The 'angry' white man conundrum

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( 4/27/2017 Chapter: The 'Angry' religious fundamentalist “White” man Conundrum – 2nd Revision)

Dear Guardian Team, Please do read fully through this slightly dyslexics e-mail, and kindly do respond ( even if it’s a nice: “Fuck U, Secular Atheist Anthony!” in return), for you might miss an important chance to do something for the future, for your families and children you might very well regret later to have never tried. And please stop being such hyper moralistic pussies, who stop reading because you see that a common Black “minority” as me dares to openly use the words fuck and fucking in emails or called you Pussies ( oh such a “sin”? Or is your out-rage right now just the predictable ignorant White Neocons' pathological Idiocy to my reverse-provocative usage of their very own pseudo-political and Judicial Shakespearian theater, hmm ??) . Nor should you stop reading this email just because I am, unlike you all, a informed Secular European Atheist stuck in this fatalistic religious fanatic elitist Uber-Christian-KKK-Taliban-led Tristate-USA. In Trump’s guns, opioids & god-for brains Tri-state KKK-police chiefs’ Ohio where I never-the-less openly challenge, and actually openly insult even all of Abraham’s violent colluding and institutionally discriminating genocidal lying BS “pro-life” sects/ religions of the idiotic selfassuming god-chosen/god-like/god-whatever pseudo-peace”-of primitive old BS pyramid scheming tax-exempted religious big business-elites’ fraudsters and their snakes-oil-business called religions as being highly misplaced in modern days’ nuclear USA’s national and in all World politics, As I argue that no single myths-based old nonsense-religion belong as the leading decisive and divisive part in International big businesses such as Facebook, Google etc., nor should religion be an important property needed to be a member of the Intelligence, of military and law-enforcements, or should any nuclear US President be expected to be a Christian on a by the 3 religions violently militarily divided Earth, nor should any imaginary god” play a Judicial legislative role ( except in sexual role-playing maybe ) in any Democratic, well-educated, politically and socially liberated and civilized people’s bed rooms, particular in any such Diversity-rich, and truly free progressive Democracy of equal rights and legal opportunities for you, me and “them”. Everything else is just mere ethnocentric gender-/statusracist nepotistic con-Artistic White-privileged religious elitist pretense-Democracy of naked theocratic dark-money wannabe Emperors and Kings with fake-Democrats’ suits on. Nor should you at the Guardian get butt-hurt about the fact that I can barely contain my inner laughers at all the silly “angry “white man’s ( or you, should this email or my words make your White or religious dumb-ass “angry”? I’ll laugh at you for self-proving that easy that you are just a fucking airily judgmental religious +/or white/brown dumb-ignorant fucking tool, who will thus never learn) patent idiocy publicly because that’s evidently what all angry fraudulently cunning and absurd religious men, Whites and Brown, generally are: mindlessly half-thinking, frequently lying and self-deceiving ignorance-filled conspiring violent primitive buffoons, who are actually easy to intellectually defeat and intelligently judicially “crush” ( One of Uber’s Neocon-Manager’s own past word FYI) by anyone with some few functional brain cells left in any one-on-one, or one-on-all-of-them-debate. IF all those self-important religious conservatives BS “leaders “are certain I can’t make them admit absolute intellectual and even Judicial defeat in such singular debate, they should simply accept my public debate challenge. Or they should all just shut up and fuck off as being mere ignorant and baselessly “angry”

selfishly cunning religious cowards, with no founded arguments based on reality. But our “angry” Neoconservative billionaires’ White men’s-sock-puppets are mere fake-angry, dumb over-medicated, over-privileged, over-armed while cognitively unarmed religious mad-men armed with very low primitive pathological liars’ intellects , who don’t have the intelligence nor the cognitive Courage to go for a few verbal rounds of public question-and-answer intellectual debate against the common Secular Person of Diversity and of many, many Cultures, as just myself. Aren’t you, dear religious fanatic Caucasian brown-shirted “Shit-flakes” ( In reversing the “Snow-flakes” back to all the cognitively and emotionally genetically inbred dim-witted, Climate change and Diversity denying, colluding violently racist cunning hacking MercersFacebook funded Uber religious fundamentalist alt-right/ISIS Trump-Nazi-Republican assholes)?

So our 2017’s pretentious white Christian shit-for-brains-male class/ white primitive violent militaristic religious “Judeo-Christian” and Islamic middle/+ upper class is “angry”, it assumes and BS itself there is a “White/Islamic genocide” on its over-medicated degenerated ignorantly overtly self-pitying religious ethnocentric tribal mind-set? So the “angry” white/religious man wants even more special treatments and special cocks-carrying people’s privileges to his already well-enjoyed white-, male- and religious privileges, while the same butt-hurt religious fundamentalist “pseudo-Western” white man is in pitch-dark blind Ignorance to the perpetual atrocities and genocides it ever-since monotheism’s latest violent rise commit alone domestic against Women, against People of Color, against LGBTQ, against Secular Atheists, and against the other religious/white man itself and against the entire Earth? While the same opportunistic

