetent NRA-cronies! Now, get ready to get your FUCKING NRA’s blood-money-sucking corrupt ass kicked out of Office by mere high-school-kids legal soon, Marco!
Russia, Facebook, Trump, Mercer, Bannon, Brexit, election-hacking, corporate hacking, religious terrorism and Nazi-hate-crimes inducing fake News, violent Islamic and Christian terrorism-increases Globally, massive dark-web and Internet-based opioids-and arms-dealing, every one of these threads runs through Cambridge Analytica and so-called social media giants as Facebook. Millions of people’s personal information was stolen and abused to target people and Democracies in ways they wouldn’t have seen, and couldn’t have known about, by a mercenary outfit, Cambridge Analytica, who, Wylie says, “would work for anyone”. Who would pitch to Russian oil companies? Would they subvert elections abroad on behalf of foreign governments? Cambridge Analytica employed non-American citizens to work on US election campaigns in apparent violation of federal law, despite receiving legal warning about the risks. The company’s responsibilities under US law were laid out in a lawyer’s memo
to the company’s vice-president, Steve Bannon, British CEO Alexander Nix and Rebekah Mercer, daughter of billionaire owner Robert Mercer, in July 2014. “Facebook could see it was happening,” says Wylie. “Their security protocols were triggered because Kogan’s apps were pulling this enormous amount of Intelligence data", personal information on sexual orientation, race, gender, religion, political affiliation, drug-use – and even users' intelligence and childhood trauma
The Trump administration paid Cambridge Analytica 5.9 million US Dollars alone during the 2016 election. A global PsyOps-running and ex-spies Globally-using private British-American right-wing company. A fact which shows that the biggest mega corporate IPO's-moving-parts of Silicon Valley is a US national security asset that was turned on itself: blow-back; as political private big-data firms as Cambridge Analytica and private surveillance-economy social-media giants as Facebook are being used as political weapons by genocidal totalitarian governments, by the fossil-fuel and opioids-Mafia and by mentally ill fascistic corrupted religious extremists dressed up as politicians and law-makers around Earth.
Sandy Parakilas, the platform operations manager at Facebook responsible for policing data breaches by third-party software developers between 2011 and 2012, told the Guardian he warned senior executives at the company that its lax approach to data protection risked a major breach. Sandy Parakilas says numerous companies deployed these techniques – likely affecting hundreds of millions of users – and that Facebook looked the other way. Parakilas said he “always assumed there was something of a black market” for Facebook data that had been passed to external developers.
However, he said that when he told other executives the company should proactively “audit developers directly and see what’s going on with the data” he was discouraged from the approach. Sandy Parakilas in San Francisco. ‘It has been painful watching. Because I know that they could have prevented it" Hundreds of millions of Facebook users are likely to have had their private information harvested by companies that exploited the same terms as the firm that collected data and passed it on to Cambridge Analytica, according to a new whistleblower:
Mean-while Facebook still publicly claims deceptively and falsely: "We enforce our policies in a variety of ways — from working with developers to "fix" the problem, to suspending developers from our platform, to pursuing litigation."
Well, so too can any and all Facebook's private users as well as Facebook’s immigrant and Liberal business users who also can now use Litigations against Facebook to pursue highly important policy changes regarding Tech giants' power over users data by pursuing litigation, since Facebook has long records of privacy violations since Facebook's business model is built on gathering biomentric and other data such as your real name, who your friends are, your "likes" and interests, where you have been, what websites you have visited, what you look like and how you speak. Facebook uses all that collected users data for profits for advertisers, right-wing political parties and/or totalitarian nations to target users, consumers and voters. But, it is even for Facebook and Cambridge Analytica illegal to employ foreigners in racist-political campaigns abused to vilify immigrants and Liberal Progressives and undermine Democracy. In doing so Cambridge Analytica/SCL and possibly other private and or non-profit organizations in business partnerships in particular with Facebook were breaching USA's, British, European nations; and International data protection laws, privacy laws and the intellectual property rights of Facebook's private as well as of its' business' users. Facebook first vehemently denied after Trumps' election the idea that Facebook might have been abused to rig the American election, now in a statement after suspended Cambridge Analytica and Wylie, Facebook said it had known already in 2015 that user profiles and users' contents were passed to Nix’s company. Russia's Energy firm Lukoil, which is now on the US sanctions list has been used as a vehicle of Putin's government influence, saw a presentation on the Cambridge Analytica/SCL's work in 2014. It began with a focus on voter suppression in Nigeria, and Cambridge Analytica also discussed “micro-targeting” individuals on social media during elections.
