United Against Climate Change Or Divided Our Humanity Fails

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United Against Climate Change, or Divided and our Humanity Fails?

“Versatility and Diversity are the mothers of all good inventions”

I understand that most of our religious blind-Hope-the-Dope-fed and Abraham’s status-racist sociopaths mythology-raised religious BS make-believers and opportunistic self-harming common believing idiots who voted against all their own fellow humans and against themselves expected a some-what rational, sovereign, sane even and “elite” educated world US- Republican leadership with access to the nuclear codes, but the reality is we are all led and mislead since Eons by pathologically lying, ever- colluding nepotistic religious fanatic wealthy egomaniacally ethnocentric sociopaths on the cognitive level of toddlers on Cocaine and nuclear garbage’s for brains . Not all of them idiotic violent simpletons of leaders and deciders are fucking anal deceivers now mind you, but too many pathological lying and colluding religious fundamentalist nepotism-drinking wealthy sociopaths are in most leading political and in big business power- positions around Earth while they are so devastating Earth and setting genders, ethnicities/ tribes, nations and the common people everywhere against each-other, since generations now, alone for those rich religious Nazis and Mafia dynasties to evade Legal punishments for all their Centuries of colluded crimes from raping women and children, to slavery, to wrongfully mass incarcerating and making poor and “Liberal” progressive and non-religious people addicted to Opioids/Heroin as the uber- religious conservative Cabals’ biggest big business, to genocidal – indirect, via Climate Change denials, legalizing Abortions etc - and via their direct militarily or/and religious terrorism-led mass murders of whole people. Trump’s fanatic Idiotic liars-administration predictably megalomaniacal non-decisive decision to either retreat, re-negotiate from or not do nothing at all required from the voluntary and non-binding Paris Climate change agreement shows a few important things about religious human’s nature to perpetually perpetrate or jointly fall for religious opportunistic deceiver’s Linguistic colluded conservative covfefe (or look here a cute Kittie-/distraction-video!) deception/snakes-oil, while the rich religious idiots-gang continues to harm themselves and the whole planet. As a religious fundamental pro Big-Oil and pro-ever bigger bombing religious wars-loving Trump’s, Saudi’s / Islamic and Jewish extreme “Kingdoms” and Brexit’s Royal alt-right Administrations’ Climate change denials show, truly intelligent evolved beings/ an intelligent and truly “good” Specie who can would do everything non-destructive/non-violent now still in their power to prevent predictably planetary Climate and thus prevent economic and human sane civilizations’ assured collapse and massive extinction, do. While dumb degenerated violent suicidal god and opioids-addicted, “bad” beings who are ignorant to Science and our Global shared Environment will certainly ignore to acknowledge Global Climate change, human contributions in the acceleration there-of and thus the oil-rich pseudopolitical big business leaders and religious big Oil-investors continue to stand in the way of Climate solutions, Climate mitigation and the same OPEC-and War –pact-countries continue to deny equal rights and equal survival chances for all ethnicities, genders, sexes and all other people other than themselves, as only genocidal egomaniacal sociopaths ( Noah’s genocidal “leave them Behind to drown”-greatestfamily of the old books of organized sociopaths’ myths anyone?) would certainly do. So at least do all religious terrorists and all religious /political/ fascistic tyrants do, who hate themselves and all humanity would choose to act and do: deny Anthropogenic Climate change and the human diversity in exchange for accepting individualized but uniformly violent militaristic Kingdom myths of Yesterdays-land as the