“angry “pretending uber-religious opportunistic ever-racist oh-so “white” religious American and other religious man remain in total ethnocentric dickheads-led ignorance to the reality of Climate Change, to the Scientific, Genetic and microbiological necessity of Diversity and continue to be backwardly ignorant to the Evolution of our Specie and all live on Earth? So our “angry” white/religious man remains in blind violent Ignorance of reality he exchanged for old tribal beliefs/myths and blind ethnocentric tribal greed-led anger, as if those angry White and brown religious Neocons were just mere asinine back-wards Saudis/ Islamic states’ Islamists and violent Al Queda in the disguise of Western “angry” religious White men? So angry the primitive UBER-religious conservative white baboons males are, that they are mass killing and bombing other angry religious White and Brown males, who are in return mass killing and bombing each-other and others, because all the angry religious males are all oh-so “angry”, oh my? Angry because of what exactly again? Can we have those “angry” Christian, Jewish and Islamic richest “white” males in particular, who are running global PsyOps operations please elaborate, instead of exaggerate as they usually do, the reasons for their fraudulent violent anger, - and why women and all other “minorities” of Earth combined in fact shouldn’t be fucking far worst angry at the primitively angry white religious man -, to me in an all open PCfree public interview and in public discussion? Or are all those stupidly “angry” nuclear butthurts of ignorant religious ethnocentric gender-centric and jingoistic nepotistic, theocratic rigged politics and economic undeservedly -privileged religious men all in fact not that “man” enough? And are theirs, and their Islamic violent equivalences’ imaginary beliefs that weak as their mythological tribal BS-filled pathological liars’ minds evidently visibly are weak to accept reality and the scientific facts of Diversity and the undeniable accuracy of godless Logic compared to all Abraham’s big religions primitive violent organized tribal divisive illogical, too? Well, those rather funny kinds of sociopathic absurd self-contradictions born-into and represented by some of our most infamously arrogant uber-angry religious conservative White and Brown cave-men on too much Opium and/or prescription Opioids and Adderall, who are armed with “angry” white Cocks-privileges, with big guns ( for god-given ever always the goodguy US American and co religious White-man to “relax”, you know as all religious Psychos need to hug a gun or bombs to feel alive or feel their cocks hard-on?) , fraudulent racist hideous PsyOps-running religious fascist cartels-serving Algorithms, backdoors, rightwing “gods Squads”-killer cops and Mercers Nazis in “Intelligence”- led PsyOps with art-of-deception proreligious empire fake news, with military drones and with nuclear weapons and infinite ignorance as with god-delusions, are too entertaining and funny usually, if the Climate- and religious uber-growth-military-fascism situation weren’t already too deadly serious, but still yet not taken seriously enough by our mindless colluding religious fundamentalist world leading privileged uber wealthy dumb cocks of nepotistic oligarchic know-nothingness, while their collective “angry” arrogant ignorance sure ends a lot of lives and is brown-washing and slowly but strengthening flooding even the angry religious rich White and Brown man’s uber-property mansions and their families away, I’d add ironically. Rich religious corporate oligarchs / politicians, as our on-going white supremacist Trumpocracy, Mercers’ cyber-rigged elections for Brexit, Bannon's Vatican Nazis and all the Middle East's violent ethnocentric totalitarian antiDiversity religious kingdom-leaders, who militarily wage PsyOps and religious nuclear drones wars of "good and evil" while they all represent the human reality of latter “evil” more, are neither "good" nor are they in any way still Democratic nor are those kinds of modern-day’s

super rich religious fanatic genocidal mis-“leaders” and Pharaoh-like wannabe religiouspolitical tribal, genders etc. dividers of our human species still sane men/people. Politics and big business run on “good & evil” oil, denials, lies and colluded nepotistic organized frauds are never “good”, while they are “good” big business/investments only to our world’s most wealthiest sociopaths /and ruthless con-artists who want to build religious empires of the super-rich few, as in the vicious totalitarian times of the violent rule of the Church and wealthy clergies’ families’ Kings. Rich religious corporate oligarchs / pseudo-politicians, as our on-going white supremacist Trumpocracy, Mercers Brexit, Bannon's Vatican’s Nazis’ allies and all the Middle East's religious kingdom-leaders, who militarily wage PsyOps and religious wars of "good and evil" while they all represent the latter more, are neither "good" nor are they in any way still defenders of Democratic principles nor are they educated or sane people. So most if not all our globally unnecessary dumb “angry” and only to other common people (to LGBTQ, feminist Women, People of other Color, Secular Atheists and people of other religions and nationality) utmost violently “angry” religious men are merely mass deceived goat, violent believing Lemmings. Violent tribal religious Lemmings and “angry” religious educated peasantminds set up violently against each-others, by the colluding anthropogenic Alternating Climate Change’s “ Polar Vortex" cyclic variation, Artic melting & feed-back loop-denying rich sociopathic World’ oligarchs, as such attempt of creating a Global religious Nazi “empire/Kingdoms” is again ongoing in the political palace occupied by religious conservative cronies, nepotisms and ruthlessly racist rich uber-fascists. Crazy rich religious bastards who push and PsyOps operate a violent religious world to react with ever-more religion and even more violence to the violence led by wealthy organized religious extremists, by uber mega corporate cartels and their special-interest for the to-big-to-fail investors/ emperors’ Global profit and for some inconclusive form of imaginary “growth”, the fascistic religious McCarthyism/ religious corporate cartels-led mass-incarceration/concentration camps and religious wars-way. What are all the crazy religious Judeo-Christian vs Muslims vs progressive Democracies and vs Secularism- conflicts, what are all the religious terrorism and preemptive or counter- revenge wars all about? No-one really know, nor care to ask or really investigate, elaborate, just sell more military arms, more god and more religious terrorism and more wars and all religious terrorism and all wars will just go away when angry religious men wage bigger and bigger organized wars and religious terrorism as war against each-other? That peace, Democracy nor Justice are hardly even consideration by the religious political war-mongering and violent religious empire-building big business-elites, who are now leading politics and fake news corporations in most countries in such times of blind religious men’s anger, - brain fried high on Opium, Opiods-pills or heroin -, in times of opportunistic colluding religious fanatic war-profits-happy wealthy anti-Diversity and anti-Democracy religious men full of “anger” is not a secret any more than “the Secret” is a scam, nor that all wars are for corporate profits and for religious crony-capitalistic “growth”-empire-building in disguise of religious “Democracy-building”: Whenever violent militaristic fascistic theocracy and fascistic theocratic Nazism, past and ongoing, are grown via religious fanaticism/ religious terrorism and quasi the art-of-deception and anti-social and anti-democratic policy, environmental and economic misery playing the people out against each-other by oligarchic patriarchies’ royal investors in violence their always cloaked as Freedom, “god”-Justice

