Approach Magazine December 2014

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VANA NAVA Hua Hin Water Jungle Personality “Proudputh Liptapanlop”

Tennis in Thailand

The Real Taste of Issan

ZAB WER RESTAURANT - European and Issan Thai Food -

A wide selection of popular European & Thai dishes Our Bar is well selected with many local and foreign beers and wines. You will find us on Soi 112 close to the Floating Market Hua Hin. There is plenty of parking space. Bring your children – We have a Kid´s Menu and a well equipped playground.

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Editor’s Foreword Getting closer to a new year with new hopes, new blessings and maybe more peace on earth. The Eurozone is rumbling. Not all as bright as a year ago. It ZDV H[SHFWHG <RX MXVW FDQ QRW NHHS RQ ÀQDQFLQJ FRXQWULHV that spend money beyond control, contribute towards expensive wars, keep on taking in so-called fugitives or members from other states that can´t wait to become a Eurozone member so they can enjoy social security for which nationals have worked so hard to achieve. Deep respect for the remark Mr. Cameron made in answering a European speaker : ” I represent the British people and we will decide who to allow to enter our country , not the Eurozone Management ! It is true, up to now there has been little economic improvement, only more dependents entering the industrial nations seeking support for the failure of their own system. Brussels , being comfortable tries to implement their traditional dictatorship by supporting these migrant movements. Brussels reminds me of Naples and Sicily. Up to you to give it a name. Here is a letter to the editor from Nicholas Corder : Quote: ” Dear editor, with due respect and gratitude of being allowed to spend my seniority in Thailand and as a retired civil engineer, I have never come to understand how roads are planned and build in Hua Hin. Whereas there are beautifully designed and constructed roads , that road may end in a disastrous quality secondary road with pot holes and sunken spots. I spotted on the brand new Soi 112 concrete road WKDW WKHUH DUH SDWFKHV DW ZKLFK WKH UDLQ KDV ÁXVKHG DZD\ the surplus sand from the badly mixed concrete and left rough spots on that area. Is there no supervision? Obviously there was more sand in that concrete than should be, it will be washed away in no time. Can you please forward this comment to the municipality on my behalf ?, Thank you Nicholas. Will do Nick. From my side as usual no comment…..will move on…. Yours truly GMoss

APPROACH PUBLISHING CO.LTD Editor in Chief Gerard Mosselman Assistant Designer Wanwisa Boonchub Special Contributor Zara Adcock Sales and Marketing Manager Kenyapak Chansiri 2IÀFH 0DQDJHU Pimwee P. *UDSKLF 2IÀFH

Whale Studio Limited Partner Address: 1/3 Soi Hua Hin 55 Chomsin Rd. Hua Hin Prachuab Khiri Khan 77110 Tel: 032 530 689 Email: Distribution: 5,000 Copies Address: 70/144 Soi 112 Hua Na, Hua Hin Prachuap Kiri Khan, Thailand Tel: (0) 32 900 477 Company Registration: 0775552001773

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Electric Mango Steak House & Grill - expect the unexpected



from every day


cob n ob, c o n n o r o inren co w – to , c ah a e o t t t ine i o w p d poor tw e t d i e batkh baokf ered ed or wh h t i wgi lass ass of r drvw d e e v r ske, se d by 1 y 1 gl , a e st panieanied b d e l l i momp gr o l c a c c c o a c a , char rrcchhoiociece, m a r 300 g cee by yyoouu auuc ananddssa




CONTENTS 8 10 14 18 22 32 34


His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Personality Proudputh Liptapanlop Merry Christmas at Home Where to Go What to do...? Pomegranate Punica Granatum THE WORLD´s GREATEST INVENTIONS New Year´s Party Beauty Weapons



36 40

Eurozone Debacle

46 50 52 54 56

Ginko Biloba Older than Dinosaurs

The 31st. Thailand Motor Expo 2014

Tennis in Thailand VANA NAVA Hua Hin Water Jungle What the best Educational Systems are doing right You are the Solution to your Problems 6

Long Live The King The entire APPROACH Magazine Team and our readers wish His Majesty a long life and speedy recovery. APPROACH Dec 2014


His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej – Rama IX, Monarch of the Chakri Dynasty celebrates his 87th Birthday. Having reigned since 9 June 1946, His majesty is the world´s longest reigning monarch in Thai history. Bhumibol Adulyadej, also called Phumiphon Adunlayadet, or Rama IX Was born on December. 5th, 1927, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). The ninth king of the Chakri Dynasty which has reigned in Thailand from 1782, He was a grandson of King Chulalongkorn and was born while his father, Prince Mahidol of Songkhla, was studying at Harvard University. King Bhumibol is a painter, musician, photographer, author and translator. His book Phra Mahachanok is based on a traditional Jataka story of Buddhist scripture. The Story of Thong Daeng is the story of his dog Thong Daeng. ,Q KLV \RXWK .LQJ %KXPLERO ZDV JUHDWO\ LQWHUHVWHG LQ Ă€UHDUPV +H NHSW D FDUELQH D 6WHQ JXQ DQG WZR DXWRPDWLF SLVWROV LQ his bedroom, which he often used the gardens of the palace for target practice. 7KHUH DUH WZR (QJOLVK ODQJXDJH ERRNV WKDW SURYLGH H[WHQVLYH GHWDLO ² DOEHLW QRW DOZD\V YHULĂ€DEOH ² DERXW .LQJ %KXPLERO¡V life, especially his early years and then throughout his entire reign. One is The Revolutionary King by William Stevenson, the other is The King Never Smiles by Paul M. Handley. Both books are banned in Thailand. His Majesty Bhumibol is an accomplished jazz saxophone player and composer, playing dixieland and New Orleans jazz, and also plays the clarinet, trumpet, guitar, and piano. He has performed with Benny Goodman, Stan Getz, Lionel Hampton DQG %HQQ\ &DUWHU DQG 3DWWL 3DJH RQFH SHUIRUPHG %KXPLERO¡V VRQJV GXULQJ D SULYDWH DXGLHQFH ZLWK KLP .LQJ %KXPLERO has written 48 compositions, including fox-trots, waltzes, and Thai patriotic music. His most popular compositions are “Candlelight Blues,â€? “Love at Sundownâ€?, and “Falling Rainâ€?, all composed in 1946. King Bhumibol initially received classical music training at school in Switzerland. King Bhumibol started a jazz band, Lai Khram, whom he performed with on a radio station he started at his palace. The band grew, being renamed the Au Sau Wan Suk band and he would perform with them live on Friday evenings, RFFDVLRQDOO\ WDNLQJ FDOOV DQG UHTXHVWV RQ D WHOHSKRQH SKRQH LQ %KXPLERO SHUIRUPHG ZLWK %HQQ\ *RRGPDQ LQ %DQJNRN¡V $PEDUD 7KURQH +DOO LQ DQG ODWHU SOD\HG DW *RRGPDQ¡V KRPH LQ 1HZ <RUN LQ ,Q UHFHQW \HDUV %KXPLERO KDV KHOG jam sessions at Klai Kang Won, his summer palace in Hua Hin. Les Brown and His Band of Renown recorded some of %KXPLERO¡V FRPSRVLWLRQV LQ %KXPLERO ZDV WKH Ă€UVW $VLDQ FRPSRVHU DZDUGHG KRQRUDU\ PHPEHUVKLS RI 9LHQQD¡V 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0XVLF DQG 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV 9LHQQD Like his father, a former military naval engineer, Bhumibol was an avid boat designer and builder. He produced several small sail-boat designs in the International Enterprise, OK, and Moth Classes. His designs in the Moth class include the “Mod,â€? “Super Mod,â€? and “Micro Mod.â€? He won a gold medal for sailing in the Fourth Southeast Asian Peninsular (SEAP) Games in 1967, together with HRH 3ULQFHVV 8ERO 5DWDQD ZKRP KH WLHG IRU SRLQWV 7KLV DFFRPSOLVKPHQW LV DOO WKH PRUH UHPDUNDEOH JLYHQ %KXPLERO¡V ODFN of binocular depth perception. Bhumibol has also sailed the Gulf of Thailand from Hua Hin to Toey Harbour in Sattahip, FRYHULQJ QDXWLFDO PLOHV NP LQ D KRXU MRXUQH\ RQ WKH ´9HJD Âľ DQ 2. &ODVV GLQJK\ KH EXLOW +LV 0DMHVW\ DQG +HU 0DMHVW\ 4XHHQ 6LULNLW KDYH WKUHH FKLOGUHQ RI ZKLFK WKHLU RQO\ VRQ 0DKD 9DMLUDORQJNRUQ LV WKH GLUHFW successor to the throne Crown Prince of Thailand. However recent constitutional amendments it would allow the reigning king, if he so chooses, to appoint his son or any of his daughters to the throne. The entire APPROACH Magazine Team and our readers wish His Majesty a long life and speedy recovery.



Proudputh Liptapanlop

Proudputh Liptapanlop a young professional among Bangkok emerging managers.

T he

Oxford graduate oversees the family-owned InterContinental Hua Hin Resort as well as new projects, the OX[XULRXV %OXSRUW 5HVRUW 0DOO XQGHU FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG 9DQD Nava Hua Hin Water Jungle Park opening in December 2014.

treat people,� she says. Among the many ideas Proud is pushing is getting Hua Hin on the international culinary map as it was the case when she organised a charity wine dinner prepared by a chef with Michelin-star credits.

3URX DV VKH¡V EHWWHU NQRZQ LV WKH GDXJKWHU RI VHDVRQHG 7KH IHDVW RI VRSKLVWLFDWHG GLVKHV WKDW FDQ¡W HYHQ EH IRXQG LQ politician Suwat Liptapanlop. Bangkok, ensured that gourmets could add Hua Hin to their An Oxford University and London Business School graduate OLVW RI SODFHV ZKHUH Ă€QH GLQLQJ LV DYDLODEOH LQ HFRQRPLFV DQG PDQDJHPHQW VKH¡V WKH PDQDJLQJ GLUHFWRU of Proud Resort Hua Hin, a family business that runs the “As a business developer I have my own vision of the hotel DQG +XD +LQ +XD +LQ LV HYHU\RQH¡V IDYRXULWH GHVWLQDWLRQ LW InterContinental Hua Hin and other properties. ZDV IRU D FHQWXU\ D UR\DO UHWUHDW EXW LW¡V QRW DV ZHOO NQRZQ $IWHU 2[IRUG ZKHUH VKH DWWHQGHG 6W +XJK¡V &ROOHJH WKH $OPD IRU Ă€QH GLQLQJ DV 3KXNHW DQG 6DPXL Âľ VD\V 3URXG Mater of Aung San Suu Kyi, and London Business School, 3URXG VSHQW WZR \HDUV DW WKH PDQDJHPHQW FRQVXOWLQJ Ă€UP “Hua Hin has big-name tennis, beach volleyball, beach horse McKinsey. “I wanted to gain experience outside the family SROR DQG PXVLF IHVWLYDOV ,W¡V ORQJ EHHQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK VSRUWV - but not food.â€? business. I worked my way up from the bottom.â€? Proud at 24 now also manages the InterContinental Hua Hin and her father has been making full use of her talent with personnel since she joined last February. “I learned how to APPROACH Dec 2014


3URXGSXWK KHDGV D ÀQH VHOHFWLRQ RI \RXQJ SURIHVVLRQDOV who will manage and determine present and future business projects in Thailand and will spearhead the country into the Asean Economic Market.


December Concert at The Hyatt Regency




The Zurich String Orchestra, one of the leading ensembles of its kind, will perform in an evening program organized by the well-known Thai Baritone Khun Mongkol Chayasirisobhonon on Friday, December 12th , 2014 at 7:00 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Hua-Hin.The Zurich Chamber Orchestra is. Regular invitations to international festivals and performances have taken the orchestra to major musical centres of Europe (Berlin Philharmonie, Hamburg Laeiszhalle, Frankfurt am Main Alte Oper, Brucknerhaus Linz) as well as on extended concert tours through Europe, the United States and China. 1XPHURXV FULWLFDOO\ DFFODLPHG &'V GRFXPHQW WKH HQVHPEOH¡V DUWLVWLF work. The Orchestra continues to collaborate with internationally renowned artists like Giuliano Carmignola, Christian Tetzlaff, Hilary +DKQ 9LNWRULD 0XOORYD 5HQDXG &DSXoRQ DQG 6WHYHQ ,VVHUOLV The internationally renowned violinist Rudolf Koelman and two very accomplished violin soloists, Momoyo Resch and Sachiko Uchida will perform together with local guest harpsichord performer: Alberto Firrincieli and the String Orchestra. Rudolf Koelman studied violin with Jan Bor, Herman Krebbers and Jascha Heifetz. Rudolf Koelman has performed as a soloist with various orchestras, including The Amsterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Berner Symphonieorchestra, Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra, Fremantle Chamber Orchestra, Haydn Synfonietta Wien, Innsbrucker Symphonieorchester and the ZĂźrcher Kammerorchester to name a few. From 1996 until 1999 he was the concertmaster of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. He is Professor of solo and concert violin at the “ZĂźrcher Hochschule der KĂźnsteâ€? (ZHdK) in Switzerland where he also leads his chamber orchestra ZHdK Strings. He is frequently invited as a jury member at international violin competitions and master classes such as the International Holland Music Sessions and Keshet Eilon in Israel. The orchesta comprises 16 different nationalities of musicians who reside in Switzerland leaded by Maestro Rudolf Koelman. The ZHdK Strings is a young and dynamic ensemble with 16 to 18 of the best students from concert and soloists classes of the distinguished Zurich University. The evening program includes works by: : $ 0R]DUW 'LYHUWLPHQWR IRU 6WULQJ LQ ' PDMRU .9 $ 9LYDOGL &RQFHUWR IRU 7ZR 9LROLQV 6WULQJ DQG %DVVR &RQWLQXR LQ $ 0LQRU 59 2S 1R F.Mendelssohn: String Symphony No.9 in C major (Swiss Symphony) E.Elgar: Serenade for Strings in E Minor Op.20 E.Grieg: Holberg Suite for Strings Op.40 Tickets can be booked through the Hyatt Regency Hua Hin. Contact:




Merry Christmas at Home HO ! HO ! HO ! Christmas Atmosphere in Hua Hin

It is this time of the year again, and I have joined the Approach A BIT OF ART ON YOUR TABLE: Magazine to bring a little feminine touch for all ladies living in Hua Hin, every month I will be giving you the latests trends for Fashion, Cosmetics, and sometimes Home Decoration, and also ideas to occupy the kids during their free time. For this December Issue I will share with you ideas to decorate and set your table over Christmas Holidays, Gift wraps, and easy Advent Calendar to make with your kids.

