A Peaceful Mind Issue 6

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015




Spring is here ladies, and as new life begins to bloom and grow, we too are growing here at APM.

2 How to Manifest What You Want

10 Be Consistent




12 4 Simple Ways To Build Relationships, Your Brand and Your Business

From your feedback, we continue to learn more and more about our readers, so we are able to stylize the magazine to suit your needs But, as we develop our style each and every issue, our motto stays the same. We aim to encourage and inspire you wonderful women, with the help of our fabulous experts. With a new season there is new content, so indulge in our mag to find quick recipes, book recommendations and inspiring stories. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident. Taylah Parker Editor


4 4 Cleanse and Detoxify



6 What’s The Story With HIIT FITNESS

8 Have You Ever Suffered Wellness Shame?




helen treloar


15 Alphabet Soup


16 Emotional Buying


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

32 22 W I R E D F O R W O N D E R

29 A Hindu Priests Guide to Successful mediation HELEN TRELOAR

ADVERTISE WITH US Email your ad for approval to editor@apeacefulmind.com.au $60 per issue – direct link to your web site

20 How I Always Know What’s For Dinner





22 7 Steps to Cleaning Out Your Wardrobe On Any Budget


24 How to Make Your Marketing Viral Part 4


26 A Women’s Way - Nancy Wake (1912 -2011)

j o a n n e c l a r k NLP

30 Judgements Sits Within the Meaning We Apply

Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.



32 How To Accept Your Sensuality


34 Catherine Rosalion



Our APM Experts …

Lauren Jobson

Hayley Martin

Helen Jomoa

Maree Eddings

Life Coach tips and techniques to move you towards your goals in life

Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Fitness strategies and interesting facts to boost your vitality

Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar

Kirsten Basford

Penny Votzourakis

Lena Turvey

Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

The anti-marketing marketing guru magnifying your brand

Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White

Julie Bourke

Joanne Clark

Amanda Mallia

Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Go behind the curtain and into the male mind with Amanda

She leaves a little

Sparkle wherever she goes

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

How to Manifest WHAT You Want

Lauren Jobson – LIFE COACH

When focusing on what you want,

internally for you. Think of an

So the secret to full sensory

one of the most important things is

affirmation as your conscious self-

visualisation when you set your

having what I call a 'full sensory

talk whose purpose is to teach

goals is to pay attention to the

visualisation'. Actually, I could

your automatic internal dialogue to

following questions:

more accurately call it a 'full

be positive and focus on creating

sensory internal representation',

more of what you want.

• What will I see when I achieve

this? (e.g. people smiling at me

as it needs to be more than just visual.

and congratulating me!)

If self talk is only one element,

• What will I hear when I achieve

what are the other sensory factors As you already know, you process

to consider? Your internal

this? (e.g. people telling me I

the external world through 5

experience also comprises the

did great and/or my favourite

senses - you see, touch, smell,

pictures you get in your mind, any

song playing!)

taste and hear things in order to

sounds, feelings, plus (to a lesser

• What will I feel when I achieve

understand your world. So it

degree) smells and tastes. These

this? (Amplify those feelings

makes sense to ensure that when

are all at play when creating what

and make sure it’s totally

asking the Universe for what you

you focus on and thus your


want, you get really specific and

results. You see, what you focus

accurate with how you would like

on is what you will manifest –

when I achieve this? (That’s

to have the whole experience.

because this is where your energy

right – you can be very proud of



• What will I be saying to myself

A key example of why this is so important is when you are making

So where is your focus? Think for

Will there be any tastes or smells

an affirmation. An affirmation is

a moment about turning your

that are important? (e.g. maybe

essentially an empowering and

passion into a highly successful

your goal is to become an

positive statement you say to

business and then pay attention to

amazing chef or to work outside in

yourself and about yourself in the

the pictures you get inside your


present tense - as if it had already

mind. Are there any sounds you

occurred e.g. “I am magnificent

hear? Do any smells or tastes

just the way I am.” As powerful as

come to mind? What is your self

affirmations are, it’s important that

talk? Finally, what inner feelings

you see them as only one element

do you get when you think of this?

in what is actually going on

Write all of this down and then go and create your vision boards accordingly!



When It All Seems Like An Uphill Struggle Just Visualize The View From The Top






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& e s n Clea

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

y f i x o t e D

Hayley Martin - Nutrition

It’s coming to the end of Winter, you might be lacking the motivation you had in the Summer months, not exercising as much and/ or eating all the foods that make us ‘feel good and nice and warm and fuzzy’ and you’ve noticed you just feel a bit… ‘blah’. Here’s 5 tips to add into your daily routine to help cleanse and detoxify the body that won’t break the bank or have drinking only juice for weeks… Hot Water & Lemon: Great for an energy boost and to alkalise your body! It also has wonderful cleansing properties, reduces inflammation, promotes healthy and rejuvenated skin, boosts your immune system, improves digestion and can aid in the release of weight. Apple Cider Vinegar: cleanses digestive system, helps to eliminate more toxins, provides natural enzymes – encouraging the growth of natural enzymes in the gut is essential for proper function, provides vitamins and minerals, breaks up mucus, helps fight bacteria and boosts metabolism. Look for an organic or raw brand. Oil Pulling: Detoxes the body by removing toxins in the mouth where most contamination usually begins therefore avoiding them spreading, increases energy, frees up the immune system, reduces stress and headaches, clears skin, promotes oral hygiene and whitens teeth! Not familiar with oil pulling? Take a tablespoon of cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil and swish it

around in your mouth for a minimum of 5 minutes – up to 20 if you like - and then spit it out! Don’t swallow it and this activity is most effective first thing in the morning. While we’re on the topic of ‘the gateway to the body’… Tongue Scraping: Removes bacteria and toxins and avoids them being reabsorbed, improves digestive health, boosts immunity, improves breath and the ability to taste avoiding unnecessary cravings. Dry Skin Brushing: Stimulates lymphatic system (responsible with eliminating cellular waste products), exfoliates removing dead skin, improving appearance and allowing your skin to ‘breathe’, increases circulation, reduces cellulite, reduces muscle tension and stress and improves digestion and kidney function. You may not think of skin as part of your immune system, but it serves as a first-line fortress against viruses, bacteria and other undesirables. Want to give it go? Look for a high quality dry brush with natural material bristles, the pressure you use when dry brushing should be firm but not painful, start at the soles of your feet and work your way up always working towards the heart and shower afterward.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

Helen Jomoa⏐FITNESS



High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT is ‘intense’ by name ‘intense’ by

(HIIT) uses short, intense bursts

nature, and at the purist level it is only

your exercise such as cycling, for a

of exercise followed by a short

suitable for people who have a solid

certain time e.g. 10 seconds, then

recovery period. It's been around

base of overall fitness, because of the

recover for e.g. 30 seconds. As you

for a while, but has been

increased demands it places on the

get fitter your recovery time should

popularized by TV programs

body. However it is possible to start a

decrease. These times are

such as Michael Moseley’s

less extreme interval training by

dependent upon your personal level

documentaries for Horizon.

modifying the intensity to suit your

of fitness, and will vary a lot from

own level of fitness.

person to person.

