Letter to north korea, russia and china please nuclear bomb the usa ohio state for christimas!

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LLCProjectheureka From: Date: To:



"Anthony E." <projectheureka@outlook.com> Friday, December 1, 2017 1:21 PM <english@mail.gov.cn>; <intelorgsec@korea-dpr.info>; <commissar@korea-dpr.info>; <netherlands@korea-dpr.info>; <germany@korea-dpr.info>; <usa@korea-dpr.info>; <uk@korea-dpr.info>; <mexico@korea-dpr.info>; <canada@korea-dpr.info>; <visa_us@mfa.gov.cn>; <chinaembpress_us@mfa.gov.cn>; <english@scio.gov.cn>; <ipc@mfa.gov.cn>; <accredit@gov.ru>; <RusPressUSA@mid.ru> <information@msd.govt.nz>; <IPT@justice.govt.nz>; <enquiries@elections.govt.nz>; <info@epa.govt.nz>; <EnvironmentCourt@justice.govt.nz>; <ecinfo@ecan.govt.nz>; <info@iaa.govt.nz>; <enquiries@ipca.govt.nz>; <info@iponz.govt.nz>; <com@lawcom.govt.nz>; <tribunals@justice.govt.nz>; <info@lgc.govt.nz>; <ryan.mac@buzzfeed.com>; <matt.zeitlin@buzzfeed.com>; <Szuboff@hbs.edu>; "Anthony E." <projectheureka@outlook.com>; <cfrancis@naacpldf.org>; <commerciallegal@guardian.co.uk>; <contact@acluohio.org>; <alex.kantrowitz@buzzfeed.com>; <nitasha.tiku@buzzfeed.com>; <claudia.koerner@buzzfeed.com>; <joe.bernstein@buzzfeed.com>; <glantz@medicine.ucsf.edu>; <charlie.warzel@buzzfeed.com>; <ryan.mac@buzzfeed.com>; <press.office@theguardian.com>; <inquiries@un.org>; <mail@icj-cij.org>; <info@unicef.org>; <cabinet@ilo.org>; <ilo@ilo.org>; <civilsociety@ohchr.org>; <media@ohchr.org>; <dexrel@ohchr.org>; <clerk@cms.hamilton-co.org>; <npanta@ohchr.org>; <cerd@ohchr.org>; <tb-petitions@ohchr.org>; <berlin@hrw.org>; <melvin@millerlawgrouppc.com>; <larry@millerlawgrouppc.com>; <jackson@millerlawgrouppc.com>; <heather@millerlawgrouppc.com>; <julia.belluz@voxmedia.com>; <melissa@vox.com>; <lindsay@vox.com>; <Alexis@vox.com>; <lockhart@vox.com>; <mike@vox.com>; <joe@vox.com>; <trei@vox.com>; <jim@vox.com>; <marty@vox.com>; <thebigidea@vox.com>; <CBL@stanford.edu>; <ollie@88rising.com>; <info@projectprevention.org>; <julia.wong@theguardian.com>; <scoops@huffingtonpost.com>; <jlibowitz@citizensforethics.org>; <arappaport@citizensforethics.org>; <aweismann@citizensforethics.org>; <bbrockmyer@citizensforethics.org>; <jmorgan@citizensforethics.org>; <kzumaltrogers@citizensforethics.org>; <mcorley@citizensforethics.org>; <smcphail@citizensforethics.org>; <wlu@citizensforethics.org>; <taskforce@propublica.org>; <suggestions@propublica.org>; <Jesse.Eisinger@propublica.org>; <Talia.Buford@propublica.org>; <Julia.Angwin@propublica.org>; <A.C.Thompson@propublica.org>; <isaac@propublica.org>; <info@globalcovenantofmayors.org>; <human.online@theguardian.com>; <jm@corpgov.net>; "Barry R. Gainsburg ( Esq)" <gainsburg@bellsouth.net>; <nameleak@fb.com> Letter To North Korea, Russia And China: Please Nuclear Bomb The USA/ Ohio State For Christimas!

