Thoughts of A 50 Years Old German US-Immigrant on Trump's State O The Union Speech & The Hitler/Stalin-Mussolini-Parallels #TrumpsAlternativeUniverseSpeech #StateOfTheUnion or #StateOfTheOnions “Those who always remain silent, fearful to and opportunistic profiteering from atrocities as modern Nazism, guns-& arms-investments, Climate pollutions, opioids-investments, and genocidal misogyny, homophobia and other xenophobic ethnocentric organized status-racism, are always as guilty in enabling those atrocities, as are the direct perpetrators of all those atrocities: As, there exist no such thing as an innocent religious Human man of Earth.” ~ very old Saying, far older than any existing 3 violent main-religions of Abraham’s. Slightly “modernize” for your comprehension The USA, your god-given greatest most-fascinating study-object of a nation, is an unique Diverse as well as highly extremist contradictive and partially sick society. Not due to its beautiful, unique ethnic, gender, sex national, religious, etc. pp American Diversity, but – sadly – alone due to the USA’ historical homogenous White supremacist -and continuing- racist history which forever is connected to Hitler’s Nazi-politics, since most White religious conservative US American rich’s, business men/ corporate and military leaders, Judges and particular our mentally ill Republican career politicians are of arch conservative Christian and Jewish German-heritages, who are even after generations emotionally still married to Hitler- Germany’s flawed, failed and boring “Strength through Force” and “White male’s Global Superiority”-agenda. It has been clear to me since some times now, and thanks to some secret recordings I was able to make while living and trying to establish a Diversity and Climate Change Startup as a Secular Atheist in arch religious fanatic and German-American-Nazis-like Cincinnati Ohio - that it was not just “W”’s Cheney nor now Trump now who are alone the mentally ill patently lying White American psychopaths, but nearly half of US America, all Republican religious fundamentalists quasi, and clearly ultra religious conservative rich, opportunistic White and other men in general are too often in Human-history mere banal falsehoods-based story-telling mentally ill sociopaths, in varying gradients of degrees certainly depending on power they hold with in the USA, Trump, Pence, Sessions being at the very top of such visibly mental illness-led pyramids of opportunistic religious fanatics/ Nazis who lie, hack, rig, fake and perpetually murder and kill others (all the extreme Police-induced hate-shooting-cases and known cases of US police and White supremacist Americans framing “Minorities” with crimes in high numbers under Obama and now under Nazi-Trump appear, no, they were in-fact, purposely butchered or mistrials alone to enable the now-running crony-fascistic US American-Nazism under the third-class TV star Trump) alone to make to/remain themselves as the sole economic super”-Winners' “race”. There were various fascinating parallels in Trump’s populist State of the Union Address’s shitty, TV-Hollywood-writers written fake “Unity”- speech Trump held with a man in the ear, which are just exact like combinations of Hitler Stalin and Mussolini’s speeches. A coincidence, which most US American will miss because they have been denied and lied about that particular part of the US American history: Nazis in America, Christians, some Jewish men, gentiles' and other Caucasian US
Americans around 1930-1942 who supported Hitler’s genocidal race-politic and imperialistic militarism openly and tried even to establish an American Reich America First by the way, was also American-Nazis most populist slogan in 1932. Just as Trump's slogan. Hey, just "Coincidences" you all know are always such unpredictable political Nazis-things: I can already see Facebook, Twitter Breitbart ect.’s Trump's religious fundamental “USSR” Trolls and Bots-Cheerleaders-Trending "News" tomorrow 1/31/2018 : "Trump killed/nailed it" (yup Trump is misogynistic Pussy-grabber and Mafia Don who already announced that he " could shot someone on 5th Str..) and “Trump the Unifier ( of Nazis/religious and Islamic terrorists) looked Presidential” as well "Trump's Approval-rating Rising, Rising over the Roof!" ( Really now dear US right-wing media, I thought you as Trump do not believe in such things as Scientific numbers only in Second Amendment/ in a monotheistic White nazis-he"god"? Oh its was just another of Trump's fake news-numbers, just as his "lowest Black unemployment EVAR?) Apropos! Who, exactly conducted those Black employment numbers and where do those claims come from exactly , based on what merits, where and who was polled, how, by whom ( organizations), please? The opposite seems more true since Trump, except short-term jobs in the TV- Advertisement/propaganda Industry for US Corporations to fake “Diversity”, the Black Panthercasts for example, and Amazons massive numbers of temporary, lowest wage “employed” seasonal workers. But regardless of those few temporary employment-industries the employments numbers of