A Peaceful Mind Issue 4

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She Leaves a Little Sparkle Wherever She Goes -

Issue 4

FROM THE EDITOR… As June ends we reach the middle of the year and I find myself wondering where has it all gone. In such a short time we have achieved so much, yet there is still leaps and bounds to accomplish. Now is not the time to take a break and relax. You’ve got to push on forward and achieve greater things then you already have achieved. Our goal at APM for the following months is to reach out to you, our readers, and to find out what you want to know or to understand. We aim to be the best that we can be and inspire you to be as well. So… my message this month is to move forward and aim high. If your year as not been great so far leave it behind. If you have already achieved what you want to this year, make new goals. Why does everything have to start at the beginning of the year? Don’t wait. To continue to inspire you this month we have collated our fabulous experts’ knowledge and sprinkled a touch of winter wonderland and inspiring stories. Finally, I would like to thank the hard work of all our APM E-Mag contributors and our readers. Together we are able to grow, as we expand out knowledge of ourselves and the world around us. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident. Taylah Parker Editor



Prioritize Your Rocks


Sugar! OOOH Honey, Honey…


Fitness For The Time Poor


5 Things I No Longer Believe About Love

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Lauren Jobson Life Coach

Hayley Martin Nutrition

Helen Jomoa Fitness

Maree Eddings Energy It’s In The Moments of Decision That Your Destiny is Shaped

Helen Treloar Business The Entrepreneurial Passion Killer is a Bit Like a Fart in Bed

Kirsten Basford Marketing The Right Staff

Penny Votzourakis Customer Service

Flying On Broken Wings

BOOK REVIEW Carrie Bailee

How Do You Plan Your Week?

LENA TURVEY Productivity The Journey

Beckie White Stylist How to Make Your Marketing Viral Part 2 of 4

Julie Bourke Technology Being True to You - Dawn Fraser

Joanne Clark NLP Jane Nguyen

Guest writer Attracting the Love you Deserve Starts with a Decision How Did I End Up Here?

Amanda Mallia The Men’s Perspective

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ADVERTISE WITH US Email your ad for approval to editor@apeacefulmind.com.au $60 per issue – direct link to your web site


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Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.



Our APM Experts …

Lauren Jobson

Hayley Martin

Helen Jomoa

Maree Eddings

Life Coach tips and techniques to move you towards your goals in life

Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Fitness strategies and interesting facts to boost your vitality

Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar

Kirsten Basford

Penny Votzourakis

Lena Turvey

Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

The anti-marketing marketing guru magnifying your brand

Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White

Julie Bourke

Joanne Clark

Amanda Mallia

Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Go behind the curtain and into the male mind with Amanda




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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

Prioritize Your Rocks

Lauren Jobson – LIFE COACH

Perhaps you've heard of the story called ‘the big rocks story’? If you haven’t, here is how it goes... This story is about a University Professor who one day goes into his class with a Mayonnaise jar and three heavy sacks. He places the empty jar in front of the class. He takes one of the sacks and pulls out rocks. He places the rocks into the jar all the way to the top and asks the class; ‘Class, is the jar full?’ The class respond, "yes, it is". Without words the Professor takes the next sack and takes out small pebbles and begins to load them into the jar. The pebbles find their way in between the rocks. The Professor again asks the class “Class, is the jar full?” The class respond, “yes, absolutely, this time the jar is definitely full. Again without words, the professor takes his third sack and from it, he pours sand into the jar. The sand filters its way through the rocks and pebbles to find places to settle and fill. All of the gaps and holes between the rocks and pebbles become filled with sand. The jar is completely filled. The Professor again asks the class, “Class, is the jar full?” At this point in time the class is now quite hesitant. They respond, “hmm, maybe!” The Professor now takes a jug of water and begins to pour it into the jar, until the water flows out over the top and the jar is completely filled of rocks, pebbles, sand and water.

in your life? Your rocks are the most important things in your life, such as your family, your health, your friends and spending time with these people. The pebbles in your life will be things like making money, how your spend your working hours or your profession. Your sand and water are more likely your daily chores and routines; things like cleaning the house, cooking or grocery shopping. The thing is, if you were to start to fill up your jar by placing the water & sand into it first, well then there would be no room for the rocks and pebbles. It’s all about the order in which we do things. If you start with your rocks first, you can then fill your life with more things. When we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed; could it be a case of “prioritizing” the things that really don’t need to be so important? In this space, what is it that you are putting pressure upon yourself about? What rules are you making for yourself? For example; do you always need to have a tidy home and right now it looks less than tidy? Do you feel pressure to get things done quickly or immediately? If the dishes are

So why am I sharing this story with you?

finished with, can they sit for a while as you relax with the family or do you need to jump up and have them cleaned right now?

Let me ask you this... What are the rocks

Who says you need to?


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015 Are you allowing yourself to fill your life with your big rocks, the very things that are most important to you? Think about this in terms of your goals and true desires in life. What is it that is going to give you the greatest leverage to get you closer to your goal? What are your big rocks, in terms of this goal? For an example, let’s say that one of your goals is to create a business. As you start out, researching and talking about what is involved to set up a business might be one of your big rocks. As times goes on, are you still talking and researching? How long will you continue to make this research and conversation a large rock? Think about where you spend your time in energy and thought and how you apply pressure to yourself ; is all of this going to give you your greatest leverage to achieve your ultimate goal? Are these rocks really that important in the first place? At some point in time you will have to take more inspired action from your heart, which will mean stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something you haven’t done before and going for it! (That's another article for another day.) Let’s go back to the rocks... what are your biggest rocks, those things that are most important to you in your life? Spend time and energy doing those things. I want you to know that you are the only one who decides what is right for you and what is most important to you. I want you also to notice the pressure that you put on yourself and the rules that you make. The more we compare ourselves to others (see my previous article about that too) the more likely we are to perceive our own actions as not enough ‘compared to’ someone else... ‘She’s keeping her house together AND these amazing things in business.‘ achieving all

You know, we never know someone else’s story. It’s about coming back to you, and realising that you are the only one who is creating rules and putting pressure on yourself. So let go of the ‘stuff’ that really doesn’t matter so you have the time and energy to do what is right for you. A final piece I want to share with you here today is that where we have ambitions and goals in life, we tend to think they are things that we want to have, the materialistic gains. It’s really fine to want to have material things in life, absolutely. We are living on a material plane and it is good to have material things manifesting in our lives. I want you to take it a step further. Ask yourself... ‘What is the purpose of me wanting this thing in my life? What will this give me or allow me to do? ‘ Once you know the answer to this, you’ll have more clarity about what your goals really are about. It’s never about the actual material thing. The thing outside of us isn’t the thing that will make us happy. It’s the meaning we apply to that thing that is important. The meaning or purpose is important linked to knowing how it is going to make you feel. Focus on how you want to feel. You know what’s great about this? You can choose to ‘feel’ that way right now. Have your goal for the future and choose to manifest the feeling of what the achievement of that goal gives to you, right now. I have given you a few things to think about! All my love and faith in your potential.