absolute truth. As only elusive colluding bullshit-artists would do, while most of Earth’s common people are being flooded and washed away, being crushed by Storms, impoverished by Pussy-grabbing rapists as our religious and other absurd world leaders, or mass incarcerated and murdered by crazy violent religious terrorists, by a religious military and militarized religious police alone for a few super rich religious sociopath’s families’ forever BS Oil-Kingdoms’ growth-myths. Those same assholes who have invested the most funds, taxes, tax-free Church dues and the people’s retirement money for Centuries in Anthropogenic Climate change, in tribal ideological divisions and in religious wars can’t be the same to alone dictate, dominate or re-negotiate anything in regards to Climate Change. Doing so would be just like allowing World’s most religious terrorists/ KKK /and Nazis to dictate and alone negotiate World peace, or a-like allowing the gun- and the Nuclear Arms-Industry to dictate, negotiate and write up the full condition of Nuclear Arms-proliferations (latter’s are in-deed what a part of our old Abrahamic religious nonsenses dictated world-governments of religious fundamentalist fascist corporate nepotistic BS-artistry often do, just FYI) So. Either we as a whole human kind of all continents, of all ethnicities, all tribes, all nationalities, all genders, all sexes, of all beliefs and of all nonbelief’s, and of all economic status-differences come peacefully together to unite against anthropogenic Climate change, and against the Oil and warsinvested religious-ideological Climate change denying, violent religious fundamentalist wars-glorying, Opioids-pills, Oil and Coal-addicted mad-men as Trump, as the whole religious fanatic old mad-men’s clan called the GOP, against ultra-religious right-wing Surveillance Tech, religious Oil billionaires’ and against Putin’s and other asinine Oligarchic billionaire-hackers domestic and global PsyOps operations, against Saudi Arabia’s/ Islamic and Israel as religious terrorism-sponsors+ benefactors and against all the absurd primitive religious Kingdoms-leaders who are merely misleading a whole entire Earth’s population back into the imaginary 2000 years old dead mad men’s religious empires , or the whole Human race will fail and go with a certainty extinct. So which is it your sickening cronyism and racismrun dark hearts and your imaginary super-uber-BFF god/yaweh/allah/ basically speaking your bottomless greed will make you dear extreme ethnocentric Jews, you dear fanatic terrorism-leading Muslims, you dear KKK & Nazi-Christians, you dear violent Buddhists, you dear irrational Hindis, you dear religious make-believers, you Gentiles, you dear religious billionaires, you dear empire-builders and all you via Tech STASIm and religious terrorism super wealthy-made neo-emperors’ wannabe? Make your CHOICES, lay down all your bets, dear modern-day wannabe religious totalitarian Empire-gamblers, you Equality-, Climate Change- and you banal delusional arrogant the Diversity and Multiculturalismdeniers, you dearest wealthy religious terrorism funders and religious terrorism-profiteers, and all you Abraham’s religious terrorists on this our fascinating shared Earth. Because all you pathological lying religious nonsense-leaders and Oil-richest deciders and genocidal deceivers in Climate Change and Diversity-denials can lie, deceive, deny and kill as much as you wish, and you can burn as much Cash, Coal and fuels as large as the whole Earth to blow yourselves and your degenerated Opioids-addicted religious broods into Space, while you plot to leave 99% of the human race behind and kill most common people via drones, via religious terrorism, killer-cops and gun violence as your perpetual big business, real news and stock markets “disruption”-tool and via nuclear bombs-threats, but reality is: you can’t run away from the now more obvious fact that you are mainly incompetent, colludingnepotistic and pretentious baboons, bad people in the disguise of imaginative goodness and this World’s oldest pathological bullshit-artists. And it is evident the economic, infrastructural and Global human destructions that Climate change and patent denials of reality is already causing is affecting you the religious fundamentalist and political riches Oil-leaders’ countries and your violent mental states in

