Dear Charles Murray, author of the "Bell Curve", I found elite US Universities educated conservative/ confederate "Bastards" (your own VICE News- TV-well documented “professional words for people who disagree with your multiple-forms of “racists”’ kind-of Social and/or Psychology “Science , Mr. Charles Murray) men as U possibly are - and as Steve Bannon, James Damore, Peter Thiel, Koch Brothers, the Mercers, Fox News BS-Artists and pathological lying Trump Republicans assuredly are - most intriguing. As study-objects of colluded (White) arch conservative men's arrogance and bottomless greed, which is taken together just deep rooted and religious societies-bred form of religious misogynists’ imagined god-male-centric ignorance of reality of others and of the whole Earth.
Since you are evidently among the birth fathers of the American White supremacy-attires, willingly or not Murray, I would say you are among those white men whom all others such as intelligent Progressive Women and educated and curious Socratic Questioning-using Minorities, such as me, need to truly intellectual and cognitive challenge publicly. Not just with your own possibly hyper-partisan proRepublican, slightly uber patriarchic, misogynistic status-racist and deceptive omissions-filled old-worldview which aids and abetted never-learning old White German and Cristian or Jewish men who pretend to be “Social” scientists and Psychologists, while they are often just mere hideous pseudo- political clergies and mindless opportunistic colluding, and cunning modern KKK and Nazis/ wanna-be “godappointed”/Genetic-rein/superior wannabe-oligarchs who thus think they can rape, plunder, loot and set White “cognitive & moral elite”-murderers repeatedly free, because you know , Mr Murray, they are the Genetic-cognitive superior-Menschen-Rasse. Who certainly can do so because your type of “Science & White ISIS’s KKK & Nazis’ god” said so we are to assume and accept your White American “Genetics” assumed superiority or we Minorities and Women can all just die and be nuclear bombed by the likes of your “elites”, I presume Mr. Murray? Well, Herr Charles Murray, I have a few basic questions for you and your fellow "Scholars" who think and believe alike you,. So please if you shall illuminate me with your god-given greatest Genetic superior conservative White-male-intelligence and IQ’s? Now mind you Charles, no irony nor sarcasm intended, unlike the assumptions your idiotic violently stupid elitist White supremacists derive out of your very flawed and outdated "Bell Curve" research: A: So all white men are by Genetic (and by Environment/Socialization etc?) intellectually, psychologically AND morally individually "superior" than all Women & everyone else non-White-male, or just the successful Caucasian US American ones with history of asinine dark& wealth money-dynasties, KKK and mentally ill McCarthyism Nazis/ religious billionaires-sects, Fox News and Facebook’s colluded falsehoods fake news? B: So according to U Charles Murray, Human's Cognitive ability has heritability of between 40+ 80% percent as you claim, and is therefore primarily genetically? C: You seemed to not have consciously and thus falsely made the claim that IQ is essentially immutable, fixed over the course of a person’s or group’s life span? But, still no cumulative Learn-effects in individual humans’ IQ? Soso- fix Mind-set and finite fix Intelligence-theorem, yes? Are U really certain that heritability of IQ did indicate genetic origin to group differences in intelligence? Again: Are you certain genetic inert superficies environmental, and Genetics is thus the main factor contributing to social performance? Are you sure? Of groups performance, or individuals or both
performances mutually, Murray? Because I can actually publicly humiliate and prove all of you White conservative US White “elite” guys pretty easily as a bunch of pretentiously assumptive and idiotic generalizing idiots on such matters, if that should be the case, and if necessary. Charles, are you old conservative US White guys really all certain IQ tests and/or AFQT in-deed measure how "smart" or "intelligent" a people are? Or is IQ and AFQT rather deterministic factors only in how much learned subject matter an individual or group is able to recollect, repeat and kind-of reproduce (Parrots do have precisely that form of “intelligence” too FYI) and possibly- , as in most such predictable patterns of “tests”- even deceive and cheat on successfully on the specific given areas? Meaning aren’t IQ-test more a Subjective-pseudoobjective individual-"performance"- based comparison more, than actual group-specific merit and Scientific generalized certainty? Your IQ-logic is like finger-prints-Science and Facebook and Cambridge Analytics’ predicting Algorithm, highly flawed cumulated garbage’s out of which you all just chose & pick irrelevant correlating low-hanging Data mismatches to match your desired racist or otherwise selfserving out-come; here namely that: Black people, all ethnic groups Women and Immigrants are Genetic dumber than America’s god-given greatest Whites born-leaders. Nothing will ever change that cognitive elitist- advantage, so mass incarcerate and shoot the underclass, the “Them”, for them to have any economic value for America, isn’t that the general tenor of your life’s work, correct Mr. Charles Murray, or at least how far too many Nazis seem to interpret your Bell Curve? Say, you do have family & “Genetic” relation to our Tristate Coal-baron Murray, correct Charles? Well that might explain such impertinent cognitive arrogance and ignorance since the early 70’s well: You are ALEC RAGE NRA Military-sects-funded, Charlie? In different words: Is IQ not just artificial screening by which discriminating &colluding status-racists & criminal cartels often protect their self-given White-& other privileges? I read this on Scientific American this: "Faith in empirical, fact-based methods is growing. As 20th century techie William Deming put i "In God we trust; all others must bring data." Faith is empiric is an utmost ironic word-play and factually as imaginary as any generalized cognitive (White) males-supremacy. The first, absurdly pseudo-intelligent, often deeply mentally illness driven in White and Brown greed0ruled men who peddle with ideological elitist’ falsehoods for pyrrhic profits, I do not have to elaborate any further, Charles. Interestingly thou as it is ironic Murray, you argue for pseudo-Individualism, but your Data generalized that same shiet what Nazis alone only criminally generalize to look highly biased at, and with deep intellectual and scientific flaws solely at USA’s White males vs USA’s “Blacks” and American Women vs American White males just to make ariliy assumptions of human group/"race"- IQs correlations and then you dare to claim such a human group’s crime predictions can be validly made based on such typically old German Nazis-based racist USA American garbage-Science/”race”-Psychology, Charles? Interstesting. D: So Murray, I will assume in your study all US American Whites are equated as representative for all European “Caucasians” on the Planet as are al US Afro-Americans and US Hispanic-Americans, US AsianAmericans etc. are representative for the Intellectual abilities and IQs of all others on Earth, Charlie?