How HIIT burns fat even after you have left the gym.

Does it suit your fitness goal?

• Timing - Increase the intensity of

• Measuring - If you haven’t got a

stopwatch you could measure It is widely agreed that HIIT

HIIT is great for goals such as:

training burns more calories than longer, lower intensity aerobic

• Weight loss

workouts, such as jogging.

• Sport specific training for e.g.

basketball, that demand fast sprints This is because interval training works by switching our bodies

and short recovery periods. health (however, see the cautionary

energy systems. After intense

note at the end of this article).

system may continue to burn fat and calories for up to 2 days after the training session ends. This is also known as ‘after burn’ or EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). Exactly how much you burn after exercising directly correlates to

What do I need to k now? If you are new to it, here are a few points to consider before you start. • Warm up - Do a proper warm up

before going into something high intensity, so that your muscles are ready to perform.

the duration and intensity of your workout.

Should I be doing it?

lamp posts. Fast run for 1 lamp post, jog for 2. • Repeats - Beginners do fewer


• It is also great for improving heart

between anaerobic and aerobic interval training, the aerobic

yourself between landmarks such as

• Technique - Learn the correct

• Intensity - Know your limits, but get

out of your comfort zone. Increase your intensity to a point where you can’t talk, and recover back to a level where you can. Rest for enough time for your muscles to stop burning and your heart rate to slow down. Stop if muscle burning persists after rest. • Cool down – Do some lighter

exercises at the end of your interval training and remember to stretch.

exercise technique first so you do


not injure yourself.

7 4 6 5

• Easy does it - Mix this type of

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 It has been shown to improve

clients to exercise through pain. If

training with other lighter intensity

speed, endurance and weight loss.

something doesn’t feel right, STOP.

workouts throughout the week to

For example, if you are training for a

There is always something else you

avoid injuries.

5km run, try adding some interval

can do to work you just as hard and

training to improve your endurance

to avoid injury!


and finish time. Important: I would advise having

If you are new to interval training you

Although interval training may burn

clearance from your doctor prior to

will need to:

more calories than jogging, slow-

trying this, as this may be

steady-cardio like this has many

dangerous for some people

benefits which shouldn’t be

including people with heart

overlooked. It is great for recovery


• Start very slowly • Start at a lower intensity • Use short intervals (less than 30

seconds) • Do fewer repeats • Have more rest between workouts

What can I try?

between other types of intense rhythmic nature is meditative and calms the mind, unlike HIIT which is extremely stressful on the body

your level of fitness, a fast up hill

and mind.

or if you have good base-fitness try a sprint. Here are some others. • Stair walking/running to the top of

the stairs - walk down for recovery • Fast walk/run/sprint for an interval -

walk recovery period • Swim sprint for a length - slow

recovery length or two • Cycle fast/cycle sprint – slow

recovery peddling

Photograph; Helen Jomoa | Terrain Personal Fitness

high intensity and

Select the intensity that is right for walk may be intense enough for you,


training, good for heart-health, it’s

So as a general guide, if you are new to fitness I would suggest increasing the amount of slow-steady-cardio (such as walking/jogging/cycling etc) to at least 30 minutes, before you start interval training. Doing this will get your base level of endurance up

So is it right for you?


Whilst HIIT is a great way to burn fat

If you already have a

even after you have left the gym, the

solid base of fitness

people who benefit most are the

‘HIIT me baby one more

ones who can work at the highest


intensity. Note: Always seek However, anyone can start light

medical advice prior to

interval training by adjusting the

starting a fitness

intensity to suit their level of fitness.

program. I never advise


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

Have You Ever Suffered

WELLNESS SHAME? Maree Eddings ⏐ Energy

As someone who mentors and coaches people on

Then at my local organic yummy café it was on the

how to improve their wellbeing, I am always open to

menu. This is my sign I figured and it was time to try

trying stuff.

it for myself.

That stuff can include exercise, food, affirmations,

Here is my challenge. I did not know how to

places to go - you get the idea…

pronounce it!

I’m not into super foods or fads (that is an addiction I

How hard can it be?

no longer succumb to). The first couple of times I ordered it, I pointed to the However, being open means I am open to getting

menu. I was waiting for someone to say the name so

things wrong. Maybe I don’t know all the stuff these

I knew how to pronounce it. No one said anything

people are talking about because it is so new. Or

and I was too embarrassed to ask. Everyone seemed

perhaps with all the information that now circulates, it

to already know about this thing and I felt like a fool

is impossible for me to know everything that is going

to have to ask.

on all the time. Then I realised I cannot go around pointing at menus Recently, I was very excited to try this particular

forever, I had to give this a go. I cannot recall exactly

food. I had been to breakfast with a friend and he

what came out of my mouth the first time but it got a

ordered it. Unfortunately he ordered it before I got

really strange look. I did get my order, not sure how,

there. I was curious when it arrived. I had heard

but they worked it out.

about this food, I now knew what it looked like and was aware of some of the wellbeing properties that it purported to have .

The second and third time I don’t even know what I was saying, I was out there trying to get this word out. Too many vowels and not enough consonants

Like anything that comes into your consciousness, I

for my Aussie tongue to get around this one.

started to see and hear about this food everywhere. Magazines, cafes, health stores...the works.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

At the fourth or fifth time I ordered this food, my


clumsy attempt was met with laughter. It sounded conceited and cruel at the time but maybe that

It is delicious and I love it. I say it proudly and

was just my shame. Shame at not being able to


pronounce something that everyone else got. What a fool; and what is this bloody thing

Your wellness and wellbeing is key to your living a gorgeous life a life full of clarity, confidence and


connection. So I pushed my embarrassment to the side and if I am honest, a lump in my throat that was a bit teary, and I said clearly – 'so how do you pronounce it then?' The reply was a bit ‘isn’t it obvious and divisive’ but I listened nether the less.

A S.E.X.I life (Synergistic Energy eXchange In action). If you have ever felt wellness shame and it deterred you from exploring something new, or getting involved, then you need to ask. If you still

Even when she said it, I still didn’t get it, not enough consonants.

don’t get it, ask again. Your wellbeing is worth far more than someone’s laughter (as hard as it is to experience - that I know!!!) and it is therefore

So I Googled it!

worth fighting for.