Christmas is all about the joy of giving and nothing better to bring this mood in your home with a warm and welcoming country atmosphere. The key to decorate your home in country-style feeling is to use colors and styles that feel comfortable. The good news is you can go natural, casual, rustic or a combination of all three. Your guests will feel cozy in a simple, one-of-a-kind setting, making way for lots of happy memories.

%HLQJ LQ D VPDOO WRZQ OLNH +XD +LQ LV QRW DOZD\V HDV\ WR ÀQG Which one do you prefer is up to you. So, check beautiful Christmas items, but I will show you that most of these, holiday ideas that might inspire you. WKHP \RX FDQ ÀQG WKHP LQ \RXU FXSERDUGV JDUGHQ ELQV RU simples shop like Tesco...






he wine glass is an elegant, delicate and very easily EUHDNDEOH JODVVZDUH ,W GRHVQ¡W WDNH PXFK WR EUHDN WKH Bring a vintage look to you paper wraps this year. Finish the handle of the wine glass, so it often happens that you need papers with cute motifs, sparkle and other graphic patterns. WR EX\ D QHZ VHW RI JODVVHV EHFDXVH WKRVH \RX KDYH OHIW GRQ¡W match anymore. So what to do with those lovely mismatched Go for Kraft paper and red/white rope used at the post for parcels. Follow the ideas below and make your paper wraps look unique wine glasses? Reuse them as a decorative centerpiece under the Christmas tree. inserting Christmas ornaments, garlands, bows, or painted with a Christmas touch. Your decorations will mix grace and sophistication without any effort by just following these below:

:Recycle your use wine bottles, and set it as a centerpiece on your dining table.

This is also here that you can use toilet paper rolls for your mini gifts boxes.

:Use your toilet paper rolls, by giving them a second life to hold your silverware.

:Folding your napkins as a Christmas Tree.

Instead of using name tags, you can use picture from the person the gift is dedicated for.

KIDS CORNER: It is time to give your kids some art and craft activities, by them making their own advent calendar. Easy and creative to make a countdown till Christmas.

Arrange artfully, Our casual place setting shows simple can be beautiful,Its started with a cleverly folded “pocketâ€? napkin. Some branches and leaves, EH FUHDWLYH LQ WKLV WURSLFDO FRXQWU\ ,¡P VXUH \RX FDQ bring a little of tropic on your Christmas table,Then artfully arrange your silverware.

1- Santa Magic Robe Make cranberry ice: Freeze cranberries in just enough water to cover them; add pieces to your ice bucket.

Hang a one of the kind wreath on your door. One using wine FRUN ZUHDWKV ZRQ¡W FRVW PXFK and you can decorate them any way you like. Another one simply by using paper cups.

2- A Wreath and a Advent Calendar in the same time. Ideal to hang at the bedroom door of your kids

For this last 15 minutes project, start with some great old barn wood, then join two pieces together to make more of a square piece. Draw a star on it with chalk, then screw a rusty, old painted screw into the 5 points of the star. Start at the top, And wrap some ribbon around each VFUHZ DQG WLHG WKH WRS RII ZLWK D ERZ ,W¡V IXQ easy, and a great way to add Christmas cheer.

6DQWD¡V %HDUG PDGH RXW RI Round Cotton Pad. To shave it off day after day until Christmas!



THE DATE 6.12.2014


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Where to go? What to do? 1.Hua Hin New Year Celebrations On 31 December from 6 p.m. around Queens Park Hua Hin residents gather every year for the New Year celebrations. Hua Hin Municipality RUJDQL]H WKH &RXQWGRZQ )HVWLYDO WR ZHOFRPH 1HZ <HDU /RFDO RIĂ€FLDOV provide about thousand tables and chair for the public. About one hundred food stalls set up to sell sea food, steaks, padthai and Somtam. On the stage there performances of well known music bands from Bangkok. At midnight Lord Mayor wishes everybody Happy New Year. On the stage nine monks pray and wish Happy New Year to people and bless them with holly water.

7KH .LQJ¡V %LUWKGD\ LQ 7KDLODQG King Bhumipol Adulyadej was born on December 5, and this day LV QRZ FHOHEUDWHG DV )DWKHU¡V 'D\ DFURVV 7KDLODQG 7KDL SHRSOH PD\ JLYH D GRN %XGGKD UXNVD DOVR NQRZQ DV D FDQQD à RZHU WR their fathers and grandfathers on this day. Many people also wear \HOORZ ZKLFK LV WKH NLQJ¡V FRORU 7KLV GD\ LV WKDL SHRSOH FHOHEUDWH this auspicious occasion on a grand scale to show gratitude to their beloved monarch. In Friday, 05 December 2014.

3.Christmas Dinner Buffet at Hilton Hua Hin Christmas Dinner Buffet on 2 Wednesday December 24th -18:30 to 22:30 hrs. 2,800 Net per adult and 1,400 Net per child. ( Includes soft drinks, local EHHUV DQG KRXVH ZLQHV &HOHEUDWH WKH IHVWLYH VHDVRQ ZLWK +XD +LQ¡V %LJJHVW Christmas Buffet with International Christmas delights and local Thai cuisine. Enjoy this Christmas themed dinner with live Christmas sings, Father Christmas and presents for the children.

&HOHEUDWLQJ 1HZ <HDU¡V DW ,QWHU&RQWLQHQWDO +XD +LQ 5HVRUW &HOHEUDWLQJ 1HZ <HDU¡V (YH -R\IXOO\ 7RJHWKHU ,PPHUVH <RXUVHOI LQ 6HDVLGH /X[XU\ Entertained With Performances of Our All-Time Favorite Classic Oldie Tunes. THB 9,800++ per person and only THB 1,000++ for a Beverage Package including selected wines and beers, served until 11:30 pm The party begins with a stylish Chandon Reception and a grand 6-course seated Gala Dinner created by our Executive Chef Patrick Fournes. Enjoy an extravagantly GHFDGHQW 'HVVHUW %XIIHW RI GHOLFDFLHV ZKLOH DGPLULQJ WKH ORQJHVW Ă€UHZRUN VKRZ RI Hua Hin Beach to welcome in 2015 as well as the talents of our famous DJ Nai and a fantastic Fire Juggling show.

5.CRYSTAL PRESENTS YESTERDAY ONCE MORE RETRO MUSIC FESTIVAL at Centennial Park, Intercontinental, Hua-Hin Start : 5.00 P.M. Saturday December 6, 2014 Ticket Price : Platinum 4,000.- , Gold 3,500.- , Silver 3,000.First in Thailand to go many days of happiness. Wake up feeling bustle Reprise music for fun Ice Waves will take you back in the day. Make you smile again. Enjoyed the music played during the music festival that is longer than 8 hours, from 5 pm onwards.



HUA HIN EVENTS 6. 11th Culinary Classice: Pro Musica Orchestra at Dusit Thani Hua Hin Friday,12th December 2014. 18:00 for registration, concert starts at 18:30. Dusit Thani Hua Hin proudly presents another great evening of spellbinding and mouthwatering dining with WKH HOHYHQWK LQ RXU VHULHV RI &XOLQDU\ 9ODVVLFV WKLV WLPH IHDWXULQJ WKH 3UR 0XVLFD 2UFKHVWUD 7KH DJHOHVV + ( $GPLUDO 0 / 8VQL 3UDPRM RQH RI RUFKHVWUD¡V IRXQGHU PHPEHUV LQ continues to wave his magical baton as he conducts the orchestra. led by special guest performer David Abrahamyan on viola, trough a varied programmed featuring featuring SODFH IURP WKH WKH OLNHV RI 5HSLJKL¡V $QFLHQW $LUV DQG 'DQFHV 3DFKHOEHO¡V &DQRQ DQG %DUWRN¡V 5RPDQLDQ )RON 'DQFHG

7. Vana Nava Hua Hin open this Monday 1 December 2014. 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ DV $VLD¡V )LUVW :DWHU -XQJOH WKHPH SDUN ZLOO RSHQ WKLV 0RQGD\ 'HFHPEHU 'DLO\ DGPLVVLRQ WR 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ VWDUWV DW 1,000 Baht per adult and 600 Baht per child. A Family Package for 2 adults and 2 children is at 2,600 Baht. Operating time during regular seasons is 10.00 – 18.00 hrs. and 10.00 – 21.00 hrs. during peak season and on public holidays. For more information, visit:

8. Hua Hin Vintage Car Parade 2014. 'HFHPEHU 'HFHPEHU &HQWDUD *UDQG %HDFK 5HVRUW 9LOOD 3UDFKXDENLULNKDQ SURYLQFH /HW¡V ZDWFK WKH YLQWDJH FDU SDUDGH IURP %DQJNRN WR Hua Hin and around Hua Hin City. There is also taking the vintage car around the city for charity activity. And you will meet Long Buffet from famous hotels and restaurants of Hua Hin , as well as Gala Dinner night. Contact Details : Prachuabkirikhan provinceCentara Grand Beach Resort & 9LOOD 7HO

9. Celebrate Plearnwan Hua Hin 5 years. The Tina Cassette. Meet Christina Aguilar on Saturday, December 6th, 2014 at. Plearnwan Tickets are 900 and 1,500 baht. Throughout the past three years, over 3 million visitors haven been to Plearn Wan. A living museum of Hua Hin, it features vintage atmosphere of Thailand and classic local culture and tradition of Hua Hin. Besides many interesting shops, coffee houses with vintage style and tasty food, Plearn Wan boasts Thai cultural performances, such DV 7KDL ER[LQJ 7KDL VWDJH GUDPD RU œ/LNHK¡ 7KDL GDQFLQJ DQG RXWGRRU ROG 7KDL PRYLHV 7KHVH are the major selling points of Plearn Wan. Currently, Plearn Wan has its own accommodation, ´3LPDQ 3D 3OHDUQ¾ RI ZKLFK WKH LQWHULRU LV GHFRUDWHG ZLWK YLQWDJH DQG FODVVLF LWHPV 9LVLWRUV can go there and celebrate the 5th anniversary of Plearn Wan with the new Trok Wan Suen from 6 December onwards.