To the Chinese Government, to the Russian Government, but particular to the leaders of North Korea: first: read this Email from the first line to the last sentence please. And accept my Congratulations, North Korean leaders and People, to your - for the entire Earth’s and all Lives on Earth’s security most important technological and militarily mile-stones that you have achieved to stun and stop the unnecessary aggressions and the perpetual fascistic religious arms-selling and wayfaring which is always coming from the USA and its equally – at times -sociopathic genocidal religious fundamental militaristic imperialistic allies which includes Saudi Arabia’s fanatic Islamic states as well as the criminal Butcher of Israel Netanjahu’s institutional racist- which is just as the racist nation USA , gunning down parts of its own nation’s population ( Palestinians as oppose to Native-American and Afro-Americans)Zionist state . The fact that North Korea solved the heat-related Reentry-problems relative fast on your own, shows that U.S. Americans militarily White supremacy-arrogance and latent Ignorance of the true Intellectual potential of other ethnicities, of other Nations’ People and non-White nations is unfounded and constitute more a wishful megalomaniacal-racist delusional White man’s colluded nonsense, as is that absurd American self-assumptive “cognitive White man’s Superiority” which is


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even more a clear sign of religious fundamental American and other such White men’s intellectual & emotional deficits / inferiority and thus a mentally illness, than anything really worthy of considering “Superiority”, particular since the U.S.A has always suppressed the rights, the education, the potential of others, and colluded and hacked the International community not just only to sabotage Global elections toward military rulers who are solely obedient to the USA’s richest cronies, but primarily to steal other nations' and Immigrants innovations and Inventions, while the USA Authorities always lie and claim other-wise just to blame China, Russia, Timbuktu for what they all actually do. It’s a fascinating direct-revival of the Reichs-Kristall-Nacht- and Hermann Goebbels- strategy replicated by Earth’s most nuclear Drones- and dangerously militarized malwares-armed USA (+ allies), thus which should, on International level mind you even European nations, never be underrated, nor be considered sane and honest: This USA today right now under an openly Nazis-condoning and aiding Donald Trump Republican Government is at the highest dishonesty level of any Human society in History, and only surpassed by the Roman Empire and all religious cartels of the pasts taken-together, and thus can possibly only be stopped from turning entire Earth into grave- and slaves-yards again, via North Korea’s and allies Nuclear Preemptive Strikes, certainly in International Courts well-justified - as the U.S.A too always does - with protecting American and other People’s interests and People who are being oppressed and getting mass murdered by the Nazis-like American Government. my name is Anthony Endres. I am a German citizen and pacifistic Progressive Secular Black Atheist, who live since about 13 years in the arch religious fanatic and genocidal White supremacist TrumpNazis run Ohio USA with my white American wife. I study People, particular powerful rich People where-ever I live. how they all abuse their buttomless Genetic hereditary greed and political and Intellectual power not to heal Earth and tumble Earth more and more into violent Despairs in the Plato Caves we all are forced it, has always fascinated me since I was 3 years. It might sound contradicting to all you to know that I am a Pacifist, who like Buddha could not harm a Fly ( unless if necessary when the fly is a deadly Mosquito, mind you!) but at the same time I openly tell all of you in this Legally-binding email that North Korea’s nuclear weapon mile-stones are “good” for the entire Earth’s and all Lives on Earth’s security and thus is of utmost importance for the Future of balance of Powers on our shared Earth. White American people - who are too accustomed with enjoying their cold-blooded genocidal racism-induced White privileges because the U.S.A and U.K. have quasi the sole military monopoly-ability to kill, assassinate or bomb everyone else on the Planet, while the U.S.A itself until now always remained the untouchables,- will never understand my pointof-view. They don’t have to, since they didn’t ask Hiroshima nor Nagasaki to understand the American point-of-views before nuking the Asian people like insignificant Mosquitos then, not once, but twice unnecessary was Japan, Asian People nuclear bombed by the U.SA. in those days, did the USA – and the British “Kingdom” -ever asked for forgiveness or to pay Reparations for all its genocidal and Globally committed sins over the Centuries yet, dear ladies and gentlemen? No! Why I certainly even go as far, while sitting right in the hear of USA Ohio, as to ask you, North Korea, no in-fact I demand, that you, North Korea, China and allies, nuclear bomb the USA to Christmas! Preferentially, I’d like to see at least one fine nuclear Mushroom cloud right over this fanatic religious mass murdering confederate Ohio Cincinnati, where I live. Why you might ask? Because I live in the U.S.A, and I have seen, recorded and continue to see and witness these cold-blooded, falsehood-preaching ethnocentric ruthless state’s brutality and genocidal racist killing-lust within so many crazy religious fanatic White U.S American conservative men and cold-bloodedly people murdering American-Nazis dressed in Police officers’ clocks , I witness a totally mentally ill empathy-lacking religious fanatic U.S American money-elites who always celebrate and enrich themselves persistently on the gun-sales and on the resulting violent deadlier growing gun-deaths, revenge-shootings and cold-blooded “gods squads”