So, for all of us still sane humans to hopefully better investigate, analyze and comprehend the true full risks and dangers of the religious fundamentalist Trump-Republican cronies as well as our Western, Eastern and particular the Middle East’s Islamic terrorism-funding fossil fuel extraction industry giants’ conspired and well-funded ignorance/denials of Climate change and of extreme religious Neoconservative White and other violent “angry” young and young religious men, to understand what their really believe to know by claiming to know “truth” or their ignorance, and to understand the secretive abuse of the digital advertising profiteering fake news echo-champers-dominated monolithic Uber-mega anti-social media Tech Corporate disruptors of the real news circles by ultra-right-wing billionaires. It's possibly time most religious people around Earth realized these simple facts: There is no modern-fascism without a pre-leading and populace misleading religious Corporate Fascist-media industry of what-everit-takes ruthless opportunists and status-gender-etc. racists to lead it and professionally with psychologists and a part of police and Intelligence-community kill some people and mislead nearly all progressive Democratic politicians, all law-makers as well as all citizens and residents: Fox News, Uber, Facebook etc. and evidently some arch fundamentalist religious organizations as fanatic Madrassa and Churches are kind-of a bit such modern version of State’s led STASTI propaganda and Psyops, led by colluding wealthy religious Neoconservative misogynistic fascistic anti-Diversity conservatives, clergies and right-wing corporate billionaires just like our recent pathologically lying minority president and most of his Republican administration is most-likely made-up of Uber rich religious fanatic con-artists/snakes-oil/BS-sellers. Who often merely just paid the high nepotistic financial price of admission/”Afflueza” to rise to the top like shit in the flood? “Shit rises up the most during floods, and during all institutional injustices, as during Climate Change”, it is said. Same might apply for religious terrorism and religious extremists and sects, the “winners” in political high offices and with religious conservative empire-building” fascistic billionaires? Who knew?

You, the Guardian Team, and other “news” organizations, and your readers/members could kindly support a German Black outspoken Secular progressive, me, and my US American wife in one or two things: 1. help me adequately and directly contact the European nations, the EU Commiss ion and EU Courts and the United Nation’s market watch-dogs to demand the immediate shut down of all of Uber’s business activities (and particular that of Facebook and Rupert Murdoch's fake news media empire for doing similar as Robert Mercer + family Breitbart etc. and “Russia” by enabling, and profiting from enticing violent religious extremists sock puppets and Bots -led hate crimes and political elections sabotages too) within the European nations and remaining EU-countries, and Britain. Due to: a.) evidences of Uber’s Tech savy hackers’ managements led professional cyber sabotages and cyber espionages not only on other smaller concurrent businesses, as my startup FYI, but on political leaders and on progressive, feminist Liberal Stars as well. The email-based system,

similar to, which Uber uses and which generates computer scripts that would automatically vote for the ride-hailing service in city-and state administered surveys, is similar to what Google and Facebook ‘s Algorithms and Fox News and Breitbart do by pushing fake news to manipulate and brain-wash not just US American society’s opinions, views and minds on factual reality, but those corporations and cartels also create in similar fashion fake political, social and voting poll results and run fake news bots and fake news sock puppets themselves, while they run banal racist “Mind-set” and fraudulently STASI’s & Nazis’ “Behavior predictive Algorithm”- fake science with banal fake data alone to grow exponential so on the wind-falls of their pseudo scientifically lies, for Federal funding-returns and re-runs ( kind-of a the “Art-of-Deception” meets Freudian Dr. Hyde/Trump’s ways of doing&growing big business), and Uber and big Data billionaire colleagues are so hideously reshaping Democracy and are launching political coups on Democratic systems and international “values” for the highest religious oligarchic big oil – and big war- kingdoms’ bidders; the who’s who of investors including Goldman Sachs and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund: As the pussy-grabbing, rapist racist, religious Nazis-aiding father, Trump, so the son-in-law? Curious dubious Jared Kushner a Gilded 2017-age con-artist with deep personal and money ties to Putin, Koch brothers, Mercer, Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Kalanick, Bannon’s Vatican’s Brown shirt-darkened corner, Bibi’s and Saudi “big investors” too? Here in religious Ohio the by a religious Republican big Pharma cronies into simpletons often over-medicated religious University educated “Liberal” and other twits rolled their eyes years ago, when I first said that on the highest corporate income, on Big Pharma’s top level, on political, on the Intelligence & law-makers, and on right-wing Corporate Murdoch etc. news media levels is where the true biggest religious extremists and religious terrorists of all most fraudulent religious greed-led psychopaths’ sects all collude against all of us common people alone for their profits and investments “growth”. While such things and such opportunistic religious mass-deceivers are not just so very obvious to see-through and their violent institutional organized actions predicted by the autistic brain, it was and still is invisible to all those “common sense”-believers kept busy by Aristotelian theaters/ fake news and perpetual fear-mongering, and other man-made divisive religious, economic and environmental disasters. The industrial Gilded Era still provides comparative insights into understanding today's ruthless corporate “efficiency”/ growth-uber-alles-obsessed sociopathic Big Data Big Tech “gig economy”-era’s status-racist entrepreneurial Nazis-like Tech and other billionaires such as Uber’s Travis Kalanick and Peter Thiel and Mercer. America's industrial-military might was and is still built by ruthless risk-takers (who certainly ONLY risk others properties, money and the