Seems like I am not the only one who has trouble

I would love to hear if you have ever experienced

with this one!!

wellness shame and what you did about it. Maybe you still have a question that you are too

That made me feel a bit better. There are Youtube

scared to ask with the fear of being ridiculed; well

videos explaining how to pronounce it – ha it’s not

ask me and lets see what we

just me!! There are even sites arguing how to say

can work out.

it – well now I feel much better, it's not that simple. However, I was still a little confused how

Fight hard for a great life,

to say this thing.

you are worth it.

So I had a choice; I could revert back to pointing

Look forward to hearing

at menus or work out a way to remember this

from you.

word. I liked eating it for breakfast and wanted to be able to say it clearly and proudly!

Until then stay S.E.X.I

So I created my own foolproof version so I can always remember.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015


Helen Treloar - BUSINESS

In business and in life our brand is defined by our consistent

Now think of a person you admire

performance / behaviour. We are 'known' for the most common

(outside of your family and

experience people have of us.Think of your favourite retail brand. What

close friendship group). They might

is it that makes them your favourite?

me a supplier, a co-worker, contractor or in your business network.

I purchase frequently from Vistaprint. What I like about them is that

Especially think of the type of person

they keep me informed, they do what they say they will, they meet their

from this group that you would happily

promises and they quickly assist to solve any issues (no that I have

refer to others for supply or promotion.

had more than 1 issue over some time) in full, to my complete

What is it about them that makes it

satisfaction. They offer me specials and reward my buying loyalty. They

easy for you to refer them forward?

make it easy for me to design and buy from them and their check-out specials are consistently a match for my business needs.

I can think of a number of people in


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

this category, and they all share

best, we might do so with a

why I advise all of my executive

common themes that matter

disclaimer to make sure their

clients to NOT drink alcohol at the

to me. Boiled down into the

potential poor experience doesn't

company party; certainly not to

common denominators, they

reflect badly upon us. The people

excess anyway. I have seen

consistently provide excellence;

and businesses we refer are an

Respected Ross plummet to

in communication, product and

expression of our own standards.

Ridiculous Ross after a Christmas

service. Not just up front before

By referring, we are broadcasting

party that went wrong; and it takes

the sale, or in the middle during

to the world the values and

much longer to regain your lost

the sale; but throughout and

standards we respect and enjoy.

personal brand than it does to

beyond the sale to 100%

The referral tells others

maintain it. The consistency of Ross

client satisfaction. I can rely

what we stand for.

was interrupted. Our experience of

upon them to provide

Ross has changed.

excellence to anyone in my

If your business is predominantly a

network I refer forward. They

service provision (trainer, coach,

No matter if you are an executive in

will not only chase the dollars,

service provider), it is even more

the corporate world or an owner of a

they will make sure they are a

important to be clear about who

small business, or head of a

great match for the prospective

you need to BE on a day to day

practise; if success and constant

client and they will handle them

basis. Are you Silly Sally when in

development in your career /

with compassion and

coffee chats or network events and

business matters to you... be known for consistently being consistent in

People do no dissect your behaviour into different parcels of space and time; they JUDGE you on the over arching experience they have with you.

the supply of excellence. When operating in your business circles (casually or professionally) ask yourself constantly... am I BEING who I need to BE right now?

professionalism. They seek

then Serious Sally in a sales

For what reason would this person /

feedback as to how they can

pitch? People do no dissect your

these people refer me forward and to

improve their product / service and

behaviour into different parcels of

whom? It's not about the referral; it's

they check-in with their clients on a

space and time; they JUDGE you

all about how you are being

regular basis, to ensure they are

on the over arching experience

perceived. Are you being informed,

satisfied with the

they have with you. If you did a

compassionate, aggressive, well

service experience.

great sell-in and provided a super


service but then dropped your So why does this matter? Referrals are personal. We do not usually refer a business or person who is unreliable, no matter how great their product or ability is. At

client cold when they didn't resign immediately or buy more

Be consistent. Business is personal.

product straight away, they will probably remember the cold drop over anything else. You devalued them. This is one reason


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015



The digital world that we live in is awesome. It actually blows my mind at how the digital revolution has changed the way we live and communicate and the changes that have occurred in such a short amount of time. In the 8 short years that my son has been alive the changes in technology and the way we can live our lives has altered dramatically and things will be added to this so our technological lives can be further enhanced. But what has this done for communication and relationships and in particular building brands and businesses. The pace that we all live at is hectic. We are all on the same page with that. I don’t think that anyone is busier than anyone else. It’s all a matter of perspective and an individual’s current reality. If you want to build long lasting and authentic relationships in your business here are four simple tips that will get you there We are going analogue in a digital world….

Show Up! It’s pretty basic, you can’t foster, and strengthen relationships if you don’t turn up. It’s kinda like your friends keep inviting you to dinner and you decline, sooner rather than later the invitations start to dry up. You’ve got to get out there and show your face, you need to be memorable and add value to the conversation. Be part of the group. I think that the digital world has made people lazy. It’s time that we got out from behind the keyboard and started to “press the flesh”. Seeing your profile pic on a Facebook post is not memorable. You need to be seen to be remembered. People need to feel special. How can you add value, be memorable and make people feel special. You can certainly use technology to your advantage to leverage your communication touch points, you just need to have an old school – good manners approach. Be on time for Skype calls, be prepared, respond to emails, be an active contributor in Facebook groups. Give more than you receive. Respect people’s time and follow through – do what you say you are going to do. In powerful and it helps people respond person is so and connect so much quicker.

Authentic Communication This is so basic that I think it gets overlooked and taken way too much for granted. My bullshit radar goes off way too much these days. Are people really wanting to “connect” or are they flicking me a post or an email with no real regard for the outcome. Come on people let’s get back to basics. I guarantee if you authentically connect with a few people rather than attempt to communicate to the masses you will be so far out in front. Pick up the phone – WTF! –that’s right, talk to people. Give people your time. Time is the most valuable commodity, if you give people your time genuinely you will certainly be remembered and deep relationships will be formed. Absolutely have boundaries with your own time but it pays to be generous and genuine.

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 “The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate." Joseph Priestley Value your Current Relationships

This is probably the most overlooked element in nurturing relationships – especially in business. We are always looking to the next follower, opt-in, client or sale. What are you doing to nurture those that are already by your side. Are you loving the shit out of your current peeps or are you looking straight through them to the next person. How are you giving your customers the best of you, the best value that you possibly can. What is the Cx (customer experience) in your business. You need to know how you are delivering the most outstanding experience for your current tribe and make that even better. Don’t give your customers any reason to leave you.