Ok, so let’s assume your American IQs is Genetic inert to "groups"? What about pathological lying? Or being more sadistic genocidal Ponzi scheming rapists’, or even religious corporate organized NRA Nazior/and any other religious fanatic ethnocentric organized terror group-think alike too, all Genetic thus too naturally so, Charles? Would those be Genetic or environmental inherited “cognitive elites” traits, Murray, since Data shows majority of them religious terrorists to be also Whites, males, middle-class to affluent educated, and coincidentally often religious fundamentalist naturalized or born US Americans, aor Middle Eastern Whites and “Brown” religious extremists alike? E: When it comes to "WHITE"-IQ do you think USA has more of that precious Brain-Matter than the rest of "White" and Brown Earth or less, Murray? Based on what objective comparative measurements/evaluations and observational facts James; on USA’ economic, USA’s “College” graduation numbers and military-nuclear super-duper-power of Global NSA FBI CIA Tech and cooligopoly-successes I will assume, Mr. Murray? Is that it? What else, Charles?
E1: When it comes to USA' "males" IQ, do you think US American conservative White males right now particular -generally-seen as a sub-set-group of humanity since that’s what your “Research” did- are more intelligent or dumber than equivalently educated and environmentally nourished Women and other males around Earth, or/and majority of Women and other males who happen to migrate to the USA in the past 100 years alone, Murray?
E2: When it comes to USA' "Black" IQ, do you think Afro-Americans are more intelligent or dumber than equivalently educated and environmental equally “nourished”/socialized other Black People around Earth, or/and the majority of “Brown” People who migrated to the USA? How do the Colleague graduation rates of let’s say African immigrants vs US Americans compare of equivalent income /Class Structure compare? How about numbers of innovators, inventors, small business owners and Entrepreneurs, more White Americans or immigrants of all ethnicities, Charles? You know those low-IQ sub-servants of your “cognitive elites” from whom too many of your White privileged arch conservative American white supremacist love to steal ideas, innovations and even entire Scientific or economic thesis, projects and Books just to sell others BS as yours in the crony-economy you confuse to be the greatest Social pseudo-Democratic structure ever on Earth, not only since Bell and Tesla, Charles? Do U think religious fanaticism, pathological lying, institutional racism/misogyny/ethnocentrisms,/ religious discrimination and gun-violent/ militarism are more inductive to be , and prove a modern society as more or LESS intelligent, Murray?
F: Would U consider Mr. Trump as the quint-essence of the great White American cognitive elite with that fascinating “bigly” IQ of his, Murray? Maybe any -one of the “elite” educated US Republicans? Based on what exact factors would you dare to consider any Republican right now as Intelligent or having sufficient or let alone higher IQ, Charles?
G: Do you consider the shameless ability to collude to deceive, lie to, loot and shoot the masses/ all other human groups as high intelligence /high IQ or low IQ, Charles Murray? H: Based on evaluation (and yes I did read your work Charles, why I am utmost able to formulate above and far more relevant connected Scientific questions, rather than shouting you down since like America’s young Liberal dim-wits do. Because I THINK your work is highly scientifically flawed beyond what is said in the USA’s media and Scientific World openly so far about it, not only cause it is not
universal-valid for Black/White and Males/Females’ intelligence, and if anything your aged “findings” would apply ONLY to USA’s desolate race and gender-relationship, where self-fulfilling status-and gender-racist policies are politicizes and , right now put into some of the most mentally ill vicious misogynistic religious theocratic nuclear Nazism-enabling American laws that Earth hasn’t seen in a long time leading now to assured Nuclear wars of Asia vs USA. Ergo thus, Charles, your Bell Curve” is merely misunderstood piece of White/ religious males-arrogant wishful assumptions, and your work was tactic abused by fatalistic wealthy Nazi sociopaths and racists more than your work as Scientist Charles intended to do. Charles, you published a short monograph entitled “Simple Justice,” which argued that the kinds of crime committed by the “underclass” is not punished harshly enough, and that the purpose of the justice system is to exact revenge against criminals without any consideration of extenuating social circumstances. At the same time, you cognitive “elite” Charles Murray apparently argued that the justice system unfairly persecutes people who use lethal force to defend their property, arguing that a homeowner who chased a would-be burglar out into the street and murdered them shouldn’t be seen as having done anything wrong”, so I’d have to ask you Murray if that same right to defend your property right with ruthless deadly lethal force do extend and apply to Women and minorities in your “all other underclass Vs your Superior cognitive White male”- America equivalently Judicial and legal, or if there is a genocidal-divergence enabling deadly White Supremacists killers to get away with robbing, raping and mass murdering women minorities and other white immigrants, Charles? Because Charles, I wouldn’t blame and neither should YOU based on your own evaluations of the matter when White Women (would be perfect cause believable more) who blows Trump’s, yours Charles Murray, or all of NRA/ALEC’s male-leaderships delusional Amoebae-brains against Trump’s Mexican border wall ( Pun!) with one of NRA’s Legally well-funded half-automatic weapons- what would be an immense priceless, while violent IRONY mind you-, and then surrenders and claim she /they acted in legally perceived threats in stand your ground self-defense and chased down and killed all those would-be rich Nazis and NRA’s cognitive elites, including you Charles Murray, certainly only in “defense”/ protection of their own Pussies/ property grabbed unauthorized by evil-doing pedophilic rapist men as Trump, Weinstein, Cosby Vatican bishops, and USA’s politicians alike other equally despicable fanatic “cognitive elites” of your “kind”, Charles, and for those colluding to steal their properties and livelihoods children’s lives and for genocidal endangerment of a whole Earth’s environment, as evidently our Republicans ALEC Google Facebook right-wing Libertarian billionaires as Jared and co-Real Estates mafia do to the “underclass”:
Why now, dear Charles, I am utmost curious of your professional judgment/ research-based evaluation of the Intelligence” of groups with high rates of pedophilic incestuous sexual abuse of children and women as is evidently custom in part of the “cognitive elites” world of the USA as in the entire fanatic theocratic Middle East. As, naturally Charles, only comparably compared to Multi-cultural and gender-rich Diversity groups and Societies? And particular am I interested in your professional Science opinion regarding the invalidity of Dweck’s “Mind-Set” pseudo-science reshuffled but actually was concerted/ made-up by the oldest German and British Nazis too. Interestingly Charles, you yourselves mentioned that the American “underclass”, especially in the contemporary inner city lack “the minimum level of cognitive resources” necessary to sustain a modern
community”, while you vindictively replaced lacking minimum levels of economic resources/means, you also arrogantly neglect that adequate general education and thus increase in level of cognitive resources are in the USA in many religious conservative US states quasi not existent really, Since education in USA is based on height of super-low income (as most American people are kept dumb with Religion and American Football while they are succumbed to live with the most minimums in the richest nation on Earth FYI Charles) and the shameless wealth-history of a few hand-full of connected mega inherited Corporate-wealth dynastic families in “America”. FYI Charles, I did consciously abuse as you ultra conservative US Americans persistently do the word America in exchange for meaning solely the United States of not-so United fascist Hitler Germans and elections-rigging Russians-adopted anchorbaby Nazi Trump’ America. Speaking of whom. By the way I think and assuredly know the real illiterate and worst cognitive and emotionally “borderline retarded” people graduating from academies and US BS for-profit-pass-themall elite colleges, the real cognitive under-class are to be found among the richest “educated” cronycapitalistic moochers, elitist Corporate looters and religious colluding billionaire rapists who alike the religious Mafia are operating oligopoly corporate dark-money heavens and ultra-rightwing pseudopolitical deep-states’ revolving-door filled with incompetent lying BS-selling religious extreme White supremacist and other wealth supremacist sociopathic males, who are possibly as you Charles Murray, but undeniably and clearly alike Trump. You’d be surprise when some of my secret recordings of some tests of your religious Universities educated White business “elites” gets exposed and played soon on International levels: Most of those pretentious dumb-bags are as shockingly misinformed and cognitively dull imbeciles as not only Trump is exemplary well-proving to be, dear Charles, and as professionally pathological lying patriarchal US American Nazi-fools too. Mind you, latter is the mostfitting group to which one could possibly attribute you too, Mr Charles Murray, to. But to say that would require me having some level of direct mind-to-mind communication with you, to really evaluate your Intellectual competence more objectively. See what I did there to prove your field of “Science”, and yours or better said others’ white supremacist misogynistic misinterpretations of your findings as utter rubbish? You’’ll get it pretty well in that debate I suggest you to have, or when you actually have the “cognitive” guts response, I assure you that Charles.