common people’s lives mainly only, like billions of Humans are mere disposable trash to billionaire neo-“Noah’s” emotionally & intellectually retarded religious inbred heirs) with patent colluded lies/ obstruction of facts and political reality as big as whole Earth by amoral impresarios such as Vanderbilt, Huntington, Carnegie, J.P Morgan, Westinghouse, and Rockefeller with silver spoons up their wealthy religious family-lines’ asses, or did the silver spoons actually went into those ignorant rich brats’ mouths rather? Richly colluding neoconservative frat-boys now-a days as Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Travis Kalanick now are merely re-using, reshuffling and “husslin” the gilded era tycoons' playbook to construct their 21st-century gig-economy “Empire”, on Global level: Privileged young megalomaniacs who think they are infallible, educated idiots who graduated from HBS or Stanford, and who's been given carte blanche by daddy’s Bank, rich investors and by the religious fanatic Christian KKK-Taliban-Nazis-supported US Trump/Pence /Session/Bannon etc. government, whom guys as Kalanick, Thiel and Zuckerberg intentionally funded and willfully enabled with their NSA and CIA hacking- “security access” & all sorts of fake polling and fake voting tools. A reason why their megalomaniacal Opioids-, Cocaine-, Opium’s and $-god-filled uniform delusional grandiosity is kind-of out of this world. As is Trump’s cocaine degenerated nuclear grandiosity led idiocy, that he, like all the modern wealthy religious Oil Barons von Munchausen confuse with exceptional business expertize, and worse with their imaginary “superior genes” as the banal religious rich religious men’s idiosyncrasies confuses their imaginary “white” BFF, he-god/yaweh/allah, with themselves, as the universal extension of their dicks we others are all to assume of the lot of violently “angry” religious wealthy men? I will assume Kalanick, Thiel, Mercers Kochs, Zuckerberg, Bannon etc., the billionaires gooddoers and profiteers of white and religious “angry” men, are so “angry” because they are that shamelessly rich as old primitive Kings while so countless many Americans and people around Earth are fucking dirt-poor like “animals”? Maybe the crony capitalistic good-doers and angry religious white and brown men should do as the imaginary hero of all Abraham’s fabricated religions and give away all their wealth to the poor ( Yo, I’ll take one of yo billions boys?) or just pay their fucking fair taxes and labor costs? But then again their “god” must have been an egomaniac crony capitalistic nepotistic Kingdom fucker and not the Collectivism-preaching uber-human selfless Hippie that most Abraham’s story-telling scriptural fables made their clones of far older rich men’s fabricated beliefs to be? Oh my who would have thought not so, except the thoughtless one who buy and confuse old partially fabricated stories for absolute reality, and reality as an old story written my their own self-righteous imagined humanoid hego? The “angry” men of god and ideological make-beliefs are all but comical self-deceivers and liars”": our “angry” religious men are angry because their mind is empty space, while bullshit as larger as theirs is as Space never empty, their all’s collectively colluded cognitive “angry” violent religious BS is stinking up this whole Universe. And that makes me really stinky and ready to battle the religious fanatic primitive men’s “angry” idiocy intellectually, intelligently in discourses, as well as Legal and Judicially. And so should anyone to whom Democracy and Diversity are of important matter. b.) Uber is financed by a who’s who of investors including Goldman Sachs and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund.