The Business of People Business and brands are built on trust. Trust comes from relationships and relationships are formed with people. So if you are in business and it doesn’t matter if you are classified as business to consumer or business to business you are in the business of people to people. We have not quite reached robot to robot relationships so we need to think about how we are developing our people to people skills – go analogue I say. Be genuine, be authentic, be generous, be sincere. Send a handwritten note, drop someone an email just to give them some genuine value, thank someone, if you mess up –

pick up the phone and say sorry. Be real. People do business with people and especially those that they have a deep connection and respect with – be that person. It’s not that hard. So, it’s pretty simple, 4 really easy ways that you can build deeper relationships that will grow your business and it won’t cost you a cent! I don’t think that I am alone in wanting to go analogue. Connect with people at a real basic, common sense, good manners level. I am seeing some really lazy habits developing in people and my goodness our kids. Get out from behind the screen and let’s get back to basics. Be the person that people want to be around. Show Up, be authentic, do what you say you are going to do. It’s good manners and it makes good business sense. If you enjoyed this post, I’d love to hear what you thought of it on Twitter, or my Facebook Page. I’d also be equally thankful if you felt like sharing it with the people you have genuine relationships with!



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A PPeaceful eaceful M Mind ind ⏐⏐ I ISSUE SSUE 56 2 2015 015 A


Photograph: Hayley Martin | True Form Health • 2 tablespoons coconut oil • Silverbeet or kale (or combo), chopped/ torn • Shallots, chopped • Peas • Free range egg/s • Salt, pepper and chilli flakes to garnish


In a fry pan, add coconut oil and greens. After about a minute pour a quarter cup of water and let it steam through. Once the water has evaporated - shouldn't take too long - they're pretty good to go! Peel your egg/s and plop on top with some salt, pepper and chilli flakes.

Inside goodness:

What to do: Hard boil egg/s: pop them in a saucepan of cold water; time 5 minutes once the water starts to boil. OR: To poach: fill a small, shallow frying pan (that has a lid) with water and bring to the boil. Add a dash of white vinegar - this helps the egg whites to congeal neatly instead of spraying out in the water. Break your egg/s into a cup, then tip the egg/s from the cup into the water. Immediately turn off the heat and cover with

lid. Leave for 3ish minutes then remove.

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet! A single large boiled egg contains 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fats along with many other vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, D, E and K, folate, calcium and zinc that are essential to a healthy and balanced diet.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

APM’s Book Review by lena Turvey

Alphabet Soup

Author: Melissa Doyle

The thing that struck me the most

stupid o'clock every morning and she

children. The funny, the sad, the

while reading this book was just

gets to go to the Oscars and talk to

precious and downright scary, Mel

how normal Mel Doyle from Sunrise

famous people, but she also stays in

covers almost every parenthood

is. She deals with the same

her pjs with her kids making blanket


motherhood things that we all deal

cubbies and watching TV! Inspirational by just being her

with. This is a refreshingly normal and

normal self, Mel has written a

From the awkward glances at the

easy to read book which does give

funny and easily relatable book.

other mothers at school pick up (do

some interesting and quite useful

Great to dip into and out of,

they want to talk to me?), to getting

advice from time to time.

maybe while waiting in line for school pick up?

up to kids having bad dreams in the night (always when you went to bed late and really need to get some sleep!).

“The more I can do on the weekend, the better I ultimately feel. Meals

What did you think of the book?

planned, washing put away and the

I’d love to know

kitchen bench clear—starting with a “I wrote this book not because I am any sort of parenting expert (far

clean slate gives me less stress in the busy days that follow.”

from it) or a lifestyle guru who lives amid perfectly pressed gingham

I really liked this book, it shows that not matter

tablecloths, quinoa salads and

where you come from there is something that

handwritten invitations, but

unites all mothers, the lioness within that

because I wanted to share with you

wants to protect her cubs.

what makes my family happy, sad, frustrated and amused, and I hazard a guess it’s probably for the same reasons in your house. I am one of those mums who firmly believes we need to support each other a little more. And I mean really support—not just say it and then judge someone behind her back.” Sure she has a fancy TV presenting job that gets her up at

Lena xx

“That mother-lion streak was what surprised me the most when I first had my babies. The belief that I could and would do whatever was required to keep them safe and loved.


that’s what unites us as mothers.” Separated into mini stories, each chapter of the book covers snippets of her working life, home life and lots about her

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

Emotional Buying



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

You are in a store, and you have decided

“feeling” decision. It then actions or sends the

you are going to buy a new lounge suite.

information to the cerebral cortex for laborious

You have visited so many stores and have

rational evaluation.

seen so many couches, that you are delirious by now. The decision has been

Now let’s go back to which couch we want to

narrowed down to two, but you still can’t

buy. All you need to do is to make the

make up your mind. The first thing you say

decision based on your emotions. Which one

to yourself is, “Think logically and

do you really love? Which one will suit your


lifestyle? Which one makes you feel good when you sit on it? More importantly, which

Well, what if I said you’re wrong? We

one says, “Come and sit on me”?

actually think better by feeling. Stay with me as I get a little technical. There is a

When you’re in the business of sales, it is

small part of the brain that receives stimuli.

important to know that people will make the

It emotionally feels what’s right and then

best decisions based on emotions.

triggers a response. This brain structure is

Remember this as their eyes glaze over when

the Amygdala – an almond-shaped mass of

you proudly stand there, blurting out all the

grey matter that sits in the brain’s temporal

features and demonstrating that you have

lobe. It is the receptor for all stimuli that

such great product knowledge. STOP!

reaches the brain, and it makes its own

Remember, “People buy based on emotion.” Talk more about how those features will enhance their life and make them feel good. This is much easier to do if you have asked good qualifying questions at the beginning of the sale. You will not only get the sale more often, but most importantly, you will also get a client for life. Remember; People Buy People.

Penny V



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015


Lena Turvey - Productivity

Without a doubt, one of the first questions I

I ask for suggestions from the family for

get asked when someone visits my home

what they want this week. I find out who will

is about my menu for the week, which sits

not be home for dinner on which days. I start

at the entry to my kitchen. I have a small

allocating recipes to days of the week

blackboard with the days of the week down

according to who wanted it and who will be

the left hand side and the meal we will be

home. It all takes less than 30 minutes

having next to the days.

including writing the shopping list.

People marvel at how organised I am. I say

Each recipe gets read out to check we have

this not to be conceited but to express my

the ingredients, if not, they are put onto the

amazement that not everyone does this. I

shopping list. During the week as we run out

have always done this, I can't function

of things, they are put onto the shopping list

without knowing what my week holds. I am

as well. Finally when the menu is planned,

a planner.

the shopping list is done and the blackboard contains this week's menu, we are off to the

You know it was my kids that started this


though, in its present form. As soon as they could read I could just tell them to go

When we get home, its all put away straight

they wanted to know read the board when

away, some foods are decanted into special

what was for dinner. I never had to think about

jars or containers and there is a space for

dinner, it was already done.

everything in the pantry and fridge. My family

So how do I do this?

are used to this way of life and put things away (mostly) where they belong.