particular significantly so. The nearly humorous thing, because of the patent idiocy therein, about all our self-absorbed Empire-builders and religious uber-billionaires. You religious big business of Oil, murders & god-leaders in denials of scientific, humans’ and Earth’s reality deny the undeniable (Anthropogenic Climate Change) while you with a certainty accept the unacceptable ( god) is a clear evidence of the state of your minds in such dangerous denials as the gravest danger. In-fact all those religious Oiloligarchs’ nations’ conspiracy to collude to put a cognitive and emotionally retarded mass-rapists as Donald Trump and religious Nazis as the religious US KKK & their equally ruthless opportunistic lying religious Uncle Tom Republicans now in charge of denying Anthropogenic Climate change, and when they all only will choose to maybe accept the Climate facts based only on their own fabricated Terms, their absurd “pro-life/pro-gun/god “-Conditions and their usual science-less “Alternative facts” is proving to be the grandest terroristic danger to all live and to the entire Earth it-self. Unreached in barbarism by any form of singular religious terrorism is the terroristic deniers-unity of religious fanatic greedy billionaires, who see themselves as chosen to lead man-kind. Into the Abyss, that one-directional path assuredly so far has only been wandered, when the religious fanatic as well as our the richest religious mad-men mislead Earth just to try to re-build their biblical military Flood-empire on the blood of the whole Earth suffocating under the effects of Anthropogenic Climate Change. The denial-industry is run like a Global religious ideological totalitarian crony capitalistic and racists-led PsyOps-strategy, which as with all PsyOPs will be reversed to pretend and “Blitz-ding” the distracted dumb religious and other inattentive people with the help of the religious Oil-Corporate Opinion-fake news as if the same violent religious polluters, rapist religious billionaires and all the religious Oil-Corporate Climate change deniers- and Climate change activists-killers’ sponsors have always been the Messiahs of Climate protection: Kumabaye of religiously organized Oil-and Pill-Corporate mass deception and why the same religious and oil corporations corrupted culprits, richest religious families, religious cartels and religious clans have just been always turning around in different absurd disguises to then present themselves as the humanity’s big saviors from “ drugs, gun violence/Islamic terrorism/ evil attacks on Santa with more of all the previous BS, and certainly to protect American Interests from ( as the imbecile of ‘PAY US or we, the USA and our allies, will set Islamic terrorism on you’-Mafia-Don call Donald Trump said:) “Chinese Hoax” called Climate Change. Never-mind that the vicious Pharaohs-like cruel Saudi Royals, all religious Banana Republics and Islamic states-leaders, British Brexit Royals, the children-fucking “god-royals” in the Vatican as well as Israel’s “royal” arrogant racist asshole leadership ( Bibi Netanyahu mainly) and all other fanatic religious super billionaires have the majority of their countries and their private financial investments in everything Coal, Oil-, gas-extraction and in burning the same Anthropogenic Climate Change accelerating fuels and Particles in utmost deadly arms-sales used for deadly religious wars. They all made the wrong bet on Oil, Coal and gas and are just too fanatic know nothing-like pseudo academics elitists in denials, too all-destructive arrogant, too dangerously organized egomaniacal to admit their mistakes, their economic and fiscally irresponsible disastrous miscalculation and absolutistic fossil-fuels greed-led stupidity built on addiction to fossil-fuels/ the blood of Earth: When killing people is the biggest big business, money-maker and Virgins’ Tits-shakers of crazy religious terrorists and ruthlessly egomaniacal wealthy old religious Cabals alike, why should any of the religious fanatic rich gangs of World-sociopaths be really concern about Anthropogenic Climate Change when death and destruction is their sole business? The thing is while Trump the corrupt Nazi brood and religious Conservatives in USA, in Britain and in Islamic and Jewish religious “Kingdoms” is celebrated like the new Messiah of a neo-Pharaonic World-Nazi empire now armed with nukes, most common people with 3 jobs and one home are losing both due to the ruthless egomaniacal pseudo policies of the