Considering that the 9/11 Islamic terrorists were majority Saudis and some of them possibly with deep pocket connections to the Royal family, to their American enablers and to the real estates-profeeters of the attacks, such a who’s who alliances of Ex- and ongoing Goldman Sachs, Trump, Vatican and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Funds in USA’s mega Tech monopolies/oligopolies should be troubling for anyone who understand what Fascism and Nazism/ totalitarianism actually really are. And who understand how religious fanatic homophobic, xenophobic, status-rapist religious billionaires connected to/or who are in control of parts of the privatized International military Intelligence deep-state can run and disperse religious Nazism via real and false-flag religious terrorism like deadly night-fires set by drones all around Earth. Particular since such dubious religious corporate intelligence-alliance crossover from Murdoch’s Fox News to Peter Thiel and Mark Z’s Facebook, Groupon, Amazon, religious fundamental corporate hackers at GoFundMe, Ebay, Paypal, Google, Red Cross etc. ‘'social media” and other big Data Tech companies, who are all also receiving secretive big funding/ investors from “private-public” Secret Service organizations ( NSA, GCHQ, CIA, FBI et all), from Exxon, Saudi Arabia, Israel and from the dark older Browh-shirt-side in the Vatican even. Why religious extremism in the Western and in Middle East’s government have been on the rise via fake news, and polls-hacking and other “cyber terrorism”, since the very arrivals of those big Tech magnates and their young neoconservative super uber Tech billionaire frat-boys on too many sociopath-inducing prescription pills, and with merely simplistic APP-ideas who are giving airily limitless cash and NSA/GCHQ and CIA hacking tools at their disposal? Are those factual reasons enough for you dear “angry” white man to be really angry? I don’t know, you tell me “angry” White men geniuses with the “superior Genes”, how about in a public debate just against me alone and against one White Woman? Not “angry” yet I suppose, dear poor butt-hurt violently “angry” white man? Open and connected more for “whom” exactly Mark Zuckerberg? Have you frat-boys not learned to elaborate and be precise with your words in your elitist’s private Universities where the price of admission and success is a rich Neocon daddy or grand-pa? Open and connected more for religious extremists, for KKK and Neo-Nazis, and criminal racist NRA and Peter Thielfunded Killer-cops and Agents who anonymous on Facebook are hacking, exposing Progressives IP-addresses names and address on Nazi websites and who are making anonymous violent death threats toward Liberals?, For hackers, sock puppets and fake “Likes” creating Bots and

fake users? For guns and Fentanyl dealers on Facebook? Or for colluding racist religious fanatic colluding young Tech and old religious oil billionaires to via one giant oligopoly corporation fully control what the dumb-& greedy and envying/hoping-kept religious human masses believe to know, via perpetual fake news, and to make them all shop and believe to vote for crap until they all drop dead via religious Trump Pence Sessions USA’s, Islamic states’ and other equal Nazi lunatics’ nuclear bombs? “Facebook was not originally created to be a company,” he wrote. “It was built to accomplish a social mission: to make the world more open and connected.” facebook- fix- its-own-worst-bug.html The cut-throats-business-approach similarity of Peter Thiel’s and Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Uber, Fox News etc. are equal to that of the NRA and maybe best compared to Islamic Al Queda and Netanyahu’s cold-blooded neo-colonial settlers in their genocidal inhuman ruthlessness, who all together push full deadly Global fascistic religious Nazism just to profit even more from their own fake news, from instigated and real religious terrorism, from killer cops and the co-related rise in gun sales and gun violence (When NRA’s gun stocks due to gun violence rise, so do Thiel’s and Facebook’s IPO“values” interestingly too) and conflicts and wars just to generate perpetual fake growth by killing, incarcerating and bankrupting People of Color, Women, Secular Liberals and Immigrants. c.) Uber developed “Greyball” to deceive U.S. national and international officials trying to shut down Uber’s service. The tool, essentially showed a fake version of Uber’s app to some people to disguise the locations of cars and drivers. It soon became a way for Uber drivers to “evade” capture by law enforcement in places where the service was deemed illegal. Any one of you at the Guardians remember the Uber driver who happen to be a serial killer? And how fast any further Journalistic investigations into the connections of the Uber serial-killer and Greyball was quickly shut down by the police and some authorities, and how Trump’s ( whom Uber Kalanick and many of his billionaire investors funded and supported FYI) little distractions and yet fake out-rages-inducing US killer-cops +/or security guards-induced hate-crimes incidences against People of Color incidences helped catapult that important case completely off the real news’s radar? How many more similar serial-killers or even ISIS terrorists might have “worked” for Uber nation-wide or Europe-wide, who, like the known reported and so far sole Uber serialkiller, were aware that Uber’s Greyball disguises Uber drivers and their locations to make them evade law-enforcements? Again Uber is financed by a who’s who of investors including Goldman Sachs and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund. Which brings up such a lot of judicial legal questions I or anyone educated enough could ask, as you can imagine. Questions which are also among the reasons why all death penalty and murder cases in the USA should be postponed and on International levels independently re-investigated Because without any doubt CIA’s hacking tools/access to Intelligence Tech, as well as Uber’s Greyball have allowed many,- from criminal or racist police officers fired for the homicides on unarmed minorities, to Fox News’ sock puppets, to Facebook and Uber employees - who were educated in surveillance & cyber security tech to commit

