January Issue

Page 1

APPROACH Cover story:

New yea r a n d i ts history

MAGAZINE HUA HIN ISSUE 12: ja nu a ry 2014 FR EE COPY ISSN 2286-9409









irst of all I would like to thank you all for supporting us in 2013 and wishing you a happy new year! Without your support we would not have been able to progress as we have. Our staffs have worked like horses as we do drive a hard bargain. Compared to many other magazines we have come a mile and a half in a short time with only 4 on board. Thanks also to all of you that contributed editorials such as our dear Zara Adcock, Dr. George Grossniklas, Night Frank in Bangkok, Hua Hin after Dark and last but not least our investor, sponsor, mentor Peter! For 2014 we will keep on giving full throttle and improve here and there. Now to 201, what was the best speech of the year in my humble opinion, I chose the short speech comrade Putin made to his parliament. As it is too long for this page, here a shorter version: “In Russia live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia , to work and eat in Russia , should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer religious law and live the life of their believe, then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture .We better learn from the suicides of America , England , Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. Minority religious groups are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia! Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of minority religions. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the religious Minorities are Not Russians “. Mr. Putin received a five minute standing ovation. We were fortunate not to be delayed by the Demos in BKK as our printer is on the other side of the river, which is our side, the west bank. At the time of these Demos, I was in BKK attending a UN sponsored conference on Food Security by the AIDF (Aid & International Development Forum – www.aidforumonline.org).This conference forum was co-sponsored by companies such as DuPont, Hexagon, Nutriset and Monsanto. More about this highly interested meeting inside. All seemed peaceful until later, after I left. Further, no comment. Our King was presented with a beautiful birthday present as the parade in town and in front of the Palace entrance wished him many more wonderful years of health.


- Gerard Mosselman

Creative Director

- Ralph Ruijs

- Wanwisa Boonchub

Address: 38/212 Block C10 Petchakasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110 Tel:

089-009-8560, 085-214-2274


approachhuahin@gmail.com editor.approach@gmail.com

Website: www.approach-thailand.com Company Registration Number: 0775552001773

Call Khun Weena Tel: 092-260-3455 APPROACH




ISSUE 5: JUNE 2013








Pages: 70

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Graphic Designer

- Pimpawee Chotisupapokin

Yours Truly,


Office Manager

Gerard Mosselman (GMoss) Chief Editor

have been living in Thailand for more than a decade, maybe even worked here, bought property and paid taxes. But as a university professor in Chiang Mai, clearly stated and I quote: “Foreigners are the cause of Thailand’s problems. I would like to see them leave.”(from Thaivisa).Wow...this woman teaches University students, the future of Thailand! Cheerio. Our monthly Multi Culti event has shown that a lovely coexistence, with a lot of fun among multi cultural community and many Thai nationals in not only very possible but called for a regular event. With all this we should however not forget that most of us are guests in this country and should abide, accept, live, according to Thai culture which is based on happy, polite and helping each other. Any other place you think is better? Wanna forget how to smile amazingly? Go to our beloved Europe. I am staying here. Looking forward to a fresh year, both our Multi Culti Lizzy and myself will continue to support & promote charity work. Therefore APPROACH and on behalf of Hot Hua Hin as well, please help us help others. APPROACH and Lizzy can be contacted at all times if you would like to donate and support the underprivileged, the Needy.


Advertisement Sales - Paweena Kasing

All of Thailand is always in thought of his Majesty, the father of the nation. I was reading that some of the immigration regulations will or have been planned to change and make it practically impossible for retired couples to continue living in this beautiful country. Why this sudden atrocity? Many married retirees’ wives have had none or little income in the past, as the husbands worked and the wives raised the family and to produce THB 1.6 million for a 1 year O Visa is not possible. Many of these





FR EE COPY ISSN 2286-9409




ISSN 2286-9409

ISSN 2286-9409

Or Call: 032-900-319 Email: salesapproach@gmail.com editorapproach@gmail.com

Read us online wherever you are at: www.approach-thailand.com All materials published in Approach Magazine are copyrighted and all rights are reserved.

CONTENT 8 Hua Hin Society


10 Cover Story 12 Classical Concert at Dusit Thani 14 Thailand Top 10 Tourist Destinations 18 Sukothai, The Ancient Capital of Siam 20 Birds of Thailand 26 Financial Leadership 28 The Wall Street Waggle 32 Cool Stuff


34 Vintage Cars in Hua Hin 36 Retirement Visa 38 The Sea Market Restaurant 42 The New Presidential Villa at Hyatt 44 Cuisines of the World 46 Feeding the World 48 Detox Your Body






Golf with Tom


King’s Cup at Black Mountain


Orchid Palm Homes, A Success Story


Hua Hin Property Market News


Helping Kids in Need


Zara’s Recipes


Puzzle Fun!


