To Chelsea Manning&Reality Leigh Winner's Legal Teams & The Intercept

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From: To:

Date: Subject:

"Anthony E." <> 6/9/2017 1:33:42 PM Chelsea Manning & Reality Leigh Winner's Legal Teams / Business Enquiries

To the Legal Representa ons of Miss Chelsea Manning and of Miss NSA-Agent ‘alias’ Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner, To the Intercept Team; my name is Anthony Endres. I am a Black German progressive Liberal /Social-Democratic environmentalist and US Immigrant, who live and own an unsuccessful Green Startup with my Caucasian US American wife in the arch religious conservative and Climate change denying Trump and ALEC /NRA bastion Cincinnati Ohio. FYI, me and my family and my small business interests were the victims of institutional discrimination (such as arch religious Conserva ve Trump-Republican elites’ colluded Climate Change- and Diversity denials here in Ohio) and the victims of unlawful NSA and Ohio’s FBI bulk surveillance, as were obviously countless foreigners /legal immigrants and immigrated business-people. And, as it now proves, so were many Liberal environmentalists and Secular Atheists, as myself who live in the USA and are having international communications on regular basis the victims of unwarranted Intelligence surveillance via CIA Hacking tools and were even “hacked” into by private corpora ons as the alt-right billionaires-led and Globally opera ng Tech giants Facebook, Google, and Murdoch’s and Mercers’ fake news Media as Breitbart and Fox News. Anyways, to make interesting mattersreally short: My family and friends and small businesses want to offer our financial and all International available Legal support to Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner, the young Texas NSA contractor with Pluribus International Corp. in Augusta, Georgia. We wish to on International level raise funds for the Legal defense of Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner. By giving $ US 30,000 Dollars of our savings, -and in environmental protest –, all of our Exxon-Stocks to Reality Leigh’ parents Mrs. Billie Mr. Winner-Davis and to Reality leigh Winner's lawyer Titus Nichols to fund a more adequate Legal representation team and International advisor team for Reality Leigh Winner. And no, we do not plan the usual anonymous and jingoistic BS GoFundMe scam-campaign to enrich ourselves. But we seek Reality Leigh herself, her parents Mrs. Billie Mr. Winner-Davis, and Reality leigh Winner's lawyer Titus Nicholsand Miss Chelsea Manning and legal representation as the Legal fund managers of the International fund raising campaign. I will need certainly the Winners and all contacted here-by organiza ons’ agreements on the ma er. My family and business have no interests in profiteering from any funds resulting from raising campaign for Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner. But I am personally most interested in her whole story and an Interview with the entire Winnerfamily alone for the European and Interna onal Green/Environmental and “An Trump” ( if you wish to call

those who reject a pathologically lying Neo-Nazis so)- community, and certainly for my work in progress Book on the USA from an European, Black Secular pacifis c Environmentalist’s, and as an Ohio-based Climate Change-oriented, discriminated and thus made to fail business ( Only that much here to Ohio’s criminally religious fundamentalist NRA-Republican Neocons and not choosing Winners –Oil – and losers-alternative Energies etc) stand-point. Reasons, why we wish to financially and other-wise support Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner’s Legal case and why I wish to bring up and invoke Global and Planetary Interests as the most important Legal arguments to Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner’s defense, are: A: Blowing the whistles on an extremely uneducated, fanatic xenophobic, misogynistic p*ssy-grabbing, justice obstruc ng lying rapist and Anthropogenic Climate Change-denying “ the orange fascist,- whom even a Republicans-loyal Republican FBI Director James Comey distrust that much that Mr. “Ferguson-Effect”-Comey had to publicly blow the whistle on Trump’s dangerous lies and “Loyalty-to-the-King-pledges” and against whom all other former US Intelligence heads are speaking up against out of concern for the USA, for all American ci zens and residents and for Earth’s environment - is not treasonous nor a crime nor a terroris c act as Republican and Middle-East Oil-& god –addicted fascistic oligarchs make-believe, but true heroism in service not just only of one’s country, but of our planet Earth. Suchunique human courage requires all of our respects, and not some pseudo-legalized punishments of the messengers of treason. B: I am sure most still sane, still honest and truly National-/World-Security and Peace-concerned Intelligence NSA, CIA and FBI etc. Agents and educated leaders will agree on this: The criminal is not the Agent who report high-class level of crimes and most-possible acts of treason/ colluding with the enemy under International sanctions to rig US and International elections, and with other fascistic Banana Republics corrupt oligarchs long before Trump’s mob was actually officially the President/ Government, but the government members who act that treasonous and are in such disregard of the laws, of International Intelligence rules and doctrines are the true criminals. C: As Mr. Edward Snowden, Mrs. Chelsea Manning, The “Black” CIA Whistle-blower Jeffrey Sterling etc. etc. are all so exceptionally proving, it is mainly only solely the so-called “minori es” ( Transgender people, “Liberal” Progressive Democrats, so-called People of Color /or Blacks, Environmentalists and pacifistic Secular Atheists) among those Whistle-blowers who are the most harshest punished for exposing crimes within the government and Intelligence community. Where-as Republican career-poli cians of the orange anus fascist”, Breitbart/ Fox News, Republican FBI Comey’s “Ferguson-Effect” let alone even, and various Intelligence-rules breaching offences against Mrs. Hillary Clinton, even all-White conserva ve Trump-boys’ Greyball-abusing private Tech Corporate-hackers as Uber get-off Scott-free even for blowing all sorts of racistPsyOps dogwhistles on the “Black” President Obama for over 8 years, on the female US Presiden al candidate Hillary Clinton, and against People of Color and all immigrants, and as it is clearer now against most White Liberals and Democrats in the USA, and in Mrs. May’s an -European Mul cultural Brexit-Britain and in various places around Earth evidently too, as it has become just more obvious now: (Ohio’s mass purge of voters!!) D: I’ve been openly in these religious Idioten-Tri-States and on Social BS Media accused of being godless “An -American” ( If the idio c BS-for-brain religious Republican Colleges educated Tri-state Neocons mean “America” as in the 2 Con nents, nope I’m not. But Anti-religious fanatic racist Republican USA-nuclear-big business-dominion and Godless, yup, hells yeah that’s the Secular rational Atheist realist-me, it just leaves so much more space for thinking and free-will and even for kicking Ohio’s status-racist religious fundamentalism-

ass Judicial when the me come), of being “An -West” ( Who and where is West, East, North or South on a Diversity-rich, multicultural revolving and evolved and fast-flooding and deserting Planet Earth, where every modern-day existing culture in-fact stole from each-other and other cultures?), as being anti-military ( Uhm guilty I guess, but I wasn’t aware I have to be a mindless Jingois c Lemming to be in the USA or to be alive and thinking, since as a Pacifist I have not much love but pity for all social PTSD-suffering jingoistic ethnocentric Cave-men-like nuclear Soldiers and ideology-driven privatized bug business militarism-employees, who are often mere legalized, hired and paid violent religious terrorists for one or the other group of people in different places around Earth, as for example any KKK-Confederate T-shirts wearing racist Ohio Killer-copsin the USA could Judicial and Interna onal officially now soon be seen as a part of Trump’s domes c religiousterrorist-KKK-police-state called the USA), and my favorite annoying Religious conserva ve Americans-BS: “ IF you-are-not-with-us-you-must-be-terrorist”-tactic to silent oppositions to their mindless falsehood/fake newsled garbage's. So for that matter my family, friends and I am sure others around Earth too would gladly like offer our financial, Legal advisor and others support to an environment-conscious and the whole Earth-before any Jingoistic-nationalistic Party-or President-loyalty-putting and whistle-blowing US American military and Intelligence personnel, who alike Chelsea Manning and others not only showed the courage to stand up for what is right while all others remained silence in that conformist well-paid governmental employees’'-seats with “god-view”-privileges. That ny window of transparency on important Interna onal World poli cal matters,on treason and Obstruction of Justice on the highest places – in our most-dangerous times to Democracy since world war 2- of government, which Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner created for Earth in her Idealistic naïve young but protocol-based and Legal rightful ways ladies and gentlemen is not a crime nor a punishable breach of Intelligence protocol , but it is the quint-essence of heroism and constitute the most important part of the du es of a “good” Intelligence soldier who stars death itself in the face not to kill or be killed, but alone to protect the whole Earth and all its inhabitants without a single shot fired. But by blowing the whistles on injustices and crimes she witnessed in her lines of duty. Young persons, as Manning and Winner, who courageously dare to stand up for something's where it truly is important, even when it destroys their own cozy conservative conformist insider-lives, need not be punished, for they are mere the messengers and reporters of far more sinister crimes than the crime of breaking absurd Intelligence protocols (since Manning and Winner couldn’t just run to any of the President’s appointees to blow the whistle on violent, or treasonous acting PsyOps Agents, or let alone on a similar felonious President or government. Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner should alone due to FBI James Comey’s own most-recent and very loud “whistle-blowing” against a pathological liar’s President be released and awarded mul ple Interna onal awards for possibly saving the whole Earth from years under colluded religious fana c World-Dictatorship run by Trump’s Saudi & Russian cronies, unless we all are just out to set up the whole human specie up for failure where sick pathological liars as Trump and as all extreme religions’ religious terrorists will be the sole “WINNERS”. Why my family and Startup wish to support Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner in possible ways. Could you help arrange the necessary preliminary connec ons to Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner’ family and lawyers, and to Chelsea manning and her legal team too, or not please? That’s actually all I ask of you with this email. Thank you kindly for your time, and for your important Journalistic work. And yes, you the recipients of this email are here-by granted the legal rights to publish this email in full in any of your publications. Not only since I will publish this email in full soon, for a certain reason, here too https:/ /

P.S.: I know the Intercept is a publication of First Look Media, launched in 2013 byeBay founder and philanthropist Pierre Omidyar, and I personally can’t stand any of the arrogant “Empire-building” Uber cronycapitalis c Tech billionaires around Peter Thiel FYI, but Mrs. Reality Leigh Winner’s legal and Earth’s Anthropogenic Accelerating Climate change-matter are more important than which f*cking self-absorbed rich religious conservative idiots or what I like or not. The question is, how important are both matters to YOU, the ones contacted here ??!

Best Regards,

Projectheureka LLC Anthony Endres 3030 Mapleleaf Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213 Phone: 513-631-5459 E-mail: Skype: projectheureka Twitter:@projectheureka / miniPresident @green-diversity ______________ This e-mail may contain information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, copy or distribute the e-mail or any attachments. Instead, please notify the sender and delete the email and any attachments. Thank you.

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