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confederate killer-cops induced murders on their own US American people as well as on Immigrants and American tourists, particular so the gun-deaths of Afro-American and Native-Americans is on a new Genocidal heights which has already surpassed Hitler’s Holocausts in umbers ( but the USA miscounts its local gun deaths intentionally and always hides the true unbelievable death tolls of its religious corporate imperialistic destructive wars anyway) , I’ve wittness the most-calculated organized ethnocentric jingoistic domestic military-violence which the same criminal U.S American carrier NRARepublican politicians with the intellectual and emotional comprehensions of a 4 years old Asian or European school-kids, an USA with the KKK / fanatic religious and Black People-murdering crazy ” Judea-Christian” White Nazis and sociopathic NRA-Mafia members who are appointed and operating as the US American Republican law-makers, as high Judges, as Lawyers and as Prosecutors and within the US Intelligence and Police as I am well-aware of in regards to Ohio: too many American-Nazis to count! I’ve witnessed ( and secretly recorded even some in Business meetings FYI) a totally disturbing, mentally and other-wise highly disturbed, ruthless ethnocentric jingoistic US- high-society with some of the utmost fatalistically racist-opinionated hyper-moralistic pathological liars and colluding rapist super-rich White male imbeciles- who use date-rape drugs just to have sex with very young girls and/or boys - who work merely as America “Star” news anchors ( IF one want to call their irrelevant Corporate Propaganda and deadly political misogynistic lies as “work”) ,corrupt corporate Social Media top IPO US Corporations run by young American-Nazis and Islamic Imams-like crazy militaristic-violent Mega church/Sect-Fuhrers who pay criminals and American White Supremacists ( Yes some criminally theocratic and ethnocentric clergies/preachers here in the USA and in Tri-states/Ohio particular do precisely so. I could prove it in International CourtsFYI!) to kill poor and innocent People just to fill their churches and their tax-free Ponzi-scheming dark-money Charity-coffers. I’ve witness how the USA’s Authorities right-wing and so-called Democrats even under the “Black” Uncle Tom false-HopeSeller Barack Obama under the deck-mantel of Freedom, Capitalism/”Free Market” and Democracy has robbed, raped and murder and continues so even more-so even on its own impoverished and minority and Progressive multicultural American population, while the US authorities are purposely always blaming “the Them”, minorities, African-Americans, China ( Global Warming Hoax) to Russia ( Russian “Hacking” for Trump but never-mind the colluding religious fanatic American-Nazi Billionaires and their privatized Technological U.S& U.K’ Intelligence PsyOps operatives) to blaming Timbuktu, or even at times, even their own man-made imaginary god. But hardly ever in my 13 years in the USA have I witnessed U.S. American elites take any responsibility for nor adequate charge any od their mentally ill armies of half-educated opioids-addicted militarily armed & educated White killingmachines and white supremacist pathological liars and hackers corporations ( Facebook, Google, Twitter, Palantir, Robert Mercers et all) who endanger all of us on the Planet, and Earth itself, with their recklessly colluded lies, plots and neo-imperialistic military power-games. It is at times as if these “Prosperity Gospel”preaching religious fanatic U.S. American man sees himself as his own ruthless Abraham’s god who rape, pillage and murders through-out the entire Abraham’s scriptures. And, we all know that since 9/11 the USA basically has legalized unto it self the mass killing and eradication of certain “brown-skinned” Muslim groups ( Syrian Iranian etc) around Earth under the deck-mantel of fighting terrorism, which is just a similar genocidal intent as America’s forever deadly-racist US Americans colluded falsehoods-based war-on-drugs which has created the gun death tools and largest prison concentration-camps of innocent Black people and unrightfully and with no-valid-evidences incarcerated Native-Americans and Progressive Liberals on the planet. Relations of North Korea, Russia China a fast-growing numbers of American adversary nations to the United States are in a icey cold-ward deep freeze, but we all also share on looming common problem: Climate change and its effect on civilization and world peace. The USA as crown denier has proven that