same cunning lying Gun-god & Oil-Corporate religious World Oil-Nazis who then later pretend to “save” the people with ever-more discriminating religious fanatic Orgs’ BS-Charity, rather than with fair share in uber-Corporate taxes, Science-based and socially responsible Climate and nation policies and policies. The ways religious fanatic know-nothing Cabals and Nazis – quasi- have always seized and maintained World-power in secrecy and in all open is as now alone through the Art-Of-Deception, massive organized violent deceptions, killing of Progressive leaders and respectful leaders, and by brain -washing of the masses to support corrupt nepotistic fascist systems whi ch are always anti-people and antiDemocracy while in disguise of Democracy, some imaginary pro-life Myth or states-led nepotistic ethnocentric big business-Corporate Injustices called “Order and Justice ( For example: Here in religious elite KKK with equivalently mentally ill religious-Mafioso Uncle Toms’ led Cincinnati Ohio, Trumps visitation on Wednesday June 07 2017 is the religious neo- Conservative Nazis attempt to fund the Judicial freeing of the Confederate-flag wearing KKK Killer-Cop Ray Tensing, -who murdered and killed an unarmed innocent Black man Sam DuBose in a traffic stop here in our fucking religious fanatic Oil, Pills, Gambling and religious BS big business elites-led Ohio Cincinnati for no apparent reasons-, alone to entice and instigate a Global race war as a massive distraction, vilification and validation of statessubvention military violence against Minorities in Cincinnati Ohio and USA-wide probably World-wide: These fucking religious Nazis who GoFundMe and other secretive Mercers and Bannon-led Dark-money sources funded the rigging of the US election and a religious Nazis’ US President Trump into power know that letting that Cincinnati Ohio’s KKK Killer-Cop Ray Tensing, as so many other fanatic racist Killers in US police Uniforms go, or just with a very mild sentence, will lead to angry Americans of all Colors and creed lighting up the whole Ohio State and possibly the whole USA in a violent fire blaze of blind rage and such a deadly unjust US American empire will burn down in blind anger as the equally meshugge Roman empire set itself on fire. And that is precisely what all those religious fanatic KKK and Nazis around Trump here in Ohio and around the USA including all their big money-givers in the Middle East, in Brexit’s Britain, in Vatican and in Russia are obviously up too with letting know murdering religious terrorists, KKK and Nazis as George Zimmerman and countless killer cops even with utmost clear video and other evidence go/ simple firing them, or worse by enriching those kinds of mass murdering religious terrorists in uniform with millions of Dollars defense-funds and Books- and Interview deals. Trump’s Republican Administration know that the only ways for them to evade National and Global indictment for conspiracies and crimes against a whole Humanity and Earth is by instigating nation-wide “Race”- & Gender-wars, a new Civil war in the USA, or by religious terrorism and similar PsyOps-led Global wars as the Neoconservatives’ most welcomed public distraction from the numbers of lawsuits, Indictments and international Investigations running against so many arch conservative political, uber-Corporate and privatized STASI-Nazi Intelligence elites and countless colluding religious Oil, Tech and pill-mill billionaires around Earth not just for Genocides via prescription Opioids and Anthropogenic Climate change denials. The Republican parts / ultra-religious Conservative elites of the USA are in that unique genocidal domestic racist – by intentionally victimizing, mass incarcerating and legally quasi disadvantaging and by quasi slaughtering its minorities and Liberal Progressives – in important areas an institutionally ruthless gender-, ethnicity- and status-racist nation, very much alike the Middle Eastern BS-Kingdoms and every Banana Republic with a shameless rich and oppressive tiny Oligarchic elites - which certainly thus can’t be objectively trusted to lead anyone, let alone lead itself and whole Earth during Climate Change anywhere but into the Abyss. And, Trump is proving that old “assumption” and experience – that ultra-religious conservative big Money-Elites everywhere are dangerous pathological colluding liars and deniers of the Global and Human misery they are causing for