Lauren THREE

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015


Hayley Martin - Nutrition

Photograph; Hayley Martin | True Form Health


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015


Wanting You!

How many times have you said “Oh I’ll just have one…” when someone offers you the box of ‘favourites’ or “just a slither for me” as the cake is being cut and then gone back for seconds, thirds…fourths…or even fifths?! Never fear - you’re not alone!

for dealing with probably ‘the mother’ of all cravings: SUGAR! •

• Oh sugar, sugar! Sweet is the first taste humans prefer from birth, the taste of sugar releases endorphins that can calm and relax us and offer a ‘natural high’, it stimulates the release of the feel-good brain chemical: serotonin… we’re pretty much hardwired to crave it and why wouldn’t we be - it just tastes so darn good!

The problem comes not when we indulge in and sweet treat now and then, but when we over-consume which is so easy to do when sugar is added to so many thing nowadays. Breads, sauces, yoghurt, juices and the list goes on and on…and on! Many people view cravings as weaknesses, but they are in fact important messages your body is trying to deliver to assist you in maintaining balance. Next time you feel the urge to devour a block of chocolate (or are already half way through it), firstly – don’t beat yourself up about it! Secondly, try deconstructing it… Ask yourself, ‘What does my body want and why?’ Look at the foods, deficits and behaviours in your life that are underlying causes of your cravings. Here’s 5 simple and easily implemented tips

Drink water. That’s right, it’s not rocket science! Sweet cravings are often a sign of dehydration. Eat sweet vegetables and fruit. They are naturally sweet – the more you eat of these, the less you will crave sugar. Experiment with spices. Cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander, cloves and cardamom will naturally sweeten your foods and reduce cravings. Get physical! Being active helps balance blood sugar levels, reduces stress and tension and boosts energy – eliminating the need to ‘self-medicate’ with sugar. Rest and relax! Get more sleep. When the mind and body are exhausted and/ or stressed, they crave the quickest form of energy there is – sugar!

Cravings aren’t always a signal that your body biologically requires sugar. By identifying the psychological causes of your foods cravings and substituting lifestyle adjustments accordingly, you can take charge of your health as you find balance.

Food for thought: Where else can you get your sweet-fix? Slow down and find sweetness in non-food ways Stop and smell the roses so to speak. Life can be sweet enough itself – no additives needed!



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

Helen Jomoa⏐FITNESS

Fitness for the Time Poor Quick Ways to Increase Your Activity at Work \I love incidental exercise that you can squeeze in without taking time from something else.

Walk to Meetin gs

Try these things at work to increase your daily activity and burn more calories.

Have a walk to a coffee shop 10 minutes away for your meeting, rather than have it in the office.

Stan d Up

Floor Swap

More standing and less sitting will help you loose weight and lower your triglyceride levels.

Choose a loo or meeting room on a different floor so you have to use the stairs to reach

Stand when you are on the phone or walk over to a colleague rather than emailing them

it. Stair climbing is a great way to improve your cardio activity and strengthen your legs, especially if you are late and have to go faster!


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Move at Lun c htime Whether you can afford 10 minutes or an hour for lunch, try to do some activity, such as squeeze in a brisk walk outside. It will clear your head, make you work more efficiently and burn the calories. It's nice seeing trees too!

Form your Own Team We all like having fun. You could form your own Friday football team or running group. You might be surprised how many people take you up on it once you initiate it.

KPI’s ‘Keep Peers In volved’ Get your team more active by setting goals such as ‘who can climb 70 flights by the end of the week’. If everyone is involved you are more likely to stick to it.

Watch your Sn acks There are so many temptations or food rituals at work that we all get into. It is worth knowing the calories of your favorite things, so you don’t eat out of boredom. A cappuccino (400ml) is 270 calories, and ‘pass-them-round’ snacks - such 3 Tim Tams at 300 calories will take an hour’s spin class to burn off.

Love your Com mute I used to cycle to work, it was like having a mini holiday, and I was generally late so I had to go faster. This meant that I got 1 hour extra exercise a day, and it took the same time as driving. Bargain! If you don’t fancy cycling, you could get off the bus earlier or park further away, so you can do more walking. It could save your parking fees too!

Preven t Desk-Slouch Stretching is important especially for office workers who are hunched over a desk. Chest stretches are important as they help prevent a slouched posture.

Pedometers Roc k! I love pedometers, they are really satisfying as they measure how many steps you are taking. Aim for 10,000 Steps Per Day.

So, what are you waiting for? Get up and walk to that meeting on the 5th Floor; you're going to be late! Outdoors is a playground.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

It Seems I Had a Fantasy View of LOVE Five Things I No Longer Believe About LOVE

Maree Eddings ⏐ Energy In preparing for a recent event I decided to dig into some old journals. Love was on the agenda and I took a walk down memory lane to check in on some of my past beliefs and habits. I was surprised and shocked at what I used to believe about love. No wonder it felt so hard! This is embarrassing to admit however it seems I had a fantasy view of LOVE. I was bought up on the romantic movie where music came alive in the middle of the street and LOVE appeared effortlessly and easily. Saturday afternoon movies on the TV always include at least one movie about love and the man was always the bad boy turned good…um maybe there is a pattern here. Well these early life experiences created a view of what love is and what it is not. I can now clearly see how my love life has mirrored those early life experiences to this thing called love. Some of it has been great and some well, not so great.

Love starts and ends with YOU. Sounds corny perhaps however, think about this. When you know how to love yourself you know when others actually love you and when they don’t. This is such an important distinction. Regardless if it's a romantic relationship or not, if you are not aware of what makes you awesome and what it is that you love about yourself, you invite others into your life to define it for you. That is never sustainable or successful.

Love is a competition When you believe that there is a finite amount of love to go around, your belief is based in fear or not having enough. This belief triggers the fight or flight response and all the conditions for competition are in play. You will compete with your spouse, your siblings, your co-workers even your kids…it’s not pretty. In reality love is endless.