Speaking of which, Charles Murray, I will assume your flawed Research in the same sense argues- , naturally as mainly only religious totalitarian Nazis do in their cognitive derange intentions and misunderstanding of Genetics and Earth’s Diversity, to indoctrinate opposing to Multiculturalism, Diversity and interracial Genetic Mixing – for ethnic hatred, military genocides and ethnocentric incestuous inbreeding as your cognitive elitists’ economic and cultural virtue, since I’d expect you Charles Murray as one of the living grand-fathers of pseudo-intellectual US American Neo-Ultra-religious conservative corporate ethnocentric fascistic US Republican fundamentalists White-male-jingoism, to hideously with equally flawed argumentum’s oppose the Human Diversity in all its FULL natural existing forms? Since that’s what old never-learning ultra-conservative guys as you might say: “intellectual & Genetic cognitive dumbing down of the “White” American race through “Un-Reinheit”/ Brown/Jewish blood/Genes?
Apropos speaking about status and Nazis-like determination of “race” and gender in” America”, Charles: when exactly is an African-American Black and a White-American Genetically seen as White,
please? For example Barack Obama is pretty White and Jewish from his mother-side, why do you Americans, a-like German Nazis Blood-Reinheit consider mix-racial or as never-learning ultra conservative old (US American) white Nazis call them: “Nigger Bastards”? One percent or how much percentage of Brown/Black, Native American Blood/”Genetics” mixed with your superior cognitive “White elite-males-Genes” (only, Charles?) makes a person still Black? You know do you have a Gene test which could possibly show that you Charles have way-way-way-way-back down your family three a female ancestor or male who enjoyed banging and making babies with minorities”. Oops sorry Charles my Nigger U might be “Black”? Would you want to have some “Black “American privileges now Charles for a change of life and experiences? Just that those privileges could come with NRA’s gun bullets into your head by some White gods squads Killer-cops. You know, one who is as much of a “cognitive elite”, as you and your superior white male fellows, Charles? Would you please mind to explain the ramification and modern context of your below statement to your cognitively dull US American conservative White confederate Republican elites, Charles: “There is some evidence that blacks and Latinos are experiencing even more severe dysgenic pressures than whites, which could lead to further divergence between whites and other groups in future generations.”
So Charles, would you PLEASE kindly define exactly in for regular no-common sense but nonsense US American simpletons (as the colluding White Nazi frat boys “elitist” ALEC RAGA, Heritage Foundation, Bannon, Thiel, Koch’s, Damore etc. pp) what Dysgenic pressures or Social Pressure as well as Intelligence, IQ, White “Race”, Black “Race”, Gender, Multicultural, Diversity, and what particular Genetic hereditary and environmental actually for YOU, Charles, exactly mean/are. And, what those words actually Scientific on the molecular Genetics- and other Scientist-levels actually really mean, please?! I spent 12 years living and observing you silly pretentiously intelligence conservative American elite in this beautiful, but fatalistic religious fanatic idiotic American big business men-led Tristate while evaluation and testing our US oh-so self-proclaiming god-given “confederate Libertarian” ALEC NRA Tristates’ White Republican big business leaders, and Trump now, prove your banal ground-thesis that USA’s “cognitive elite” are made-up of high-IQ individuals, overwhelmingly white, male and from wellto-do families as FALSE FYI. They are everything else you are correct in that James, but clearly the richest and most successful US American White men on this Planet are not necessary cognitive elite, but more colluding selfish self-serving ethnocentric religious cronyism-ruled racist-male-elitism, high on far too many pills and oftentimes sadly as severely megalomaniac colluding cognitively incompetent religious fundamental Simpletons in disguises of elite educated want to-be Kings/ Fuhrers’ cloaks. Now, mind you, Murray, unlike the kind of you most of those supposed American “cognitive elites” of money-elites are not all criminals, pathological liars, religious extreme rapists and mass murdering fanatic White supremacist Islamic or Zionist rich Nazis, but too many for those who are not to be relevant Data to consider:
You Charles and your “elite” White supremacist followers love to point to your book’s paragraph in which Dick Herrnstein and you Charles stated your conclusion: “If the reader is now convinced that either the genetic or environmental explanation has won out to the exclusion of the other, we have not done a sufficiently good job of presenting one side or the other. It seems highly likely to us that both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences. What might the mix be? We are resolutely agnostic on that issue; as far as we can determine, the evidence does not yet justify an estimate. (p. 311)” A few years ago, you wrote a long technical article about black-white changes in IQ scores by birth cohort I’m convinced that the convergence of IQ scores for blacks and whites born before the early 1970s was substantial, though there’s still room for argument. For blacks and whites born thereafter, there has been no convergence:
white-iq-difference-from-1920-to-1991/ Interestingly Charles, your Book is titled “The Bell Curve, Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life”, ( mind you, meaning you did not chose” Race or Ethic Culture Structure in American Life), but then you turn around to make your faulty conclusion about all of Earth’s racial and gender differences generalized based on your observations and “study” on your partially brain-dead religious fanatic gunshugging sociopaths-led class structure of our Trump-Idioten-America, as you yourself well-admit they are and you too adhere to some-what, dear Charles, while you at the same time just briefly admit that your own “evidences” does not justify your own simplistic simplified genetic Vs environment/nurture claims. One of your many most fascinating consciously non-scientific word-mismatch in your wellcorroborated work Charles, which most Scientists and your followers who evaluated your work certainly didn’t catch that you are at times mixing and falsifying exchanging Class structures with racial and Gender Structures, particular when it comes to group Intelligence and “Genetics”. Meaning you actually accepted as fact that ethnic and gender differences contain mainly only in the social construct called Class, or rather for better words Charles, You actually admitted that anti-social White religious colluding, status-racist male-dynasties-led / or “Genetic inherited” deterministic Class structures in America exist and dominate everything rather than actual intelligence or competency, but you and your co-author seem to slightly blame that too on Black people and Women, even though you merely looked at how many People exactly Global? None, only a few US Americans were your study-objects. In other words: Many White conservative males who believe to be Genetic superior are merely in White-privilegesslurping denials of wealth-Inherited US American conservative White Male-“Kultur”and male- cronyismnepotisms, rather than any really cognitive superior, Genetic or Intellectual aptitudes. You do know, dear Charles that any hyper misogynistic colluding discriminating sub-culture, where too many deeply mentally ill colluding religious White Nazis and gods-squad KKK Killer-cops on far too much opioids pills and racist shit for their incestuous White confederate brains repeatedly roam free and get away with frauds on, raping of, and open perpetual mass murder and genocides on that same Society’s minorities, immigrants and Women is not really actually cognitive, social nor moralistic or other-wise cognitive elitists or superior, but rather genocidal and severely mentally ill state of mind. As was the Roman Empire, you do understand why I chose that past utter violent megalomaniacal-delusional White sociopaths’ empire as your modern simile and why it is utmost correct as well by now, nicht wahr Charles?