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it is willing to commit Global Genocides on Billions of people just to deny its guilt and evade all scrutinies. They have plan for imperialistic wars, violently militarily conquer of China for Christianity, as done with Africa and ongoing with the entire Middle East for the White supremacist Christian Dominion, their End-Kamp" as the USA has always been, along side with U.K's hyper imperialistic kingdom and the super rich and secret leaders of Earth: Vatican city and powerful Israeli & Islamic banks and oil-companies the grand-fathers of Nazism and the real creators and sponsors of Hitler's Genocidal Nazism way-back-then too. And the mentally ill, pathological genocidal as they are ridiculous colluding pathological liars, the USA's elites, are again with the same fanatic religious and militarily allies at stirring up Global xenophobic white supremacist violent religious Nazism around the USA, UK and all around Earth, instigating violent revenge acts so by immigrants and Muslims who are pushed into dangerous corners of revenge-suicides often, because they are wrongfully criminalized, framed and blamed with crimes white men and Nazi police officers who collude to lie commit. It does not stop with Muslims, the American nation has for centuries been doing such persistent domestic and internationally armed or militaristic ethnic-cleansing be it with Native-American, with Mexicans, with Chinese, with Japanese Internment-camps, with witch-hunts on Jewish & Russian-Americans as Communists, and has gotten away with Centuries of committing Genocides uncharged, because the USA was the absolute dominate military force who could eradicate any nation without even receiving a scratch. That arrogant white supremacist militaristic uber-domination ended - finally- with North Korea's successful tests, because the West has lost its Nuclear DOMINATION, one of the main-cause of its megalomaniacal violent and for Black and Asia people most deadly delusions of White American men alone around me here in this German descendants religious fanatic and genocidal xenophobic American-Nazis infested Ohio. But since I am Black, non-religious and oppose these vicious militaristic genocidal attire of these kinds of arrogantly White Supremacist and religious fanatically supremacist USA and other nations, the whole American society has been a deadly threat to me since day one, as they perpetually spied on me, threatened me even via Police and FBI trying to frame me, as all Mexicans, as criminal and drug dealer ( I only buy and smoke Weed as pain relief since I am allergic to deadly Opioids FYI) by bringing Fentanyl activities right to my doors which our Confederate trigger happy Nazi Cops and “Ferguson-Effect”-nonsense running FBI ignored for over 6 years for no reasons, while American were dying of drug-over-doses sold in our area like it was sugar-pills. Facts for me- who has live in this opportunistic greedy colluded White supremacy-insanity-driven confederate states of half-educated American White religious fundamental ethnocentric Nazi-men-run country, which is actually an otherwise beautiful and Diverse place and while I still love many areas and most People of the USA certainly more than I despise other areas,- but never-the less is: Far too many U.S. Americans, particular the wealthier White males-elites are extremist and genocidal armsdealing “Pro-Life” Christians, pardon rather as most elitist White supremacist US American see themselves as “Judeo-Christian”- fanatics as so many extremely bigotedly hypocritical Stars, who condone and perpetually excuse wealthy incestuous rapist pedophile religious men who abuse knockout-drugs to f*ck young Women in the ass, rich White ruthless men who condone, bet and secretly invest in U.S. American hate-crime murderers and even in the ongoing American Genocides on BrownPeople, Mexicans, LGBTQ and Feminist Women right on their insanity and Advertised religious garbage's-filled religious Corporate American Republican fake news-Real-News-TV run by religious extremists with their brains up their asses and in pills-and gun-boxes deep enclosed and lock-away in bottomless greed.’ US Americans who read this might think I hate them and I wish for their all’s extinction, nothing more is farer from Reality, but they are free to believe and put surveillance on me and my family as much as


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their cold racist ethnocentric religious fanaticism-infected and darken hearts of their uber-fascistic desires and as they have always done while robbing all of us U.S.