crimes and perpetually get away with it. For example abusing “geofence” allows most-likely suspects of crimes or terror attacks not to be identified correctly and can possibly if well scripted abuse for far more worse since “geofencing” is actually a pretty illegal obfuscation technic. Which means Mr. Travis Kalanick is a cyber terrorists who with his technological obstruction of Justice enabled Islamic as well as Christian religious terrorists and Ubermurderers to evade American, European and law enforcements where-ever Uber operated more easier; on full intention not an accident nor an APP- “bug” mind you. Now please imagine that Facebook is embedding and using the very same obfuscation tools, deceptive tactics and cunning take-over strategies against Liberal Progressive Pro-Diversity news-outlets simply to bankrupt them and be the last fake news media giant – already confused as the real news by majority of Americans - standing: It’s an old dream of religious conservative Corporate Gilded age Barons, of fascism and Nazism to be able to control and command the entire world’s media and what the whole Human race knows alone with one or two gigantic religious “News” organizations. Google, Twitter and Facebook’s neo-conservative billionaire owners are nearly there, if not legally stopped and them disrupted in reverse international soon too, or they will bankrupt the whole Earth and unleash cyber Nazism on all of us via their buddies Trump & KKK-Pence/Sessions, your U.K. Brexit clowns, Putin, Bibi and who knows what other mentally ill religious billionaire and little-King Adolph's will be technological “pushed” via eluding Algorithms next into European and world political power by “emotionless” guys as Thiel, Zuckerberg and Uber’s Kalanick-ow? Secondly: This is in response to Jonathan Watts’s article regarding Environment Desk titled “Climate change: sure the most important news story of our age?”, and to the highly important article and ongoing legal enquiries in “the Guardian’s contribution to MP’s inquiry into fake news” by Kate Saunders. And I’m contacting you with this due to the Guardians’ new environmental reporting team’s search for new ideas, collaborations and new story suggestions. During and before the months of the US presidential election the top performing fake election news stories on Facebook generated more engagement than top stories from major US news outlets. At the same times hordes of anonymous and families of religious extremist Republican NRA cartels’ sock-puppets were spreading hate-crimes enticing fake-crime data about People of Color and immigrants in the USA. These NRA and Fox News sock puppets were not only spreading fake news and fake data, but with cyber-attacks/hacking via FBI and CIA’s hacking tools and by openly making death threats to progressive Democrats, people of Color, LGBTQ since neither Facebook nor the Police cared. Instead Facebook appeared to have partaken by Facebook’s censors constantly blocking Progressives, against whom on Facebook dubious death threats were made by Republican supporters and Fox News fake news -for bagatelles as “fuck”. On the most influential platforms such as Google, Facebook and Twitter the most globally connected organizations which operate on huge global scale appears to be in majority anti-Secular, Climate change and Diversity denying religious extremists, from KKK to ISIS and international religious Nazis, Islamic and Christian terrorists as Anders Brevik were mis educated, proselytized and brain-washed via Facebook and fake news as Fox News Since my first online interactions with those armies of alt-right sock-puppets, those dangerous Facebook sock puppets have

proven to be an even greater danger to modern Secular Democracy and even to real Science nearly anywhere, as they are to multicultural religious dictators -free co-existence and progressive modern gender Diversity, to Women’s rights as the right to Abortions and contraception, which are modern progressive reason-based rights which protect all humans’ rights. That extremely misogynistic, - where some are even known racists or rapists – and extremely religious conservative millionaires and billionaires as Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, Koch Brothers, Mercer, Saudi Arabia etc., and some of Vatican’s ultra conservative leadership are big investors and partners of Trump’s enterprise, of Google, Facebook Twitter, and Fox News and Breitbart are not national-secrets, nor should they be. Neither should it be a secret that a few oligopoly neoconservative Media corporations have the largest influence (as large as any equally powerful religious State-sect) on what most Americans, and rapidly rising on what most of the Internet-using Earth population, believe to know. As a Secular Atheist, it is rather Judicially unacceptable and highly disturbing to know and see that the same fraudulent crony-capitalistic nepotistic revolving-door of religious fanatic U.S. Republican Intelligence”-billionaire CEOs who ran the NSA etc. persistently move on to head the Red Cross and large Globally operating NGOs and Disaster Agencies as the Red Cross and all the other solely Christian/ “Judeo-Christian” White males run important operations. Now, let me ask all of you: What will a religious fundamentalist Sessions, Pence and Trump’s taxexempted too-big-to-jail religious Corporate Red Cross Jesus CEO- billionaire-boys and their armed “gods Squads” police officer in religious KKK-Republicans run Ohio for example - who are already killing brown-skinned American minorities and “illegal” Mexicans recklessly even on Police cameras and are set free by a racist Nazi-NRA-cronies hand-picked incompetent juries decide when they are faced with the choice in disaster situations of saving some Christian Nazis, or people of the LGBTQ-community, “Liberals”, Muslims-or Jewish people and particular Secular Atheists? A religious fundamental Christian Republican US police and Bannon’s Vaticanand Saudis Dollars-funded Nazis’s led military-troops will use Trump’s “vetting”, to ask people before the “gods’ squads” save them out of a flood, burning houses firstly if those people in need are not gay, Muslims, Jewish or worse if godless Secular Atheist as myself believe in Jesus, first? I will assume then the religious US police and military will shoot all those “minority” groups for not being Christians nor believing in Jesus, or for being LGBTQ? Well, how is a now more-than-ever institutional religious fanatic Republicans-controlled, nt-so united religiousstate U.S.A then exactly supposed to work, now where individual old mega corporate KKK and Nazi-leaders leading U.S. police unions, the Justice department, Supreme Courts, and other federal and state’s agencies? And every-where most of those pathological colluding and bluntly status-racist and ethnocentric jingoistic egomaniacal lying elitist wealthy Republican/ Libertarian/Neoconservative/Alt-right Judea-Christian and Islamic religious extremists in uber corporate and pseudo-political cloaks are united more as crony-capitalistic and professional liars and masters of the Art-Of-Deception, who consequently thus use their dark-money funds and cyber Intelligence connections to fund the ongoing white supremacist and religious fanatic “pro-life” PsyOps-operations, guided by absolutistic and other people blaming, framing and shamelessly victimizing fake news-filled Aristotelian theatres all funded by ultra-right-wing religious fanatic US billionaires as Mercers, Murdoch, Koch’s Thiel Facebook & Google in Tech,