I start by sitting down with or without the family

So there you have it, a weekly plan for

on a Sunday. If they are not there, they do not

what's for dinner, one more way to organise

get any input into what will be on this week's

your life.

menu, so more often than not they are there. I start by writing the days of the week on the back of the shopping list (yes I always shop with a list!) and then we start looking through the recipe books to get inspiration for this week.

How do you menu plan?



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 5 2015


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015



Spring / Summer is a time to freshen everything up.

feel when I wear it? • Is this piece highlighting my

best attributes? We spring clean the house, the

garments make sure you put them into your wardrobe with the hanger going the opposite way to the others. If in 3 months you

garden and it's also time to

3. Create two piles:

haven’t worn it then pay it

remember to spring clean our

i) Maybe


ii) Throw out

Following these 7 steps will

iii) Keep

ensure that you:

wardrobes too. Your wardrobe is prime real estate and I know you have

• Save time when getting ready

invested a lot of time and money

4. Give the gift of giving. With

towards it. If your wardrobe is

your throw out pile, make sure

messy and full of the old style

you drop it off that day to a friend

you then it's a good time to start

or donate it to a charity. Your

You will feel more confident

a clean out.

trash will be someone else's

and organised.

treasure. One I recommend is

to go anywhere. • Know where every piece is.

• Will be able to see what items

‘Dressed for Success’ Frankston

might be missing to create a

or ‘Clothes for you’ Rosebud.

mix and match wardrobe. This will save you money buying

5. Match Hangers. The clothes

items you already have.

you are going to keep all need to be placed on hangers that

Have fun! You will feel

are the same colour, shape and

refreshed and cleansed and

1. Pull out everything and try it

design. This creates a wardrobe

ready for the summer months


that is simplified and it's easy to


find garments. 2. For every piece you try on – ask yourself:

6. Categorize. Organize your wardrobe – either by colour or

• Does this fit me? • Do I need to alter it? • What is the condition like?

Stylishly Yours


garments e.g.: shirts, pants, dresses. There is no right or wrong. Just make it work for you.

• Does this piece work for my

current lifestyle?

7. Be Ruthless. With the 'maybe'

• Do I still love it?

pile you may need to be ruthless

• How do I feel when I wear it?

here or get some assistance. If

• How does this colour make me

you decide to keep any of these


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How to Make Your

Marketing Viral

Part FOUR of a Four Part Series Julie Bourke⏐ Technology Viral marketing is a phenomenon. It works and works well. Why? Because it puts the power in the hands of the people. It doesn’t rely on advertising executives, million dollar campaigns or celebrity endorsements. It is real, down-to-earth, grassroots marketing that, when it comes down to it, might be advertising in its purest form.

Viral marketing, while driven by strategy and well-planned messaging, is only successful when its audience is captivated. A marketing campaign will only go “viral” if people like it and ultimately, share it with others. Therefore, they have the power. Not the marketer.

Online business owners and internet marketers alike understand the important role viral marketing plays in the success of their businesses today. Social media networks have become just as much about business as they are about pleasure. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and other key players are now joining us in the boardroom and in sales meetings. Blogs are replacing news media in many ways, and we must adapt our marketing approach to become players in this game. From reaching the masses with special deals, invitations for sale events and enticing customers to

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 purchase new products, viral marketing is a lucrative business tool, approach and strategy all wrapped in to one. Say, for example, you are an internet marketer. You create and sell valuable sales tools, including E-books, reports, videos and webinars. Not only should you have a list to which you apply your email marketing campaign, but in addition, you can share your products by posting them on Facebook, tweeting

to share with others. Think about it, if you were your own customer, what would entice you to share your products? Would it be quality customer service? Great deals and monthly specials? What grabs your attention? Start there and see what works. The other great thing about viral marketing is, if one approach isn’t working, you lose nothing by switching gears. Just be careful to settle in to a consistent message, no matter what your

about them on Twitter or uploading lessons to YouTube. The possibilities are endless.

approach might be. You don’t want to run the risk of turning people off.

With a little bit of creativity and a true

So, engage in your viral marketing campaign. Be social on social networks,

understanding of your target market, viral marketing has the ability to skyrocket your business to new heights. Not only should you consider the favour of your current customer base, but approach your viral marketing campaign in such a way that encourages – and makes them want to – share your business with

share others information and they in turn, will share yours. Viral marketing is a give and take and the more you give, the more you will get. There is an unspoken set of expectations that accompany viral marketing, and the most important of all is to respect those you are marketing to. If you do, they will recognise that and most likely help you on your way to going viral.

others. You could offer free products for every ten people your customers share your link with. The more you incentivise, the more likely people are



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

A Woman's Way

Nancy Wake (1912-2011)

Agile Leadership Joanne Clark - NLP There are hundreds of theories about

show alternative approaches; styles that

what is good or effective leadership - in

could make us wonder 'what is my style?'

fact you can fill a whole library with books on leadership alone. And there are even

Whether it is what you are doing, how you

more opinions on how women should

are being or the results you are getting,

lead, because a woman is expected to

you inspire someone and they take

have a specific leadership style that is

action. So often you can be leading and

'different' from men and the 'same as'

not even know it! At other times you may

other women. Now, as we have all

decide to be a leader. Perhaps you see

experienced, there are many different

an opportunity for your own growth, or

ways that men lead but perhaps what is

sometimes you choose to be a leader

not so obvious is that women also have

because you cannot stand by any longer.

rich and diverse leadership styles. If we

You see that the pain of not leading is way

believe there is one way for women to

higher than the price you pay for stepping

lead then when we measure ourselves

up and doing what needs to be done…

against that one way, many women mistakenly conclude, 'I am not a leader'. In NLP we know that information that we have decided is not important to us (i.e. because I am not a leader I don’t need to focus on information about leadership) is overlooked, ignored or simply deleted from our awareness. Expand this approach to media, history, education and popular culture and we can lose sight of the women who brought their own unique styles to leadership; styles that

Nancy Wake Nancy Wake must have gazed out of the open door of the Lancaster bomber to an uncertain future as the great sky-beast traced its arc to the drop-zone. Hearing the static lines clink and rattle and feeling the thrum of the Lancaster’s propellers pulsate through her diminutive frame as she and her brother-in-arms, Major John Farmer, waited and then leapt out into occupied France. Nancy Wake; an


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 Australian woman of action, became a leader in the fight against the Nazis in the Second World War.