In your October 16, 2014 interview to AEIdeas you said the following, Charles: “We followed that paragraph with a couple pages explaining why it really doesn’t make any difference whether the differences are caused by genes or the environment. …. The lesson, subsequently administered to James Watson of DNA fame, is that if you say it is likely that there is any genetic component to the black-white difference in test scores, the roof crashes in on you. Since the decoding of the genome, it has been securely established that race is not a social construct, evolution continued long after humans left Africa along different paths in different parts of the world, and recent evolution involves cognitive as well as physiological functioning.”; Actually race as well as ethnicity and gender as well as associative genderspecific roles are social as well as environmental constructs( not sure why you American religious elites love to see Genetics and environmental adaptation as two separate independencies) , but never-mind that my claim now Charles. Your claim that the “it” doesn’t make any difference whether the differences are caused by genes or the environment” is interesting in its contradictions since you know that statement contains nonsense, but you never-the-less you used it alone simply to strengthen a false premise and religious and White supremacists’ flawed Scientific assumption based of such false premises. Interesting part of your contradiction Charles is, you agree with Cowen in that same AEI interview by realizing that no-matter what pretentious education and job you think you have and how “cognitive elitist” you might assume yourself to be years ago or right now, you too, yes even you the elite conservative cognitive elitist high IQ-ed think-tank writer and oh-so renown Social-science researcher can be more or less soon replaced by any computer software and AI soon. So the now majority of the idiots who believe to be among the supposedly ingenious cognitive White elites in Corporate working-class now can become the next groups of useless poor Whites subclass/ n*ggers and opioids-addicted street hookers of society in a flash or as in Puerto Rico’s and Florida flooding in Climate change, latter which was with fake science well-funded and still ignored by the exceptionally dull “cognitive religious conservative colluding status-racist US American elites”. Now how cunningly selfdestructive “cognitive” is that, Climate change denials, Charles Murray? Mass-deception is all many of you Abrahamic sociopathic rich’s are and know best to collude on, my boys, but the others are Women and Minorities are swiftly catching up to your nepotistic-colluded tricks and crimes, and we are ready to reverse them onto you Legal for your information, Mr Charles Murray. Where you, Charles, clearly partially drifted into White supremacist group-think and old conservative White man’s delusion was when you claimed that Genetic pre domination predict from family structures and single mother hood family structures to affinity to crime with absurd statements as " We then documented all the ways in which cognitive ability is associated with important outcomes in life — everything from employment to crime to family structure to parenting styles." Actually you did not ‘documented’ any valid ways that “race”, nor gender and cognitive ability connects to all that, since again your sample group- focus was on a very tiny segment of America hugely disadvantageous and fanatic religious educated US conservative people, not on Earth population’s Class Structures”. Which even based on that fact FYI, Charles, your Genetic IQ-based crime prediction hold no validity, if real American crime-statistic and murder data are consulted: The reality there-in is diametrical to your non-reproducible claim of America cognitive elite’s as moralist and otherwise Intellectual superiors. All you and your religious ALEC cronies in the back-ground seem to purpose, Charles is to destroy the American Democracy and peaceful Multicultural Co-existence which made US America to America, and you seek to replace the Democratic elected states hideously so with a religious corporate theocratic charity and bullets-spraying god-squad’s confederate Police state. You actually ironically admitted the first obvious flaws in your own Book’s conclusions once you realized who are
actually really losing most jobs and who are falling off the economic and societal ladders due to their lack of adaptive IQ’s in direct -competition with Women and minorities of equivalent socialization and Genetic IQ-predispositions as old men as you seem to assume it to be true,, by stating an old fact: “Massive government redistribution is an inevitable feature of advanced postindustrial societies.” You interestingly with that actually basically only propose a welfare-state to replace the existing US American “socialistic “welfare-state, where you merely state that you want to provide everyone over the age of 21 with a guaranteed income, deposited electronically every month into a bank account, what you describe again interestingly, as “redistribution in the least destructive way”, but you go not in concrete details into how you want to conduct and who will pay for that form of ‘redistributions”, and that your asinine old Hitler Nazis’ plan automatically exclude single mothers, feminist Women, LGBTQ and all other minorities as Secular Atheists, poor Progressive non- fanatic-orthodox Jewish, Muslim people and Liberals from your Libertarian/ modern elite Nazis’ militaristic welfare state, nor do assholes as you mention to what costs for the individual or the individual “cognitive” groups in America and Earth your fascistic megalomaniacal white supremacist BS American Century of uber-fascistic military-NSA Tech Corporate confederate US police-state Oligopoly theocracy will be. And Charles, hastily constructed societal inequalities justified then later with pseudo-racial, and pseudo gender Genetic inertia of one or more groups while the white man is always the cognitive superior” no matter how cognitively or emotional violently retarded alike the imaginary violent Kings yaweh/allah/jesus he might be, Charles, gets rather pretty boring coming for so long from your arrogant pseudo-educated religious fanatic ethnocentric and cognitive corrupted US American men’s assholes. Besides, Charles, you experts of know-it all-all but Bullshit of the oldest richest Idiots-clans of ideological Know-Nothings on Earth still have to show me one single Era where the leading religious private Justpass-them-for-being-religious-good-White-boys-in-Trump-university’s big money elites truly were in majority among the highest educated minds and cognitive highest functioning Academics of any Human era. Particular since some of your mindlessly stupid religiously their own White dicks-worshipping Sociopaths openly exclude Women, Minorities, Immigrants and Secular Atheists here in the USA who are Intellectually by far higher functioning than most of you dip-shits all together, you never-learning religious conservative extremist, Whites and Blacks, US American Nazis here in the USA exclude all those and far more with what is Globally still known to be Nazis’ fake-Science and Nazis’ criminal falsehoodbased ethnocentric understanding of race, ethnicity, Genetics and gender-roles, dear Charles. I am curious dear Mr Charles Murray your pseudo arguments then as now for advocating the total elimination of the "welfare" state, affirmative action & the Department Of Education exactly are what again? Make America dumber again by breeding, impoverishing and not adequate educating more and more “Genetic” inert dumb Americans dumber and Pro-life mass-breed ever-more cognitive idiots on Meds& White ISIS,KKK & Nazis-god to mass incarcerate and via confederate White Killer-cops shoot them on US America 5th streets and in white supremacists’ and religious fanatic elites’ wars? Or just as Trump implied in one fascinating speech, which shows the depth of the severe “cognitive elitist” mental illness hereditary to too many of you richest arch conservative mad-men mainly only? Or did the "Elite" KKK, ALEC/NRA & Nazis paid you well to do so, Charles Murray? Let's have a public scientific discussion on your subject matter: Just YOU and I, Charles my “cognitive elitist old White boy?