10. 11th Anniversary Preserve Hua Hin Charity Music Festival For preservation of the urban mangrove forest in Hua Hin. Another Night of Classic Rock, Pop, %OXHV &RXQWU\ $W +LQ /HN )DL 9LHZSRLQW +XD +LQ 'HFHPEHU SP WLOO PLGQLJKW )XQGUDLVLQJ UDIĂ H ZLWK JUHDW SUL]HV IURP ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV $WUZRUN 6DOH 9,3 5HVHUYHG 6HDWLQJ for THB 1,000 includes wine, beer, food and concert T-shirt. Rear Seating for THB 500 includes food and concert T-shirt. Tickets & Reservations : or Brian 087-146-3258



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Break fast Brunc h Germa n dish Buffet es Open everyday -- 8.00 AM to 7.00 PM Hua Hin Soi 2, HUA HIN, Prachuapkririkhan Tel 089-257-3807

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Kohler Moxie Showerhead + Wireless Speaker Shower singers have some accompaniment with the Kohler Moxie. A 1.5-watt Bluetooth speaker plugs into an accompanying showerhead to play up to seven hours of music, podcasts, or whatever else you want from the device you pair with the speaker. THB 4,500

Oakley Airwave Goggles If Google Glass looks like it might shatter when it hits the slopes, you might want to sport Oakley Airwaves instead. A small heads-up display in the right-hand corner of the frame displays stats and takes smartphone control out of your hands. Bragging rights are built in: you can also get the distance, height, and airtime of jumps. THB 19,500

iTwin Connect Stealing away for a few minutes on your computer in a cafĂŠ can mean plenty gets stolen from you, like sensitive information, documents, and whatever else the free Wi-Fi has opened to your neighbors. But ZLWK WKH L7ZLQ &RQQHFW ZKDWHYHU¡V RQ \RXU ODSWRS LV MXVW DV VHFXUH ZKHQ LW¡V RXW DV ZKHQ LW¡V DW KRPH 7KH EXLOW LQ 931 VHUYLFH DOVR DOORZV IRU Ă€OH VKDULQJ remote desktop, and Windows network and printer sharing. THB 6,000

Pebble Smartwatch The Pebble has made the biggest splash in the smartwatch pond so far. It broke Kickstarter records, UDLVLQJ PRUH WKDQ PLOOLRQ DQG KDV Ă€QDOO\ JRQH into production. The Pebble moves smartphone QRWLĂ€FDWLRQV WR \RXU ZULVW SUHYHQWLQJ VLGHZDON slowdowns and restaurant rudeness. “The Pebble is still a work in progress, but a really cool work in SURJUHVV Âľ VD\V 3&0DJ¡V MXQLRU DQDO\VW (XJHQH Kim. THB 9,990

Razer Tiamat 7.1 7KHUH¡V D ORW RI ERDVWLQJ LQ gaming. If the Razer Tiamat 7.1 gaming headset could speak for itself, it would go on about its 7.1 surround button that makes for a full stereo experience. It also hides the mic when not in use and keeps controls to an in-line control box. THB 5,400

LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk Combination 6LWWLQJ NLOOV EXW D GHVN MRE GRHVQ¡W PHDQ \RX¡UH GRRPHG 7KH /LIH6SDQ 75 DT5 Treadmill Desk Combination lets you walk and work at your own pace. THB 45,000

Google Chromebook Pixel Like you, the Google Chromebook Pixel LV ,QWHUQHW GHSHQGHQW ,I \RX¡UH DOZD\V connected, it might be worth the $1,450 price tag for the charcoal anodized aluminium laptop that boasts a threeyear, 1TB Google Drive subscription. Streaming video and viewing photos is a pleasure on its screen, with a resolution of 2,560-by-1,700 and 239 pixels per inch. THB 15,000

Samsung Galaxy Camera EK-GC100

Kensington Proximo For those who regularly fail the “phone, keys, walletâ€? check, the Kensington Proximo is the answer. :LWK WKH VWDUWHU NLW XS WR Ă€YH LWHPV can be tagged with Bluetooth dongles and located with an app that detects their proximity. THB 2,250

The Samsung Galaxy Camera is in a universe of its own—not just a camera, not quite an Android SKRQH $W PHJDSL[HOV LW¡V WKH IDVWHVW ZD\ to get enviable Instagram shots in an instant. While you can XVH $QGURLG DSSV \RX FDQ¡W PDNH SKRQH FDOOV 7KH IDFW WKDW you get a media device and a feature-rich camera in one makes the Galaxy worth exploring. THB 9,270




Pomegranate Punica Granatum GRENADINE

The pomegranate or grenadine (Punica granatum) is a plant which is now attributed in further versions of the Lythraceae family (Lythraceae). Consisting of two types, genus Punica alone forms the subfamily Punicoideae (Horan.) SAGraham, Thorne & Reveal, some authors lead they even as its own monotypic family Punicaceae Horan. The home of the pomegranate is in Western and Central Asia. The genus name Punica is derived from Latin puniceus, “Punic� goes back to the Roman name for the Phoenicians. The species name granatum (from the Latin granum, “grain�, “core�, “seed�) was named because of the many numbers of fruit seeds contained in the whole fruit.

Habitus and leaves


The pomegranate grows as a small evergreen tree and is

The apple-like, initially green, later orange-red fruit is the OLPLWLQJ FDVH RI D EHUU\ EHFDXVH WKH IUXLW Ă HVK LV QRW Ă HVK\ EXW QRW OLJQLĂ€HG 7KH IUXLW KDV D GLDPHWHU RI XS WR FHQWLPHWUHV and is cross-divided by many walls.

often cultivated as a shrub; he reaches stature heights up to 5 meters, is up to 3 meters wide and can be several hundred years old. The bark is reddish brown to grey. The young twigs are often square. The leaf stalks are 2 to 10 millimetres long. Its mostly opposite, glossy, leathery leaves are - depending on the variety - about 2 to 10 inches long and 1-2 inches wide. Stipules are absent.


This results in chambers, in which there are angular seeds up to 15 millimetres in size, which are surrounded by a glassy, juicy, plump, deep red to pale pink coloured Sarcotesta that easily burst under pressure. The fruit contains about 400 seeds. The fruits do not ripen after harvest.

7KH SRPHJUDQDWH FRQWDLQV ODUJH DPRXQWV RI à DYRQRLGV n spring and summer it bears on the branch ends, large, such as anthocyanins and quercetin, polyphenols, mainly XUQ EHOO VKDSHG à RZHUV 7KH KHUPDSKURGLWH à RZHUV DUH ÀYH ellagitannins as punicalagin and phenolic acids such as ellagic to nine partions with double perianth. Their colour ranges acid and garlic acid. It is rich in potassium and contains, from orange to light yellow. There are many stamens present. among other vitamin C, calcium and iron.





Medical importance OYHU VFLHQWLĂ€F VWXGLHV VKRZ WKDW WKH SRPHJUDQDWH FRXOG have a positive effect on cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritis. However, most studies are experiments with cell cultures or animals. The transferability to humans is questionable. The pomegranate has even compared to red wine and blue berries, exceptional high amount of polyphenols, which may EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH SXWDWLYH EHQHĂ€FLDO KHDOWK HIIHFWV ,Q pomegranate products, there are considerable differences in quality and content of active polyphenols. On leukaemia cells, the polyphenols act from fermented pomegranate juice: The cells form either to healthy cells back (dedifferentiation) or are driven in a programmed cell death (apoptosis). The polyphenols also prevent that new blood vessels are formed (neoangiogenesis) - which complicates the spread of the tumour. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 45 patients with coronary heart disease, the daily administration of 240 ml of the juice of the pomegranate increased myocardial blood Ă RZ VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ 3RVLWLYH HIIHFWV ZHUH DOVR FKDUDFWHUL]HG LQ a study of patients with narrowed carotid artery. After one year of pomegranate consumption, the deposits reduced in WKH FDURWLG DUWHU\ E\ ZKLOH LW LQFUHDVHG VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ LQ the control group. 23

The city of Granada, the province of the same name, and many of the places and parts of the coat of arms of Spain, show the pomegranate in the coat of arms, representing the ancient kingdom of Granada after the takeover by the Christian rulers of Spain. Maybe even the city of Granada is named after the pomegranate. The surrounding countryside is still an important growing area today. In 2013, 44 clinical trials were registered with the US National Institutes of Health to examine effects of pomegranate extracts or juice consumption on a variety of human disorders, including Prostate cancer, Prostatic hyperplasia, Diabetes, Lymphoma, Rhinovirus infection, Atherosclerosis, Coronary artery disease, Haemodialysis for kidney disease, Osteoporosis. Dec 2014 APPROACH


Irrawaddy Dolphins Festival 1 November 2014 - 30 April 2015 Laem Krad Bay, Trat Tourists will surprisingly with Irrawaddy dolphins, Bottlenose dolphin, Humpback dolphin and Finless porpoise

1 November 2014 - 31 January 2015

/RS %XUL 6XQĂ RZHU Blooming Festival

Lopburi The festival is open around November till December in every year because it is the period when the VXQà RZHUV DUH LQ IXOO EORRP 7KH IHVWLYDO KLJKOLJKWV include photography, scenic, train / bicycle in the VXQà RZHU ÀHOG WKH GLVWULEXWLRQ RI 2723 SURGXFWV such as tours of soldiers living in the wild for recreational boating, tires, etc.

Chiang Rai Asean Flowers Fair 1 December 2014 - 31 January 2015 Rim Kok Park QHDU %DQ )DQJ 0LQ *RYHUQPHQW 2IĂ€FH Chiang Rai 7KH IHVWLYDO KLJKOLJKWV LQFOXGH VKLS SDUDGH RI Ă RZHUV 7LQ 7KDL 1JDP EHDXW\ FRQWHVW ZLQWHU Ă RZHUV SDUN DQG many species of orchids garden, orchids and decorated plants contest, gardening contest, agricultural market and agricultural academic exhibition. APPROACH Dec 2014



Hua Hin Vintage Car Parade 12 - 14 December 2014 Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan /HW¡V ZDWFK WKH YLQWDJH FDU SDUDGH IURP Bangkok to Hua Hin and around Hua Hin City. There is also taking the vintage car around the city for charity activity. And you will meet Long Buffet from famous hotels and restaurants of Hua Hin , as well as Gala Dinner night.

Chiang Mai Marathon 2014 21 December 2014 Chiang Mai Join the marathon race on the Christmas Day in the most famous tourist attraction in the North of Thailand, Chiang Mai, the city with the unique identity, full of natural spots, historical sites, traditional art and culture, local customs and festivals.

Thailand Countdown 2015 31 December 2014 - 1 January 2015 Throughout Thailand Help ring in the New Year and have a great time with traditional Thai activities by making New Year wishes in Bangkok or elsewhere throughout the kingdom with a roster full of entertainment and activities; such as, FXOWXUDO SHUIRUPDQFHV ODVHU VKRZV DQG ÀUHZRUNV IUHH 7KHQ RQ January, the Thai people will make merit at the temple, which is a tradition of requesting for a prosperous year ahead.




The Customs Department Import & Export of Goods & Pets GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS The following information broadly outlines what goods are prohibited or restricted and where you can obtain more information and in the case of restricted goods, to apply for permission to import to Thailand.

It is prohibited by law to bring the following items into Thailand.

7KH RIĂ€FHU ZLOO GHFLGH ZKHWKHU WKH SHW QHHGV WR JR into quarantine. Fees may need to be paid in order to complete the application process.

Obscene objects/literature/pictures - Pornographic PDWHULDOV *RRGV ZLWK D 7KDL QDWLRQDO Ă DJ RQ LW Narcotics e.g., marijuana, hemp, opium, cocaine, morphine, heroin and other synthetic drugs. Fake currency, bonds, or coins - Fake Royal Seals/ RIĂ€FLDO VHDOV ,35 LQIULQJLQJ JRRGV H J PXVLFDO WDSHV &' 9'2 FRPSXWHU VRIWZDUH &RXQWHUIHLW trademark goods.

Paperwork Required for Pets Entering Thailand:

The Ministry of Commerce designates classes of goods that are subject to import controls, which usually take the form of permission and licensing.

‡ $Q H[SRUW FHUWLÀFDWH IURP FRXQWU\ RI RULJLQ DUUDQJHG either by the pet carrier or vet ‡ $Q LPSRUW SHUPLW REWDLQHG RQ DUULYDO DW DLUSRUW LQ Thailand from the Animal Import desk ‡ ,GHQWLW\ DQG KHDOWK FHUWLÀFDWH LQ (QJOLVK VLJQHG E\ D registered veterinary surgeon in the country of origin describing the: Age - Breed - Sex, colour and markings - Name and address of the owner. Note: Animals must be resident in the country of export for at least six months before export. 9DFFLQDWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV

A number of goods also subject to import under control through or by other relevant agencies include:

The following vaccinations are currently required but could change. Approved rabies vaccine at least 15 days prior to the departure unless the country 9DFFLQH DJDLQVW /HSWRVSLURVLV DW OHDVW GD\V SULRU WR departure Animals should also be vaccinated against ‡ 7KH LPSRUW RI ZLOG IDXQD à RUD ÀVK DQG RWKHU DTXDWLF Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus at least 21 days fauna requires permission from the National Park, Wildlife prior to departure. and Plant Conservation Department, the Department of Cats should also be vaccinated against Feline Enteritis Agriculture, or the Department of Fishery as the case and Feline Flu may be. ‡ 7KH LPSRUW RU H[SRUW RI DQWLTXHV RU REMHFWV RI DUW requires permission from the Fine Arts Department. The import of weapons and ammunition, explosives, ÀUHZRUNV DQG UHDO DQG UHSOLFD ÀUHDUPV

Quarantine requirements:

Entering Thailand with a Pet Information about the restrictions and requirements when bringing your pet into Thailand... There are two ways of entering Thailand by air with a pet: As excess baggage or via a commercial pet carrier On arrival in Bangkok it is necessary to collect the pet. Take the pet to the Animal Import desk at the airport where the necessary paperwork must be completed. APPROACH Dec 2014


Thai regulations state that animals must be placed in quarantine for at least 30 days at approved premises at WKH RZQHU¡V H[SHQVH +RZHYHU WKH 5R\DO 7KDL &RQVXODWH in Hull, England explains on its website that “Feedback which we have received from other travellers indicates that pet dogs and cats are not usually quarantinedâ€?. For further detailed information, contact : Business & (VWDWH 2IĂ€FH ² .UDLYLW ² ZZZ N KXDKLQODZ\HU FRP 21/93 Western Railway Rd. Hua Hin – Phone : +66(0) 32 900 408 – Email:


TEL : 032 532 507



This has been such an issue in the UK that many people were using unauthorised schemes to access their pension cash and paying exorbitant fees to middlemen who arranged this for them. Such was the worry that the UK government has now changed the rules to allow anyone with a UK pension to take the whole pension fund as cash. Living in the UK if you want the cash you may have to pay up to 40percent tax. How does this affect me I hear you ask? Well in two ways. Firstly, if you are resident in Thailand and you have a UK pension scheme that you have not transferred out of the UK you need to think about doing this now.

would apply to QROPS plans, the government in Gibraltar acknowledged that they would incorporate the new rules into WKH SHQVLRQ OHJLVODWLRQ RQ WKH LVODQG 7KLV LV WKH ÀUVW VWHS ² the jurisdiction in which your QROPS pension is based must incorporate the new UK rules into their pension framework. %HFDXVH RI WKH IDFW WKDW WKHUH PLJKW EH D ODUJH RXWÁRZ RI funds, and the rules have to apply to local residents too, some countries have said they will not change their rules. So you might have to move your QROPS to somewhere else to get the cash.