So here they are (gulp, yep some of them are not pretty)...

Break this belief by consciously practicing love daily.

Love is given by someon e else This implies that you're no one until someone else loves you. This is such a dangerous pretext to establishing any relationship – romantic or not.

Start your day with morning gratitude. It takes 5 mins, will open your heart, feel amazing and will set your mind and heart in the right direction.


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Love is n ot patien t. If you have ever attended a wedding in the last 20 years you have more than likely heard that poem that is often read out and one of the lines is LOVE IS PATIENT – I am unsure who wrote this sorry. My usual response in those moments was ‘really whatever’ – I thought this poem was a total fraud and I not only ignored it, I would roll my eyes every time someone got up to say it. I seriously thought it was a fraud made up by someone who was deluded.

This is a little shallow I know, however this is all about expectations. Setting your life up as a 'show and tell' story. Your feelings and reactions determined by some predetermined behaviour that someone else has to perform, without you telling them about it… Here’s the thing about expectations, they are a fantasy that you create to keep you really safe and in control because, lets be honest, any expectation you have for someone else will not be met – no-one is a mind reader and your safety is really your issue to resolve not theirs. Okay so I have a bonus here is my number 6!

I now know with all my heart that LOVE is all about patience. Patience is about compassion. Be patient with yourself so you can be compassionate to others – LOVE.

Love is on ly about the outcome. We so want to rush to the outcome, the prize, the glory, and the end. Why this is, I am not sure. It is the process of showing up every day where you learn about LOVE. Marriage is not about the wedding remember. Resist the temptation to skip ahead and miss what you were meant to see, feel and hear. Grow into your love and experience all there is to offer. The process of love is a daily occurrence and it’s glorious. It fills you up and will burst you open if you let it. Daily love rituals will ground you, give you perspective and help you be a kinder person.

Love is measured by the am oun t he buys me / how it was! expen sive

There must be drama for it to be LOV E... I love love love this old belief and I see it play out in so many of my client’s relationships. Drama is a cycle of choices, there I said it. It is not love. It is an unhealthy way that you try to get your needs met where you undermine others and ultimately who you really are and what you deserve. If you are used to getting your needs met by using drama, please stop, it is really unhealthy for everyone that is involved. Love does not know drama. Give it a go, laugh at what was and take the time to replace the old with some new shiny beliefs that support you living a S.E.X.I life!! I LOVE to know what it is that you no longer believe about love. Drop me a line or visit me at my facebook page. Til next time, Stay S.E.X.I and have fun. lovehearts.jpg


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

It's in the

Moments of

Decision that your

Destiny is Shaped

Helen Treloar - BUSINESS

Over the past 20 years in business I have met quite a number of people who are waiting. They are waiting to have enough knowledge, information, advice, experience, money, time, motivation... The reason for waiting can differ but the root of the waiting tends to be the same. Fear! By waiting it is stalling the act of making a decision and committing to it with massive action. Have you noticed how so many successful people can share a story of a 'back to the wall' experience before incredible success! When our back is to the wall we are often in a position where there are very few choices; usually going forward or losing it all. Some do lose it all, others take the only other option and go forward. They do 'what they have to do'. Free will has been taken from them, or so they believe, so they do the do in order to make it work.

Businesses built on this process can be highly successful and yet the owners lack the feeling of fulfillment. The success is in the growth and profitability of the business, but the business itself and its effect on the owners life, is less than desirable. Better then, that we flush out the what if's and fear of moving forward from a starting place of clarity and comfort and instead create a plan for starting a business that has the flexibility to adapt to the unknown and the security to stay on task to the bigger vision. When I am working with start-ups, we go through a process that came to my attention via a very successful on-line marketing millionaire, Frank Kern, called mapping out your 'ideal average day'. The businesses that I have found to move forward quickly, usually have a strong vision of what their ideal average day will be.


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They see their business as a 'means to an end' rather than a destination. The business is leverage. They are not attaching their business and they rebound identity to the from the bruises of business losses quickly, as they see them as process rather than personal. They have beliefs about success that are wider and taller than a balance sheet and profitability (although these things count of course). They have specific goals for their business, income, lifestyle and daily routines. They attract a certain type of client to their business, the kind of clients they want to deal with who have similar values. These people, the few who survive the first 5 years of being a start-up, and started with a clear vision, usually have a behavioural flexibility that allows them to change their micro plans to achieve the macro goal. They respond to market changes and consumer demands effortlessly, whilst being true to their brand and vision. They remain grounded in crisis and stable in turmoil. They keep on doing the do in their own style, and their fan base loves them. Their customers are listened to and respected and feel part of the success.

So if you are thinking of going into business or perhaps you are a brand new start-up or a startup struggling through your way to 5 years; I recommend Frank's technique of creating your 'ideal average day' and then exploring the gap that exists between the now and the ideal. In this gap you will find a number of pathways forward. The fun part is selecting which one you will take. This exercise will begin to uncover your personal 'why', the very reason you will go into business and put your effort and determination behind a brand. When your 'why' is big enough, you will endure and indeed thrive through anything that comes your way. I also recommend the book 'The E-Myth Revisited" by Michael Gerber. Keep going. These are the fundamental questions to explore before registering that ACN. When you know who you are, what you want, what you really want, and where you are going, the road will rise-up to greet you. Your 'why' is your ground. Business is life. It's to be enjoyed.



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The Entrepreneurial

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

Passion Killer is A

Bit Like a Fart in Bed

Kirsten Basford⏐ANTI-MARKETING

The middle of the year is fast approaching and the downhill run of 2015 is accelerating. I don’t know about you but I tend to have a little bit of a panic around this time of year about where I am and what I need to achieve to bring this baby home (oh and I need to do my taxes). Last week I found myself in not so much of a panic but in a big dirty gloompy pool of funk – entrepreneur funk. The contents of that pool included, overwhelm, doubt, stress and a shit load of fear. It’s actually hilarious, I have relaunched my new website and brand to the world, I crashed the internet with so many vistors to my new site, I have connected with a brand new audience in America (my freakin’ dream). I have great clients and connections here in Australia and America – wow, go girl. But it’s a bit like coming home from your honeymoon. All the planning and focus on the one BIG day which is your dream is suddenly in the past – you got the guy, wore the dress, drank champagne in Paris – now what…..dirty dishes that’s what. So what do you do when the business honeymoon period is over? It is the hardest thing as an entrepreneur we need to face, and guess what no-one is immune. But girlfriend you better get your big girl pants back on and sort it out because it will be the biggest thing that will kill your business. You’ve heard the stats – most small businesses fail in the first couple of years. If you listen to the “experts” they will say it’s a