The youngest of six children raised by her mother in Sydney, she ran away from home at 16, became a nurse and then lived in Europe and re-trained as a journalist. By 20 Nancy Wake was a stunningly attractive young woman who did not hesitate when an adventure into the unknown beckoned. Whilst living in Vienna, Nancy witnessed first-hand the horrors of Nazism and saw the terror in the eyes of helpless Jews as they were whipped and beaten in the grand boulevards of that city, and it was here that her destiny began to take shape. Later those indelible images drove her to become one the Allies most effective secret weapons. In charge of a militia of French Resistance fighters in her twenties, Nancy Wake secretly plotted, organized and completed hundreds of

For three years, Nancy worked tirelessly against the Nazi juggernaut, meaning her life was in constant danger. She adopted many identities and codenames and became so

supremely adroit at eluding the Gestapo that they nicknamed her The White Mouse. However, this success meant a price on her head; an amazing 5,000,000 Francs. With the Gestapo net closing in it was too risky for her to stay in France it was time to return to Britain. After being arrested and duping the Germans into releasing her, on her sixth attempt to cross the Pyrenean boarder into Spain she was whisked away by guides who buried her in the back of a coal truck. She reached England in a convoy

“Nancy Wake was a fiercely loyal wife and friend, with the heart of a lion and the drive of a Sherman Tank.”

guerrilla missions to sabotage the Nazi

from Gibraltar in June 1943. This intense

advance. Being married to a wealthy

level of fortitude made her legendary in

French industrialist, she could have

the ranks.

turned her back on the war and escaped to a safer country, but doing so would have meant not being true to herself. For, at her core, Nancy Wake was a fiercely loyal wife and friend, with the heart of a lion and the drive of a Sherman Tank. When confronted with the Nazi dominance in Europe and having seen what that would mean for the people of France, Nancy believed they had to be stopped. She knew who she needed to be, and decided she would do whatever it took, in order to stop them.

In Britain, Nancy Wake was the ultimate agent. She retrained in the latest spy craft and militia techniques. When the D-Day landings were being planned, the Americans knew they would have a better chance of success if the Germans were softened up prior to their arrival. This became Nancy Wake and John Farmer’s mission in April 1944. So, from the relative safety of Britain, they were parachuted back into occupied France with orders to organize the local bands of Resistance fighters in the Auvergne


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

Image Reference: www.news.com.au

woman 'should' lead and her achievements were overlooked in her

region, establish munitions caches from the nightly parachute drops and set up radio contact with

Fortunately, for most of us, our

England. Without faltering, Nancy Wake jumped

opportunities for leadership do not occur in

into the blackness.

such dramatic and tragic circumstances.

Her Resistance troops were outnumbered 6 – 1 by the Germans, and so working smart was the only way to succeed. She urgently carried out all of her primary objectives before setting about destroying German convoys, blowing up their installations and weakening their support lines. On one occasion, she cycled 500 kilometres through perilous enemy territory to replace codes her radio operator had been forced to destroy in a German raid. In life, doing things is never enough on its own; Nancy Wake knew this, she mastered this. Nancy Wake was the Allies’ most highly decorated servicewoman of WWII and is revered in France as a national heroine for her Resistance work and bravery. However her leadership style did not conform to traditional Australian views on how a

homeland until 2004.

However if people follow you then you are a leader. You have changed their lives and maybe you didn’t even know about it. Whether you are leading as a Prime Minister; a Mum; a business owner; a manager; a volunteer; it is who you are BEING and what you are DOING that gives you what you HAVE right now. And when you truly get these 3 things, you have the key to unlock, understand and master leadership in your own life, in your own style. BE-DO-HAVE. Every part is vital! Make today your day



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A Hindu Priests Guide to Successful Meditation by Helen Treloar for A Peaceful Mind I attended the first Melbourne Wired for Wonder event (3rd Year in Sydney) last week. The day was a flow of oxygen to my brain and a zap of stimulation to my senses. In this issue, we highlight the presentation from Dandapani – Hindu Priest & Mind Coach – who shared his tips to unlocking the secrets of meditation, after more than 10 years of mastering the practice.

Here are Dandapani’s Top Tips for Successful Meditation – As I Heard Them. Before commencing meditation, contemplate these points to see if you are ready: •

• •

Is your life filled with chaos? A life filled with chaos cannot successfully incorporate meditation. Focus on lifestyle first. Can you focus your mind (concentrate)? Meditation is not to empty the mind but to focus it upon a single and specific vision, for an extended period of time. Energy flows in through the back of your head, down through your body and radiates and connects outwards to others. Can you accept this belief and tune into it? Are you willing to add meditation to your daily routine? Early morning is best. Setting a goal, an unwavering point of focus, is essential. To meditate on changing goals is to disregard the meditation process – which takes time. Are you willing to know yourself? Meditation takes courage! You will face the inner construct of self in all aspects. Happiness. Compassion and acceptance of self is essential for successful meditation. View yourself as a work in progress; just as we accept the flaws in a building under construction, we too are beings under construction.

• •

Start small – Dandapani correctly identified how we, the western world, like to dive into things and gain instant results. We want it all and we want it now! Meditation is a slow process that takes courage, focus and commitment. The results come much later on. Tell your mind that you are in charge. Our minds are powerful and we can often forget the power of intention. Remember, you direct your mind. When meditating; sit up straight, feet flat on the floor (unless on the floor in a crossed leg position), right hand resting over left hand, palms up, resting both on your lap with your thumb tips touching (when we lose focus our thumb tips will drift apart). Breathe consciously, deeply and calmly. Imagine a white light of energy entering the back of your head and flowing through your body, right down to the tips of your toes and fingers. Imagine energy feeding back to your spine, as if tentacles are spreading throughout your body and filling you up and overflowing energy back to your spine – notice the warmth of your spine. Visualise your focus point. Like standing on the top of a mountain and looking down upon all below; see yourself with courage, maybe as a memory from your past or a vision of who you will be in your future, with courage. The important points in summary: Remove chaos from your life – focus on your lifestyle – meditation doesn’t fix chaos Start small – master the art of focus and concentration Practise and routine is important – create a time / space to sit quietly learning how to meditate @DandapaniLLC www.dandapani.org


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015


Soul Food Judgement Sits Within the Meaning We Apply Ever walked away from a conversation with someone,

hard, I stay up way too late and multi task many

feeling a strong sense of judgement or of being mis-

projects and deadlines constantly. Any failure,


success or relaxation time I experience is chosen and earned. My husband and I are a team. We don't split

That feeling of wanting to go back and 'explain'

roles by gender, but by preference and common

yourself and bring wider perspective to the

sense and mostly from looking after each others

conversation, so they get a truer view of who you are;

needs; we put each other first and make life as

but the moment has passed and all that is left

simple as we can for ourselves and our children. It

is that feeling.

works for us.