Blacks and Hispanics in the USA are actually strongly sinking since Trump and are not up, since less and less Minorities and immigrants are reporting unemployment out of fears of getting assaulted and wrongfully accused by Whites while Down-Town or fears of getting shot by Trump-Sessions crazy “confederate “god’s squads” Killer-Cops whom Trump now is legally more and more employing trigger-happy low-educated, criminal, religious fundamental Republican-Nazis whom TrumpRepublicans not just in Ohio have been grooming via Social Media and fake news and are openly installing as Trump’s domestic assault-riffles armed SS-Storm-Troopers to go violently up against all Minorities, immigrants and soon even after Clinton-Obama Democrats as it was obvious since some times. Except to US American who do not really understand how History works and is repeated. That airily suspect repetitive spread around LOWEST Black employment rate ever” appears like the Ferguson-Effect Data which desperately and falsely tried to tie the rising gun homicide rates to Blacks-on-Blacks and Immigrants and Obama Admins-policies interesting, while ignoring White Supremacist American-Nazis including police officers, who are going around the USA killing minorities and others. Nazis killing people and framing others ( Hitler’s SS and vigilantes then did similar to Jewish Intellectuals and “Socialists” who opposed the Hitler-regime, as did Brexit in past the past 2 years, not only in the case of Liberal Joe Cox) are nothing new in the USA by the ways, since doing so is among the oldest divide&conquer-strategy of all racist US religious conservative US
American and other organizations such as KKK, Jim Crow, NRA, ISIS and the GOP et-all ReligiousNazis. Liberals’ and Real American-Journalisms' Headline: "LIES, FRIES and More Dangerous Trump-Lies"; which comes certainly much closer to the reality of every-thing-Trump never-the-less will not go as far to openly analyze the sheer limitless numbers of divisive falsehood, nor will the US Corporate media point clearly the clear similarity to Hitler’s Stalin and Mussolini’s speeches, TrumpRepublicans’ fake numbers, fake statistic and misconstrued half-truth in Trump’s speech. That, is more shocking, that actually hearing the usual American Hitler-Nazis-speeches in the god given greatest Democracy called United States, which with Republican-Nazis dominating the local and states-Government certainly will never be united nor peaceful or sane again. Because TrumpRepublican have made most US Americans of all 3 Abraham’s religions to fearful, opportunistic ruthless sociopathic religious extremists, and/or others as Muslims and Mexicans, LGBTQ+ and even their own voters, poor and more moderate “Red Necks”, purposely to their chosen “losers” who are falling down the economic and social ladder into homelessness and deadly despairs, while the NRARepublicans continue to arm crazy religious fanatic men with assault-riffles and big pharmaceutics drugged out of their minds with too many pills as opioids, while kept dumb and ever-outraged with fake news and staged news to elevate the Republican-Nazis’ American populism. Again, just as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini had learned well to abuse the publics’ naivety and our Human “common sense” aka stupidity. But on the more serious side-note: Trump just last night quasi, with a classic Hitler and Stalin's modern TV-Show's emotional propaganda-style, declared domestic wars on Afghanistan Iran, North Korea, on some Muslims (terror suspects), on "illegal" Mexicans, on anyone who looks like "illegal immigrants" in the USA, on LGBTQ+ rights, on Poor People, on Climate change activists and Green businesses, on Democrats who oppose him, on all "Liberals", on "Socialism" ( Where? On Mars?), on non-Christians, on Secularism, on Atheists, on Democracy,, on real Science, on Facts, on a whole Humanity, and particular on Reality. His Alternative-Reality is now just pitting one group against another groups, creating purposely the most violent US American-Nazis run modern McCarthyism-led divisions of the American people and of the world, alone to cover up their crimes. These modern Republican American-Nazis are and will certainly continue to try to frame and blame their own collusions and treasonous rapist racist crimes onto others and aim to falsify reality of “Russian Hacking” alone to mass incarcerate Democrats for treason instead. Should Republican-Nazis in-deed succeed with that switcheroo-gambles that would be a clear sign of the end of any and all sane Democracy and the begin of US America’s totalitarian theocratic Republican-Nazism and a new – unavoidable - nuclear world war. Alone because Republicans will continue to stage the most horrendous things just to blame them on Immigrants, Minorities and Liberals, once they complete own the FBI as they already control and have filled police leaders positions and have employed and deployed in Trump’s states mainly religious police officers who are "Confederacy-glorifying” Republican Caucasians, while they are instigating angry and mentally ill people to commit deadly violence, just to enable and justify their utmost deadliest yet to come crack-down on America’s and other “Minorities” in all Human history, soon. But, it was a "good" Trump-Speech, via a man-in-his-ear-trick. For a totalitarian leader and a shitty TV-Show-star who lie and normally articulate and act persistently like a complete loony. It was all lies and TV-Reality-show-like constructed Alt-Rights’ Alternative Reality though, which can