lack of cash flow, not doing the numbers. I think that this is partly true, but I also think a larger impact is your vibe for your business. You have gotten a little comfy, lost the buzz and the butterfly feeling that you once had. You find prickly bits that you don’t really like – a bit like finding your new husbands undies on the bathroom floor for the first time. It’s a total passion killer. But all it takes is a romantic gesture and you are back on board, remembering that perfect day when you both looked into each others eyes and said “I do”. This is what we need to listen to, we need to dig deep into our passion to really get our mojo back. The passion and excitement you have for your business is the biggest marketing tool in your bag of tricks. Passion, excitement, mojo whatever you want to call it, is the core of Anti-Marketing. There are two ways to get out of your funk, you can either push through with brut force or you can be pulled through. Pushing through could get you there, eventually, but how tired and stressed will you feel when you get to the edge. However, being pulled through the thick gloompy pool of funk is so much easier. Just imagine the thick sludge where your clothes are heavy, your shoes won’t lift out of the mud and you are being pulled easily and effortlessly through by a force that is so much stronger than you. That feels so much better, you have a smile, you can see what is ahead of you. Your clothes are still muddy but you don’t care as you can see your destination. This creates the vibe


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of your business, and remember your vibe attracts your tribe. A happy, focussed, passionate entrepreneur attracts more customers and clients that want to be a part of what they have, not more money on Facebook ads.

As humans we are all fuelled by progress and one of the biggest hurdles, especially for female entrepreneurs is perfection. The quest for perfection is the biggest passion killer for progress – a bit like a fart in bed. There are three parts of progress that I have found to be helpful to get that fire back. The first is showing up. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely place. It doesn’t matter how connected you are, you are the one that is 100% responsible for the outcome. You are accountable only to you. That’s tricky. You chose this path, so now it’s time to be a total professional. Just show up with the best version of you that you can possibly create. How would you act if you were the best in the world at what you do? Whatever that is – do that! The second ingredient is your vision – where do you want to take this baby. Make space to remember, and feel your vision. Get a little woo woo and really connect with the bigger picture. This for me is the rattler. I have such a huge

For bonus points ladies, stay the hell away from comparison land. Get off Facebook & Instagram, stop stalking your competitors and your contemporaries, this will totally kill your spirit. Turn that shit off. It won’t serve you well. It is not contributing to your progress and only makes you feel rubbish. This is your path, so comparing yourself to someone else is a total waste of time as their path is totally different to yours. You are good enough, so go and do it. Just take one step today towards your big vision, make some progress. It feels really good and don’t forget to celebrate that progress.

vision that I tend to put up some resistance. This is a totally normal part of the creative process but we need to use it to ignite us.

If you have any tips for getting out of Funkytown I would also love to hear them.

The last is your Why. The why is the most important element of pulling you out of your funk. Why are you driven to be an entrepreneur? It’s the emotional connection to the outcome. It’s the secret sauce that keeps you hungry. It will keep you moving forward. It may not be perfect but it’s progress.

As always thank you for taking the time to read my articles. I love connecting with spirited, likeminded entrepreneurs who create a fabulous world for us all to be in. Without you this place would be pretty beige.



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APM Personal Style Expert, Beckie White is also one of the Founding Board Members of our Charity ‘2BMe Foundation’. For the second year, Beckie organised and hosted a magnificent charity fundraising dinner – the Circle of Life, Mt Eliza, Vic. Speakers, Rosie Batty and author of ‘Flying on Broken Wings’ Carrie Bailee held our attention as they shared their stories and calls to action to help those who are victims of family violence. Between the moments of confronting thoughts were many spells of laughter and joy, as a room packed to the rafters came together as one. Fashion show, dancing, amazing gift bags, raffles, auctions and everything you want on a great night out.

A Peaceful Mind are proud to support this event and we encourage all businesses in Australia to get behind this annual event that creates awareness, funds and possibility for Australian families. Well done Beckie, we are extremely proud of you. beckie@missvelvet.com.au Contact Beckie to express your support for 2016 & beyond. Together We Will Change the World xxx

Beckie White & Helen Treloar

Rosie Batty & Carrie Bailee

The Circle of Life Committee

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Winter Wonderers

Embrace the winter cold from all around Australia

The cold winter air is unbearable at times and we all want to stay in doors. But take a risk and embrace the cool air, you may find it freshening and rejuvenating. So, to start you on a journey, we’ve created a list of winter walking escapes from all around Australia.

Melbourn e 1000 Steps – Dandenong Ranges Home of the Kokoda Track Memorial Walk, the trail explores the dense forested areas and reveals amazing views for those who go searching.

Sydn ey Middle Head -­‐ WWII batteries Climb in and out of the war barriers and gun pits whilst observing the views across the water to the eastern suburbs and Manly Harbour.

Can berra King Edward Terrace Circuit This city walk combines beautiful sculptured pieces with peace and tranquillity. Sunset or sunrise is the best time to travel this path.

Queen slan d Main Ranges National Park – Warwick Breathtaking views peak on mountain hills and

valley ridges, a great place to enjoy a family picnic and observe the rich parklands.

South Australia Anstey Hill Recreation Park Gain a great insight to the area’s history whilst exploring the extensive range of intertwining walking trails through the historic ruins and animal habitats.

Perth Bell’s Rapids – Swan Valley A perfect place to take the kids, as you can stop only side the river with nets to catch little fish. The beautiful greenery is a strong contrast to the grey mountain rocks.

Tasman ia Freycinet National Park A secret escape where the bushland meets the picturesque coastline. Views include Tasmanian wildflowers and striking sea birds.

Nort hern Territory The Giles Track – Watarrka National Park Suitable for walkers of medium experience, as the lengthy walk travels from the springs to the canyons. We recommend plenty of water for this walk.

For more great escapes check out australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/national-parks

“People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” – Jim Collins

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015


THE RIGHT STAFF • How do they impact the team? Is it in a Innovation and creativity are vital to the longevity and prosperity of any small business, especially when it comes to customer service. Your trained sales staff will be your most important asset, since their ability to engage the customer is what will generate sales. It is key therefore, to have the right people on your staff. It is not enough just to know your product inside and out; a successful salesperson will effectively communicate with the customer in order to deliver an extraordinary shopping experience, that produces results.

Here are some things to think about when assessing your sales team:

positive or negative way?

• How is their attitude? Do they have the right attitude that will move your business in a positive direction?

• Do they have the necessary strengths your team needs?

• Do they add value to the team? Could your team be successful without them? If you need help assessing your sales team, particularly to see if you have the right team member in the right position, email me and I will send you information to help you recognize the specific training your team member's need. Remember; People Buy People.

Penny V


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APM’s Book Review by Helen treloar

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

Flying on Broken Wings

Author: Carrie Bailee I can't recall the last time I picked up a book and couldn't

Carrie's courage throughout her life is inspiring.

put it down. This one gripped me from the start and held me to the end and has me thinking thereafter.

When coming to Australia on a tourist working visa in her early 20's, events occurred that lead her to meet people of

A book for anyone who thrives on fact, truth and the

influence, accept help, make decisions and cross personal

exploration of the psychological ugliness that is humanity

boundaries that slowly brought her to realise her choices of

gone wrong. Not until very late into the book do we get

where and how to live. Talk about resilience, stick-to-it-ness

a glimpse of the story behind the man whose acts of

and strength - this is the stuff that can only come from the

depravity against his own adopted daughter (Carrie) and

deepest of spaces within. Maybe the choice was really born

goodness knows how many other children and

from the fact that to Carrie, she had no other choice in the

animals, left me feeling angry and frustrated and amazed;

end? It was this or nothing? You'll need to read the book to

and yet still I was left questioning how Carrie's childhood

find out what I mean here!

could be stolen from her, right under the noses of so many? And to know this is still happening today...

I smiled, occasionally, cried constantly and felt strong emotions of anger, frustration, horror and sadness

Carrie takes the reader on a journey through her life of

throughout this book. It's like a car crash on the outside lane,

physical, emotional and psychological violation, abuse and you don't want to see but you can't look away. fear as a child growing up in Canada with careful attention to blending the past with the present. The courage of the child that was Carrie, to 'go on' when most adults would crumble at a percentile of the experiences she endured, constantly defies comprehension as you read. This child learned how to survive and protect others she loved from a very young age. When getting to the end of the book and reviewing the childhood photographs of Carrie at the age when she was being abused by her father and other men, tears flow freely. This child went to school, had friendships and family friends - and yet no-one knew! This child could be a friend of one of my kids. How would I know? What could I do? How can we stop this? The unresolved issue of bringing those who were / are involved in this pedophile ring to justice sits with me after the book concludes, and the pressure on the victim/s to bear the weight of prosecution is frustrating, especially when those victims are children. It's a book that stirs questions and awareness that many of us might prefer to leave to 'others' to explore.

The fact that Carrie is using her story to touch the lives of others and give other victims of abuse permission to say 'enough' or 'you are wrong' or 'I am worthy' or whatever it is that they are not yet able to say, to themselves or others, is where the human spirit soars. Carrie really is flying on broken wings and I applaud her. At the end of the book, Carrie recalls a time where she and her husband and two daughters are by a lake and focused on a floating lotus flower. Her husband tells them the story of how the lotus flower blooms with beauty after starting life in the muck at the bottom of the pond, and the muckier the start the more beautiful the bloom. What an incredible analogy that fits Carrie so perfectly. This book is a gift. I hugged my children a little tighter today and I am grateful for the parents they have and I had as a child, to know only love and happiness and the safety of a family home. That any child knows only violence, abuse or rejection is heartbreaking.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015


Broken Wings Can Fly Away

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For me it's sitting down with my calendar on Sunday afternoon, looking at the week ahead. I move things around to make the best fit and to make the days the most productive they can be.

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

How Do You Plan Your Week? Lena Turvey Productivity

I check what needs to be paid that week, what needs chasing up and I clear my mind clutter by adding anything that needs to be done this week (or in the future) to my 'To Do' List. I use Mac Reminders as I find it simple yet effective to use. I will menu plan for the week and then do a shopping list. I add to my shopping list as I go during the week and then do the menu plan and trip to the supermarket on the Sunday.

Daily life can be a series of calendar entries, budget notations and bank deposits but it doesn't have to be dreary. I use colour, I build in "me time" and I plan for family movie night. Planning itself isn't a chore, I think it's just the fear of the unknown, what's going to happen this week, that puts people off planning. The key to remember is that just because you plan for something, doesn't mean you have to do it that way or during that week. Planning is fluid, and the more fluid you are, the easier planning can be. I'd love to hear how you plan your week...


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

PLANNING YOUR WEEK www.howtobemoreorganised.com.au

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

The Journey


I just love camp fires. The ambiance it sets, the warmth it brings, the conversations it inspires and friendships it bonds.

It was such a cool conversation and I learnt so much about the stature of my friend as a man.

Last night I was sitting around a camp fire with some friends. The serenity of the bush and the still darkness of the night were magical. I was fortunate enough to engage in a conversation with a great mate of mine who I admire, trust and respect. I have known him for about 7 years, however last night I got to know him on a deeper level (keep you minds above water here ladies, simply platonic). It’s interesting to contemplate how well do we really ever know someone? What is their past, their goals and their aspirations on a day to day basis? It’s not often I encounter these conversations with males, other than my husband.

I learnt that he had given up one of his kidneys for someone who had needed it within his circle. I discovered he had a brother who had died several years ago and how he feels immense guilt for not being able to help and save him. Whilst I was listening to his journey, I so wanted to share with him parts of mine, because we were so similar on several levels. However I didn’t. I just sat and listened and in this moment I realised that this is what my friend needed; someone to listen to him, without judgement to be able to discover and

to wonder and to ponder in a safe environment. I learnt from listening to my mate, that he is on a path and a yearning to


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015 help others. He feels this is a ‘Pay It Forward’ type of thing from when he was younger and someone helped straighten him out. He said he is forever grateful for the mentors he had in his younger years that helped steer him in the right direction. Throughout our conversation I couldn’t help but notice and feel his pain and so much of me wanted to cuddle this big statue of a man, but I refrained and just let him be. He is on such an interesting path and so badly wants to help and guide others that he could be forgetting just one thing... This topic of conversation lead me to an ‘ah ha’ moment and the question I asked myself was, “if our purpose is to help others, do we first need to help ourselves?” I believe it’s both yes and no (I know, how can it be both? Well in this instance it is ok...hehe). First, I believe that YES you need to be comfortable with who you are and I believe if you are this then your purpose can flow and NO because the healing process is a journey. As I was writing this I was interrupted by my beautiful 13 year old daughter who had just woken up and wanted to jump on my knee for a cuddle. I could have (and probably years ago would have) said ‘hang on a minute love Mum needs to finish this sentence’ but instead I was living in the absolute present moment. Feeling her warm snuggling body on my lap was beautiful and priceless and whilst it only lasted a few minutes and she was off on her daily thing, I was grateful for that moment in Motherhood. So now she’s off doing her thing and I am back to writing, a win / win.

Ok back to where it all began, so yes healing is about the journey. You know a really cool science about our bodies is that it will always keep healing itself from the outside. By this I mean we could cut ourselves every day for a year in the same place and every day our bodies will naturally continue to heal that wound from the outside in or is it from the inside out? Our minds need this healing process and it can be achieved by following your passion and your purpose. I know for me, styling women (and men) is a combination of enabling myself and others. I enable myself by moving within my passion for stying and assisting others. I serve my purpose by enabling my clients to heal their emotional wounds or change their stories of ‘I’m not beautiful’ or ‘my body is ugly’. Styling women is a privilege and is far more than clothing. By enabling a woman to start to see her many attributes and inner beauty magnified in her presentation, to watch her confidence and self esteem rise and thus create opportunities for her to move forward in her career or general life, is a passion and my purpose. So the next time you have the opportunity to sit quietly and listen to someone’s story; a time where your inner voice is screaming to be heard or to give advice; think of this story of me and my mate around a bonfire and the gift we gave to each other. Styling the life we live is the greatest style secret there is. Stylishly Yours


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

Part Two of a Four Part Series

How to Make Your Marketing Viral Julie Bourke⏐ Technology

An idea will only ‘catch on’ if people like it. A marketing message will only become viral if people believe it. So, how do you use viral marketing to gain customers and increase your revenue stream? Here are three key tips to follow: Be Creative. If you are selling widgets, make those widgets stand out! Nobody wants to buy a widget that is simply “easy to use” and “better than the rest”. People respond to innovation, to creativity, to things that appear to be exciting and new… even if they are not. Don’t waste your time with sales driven messaging. Instead, spend your time carefully crafting creative marketing that will grab the attention of others. Once you have their attention, going viral is the next logical step. Be Different. There’s nothing worse than more of the same. You and your business have to stand out in the crowd. Even if your product is ‘one in a million’, make it appear different and most importantly, the best. How? Add value to your offerings by incentivising your products.

Make customers feel appreciated and deliver on your promises. Above all, stay on top of the competition. You can’t do it better than them if you don’t know what they are doing and how they are doing it. Find out what message your competitors are sending and differentiate yourself with a stronger message, a more strategic campaign and an overall better offering. Be Consistent. Without proper management, the attempt to go viral with any campaign can quickly turn sour. Consistency is key with any marketing, but when attempting to go viral, you will need to stay on top of every single message you put out there… and do so often. Viral marketing takes a lot of time and quality management. Prepare yourself to make this part of your daily routine and invest your time as you would invest your capital into any advertising projects. While viral marketing is essentially “free”, you will need to spend valuable time and effort in order to make it work for you.


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Whether you are a veteran of the viral marketing world or new to this approach, remember that it’s about what you put in that really matters. The more you manage all aspects of your online marketing, from tweeting to status updates, to feeds and daily blog posts, your message can only go viral if you are putting it out there on a regular basis. Don’t simply plaster your social media accounts with sales copy and unattractive pitches. As we’ve discussed, be creative. What would

interest you? What would you want to share with your friends, family and colleagues? What would you encourage others to take a look at? Take the time to respond to others, to craft creative messages and pay attention to what others are saying. In order to become part of the conversation, you have to engage in it and that is what viral marketing is all about.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015


Being True to You


Dawn Fraser

Shaking off the nerves on the starting blocks, while impatiently awaiting the crack of the starter’s pistol and visualizing her victorious race plan, were things Dawn Fraser mastered like few other athletes of her time. Her ability

local coach, Harry Gallagher, who began the coaching process that would take her to greatness. She became a sporting legend to not only Australia, but the World.

to strive with single minded focus on being “the best swimmer in the world” meant Dawn never gave up, despite the many obstacles life put in her path. Each time, against the odds, she recovered, remained determined and came back working even harder to achieve the level of excellence necessary to put herself in a winning position.

However, the single-minded focus and ambitious determination to win, that were key ingredients in her success, also landed her in hot water with sporting officials. At 12 years of age Dawn won a local kids Christmas swimming event and was given the “gift” of 2 shillings. This event gave Dawn her first exposure to the rigid rules and class snobbery that plagued the amateur swimming bureaucracy back in those days.

From a very young age, Dawn Fraser loved to swim and swim she did! Like no other before her or since to date. Born in 1937 as the youngest of eight children, growing up in working-class Balmain in Sydney, money was scarce. Swimming was fun, cheap and Dawn was a natural at it. Her talent was spotted by a

“At 12 years of age I was called into the New South Wales Swimming Office, and I went in there with my first coach, who was my cousin, Chuck Miranda and Berge Phillips sat behind his big, leather desk, and slapped the desk and said, you know, ‘you will never swim for Australia because you come from Balmain". And I think that's where I started being very rebellious towards officialdom. And I got up and I slapped the desk and said, "yes I will’.”

Image Reference: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/ Image Reference: http://hamlin.org.au/


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015 Fraser had You see, Dawn pluck! Unfortunately, she had it in an era when such a commodity was not tolerated, especially from a young working class girl! Back in the 50’s and 60’s, when ‘nice’ women were meant to be in the kitchen cooking up a batch of well-conformed scones, Dawn was intent on being true to herself, her dreams and her family. Establishing herself as a champion in both mind and body and with an uncompromising resolve, Dawn won 4 Olympic Gold medals across 3 Olympiads. She broke and held 41 world records. The 100m freestyle record was hers for 15 years. She was the first woman to break the 1 minute barrier for the 100m. She was the first of only three swimmers ever to individually win gold at three successive games for the same event. Her record is breathtaking! Not since Phar Lap and Bradman had a sporting hero galvanized a nation like Dawn Fraser.

Image Reference: http://media.olympics.com.au/

A big part of what endeared Dawn to her sporting fans was her clear sense of herself as just an ordinary fun-loving girl from the working class suburbs of Sydney. It was this quality that also drove a wedge between Dawn and the swimming establishment. The most famous example of this occurred at the 1964 Tokyo games. The lead up to the Tokyo games was horrendous for Dawn. She was the driver in a major car accident where her Mum was killed and she herself incurred cracked vertebra in her neck. Dawn was in hospital for some time and spent nine weeks in a steel neck brace. Dawn could have chosen to quit swimming and given up. Almost everyone would have let her without a fuss, because they knew how hard and tragic these times were for her, but instead Dawn Fraser drew on her determination and her courage and believing she carried the hopes of a nation on her shoulders, Dawn began to prepare for Gold in Tokyo.

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True to her word, Dawn brought home the gold. Again the swimming bureaucracy was in conflict with this determined working class woman. After winning her third successive Olympic 100m gold, Dawn and some others, fuelled with the joiede-vivre only Olympic athletes can know, decided they wanted to bag some souvenirs for home. They Image Reference: http://hamlin.org.au/about/ targeted the flags on the boulevard leading to the Imperial Palace but were arrested by the Japanese police. Upon realizing whom they had nabbed, the police released them (and even later gave her the flag as a gift!). This adventure added fuel to the wrath of the Australian Amateur Swimming Association (AASA) for along her path, Dawn had racked up such grievous crimes as not wearing the ill-fitting official team swimsuit (instead wearing one she had made herself which was more comfortable), marching in the opening ceremony (who would want to miss that?) against team orders and not wearing the team tracksuit to receive a medal. Australian swimming’s governing body again banned her, but this time it was a 10 year ban. Crazy! These days you’d have to be guilty of a serious drug offence to get a sentence like that. At 27, this meant the end of her swimming career.

Image Reference: http://www.aussiedigest.com/

"I had worked very hard after the car accident in which my mother was killed, to get to that Olympic Games. There was nothing that was going to stand in my way to winning a Gold Medal."

Despite these bans Dawn has not indulged in bitterness. She was awarded the World Athlete of the Century and continues to give back to her sport and other sports in many ways including being a mentor for Able and Disable Australian Olympic teams since 1988. Throughout her life, the girl from Balmain has embodied a healthy larrikin spirit while proving time and time again that the pursuit of excellence is one we can all follow because even working class, single mums from Balmain can wear the pride of a nation. Make today your day.


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Attracting the Love you Deserve Starts with a Decision Guest Writer – Jane Nguyen

I grew up in a small family in a beautiful country called Vietnam. My Dad was a lieutenant in the army; he fought in and survived the Vietnam War. My Mum on the other hand had a business of her own. All I could remember from my family was the fact that Mum and Dad loved each other very much and we had a family that everyone envied. A few years went by, my parents struggled financially and they let the financial pressure get to them and affect the relationship that they had. They spent less time at home with each other and more time rushing around and getting caught up in making a living. The environment at home was gradually filled with lots of frustration, arguments and bickering. The financial stress had made my father change in a way that I could never have imagined. He became a strict, cold and controlling father figure that I was too scared to come close to. One day, Dad came home, drunk and annoyed; he yelled at Mum and me for silly things. Before I knew it, I heard a big noise, which was the sound of my Dad’s big hand slapping my face. I was on the floor, terrified, and I cried as if the sky just fell down. I ran back to my room in tears and swore that I would never be with a man who was angry, aggressive, controlling, stubborn and violent, like my Dad.

The relationship I had with my father went down hill from that moment on. I developed this “love / hate” relationship with my father where I hated him for what he did but secretly hoped that somehow he would change and come back to the man I loved and adored, just like before. I grew up craving a lot of love and attention from my father, yet I swore to find a man that was the complete opposite of him. At the age of 14 years, I was ‘sent’ to Australia to study as an international student. Not knowing any English and without any family or relatives, my first few months in Australia felt like hell. At 14 years of age, I went through a period of depression, feeling abandoned by my own family. So I had to do what I had to do – I learnt how to survive. I started to learn how to take care of myself at such an early age, with a completely new language and culture. Things weren’t very easy in the early days, I couldn’t fit in and was bullied by some kids at school because I couldn’t speak English. Life was like hell at 14! At the time, I would have traded everything just so I could have that close connection with my family. Even though I lived in a big country with lots of people, I never felt so alone. One day, I met a boy named Andy. He was a few years older and he was also sent here by his


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015 family at an early age just like me. I felt like I finally found someone who could understand what it felt like to be in a foreign country. We connected at the emotional level that no one could understand. Not long after that, we started going out. Our relationship was going well and everything seemed so perfect. After the first year and a half of our relationship, the man I thought was the love of my life turned out to be the complete opposite. He became cold, controlling, aggressive, and abusive. Before I realised it, he turned out to be everything that my dad was! I didn't understand why this happened. I was so focused on finding a man who was the total opposite to my father that somehow, unconsciously I attracted the same one! I spent the next four and a half years in that relationship getting beaten up and verbally abused. Throughout those years, I wanted to leave, but the fear of facing the world alone seemed too much to bare at the time. So I stayed with the hope that somehow things would change. But nothing ever did, it only got worse. One day I looked into the mirror and realized I didn’t know who I was anymore. At 21 years of age, I looked as if the joy of life was sucked out of me and I was left with nothing but sadness and depression. Then a little voice came to my head – “If I were to die tomorrow, would anyone remember? Would anyone care? If I continued to live this way, would life have any meaning?” In that moment, I felt like I never existed. I felt like I never mattered. Out of nowhere, tears came down on my cheek and there was a bunch of mixed feelings; first came sadness and the feeling of being defeated, then there was anger and frustration. Amongst all those feelings, there was hope. It was a little hope that tomorrow could be

different, that life could be worth living, that one day I could find happiness and love. Right then and there, I made a decision to leave. I packed what’s left from the relationship, together with all the emotional baggage and walked out of the door. After leaving that relationship, I made a decision that changed my life forever – I made a decision that I would never again settle for a relationship that was less than what I deserved. So there I was, searching for love and happiness. I started to get very interested in the space of personal development. I spent lots of time reading, listening to audio books and attending many personal development seminars. I realized that everything I was looking for outside was just a reflection of what I was missing inside. I realized that in order for me to find love and happiness, it had to start from within. I started focusing on building a strong relationship with myself – starting from letting go Photo Credit: Jane Nguyen www.honeymoonforever.com.au

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015

Photo Credit: Jane Nguyen www.honeymoonforever.com.au

of my emotional baggage, loving and accepting myself fully and unconditionally and embracing vulnerability and change. As I started to grow and change myself, I noticed that everything else also started to change around me. The relationships I had with others also organically changed in a positive direction. I no longer felt the need to seek validation and acceptance for my own existence. I realized the power had always been within me. Not long after that I met an amazing man in my life, whom is now my current partner – Rod. We started as friends with many things in common, from our interests and hobbies to our values, perspective and life vision. All I knew was that the relationship I had with Rod was completely different from my past relationship. I wasn’t looking for love or happiness but to share love and happiness. I wasn’t looking for acceptance or belonging but to share my own magnificence with another human being. As I focused upon building a strong relationship with myself, my relationship with Rod benefited as a result. There was a level of peace and freedom that I could never experience before. Even at times when I was alone, I never felt happier and loved.

Our relationship wasn’t smooth sailing, we had our ups and downs and each challenge that we faced actually strengthened our relationship. We made a promise to each other that we will continuously work on our relationship, no matter how long we are together, how busy we get or how challenging it might be. We know that in order for us to have the best relationship of our lives, we have to continuously grow and stretch to be the best version of ourselves – so that we can give and contribute more to our relationship. There had been times when it was easier for us to walk away and give up on our relationship. But we stayed and fought our way through as a team because we believed in our relationship vision, we believed in each other. One day out of the blue, he asked me to marry him and I said yes to our ‘Happily Ever After Dream’. I believe that everyone deserves the best relationship of their lives, no matter what has happened in the past. We all have the power to create what we deeply desire and make that dream a reality. Never settle for a relationship that is less than what you deserve. Life is full of possibility – but only if you choose to believe in it. I never thought I would end up here to share my story; but the decision I made that day has shaped my life to the level I could have never imagined possible back then. I am now passionate about sharing my story and message as an inspiration for others to start creating their relationship dream.

Jane Author, Speaker & Relationship Expert from Honeymoon Forever


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How Did I End Up Here?

How did I end up here? Does this question sound familiar to you? Can you relate? I can, and I don't know how it ended up like this, I don't know why... I find myself alone after great success in all areas of life. My identity is exposed. There is a sound deep within, that sound has a faint tinge to it. Almost like a dark blue. When I close my eyes I can picture it sitting just below my heart, tucked up safely in my left rib cage. This dark blue sound is sitting there as a symbol of something to work on, something that I need to invest curiosity in. It’s calling to be explored.

The part of me that craves her; Her smell Her touch Her taste I close my eyes once again and draw her near to me, my memory is faint, I persist and she appears. One deep breath, I draw her in, exhaling her essence and craving her kiss. The warmth of her skin as she kisses my forehead, her breath on my face, her warm embrace, the only place I surrender.

Oh no, here comes the blue... the noise returns, I run again, my chest it yearns… I feel the tightness… it draws a pain… I'm on the If I ignore it, it gets louder at times; more often run; I'm blue again. than not it keeps me awake at night. The headphones are on, I run away into the Tears streaming down my face and dripping depths of the music, she sings so beautifully, I from my chin, this emptiness that engulfs me turn the music up, desperate to escape the so deeply within. I suppress it all, you’d never void. guess, not me, not I, for I am ‘a success’. It swells in my throat, the ache as I fight back my tears. This dark blue void carries noise as it swells over my body, like a wave of cold chills. I sit with my emptiness; a loneliness they say is a gift. A gift to assist me, find me, as I surrender into the blue.

Sobbing now it catches me, this gaping hole running right through me. She must be there, she must find me, I'm waiting my turn; will she rescue me?


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 4 2015 Will she find me amongst the crowd, this ‘masculine being’ so strong and proud? I'm waiting for you, the kids come first, I promise dear I'll hold on tight. Save me from the emptiness and darkness of the night. I reach across, my arm out wide searching for warmth on the other side, the bed is cold, she’s still not there... I didn't prioritise me; she's still not there. I wake alone, the sun comes up, another day to endure success.

are brave, vulnerable and courageous. They are our past, present and our future. There is a lot they generally don’t talk about; it’s graciously covered up under all the day-to-day stuff, the business stuff, the kids’ stuff, the wife’s stuff and then some more stuff! So… does your man fit into this category? Perhaps you’re unsure?

Try these tips and calibrate his response;

I rise and replace the mask with the blue tucked deep inside.

The kids come running, good morning daddy, how can I resist their warm embrace? They fill me up, they keep me strong, they give me a reason to soldier on.

• • •

I love her dearly, we are one, I know she'll find me, I know she'll come. •

Take a little extra time this week to notice his conversations, what does he generally choose to share if anything at all? Does he ask for anything in particular from you and/or the children? How does he respond when he has you to himself, exclusively? Take a little time to prioritise him, how does he reply? Show him how much he means to you and notice what you get in return. Grant him one wish; what did he request?

~ Anonymous This is the mindset representing some of the magnificent men I serve and support in business. I am their professional confidante. I represent their voice. I admire my clientele, these men are the reason I push the boundaries, persist and forge forward to change the game and provide options and possibilities for every single one of them. Men strive to deliver success on every level. They

Good men are intelligent, easy going, grounded and loving. They are around us everywhere. I encourage you to tantalize his ego with the simple gift of your love and attention. The greatest gift you can grant him is your presence and embrace. Let him open to you and in return, be open to him. Love and live intelligently,



Ten in Ten 10 Questions with 10 seconds to Answer Productivity – APM Productivity Expert; Lena Turvey 1. Best Advice Only keep around you what you love, discard the rest. 2. Passions I adore coffee and organisation of course! 3. Are you a Why, What, How or ‘What If’ Person? I like to know the full reasons, so all of the above! 4. Fave Book? Apart from mine LOL, I love the Richest Man in Babylon. 5. Person Who Inspires You Most? My sister, with all that she has been through, she still encourages others and always has a smile. 6. Which famous people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner? Anyone inspiring, I don’t play favourites ;) 7. What skill / talent would you like to have (that you don’t currently have): I’d love to be good a photography, have a real eye for it. 8. What fires you up and gets your emotions running? My kids! 9. Your advice to women? Look after you, otherwise you can’t look after anyone. 10. A TV show that you love & why? Love many shows, but Grey’s Anatomy is probably the top show, followed closely by Bones. I like the close teamwork of the characters and the interesting lives they lead.


NEWS… CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and Children. 2BMe Foundation will raise funds to connect those who are focused and committed to improving their own life circumstances, to the resources that enable them to do so. www.2bmefoundation.org.au We look forward to bringing you more news about what we are doing and how you might get involved very soon.

WRITERS WANTED Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story to tell that inspires or educates women? APM love to share – and your submission will be received with gratitude and excitement.

CONACT US AT: sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au



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