The second step is checking the tax treatment between the Secondly, if you have already transferred your pension out country in which you reside and the country of your pension. RI WKH 8. WKHQ KHUH·V WKH JRRG QHZV ² \RX SUREDEO\ KDYH If there is a tax treaty in place the tax might be minimal. In a QROPS and the UK government has extended the new this case the treaty between Gibraltar and Thailand means the rate of tax deducted is only two and a half percent! Plus pension freedoms to these plans too. that only applies to some of the fund as a quarter can be What does that mean in practical terms? Well, depending on deducted tax free. where your pension is based, you might be able to get your KDQGV RQ WKH FDVK ZLWK YHU\ OLWWOH WD[ WR SD\ +HUH·V DQ H[DPSOH For your own security deal only with a UK chartered broker - ask for details. that I read from a pension provider based in Gibraltar. WKDLODQGH[SDWÀQDQFH#\DKRR FRP Following the announcement that the UK pension freedoms APPROACH Dec 2014


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THE WORLD´s GREATEST INVENTIONS TKH ZRUOG¡V JUHDWHVW LQYHQWLRQV FDPH GLG QRW QHFHVVDULO\ FRPH IURP WKH IHYHUHG PLQGV RI VROLWDU\ JHQLXVHV As you read this list of the inventions that changed the world, note how many of them perfected workable designs.

1. The Plow Compared to some of the gleaming, electronic inventions WKDW Ă€OO RXU OLYHV WRGD\ WKH SORZ GRHVQ¡W VHHP YHU\ H[FLWLQJ ,W¡V D VLPSOH FXWWLQJ WRRO XVHG WR FDUYH D IXUURZ LQWR WKH VRLO churning it up to expose nutrients and prepare it for planting. Yet the plow is probably the one invention that made all others possible. No one knows who invented the plow, or exactly when it came to be. Plows made the work easier and faster. ,PSURYHPHQWV LQ WKH SORZ¡V GHVLJQ PDGH IDUPLQJ VR HIĂ€FLHQW that people could harvest far more food than they needed to survive.

2. The Wheel The wheel is another invention so ancient that we have no way RI NQRZLQJ ZKR Ă€UVW GHYHORSHG LW 7KH ROGHVW ZKHHO DQG D[OH PHFKDQLVP ZH¡YH IRXQG ZDV QHDU /MXEOMDQD 6ORYHQLD DQG dates to roughly 3100 B.C. The wheel made the transportation RI JRRGV PXFK IDVWHU DQG PRUH HIĂ€FLHQW HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ DIĂ€[HG WR KRUVH GUDZQ FKDULRWV DQG FDUWV +RZHYHU LI LW KDG EHHQ XVHG RQO\ IRU WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ WKH ZKHHO ZRXOGQ¡W KDYH been as much of a world-changer as it was. In fact, a lack of quality roads limited its usefulness in this regard for thousands of years. A wheel can be used for a lot of things other than sticking them on a cart to carry grain, though. Tens of thousands of other inventions require wheels to function, from water wheels that power mills to gears and cogs that allowed even ancient cultures to create complex machines. APPROACH Dec 2014


3. The Steam Engine Prior to the invention of the steam engine, most products were made by hand. Water wheels and draft animals provided the RQO\ œLQGXVWULDO¡ SRZHU DYDLODEOH ZKLFK FOHDUO\ KDG LWV OLPLWV The Industrial Revolution, which is perhaps the greatest change over the shortest period of time in the history of civilization, was carried forward by the steam engine.

4. The Automobile – Gotlieb Daimler – Germany – 1889 If the steam engine mobilized industry, the automobile mobilized people. While ideas for personal vehicles had been DURXQG IRU \HDUV .DUO %HQ]¡V 0RWRUZDJHQ SRZHUHG E\ an internal combustion engine of his own design, is widely FRQVLGHUHG WKH Ă€UVW DXWRPRELOH +HQU\ )RUG¡V LPSURYHPHQWV in the production process -- and effective marketing -- brought the price and the desire for owning an auto into the reach of most Americans. Europe soon followed. 7KH DXWRPRELOH¡V HIIHFW RQ FRPPHUFH VRFLHW\ DQG FXOWXUH LV hard to overestimate. Most of us can jump in our car and go wherever we want whenever we want, effectively expanding WKH VL]H RI DQ\ FRPPXQLW\ WR WKH GLVWDQFH ZH¡UH ZLOOLQJ WR drive to shop or visit friends. Our cities are largely designed and built around automobile access, with paved roads and parking lots taking up huge amounts of space and a big chunk RI RXU JRYHUQPHQWV¡ EXGJHWV 7KH DXWR LQGXVWU\ KDV IXHOHG HQRUPRXV HFRQRPLF JURZWK ZRUOGZLGH EXW LW¡V DOVR JHQHUDWHG a lot of pollution.

TECHNICAL SCIENCE the world. A computer is a machine that takes information in, is able to manipulate it in some way, and outputs new information. There is no single inventor of the modern computer, although the ideas of British mathematician Alan Turing are considered HPLQHQWO\ LQĂ XHQWLDO LQ WKH Ă€HOG RI FRPSXWLQJ 0HFKDQLFDO computing devices were in existence in the 1800s (there were even rare devices that could be considered computers in ancient eras), but electronic computers were invented in the 20th century. Computers - -RKQ 9 $WDQDVRII &OLIIRUG ( %HUU\ 86$ –Computers are able to make complicated mathematical calculations at an incredible rate of speed. When they operate under the instructions of skilled programmers, computers can accomplish amazing feats. Some high-performance military 5. The Light Bulb DLUFUDIW ZRXOGQ¡W EH DEOH WR Ă \ ZLWKRXW FRQVWDQW FRPSXWHUL]HG 7KRPDV (GLVRQ ² 86$ ,I WKHUH¡V D FRPPRQ WKHPH DGMXVWPHQWV WR Ă LJKW FRQWURO VXUIDFHV &RPSXWHUV SHUIRUPHG WR WKLV OLVW LW¡V WKDW QR PDMRU LQYHQWLRQ FDPH IURP D VLQJOH the sequencing of the human genome, let us put spacecraft stroke of genius from a single inventor. Every invention is built into orbit, control medical testing equipment, and create the by incrementally improving earlier designs, and the person FRPSOH[ YLVXDO LPDJHU\ XVHG LQ Ă€OPV DQG YLGHR JDPHV XVXDOO\ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK DQ LQYHQWLRQ LV WKH Ă€UVW SHUVRQ WR PDNH it commercially viable. Such is the case with the light bulb. We immediately think of Thomas Edison as the electric light EXOE¡V LQYHQWRU EXW GR]HQV RI SHRSOH ZHUH ZRUNLQJ RQ VLPLODU ideas in the 1870s, when Edison developed his incandescent bulb. Joseph Swan did similar work in Britain at the time, and eventually the two merged their ideas into a single company, Ediswan. Today, our world is Ă€OOHG ZLWK SRZHUHG GHYLFHV WKDQ ZH FDQ SOXJ LQ SUHWW\ PXFK anywhere. We have the light bulb to thank for it.

7. The invisibility cloak 2013 - Nowadays, the optical meta- materials are being researched to achieve the invisibility. These meta-materials have the property of refracting some wavelengths instead of UHà HFWLQJ WKHP +HQFH WKDW¡V ZK\ WKDW WKH\ ORRN LQYLVLEOH This invisibility property of these materials is dependent upon how they are structured, rather than their composition. These materials do not exist but can be created. There are thousands of other inventions that have changed our lives or have an impact on our daily being.

6. The Internet and Computers - Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) at the Dept. of Defense USA. 1969 The Internet, a network of computers covering the entire planet, allows people to access almost any information located anywhere in the world at any time. Its effects on business, communication, economy, entertainment and even politics are profound.

6XFK RWKHU LQYHQWLRQ GHÀQLWHO\ LQFOXGH The Airplane – Wilbur & Orville Wright – USA – 1903, Aerosol Can – Erik Rotheim – Norway – 1926 , CD Disk – Philips Electronics – Netherlands – 1980, Electric Guitar – Les Paul / Gibson – USA -1941, Telephone – Graham Bell – 1876 - Scotland.

The Internet may not have changed the world as much as WKH SORZ EXW LW¡V SUREDEO\ RQ SDU ZLWK WKH VWHDP HQJLQH RU automobile. The Internet is such a powerful invention that Take a look at an interesting listing at : http://www. ZH¡YH SUREDEO\ RQO\ EHJXQ WR VHH WKH HIIHFWV LW ZLOO KDYH RQ 33



New Year´s Party Beauty Weapons


HDYH \RX GHFLGHG ZKLFK 1HZ <HDU·V SDUW\ \RX ZLOO MRLQ WKLV \HDU" , DOUHDG\ KDYH WRR PDQ\ LQYLWDWLRQV WR FRXQW , SODQ RQ VWRSSLQJ WKURXJK DOO RI WKHP WR PDNH VXUH , GRQ·W miss out on any of my New Year fun! Consequently, I have to make sure my beauty lasts through the long night of celebrating. I would love to introduce all of you girls to my New Year party beauty weapons in this issue.

By Natcha Boonkrong

After you beautifully apply foundation, you GRQ·W QHHG WR SXW DQ\ heavy or thick powder on afterwards. Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder absolutely works with good full coverage foundation.This translucent powder might not cover scars or blemishes all by itself, but instead provides an amazing JORZLQJ ÀQLVK WKDW ORRNV QDWXUDO DQG QHYHU FDNH\ RU FKDON\ 7KLV OLWWOH EDE\ GRHVQ·W FKDQJH WKH FRORXU RI WKH foundation or your face. No matter how many parties I have to join that day, I am certain that it helps extend the life of my make up throughout the night. There is no harm in patting your favourite pressed power on top of this Laura Mercier to give you a sexy look for the evening.

) HYHU\RQH·V IDYRXULWH IXOO FRYHUDJH )RU IIRXQGDWLRQ LV ´0$.( 83 )25(9(5 +' Invisible Cover Foundation If you are a makeup lover, you would know for sure how well this sweetie really works on \\RXU VNLQ ,W GRHVQ·W VHWWOH LQWR ÀQH OLQHV like other cheaper options. It is also llightweight and very easy to blend. At tthe party, you want to make sure that \RXU IDFH ZRQ·W JHW RLO\ RU IDGH DIWHU \ dancing. Drinking alcohol at the party d can raise your body temperature and cause your makeup to sweat off. c Full coverage and reliable foundation is very important weapon for preparing your skin. This foundation is a holy-grail for acne and discoloration concerns. Just clean your face up well after parties.




2Q VSHFLDO HYHQWV OLNH D 1HZ <HDU¡V SDUW\ , OLNH WR GR something a bit more fun and interesting from my regular basis. Contouring or shading helps to give you that VXSHUPRGHO ORRN , DGPLW WKDW PRVW RI XV $VLDQV GRQ¡W have the facial structure or features like Westerns do. (Sad but true!) Thanks God! There are many smart people who create handy products to create a Photoshop look for us. Chanel Soleil Tan de Chanel Bronzing Make up Base is one of a must to have bronzers. It works perfectly ZLWK WKH LQFOXGHG EUXVK VR ZH ZRQ¡W KDYH DQ\ SUREOHP with applying it on our face. There are different ways to contour your face, and depends on your general face shape. To make contouring work, we contour to sculpt cheek bones, slim jaw lines and narrow your nose and forehead. It is not easy to make perfect contours on your face but practice makes perfect!!