by oil rich religious fundamentalist OPEC-country and by all “religious states” etc. Due to those and far more founded Judicial suspicions of institutional discriminations, and via Oil, Arms Industry, Tech Corporations and religious cartels dark money well-funded Police and armed White-vigilantes and institutional and by states’ law-makers led hate-crimes (and in fact persistent, since centuries ongoing, by the 3 big colluding rich men’s religions -led Genocides) against minority groups, and the colluding unrightfully blaming and unlawful framing of People of Color by religious Republican elites in the “real” TV news media’s purposeful wrongful vilifications and implicating of poor People of Colors, Immigrants, LGBTQ+ and Secular Progressives in at least the Republicans controlled States as Ohio, and against this sitting and a Global religious Nazism + religious terrorism intentionally constructing, enabling and funding Trump government, - possibly the same against Brexit, Saudi Arabia’ and Israeli government- , and in particular against the Republican party and the largest U.S big Data/ Tech and other Corporate right-wing “ news” cartels, not only due to a number of now publicly known facts of their all’s ongoing colluded religious fanatic xenophobic racist elist KKK, ISIS Nazis’ NeoMcCarthyism-crimes against a whole Humanity and against Democracy: “Fox News was/is run more like a political operation than a Journalistic Enterprise”:

It is clear that the violently “angry” organized religious fundamentalist men and women’s militaristic anger is neither just against the Islamic terrorists and Islamic countries and religious fanatic politics here and over-there alone directed. But all religions and religious conservative politicians and royal “Kings” seem to be in united silent agreement -for a violent take-over of a Diversity-filled Democratic World - with the religious terrorists they mutually fight, kill and grow like a perpetual religion and war-business build on the predictable fanatic jingoistic militaristic or militia-organized violence of ever-dumb ever-easily “angry” White and other fanatic religious men, who on the otherwise like Neo-McCarthyism’s STASTI are often quick to either accuse all poor and lower middle Class Muslims/opposite other religious as terrorists, all brown skinned and Mexicans, illegal as legal Immigrants as “criminals, rapists, murderers and some as good people” ( Citation Trump) , while we Liberals, Progressive Democrats, People Of Color, feminist Women LGBTQ and Secular Atheist are openly even by right-wing law-makers accused of being the “angry, heart-bleeding, gays-& niggers/ISIS-loving pot-smoking thus ‘mentally ill’ babieskilling losers & as the Russian “Communists” etc etc pp, while the same religious conservative mutually blow-each-other up for their invisible friend, and while religious conservatives deny all others the very same freedoms and independent rights the religious conservatives themselves are always free to. Such making and faking of winners and losers and not only Anti-Democratic, Anti-Western, Anti-Progress, but they constitute in many ways possible crimes against the whole humanity, by keeping the whole human race at perpetual conflicts, hatred and injustices against each-one-another. Why all the blood-shed for growth and for imaginary 3 big myths, most of those old religious fundamentalist leaders and billionaire empire-builders might not even know either, war is just run and done just because some of our richest and religious humans can only feel alive and just enjoy making a monetary killing only by religiously and in cartels organizing and funding religious terrorism and/ followed by the militarily mass killing of other religious people. An Alien species or future After nuclear-wars-generations must assume rightfully when they study our human race that our 3 biggest religions mainly always rise, grow or fall the most in political and economic power the more innocent people are violently killed, bombed and maimed in the name of one or the other violent delusional tribal big fictive “god”, for fanatic nationalism/tribalism/ethnocentrisms/the family, or just out of plain opportunistic organized or individual greed, and the perpetual resulting individual small-scale revenge acts ad infinitum until all humans have killed each-other off, or only the religious White “race” remain? What’s exactly are the exit-plans of all these “angry” White and other “angry” religious men? The “angry” religious White and other violent men will kill us “Leninist-Mafia” Liberals, Progressive Secular Democrats and all other “minority” groups all, and everyone who openly intelligent, intellectually, verbally, in the News, on Twitter and Facebook and in Judicial ways dare to disagree with religious conservatives of the 3 too-big-to-fail anti-Diversity and antimulticultural-mixing big business-religions will be killed, as Trump implied in 5th Street speech? Or as all the Islamic States have been doing since eons to remain “fundamentalist Islamic” by criminalizing, mass incarcerating and killing off their Progressives, their moderates, their LGBTQ, their feminists and their Secular Atheists alike the Islamist are trying to kill off their Christians, Jewish and Secular people in the Muslimism-dominated parts of the Middle East off in the very same insane ways of “angry” rich religious White men induced organized violent god-delusions? Religious terrorism unites and drives all mayor religions as well as Fascism violently so with two word: Religions and terrorism.