FYI Charles, as anyone in the know of how Science works, I do not completely disagree with many parts of your Bell Curve, including your “custodial state as a high-tech and more lavish version of the Indian reservation for some substantial minority of the nation’s population,”, but the explanations for the reasons, contexts etc. you named and the hinted pseudo-solution you prescribe are amusing alike Big Pharma and NRA cronies purposely spreading more guns and opioids onto an already mentally ill deadly addicted genocidal-suicidal American society, to create a divisive violent and cognitively distracted American environment inductive for their, those corporate custodial Nazi state’s, sole profitsmaximizations. But then most of your follower also don’t seem to know about your past in American Institutes for Research (AIR) in Thailand raping and murdering Thailand’s women while high on Opium, nor your presence deep within the Republican Nazis deep-state’s for that militaristic American-( and co AG’s) religious-century-by-force-& mass distraction-project and delusion of some of your OH-so “cognitive elites”, who are merely an open-Book of utmost ruthlessly egomaniacal greed-driven ethnocentric misogynistic xenophobic colluding dumb-greedy (White) male-animal-behaviorism to me Charles, my boy, rather than “cognitive elites”. So I am not sure where educated scholars as you Charles see those “cognitive elites” in USA’ politics and big business Charles, but I see mainly only grandiosely self-righteous megalomaniacal dangerous rich idiotic religious fanatic men, elite educated charlatans and technological snakes-oil-sellers, who merely confuse their airy uniform held false beliefs/ their genocidal assumptions, their colluded deep-hatred and in-bred deadly fears of the common and of poor people with Politics, “good” Economy/business and worst even as “Science”: You see, Charles, educated and cognitive “elitist” and “superior” as humorously as you and your ultrareligious conservative Nazi followers and super-stupid as they are shamelessly rich brotherhoods’ BFF’s
all might believe to be, such blatant arrogant open-colluded ignorance by some of your richest and corruptly mentally “cognitive elites”, doesn’t real validate your “group”-Intelligence nor your individual IQ to be any higher than that of an ordinary Apes. You know Charles, just like fucking childish violent shaved White and other uni- “colored” fanatic Apes, Charles, nothing more than fucking degenerated, cognitively and emotionally sick religious fanatic Apes, whom a few Savants erroneously armed with Nuclear weapons, drones and NSA and CIA-hacking tools. Tools, all now in the hands of you oh-so “cognitive elite” Nazis. So, Guten Appetite, Herr Charles Murray and Wohl Bekommts dear U.S American & other colluding ultra conservatives incestuous “Whites”, Islamic, Zionist and all you other deranged “cognitive elite” Nazis. I hope you colluding fanatic greedy fools all suffocate on the too big bites, you risked everyone’s lives for just to take one big ethnocentric bite out of Earth? Splendid! Don’t expect anyone still sane and thinking on this Planet to come to your rescue and give you crazy religious fanatic “cognitive elite” Nazis some Heimrich maneuver thou, Charles
I am awaiting your fine “cognitive elitist” response Charles, as well as all your white “cognitive superior” NRA and GOP-KKK and armed supremacist US Nazi American and their CIA-tools-led hacking attacks, militaristic NRA /ALEC-armed KKK vigilantes and anonymous confederate Killer-cops-run usual Facebook-operated death-threats from your “elite”- right-wing followers, Mr Charles Murray, right to here, please: and in any International-based and public-only debate or Courts on the matter. Any-time Charles, just you and any amount of your “super cognitive “elite” fellows Vs me alone and one WHITE Woman of my choice. Then, how about the same two Woman and “Minority” kick your sorry white supremacist asses in Go and in Chess, publicly after-wards, just to seal and harden your absolute Global cognitive humiliations as White religious conservative US American guys so full of it, that is surely is only shit? Well, time you prove your infinite arrogant US American ultra-conservative white males’ cognitive stupidity-superiority just Vs one or two: Where one of those two is me, via Skype or similar, OK Mr. Charles Murray? I noticed you were begging for your work to be intellectually and factually challenged? Well, as you WISH, that begins with me today challenging YOUR own assumption of your own White cognitive superiority, which needs to be crushed and shattered around this Earth in tiniest fragments, as all absurd old cunning-colluded White and fraudulent religious males-supremacy-assumptions should be, one by one by anyone on Earth who can. And Charlie, I can ignite that cognitive fire needed for all Minorities and Women to intellectually challenge people as you a tiny bit by exposing your misogynistic Nazi-followers’ true cognitive White male-inferiority-complex under that megalomaniac delusional White Supremacy-hood you petty colluding “educated” religious Republican-Libertarian assholes of German Nazi-idiots-descendents here in the USA live well-privileged and self-serving richly off since Centuries now, dear Charles. First we will talk like civilized well-informed citizens, social observers, Scientists and rational Humans, Political Correctness-free and no-hold-verbalbarrels as you Neo-confederate McCarthyism Nazi-Republicans of the utmost ridiculous pseudo-modern art-of-deception like it to do too. Then after that intellectual defeat for your absurd dick-heads, Charles, how about I with a few other so-called “Underclass” Minorities and Liberal Women drag your cognitive incompetent, racist genocidal pseudo-scientific fraudsters-colluding religious fundamentalist KKK and NRA-Nazi US American rapists-asses to the International and UN Geneva Courts for Trillions of Dollars in outstanding REPRARATIONS for all Women and so-called “Minorities” and migrants in the USA ,in Britain etc. for CENTURIES back, you assholes. Certainly only should you Charles and your pitifully petty arrogant US BS “cognitive elite” of white supremacists’ private crony-Universities-educated old dumb-fucking never-learning White clan-members clearly and undeniable LOOSE in said scientific, sociological and political solution-finding debate on Diversity, on Intelligence in America and who actual