some imaginary growth. I know extreme religious conservatives mainly only the world’s bluntest fanatic deadly liars who have to always be secretly and openly recorded alone to be able to throw the banal conservative lies at them colluding Psychos all in any Courts if needed, what is in this religious fanatic KKK Assholes led and Charity-scams running racist religious extremist Tri-States even more so. It was clear to me due to my business recordings many years ago in the Ohio big business world that religious conservatives Corporations and mis-leaders who are invested in Guns, Oil, Gas, in taxexempted imaginary-god-Church-Corporations and in militarily bombing of Earth will certa9nly deny and lie about their own faults and contributions to Anthropogenic Climate Change, and then later they will pretend to support it when things do get really bad, just to further mislead and further create more havoc by pretending to be the inventors and innovators of the existing solutions for Climate Change. While the fraudulent religious Tri-state KKK big business elite assholes held- back. Hacked into and collected not only my ideas and Climate Business Project illegally via USA Nazi-like hideous bulk Surveillance of and Intellectual Property thefts from all foreigners and immigrants in the USA , but they steal so the entire World’s Intellectual Properties, ideas, inventions etc. via Global mass surveillance and via criminal “Social Network”-Algorithms evading not only into every foreigner and Secular Atheists’ privacy and business secrecy, but the religious conservatives’ Surveillance Apparatshik is mainly abused to create Uber private corporate empires with the stolen ideas and innovations of all the others they denied and lied about. The crazy religious deceivers and megalomaniac delusional God, Gas, Guns, Wars & Oil Cabals believe their usual Global deception to violently grab and regain the World leadership in important Global matters will work this time around too: It is not working, except for the false-flag and real terrorism and PsyOps-operations which the religious fanatic Middle East and religious pseudoWestern Neocons conspire to run, and that Neoconservative Global “Empire”-strategy is and will fail, crash and burn. And with it most of Earth, if Trump’s money-givers continue their absurd religious nuclear World Empire-building coups ruthlessly and lawlessly as they are doing now, while most religious conservatives and conservative US Americans while high on Opioids and other medications just look-on like Lemmings being lead into mass suicides. Climate change was never for the perpetrators and culprits, who are continuing to accelerate the devastations alone for their absurd GROWTH & POWERUber-Alles-delusions, to be solved. But only be resolved adequately by a whole thinking, breathing and living World affected and dying by Climate Change and the pathological mental illness some of our absurdly stupid “leaders” arrogant denials: the Paris Agreement was just the beginning of creating globally binding Mitigation solutions and opportunities. Opportunities for a whole Planet to evolve and extend it’s time of Existence. But as usual religious fanatic lying assholes as Trump and the KKK Nazis in the GOP and their Middle Eastern and Russian puppet-masters now - as with Solar and Battery Powered Cars then-, are trying openly and desperately to set the whole human kind against each-others and all societies back 75 years backwards. Backwards as most religious Conservatives’ minds and beliefs are simply 2000 years behind their brains stuck up their degenerated colluding liars’ asses. Leaving Earth’s most pressing problems to such sociopaths as Trump Administration, Brexit or other banal religious Oilrich military “Kingdoms and BS Empire”- wannabes, is pure Planetary Genocides. So, no dear religious and religious uber crony-capitalistic corporate misleaders and mass deceivers, you cannot take the lead, not dictate, not dominate, nor renegotiate the Global conditions and rules in such important matters affecting the whole planet Earth alone in your clan’s private dark room-/ Church- or Golf Courts-meetings due to the past and ongoing history of your extreme totalitarian religious pledges/religious fanaticism and bottomless selfish organized religion-induced greed in your tribal/manmade primitive old tribally/gender-and race/ethnicity-supremacy specific, egomaniacal/ divisive and all