For all of us people to investigate, analyze and fully comprehend the full-scale of dangers of not-thinking of such religious Neoconservatives and fake news echo-champersdominated monolithic uber-mega Corporate disruptors of the real news circles everywhere a bit better, I ‘d like to invite the Guardian team and other EU and International News organization to help and support my Caucasian American teacher’s wife and the secular Black autistic German me to organize regular public cyber discussion or/and readers/membersfunded media interviews with globally known and renown anti multicultural, antiDiversity religious conservative Republican/Neocon guys and girls as Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Mercers, Koch Brothers, Trump’s arrogant “educated” public propaganda blow horns as Fox News’ old rapist Bill O’Reilly and some few select “leaders” of ultra-rightwing parties and organization (such as Marie Le Pen). For that, I’d like them all individual or if they are willing to face just me and Mrs. Rachel Dolezal in an open – and verbally moralistic political correctness-free – adult discussion on the things they all evidently know the least about, from Diversity, to why incest and cannibalistic sociopathic psychopathy are the diametric opposite to Diversity, onto anthropogenic Global Warming / accelerating man-made Climate Change, to the real reasons for Immigrations & mass migration which they dismiss and never talk about publicly, to why no Democracy works “efficient” without equal Women’s, Genderand “minorities”’ Rights, to why “Culture” is independent and different from any single primitive old tribal beliefs/religion, to f*cking and P*ssies and so much more is sues they all love to hate and evade. In our turbulent times of Global Nuclear requiem, religious terrorism as a tool of political Nazism, in times of of accelerating Accelerated Climate change and the denials there-of as well as the denials of equal rights to Secular progressive Democracy and economic opportunities for all by the mindless deniers, the crazy religious fanatic fascist nationalistic nuclear world- leaders allied with equally fanatic Mafia-like Banana republic’s leading war-lords and pathological Madoff-like sociopathic Con-artists, it is important that the religious educated and religious conservative big business and bid Pharma elites, religious terrorists and arms -dealing, rightwing fake news corporations do not remain the sole ones to dictate the Global political conversation ,but the everyone. Anger,- white man’s, religious, other any other mad-men’s militarily and in otherwise violent organized anger-, are as blinding as nuclear nations instituting old tribal religious beliefs known to be falsehoods, discriminating and atrocious into politics. Verbally sometimes necessary heated talks, political discussions, social conversations and social-economic and other “news”-relevant debates of the people by the people for the people affected the most based on reason, scientific accurate and verifiably undeniable argumentations, fact-based and real-historical evidences-led, and the occasional PC-free ordinary intellectual insults and having to take counter-intellectual verbal insults are part of every educated, honest and functional modern family. Sane progressive and realistic families to whom mere words fuck and fucking and by far the lesser danger to children and others than guns, god , alt-rights fake news and violence on TV and in video games,, or religious political old mad-men legally armed with guns, or worse are running the white house right now. People have to stop having corporate cronies, political sock-puppets and right-wing “news” sound-boxes in the TV news distort the political conversations, by beginning to directly have -

through the “Liberal” progressive media for example - have conversation with our political elected and with the religiously and other mysteriously selected deciders, and with eachothers, around the world. Twitter Facebook and Google and other conservative/ “Libertarian” big data tech giants and Mercers & co PsyOps corporations and right-wing special interests billions of paid-for anonymous mainly religious conservative White, Russian and Middle Easts’ sock-puppets trolls and Bots alone cannot be the sole arbiters of truths/ information/news and of the dictators of political dialog in the era of ISIS, racism, institutional discrimination KKK & Nazis in the Trumpocracy alone, unless certainly we all want another Global world war to rage by 2018, because war is so profitable for all the religious right-wing Big Data and PsyOps companies, and for the royal clergies and billionaire military investors? So. Could you the Guardian’s public policy team help make this important “Race, Diversity& Racism” discussion/ interview happen? Or just forward me how to directly contact all those self-important, wealthy ultra conservative dip-shits, myself please? Why have any respect from a bunch of super rich cunning ruthlessly colluding corrupted sociopaths, who command armies of heavily armed sock puppets on Opioids and who do not respect other ethnicities, genders, others properties, nor the whole planet Earth itself? I do not respect any such man, nor king or imaginary god! I know all the absurd cues and verbal and psychological tricks and that they abuse surveillance to always have an economic and other edge compared to others. So, simply help me organize and allow me to debate the most influential religious Neocons, preachers and the far over-paid idiotic right-wing BS-Opinions pseudo-Journalists TV – fake news “stars”. The idea there is to co-create a whole new International members-generated and supported political and environmental online audio/video discussion project for and with the Guardian which goes beyond the usual meaningless nonsenses filled fake news sound boxes of the Corporate TV media? That, or the Guardian can just help me bring up an European and International lawsuit against the recent British government, against Ohio’s government and the recent Trump government for abuse of political and hate-crimes successful enticing fake news on Facebook and Twitter, and for running unwarranted surveillance programs aka NSA&CIA’s hacking tools in alliances with religious extremists to foment economic race wars/xenophobic anti-Semitic/racist hatred and violence against People of Color, against immigrants in the USA and in Europe, against Secular Atheist’ and Climate change oriented small businesses, and against the businesses of all People of Diversity. Best, A Godless “Monkey” called Anthony Endres Projectheureka LLC ( projectheureka at outlook dot com) in religious fundamentalist Republican KKK-Nazis’ Trump’s Cincinnati, Ohio ( Yes, unfortunately it is still) (If one wants to test & expose the deep colluded old corruption of Society as a whole & how deep it really goes? One must do so utmost intelligently, witty bluntly without the slightest verbal or communicative respect to a racist criminal authority & the rich’s, and fully open: Nothing more shows how corrupt our leaders on humankind are, than just one person fully transparent demanding full transparency)

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