is really cognitive superior and who inferior on this planet, alone against me, and one other Woman of my choice? And only then. Now, how about that little deal or-no-deal for all your arrogant “cognitive elitists” in our ultra-right-wing BS-filled US American-states’ remaining short time of existence, dear Charles Murray? Trust me, Charles Murray, you US Americans as whole, and most live on Earth with you sociopaths, will soon seize to exist not too long from now, if you self-proclaiming ultra-conservative never-learning megalomaniacal militaristic “cognitive elitism”-self-deluded psychopathic religious darkmoney elites continue to excessively live by such megalomaniac genocidal assumptions of your presumptive White, religious, and jingoistic militaristic White males-superiority-self. Because Charles, some of you cognitive and emotionally deranged, never-learning racist “White” Testosterone-filled arrogant misogynistic idiots with abundancy in warrior-Genes, you assholes who dare to openly with fake science deny and lie around this Earth when it comes to race, gender and Climate change, you Apish “White” morons, who even while you are already armed with Quantum-Computers and faulty prediting Algorithms, instead of your sane brains couldn’t accurately predict “Shiet” in the utmost probability of extreme accelerated Polar melting, Ocean warmings and up 6 most-severe Hurricanes in one and the same period of short time all things consequential related to increase of Earth-quakes, flooding and more warming and extremes this year, but you are the “cognitive superior” ones? Aha. To whom, Charles, to mere common religious conservative colluding US American male-Apes with equal “elite” education and socialization and pompous elite societal US American advantageous chances and opportunities for self-important old conservative charlatanic business men as those who abuse you and your work to proclaim scientific validity for White supremacy, for economic slavery called Capitalism of a few for a few super-stupid rich’s who are raping of women and children and engaged in genocides conducted and run by cognitive elite” White men as you, or rather more as Donald Trump and cronies, maybe Mr. Charles Murray? You do understand thou Charles Murray, that mathematical and scientific projections ( India, China, Europe, even Africa) show that given the exact same chances, educational and socialization’ “privileges”, peace-of-mind/ healthy and discriminations-free environment since pre-birth, Women in particular and LGBTQ and Secular Atheist Black/Brown People excel and surpass by tendencies the local religious White-male population group(s). Exceptional nations which still in our “civilized” era lie and institutionally deny Woman, “Minorities” and the “cognitive” poor the same exact chances and rights as men only are, Mr. Charles Murray? Vatican, Islamic States/Saudi Arabia, Israel and how not-so surprising: the USA, where institutional discrimination and religious fundamentalism is as endemic and deadly for Women LGBTQ and others as in the Middle East. I am fascinated by such simplistic male-arrogance as yours, so let me simple in my own alien male-simplistic way ask you, Charles: How can either of your religious fanatic societies actually declare your (White) male-selves as the “cognitive elites”, when the common Women and Brown people of Earth were never invited, but always excluded, abused, raped, killed, held back, misinformed and religiously kept-dumb from playing and fully competing against you self-declared elites in your non-existing Global “free-market” competition for “high cognition”-recognition, since you arch conservative rich’s predictably always rig all the real games as the markets anyway in your usual boring patriarchic (“White”) ultra-conservative guyscronyism-drooling collusion , Charles? Again dear “cognitive elitist” White rich boys no actual no-disrespect of your cognitive mentor’s persona, Charles my boy, but I will disrespect and intelligently argue against your BS beliefs and assumptions you confuse with “Science” or “Truth”, then merely laugh about any further idiotic halfbacked assumptive “genetic cognitive White-male superiority”-complex and misogynistic pathological liars’ pseudoscience-syndromes , which apparently too many of you old religious conservative White
and other inbred-colored dudes seem to suffer of like Trump and Kim Un of tiny-dick-complex, or is it more Vagina-envy, Charles? As you said, Mr Charles Murray, corruption is the only word for such vile status-racist and gender-racist abuse and misinterpretation of “Science” which is giving White supremacy and male-supremacy any form of realistic validity of their uniform hallucinated Bullshits. Bullshit, which, cognitive elitism = Whites = males-only do not have any validity anyway. But that old Nazis-BS is still thrown around like Golden ALEC & co Corporate Nazis’ Easter eggs in a mentally ill religious fanaticism-led, as the same “cognitive elites ”filled White high-fly misogynistic racist malesociety is fanatically self-destructively armed, while more and more American males are cognitively disarmed with their brains up in their deranged violent assess wrapped in Big Pharma’s jingoistic flagcolored “god-given” guns and opioids-induced purple haze, just to stir up racial division, ethnic and gender violence as your own ruthless greed-run sub-group’s self-fulfilling psychological fake newsinduced prophecies to rip-in your tax-free crony-corporate investments-return in Oil, fracking, pills, guns, religious resources, real estates and Land-Gewinning-wars and nuclear tax-free religious corporate charity Foundations for wannabe emperors, who don’t realize they are cognitively naked since some years now. So yes in-deed Mr. Charles Murray, [Nazis cognitive incompetent] Corruption is one thing that ails the social sciences and [human societies]. Cognitive Cowardice is clearly another.” Don’t be a coward, Sir you know sociopaths as Bannon and James Damore and even the fascist Global Nazi-leader Trump have to be forced , by all means, to cognitively, with concrete valid arguments into factuality-led intelligent open Global debates now, or you all Americans will in the coming future and for the rest of your existence be taken on Legally in International Courts sooner or later where you will have to deal with far more “cognitive” sophisticated and truly superior -educated Minorities, LGBTQ and certainly with truly brainy Feminist Women on such important matters, other than just the Secular Liberal German no-body me, or old man Neocon-Libertarian-Republican American-Nazi as you “cognitive elite” Charles Murray now. Otherwise, your elitist conservative White boys’ cognitive elitism” or any actual signs of cognitive intellectualism is rather otherwise highly doubtful in such hereditary religious fundamentalists’ ethno- and gender-cronyism and all it’s related discrimination-dictated Classism, and BS-Artists- run nonsense-speaks, that you rich religious moronic self-deceiving “cognitive” elites all call politics, religion and “Business”, Charles. And they can be as rich, as fake White-as snow White or the equally imaginary Easter Bunny and a blond Jesus white boy mixed-together and Genetically incubated, they might be as pseudo-elite educated as best-as-rich men’s money can buy, Mr. Charles Murray, but elite or military for-profit-education in US America are not really adequate measurements nor denominators for success, nor intellectual competency and higher IQs. Not only since and because you don’t even have one unifying education-standard across the USA for the longest time, but still even now in 2017, Charles the USA has merely a load of inconclusive multiple choice garbage which hideously teaches creationism, with a blame-the-teachers-and-shoot-the -“demon”-brown pupils’ anti-science and pro big business corporate “we are the future White leaders”-networking and Lobbyism-cronyism as your all-American uber-right-wing conservative way in to the highest fields of what you dear Charles, call the “cognitive elitism”, falsely? More like “Cronyism-led elitism”, hey Charlie?!