In a very brief chat with someone this week, I gave a

My curiosity is always around the meanings people

snap-shot of a single topic about preferred waking

apply. Specifically, what meaning must this person

times as we talked about what gets done in a

have applied to my statement to make it true that I

morning before work. I mentioned that my ideal time to

lead 'a charmed life'? What must be true for this

rise is 8am, by which time the other person has been

person to take this position?

up and busy for a good 3 hours, preparing children's lunches for school etc. I add, "that's hubby's role in our

For the sake of the exercise, I'll follow through with

home", to which the reply 'what a charmed life you

some of the made-up meanings that came to my

lead' ended the chat.

mind (keeping in mind that none of them may be the truth) to give you an example of what I mean (pardon

As a coach, I hear communication through filters. No

the pun):

judgement felt here, I walked away with a smile. However, I had an acute awareness of how anyone

To rise after 5am is not possible if you have a

might choose to feel judged by such a comment. A

family and you care enough to prepare them

'charmed' life is not what I lead, indeed I work very

for the day ahead


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A husband's job is not to make children's lunches

To rise at 8am is late in the morning

To rise at 8am means you are lazy and don't have much to get done

For a husband to make lunch whilst you sleep means you are spoilt

And so it goes on....

judgement from others is by replacing the review of how the other person is perceiving me with an open curiosity about what must be true for them in their world in order for them to have that perception. At times, this leads to me re-connecting and asking questions or adding clarification, especially in workplace communications. Mostly, it enables me to relax my mind, accept the feedback as a perception from their reality and truth and move forward. To

None of the statements above are true for me and

reinvent myself, explain myself, justify myself or try

my family, but they may well be true for others.

and change their view so they accept me for me,

The truth we walk around with becomes our

can be a futile exercise. Better I focus on who I am

personal filter, our way of judging others. We

being and who I have in my world that has taken time

compare constantly.

to know me through all of my layers of personality, and accept, like or love me for who I am. This way, I

My soup for your soul this Sunday is to ask you to

also give others permission to be themselves too.

disconnect yourself from the meaning others apply to your choices in life. Unless, the feedback

A Peaceful Mind comes from purposeful living, or as

from certain people matters greatly to you, in

the in-word of the moment states living 'mindfully'.

which case, talk with them and discuss your choices and ideas. To say 'I don't care what others think about me' is neither helpful nor true; we all care how we are perceived, unless we are a sociopath. We are connectors and we all want to feel understood. Yes all. For me, I have found the best way to shut down the thoughts of

You are a vessel of pure potential; the only person who can realise that potential is YOU x


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How to Accept Your Sensuality What Does Sensuality Mean To You? AMANDA MALLIA - MEN

What does sensuality mean to you?

being comfortable with you. If there are other things you would like to change about your

Is it a great body or a great mind? Not

everyone has


same idea

body, you might start watching what you eat of


sensuality is because sensuality means “different strokes for different folks” right? Being sensual is about you and whether or not you can see yourself as someone with sensuality, a bit of sexual power and you gain the innate ability to attract the sexual attention from another. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it! Well, if you really want to accept your sensuality, there are certain things that you must keep in mind.

It’s All About You

and engaging in a healthy physical fitness routine to obtain a better body image.

It’s About Using Your Senses The next thing you can do is start using your senses in everything you do. When eating, taste every morsel of food; when drinking, don’t gulp, enjoy every sip and when having dessert, let the sweetness explode in your mouth instead of smoking or drinking whilst eating cake. This applies to all senses, like listening to the words of a song, touching your body and allowing your spouse to stroke you or show his

There are several ways to be sensual but the most


important and life-changing idea you will have to adopt is to learn to love yourself without being

This includes smelling your husband’s cologne

cocky and over confident.

and allowing it to sweep you away. Take an active role in what he wears, what you wear;

Your size, weight, length of hair or skin colour is

how you smell, what you eat, and get a make-

not as important as accepting who you are and

over if you feel less than great about the way



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

you put on your make-up and fix your hair.

esteem and give you ideas on how to enjoy your body, as it should be when you are with your

Remember that you are wonderful just the way


you are! A professional who is familiar with the intricacies

It’s About Losing Your Inhibitions

of how a great relationship works, is able to touch on aspects of your relationship that may

Let go.

be bogged down around your self-esteem and

Nothing should stand in your way when you are with your husband/partner. He loves you and will be very excited about exploring your body with you (or watching you explore it yourself).

the rejection or discomfort with the idea that you can be a sensual person. Being sensual means accepting every part of your body and realizing that you are someone with sensuality, a bit of sexual power and you

When you have sexual relations with your husband, it should be a time for the two of you where you can let go. Unless you do this, you won’t be able to enjoy the kind of earthshattering experiences you hear about and maybe long for.

It’s About Finding Help From The Experts There’s a lot to be said about talking with a Relationship Coach who can boost your self-

have the innate ability to attract sexual attention. To do so, you simply need to accept yourself, use your senses, lose your inhibitions, and maybe obtain help from the experts. Once you do this, your sensuality will flow and so will your libido. To Your Outstanding Relationship!

Amanda FOU


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015

Autism Support

Catherine Rosalion

Winner of Whitehorse Business Excellence Awards 2014 – Start up / Micro / Home Based Business. From a very young age I was

It wasn’t until I became a parent

my child that I can’t achieve at

always passionate about working

myself, where I had to juggle work

home.” The question got me

with children, and this has carried

and life whilst creating a lifestyle that

thinking… These parents need

through from High School into my

was conducive to me and fulfilled my

help! They are struggling. They


desire to be a great Mum, and also

need coaching and support as a

help other parents and children out

family, in their own home, as well


as in therapy rooms.

friend and I created flyers,

When I was at La Trobe working 8

Also, I found that I was working

advertised and grew a babysitting /

hours a day with children, we had

with staff who were not trained to

nanny service. My love of working

these amazing games and fabulous

provide the services the kids and

with children stemmed from there.

experiences with the children

families needed. It wasn’t

progressing so well. At pick-up time,

because they didn’t care, it was

As I moved into corporate, working

the minute the parents walked

purely because they lacked the

as an integration aide and a respite

through the door, the children would

training and expertise required.

worker in all sorts of disability fields,

start misbehaving. The parents

Therefore the staff were

I came to realise that whilst I really

couldn’t manifest the same

struggling too.

loved working with the children,

behaviours in their children that we

there was another aspect to helping

were seeing every day, outside of the La Trobe environment.

Technically, I started my first business at 13 as a nanny. My

them, and this was assisting families; a need that wasn’t being

became my desire to train staff as well as support kids and

met in the roles I held, or from the

A parent asked me "what is it that you

organisations I worked within. I

are doing that I am not? You are

wanted to make more of a

having these great successes with

difference here.