others-discriminating ideology, your myths/ your all’s often these days naturally totally baseless and your easily refuted old fictive violent barbaric beliefs: Your all’s cruel anti-human barbaric primitive old beliefs, which – as in Noah’s Arch story – shows already that Abraham’s religious followers are as egomaniacal -selfish colluding rich spoiled teenager who are the ones most-likely to willfully plot to leave ALL others ethnicities, genders, sexes and beliefs including the majority of their very own people friends and neighbors behind to die. And as religious fanatic followers do, you the religious and big business leaders are always the ones most-likely even to call for/commit fund and profiteer from religious colonial militaristic genocides over genocides on other people for years just to save either one crazy tribal supremacists’ fictive nonsense-belief or just one uber-rich religious family in a big flood. But your “leadership” would be in Global Anthropogenic Climate change matters mere the usual worthless religious organized liars’ and bullshit-artists’ business-garbage’s because you the religious leaders as well as the connected crony-Uber-capitalistic Oil and wars-of-mass-deception-leading big business leaders have lead, mislead, deceived, lied to , oppressed and murdered ( FYI: most violent, militaristic or terrorism-related violent deaths of humans are due to religion and due to religious fanaticism-driven big business interests) most Earth’s entire population including your own broods for the past thousands of years now into precisely this eerie state now of near-certain human race’s self-destruction) for centuries and in every generation after generations of you have been in utmost denials of your deadly religious primitive religious Oil-myths-led denials of humans’ and Earth’s reality. I don’t know about any of you other fellow, but religious fundamentalist, human Apes with your head full of vivid opportunists’ make-believing religious and other tribal ideological garbage’s while your head seem to be stuck in your old-man’s ass, but I’ve always wanted to ask our oh-so arrogant genetically and other-wise oh-so superior human race, our “god-given/god-greatest or god-chosen” Arians, or god-like gender and our self-made” I did it on my own”- Super-uber-billionaires one question: ( See the title of this little exercise on some extremist “White” and other rich religious mad-men’s petty pretense of possessing exceptional Intelligence, while all they are, are ignorant sociopathic psychopaths, who are in well-organized religious-ideological make- beliefs big business fashion just full of shit) So my dear fellow Homo Sapiens Sapiens, - you self-proclaimed pillar of all Evolution and of all Progress via militarily and crony-capitalistic nepotistic religious Corporate Empire- building “Growth” ( Tax-free? Really now you fucking religious fanatic rich assholes? ) -, will you now choose to be “united states” against Climate Change, or will you dividers and our Humanity will fails and Earth burn by human’s weapons? Choose, dear fellow Human race, choose well, or be silent for a whole rest of Eternity by your own religious fanatic mental illness-led mass deceits and your own nuclear weapons. Canceling, renegotiating, and thus dictating new conditions for the Paris Climate Agreements or any Global binding and running Climate Agreement should certainly never be left to criminal con-Artists and patent dumb fuckers as Trump and his cronies, unless we all on this Planet certainly want to be shooting ourselves in the head on Fifth Streets as the pussy-grabbing rapist foreign Manchurian MinorityPresident Dofus Nazis Potus Donald Duck Trump and the religious conservative Oil-gang prophetic proclaimed, while the religious conservative Oil-world oligarchs were all lying, fake news-ing and funded the rigging of the US American election ( and the British one FYI) to screw an actually really nice older American Woman, and fund / allowed the terroristic murder of another really important British, Liberal female politician, is interesting to mention in relationship to privately owned religious Oil-cartels funded Presidencies/governments and globally colluded funding of Climate change denials and massive numbers of Facebook- and Google-led fake news-bombing of the world population since 2001 9/11.