Let me ask you two ( 2 ha ha ha Ha, Charles, mi-boy!) last question Charles: As a Social Scientists with some Academic clue of Genetic variabilities, Charles, you should actually know that “cognitive elitism” and severe Sociopathy have been since Eons nothing more than the two sides of the same kinds of mentally ill empathy-lacking sadistic organized people, expressed mainly wealthy men FYI., where-as what you consider “low cognition” and mental illness have been falsely associated, by precisely such sociopaths ( as you Charles?) in Science and in in the relativistic crap-filled area of British, German and in last 100 years now particular in US American-Psychology, with the common people alone to cull all public, feminists or minorities’ resistances to the violent totalitarian theocracy: See witch-hunt and all sorts of pseudo-psychological fake illnesses your eluding criminally religious US American Pseudo Psychiatrists and Psychologists made-up to criminalize and lock up “subversive” Women, Lesbians/LGBTQ. Your Bell Curve’s most dubious conclusions, dear Charles Murray, appear to be clearly in such lines of criminal pseudo-psychological fake illnesses addressed only to Progressive Women and minorities whom other modern religious white supremacist elitist Nazis in the field of Science pulled out of their delusional mas –deceiving pathologically colluding ultra-religious conservative WHITE-guys’ liar’s asses. In comparative ratio to their total human population number, which “racial”/ethnic group do you realistic believe or know to in Reality most-likely harbor the higher numbers of highly functioning Asperger’s and Savants? In comparative ratio to the total human population number, which “social class” group do you realistic believe or know to clearly harbor – underground and undiagnosed estimation included – the higher numbers of highly functioning Asperger’s and Savants? The 0.1% “cognitive elite” richest families and the 1% elite-educated men on Earth you would claim, Charlie boy? Well aren’t White guys as you the really clueless statistical-idiots of generalized Bullshit, Mr. Charles Murray? And Charles,, do you think the US American cognitive IQ-stagnation, ( which you be-jammer and be-cry, mean-while latest since the fraudulent charlatanic Reaganomics you Libertarian-Nazis have been hideously defunding America’ Public schools while you were NRA-arming and indoctrinating the religious fundamentalist white supremacist American-Idiocy even further into reality via ALEC-sects and co-Corporate crime cartels) - that strong decline of high cognitive functionality among generations of US-born US Americans Brown-skinned and “White”-skinned ones FYI, by simultaneous strong increases in occurrence of low-function, violent cognitive emotional “retarded” Autism spectrums might be also due to generations of American big Pharmaceutic drugs- and Meth etc. abuse, lack of regulations enabling dangerous mind-altering chemical, toxins and molecules in food water air, as well as due to generations of hereditary-turned Football-induced concussions? And not to forget, due to USA’s partially extremist religious fanatic militaristic-nationalistic theocratic White-god-fundamentalism and blanket organized revolving-door corruption, States-led mass deceptions, as well as Globally organized big business crime-Conglomerates-run tax-evasions and frauds on the American and International people of all ethnicities, all led by your oh-so superior “cognitive elites” as the god given greatest American politics, big business and American virtues?
`1 So let’s do this! You do want your old conclusions to be utmost intelligently challenged, and either verified and thus work on to “change” or undeniably refuted if possible, isn’t that correct my dear Charles? Splendid! So, when exactly do you and I have our first debate, Mr. Charles Murray, my-boy? Well, first, as far as your cognitive elite mind can do answer my above,- yes very well-loaded Socratic questions please Mr. Charles Murray-, since as Social and Human Psychology Scientists will wellrecognize, but precisely thus are such questions most-able to defeat yours or any-one’s assumptive white and male-supremacy conclusions. As well as defeat the extreme arrogant ideological ethnocentric stupidity which is going -like wild fires widely through the American Christian Whitesupremacist/jingoistic and truly exceptional religious extremists American-Idioten landscape, Reps and Dems/Whites and Blacks for that matter, Charles, since Centuries now aided among by your “bigly” by White idiotic Nazis misunderstood and in parts not-so Scientific conclusions of the past 40 years, my dear Charles. FYI Charles, my- old “cognitive elitist” White boy: I am unlike any of you . As I am unlike what any of you will ever be able to evolve cognitively into, in either understanding the infinite ever-changing and mixing complexity and Diversity of Earth itself, nor in moral, social, sexual or other-wise. I am that which can exist without that uniformity dangerous need for those delusions and illusions you old white and Brown goats worship: god, mammon,power, wealth all the same greedy uniform Apish self-righteousness of seeing Existence alone in good/success ( =yourselves), and as evil/failure= (every-thing else. In that, Charles, as a Multi-cultural, Multi-National Secular Atheist and a human of Diversity you will never live long enough to come to know, I am not just older but “superior” at least in those things compared to all and any of you idiotic pompous educated nonsense religious conservative militant group-thinkers, no matter how cognitive superior or educated you assume yourselves to be more, boys: I was raised and educated in West-Berlin Germany, and I am of White German-decent on father’s side and of African Christian origin on mother’s side, I was raised, protected, cared for and educated, by African, German, Greek, Chinese, Secular Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhists etc. pp Liberal Women, men and LGBTQ, still I am neither what any of your religious-ideological White or Black US American religious fundamental, as they are often also mentally ill educated-morons would believe that I am, nor what they would expect me to think and believe openly. I don’t believe nor think like any crazy genocidal religious fanatic apes, Mr. Murray, which I consider yours as all imaginary Nazis’ god’s followers and fans mainly to be FYI. Why people as you, and particular as Trump’s religious fanatic Nazi cronies, though Charles, people as me and all Women on Earth will have to verbal and intellectual, maybe even Judicial in Courts confront and debate firstly to accurately evaluate your individual as well as “group mindset”, as well as yours and your obviously mainly White supremacist fellows and followers’ actual depth in cognitive comprehension/ IQ-values. Before we all, as in all of Earth’s Womanhood and all those others whom you religious conservative super-stupid rich, but irrelevant idiots who assume yourselves to be incestuous Genetic White guys dare call “the Minorities” all together decide if you the religious conservatives males of Earth should all be crushed, bankrupted and with strap-on dildos fucked bloody, as you assholes plot and act upon to do unto all us economical and politically, Charlie my dear “cognitive elitist” old-boy. See now, what I did there unto you and your kin’s kind-of White-washed cognitive arrogant BS again, Charles? Well, let’s begin this important political correctness-free and White privileges-free one-on-one dialogs, our little debate and “solution findings”, please ja? So choose well now dear “cognitive elitist” religious boys: That, Or none of your absurd religious indoctrinated,