Last but not least Illamasqua Pur e Pigment Shimmer with any colour is fabulous for the holiday season. Festivals such as Christmas and New Year are a few occasions that we can real ly play with special makeup looks. You can hav e fun with this lovely versatile product, with wet or dry versions. When you add sealing gel, it creates glamorous eye liners. Using a highlighting brush with light colours can emphasize some areas you need to be standing out more prominently. Illamasqua Pure Pigm ent comes with 8 shimmer shades with high pigm entations. It gives you blinking metallic eyes in a frosty white colour called “Sta tic Iridescent silver�, which you can use to highlight the tip of your eyes anytime. Othe rwise you can pop it on top of your mat t eye shadow that you already have in your makeup bag. All other glittery dark er colours are great for making attractive smoky eyes for night parties.

od idea to lour. It is not quite a go Co Lip on lm Sa n ow i Br ates makeup Less is more with Bobb part of your face. It cre ery ev on up ke ma ck h a soft matt put too much heavy, thi is a luxurious colour wit ck sti Lip on lm Sa n ow OH[LRQ 7KH overload look! Bobbi Br WHQ XS \RXU VNLQ FRPS LJK EU DQ U F ORX FR DUP DFK Z SXW JORVV VDWLQ Ă€QLVK 7KLV SDOH SH HDU¡V SDUW\ \RX FDQ DOVR Z < 1H XU \R RU ) QJ WKL HYHU\ JUHDW FRORXU JRHV ZLWK . shimmer or extra shine me so nt wa u on top if yo dy to rock ders are more than rea I know my Approach rea just right is The big holiday season their New Year parties. HDXW\ H E HV WKRVH ZKR FDQ¡W JUDE WK cret DURXQG WKH FRUQHU )RU se t las no worries! I still have my s. weapons on time, then rtie pa at us eps you looking fabulo II J R weapon that always ke ZLQ KR J D VLQFHUH VPLOH DQG V on ,W¡V \RXU 60,/( :HDULQ ap we ty lity is the greatest beau your charming persona world more tive spirit and make the on earth. Enjoy the fes HZ <HDU¡V PH \RXU IXQ RU FUD]\ 1 MR\IXO )HHO IUHH WR VKDUH liday ho Happy stories at Approachnatc




socialist government disclosed that there is a black hole in *UHHFHÂ?V DFFRXQWV +H GLVFORVHG WKDW WKH EXGJHW GHĂ€FLW ZRXOG be double the previous government estimate and will hit 12% of the GDPĂœ. *UHHFH SURPLVHG IRUFHIXO DFWLRQ WR FXW LWV EXGJHW GHĂ€FLW DQG LPSURYH WKH TXDOLW\ RI LWV RIĂ€FLDO VWDWLVWLFV DIWHU LWV (XURSHDQ DOOLHV YRLFHG XQXVXDOO\ VWURQJ FULWLFLVP RI WKH QDWLRQ¡V PDQDJHPHQW RI LWV SXEOLF Ă€QDQFHV 7KH QHZV GHOLYHUHG DW D PHHWLQJ RI (XURSHDQ 8QLRQ Ă€QDQFH ministers, came as an unpleasant but not entirely unexpected VXUSULVH WR *UHHFH¡V (XUR]RQH SDUWQHUV 7KH\ DOUHDG\ VXVSHFWHG WKDW WKH JOREDO Ă€QDQFLDO FULVLV DQG UHFHVVLRQ ZRXOG KDYH D PXFK PRUH VHULRXV LPSDFW RQ *UHHFH¡V GHĂ€FLW DQG public debt than had been admitted in Athens. *HUPDQ\ DQG RWKHU FRXQWULHV WKDW HPSKDVLVH Ă€VFDO ULJRXU DUH GHWHUPLQHG WKDW WKH HXUR]RQH¡V VWDELOLW\ ZDWFKHG PRUH FORVHO\ than ever by markets since the eruption of the crisis, should not be jeopardised by the inability or reluctance of Greece and RWKHU OHVV GLVFLSOLQHG VWDWHV WR NHHS WKHLU Ă€QDQFHV LQ RUGHU Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the so-called Euro group of countries, declared: “The game is over. We need serious statistics.â€? 7KH XSURDU RYHU WKH VL]H RI *UHHFH¡V GHĂ€FLW UHFDOOHG DQ LQFLGHQW at the start of the decade, when Greece under-reported its GHĂ€FLW LQ RUGHU WR TXDOLI\ DV WKH WK PHPEHU RI WKH (XUR]RQH in 2001. In September 2010 ,UHODQG¡V FHQWUDO EDQN DQQRXQFHV WKDW WKH cost of bailing out Anglo Irish Bank, nationalized by the Irish government in January 2009, could reach as much as â‚Ź34.3 ELOOLRQ ELOOLRQ 7KLV SXVKHV ,UHODQG¡V EXGJHW GHĂ€FLW WR 32 percent of GDP. In May 2011 - European leaders approve a â‚Ź78 billion ($110 billion) bailout package for Portugal on the condition that 3RUWXJXHVH RIĂ€FLDOV LPSOHPHQW D VHULHV RI DXVWHULW\ PHDVXUHV In August 2011 - Interest rates on 10-year Italian government ERQGV WRS SHUFHQW DV FRQĂ€GHQFH LQ WKH FRDOLWLRQ OHG E\ ,WDOLDQ 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU 6LOYLR %HUOXVFRQL LV XQGHUPLQHG E\ %HUOXVFRQL¡V SHUVRQDO VFDQGDOV ,WDO\¡V ½ WULOOLRQ WULOOLRQ SXEOLF GHEW falls under increasing scrutiny from investors; at 120 percent RI *'3 ,WDO\¡V UDWH RI LQGHEWHGQHVV LV VHFRQG RQO\ WR *UHHFH among euro-zone countries.

by devaluing the franc and pegging its value to that of the euro. In December 2011 – A war of words erupts between France and the United Kingdom in the wake of the December 9 summit, as markets react with ambivalence to the measures SURSRVHG WKHUH )LWFK ORZHUV )UDQFH¡V HFRQRPLF RXWORRN WR ´QHJDWLYH Âľ DQG 0RRG\¡V FXWV %HOJLXP¡V FUHGLW UDWLQJ 7KH HXUR continues its seven-month slide against the dollar, as analysts cite a lack of decisive action on the part of EU leaders and the European Central Bank for the loss of faith in the single FXUUHQF\ (8 3UHV +HUPDQ 9DQ 5RPSX\ DWWHPSWV WR UHSDLU the breach with Cameron by extending “observerâ€? status to WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP LQ WKH Ă€VFDO XQLRQ QHJRWLDWLRQV On December 21 - 2011 the European Central Bank (ECB) extends â‚Ź489 billion (nearly $640 billion) in loans to more than (XURSHDQ EDQNV 7KH ORQJ WHUP UHĂ€QDQFLQJ RSHUDWLRQ is designed to prevent a credit freeze, and it represents the largest such deal in ECB history. The three-year loans are RIIHUHG DW D Ă€[HG SHUFHQW LQWHUHVW UDWH DQG WKHLU ZLGHVSUHDG adoption indicates a radical shift in the mood of the private banking sector, which had long held capital injections from central banks to be anathema Cyprus - In an effort to shore up its undercapitalized banking VHFWRU &\SUXV EHFRPHV WKH Ă€IWK HXUR ]RQH FRXQWU\ WR DSSO\ for bailout assistance. Close economic ties to Greece have rocked Cypriot banks, and their exposure to the troubled Greek economy—through private loans and the purchase of Greek government debt—amounts to some 160 percent of &\SUXV¡V *'3 Where is Germany in all this ? : In the second quarter of this year the German economy shrank by 0.2%. Economists expect it to contract again in the third quarter, meaning that the economy will technically be in recession. Some believe that the economy will not grow until the middle of next year. This has taken some people by surprise 7KH *HUPDQ HFRQRP\ ZDV VXSSRVHG WR EH (XURSH¡V powerhouse. What went wrong? The German economy is powered by exports. Its currentaccount balance (the difference between the money it receives from the outside world and what it spends abroad) is one RI WKH ZRUOG¡V ODUJHVW DW RI *'3 6R ZKHQ *HUPDQ\¡V exports fall by 6%, as they did in August, you know it is bad news. In recent months the global economy has turned against Germany. About 6% of German exports go to China, especially what economists call “capitalâ€? goods such as heavy machinery. &KLQD¡V HFRQRP\ LV VORZLQJ LQ *'3 JURZWK ZDV but this year it will be more like 7%. What is more, China is rebalancing away from investment—which requires capital goods—towards consumption, which does not. Germany has also been hit by slow growth in the 17 other euro-zone countries, where it sends 40% of its exports. To add to this PHVV 5XVVLD ZKLFK WDNHV RI *HUPDQ\¡V H[SRUWV LV IDFLQJ a full-blown economic crisis as low oil prices and Western sanctions hit home.

In September 2011 Switzerland, a non-EU country surrounded by euro-zone economies, has watched its currency, the franc, appreciate dramatically against the struggling euro. With export and tourism revenues falling, the Swiss National Bank stuns the international currency market

Germans should worry about their economy, but so should the rest of the world. In 2013 Germany hauled the euro zone out of recession; the zone could badly do with another boost. The German government needs to ramp up investment. Unless Germany steps up, the problems could get much worse.

Eurozone Debacle HOW DID IT ALL START ? By GMoss

On the 19th 0f October 2009 George Papandreou´s new




New York – Singapore San Francisco - Madrid Rise of the Super Cities will Generate Double Digit Rental Growth over the next Five Years

Rising new technology industries and economic recovery are

7KH UHQDLVVDQFH RI GHPDQG IRU 0DGULG¡V RIĂ€FH PDUNHW ZLOO VHW WR GULYH GRXEOH GLJLW UHQWDO JURZWK LQ WKH Ă€IWHHQ OHDGLQJ see it achieve substantial growth and join Singapore as the ELJJHVW PRYHUV LQ WKH WRS WHQ OLVW RI RIĂ€FH PDUNHWV JOREDOO\ *OREDO &LWLHV RYHU WKH QH[W Ă€YH \HDUV RYHU WKH QH[W Ă€YH \HDUV With rents at the start of a new cycle, a new wave of property development is expected to accommodate future economic growth. Building will be focused on new districts, like New <RUN¡V %URRNO\Q DQG 1LQH (OPV LQ /RQGRQ 6N\VFUDSHUV ZLOO be the preferred means of maximising sites to deliver large volumes of space.

5HVWULFWHG VXSSO\ RI QHZ RIĂ€FH VWRFN LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK WKLV heightened demand for commercial space will see vacancy rates diminish in key cities by 2019 with the average vacancy rate dropping to just 6.3 per cent in the top 10 cities globally. 9DFDQF\ UDWHV LQ 7RN\R DQG /RQGRQ ZLOO GURS WR MXVW DQG 4.4 per cent respectively.

James Roberts, at Knight Frank, said: “Premium pricing for real estate is found in those cities with the most high value NQRZOHGJH ZRUNHUV ZKLFK FRQVHTXHQWO\ DWWUDFW WKH ZRUOG¡V leading corporations. 7KHVH DUH WKH Âś*OREDO &LWLHV¡ DQG WKH WKH\ DUH VHW WR H[SHULHQFH GRXEOH GLJLW UHQWDO JURZWK LQ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH RIĂ€FH PDUNHWV due to substantial demand and restricted supply of new commercial stock.

“The knock on effect of the global cities growth will also see investors target new frontiers as they look to growth in HPHUJLQJ PDUNHWV :H H[SHFW WR VHH $IULFD¡V PDWXUH PDUNHWV of Kenya, and Nairobi in particular, Botswana, South Africa DQG 1LJHULD WR EHQHĂ€W &DSH 7RZQ -RKDQQHVEXUJ DQG /DJRV are all strategic hubs in the continent as is Dubai as it services D JURZLQJ Ă RZ RI $IULFDQ ,QYHVWPHQW &DSLWDO Âľ

“The race for knowledge workers and the attractiveness of Ă€UPV RSHUDWLQJ LQ WKHVH VHFWRUV LV ERUQH RXW E\ RXU SUHGLFWLRQ IRU RIĂ€FH UHQWDO JURZWK ZLWK 6DQ )UDQFLVFR¡V UHQWV OHDGLQJ the way with an increase of 36.2 per cent by 2019, driven by WKH HIIHFW RI 6LOLFRQ 9DOOH\ Âľ

Courtesy of Kníght Frank Bangkok - For further information, please contact: Alice Mitchell, corporate pr manager, Knight Frank, +44 (0)20 7861 5168 John Williams, head of PR, Knight Frank – 020 7861 1738







Saga Tailor offers the the largest supply of high quality fabrics, ranging from the best Egyptian cotton to authentic Thai Silk.

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The 31st. Thailand Motor Expo 2014





OThailand is the largest vehicle manufacturer in the ASEAN organisation with a production capacity up to 2 million units per year, half of which is exported to overseas markets. 7KH 0RWRU ([SR PDUNV WKH ÀQDO EX\LQJ VHDVRQ RI WKH \HDU ZLWK DXWR FRPSDQLHV RIIHULQJ DWWUDFWLYH VDOHV SURPRWLRQV and launch new models.


apanese automaker Mazda will present a sedan version of the new Mazda2 & 3. The new Mazda2, powered by a 1.5-litre Skyactiv diesel HQJLQH LV WKH Ă€UVW PRGHO WR EH PDGH XQGHU WKH JRYHUQPHQW¡V (FR &DU 3KDVH SURMHFW $OWKRXJK LW ZLOO EH RIĂ€FLDOO\ launched early next year, pre-orders will be accepted at the Motor Expo.

Mazda 3

Other models expected to gain strong interest from buyers DUH WKH +RQGD +5 9 1LVVDQ ; 7UDLO DQG 0LWVXELVKL 7ULWRQ 689V DQG GRXEOH FDELQ SLFN XS WUXFNV

Honda Jazz










AOWKRXJK 7KDLODQG·V DXWR PDUNHW KDV EHHQ KLW KDUG this year by the political situation, a slowing economy DQG VWULFW ORDQ DSSURYDOV E\ ÀQDQFH FRPSDQLHV DOVR caused sales dives from January to September. Sales losses are more than 37 % to 648,410 vehicles and many expect the year to end at slightly over 900,000 vehicles.