Any society or part of a supposedly Elite Colleges-educated banal religious high-horse nuclear society, which denies Evolution, Scientific accurate facts, the Human Diversity, Human-&Gender Rights, and such other universal reality as Accelerating Anthropogenic Climate Change in exchange for blatant denials, primitive snakes-oil as god for old Con-Artists, for guns “rights” particular for generations of racist opioids-addicted psychos and religious terrorists of all fanatic violent religions ( all of them are), for coal and for oil and blood, is – and I am not sorry to say this, since I can prove actually said anyway in multiple fashion including with now even more recordings- a bat-shit mentally ill societies, which should never lead anything, if Earth is to remain sane and whole. And If humans ever were or will ever be either both, that is certainly. Sanity is such a big word which is bigger than Earth itself in a more predictably insane and Anthropogenic Climate Changing world mis-led by insane religious liars and Facts-deniers. It is said: Despair (+ Hope/Greed) is either the People greatest uniter, or this world’s greatest destroyer when built up-on the past religious totalitarian division, economic inequalities and continuous generations of religious oligarchic misogynistic racist injustices led by rich assholes who can command religious terrorists and nuclear drones alike. But sometimes Despair is both, uniter and destroyer of Worlds, while wealthy religious old mad-men continue to destroy the human race and Earth alone for absurd tribal Pyrrhic victories and their own bottomless greed for wars, for your sweat and your grand children’s children’s blood, and for crude oil and gas, the blood of Earth. There will be hardly any successful peaceful business left, when area after areas are affected and people, flora and fauna displaced by Anthropogenic Climate change induced localized severe flooding, droughts and quakes. Things always are weirdly funny when the greed of a Specie becomes far bigger than its need for mutual survival. So, now dear religious conservative big money and oil-elites repeat after me: Accelerating Anthropogenic Climate Change, Accelerating Anthropogenic Climate Change, Accelerating Anthropogenic Climate Change, is going to hurt you rich sociopaths pretty soon too. But before that, you and your degenerated brood might maybe taste the new Guillotines of a very, very angry Global world population? You know the 99% which you religious conservative oligarchs and wannabe empire-billionaires so despite, discriminate, disadvantage, whom you deny Reparations and equal rights, whom you despotic hate, lie to shameless and the same 99% you oh-so “pro-life”-like the religions of pieces you all are evidently love to mass murder via religious terrorism and via militarily terrorism, and via selling fake news/god, guns and opioids as Science-based safe “Medicine” and as good-for-you to? Well, they all will angrily ask and demand of you: United Against Climate Change, or Divided and our Humanity fails and you and your broods will all fall shortly after that victims of the Guillotines of future generations of angry white and other angry violent men all in your own violent sociopathic images, dear religious conservative Oil- war-god-guns & gas-oligarchs everywhere? And you the rest of human-kind planned to be left behind like Noah’s family evidently must have left countless people behind to die and drown each-others in the mystical “scriptural” big-flood- and bigmega yacht boat-story, will you choose to continue to believe as old-cunning Pharaohs-wannabes made you deny Climate change as the same rich-“I’m no Scientist but god said”-Assholes made you believers of violent old oligarchic myths to believe against your own interests and your human rights, or will you now WAKE UP?! Nope you are not WOKE yet, you and I merely believe to be awake while you are asleep, as you are asleep while you only appear to be awakened, and we all call that colluded entropic self-lie Existing/being alive while uncounted numbers of lives constantly end around us alone due to Accelerating Anthropogenic Climate Change denials of a few Oil-Geil old religious fanatic mad men. Will you choose to be united against Climate Change, or Divided and thus make Humanity’s Existence


History in the making is a choice you and I and I and you and them all make in the now. Choose well, my dear fellow humans, choose well, because Donald Trump’s and many other extreme oligarchic religious extreme Oil & war- Conservatives’ sanity and actual religious human’s intelligence are scientifically and obviously highly doubtful. Such colluding wealthy religious conservative Oil and other shitty ideological poison-big business oligarchs’ ruthlessly blunt ability to be such eluding pathologically colluding liars and deniers on the other-side are as obvious, unnegotiable and undoubtable. As is Anthropogenic Climate Change. Whereas the relevancy is not in the exact details of how and why it is happening mainly, but that Climate change due to human activity is happening and what exactly to do about it all, and how-to ensure the safety of people’s lives and properties during Anthropogenic Climate Change. Everything else is just Bullshit-Artists-led mass distractions/ Aristotelian theatres of Know-nothings too well funded by Oil, War & Fracking Corporations, who obviously are a large part of the causal causes of Trump’s and other religious extremist Fascistic Oil-politicians latest political successes/”Winning”, as well as of Accelerating Anthropogenic Climate Change.

Chapter: United or Divided Humanity Fails By Anthony Endres Projectheureka LLC In religious fanatic KKK-Republican Killer Cops funding Cincinnati Ohio USA

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