mentally ill fellow Apes will ever understand a single thing, before the Human Specie as whole goes violently self-extinct by you crazy humans’ -whom you help breed with further-more garbage into their empty opium-minds, Charles -, own actions and inactions. As with A.-A. Climate change, Charles, I assure you, unmitigated now, that cascading accumulation human stupidity-tragedy and Earth’s consequential collapse might be much sooner Globally here, than all of you absurdly self-importantly self-rightous religious militaristic sociopathic “cognitive White and Co. elitist” US American and other supremacist ignoramuses alike your Abraham’s incestuous religious extremists in the other two violent religious fundamentalist “cognitive elites”-family-members located in the Middle East; the extremist Jewish and Islamic extremist BS-leaders alike all crazy cultures of “educated” pathological liars and BSartists , expect the likes of me to be. I adhere to none of your uniformity nor your pathological religious liars’ cognitive illness-driven “Kultur”-crap, nor to any of your shitty Abraham’s beliefs and half-backed Nazis-definition of “race, ethnicity, gender, sex and “Intelligence”-peddling you BS-predicting preachers’ of Psychology and criminal racists’ political Nazism-abused ( for economic discrimination and elite-frauds on all sub-groups, as pseudo-scientific justification for instituting sadistic tortures as laws, enabling the elites to get away with raping pedophilia and murder, while mass incarcerating and mass murdering/perpetual genocides on the innocents just because of their status, “race” gender or sex, etc. etc. pp is seen as good business and god-given Order &Justice by asinine religious fanatic Nazis in America ) social “Science”, which are thus alone mere control-freaky pseudo-scientists, FYI Charles Murray. Particular those who allow their lives’ work to be abused alone just to turn a whole Earth into a violent divisive divided fanatic religious Nazis theocratic poor-house, concentration camps and gulags, where the richest religious totalitarian (White) “cognitive elite” assholes alone live in nuclear-drones protected modern oligopoly-towers of Babble built on the sweat and blood of billions of lives, all will tumble and fall in their own deepest Abyss of corruption soon, dear Charles. And that imaginary hypermilitaristic delusion, power/”god”, all you old never-learning ultra conservative misogynistic racist military-men now hold-on to as if it was your 12 inch big and 4-hours-lasting hard cock, or Einstein’s, Tesla’s brain and Da Vinci’s ingeniousness or your dearest life? All that too will dissipate and disappear into the dusts of Time itself, my dear boy Charles) in the next coming severing Flooding, in unseen devastating Earth-quakes and huge Storms “of the Century”( you boring ignorant religious liars), all which your oh-so “cognitive elites” no matter what Quantum-computers and AI’s the idiotic gang abuse for their brains, will never be able to “predict”, Charles, while wealthy Uber-ULTRA-right-wing ideologues ( as you Charles?) and Facebook’s elections-rigging religious Nazi billionaires claim to “Pseudo-Mathematically” via NRA’s and KKK’s BS-Algorithms predict Black/Brown-crimes. But the same white supremacist of uber- “cognitive elites” ignore that they habor the fucking biggest organized White supremacist criminals and religious-imperialistic Mafia gang of all human Eons. Not only with on Planetary genocides-resembling hyper-fascist Republicans’ Oil-rich “elites”-led Climate change denials of asinine colluding old as shit-uneducated racists-ideologues-driven and openly super corrupt Carrerepoliticians, KKK and Nazi-leaders as Attorney General, as prosecutors, police unions-leaders, as Intelligence/ Agents-leaders, Judges and a super-stupid criminal Russian and oil, gas &nuclear corporations-installed Manchurian candidate sitting U.S. minority-President not-elect, but with stolenelection for Trump and by confederate GOP’s big-oil, big pharma, big-god and big-Tech billionairesrigged majority- states-government. Incompetent colluded lying banal big money “elites” who are full of “it” starting with “Sh” more than I have ever experienced any group of poor persons anywhere being full of similar Shit, with not just with one such pathological LIAR and ruthless organized psychopathicsociopaths but also well-known multiple rapists, pedophiles, torturers and murderers, as are in parts not
just our own Hollywood’s “Liberal” misogynistic pseudo-cognitive elites as Weinstein, or our ”Pro-life but rape kids-Vatican or the religious freedom Evangelic stand for being against Black Lives Matter, against Legal Abortion-rights/Women’s Rights ( and thus are the most-important Human-Rights FYI Charlie) while the same sociopaths support the death penalty for innocent Minorities, LGBTQ, Liberal Women and “illegal Mexicans who are all often not validly proven of having committed any crimes, the same religious extremists cognitive elites” as you Charles and as educated Islamic extremists too, all stand up for their beliefs as the fanatic religious “superior” Nazis-segment, similar as the Jewish and Islamic extremists, you Christian-extremist Republican/Libertarian/confederate U.S. America and other crazy fundamentalists’ corporate theocratic -patriarchy-glorifying religious ideologues of higher-moral preacher-man of religious conservative falsehood without the old KKK-and Nazis’ hoods on, stand not for Democracy or Reason, but for mindless theocracy of the wealthiest and thus a survival of the shittiest, Charles. Meaning also Charlie: You genocidal morons are repeating Noah’s family and their sick buddies’ mistakes again, but this Time there will be no survivor until either Earth has undone us Humans, or we ourselves before that. Cheers and 5 Trillion Dollars bet that it will be the latter, Charles?! That’s the exact sum in Reparations all of you criminally sociopathic rich children of the mental ill Abraham’s three tribes have to pay otherwise anyways, dear religious supremacist and white supremacist “cognitive elites”.
Here is a very old Secular and Pacifistic Greeks’ wisdom for you and your militant-militaristic religious ethnocentric-fanatic “cognitive elites”-likes, Charles:
“One cannot run a World on Make-belief and War alone. And still expect most Humans to be anything else but both.” As usual Mr. Charles Murray, I found highly suspicious the sheer numbers of similar pro- Corporate theocracy arguing Bots-led comments in 2014 on this your interview, as I have seen same operating in massive numbers on Facebook during those periods of pre- election rigging for Trump FYI, what could be certainly just a “Genetic” derivation or coincidence, nicht wahr Mr. Charles Murray:
P.S.: “When you’ve done everything right, and no live was ever ended due to your life’s actions nor contributions, now that a life well worth-living and well-lived.” ~ A Monkey, Charles, by a mere Monkey. Best, Anthony Endres Projectheureka LLC Cincinnati, OH 45213 E-mail: