APM Issue 10

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Accept the Challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. George S. Patton

Experience True Inner Freedom & Self Love yourhappilyeverafter.com.au

with Lauren Jobson m. 0405 835 686

From the editor… And we are back. Welcome to 2016 fabulous ladies. I hope you had a safe and wonderful break. Hopefully your Christmas catch-ups with your family went smoothly.

A lot can happen over a month. We are coming into a new season. The gorgeous summer sun is slowly leaving us. And soon we are going to have to start rugging up. I’m not sure yet which I would prefer. Which leads me to think about decisions. There are many times through out our lives where we approach a crossroad. And are unsure which step next to take. At this point, I believe that it is best to take a step back, maybe make a pro and con list, or get someone else’s opinion. But overall do what is best for you. This month we have again collated our fabulous writers, with some juicy extras. We aim to continue to improve our contact so that we give you ladies the absolute best. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident. Taylah Parker Editor editor@apeacefulmind.com.au

ADVERTISE WITH US Email your ad for approval to editor@apeacefulmind.com.au $60 per issue – direct link to your web site

WRITE FOR US Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

CONTENTS 2 If I Could Meet With My Younger Self


Issue 10



4 Apple Cider Vinegar – A Magical Elixir?

Hayley MartIn NUTRITION 8 Having Awareness

MAREE EDDINGS ENERGY 10 Accept The Person; Mentor The Behaviour

helen treloar BUSINESS 12 Change Is In The Air – Becoming A Memorable Retailer



15 Mindfulness is Better Than Chocolate

book revIew DAVID MICHIE 18 It’s Not What You Say






A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


20 Being Stylish in The New Year

BECKIE WHITE STYLIST 25 Using Facebook In Your Business (Part 1 of 2)

JULIE BOURKE TECHNOLOGY 28 Dr Emma Constance Stone – Overcoming Overwhelming Obstacles

joanne clark


NLP 32 The Life of A Business Owner






38 Helen Jomoa - Fitness

GUEST WRITER Why Warm Up , Cool Down & Stretch? 40 Kidness Is Green




GUEST WRITER Part 2 – From AFP – Barbados

Our APM Writers …

Lauren Jobson Life Coach tips and techniques to move you towards your goals in life

Hayley Martin Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Maree Eddings Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

Kirsten Basford The anti-marketing marketing guru magnifying your brand

Penny Votzourakis Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Lena Turvey Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Julie Bourke Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Joanne Clark Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Amanda Mallia Go behind the curtain and into the male mind with Amanda

PIPPA HANSON Be inspired by Pippa’s personal journey as a business owner, mother and wife

She leaves a little

Sparkle wherever she goes

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

If I Could Meet With My Younger Self



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

You may have come across the question: What would you say to your younger you if you could meet with them and share your life advice?

You see, with time comes wisdom, but what about remembering the resources that youth can bring to our life!

It’s a great question to ask and it’s a lovely way to reflect and see what you’ve learnt as you’ve experienced more of life.

And remembering too, there is no point in comparing yourself to others since we are all on a very different and personal journey, so if you really want to have a life gauge to make sure you’re on path, compare yourself to who you were and who you would like to become!

Just think about this now, pick an age, perhaps when you were going through particularly a hard time in your past and imagine her coming out of you and standing before you. What would you like to tell her about this time she is going through? Notice the advice you can give her now and the beautiful insights you have for her. Next, let’s swap this around now because not only is our older, present self more resourceful with more life experience, she’s also got more baggage to put it simply.

So; •

What advice and beautiful insights does your younger self have for you? Notice the goals that she has for you, what were they and have you achieved them or how have they changed over time? What did she believe about life and her future – how does she feel about what you have done with it so far? What made her happy and could you bring more of those things back into your life?

Journal down your thoughts and insights from these questions above. Take stock of all the wonderful achievements you have accomplished through life. Engage your past selves in the process of your current life to see what wonderful attributes they can bring back into your life. Think about who you want to become in terms of what you bring to the world and reflect on if you are on path with being this person now. Be gentle, be loving and be kind to your beautiful self! You have something unique to share with us and you have so much life experience that made you who you are today. Celebrate that!

All my love potential,








A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderfully restorative tonic with health benefits to boot! It’s high concentration of acetic acid improves our bodies absorption of minerals from the foods we eat, aiding digestion, lowering blood sugar, insulin and bad cholesterol levels as well as reducing appetite and increasing satiety, helping you to shift any unwanted kilos.

Apple Cider Vinegar

a magical elixir? Hayley Martin - Nutrition

One to two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) a day is ideal. You can mix it in water and drink it morning or night, before a meal to avoid bloating, use it as a salad dressing or add it to juices or smoothies. ACV can also be used to take the itch out of rashes or pesky mozzie bites, gargle to clear a sore throat and even be used as a natural household cleaner and disinfectant, which is a win on the environment and your wallet! You might already know of these many uses for ACV, but have you ever thought of adding it into your beauty regime? “Really?” you say, “the stuff that looks cloudy and bit ‘ugly’ in the bottle, the by-product of apple fermentation?”


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That’s right! The fermentation process fortifies the end product with even more beneficial acids and enzymes leaving you with access to an awesome little elixir! It also contains high amounts of potassium, which builds and maintains youthful, healthy tissues. Potassium deficiency has been linked to chronic fatigue and those dark circles under the eyes… I can already hear the scribble of pens adding Apple Cider Vinegar to this weeks shopping list, so before I list the benefits adding it to your daily skin routine will have, you want to make sure you get a brand that’s raw, organic, unpasteurised and perhaps containing ‘the mother’ – I’m currently using the About Life brand. Braggs is another one you can count on for all of the goodness. You’ll not only help balance your skins’ pH by adding ACV to your skincare, but clear excess oil and make up, break up dead skin cells and minimise the appearance of pores. It can lighten sun and age spots as well as being a skin tightening astringent and an antibacterial giving blemishes and acne a run for their money without the chemical..nasties. The basic recipe for:

properties or lavender for an aromatic and soothing experience. Pour into a glass bottle or jar, store in a dark, cool place or refrigerate for up to 3 months. Take it up a notch by replacing the water component with your favourite organic herbal tea. Could be as simple as green tea to help rejuvenate and reduce skin redness. (If you use this option I would suggest keeping your toner in the fridge.) If you want to get even more adventurous, use a 1 to 1 ration as hair rinse for a nutrient boost including vitamins B and C for healthy, luscious locks less prone to tangling – win! With so many uses in one product, it’s definitely worth a go... Here’s to your (inner and outer) health and happiness,


APPLE CIDER VINEGAR TONER ¼ cup raw, organic Apple Cider Vinegar ¼ cup distilled/ filtered water Generally… For sensitive skin, try a ratio of 1 part ACV to 4 parts water. For normal skin: 1 part ACV to 2 parts water. For oily skin: 1 part ACV to 1 part water. Mix your ratio together and add a few drops of essential oil to your toner like tea tree for it’s anti-inflammation


A butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. Rabindranath Tagore

HavIng Awareness Hendricks Book Reviews



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

Need some direction and focus these two books will do the trick. You have such a busy life and you are bombarded with information, how to’s. must do’s, must haves and must be’s. This can make you feel like you are being pulled a part at the seams. You need a bit of focus (we all do) and a way to figure out what is really important. This is a common conversation that my clients have with me. It is common for everyone. Direction and focus help you feel grounded, connected and powerful. They are the ingredients for you to feel happy and live that life that feels fulfilling. It’s very yummy. This conversation occurs when you have had an issue or challenge in your life that seems to continually pop up. You know the ones, regardless of how it has come about it seems to come down to the same underlying issue. You can feel like you are being stumped on how to move this thing. So you make the decision you want to know more about this. Where to start? Awareness. The more awareness you have on what is creating this underlying issue the more easily you can shift it. An easy way to create awareness is through books. The challenge, there are sooooo may books out there. It can be overwhelming and you are not sure what it is you are looking for. I am often asked by my clients and friends to provide recommendations for books.

Because, books are my thing. If you need some focus and direction here is my recommendation. There is one author and two of his books that are life changing. I reach for them when I need a reminder of where I am going, when I am about to start something new and when I am feeling a little recharge is required. They are about an hour read each, full of such direction and revelation that they are yummy to consume. Most of all they are spot on. So if you are looking to refresh, reground, renew and give yourself a little pep in your direction these two books are a must place to start.

As a mind body connection expert I know that all of these upper limits also show up in the body. Itchy skin, sore throats, belly issues and fatigue as some examples. All ways the body is trying to clear out energy to help you step over that upper limit into the next phase of growth. If you are finding that you have dreams that you are not quite reaching - that job you really want that keeps getting further away, the relationship with the connection and communication that you want, free flowing finances – you get the picture, these are all examples of you upper limiting yourself.

The author is Gay Hendricks. The two books, FIVE WISHES, how answering one simple question can make your dreams come true, and THE BIG LEAP.

Understanding what really is important to you and how to reach all the happiness that you deserve are the great essence of life so ENJOY!

Five Wishes is a fantastic place to begin. It will help you unravel where you are at, what is important to you and where to spend your focus. It asks one overall question and provides a great story to follow with Gay providing his own personal approach to answering this question. It is such a powerful, playful, easy to read book that when I read it again a couple of weeks ago I was again given a new shot of direction.

I would love to know how you enjoyed these books, please drop me a line at mareeeddings.com or come visit me at my Facebook page

The BIG LEAP is a book that many successful entrepreneurs refer to and there is good reason for that. Gay identifies that we create our own upper limit when it comes to growth. Bit like your own glass ceiling. As a result you limit your happiness. The upper limits can turn up as procrastination, lack of commitment, crappy communication, ongoing overwhelm, inappropriate relationships and lots of drama.

Here is to creating new success.

Maree P.S. if you are looking for a book recommendation after you devour these let me know I will hook you up!



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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 10

Accept the person: Mentor the Behaviour Helen Treloar - BUSINESS Acceptance!

Go to any high school in Australia today, and the subject of acceptance will be front and centre. Who is 'cool', who is 'odd', who is a 'loner' or a 'bully'...

Fact is, we all want to belong. need a tribe to be part of contribute to and our behaviour major contributing factor determining which Tribe we connect best with.

We and is a in will

Pull the behaviour back and uncover the layers of limits and rules and we find the common strands that bind us

significantly. After detailing the performance issues, she said "I am so disappointed; I really did peg XYZ as being a good person and I have always liked them," as if the drop in performance levels changes these findings. A person can be honest, kind, helpful AND lazy, self absorbed and inefficient.

all as one... The need to belong, to be valued, to be heard, to be loved and to be accepted.

In the workplace, the common theme to performance appraisals is behaviour. Of course! This makes perfect sense. We employ people to achieve certain goals and outcomes and the way they achieve them is as important as what is achieved. Often, I have found that leader's roll the person and the behaviour into one profile and label the whole. In a recent meeting with a business leader, the owner mentioned how unhappy she was with the reports of an employee's performance which had dropped

As Leaders, it is crucial that we connect with our employees on a minimum of two levels at all times; the person and the performance. Accept and coach the person whilst mentoring and managing the behaviour. Give the employee very clear strategies for success. Real-time feedback, both congratulatory and corrective, is fabulous, as is effective communication on a regular basis.


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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 10 Rather than wait for 3, 6 or 12 months to tell employees how they could have improved - tell them today. In fact, whilst we're chatting about this, rather than tell them what they have done, instead, ask them how they came to the decision to act in that way? (Note: Don't ask "WHY did you do that?" You'll get a defensive response and the employee will shut-down.) Great intentions can go awry for us all from time to time; understanding the intention is more important that judging the behaviour, and far more useful as a trainer / mentor. Add perspective to the employees view, by extending their behaviour out in time or value, to showcase the repercussions. Simple example; 'So Jo, coming in 30 minutes late most days, and working through lunch to make back the time... with 40 employees all doing that, what would the business look like and how would our clients feel about our services?' I have yet to find a psychopath in the sales team. Ok, I accept it is possible that they exist. I have found that beautiful people can have ugly or unsuccessful behavioural strategies at times, and until a mentor comes along to validate them as a person and guide their behaviour as a poor strategy that can change, they just keep repeating what they know. After all, we don't know what we don't know!

The leaders that create high performance teams tend to speak clearly and truthfully with respect and a willingness to invest in the people they hire. They have clear expectations and they say what they mean and mean what they say. The team members are willing and able to take responsibility for their outcomes and continually invest in their own personal and professional development. There is a theme of respect, open communication, challenge and development. So if you are leading a person or a team or a business, when you next sit

Remember; People Create Profit. down to revise the forward business plan, make sure you pay attention to your people plan too. Learn all about the people as you guide their performance. Give them every chance to shine. And if they wont pick up the challenge or prefer to move on - that's fine too. An honest conversation is not confrontation or difficult. Dishonest or 'let's pretend all is fine here' conversations or avoiding the conversation completely, masks the reality that needs to be managed and is less than being kind to the employee.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


Kirsten Basford⏐ANTI-MARKETING

There is change in the air and it’s great. The world is finally calibrating and working out how as physical and visceral beings we can co-exist in this online and offline world. This week it seems that my social media feed is filling up with the news that more and more exclusively online brands are moving into offline, bricks and mortar locations. Amazon is said to be opening 300 (yes 300) bricks and mortar stores across America. Etsy has opened a pop up store within Macy’s New York city store and there are other similar stories just like these. Why would online brands do a complete 180-degree turn and invest into physical locations? Well it seems that as consumers we want more than just “stuff” when we shop. It’s not about what we acquire but more about the experience we receive when acquiring it. We want to touch, feel and be in the moment when we purchase. Remember when it was said that Video Killed The Radio Star, it didn’t kill the star it just gave the star another platform

from which to shine. The same is true for retailing. So many have said retail is dead – well it’s not. Why would people queue up outside an Apple store in the freezing cold for sometimes days just to purchase a phone that is pretty much the same as the one that they already have in their pocket. They do it for the experience. They have a memory, a story to tell their friends, better still they may have even got a group of friends together to share the experience with. There is nothing cocktail party conversation worthy about sitting in your PJ’s ordering something online is there…. The secret sauce to becoming memorable as a retailer is the understanding that a retail shop is much more than a place to move product. The power is no longer in the wholesaler / retailer relationship where the consumer has no control on the buying process. The consumer now has more options from where to buy products from, they can even go directly to the wholesaler, which means that the person with the power is not the wholesaler, not the retailer but the consumer. So in effect the retailer



is now part of the media landscape, it is a media outlet similar to a magazine. It is a place that showcases product, as well as selling it. A consumer can go and touch, and get an experience when in the presence of products. A great retailer has the power to persuade and this will win any day over price. The key to success is understanding that retail has changed and that you need to provide a memorable experience and throw away the old retailing rule book and move into this fabulous new era of mixing technology and nostalgia. People want people, and we want to feel special and fabulous and when we feel this we buy stuff. It’s as simple as that. The magic is how you put your own unique stamp on it so you become the cocktail conversation starter.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


APM’s Book Review by lena Turvey “Is mindfulness really better than chocolate? Come to think of it, is anything better than chocolate? Or is the title of this book nothing more than a shameless ploy to grab your attention?” I will leave that question up to you to answer. While reading this book I obtained plenty of information on learning to meditate and how to be more mindful in everyday life. Each section was backed up by plenty of evidence and scientific theories. Tackling what the definition of mindfulness actually is was quite interesting to read about. “Probably the most widely accepted definition of mindfulness is paying attention.” The part I particularly liked was all about learning to stop and smell the coffee. Instead of looking at your smart phone, take your time drinking the $4.50 coffee you bought from the café for its taste. Really savour the taste and do nothing else while

drinking it. So logical yet so many of us drink the coffee without smelling or even tasting it as we sit distracted by Facebook or emails. This book would be great for those interested in starting to meditate and concentrate on mindfulness and perhaps those who want to know the beginnings of mindfulness and the evidence surrounding the many benefits. The benefits to becoming more mindful and meditating daily for ten minutes are many. For me this one was the most significant. “I discovered only recently that the word ‘suffer’ has a Latin origin meaning ‘carry’. Many people, myself included, have kept on carrying pain long after their initial experience of it. Meditation helps us put it down—and move on.” “The only way to fail is to stop trying.” Lots of inspirational quotes dotted throughout this book gave me a feel good feeling to the reading experience, which was nice. Hints and tips for how to start meditating and how to keep up your

motivation and willpower were sprinkled throughout the book as well. Getting started seems to be the biggest blockage for those first starting out, the author has this to say about making the time. “If, by meditating regularly, you knew that at the end of a three-month period you’d receive a massive multimillion-dollar prize, would you somehow be able to find ten minutes each day? So how much is it really about time versus willingness?” Overall this is a good book for beginners and those looking to learn the background knowledge before attempting a class. What did you think of the book? I’d love to know. Happy reading!

Lena xx



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

Gold Home Décor These awesome golden metal


pieces are staples for your house. H & M has a great affordable range to offer, you won’t be able to stop.

Big Magic A good book to end the day with is a must in your relaxation routine. Elizabeth Gilbert’s, Big Magic, is a story of inspiration and creation. For reader’s of all ages shares how easy life can be.

10s this Month

Must Have


Cute Dishes


SVENSKA HEM STILLA shaped dishes from Kikki K, are a quirky and cute way to bring a little fun into your room. Great for a small snack or even storing jewellery – and not to mention GOLD!!




Fresh Juice Super refreshing with beetroot, apple, carrot, pineapple and mint. This delicious combination is great for any time of day.



Oversized White Shirt Great for any occasion this shirt can be tucked in or let loose. With the added frill you’ll feel super fun and girly. Check ASOS for a great range.

Sunglasses A statement piece for anytime of the year. Go big like these Prada glasses and feel super luxurious.


You cannot have February without some fresh roses in your home. Break up the traditional red with some soft pinks and leave your home smelly as fresh as a garden.

Mermaid Cushion The two-toned mermaid sequin cushion, from Aviva Stanoff, can add a dazzling dash of colour to any room. And don’t forget how satisfying it is to be super creative with sequins – make any pattern you desire.


Kora Organics Balancing Body Wash Great for balancing your day and having yourself feeling centered. Close your eyes and soothe your core

Bright Lipstick Charlotte Tilbury KISSING Lipstick in Kiss Chase is a sexy creamy-pink that is great for a night out and daring for work.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

I t ’s N o t W h a t y o u S a y



Have you ever wondered why some people are more effective at getting their message across, yet others can’t get their audience’s attention? We all remember the “I have a dream” speech, though there are many other effective speeches out there, like when Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist for female education, addressed the United Nations youth assembly at age sixteen. Whether it’s a political speech, a person on stage, or a face-to-face interaction, it’s important to get your message across in the way you intend. “The meaning of your communication is the response you get.” How a listener hears and responds to your words is the meaning that your message conveys. Your intentions, then, whether good or bad, are beside the point. If communication equates to 7% being words, 38% tonality and 55% body language, then the words and the way they are spoken are relevant.

Conflicts can escalate very quickly because 10% of conflict is from a difference of opinion, while 90% is based on delivery and tone of voice. Connection with the speaker comes on two different levels: the conscious and the unconscious. If a person feels threatened because the speaker is aggressive in tonality, then the listener will work to protect him or herself, reacting with the fight or flight instinct that comes from our primal past. When communicating with clients – whether over the phone or in person – choose your words and your tonality carefully. I recently chatted to a salesperson that wasn’t getting the results he wanted. After speaking to him on a few different occasions, it was clear why he wasn’t getting his desired results. It came down to the use of language and the use of tone. Yes, he was passionate about what he was selling; but he had an aggressive style, which came across as a little obnoxious. There is a difference between coming across as an expert in your field and

crossing the line and having people run away from you. People buy from people they like. You can capture the client’s attention when you listen and then use your words carefully and with the correct tonality. High pitched, squeaky, and weak tonality can be a turn off. If you are asking a client a question, your voice goes up at the end, when you are making a statement, your voice stays plateaued, and when you want the client to do something, you use command tonality with your voice going down at the end. People will want to listen to you when you come from a place of certainty, they see that you care about them, and they recognize you are there to help them achieve the outcome they want. If you are not getting results, then take a look deep inside and listen to what you are saying and how you are saying it.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

Being Stylish in the New Year

Chinese new Year – to a stylish 2016 Welcome We’ve all, I'm sure, well and truly said goodbye to 2015 and hello Aside from celebrating New Year on the 1st of January, to 2016. also another celebration about to begin on February 8th – there is The Chinese New Year. is the year of the ‘Fire Monkey’. This year to Susan Levitt a Hengshui consultant in America – According “2016 is a perfect time to create change. With the Monkey’s enthusiastic energy, anything can happen. Plans can succeed and minimal as this year is full of rewards”. risks are Short, from ‘Melbourne Fengshui and Life Coaching’, also Maxine recommends that, “ The best preparation for the year of the Monkey is to have a BIG clean out and tidy up”. She indicates that this year is connected to academic excellence, challenging problem solving and new initiatives to make important changes. “ Keep an open mind and be prepared to expand your horizons. If you’re ready to embrace a more active, healthy & romantic lifestyle, this year will work in your favour” says Maxine.

The Year of the Monkey

Beckie White⏐ Stylist

The Chinese apply 5 elements into the Chinese calendar (fire, water, wood, metal and earth). This year the element is “FIRE”. Which means it's going to be an especially bright and vibrant year. Fire represents life, passion and is known to bring joy and creativity. Wearing Red this year is said to be lucky. Now why am I sharing all this with you? I do find it very intriguing looking into other cultures and their beliefs, and seeing how they can add value to my/our way of life. Whilst I don’t necessarily live my life by any form of astrology – I am very curious by it all. So back to how this relates to styling. I see it all as a bit of fun and another way, for you, to look at your own personal style. When relating Chinese astrology back to our style here are some tips and tricks for 2016: 1.This year lets be enthusiastic like the monkey – Start by loving what’s in your wardrobe – so many of us have a wardrobe full of clothes and say “I have nothing to wear!” Remember you have chosen everything in your wardrobe at one time or another. So if you don’t love it any more gift it to someone who will. Your wardrobe is what I call “Prime Real Estate” you have invested a lot of time and money into it – so be grateful for it.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

2. Have fun and Play like the cheeky monkey – Lighten up on your self and your body image. Remember we are all perfectly imperfect!. Play like you did when you were a child. Dress up like you did when you were a child. Wear fabrics and patterns that may clash. Put on a bright yellow scarf. Wear red and pink together. Try bright red lipstick. Just relax and soften your rules around what you can and cannot wear. Remember they are only your rules. Get cheeky, fun, flirtatious and daring even if for only 1 day out of 365.


…………… 3. Be Smart and Clever like the monkey – One of my key pieces of advice to my clients is to shop smart. Before you go out shopping create a wish list. This way you won’t get distracted by things you don’t need. It's like when we go food shopping, if you have a list you are less likely to buy unwanted items. Clever shopping is buying ‘Investment pieces”. For example: spend the money on good quality staple items like a jacket/blazer that is cut really well and is timeless. A fabulous pair of pants or a stunning LBD ( Little Black Dress). This way your ‘Investment piece’ will be your foundation to assisting you create many different outfits. I trust these fun styling tips and tricks will help you stay true to your own style in 2016 with a twist of monkey business. Stylish Regards



A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 10

Photograph: Hayley Martin | True Form Health

The PERFECT BOOSTER Hayley martin - true form health


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


300g organic raw sugar 15 organic tea bags (10 black tea/ 5 herbal) Scoby + 400 ml starter liquid (kombucha starter culture + kombucha tea) Purified/ filtered water

Ingredients: • • • •

You will also need: • • •

Glass/ ceramic brewing vessel Tea towel or linen cloth Cotton string or twine

What to do: Boil 1L of water with sugar, stirring constantly to prevent burning. Once all the sugar has dissolved, add tea bags and simmer for 10-20minutes, then removes tea bags and let the tea cool for at least. 1-2 hours to room temperature.. Pour sweet tea into brewing vessel and fill to 3/4 with purified water, leaving 10-12cm from the op for breathing room. Add your scoby and starter tea, cover with cloth and secure with string.

Send the good vibes to your scooby, set in a warm location out of direct sunlight and as a guideline, don't disturb for around 14 days. (shorter in Summer/ longer in Winter). Once your kombucha has completed its fermenting process, you can individually bottle amounts and begin a second brew using the same process - Brilliant!

Inside goodness: Because it's naturally fermented with a living colony of good bacteria, this is a great probiotic beverage that aids in improving digestion, gut health, mental clarity, mood stability, better skin and stronger immunity. BUCHI have a fantastic kit with everything to get you started or if you feel like you've got all you require except a scoby, you can get one from them too!

For more fabulous recipes and nutrition tips check out www.trueformhealth.com.au


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coaching & training

Contact joanne@destinypursuit. com.au a few places are available for the next training - 7 Days to be a Practitioner of NLP. Register now at pages.destinypursuit.com/nlp-apm If you are ready for more you can also take your training to the next level in Joanne’s 10 day Master Practitioner training. Register at destinypursuit.com.au/events.php



You can interact through your Facebook status. Friends and other contacts are allowed to comment on the Facebook status or simply Like the status. Also Facebook has a tagging feature on Facebook statuses. Put @ in the beginning and you are allowed to tag as many as 6 people in a post. Friends and contacts that are tagged will be notified in the same way that they are also notified when somebody else or the status owner has replied a status he commented on. How are Facebook statuses important for professionals, you may ask?

Julie Bourkeâ?? Technology

Using facebook in your business

Part one of a two Part Series

Well, Facebook statuses are what many consider as the very essence of Facebook. Here, customers, potential customers and other interested parties can interact on a particular piece of information in a casual manner that is way more convenient and conversational than email or even Twitter actually will. With Facebook statuses also, almost everyone can join in the conversation (that is if you want them to) which makes for a casual promotion of your product, service or company. The Facebook status is a powerful part of using Facebook for your business. The number of Likes and comments for

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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 10

every Facebook status will help your page climb up in its search engine position. Facebook statuses can also help you with branding efforts. For your Facebook marketing to be successful it is important that you monitor your page carefully, that you keep your status posts enthusiastic and professional at the same time. While it's tempting to place something instantly catching, hilarious or even shocking, you need to ask yourself first whether this will help the business reputation in the long run or will it just serve as temporary entertainment? It is important to optimize Facebook statuses in order to make them more searchable for potential customers. A good feature to use is Facebook status tagging. What makes this so advantageous for business owners is that when you tag affiliated companies in the post, it will also appear on their page. Therefore exposing your company to customers who may be looking at a related site. You can also do this with community pages. When you tag a community page, you will gain access to millions of potential customers who may have the same interests as your business. While it's important to organize your Facebook status updates, it isn't recommended that you leave all the

work to organizing sites like Hootsuite. Checking through a Profile or Fan Page that are dominated by RSS Feeds is a turnoff for most potential customers. Clients want to feel like they’re interacting with a real person in the company, so be mindful of interaction. Its just like Account Relationship Building 101 Some business owners ask, why is it important to establish online presence through social networking sites particularly Facebook even when or if you already have an official website? Simple, because Facebook is more accessible and to most, more userfriendly than any traditional website will ever be. It gives a sense of friendliness to business that puts prospects at ease and lends a sense of credibility to businesses who have no website to speak of. Aside from this, a Facebook page allows a business to be more interactive with present and potential customers, getting their feedback for everything from product reviews to testimonials. While it may seem scary because you can be given both positive and negative feedback, businesses should not be afraid because with Facebook it can be easily moderated. If you have a mind to you can retain the best feedback and hide the rest. This


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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 10 way, most potential customers will be able to read the positive testimonials of previous customers. Such feedback adds a touch of authenticity to your business, and can entice the potential customer reading it. Furthermore, customers who are tired of traditional online marketing such as email, newsletters and online ads will look to the Facebook page to have their questions answered. Having a Facebook page will give your business access to over 500 Million users without even having to buy e-mail addresses like what traditional email marketing resort to. Interaction isn't limited to Facebook updates and wall posts though. You can also use Apps to provide photos, notes and videos. When using a Fanpage which is the recommended page for businesses (instead of the more personal profile page), you can change the posting ability of fans which allow them to post photos, videos and links to the page. This way, potential customers will be able to see how other customers use the product or service.

Again, this can engage the community to be more interactive as was successfully executed by the Anthony Robbins Facebook Fanpage. Other companies like Coke go as far as polling customers. This gives customers a sense of power with regards to their products, which in turn will give them a sense of ownership and acceptance. Facebook is also a great tool to gain audience to promos, special prices and discounts as in the case of the company sponsored ads, who use their page to feature their products for sale. Their sites easily leads back to their official website as well as their contact details. Some even use Facebook to give exclusive deals to their customers. This is a good way to gauge the effectiveness of your page. Various incentives can be given exclusively to Facebook users which aren't accessible by those who follow you through e-mail, Twitter or your official website. Facebook is an easy tool to master and can add just the right sense of fun, differentiating you and your business from the rest in the market.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


Keys to an achievable outcome Dr Emma Constance Stone (1856-1902)

Joanne Clark - NLP

Perhaps my favourite thing about NLP is that when I want to achieve a goal, fulfil a dream or master new skills and talents, I know that within NLP there is always a recipe for success. This is because NLP is the study of excellence. Rather than having to invent a whole lot of new techniques, with NLP I can access ready-made techniques, formulas or recipes already tried, tested and proven to get results. These techniques are a record of how people who were already successful, already leaders in their fields, already models of excellence, were doing what they were doing. NLP is not an invention; it is an everevolving instruction book for developing our multiple intelligences. Now, when I go back and remember the stories I heard growing up about inspiring Australian women of action, I wonder how can I, how can we achieve what they achieved in our time, in our place? I know that with NLP we have a key to unlock not just what these amazing women did, but

even more, we can learn a structure of thinking from them so we too can turn dreams into reality.


Imagine being a highly capable, intellectual woman passionately wanting to contribute in ways that would make a difference. And knowing your choices are severely limited, imprisoned within the prudish restrictions imposed upon women. Chaffing against the injustice of being denied the right to pursue education and learning in your chosen field, you decide to pack your belongings, cross an ocean and enrol in your chosen course on the other side of the world. Finally, imagine completing your training and realising, this would still not be enough to overcome the obstacles for women in Australia. And so you cross more continents and oceans in pursuit of your outcome, knowing that when you return home, those same men who had denied your rights would now have to get out of your way.

From a young age, Constance displayed an interest in anatomy. Devouring books and diagrams and soaking up knowledge where she could, she knew her destiny was to become a doctor. She didn’t, however, know how circuitous the route to her destiny would be. In 1884, Constance was 27 years old and had been refused entry to the University of Melbourne’s Medicine Department because its all-male board considered medical studies unsuitable for women. Emma Constance Stone would not let circumstances dictate her destiny, and accepted that she alone was responsible for who she would become in life. And so began her quest. Remaining focused on her outcome, she boarded a steamship bound for America then crossed that untamed land heading East to the Women’s


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Medical College of Pennsylvania. Here, away from everything familiar, Constance completed her three-year degree before heading north to Canada’s University of Trinity College in Toronto, where she graduated with first-class honours. Still not convinced this would satisfy the Medical Board back in Australia, she continued her travels to London where she worked in the New Hospital for Women. This English experience was defining for two reasons; first, she gained another vital distinguishing qualification by becoming a Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries (like today’s pharmacists) and second, she refined her intentions of how she would serve humanity. Still holding true to her course of practicing as a physician, she honed her direction within that broad field to wanting to, in particular, serve women. Constance Stone returned to Melbourne in 1890 and became the first woman in Australia to register as a Medical Practitioner. She then quickly set about fulfilling her ambition.

Whilst in London, she became acutely aware of how much more comfortable and communicative women were and how they felt listened to when discussing their problems with women doctors. This increased communication of course, enabled better diagnosis and treatment for women patients. With this as her driving force, Constance, her sister Clara and cousin Mary (who had by this time also graduated as doctors, thanks to the pioneering work of Constance), joined forces and organised a shilling fund to build a hospital for women, staffed and managed by women. The women of Victoria enthusiastically supported this venture, quickly raising more than three thousand pounds to purchase and establish the Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital in Lonsdale Street Melbourne. The hospital opened in 1899 serving many generations of women since. Along her journey, Constance Stone was elected to many committees including the Australian Health Society and the Melbourne Benevolent

Asylum. She made time to work with the Women’s Christian Temperance Society and the Young Women’s Christian Association. Dedicated to equality, Constance also worked with the United Council for Women’s Suffrage. From humble Hobart beginnings, Dr Emma Constance Stone formed a clear and ambitious vision of becoming a Medical Practitioner. Despite her circumstances and in the face of the rejection from the all-male board, she remained true to her focus and identified alternate steps that would ultimately lead her to accomplish her ambitions. Constance Stone took responsibility for her future; she initiated and maintained the actions and momentum to ensure she would become a registered Doctor in Australia. Then she set about supporting and serving other women using her wits and emotional intelligence to fulfil her innermost need to “do useful work in the world.”


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

In NLP, the keys to an achievable outcome provide a structure for ensuring the success of our desired outcomes. The characteristics of an achievable outcome, which we can see in Constance Stone’s life endeavours include: 1. Stated in the positive – what specifically do you want to achieve? 2. Specify the present situation – where are you now? 3. Specify the outcome – what will you see, hear, feel etc. when you have it? 4. Specify the evidence procedure – how will you know when you have it? 5. Is it congruently desirable





– what will this outcome get for you or allow you to do? Is it self initiated and maintained – will your actions produce the results and maintain progress? Is it appropriately contextualised – where, when, how and with whom do you want it? What resources are needed – what do you need to have, know and do to achieve the outcome? Is it ecological – good for you, good for others and good for the greater good?

Whilst looking at inspiring Australian women in action over and over again, their words and deeds..reveal..the..resilient struc ture that was later captured in the NLP keys to achievable

outcome..elements,..remember -ing that NLP unlocks for us the capacity to understand and replicate achievements, at a level beyond the specifics of context and behaviour. When we study the structure of success we can bring that structure into our lives and our relationships and use it to overcome obstacles, pioneer changes and, like Constance Stone, fulfil our inner-most desire to “do useful work in the world”. Make today your day.




A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

It can be very lonely at the top THE LIFE OF A BUSINESS OWNER Pippa Hanson ⏐ A Personal Journey

What did I think being a business owner life would be like? I knew business owners, I had seen them many times, they appeared to have flexible hours and accountable to themselves. I compared this to my Dad who worked for a multinational corporation; long, long hours and very little flexibility to choose his working hours. Then the doors opened! Our business was open from 7.30am to 8.30pm and the reality of how to manage and oversee this many hours every single day hit home! There was certainly no way I could be there all of this time. Ahhhh! Looking back we did some things really well – logo, branding, business plan with projections and actuals, the processes and procedures we put in

place, the staff we hired! Thank goodness for the admin girls we started with, they had worked in accounts collection, they had worked in the allied health business and most of all they were honest, so honest. When we first started out there was only a hand full of us in the team (my business partner and I and a few staff), everyone was on a fairly even level. As we grew the levels crept in organically, someone has to be the boss! Somehow we weren’t part of the crowd any more. We didn’t get invited to morning teas or weekend drinks, how did this happen? It took a little while to realize that the team actually needed this, their own bonding time, and social time,

down time, when the bosses weren’t watching. It can be very lonely at the top. It took me about 8 years to start working school hours in the office, there are still many hours worked from home when the kids are in bed or weekends, but I love what I do. Working from home in the school holidays is the reward I have given myself to balance the fantastic business we have with our family life, but it doesn’t mean that I can just walk away during this time. A couple of years (in the school holidays) there was a fire at a substation, which caused the area to lose power. Without power we can’t operate very well and on this day it was hot, very hot! No air conditioners,



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

no computers, no lights, no phones, so the decision to close was easy. I arrive and greeted everyone and was asked “what are you doing here, aren’t you on holidays?” The life of a business owner! Without power we could not lock up our building, who was going to volunteer to stay and problem solve that on a 40 degree day while I sat by the pool? More recently we were called on a Sunday by the cleaners, 11am in the morning and again on school holiday time (yep we were away!), we arrived to find upstairs and downstairs flooded, there goes the plans for that day and night, 10 hours later and we were happy we could open on the Monday, albeit looking a bit water logged and smelly. Being a business can be relentless at times, it can be lonely. It can be tough being the pillar for everyone else in the business to lean on. For me the rewards of seeing other people happy, successful and enjoying work and life outweigh the lonely days. I get so much satisfaction from my work and I can still say this 12 years on.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10

Believe it or not, but men are more complex creatures than we think. It’s easy to overlook their depth of need for tenderness. I speak with men all day long. It’s my job to create a safe space for them to download their feelings. And I can hand-on-heart say that just like us, men yearn for tenderness and affection. But because they have a hard time admitting it to their loved ones, and they keep their emotions well hidden, we often have no idea that men can be so vulnerable. THE SEED OF STRENTH IS PLANTED EARLY Boys are programmed to be strong from a young age.

M e n o f STRENGTH Why Men Need to Let Down Their Guard

AMANDA MALLIA – The Man’s Perspective Men are at a disadvantage. Yes, you read that correctly. Men are disadvantaged because of a pressure that society places on them. So what’s this pressure, you ask? It’s something that doesn’t automatically spring to mind when you think about men. It’s something you’ve probably never considered before. Men are disadvantaged because we, as a society, want men to be strong. We want them to be capable. And that can create a few problems for our male counterparts.

In What Men Don’t Talk About author Maggie Hamilton says that boys and girls are born with the same emotional potential. Yet by kindergarten a girl is six times more likely to use the word “love” than a boy. “Just because boys learn to suppress their emotions from an early age doesn’t mean they stop feeling their emotions,” says Hamilton. “Over time boys can become so good at disguising their feelings, even their parents and those close to them have no idea what is really going on with them.” As young boys grow, they pick up on society’s expectations. “They soon discover that the male world is dominated by competition, in which strength, self-reliance and invulnerability matter,” explains Hamilton. “And they quickly learn the importance of appearing stronger and more powerful than they feel.”



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


Women are emotional creatures. We long for meaningful relationships. And we can feel hurt or betrayed if our partner in life doesn’t seem to show any form of emotion. In fact, many relationships can break down or get a little rocky because of it. I’ve found that the easiest way to help break the chains of your man’s emotions is to simply acknowledge that he, too, is only human. What I mean by that is that we unconsciously believe that men should be able to cope and they should always be strong. But if we stop for a minute and realise that men are allowed to have weaknesses and they do sometimes need protection, we see them in a new light. Communicate with your man about his feelings. Find the right time to do it – preferably when you have some quiet, alone time – and tell him that you want to talk openly about how each of you feel. Make it very clear that you understand that he has feelings too and it’s important to you that he shows his emotions. Tell him that you won’t judge him and that you want to find out what things truly matter to him in a relationship. It may take a little time and patience but by giving your partner a safe space to talk openly and honestly, you’ll be doing yourself, your partner and your relationship a huge favour. You will be able to tap into what it is that he really wants out of your relationship… and you may be pleasantly surprised!



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


Photo Credit: Helen Jomoa

Warm up , Cool down And Stretch ? Many of us, myself included, are time poor. We tempted to jump straight into the workout and forget to properly warm up, cool down and stretch. So I would like to explore why we should give this part of our workout the time it deserves.

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Warm up

A thorough warm up should mimic exercise patterns that you will be using in your main workout. For example, to warm up for a run, you could go for a slow jog and include some arm and leg swings, before increasing to the main part of your session. This dynamic warm up

Before you start your workout it is important to warm up properly. Your warm up should aim to prepare the body for an increase in physical exercise. It should:

Increase body temperature Increase heart rate Increase breathing rate Increase blood flow Lubricate joints Wake up the central nervous system Warm up connective tissue

Helen Jomoa⏐ FITNESS should take 10-15 minutes (Note your warm up should be dynamic and include movement). Cool down A cool down has the effect of slowing down your level of activity after a workout. For example, to cool down after a run you could do a slow run or walk. An effective cool down will help:


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Your heart rate, breathing etc. return to normal Remove metabolites such as lactic acid from the body Avoid fainting or dizziness which can result from blood pooling in the large muscles of the legs when exercise is stopped suddenly

Static stretching Static stretching is when a stretch is held in a challenging but comfortable position for a period of time. The best time to do static stretching is after your cool down. This is because your muscles and connective tissue are warm. Think of your body like warm toffee, it is easy to stretch when warm but not so good when you are cool because muscles are more likely to tear. Stretching is important because it helps: • • • • • •

Give joints full range of motion Lengthen muscles which have shortened through exercise Reduce risk of injury Improve posture Reduce post work out soreness Improve circulation

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Allow 10 minutes stretching per hour of exercise Stretch all of the main muscle groups you have used in your work out

I hope this has given you some ideas about how to start and finish to your workouts more effectively. It may also improve your patience, because a 45 second stretch is a long time, when you are used a 10 second..one!


To get the most from stretching try this: •

Hold each stretch for between 30-45 seconds x 3


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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 10

APM FOUNDER - Helen Treloar

Soul Food Kindness Is green

At APM we send out daily posts via o various forms of social media - and they are all on a similar theme SELF LOVE. We understand the mindset of the modern woman - a 'to do' list that constantly grows, aspirations, contributions, achievements and connections. Energy is depleted, thoughts of taking a break slip into the daily pondering station. KINDNESS IS THE NEW KALE THE SUPER FOOD OF YOUR SOUL. Kindness starts with self. Kindness - from Google:


Kindness (noun) The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. "he thanked them for their kindness and support"

A kind act. Plural noun: kindnesses "It would be a kindness on your part to invite her" To first be kind to self creates the energy and forward momentum to gift kindness to others, and yes, kindness is always a gift to receive. When was the last time you were generous to yourself? How do you prioritise your own needs as you serve others? What form of gentleness do you gift to yourself? Being kind to yourself is NOT an act of selfishness or ego - what it IS is an investment into your ability to live each day in an ecological way (good for you, good for me, good for the greater good). If you value you, so will others. Kindness is a value.

As another weekend draws to a close - I challenge you to jot down the kindness that you pledge to gift to yourself this week. Notice the benefits and value to others from you valuing yourself. A Peaceful Mind comes from purposeful living, or as the in-word of the moment states, living 'mindfully'. You are a vessel of pure potential; the only person who can realise that potential is YOU x




A simple act of kindness can make a tremendous impact on a person’s life

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10 Guest Writer – Nat Smith

Part 2 ~ From AFP To Barbados Harsh lessons contain the greatest gifts.

Perhaps it was subconsciously because of our new relationship, but in October 2011 (a short four months into our relationship) I somehow managed to create a job offer in Dubai UAE, training police. After feeling into the truth of it for us, we both decided to go. I would work and Jodie would somehow get a Visa to be able to actually stay in the country longer than the 30 days Visitor Visa would allow. It was a quick decision and within a month or so we had taken up domicile in the famous city in the desert, on the intention of earning great money, with no tax, paying off all our credit cards, and saving tons of money. THEN we could really start doing what we loved, which was to travel. But as they say… best laid plans! A short four months into my work I decided I hated it and wanted out. About that same time Jodie, who had been doing border runs every 30 days to nearby sand cities to renew her Visa, was approached by my boss to start a company. Her

background was in internet marketing and he saw dollar signs as she started to tell him what could be done with it. He wanted the three of us to go into partnership and he would be the silent partner that would provide the cash to get us going. So of course we said yes! After all, we had come here to pay off our debts and now this was offered on a silver platter; what a sign! Starting a company in Dubai is expensive, very expensive, to the tune of $30,000+. There is no ‘go to the local company registration office and for $500 you can set up a new company’. In Dubai it is compulsory to have an office as a business, even if you do not need one, which you must lease for 12 months minimum. Then you have to pay levies and utilities, which are also on 12 month contracts. In fact, you cannot even close down a business or sell it to anyone else for the first 12 months. There might be no tax, but we were fast

realising that there were other catches. However, we battled on (despite the ringing alarm bells, even this early on) until we were set up, in our office and had our first staff member. All was perfect! A great start to our new life and a chance to roll out some creative projects that had been on the back burner for me for several years. But not too long into it, it came… the start of the downfall. Our clients did not pay on time, and sometimes not at all. Our partner decided he would help by bringing in more clients, which was done with the best of intentions I am sure. The problem was however, we had no skill in the areas that these people needed. Our partner, still running his other business, dumped these clients on us, leaving us to try and figure out what to do with them. But, driven by a very sharp need for money, we took some of them on; as you do! It was a situation that could not sustain itself. We were starting to resent it all, seeing now that we had


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10 basically just paid a fortune to buy and not even one that ourselves a job we liked!

Four months into it all the inevitable descended. Our partner said he was not putting any more money into the business and basically wiped his hands of it, leaving us with all of the 12 month contracts and no paying clients. We tried everything. We got creative about what we could do, and yet no matter what we did, nothing seemed to work. We were fast going down hill financially. The stress was massive. In the UAE they do not have a civil court system and everything, including the non payment of bills and bounced cheques, becomes a police matter. By the end of 2012, we were less than 48 hours away from going to debt jail. Here I was, a police trainer of the prison guards in the UAE, and now I was facing jail myself. Oh the irony! In an eleventh hour ‘now we have absolutely nothing to lose’ effort we managed to borrow what we needed and pay our debt.

was the only thing that got me and ‘us’ through. We looked at every incident that took place and saw it as an opportunity to dive further into the truth of who we are. I knew I was not these experiences that were happening, I was not how much money I had, or what I owed people. I knew that all of this was just part of the story line, and beyond all of it sat me. The ‘real’ me. Suddenly the nothingness was starting to fill with the possibility of ‘everything’,


It was the most humbling and embarrassing ordeal either of us had ever been through. Not to mention terrifying. Our whole world felt like it had crumbled and any last scrap of confidence in ourselves was now pretty much dissolved. It was like everything had been stripped away from us from the outside world. It was an empty space of nothingness like I had never felt before. Luckily we had both been students of consciousness and living our truth, and to be honest, I feel to this day, that that


CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and Children. 2BMe Foundation raises funds to connect those who are focused and committed to improving their own life circumstances, to the resources that enable them to do so. www.2bmefoundation.org.au We look forward to bringing you more news about what we are doing and how you might get involved very soon.


WRITERS WANTED Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story to tell that inspires or educates women? APM love to share – and your submission will be received with gratitude and excitement.

CONACT US AT: sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au



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