not be proven by Republicans, and is equally hard right away to disprove by all others, since the Stock markets, polls and economic-political statistics are all already under the controls of Trump’s pathologic lying, fake Data as well as fake news generating allies and self-serving enriching and deeply incompetent colluding Republican-cronies in other high places and internationally. Trumps speech was exact just like Hitler's Reichstag's-speech and another one where Hitler asked: "Wollt Ihr den Totalen Krieg”? Speaking of latter: Trump kind-of close-up his speech with similar form of translated English expression. But hey I'm no “expert” historians, as Fox News or or local Ohio Republican news Star-anchors believe them-selves – humoring- to be while they sell mainly just half-thought-out religious conservative idiots-opinions as the TV-“News” for the highest corporate or totalitarian bidders. Some of the most crazies "stable genius" leaders say the maddest things, which all opioids-addicted religious people too swiftly forgive and forget? Or are just half of the historically, religiously and ethnocentric gun-violence-led and politically dumb-kept US American people suffering of such linguistic political amnesia? I wonder now, are the really most vicious death-threatening Bots and Trolls on this planet actually all just US America’s “inventions” mainly, or even Republican TrumpNazi elites behind such fake-people online? I know, as an older German ex-Techie how easy it still is in multiple ways to divert traffics through Russia, or any other Country for that matter and how elite/ nation’s/corporate hackers and their Bots are able to even fake MAC-Addresses and IPaddresses to pretend they are from somewhere else, why I was never surprised about such news of for Trump and religious conservative nationalists-beneficial fake-followers-system Twitter and Facebook etc use to grow their IPO, I have seen the back-end sides of such Tech “giants” platforms, since I was creating my own little “gig-economy” business already about 8 years ago already, but I was hideously stopped via intentional manipulation of when to grant me my working permit and correct Green-Card, then by hackers, fraudsters and much more. Seeing their corporate POWER-rush now, I am aware why Republicans consider their White Big Data billionaires as well as Trump “Geniuses”. Of near-perfected fabrication of most people’s perception of political and other reality: Reality is: Neither Europeans’ Intellectual Properties, nor anyone’s properties and real “Values” are secure in a divisive and pathological liars-run place where incompetence, genocidal racism, religious fanaticism-led misogyny homophobia xenophobia, raping, pedophilia as well as anti-trusts nepotism, cronyism, abuse of FBI/NSA back-doors for self-enrichments and political points exist so openly and are accepted part of “the game” and just life in good-old Amerikkka. As children who go on violent school mass shooting are never a good sign of the health of a nation and society, but the opposite. Hmm. Speaking of Republican witch-hunters: Achilles Hoplites below, now looking back from our Trump’s ages, was quit the deaths to gays and others openly on YouTube threatening Bot who then already - a few years ago - was already suspiciously in the know about, and seem now to must have
been an important elite insider part of Social Media elites for Trump-Republican-Nazis’ darkest cultural-social-nationalism’ political plans then. The strange blindness of our Ohio police, parts of FBI and US authorities to death threats, and actual murders of Minorities and Progressive, gay-rights, Black Lives Matter- etc Activists all across the USA in the same periods of time are now, again looking back, even more suspicious. "Achilles Hoplites", very Interesting choice of name, because I’ve always said its not just Republican ex-FBI-Director James Comey who hide behind religious fundamentalist historical Avatar-names on-line, but a much larger darker fundamentalist segment of the entire Republican criminal swamp and Deep-State and their wealthy elite religious College frat-boys in Tech, who are certainly protecting each-other's crimes and secret anonymous violent personalities on Social Media Facebook, Google Twitter, STASI-like Surveillance-economy Tech corporations which are mainly led by super-wealthy Republican-Nazis too. But, Take our Country back, makes be always want to just ask your never-learning megalomaniac delusional nuclear Republican American-Nazi idiots :For whom, man, for Native-Americans? I'm all for it, dear Trump-Republican and dear United Nations Courts: It’s over-time everyone else not