Politika, Affairs Of The Cities. From the People, For All The People
White religious conservative Republican Trump-Americans: "Compromise with Trump. damn-it/for "god/christ" sake do as our Fuhrer Trump says" White religious Democrats in Trump's America: “Compromise with Democrats. Damn-it do what the American people want" Muslim-Americans to Democrats and Republicans as to Jewish Americans and Israelis: "Hey Yo, Would any of you compromise with Islamic terrorists who not only chant "death to..", but act militarily organized in discrimination and with deadly hate-crimes against you?”
One Secular Atheist to all Christians, Republicans Dems and other political associations, moderate Muslim and Zionist Jewish people: "Would you compromise with violently armed Islamic terrorists, modern ‘Judeo-Christian-Nazis’, or crazy Netanyahu Zionists, who have been and are killing your People, if you were one of each's others individual cultural and political enemy?"
The same Immigrant, Afro-American Secular, Liberal Progressive Multi-Culturally proud "Shithole-bornGlobally-raised godless Minority": "Any monopolistic monotheistic society/nation build on traditionalized racism, misogyny due to such vicious old lies, such as religion/ crony capitalistic feudalistic big business men's superiority-attires, do not last, without compromising. But… Uhm How about you all just stop lying and playing pseudo-political rich white man's power play gambits with ours’, and every others' properties, lives and the whole planet Earth??" P*O*L*I*T*I*C*S