MG 6

The total passenger car market this year has slowed down by as much as 45 % to just 273,000, while the commercial vehicle market has fallen by 30 % to just over 320,000 to date. Some of the upgraded, face lifted, most popular models ZKLFK \RX FDQ ÀQG DW WKH 0RWRU ([SR DUH GHWDLOHG EXW SULFHV in Thailand were not revealed yet. 41



Wednesday 24 th December 2014


from 7.00 p.m. onwards at the Resort Splash Pool Bar Please join in a delightful Christmas eve dinner under the stars and indulge in an exclusive International buffet menu with a welcoming glass of champagne.



Our Executive Chef and his team will open the dinner with a delicious roasted turkey and the opening of the champagne ceremony with a traditional saber. Sit back and view the variety of dance performances or get into the dance groove with our award winning DJ.

POWER TEE COMPETITION Tee time 12.00 p.m.

THB 2,100.- per person inclusive of caddy and snack following game.

THB 2,100++ per person

Golf carts are optional at THB 750.- (1 person)





Tee time 12.00 p.m. Free to Qualified Pairs. Limited to 24 pairs

THB 3,500.- per person for non qualified players inclusive of dinner

13 SAT

GOLF & BBQ DINNER Afternoon golf tournament. Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a sunset BBQ at Mulligan’s Pub.

THB 3,600.- per person inclusive of golf, cart, caddie and barbecue Golf carts are optional at THB 750.-(1 person)

THB 950.- barbecue only

14 SUN

BANYAN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS The tournament is for members and invited guests to enjoy the activity. Stroke-Play and the low Gross score, in both Men’s & Ladies Division. The respective Champions prizes will include the annual membership fees for 2015 being waived and their names will be added to the “Wall of Champions” in Mulligan’s Pub. Tee time 12.30 p.m. The tournament is for members and invited guests to enjoy the activity.

THB 1,500.- per person (Members), THB 3,500 (Members Guests) inclusive of tournament fees, caddy fees & tournament dinner

24 WED



J oin our exclusive “Penfolds Wine Dinner” at The Terrace Restaurant. The evening will commence with Champagne cocktails followed by great food and wine at 6.30 p.m.

Wednesday 31 st December 2014

THB 3,000.- per person

7.00 p.m. - 3.00 a.m. at the Resort Splash Pool Bar

25 THU


Retro theme, dedicated to peace and love, disco dancing, crazy clothing, and groovy music. Let the last day of 2014 be the greatest and wildest start for 2015.

Our Chefs will create a wonderful Christmas Day lunch buffet, featuring traditional roast turkey and all your favorite dishes inclusive of special offers on all Wines from The Cellar. Activity corner for kids.

THB 1,000.-per person, half price for children under 12 years old

Featuring the award winning powerhouse DJ! Michael Jackson Impersonator Show! Top of the rock Break Dancers! The sizzling and Wild Madonna! Pump it out to the 80’s and 90’s vibe, lucky draw and a whole lot more. Lavish International Buffet and bubbly on arrival.

THB 4,500.- per person and half price for children under 12 years old



+66 (0) 3261 6200, Twitter: @banyan_thailand


20% OFF before 15th December Resort

+66 (0) 3253 8888, Twitter: @banyan_thailand


Mercy House in Pranburi


0HUF\ KRXVH LV DIÀOLDWHG WR WKH (YDQJHOLFDO )HOORZVKLS RI Thailand charitable foundation. A committee of 7 people share responsibility with Mr. Wichai and Mrs. Wanpen as managers, ZLWK RI WKH ÀQDQFLDO VXSSRUW QHHGHG FRPLQJ IURP 6ZHGHQ and the rest from voluntary gifts donated by individuals and groups interested in Mercy House.

Home, Mercy House, out of compassion for the many needy children in their district. This also included disabled children and those whose parents had abandoned them or were divorced. Many of the children are from the Karen tribe. No child is rejected on ethnic or religious grounds. It was started in a small way with just eleven children in one building that ZDV RIWHQ Ă RRGHG DQG PRVTXLWR LQIHVWHG 6LQFH WKHQ WKHUH Mercy House welcomes visitors and it would be appreciated if has been steady progress and today there are 24 children you contact Mr. Wichai before by telephone (Thai only) or by letter. The telephone number is 032-621905, 081-9411770. at Mercy House. Email: A workshop was built in September 2006, enabling the children Address: 18/15 Tessabaan street 1, Tanbon Khao Noi, Amphur to pursue work skills for their future careers. The discipline Pranburi, Prachuabkirikharn 77120 Thailand. of the children is strict and loving like a true family. They are all expected to learn to look after themselves and their possessions as well as share together in work and play.


Bangkok Bank - Pranburi branch - Account name: Mercy House - Account number: 419-0-28591-8/ SWIFT code: BKKBTHBK Dec 2014 APPROACH






Ginkgo is one of the oldest plants used in herbal and natural medicine, as well as in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and probably the oldest NQRZQ WUHHV RQ HDUWK *LQNJR %LORED EHQHĂ€WV DUH QRZ FRPPRQO\ XVHG today for memory loss and degenerative diseases of the brain and central nervous system. *LQNJR LV XVHG WR LPSURYH EORRG Ă RZ WR WKH EUDLQ ZKLFK DOVR KHOSV WR SUHYHQW strokes, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other diseases of peripheral circulation. Ginkgo may reduce the risk of heart attack. In the same way improved blood Ă RZ KHOSV RWKHU YLWDO DUHDV RI WKH ERG\ *LQNJR PD\ SUHYHQW WKH EORRG FORWV that cause them. Taken orally, Ginkgo is known to have the properties that can help in improvement in symptoms of clogged arteries, like painful legs. This herb in conjunction with regular exercise and walking, is something that is good for everyone. It is said to both protect and promote memory and mental function, even ZLWK $O]KHLPHU¡V GLVHDVH ZKLFK LV PDUNHG E\ D PDMRU ORVV RI QHUYH FHOOV in the brain. Since doctors have found that antioxidants help to slow the GHVWUXFWLRQ RI QHUYHV LW LV QRW D IDU VWUHWFK WR WKLQN WKDW *LQNJR¡V DQWLR[LGDQW properties may help in this area. Studies have been made with geriatric patients that showed measurably improvements with senile dementia. It KDV EHHQ VKRZQ WR EH EHQHĂ€FLDO IRU $'' LPSURYHPHQW RI VRFLDELOLW\ PRRG anxiety and nervous tension. Ginkgo helps promote good sexual health. Male impotence (erectile dysfunction) has been helped by the use of Ginkgo Biloba. For women ZKR VXIIHUHG VH[XDO GLIĂ€FXOWLHV ZKHQ WDNLQJ DQWLGHSUHVVDQWV KDYH VKRZQ improvement after 6 months of use, claiming that it enhanced orgasm and excitement. Main Nutrients: Amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5 and C. Contraindications: If you are on any medication, speak (aspirin, warfarin, etc.) speak with your doctor before taking Ginkgo. And discuss its use before having surgery, if you are pregnant or if you take painkillers or antiLQĂ DPPDWRU\ PHGLFDWLRQ RU PHGLFDWLRQ IRU VZHOOLQJ RQ D UHJXODU EDVLV Disclaimer: The information presented herein by New Way Herbs is intended for informational use only. These statements are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider. 47







Tennis in Thailand Tennis was introduced in Thailand by Europeans. The two most famous Thai Tennis players are : Paradorn Srichaphan, born 14 June 1979) is a former SURIHVVLRQDO WHQQLV SOD\HU IURP 7KDLODQG +H ZDV WKH Ă€UVW PHQ¡V VLQJOHV SOD\HU IURP $VLD WR EH UDQNHG LQ WKH WRS RI the ATP rankings, reaching a career high world no. 9. His nickname is “Ballâ€?. Paradorn started his professional ATP career in 1998. He remained in the lower ranks of the professional circuit for several years. He managed to get into the top 30 after defeating Andre Agassi in Wimbledon. ,Q KH ZRQ KLV Ă€UVW $73 OHYHO VLQJOHV WLWOH WKH +DPOHW Cup. He reached the fourth round in Wimbledon where he ZDV EHDWHQ E\ $QG\ 5RGGLFN +DYLQJ EHFRPH WKH Ă€UVW SOD\HU to defeat Rafael Nadal in a Grand Slam, he also reached the fourth round in the US Open. By the end of the year, he was ranked World No. 11 in the ATP rankings.

TKH ÀUVW 7KDL ZKR SOD\HG WKLV JDPH ZHUH VWXGHQWV FDPH back from Europe after their study. The Royal family of Thailand played the major role in the starting development of tennis in Thailand.

Tamarine Tanasugarn, born 24 May 1977) is a professional Thai ladies tennis player. She was born in Los Angeles, United States and turned professional in 1994. She has been in the top 20 in the world in both singles and doubles.

In 1926 king Prajadhipok founded the Lawn Tennis Association of Thailand at Saralom Garden. 2IĂ€FLDO UHJXODWLRQV RI WKH RUJDQLVDWLRQ VWDUWHG LQ $SULO 1927 after a meeting of 12 associations, among others : The Amusement Association and the Railway Association. The decision was made to settle the regulation of the Lawn Tennis Association of Thailand as a supreme governing body of tennis in Thailand.

7DPDULQHCV KLJKHVW :RPHQ¡V 7HQQLV $VVRFLDWLRQ :7$ ZRUOG ranking was no. 19, achieved on 13 May 2002, which is the highest ranking ever achieved for a Thai female player. She KDV ZRQ IRXU VLQJOHV WLWOHV DQG Ă€YH GRXEOHV WLWOHV 6KH ZDV EULHĂ \ D GRXEOHV SDUWQHU ZLWK 0DULD 6KDUDSRYD ZLWK ZKRP she won two titles in 2003. Her highest world doubles ranking was no. 15, which she achieved on 13 September 2004.

The Lawn Tennis Association of Thailand (LTATis the national governing body of tennis in Thailand and one of the oldest organised sports governing bodies. The main aims of the organisation is to develop international level tennis players, improve the infrastructure for tennis and to popularise tennis. APPROACH Dec 2014






9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ LV EUHDNLQJ QHZ JURXQG DV WKH YHU\ Ă€UVW Âś:DWHU -XQJOH¡ WR RSHQ LQ $VLD ZLWK H[FHSWLRQDO DQG H[FLWLQJ slides and rides - including the only looping slide in Thailand, but also a designed landscape containing 200,000 new trees of various species in 20 rai (3.2 hectares) of well-planned grounds. 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ RIIHUV 7KDLODQG¡V ORQJHVW KLJKHVW DQG PRVW H[KLODUDWLQJ ULGHV ,W LV DOVR WKH YHU\ Ă€UVW ZDWHU SDUN LQ Thailand ensuring the highest international safety standards, enabling it to operate at night and creating a combined water park, entertainment and dining venue. ´:H KDYH OLIH JXDUGV DOO FHUWLĂ€HG E\ (OOLV $VVRFLDWHV from the United States, to deliver the safest family recreation. Guest safety is top priority. We ensure that guests can enjoy rides in a timely fashion while staying safe in the water,â€? said General Manager Mike Fijas who is also the Current Chairman of the World Waterpark Association Safety Committee.

VANA NAVA Hua Hin Water Jungle

9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ ZLOO IHDWXUH 7KH $E\VVÂŒ WKH ODUJHVW slider in the world, imported to Thailand. It accommodates up to six persons on a single ride and is the highlight attraction RI 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ $ 7KDLODQG¡V WDOOHVW %RRPHUDQJRÂŒ which takes four persons in a raft ride of heart-stopping and KH KLJKO\ DQWLFLSDWHG 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ $VLD¡V ZLWK YHUWLFDO GURSV 7KH VWXQQLQJ 9DQD 1DYD )DOOV ZKLFK First Water Jungle, a 1billion Baht, world-class leisure towering at 31 meters is the tallest manmade mountain with destination from Proud Real Estate Co., Ltd., is ready to waterfalls in Asia. ´:H DUH YHU\ FRQĂ€GHQW WKDW RXU ZDWHU MXQJOH ZLOO VLPSO\ EH open its doors to the public on 1 December 2014. WKH Ă€UVW RI LWV NLQG LQ 7KDLODQG ,I \RX DUH D UHDO ZDWHU SDUN






fan, this is what you will expect from the world water park. Not only will we have the most exciting rides and slides, but also combine the spectacular wonders of nature with state of the art technology,� explained Ms. Proudputh Liptapanlop, &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÀFHU

at the Surf Zone, which is well positioned to become the new entertainment hub of Hua Hin consisting of a Double Flow Rider as well as a bar, a game arcade and a DJ which will open late into the night. ‡ 0XDQJ 7KDL /LIH $VVXUDQFH ZLOO SURYLGH WKH EHVW IDPLO\ entertainment at the Rain Fortress, a large play structure with 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ LV SRLVHG EH RQH RI $VLD¡V EHVW IDPLO\ 7 slides and a large bucket which tips over a large amount of leisure destinations, with world-class acts and events taking water every 4-5 minutes. place throughout the year within the park. ‡ +RQGD VXSSOLHV WKH ZDWHUSDUN ZLWK YHKLFOHV UXQ RQ JDVRKRO bringing awareness to the importance of a sustainable Even 24 hour water experiences are possible and thanks to development. Both being true believers of creating positive all of the pools being beautifully lit with LED lighting at night. EHQHĂ€WV IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\ DV ZHOO DV WKH HQYLURQPHQW WRJHWKHU ZLWK 9DQD 1DYD 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ LV GHVWLQHG WR HDUQ D UHSXWDWLRQ DV WKH ´%HVW ZDWHUSDUN LQ WKH $VLD 3DFLĂ€F UHJLRQ Âľ Opening on 1 December 2014, daily admission fee to Water Jungle Zone starts at Baht 1,000 per adult and Baht 9DQD 1DYD +XD +LQ DQG WKHLU IRXU OHDGLQJ EXVLQHVV SDUWQHUV 600 per child, with a Family Package for 2 adults and 2 Chang International Company Limited, Muang Thai Life children at Baht 2,600. Assurance Public Company Limited, True Corporation Public Company Limited and Honda Automobile (Thailand) Ltd., hope Operating time during regular seasons is 10 am - 6 pm, to bring as much as 300,000 visitors to the Water Jungle and and 10 am - 9 pm during peak season and on public +XD +LQ 7RZQ ZLWKLQ WKH Ă€UVW \HDU holidays. Other promotions and packages will be available according to upcoming festivals and seasons. The company expects 70% to be Thai residents, but hopes to increase the proportion of overseas tourists to a more even For more information, and to check out special deals or the VSOLW ZLWKLQ Ă€YH \HDUV 7KHUH ZLOO DOVR EH \HDU URXQG IHVWLYLWLHV dress code, simply log onto the website at and events. ‡ 758( VSRQVRUV WKH 6OLGH -XQJOH D ODUJH WRZHU ZLWK RI the fastest slides. ‡ &KDQJ ZLOO EH SURYLGLQJ ´PRPHQWV WRJHWKHU PDGH PHPRUDEOHÂľ 53