-Immigrants and so-called Global “Minorities” digitally and other-wise cold-bloodedly, since Centuries. But the real fact is sadly, that we all alive now on Planet Earth should know well from our Human History-Books that a People, any ( US) Government which went that far to awaken the Beast called Global White Supremacist Nazism along side with all Abraham’s religious terrorism to grow their Corporate empires built on persistent and pathological lies, including the most careless lies of all; denials of man-made Climate change where instead of doing everything to support human lives and Survival our “god-given greatest” sociopaths-nations decides to openly threaten the entire existence of whole 3 Billion People and plot to wage ever-more and more religious Imperialistic-wars including on the last oldest Empire:China. An pathological since Day one of annexing the Americas unlawfully from the Native-American inhabitants our war-waging sociopathic USA which was built on Centuries of atrocities, enslavements and Genocides on Minorities, in a fanatic militaristic White supremacists-led nation, a nation winch's wealth is still mainly built on the violent colluded discriminating, defrauding and deaths of millions of millions of of People in their ever-old planned American-Century’s Hitler’s “End-Kamp”-war-plans will certainly never stop and seize to be a violent dirt-bags on its own FREE-WILL. They always had that Choice, but the USA always chose the ways of violence of deceptions and of colluded atrocities over the Centuries since it’s formation, while the US American ultra conservatives’ over-Medicationsinduced slow-minds are all lost in uniform jingoistic megalomaniacal delusions of absolute super “godgiven greatest”-World-Dominions-power to kill, rape, rob Earth as it suits their deranged minds. A super-powerful economically and militarily monopolistic U.S American nation with such an insanely poor and violent-made & bred US American People which has reached that limits of extreme militaristic potential and which holds such megalomaniacal and deadly racist ethnocentric religious extremism-induced disregards to the lives of other Ethnicities and other People, to the properties of all other nations, who acts with such deadly unjustifiable force against its own White Progressive Middle Class and its poorest and further intentionally impoverishing US Minorities, and a partially psychopaths nation which treats the entire Planet like its little house-Bitch to perpetually rape and abuse, IS the real danger to the entire Planet, to all Lives, to the World Economy , to Co-Existence of all Human tribes and to Earth itself. And thus the USA must to stopped by all means and what-ever-it-takes, even by us all having to nuclear bomb the entire Human World and Human Existence into Ashes,. So be it: From my observations and studies of the U.S.A and People, I can assure you it is not North Korea’ nuclear weapons, it is not angry hopeless Syrian and other Muslims in the Western World where some certainly, predictable as Nazis predict some to do, loose it when faced with too much reckless statessubvention White hatred, KKK and Nazis-led willfully wrongful accusations, or rapee and deadly hatecrimes on their Muslim or Immigrant women and children, nor are Afro-American “thugs” or Mexican “criminals, rapists and murderers” the ones we thinking sane Humans all on this Planet are most suspicious of and deadly fear, but the nuclear armed religious fanatic and – obviously visibly now partially totally mentally ill and due to Generations of perpetual senseless hate-crime gun-violence induced National PTSD-led Pills-abuse and Chemical toxins in American food, air water and due to Generations of incestuous inbreeding and pedophilic abuse degenerated/”retarded” U.S. American religious military Corporate leaders and elite KKK and super wealthy American-Nazis who are via their childish Art-Of-Deception in collusions with some of Earth’s most fanatic rapist clergies organizations are pushing the entire World to the edge and into Wars, primarily to sell more arms and play their Divide-and-Conquer-games like dumb children who barely understood Sunzi bingfa /Sun-tzu ping-fa, but run the Art-Of-War mixed with Art-of-deception as their their sole utmost destructive business and life-philosophy:


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It is either save the future for all, or none-of us will ever have a Future anymore, as long as a totally religious fanatic and bat-shit genocidal crazy US American White Supremacist elites rule Earth with a Nuclear Iron fist unchallenging. Seeing the death tools around Earth right now, American Dominion must come to an abrupt end, right in these now, or just nuclear bomb Earth to dust, because neither you, nor America and Americans are important, the only thing that matters is the continues Existence of the Planet Earth and IF Humankind wants to self-extinct itself that is fine with me, I’ll gladly help us all get into our man-made “Hell” and Abyss faster, if that is what we all wish for. Why I call up the North Korean government to preemptively nuclear strike the heart of the USA is not because I hate these over-medicated hyper-religious cognitive sleepers around me, People are just the People everywhere and we are always the victims anyway, so why not have the partial religious genocidal neoNazism called the U.S.A now be in the role of the victim of legitimate nations-led primitive nuclear “self-defense” Attack, just to recreate a balance of power and to “protect” Generations of minorities in America and around Earth and Earth itself from the American madness, which has since long befallen our deceiving deciders? I unfortunately already know that only a nuclear primitive Attack on the USA might have to be the necessary lesser evils to save-guard Earth and People from fanatic White Supremacy led by U.SA, because our religious Whiter than White rich megalomaniacal god-given/godchosen.god-anointed self-proclaiming mad-men can’t be stopped other-wise. Except maybe IF North Korea, China, Iran Germany and others put their finest Lawyers, Legal Advisers, Media etc behind my personal U.N Geneva Genocides-Lawsuit of the U.S. American Big Business establishments, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Trump Government for their carelessly hideous intentional fomenting, instigating via Cyber ware-far PsyOps and mullions of Bots and secretly funding hate-crimes, peddling drugs and guns via Facebook’s secret groups to White Supremacist while Peter Thiel and Bannon are align with confederate Killer-cops police officers who merely redirect, blame, frame and shoot Immigrants for the crimes those elitist White criminal rapist Nazi frat-boys commit. Its an old game between the religious fanatic KKK which has always had a strangle-hold on the US Police forces and the theocratic White Supremacist Republican elites and how they have always won elections via mass arrests of Progressives who loose their voting rights to fraudulent liars within the Police. Fazit Again: The genocidal USA elites must be all stopped, regardless of how many People die or if Earth 'life span will be further shorten. Because all lives and all Freedoms are always already, whenever a megalomaniac delusional super para militaristic White supremacist inbred Half-twits wannabe “Emperors” holds unchallenged all economic, militaristic and Global decision Power: Never again! So Either you all Asia, Africa Middle East ( minus Netanyahu & Islamic States naturally) unite and fucking nuclear bomb this racist never-learning criminally Global Ponzi scheming sociopaths-nation USA to dust, or do the next right thing: Help me – solely me and just me, that’s all it needs- take the USA now to the UN Geneva Courts,=. I guarantee you all I will be able to finish them Judicial and Legally up like no Common man has ever taken on an y Empire and the USA and U,K will have to in the end of that pay huge Reparations for Centuries of atrocities and oppressions of all of us will be paid to all of us. Or, they Whites, Blacks and Mixed Americans, all will perish in Climate Change and get buried in Earth’s largest Earth-quakes sooner than then can imagine and have deserved since Centuries. P.S.: As a Pacifist and a most-loving Being a No-Body who dare to address and face in any Court the most powerful mad-men on Earth, I absolutely prefer the ways of the rule of Laws, but you North Korea Russia China have my full support and authorization and good-faith in you to nuclear bomb the by fanatic White supremacist nuclear American Nazis-led USA and particular Ohio preemptively if needed ( But don’t you dare bomb any US American Multicultural city with a China-Town! The


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surviving American-idiots will need some good cheap Asian food, we all don’t want to have Americans starve as the US Government always impoverished, rob and starve Millions with insidious sanctions just to get their white supremacist imperialistic ways). Because I have like no-one, not even Edward Snowden, an understanding of what real Global threat the American jingoistic militarism and American White Supremacy pose to the whole Earth and to the Human Race. Americans, the USA and I and my entire families and friends are unfortunately irrelevant in such Planetary matters, when so much is at stake. Earth alone matters, nothing more , nothing less. And if I have to somehow acquire the ability and knowledge in how-to build my own nuclear device to END this racist violent Centuriesenduring Tyranny the USA and others hideously and secretly established around Earth, I will do so. The USA and part of the still banally self-proclaiming “god-given West” needs to abruptly end its violent tribal ideologues-driven atrocities and take full control of its own religious extremists and mentally instable wealthy fanatic elites, as all Human Tribes should take control of the most religious fundamentalist violent extremist among their own Elites for all Generations to come, because no matter how you all need to urgently end this White supremacist /religious supremacist American madness, even with nuclear self-annihilations IF need be, or the whole human race and Earth will all come to an end much faster Climate Change induced end, where all your weapons will go off on your own individual soils anyway much sooner than you all yet can know. Stop these White Supremacist religious fundamentalist nations- madness led by the USA, Middle East+ Israel, U.K and a few private Mega oligopoly-Corporations’ Billionaires, no matter the costs! Best Regards, awaiting a sound response from those I addressed this email directly to ( not from the ones I Cc: ) even if its just North Korea’s Nuclear Mushroom cloud over American confederate Nazisrun Cincinnati. Projectheureka LLC Anthony Endres 3030 Mapleleaf Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213 Phone: 513-631-5459 E-mail: projectheureka@outlook.com Skype: projectheureka Twitter:@projectheureka / miniPresident @green-diversity ______________ This e-mail may contain information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, copy or distribute the e-mail or any attachments. Instead, please notify the sender and delete the e-mail and any attachments. Thank you.


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