Native-American leave the Continents Americas and give “America” back to the Native-Americans, the original owners, heirs and natural inhabitants of the original United States. But taking back the USA from “the gays” just doesn’t make any political sense other than to fucking Nazis and to all Abrahamic religious extremists and religious terrorists as well as our trigger-happy White US “gods squads”. Apropos there are legal and Mathematically impossible discrepancies in USA ability to put Surveillance on anyone, including on Trump as his cronies certainly knowingly claim, and the accuracy and time and efforts spent on criminal investigation of crimes against and homicides on Minorities and Immigrants, as opposite to legally NRA Republicans-armed White American-Nazis. All which indicates more than just a hideous perpetual wrongful incriminations and quasi KKK, ISIS& Nazis etc.-run domestic Genocides on-going in the USA: Those, who might have actually read my past correspondences addressed to them , or my past online postings, might after what goes on right now today, where even the Democratic sanesounding & operating part of the FBI , and the Obama-Administration and Mrs. Clinton are now under dangerous perpetual falsehoods and half-truths-led political attacks by Trump-Republican politicians, GOP law-makers who form the recent ongoing Nazi-Trump-Administration, might now after Trump’ speech and the drama about any accuracy the GOP Memo, why I was kind-of acting “paranoid” ( I talk to US American White and other “strangers” here in Ohio Cincinnati only with recorders on and even in person only with wearable hidden cameras on them, and we have multiple Dash cam in our car, even before Trump. Guess I’m just that autistic to smell out dirty lying Nazis), after years of state’- and corporations-targeted cyber intrusion and hacking attacks, identity- and credit card- thefts, and countless online-, phone- and in Cincinnati-made death threats against me, and the opioids-dealer-like “Squatting”-attempts on our -formerly Multicultural Liberalsdominated - Cincinnati- neighborhood, and why I decided sometimes ago as a Liberal Secular German “Minority” and immigrant in our religious fanatic and fossil-fuels- and racism-enriched Republican-billionaires run neck of the USA not to continue an online business Startup, which clearly is still a multi-billion Dollar-thing, might now hopefully understand why. When even FBIDirectors must bow down cow-in to and kiss Trump-Republicans colluded lies-mafia ring, what can
one insignificant Black-German Secular immigrants with a few damaging recording really do where everyone collude in silent greedy ethnocentric, jingoistic advantageous opportunism against eachothers as Hitler’s Nazis against middle class Jewish people, gays/LGBTQ and “Socialist” Democrats? Precisely, alone nothing much. Besides, why should I in anyway risk my life taking on the most corrupted wealthiest mad-men’s corruptions on intellectually and in Courts for anyone else on this planet? Precisely, I am an Autistic non-religious no-body who knows-nobody, who happen to accidently to come know too much about our richest people and our real human atrocious stories and history already in young ages, and then again even more many many years ago here in Cincinnati’s big business world dominated by White religion-peddling Republican big business men, who just are as often, but thankfully not all of them, alike Trump. Well, it was “nice” to have been among you eerie divisive and violently religious fundamentalismpeddling US Americans Whites and Brown folks here in Confederate killer-cops-filled Ohio, at least as long as the more saner and not-so genocidal racist, lesser homophobic and lesser xenophobicethnocentric US American pseudo-Democracy under Democrats lasted, as same with World peace. Ergo, It is time for me and my little family to move on and out of this deeply religious and deadly racist religious fundamentalist Nazi-Trump's state of Ohio. Because it is very clear to me since sometimes since that was part of Hitler and co.’s plans too: The Republicans fully unleashed all armed White supremacist and American-Nazis even within in the police and FBI yesterday, by allowing those to do as they wish with people who look “illegal”, with Black people, Mexicans, LGBTQ+, drug “suspects”, terrorism “suspects ( certainly not included are Trump’s Judeo-Christian Nazis and Trump’s new American “god’s squads” SS Storm-Trooperterrorists and killers) and even Democrats voters and high political Democrats could fall victim to Trump’s Hitler-like “Unity”. That is the ever-old societal problem, when a whole people or a whole Specie put their last HOPE of evading violent totalitarianism just on one single thing and one man alone: the Republican, Robert Mueller. But. When the USA is dictated and dominated by pathological lying rapists, racists, pedophiles and mentally ill Neo-elite American-Nazis, not single man or Woman can stop them. The Democrats and Obama- Administration have failed Americans, themselves and the whole Human race with their silence and playing along even though they