From a business angle, it

families. Lots of conferences I was attending and the experts I was talking with at the time, were

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 reinforcing the model of ‘whole

get out on your own… you love

success were somewhat in the

team’ therapy, where therapists

working with these kids.’ I loved

shadows whilst the kids achieving

were working with kids and their

the work, the field I was in and

results became the showcase for the

families and each other as a unified

the kids but wasn’t enjoying the

promoted success of the therapy

group, for the best outcomes to be

leadership I was under or the

model. I went home that night and


therapy methods I was expected

typed up my resignation. I resigned

to use exclusively. They were

Tuesday and was ready to leave on


the Wednesday.

children and what I believed was

My hesitations were ‘I’m a single

It wasn’t until I closed that door that


Mum’, ‘how will I pay the bills?’,

the current one opened.

Through different jobs I worked out my preferred way of working with

‘how will I be able to keep my son In terms of jumping over the hurdle

in the school I am passionate

Within 24 hours of leaving my

from employee to business owner,


employment I received calls from 3

I was battling the routine of working

families wanting to work with me and I

full time, feeding my child 3 times a

It got to a point in July last year,

received an offer from Box Hill TAFE

day, doing the work I loved and not

when I knew something had to

to say I had been accepted into a

really loving the parenting as I

change. The kids needing my

Business Course.

wanted to. That was the deciding

help were not getting the flexibility

factor for me, in that it defined what

of working with them in a way that

It reinforced my belief that I was doing

I needed and wanted.

best suits the child; we had

the right thing (leaving my employed

models to use and we were


The workplace I was in at the time

expected to use them exclusively. I completed the 3 month business

was incredibly flexible and supportive. They allowed me to

I had a meeting with my

course at TAFE and officially

pick up my son from kinder and do

Supervisor. I listened to the way

launched my business in October

afternoon shifts. I still found that I

they wanted me to work with the


wasn’t able to work with the kids in

children moving forward and I felt

the way I truly believed I wanted to

compromised and it just didn’t

and would be best for the children.

feel good at all. I was disenchanted with the leadership

I met a Business Coach, Maureen

and the options, or lack of,

Pound, and she had been saying

available to me in that role. Kids

for a couple of years ‘you need to

who didn’t fit the model of

In my own business, I incorporate all of my experiences as an ABA and ESDM therapist with other eclectic approaches to therapy. I am happy to custom build therapy models to best suit the child and the family goals. I Photo Credit: www.autismsupport.com.au/


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 also educate families around options and choices, which

The child’s needs empowers them. are paramount for me and every

child is unique. It’s never a ‘tick box’ against a model of therapy for me now. Some families have a very specific goal of going to the movies as a family, others want speech and communication to be elevated as a priority. Every family is catered to in a way that best suits their needs and goals. I can be that flexible, supportive and nurturing therapist that is required.

for a specific problem and a desire

and I continually work to over

to make a difference. Being able

come that thought.

to advertise and promote the business when those in my camp

necessarily supporting me aren’t is also a common theme. Independent thinking and actions aligned to my desires and goals. In the face of people almost discouraging me, I achieve. I embrace the journey and learn

In these moments I try & think of the times when, yes, they might have been right (my nay sayers) but it hasn’t been a negative outcome. I choose to see the benefits and positives as to why things worked out the way they did, and apply new thinking as I move forward. It’s all learning.

from the failures.

Life doesn’t always work the way There’s a common theme of me

we have planned it to; and that

saying ‘watch me’ when I’m told

doesn’t mean it’s a negative.

‘no’ throughout my life. I sometimes play safe, I’m not a

There are so many cross matches and alternative therapies that are not yet more than anecdotally proven to assist children with ASD, and I look forward to more research and evidence of wider therapy models being used successfully. When I think of the girl I was at 13 in a babysitting business and the woman I am today in my own Autism Support business I can see similarities; the love of children, the need to produce a solution

I did a one-year ‘best year ever’

dare devil risk taker. If it’s

experience. Getting out of bed

something I’m passionate about

asking myself, what is it that I

and it’s connected to a goal and

want to achieve, I wanted to

my dream, I am more willing to

surprise people and myself, in

take a risk to pursue that. My

stepping out of my comfort zone

passion gives me permission to

and being successful in my own


business. My parents came to the Whitehorse Business Awards . . .

up business category, and it was the first time


I believe they have


actually ever


validated my ability


to actually do this.


It’s not that they didn’t


want me to succeed;


more worried I might


fail, especially my Mum.

and a dream, who face doubt and fear and challenges to achieve it, I would say this… Trust your intuition, trust your heart and by all means, listen to well meaning advice, but if it doesn’t fit what you believe is right for you and is not matching your passion, that your intuition and gut tell you, you should be doing, you’re not living the life you are meant for; and


Sometimes, I




Photo Credit: www.autismsupport.com.au/

night, where I won the start-

To other women with a passion

if they might


be right


(those who


doubt me),

potentially you are not doing the good for others and the wider community as well. The people around me were saying ‘no don’t do this’. Only my


1 2 3

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 6 2015 Photo Credit: www.heraldsun.com.au

coach said ‘you can do this’.

In that last week I have 3 more new

I would close by saying… as a

families and need to juggle my diary

woman, as a mother, on your

My evidence filter, that I use to

to fit all the families in. Also, my

own – YOU CAN DO IT. If you

check in and make sure I am on

testimonials from the families I work

really believe in what you are

the right path, changes from time

with. I know I am making a

doing and you are passionate

to time. The week before the

difference when I listen to or read

and willing to overcome the

awards night I was working on my

these. New families signing up on

challenges of starting and

resume. I was thinking I should be

the first meeting tells me I am on

growing your business, you will

applying for full-time jobs. Then

the right track too.

succeed. You really can do it

and quite a shock and made me

Making a difference is my focus. I

If you would like to contact

sit back and contemplate that

am scraping through and getting

Catherine or offer her support,

maybe I am really doing the right

there. This first year has been

you can promote her services

thing already. Being

extremely tough financially. The

or contact her as follows:

acknowledged for what I do and

bottom line of my business needs to

being told that it does make a

and is growing. My focus is on

difference and needs to be

providing a service and support to

cultivated, is more evidence that I

families of children with autism that

am on the right track and should

makes a positive difference to their

keep going.

lives. The income will come.

winning the award was surprising

Catherine Rosalion Founder of Autism Support


CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and Children. 2BMe Foundation raises funds to connect those who are focused and committed to improving their own life circumstances, to the resources that enable them to do so. www.2bmefoundation.org.au We look forward to bringing you more news about what we are doing and how you might get involved very soon.


WRITERS WANTED Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story to tell that inspires or educates women? APM love to share – and your submission will be received with gratitude and excitement.

CONACT US AT: sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au



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