What the best Educational Systems are doing right IT IS NOT ABOUT FINDING THE RIGHT SCHOOL Fifty years ago, both South Korea and Finland had terrible

individual relationships with students and intervening regularly in peer relationships.

education systems. Finland was at risk of becoming the economic stepchild of Europe. South Korea was ravaged by civil war. Yet over the past half century, both South Korea and Finland have turned their schools around – and now both countries are hailed internationally for their extremely high educational outcomes.

The reality is, in the modern world the kid is going to have to know how to learn, how to work hard and how to persist after failure. The Korean model teaches that.�

Finns believe important learning happens outside the classroom.

The Korean model: Grit and hard, hard, hard work. For millennia, in some parts of Asia, the only way to climb WKH VRFLRHFRQRPLF ODGGHU DQG ÀQG VHFXUH ZRUN ZDV WR WDNH an examination — in which the proctor was a proxy for the emperor. Those examinations required a thorough command of knowledge and taking them was a gruelling rite of passage. Today, many in the Confucian countries still respect the kind of educational achievement that is promoted by an exam culture. Among these countries, South Korea stands apart as the most extreme, and arguably, most successful. The Koreans have achieved a remarkable feat: the country is 100 percent literate, and at the forefront of international comparative tests of achievement, including tests of critical thinking and analysis. But this success comes with a price: Students are under enormous, unrelenting pressure to perform. Talent is not a consideration — because the culture believes in hard work and diligence above all, there is no excuse for failure. Children study year-round, both in-school and with tutors. If you study hard enough, you can be smart enough. In Korea, the goal is for the teacher to lead the class as a community and for peer relationships to develop. In American preschools for example, the focus for teachers is on developing APPROACH Dec 2014


Finland has a short school day rich with school-sponsored extracurricular. In Finland, school is the center of the community. School provides not just educational services, but social services. Education is about creating identity. Finnish culture values intrinsic motivation and the pursuit of personal interest. A third of the classes that students take in high school are electives and they can even choose which PDWULFXODWLRQ H[DPV WKH\ DUH JRLQJ WR WDNH ,W¡V D ORZ VWUHVV culture, and it values a wide variety of learning experiences. Teachers in Finland teach 600 hours a year, spending the rest of time in professional development. In the U.S., teachers are in the classroom 1,100 hours a year, with little time for feedback. Today, the American and European culture of choice puts the RQXV RQ SDUHQWV WR Ă€QG WKH ´ULJKWÂľ VFKRROV IRU WKHLU NLGV UDWKHU than trusting that all schools are capable of preparing their children for adulthood. Their obsession with talent puts the RQXV RQ VWXGHQWV WR EH ´VPDUW Âľ UDWKHU WKDQ RQ DGXOWV¡ DELOLW\ to teach them. And the US antiquated system for funding schools makes property values the arbiter of spending per student, not actual values.




You are the Solution to your Problems YOUR PROBLEMS ALL HAVE THIS IN COMMON

by : Shawn Carpenter

People are always looking for what my wife calls, “the next

internal change. Beyond that, here are 3 questions you can VKLQ\ Âľ 7KH\¡UH DOZD\V WKLQNLQJ WKDW WKH JUDVV PLJKW EH JUHHQHU DVN DQ\WLPH \RX Ă€QG \RXUVHOI UHYHUWLQJ WR ROG OLPLWLQJ SDWWHUQV and habits: on the other side. Sometimes‌ it is. Most of the time? What am I focused on? - What meaning am I giving this? - What am I going to do about it? You can change all sorts of things in your life: Your job - Your career - Your house - Your spouse - Your country ‌‌‌

7KH Ă€UVW TXHVWLRQ while obvious, still escapes people in the midst of struggle. Instead of focusing on what they have to EH JUDWHIXO IRU VROXWLRQV DQG ZKHUH WKH\¡UH JRLQJ WKH\ IRFXV on everything that is not working.

But, no matter what you do, no matter where you go‌ ‌you still take you with you, your problems ! <RX FDQ¡W UXQ DZD\ IURP \RXU SUREOHPV <RXU SUREOHPV FRPH ZLWK \RX 6RPHWLPHV LW¡V QHFHVVDU\ WR PDNH D FKDQJH IRU DOO NLQGV RI UHDVRQV ² VDIHW\ LQFRPH YDULHW\ $QG WKDW¡V important. At times, the change can trigger more permanent change inside you. Most of the time, however, after the QRYHOW\ RI VRPHWKLQJ KDV ZRUQ RII RU \RX¡YH UXQ RXW RI ZLOO power, you will revert to the same habitual emotional and behavioural patterns that have always controlled your life. Think about it: How many times have people made all kinds of changes and wound up exactly where they were when they started? Broke, miserable, depressed and confused. So‌ what can you do about it ? If a physical change is necessary use it as a catalyst for APPROACH Dec 2014


The second question is even more important. Nothing in life has an inherent meaning. As human beings, we have a tremendous power to assign things meaning (eg: suppose a FRXSOH KDV WKHLU ÀUVW PDMRU DUJXPHQW 2QH SDUWQHU EHOLHYHV that the relationship is over, while the other views it as a challenge, that, when overcome, will bring them closer together). The third question is your point of transformation. You are the cause of your problems only you are also the solution. As a Master Life Coach/Strategic Interventionist, Shawn K. Carpenter helps people create permanent transformation and success in life. For a Strategy Session with him, go to









Motorbike Insurance in Thailand

No matter how well YOU drive, how often you drive or what

We can offer policies that will indemnify you for compensation distances you cover, at some point in time you will need the awarded in court and costs associated with defending the EHQHĂ€W RI 0RWRUELNH LQVXUDQFH <RX PD\ EH WKH EHVW GULYHU claim, both of which may be in the world, unfortunately that means that everyone else In addition it may be wise to consider a Personal Accident LVQ¡W WKHUHIRUH WKH OLNHOLKRRG LV WKDW DQ DFFLGHQW ZLOO KDSSHQ Insurance plan which provide comprehensive coverage for We select not only the companies that provide the best level you and your family, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. of cover, but also the ones that deal with accidents and claims, Not only Thailand. TXLFNO\ DQG HIĂ€FLHQWO\ 3 $ LQVXUDQFH SD\V D OXPS VXP EHQHĂ€W LQ WKH HYHQW RI If you require 1st class, have a large bike or a Harley Davidson, death or dismemberment plus weekly indemnity during the please contact us for a quote. We can provide nearly any disability period including murder and assault, the sum insured level of insurance you require, and, as we are a Brokers we depending on the plan selected. FDQ Ă€QG WKH ULJKW LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQ\ DQG SROLF\ WR VXLW \RXU $GGLWLRQDO EHQHĂ€WV ([WUD &DVK 5HOLHI LQ FDVH RI D IDWDO requirements and at no extra cost to you. accident within 10 working days after receiving the validated If your Motorbike causes bodily injury to, or damages the 'HDWK &HUWLĂ€FDWH LVVXHG E\ WKH ODZIXO $XWKRULW\ property of, a third party you may be held liable. Your case Traditional Medication Expenses : Remark: It is a condition will be subject to jurisdiction. When a product causes damage, WKDW WKH Ă€UVW WUHDWPHQW LV GRQH E\ D OHJDOO\ the right to take action is certainly not a right limited to citizens OLFHQVHG SK\VLFLDQ RU VXUJHRQ $ OXPS VXP EHQHĂ€W LQ HYHQW of the disappearance of the insured person of the USA or other litigation-conscious after 1 year from date of disappearance. countries. Motorcycling Risk. Note: usually 50% of Sum Insured. Greater value for your spouse and children

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Entertainment Review

Reviews by Zara Adcock

A Discovery Of Witches by Deborah Harkness, 2011 If you enjoyed Twilight but are looking for something more mature, Deborah Harkness’s debut novel, A Discovery of Witches is the right book IRU \RX ,Q WKLV DOPRVW SDJH QRYHO WKH ÀUVW LQ D WULORJ\ DERXW IRUELGGHQ love, a book of secrets, and the four creatures (witches, vampires, daemons and humans), we meet Diana, a respected historian and undercover witch who knows what she wants and works hard to get it – without using her magical inheritance. Studying in Oxford’s Bodleian Library like any regular scholar, Diana checks out a book for her research, unknowingly unleashing long buried feelings, laws and chaos. Supernatural creatures attack, beg, and persuade her to share the book’s secrets with her, to hand it over‌or else. One vampire’s attention, however, isn’t solely on the book he wants, but on the witch who has taken away years of ingrained beliefs when he begins to fall for her. As war blooms between the creatures of earth, harsh magical violence is described in a handful of chapters. It should also be noted that the sexual intimacy in this novel makes this book unsuitable for young readers. A Discovery of Witches is a gripping, well-paced, and deliciously magical book for adult readers of fantasy, mystery, and/or romance.

Mr. Peabody and Sherman (2014) PG This quality animation is about an unlikely set of heroes and improbable situations. Mr. Peabody is a dog – an unusual, literate, intelligent, and abundantly talented dog that adopts a child named Sherman, invents a time-machine, and takes his son back in WLPH WR VWXG\ KLVWRU\ Ă€UVW KDQG %XW 6KHUPDQ¡V JUHDWHVW DGYHQWXUH \HW VWDUWV ZLWK KLV Ă€UVW GD\ RI school where he accidentally unleashes a chain of events that change the world. Despite its unlikely plot, Mr. Peabody and Sherman is D FRPLFDO IDPLO\ Ă€OP IRU DJHV DERXW IDPLO\ DQG knowledge that will also amuse older audiences. Parents may want to note that there is some theatrical violence and a police car chase (Mr. Peabody is almost beheaded during the French Revolution, Sherman signs up for the Trojan war, and they both bite humans out of desperation), but there is no gore or death shown. The topic of boyfriends and girlfriends is also frequently broached in a comical light, even though Sherman and his peers are VXSSRVHGO\ LQ Ă€UVW JUDGH DQG WKH\ KDYH RQO\ NQRZQ each other for a day.



ACROSS 1. Hurried and untidy handwriting (6) 5. Pompous walking gait (6) 7. Fairy-tale character known for its unusual name (15) 10. Redden with embarrassment (5) 11. Deceive (5) 12. Magical creature said to help Santa Claus (3) 13. Weak (6) 5LQJ RI à RZHUV RU OHDYHV used as symbolic decoration (6) 17. Secure cabinet for valuables (4) 18. Apex (4) 19. Animal’s foot (3) 20. Type of primate (3) 24. Immense (4) 25. Mythical Roman creature (4) 26. Mistake (5) 27. Long for (5) 28. Magic spell (3) 29. Copper and zinc alloy (5)

DOWN 2. Break into small pieces (7) 3. Woman’s name (5) 6WXG\ RI FHOHVWLDO LQà XHQFH

5. Part in the middle (5) 6. Item of sentimental value (7) 8. Exactly vertical (5) 9. Set of furniture (5) 13. Celebration (9) 14. Make bigger (7) 15. Cover for candy bar (7) 16. Joy (9) 21. Direct (5) 22. Rhyme (5) 23. Proposal (5)


What did the zero say to the eight? I like your belt. * 7ZR Ă€VK DUH LQ D WDQN 2QH WXUQV WR WKH RWKHU DQG VD\V ´+H\ GR \RX NQRZ KRZ WR GULYH WKLV WKLQJ"Âľ * Why do humming birds hum? Because they don’t know the words. Jokes courtesy of Ben Adcock.

Puzzle P zzz Fun! page 18 by Zara Adcock Pu Copyright Š 2014 Zara Adcock Copy o

The Giant Bookworm Part Eight $ȷɰʙLɈ The Story So Far: When Sal, the last giant living left Reckwood Village with a library in his hand, he had no idea that an orphaned girl named Amelia was sleeping inside it…or that she’d become his librarian. An unlikely friendship has sprouted between them, but Sal has gleaned a suspicion that could change everything…



he closer I got to Reckwood, the more I sensed something wasn’t right. When I reached the edge of the village, I saw it. About a third of the houses had been abandoned. “What happened?” I said, but of course, no was around to answer. I quickened my pace.

you’d I am living with Sal now and not to worry about him attacking Reckwood again, that’s all.” I thought I was making progress, I could see Mrs Better wanting to believe me…until the door to the adults’ private parlour door creaked open, and Madame Cole stepped through.

It was my first day off, and I had asked Sal if he’d carry me over the valley so I could go into Reckwood. I had decided I should tell Madame Cole and the housekeeper, Mrs Better, that I would no longer be living at the orphanage, and to make sure the other orphans weren’t worried about being snacked on by a giant. To my surprise, Sal agreed, and we decided to meet at the edge of the valley at sunset.

“Employed by a giant, are we Amelia?” Not we, I wanted to say, I. “Do you honestly expect us to believe that?” I started to shake. Mrs Better was a bag of nerves with the inability to be still, but everyone knew Madame Cole was the reason why. Madame Cole took one stride over to the table, snatched my satchel off my shoulder and emptied the contents onto the wooden surface. The real gold coins Sal had given me to buy supplies with (“heirlooms” he had called the coins when I asked where they had come from) rolled across the table, and Madame Cole’s hands closed around them.

I actually sighed with relief when I saw that the orphanage was still there, trembling slightly with the pitter-patter of children’s feet running down the halls and bursting outside into the morning sunshine. I saw that the square hole where the library wall used to be, had been unsuccessfully curtained with an old sheet. A group of children were playing DuckDuck-Goose in front of it. As I got closer, one girl with ebony skin leapt from the circle and sprinted towards me. “You’re alive!” Orthella gasped. “Amelia’s alive!” the other children forgot their game to come up and touch me, checking I wasn’t a ghost, and rushing inside to tell the others. I could already hear the whispers of the other children, the beginnings of imaginative rumours: “Do you think she escaped and ran all the way back to Reckwood?” “Maybe he made her his slave and she poisoned his food!” Before I met Sal, I was just another nameless orphan. Now I was a legend, though it didn’t feel like an improvement. “Amelia?” said Mrs Better, she pushed her way through the children and took my cheeks into her wrinkled hands. “Oh my dear girl, you must be exhausted!” Mrs Better hooked her arm under my armpit and hustled me indoors to the kitchen, where she began rummaging about for something – to feed me. “I’m okay Mrs Better. I already ate,” Her eyes narrowed. “Sal, I mean the giant, he didn’t mean to kidnap me. He just wanted the library. He’s really kind too. I am his librarian now, so everything worked out how it’s meant to. I just came to say thank you for looking after me and tell

“He’s paid you to lie to us! Amelia I knew you weren’t very bright, but I honestly didn’t suspect you were an imbecile or that you had so much greed you couldn’t see danger when it hit you on the head.” My insides were boiling. My skin grew red-hot with anger. I pressed my lips together, just holding my rage inside. “I don’t care what that beast has told you, you are staying here.” And with that, I exploded: “I’m better off with Sal than I ever was here!” I wanted to say more. I wanted to tell her that she was a mean person. That she smelt terrible, and that she was greedier than all the orphans put together for stealing Sal’s heirlooms. But I mustn’t have been thinking straight, because all the sudden I was sobbing. “Stress exhaustion?” Mrs Better offered. Madame Cole shook her head. “She just wants our pity, ungrateful child. Lock her in the girl’s dormitory.” I thrashed and squirmed in an attempt to break free, but it wasn’t Mrs Better’s first time dragging unwilling children up the rickety staircase for punishment. When the moon came out, Orthella crawled into bed next to me, and stroked my hair back as if to comfort me. Sunset had long gone, and I hadn’t returned to the valley. What would Sal think of me? What if he didn’t think of me at all?

To Be Continued… By Zara Adcock Copyright © 2014 Zara Adcock



SPOT THE DIFFERENCE ANSWERS 1. DICES: have been moved, red die is on board, 4 turned to a 6. 2. Lone Community Chest card has been swapped for face-down Chance card. 3. Chance and Community Chest piles swapped. 4. The Car has been moved to Jail. 5. The Shoe has been replaced with the Iron. KRXVHV RQ ÀUVW SORW D KRWHO RQ WKH QH[W 7. At the bottom, the pile of 5s and 1s have been swapped. 8. At the top, a 500 note has been added. 9. Notes in tray have been straightened. 10. The Hat is on Go. 11. The light blue card is missing. 12. Set of pink cards down the bottom. 13. 1 house on right side of board. 14. Pile of 10s missing from right side of board.

Puzzle Fun! page 18 by Zara Adcock Copyright Š 2014 Zara Adcock


66 6

Wellness Resort Hua Hin O

n Soi 102, is located a brand new walled serviced Apartments building with time sharing possibilities has been created by the owner Khun Ratchadaporn Nantatanakron. 7KH FRPSOH[ FRQWDLQV à RRUV RI IRXU WZR EHGURRP IXUQLVKHG DLU FRQGLWLRQHG DSDUWPHQWV ZLWK VDWHOOLWH 79 DQG ,QWHUQHW $ OLIW WDNHV \RX XS WR WKH XSSHU à RRUV 7KH UHFHSWLRQ GHVN DV ZHOO DV D UHVWDXUDQW DUH ORFDWHG RQ WKH JURXQG à RRU *XHVWV ZLOO DOVR EH DEOH WR HQMR\ D EHDXWLIXO VZLPPLQJ SRRO DV ZHOO DV MDFX]]L DQG D VSD 7KHUH LV DPSOH FRYHUHG SDUNLQJ VSDFH IRU RZQHUV and tenant’s cars. .KXQ 5DWFKDGDSRUQ 1DQWDWDQDNURQ RIIHUV D \HDU VXEVFULSWLRQ IRU 7+% ZKLFK PDNHV \RX FR RZQHU WRJHWKHU ZLWK RWKHUV RFFXS\LQJ WKH DSDUWPHQW IRU ZHHNV D \HDU )RU 7+% 0LR WKH WLPH VKDUH LV IRU \HDUV $QG PRQWKV RI VHOI XVH or rent out. Should investors not want to stay at the Wellness 5HVRUW WKHPVHOYHV WKH DSDUWPHQW UHQWV RXW IRU 7+% a month (Utility charges included: water, electricity, cleaning service). Khun Nantatanakron takes a 10% commission. Contact for further information Mob.: +66(0) 32 526 634


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onas, age 23, is from Sweden. He ÀUVW FDPH WR 7KDLODQG RQH \HDU DJR ZLWK KLV SDUHQWV DQG LPPHGLDWHO\ IHOO LQ ORYH ZLWK 7KDL FXOWXUH DQG SHRSOH He likes Hua Hin and its beaches and GHFLGHG WR LQYHVW LQ D EDU )RUPHUO\ KH ran a cookie and box packaging business, as well as managing a restaurant and bar in Sweden; now he owns Bentro sport bar in Hua Hin.

PROMOTIONS!!! 24 December 2014 Free food and karaoke 31 December 2014 Countdown Free food all night


DUDPRWRU Ă LJKW LV RQH of the safest forms of aviation.The Paramotoring industry evolved out of the IUHH Ă LJKW 3DUD JOLGLQJ VSRUW DQG KDV EHFRPH ZLOGO\ SRSXODU for aviation enthusiasts of all ages, through paramotoring FOXEV FRPSHWLWLRQV DQG WUDLQLQJ operations running worldwide. 3DUDPRWRULQJ LV FRQVLGHUHG to be one of the safest forms of aviation due to the low air speed and the inherent stability RI SHQGXODU Ă LJKW 6SHFLĂ€FDOO\ SDUDPRWRULQJ Ă LJKWV RSHUDWH





rs. Warinthon Falshoj was born on the 1st of February 1978, in Chonburi. Her Danish husband, Mr. Jakob Falshoj, was born on September 14, 1974. They got married in 1998 and have an eight years old son: Oskar Falshoj. They moved to Hua Hin in 2001. Sawan Travel Co., Ltd in 2006 (www.sawanasia. travel), at 1/10, Sasong Road, Huahin was their Ă€UVW SURMHFW Warinthong also has a partnership in Sky Club 7KDLODQG &R /WG ZZZ VN\FOXEDVLD FRP D Paramotor business in Phuket and Pranburi. Currently, she is a member of Hua Hin Women’s &OXE /LRQ +XD +LQ &OXE DQG +XD +LQ &KD¡DP 7RXULVP $VVRFLDWLRQ


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OPENING! 30 November 2014 PROMOTION! From 25 December 2014 to 11 January 2015, 30% off every order (apart from drinks)

Riot Cafe. at Hua Hin Village Road


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Hua Hin Golf Villa located close to Klaikangwol Palace, just over a kilometer to down town and 100 meters walk to the beach on Soi 41. Our rooms seamlessly blend the traditional DQG WKH FRQWHPSRUDU\ 7DVWHIXO WHDN IXUQLWXUH DQG ZRRGHQ Ă RRULQJ LV FRPSOLPHQWHG E\ IUHH wireless internet service and satellite TV. Hua Hin Golf Villa: 11/185 Soi 41, Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110. Tel: (032) 531392-6 Fax: (032) 512085 and

Hua Hin Golf Tours LV 7KDLODQG¡V Ă€UVW UHJLVWHUHG JROI WRXU FRPSDQ\ (VWDEOLVKHG LQ ¡ Ă€ I ZLWK KHDGTXDUWHU ORFDWHG LQ +XD +LQ ZH KDYH VHUYHG RYHU VDWLVĂ€HG JROIHUV Our Services ‡ *ROI 3DFNDJHV +XD +LQ &KD DP 3DWWD\D %DQJNRN 3KXNHW &KLDQJ 0DL &KLDQJ 5DL Riverkwai-Kanchanaburi, etc. ‡ *ROI 5HVHUYDWLRQV ‡ +RWHO 5HVHUYDWLRQV ‡ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQV ‡ *ROI ([FXUVLRQV ‡ *ROI /HVVRQ &OLQLF ‡ 7RXUV 6LJKWVHHLQJ ‡ (WF ‡ *ROI 6FKRRO Hua Hin Golf Tours Co, Ltd.: 2/136 Naebkahards Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110 Tel: (032) 530119, 530476-8 Fax: (032) 512085 and

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50m. away from the beach 4 bedrooms with AC, 3 bathrooms 1 living room + 1 kitchen 1 private pool



30-50m. away from the beach 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms 1 private pool

3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 1 Western kitchen

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BAAN MON MAI 2 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 kitchen 1 living room

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he Electric Mango is situated among a orchard of Mango Trees a bit off set Soi 112 a few hubnder meters before the abandoned Floating Market 1.

You enter the private road to Electric mango from Soi 112 where you turn left coming from town at Cheap Charlie´s opposite Baan Dusita 1 Compound. The open cocktail bar with two pool tables and a large screen TV to watch your F1 race and soccer, rugby events faces an enormous lawn with is partly converted into a large swimming pool with a beach like area to relax. A kid´s playground with slides and swings and plenty of running space. 4 salas equipped with the latest Karaoke equipment crown the culinary establishment. The prices are very reasonable and affordable for families. Khun Namfon , the General Manager overviews the premises with her usual charm and grace.

086 175 1209

Rual Road 2052 Amphoe Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand 77110

Springfield Royal Country Club

Palm Hills Golf Resort & Country Club Imperial Lake View Hotel and Golf Club

Black Mountain Golf Course

Majestic Creek Country Club

Royal Hua Hin Golf Course


Directory Important Telephone numbers in Hua Hin & Where to go Police Police Emergency Hua Hin Local Police Station Hua Hin Tourist Police – Speak English Ambulance ( Private Enterprise) Fire Brigade Tourist Authority of Thailand Tourist Information ( English Spoken) Information (English Spoken ) Hospitals Bangkok Hospital San Paolo Hospital Hua Hin Hospital Petcharat Hospital - Petchaburi Pediatric Clinic - Dr. Sumet Alternative Medicine –at the San Paolo Hospital Hua Hin Red Cross Transportation & Trains Railway station – Trains to BKK and South Bus station of Hua Hin – VIP bus to Suvannabhumi Airport ( Single trip THB 305) Hua Hin airport - Flights to BKK and Chiang Mai Local Authorities Department of Land Hua Hin office Local Government (Hua Hin) Hua Hin local water supply The Power Board of Hua Hin Red Cross Wild life Rescue Center

191 032 533 440-1 032 515 995 032 532 576 199

032 511 351 032 611 491 032 602 019 032 616 800 032 520 402 032 520 401. 032 417 070-8. 032 533 404. 032 520 343 032 512 567.

032 512 770, 032 511 073 032 511 654, 032 512 543, 032 511 230 032 520 343

032 536 164, 032 512 407 032 521 340, 032 532 471 032 511 677 032 512 215, 032 513 165 032 512 567 032 458 135

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