know what first semester Psychology and political European students know: “Alles Ist Schein!” The Trump Republicans right now in US governmental near-absolute political power are the most dangerous mentally ill pathological liars and hideously genocidal criminal religious Nazis who have ever wander Earth, and who have put into their violent A-A Climate Change-denying empty religious Apish minds, and plotted to victimize, over-dominate Democrats via perpetual fears, murder and scarify the lives of millions of Minorities, Immigrants and Liberal Democrats domestically violently just to establish their religious conservative White men-only American-Nazis’ new nuclear WorldReich under the oldest totalitarians’ ever-false pretense of: “its all for Freedom, for the people ( rich white religious extremists only, but hey details and lives of other do not matter to “unifying” nuclear-power-deranged religious extreme White US AmericanNazis and to all violent religious terrorists equally ) and with nonsensical rhetoric's and impossible shit as America First. Where America First will only predictably crash America and lead to the world war religious Nazis dreamed up long ago. What for now seems to differentiate the modern-day republican American-Nazis from those in the 1940’s is the little flip-trick they have learned to pretend to support Jewish people by supporting Netanyahu’s hard-line racist Segregation genocidal
politics and policies, since that’s what Republicans have been doing to US Minorities since Centuries unto others too. All “educated” modern Nazis have sadly learned too well that the best and only way to rid of maximum numbers of “the Jews”/ Jewish Liberal people in particularly is to lure them all into on place, Israel, and light their torch-fires by setting nuclear armed violently angry-made Islamic states Vs. the nuclear armed Netanyahu Jewish state and hope the last winner standing will be them: the Nazis. Mind you please Netanyahu’s Zionist-Nazi segment - and Saudis etc all - all plays greedily all along (Billions in tax-payers’ funded “charity” from the god-given USA) even-though most of Israel and all Jewish people know, as I know well, that a large part of the US Republicans are just the modern American-Nazis. But greed and opportunism always win out in all and in any religious empires and emperors-wannabes. The US economy-numbers as well as Black employment-number-game are a magnificently eluding ruse. A very dangerous ruse in fact, when factual Reality is more and more the opposite where richest insiders are getting damn richer and trickle-down is just mega Monopolists- favorite lies, as is same with unbelievably high USA’ 2018 school-shootings so far alone under Trump, the still unsolved and unpunished Republicans’ Corporate big Pharmacy and Peter Thiel and PayPal-supported dark web’s online stores-sources which are leading to massive American opioids and Fentanyl-deaths, growing numbers of uninvestigated and unsolved ( White vigilantes/Nazis-caused and policeinduced gun deaths, while mass arrest of the same innocent ever-American-victims Black people, of Mexicans, Immigrants, Autistic children and adults, of LGBTQ+, of Feminist Activists, and of Secular Liberal Activists) in Trump’s USA, the most negative societal numbers which are at their highest alone during Trump’s first asinine year of fascistic Nazis-like operating of the USA. But our pathologic lying religious Christian fundamentalist rapists-forgiving Trump-Republican cronies are already rewriting history and are writing those numbers white, by not publishing accurate numbers or nothing at all to an American people who are distracted by perpetual fears, religion as states-politics and violent economic-political divisions alone for Republican-Nazis political pyrrhic gains. US American religious totalitarianism alike Hitler’s Nazism mixed with USSR’s fascistic cronyCommunism has fully arrived in the USA under Trump’s -Nazi elite Republicans cloaked by fake news, economic successes and artificial ( 3 mega oligopoly-led and pro-Trump-billionaires (Cyber, Math “Geniuses” & Gurus as the Mercer’s or the super billionaires Koch’s) mathematically manipulated and cyber “hacked”) Stock Markets- growth, which sadly are all mainly a ruse too and are all about to crash and burn anyways like all economic Bubbles ideological Humans 'greed and falsehoods create do. I prefer watching your US American Republicans’ nuclear insanity more and more from a far far away safe distance, because that kind of further violent most deadly White supremacist Nazism automatic leading mental illness, in a crony-capitalistic Republican religious Mafia-run place as the USA o nowadays is too contagious, mainly to religious conservatives and White opportunistic psychopaths and all silently Nazism-following human Lemmings, and is most deadly for everyone else. US TrumpRepublicans are the new/old American-KKK-Nazis and they are dangerous to everyone, including themselves! Namaste, please, do survive the deep mental illness of yours and all crazy religious fanatic mentally ill nuclear-armed and oh-so unifying “deciders” of Earth. It anyone alive now then actually can in light of such repetitions of Hitler’s and other pasts totalitarians speeches and agenda in USA’s main Governmental politics and leading World-economy. After-all, what could go wrong, the Stock market is booming like a Bubble, all is rose-colored good and AA Climate change is still just mere a “Chinese/North Korean Hoax even”, and stealing Intellectual Properties around Earth via
Surveillance-economy and Social Media’s private corporate Tech billionaires are playing NaziTrump’s Global SS-STASI-wire tappers and the sole arbiters of Free speech, who can deny some-one as me and even World-leaders Speech on “Social ‘News” Media, while NRA-GOP-armed, hideously people-killing American Nazis again roam the American streets, while –again, in staggering numbers Black and Mexican People are being mass incarcerated and shot by White confederate Trump-cops, and Feminists and children raped and abused by religious “leaders” etc etc and so on pp, are all certainly just the finest signs of our all-American eternally “nu-cu-lear” god-given greatness and all that Abrahamic 3 main religions Nazis’ Jizz. Trump’s Republican-Nazis might get what they want alright, but the educated and successful Business owning and innovative Immigrants now in the USA, who are by Trump’s racism forced to leave, or are harmed or decide to leave in deadly fears for the safety of their children and family, will force their own Governments, World-wide, soon too, to Boycott USA’s products and US Corporate services, throw Americans out of their Countries, or/and ask for International Sanctions against the USA. It sadly unavoidable steps, in regular People preventing American-Nazism and nuclear World War. Because all our politics, the conservative US corporate media-guys even and all of richest religious men on Earth right now are profiting from the perpetual fears they generate perpetually in most regular People and for our Democracy and Co-Existence, only to divert wealth, public properties and real estates, and trickle uber-special “socialist entitlements” up to them corrupt selves alone, indefinitely. P.S.: As said before , “Alles Ist Schein”, particular where-ever pathological right-wing liars and colluding wealthy religious extremist billionaires cartels Bankers and ultra right-wing Generals even openly gamble and again like Nixon, dare to accuse the Intelligence community openly of “Election” foul-play against them, the “Winner” Republican Nazis, who collude with foreign criminal totalitarian leaders sects and killer-Nazis, just to replace the whole FBI fully with Trumpobedient Nazis. Yikes! Me think even China now sounds like a not-so deadly nuclear armed “safe place”, not just to Brown-skinned Secular me, but to all US American “Minorities” and Immigrants, as Israel must appear “safer” now than the USA to many more Jewish people. While neither is fully true. But, you are a most-fascinating, often ruthlessly violent and economic opportunistic reckless Human-society, for me to watch and to study just alike all of the Middle Easts’ violent religious “Kingdoms”- in how any intelligent Specie should not become, if for nothing else. These, are highly educating Times or godless “low-life” beings as me, should be for you all, too. Because your US American future as well as our all’s Global Future is in this moment call Now, is it the same as your divisive most-violent primitive White, and Earth’s religious pasts? Make a Choice. My Condolences to all those Mexicans, Jewish and Muslim people, LGBTQ+, Immigrants and even for all hyper-religious conservative White American in support of Trump, whose Republican politicians’ racist colluded policies might expectably take their innocent family members' properties and possibly lives away. Totalitarianism/Nazism always aim first at victimizing and eating its own goodPeople first just to achieve their pyrrhic goals of total division of Diversity and thus install their SSPolice-states-like absolutistic control through absolute terror etc. fears of the strangers, as the oldest chosen victims of all totalitarians: Victims who are mainly Women/LGBTQ+/”the Blacks”/”the Jews/Muslims”/the Secular/ the Poor. etc . Ask any educated people who were adults in the former USSR and DDR/GDR, and they will point at Trump’s USA as the modern version. As I do to. Point. Of an older German “Minority” Made
Best Regards, and with some respect for a majority of the average American people, Reps&Demsvoters, who are all victims of ongoing religious extremists’ neo-capitalistic, and psychological manipulations of the masses-led/ lies-run neo-American-Nazism, too mere.
Projectheureka LLC Anthony Endres 3030 Mapleleaf Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213 Phone: 513-631-5459 E-mail: Skype: projectheureka Twitter:@projectheureka / miniPresident @green-diversity ______________ This e-mail may contain information that is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, copy or distribute the e-mail or any attachments. Instead, please notify the sender and delete the e-mail and any attachments. Thank you.