"A piece of NSA software, called "Territorial Dispute," appears to have been designed to detect the malware of other nation-state hacker groups on a target computer that the NSA had penetrated. Bencsáth believes that specialized antivirus tool was intended not to remove other spies' malware from the victim machine, but to warn the NSA's hackers of an adversary's presence, giving them a chance to pull back rather than potentially reveal their tricks to an enemy." A sophisticated hacking campaign used routers as a stepping stone to plant spyware deep in target machines across the Middle East and Africa.
"If you don't think that the endgame to all of this lunacy is a world where every America-critical movement from Black Lives Matter to Our Revolution to the Green Party is ultimately swept up in the collusion narrative along with Donald Trump and his alt-right minions, you haven't been paying attention. That's because #Russiagate, from the start, was framed as an indictment not just of one potentially traitorous Trump, but all alternative politics in general. The story has evolved to seem less like a single focused investigation and more like the broad institutional response to a spate of shocking election results, targeting the beliefs of discontented Americans across the political spectrum.... Ridge revealed that in 2004, Attorney General John Ashcroft asked him to raise the threat level days before the presidential vote, in an effort to help guarantee George Bush's re-election. "There was absolutely no support for that position within our department," Ridge wrote. "None. I wondered, 'Is this about security or politics?". Who was on that Homeland Security Advisory Council, which included the heads of other security agencies? Creeps like Ashcroft, wraithlike Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and CIA chief George Tenet. Oh, and then-FBI director Robert Mueller, who also oversaw a sweeping effort to interview thousands of Arabs in America in a program that at the time was compared to our profiling of Japanese-Americans in World War II.. "
Longtime CIA analyst Melvin Goodmanon Trump: “Corruption like we’ve never seen before. Russian hacking isn’t as dangerous as the “dumbing down of this country. I think the Trump election has created such division and polarization that his defenders have come up with the idea of a "deep state" that's aligned against him. The FBI and the Justice Department are now led by Republicans appointed by Donald Trump. The CIA is led by a Republican appointed by Donald Trump. The military is an exceedingly conservative institution, particularly at the highest level. The idea that somehow there's a conspiracy among these institutions and that they've coalesced around the idea of compromising Donald Trump makes no sense whatsoever. I would also say this about the Russian hacking: It is not what the Russians did that is so shocking. It’s that so many Americans could believe such nonsense that was put out there on social media by the Russians. I look at the Russian hacking as just part of a disinformation campaign that the United States and the Soviet Union -- and now Russia -- have been waging against each other since the end of the Cold War.
The fact that the Russians could put out these bizarre stories and have a certain amount of success is shocking. You have to wonder about the dumbing down of this country. What has happened to this country in terms of citizens' understanding of the political process and how politics really works? That's what's worrisome. The idea that many tens of millions of people voted for Donald Trump is shocking on another level as well.” Let's assume that all the evidence points to Trump colluding with Russia. The
Republicans choose party and partisanship over country. Nothing happens to Trump. Now Putin has destabilized American democracy, there's a crisis, and China steps into that vacuum and really asserts itself as the dominant world power. Is that fear exaggerated?
Well, we're making China great again. That’s what we’re doing. China practices a four-modernization principle, with the military as the fourth modernization. They put science and technology and industry and agriculture before the military. Whereas if you look at the United States in terms of resource strategy, the emphasis is on the military. Just look at the 2019 proposed budget. It may be dead on arrival when it gets to Congress, but this is the way Trump thinks. And throwing all these resources into the military and allowing greater influence on the part of the military is a setback for American interests. And the "America First" strategy really opens up the entire geo-strategic chessboard to China.
Is there anything that gives you hope about America in the age of Trump?
The hope that I have is that Americans realize a major mistake was made by their lack of attention and cynicism about politics which allowed the election of someone who was unfit to serve. When I took part in the women's march in January last year, when I took part in the science march in April of last year, I got the feeling of real activism. I see the hope that Americans realize that they could lose their democracy." "in addition to backing Sessions, the NRA spent $11 million for Trump and $20 million opposing Hillary Clinton. “I think they’re paralyzed by the gun lobby. Gun-control advocates, such as Chipman, contend that Sessions is encouraging a domestic arms race driven by fear. Prosecuting offenders after a crime is committed doesn’t save lives, Chipman said, but, by focusing on gun violence, Sessions contributes to a sense Americans who are imperiled by guns must buy more of them to feel safe.”
Institute for Legislative Action, FL Marion Hammer, G. Zimmerman Family and Tensing lawyers, NRANazis and NRA-funded Killer cops for Trump-Republicans' "WINNING". Not-so clever but sick old NaziWoman NRA-Marion..
"Liberal" Social Media-Billionaires? Ha! What a fucking bad Republican corporate-cronies’ Joke
Political parties, Economies and hyper-militarism built on lies, misogyny, homophobic and ethnocentric xenophobic fears and instituted hatred caused by extreme religion are the most suspensible to Fascism and Nazism. As an NRA-Nazis-led USA too big for Earth is “good” or no-one. Not even for itself