“Feet” by Zara Adcock


Hua Hin Map






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86th Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej

Photo Credit: Whale Studio Limited Partnership. Tel: 032 530 689 Mob: 086 339 8308, 084 322 8233 Email: whalestudio.huahin@gmail.com APPR OACH M AGAZINE






To See and be Seen in Hua Hin


e received multiple requests not to print names under the pictures at events. After checking out a row of magazines, both national and international, apart from the gossip magazines, apart from press releases, we decided not to print names any more of local residents. May those wanting their names under the pictures forgive us.

Advertise in A PPROA C H M A G A Z I N E !

Call 092-260-3455 Or Call: 032-900-319 Email: salesapproach@gmail.com

Multi Culti Event at Hilton


nother successful Multi Culti event at the Hilton. This time the venue was moved to the Beach garden in order to accommodate the enormous ticket sales of 140 covers ! Folks from all over the world, yes !, were gathered for this monthly event of chat, eat, dance and sing. Especially welcome were some illustrious guests such as Colin De Jong, ex Elvis interprete and charity promoter, Ashu and Gritta from Saga Tailor, Khun Tu and Hans from Mai Tai Lounge, Miss Taan from Expat Solutions and many other guests. It goes without saying that this event is the most successful one we have had in years in Hua Hin. It is a festival and celebration of the nations , brotherhood and fellowship. Friends among Friends. 10% of the proceeds go to the less privileged kids coordinated by the tireless work of our Lizzy.

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Read us online wherever you are at: www.approach-thailand.com

cover story

New Year and Its History



ew Year’s Day is the first day of the calendar year. Celebrated in almost every country today, January 1st has only been recognized as a

holiday by Western nations for approximately 400 years. Since earliest times, people have sought to satisfy the deep-rooted longing for recreation by celebrating the New Year. New Year festivals mark the pivotal point where time is deemed to begin anew. Few Westerners, for example, realize that their New Year horns and fireworks were once used as tools intended to banish evil spirits. Although they had no written calendar, ancient Babylonians (who resided in modern day Iraq) celebrated the beginning of a New Year on what is now March 23rd, the time of year when Spring arrives and new crops planted. It was a festival which lasted for 11 days, during which the King was stripped of his clothes and banished. For a few days, the people could do as they pleased. Upon the return of the King...in grand procession and wearing fine robes...the Babylonians went back to work and behaved in proper fashion.

Ancient Egyptians originally celebrated the New Year with the Feast of Opet around the middle of June, which was when the Nile River usually overflowed its banks. Consequently, people were unable to work and would be free to take par t in the festivities.


Phoenicians and Persians proclaimed the beginning of the New Year on the Autumnal Equinox (September22nd). Early Greeks first observed the occasion at the Winter Solstice (December 21st) and later, at the Summer Solstice (June 21st).

The Romans initially observed their New Year in March, a festival which they called Calends or Kalends. It was a time when people decorated their homes with lights and greenery and gave each other gifts carefully chosen for their luckbringing proper ties. The festival lasted for three days, during which time slaves and masters dined together and normal rules of the society were put on hold while everyone was permitted to do what they pleased. The Emperor and other select politicians would usually be presented with gifts and wishes of good fortune for the year ahead. Julius Caesar established what was to later be known as the Julian Calendar. Again, it designated January 1st as the New Year but, in order to synchronize the calendar with the Sun, Caesar was obliged to allow the previous year to continue for 445 days. New Year’s Day became a Holy Day in the Christian Church in 487 A.D., when it was declared the Feast of the Circumcision. January 1st became generally recognized as New Year’s Day in the 1500s, when the Gregorian Calendar was introduced.



cover story

By this time, the Julian Calendar, once more out of calibration, placed the first day of the year 13 days later on January 14th.

The Celts, a race of people who lived in Gaul (now known

as France) and some areas of Britain prior to the Roman invasion celebrated their New Year at the end of October. The festival was called Samhain, which means “summer’s end.” When the Roman legions arrived in England, they found that the Druid priests celebrated their New Year on March 10th. The priests would cut branches of mistletoe which grew on the sacred oak and give the boughs to the people for charms.

The early English adopted many of the Roman traditions.

Later, English people followed the custom of cleaning chimneys on New Year’s Day. This was supposed to bring good luck to the household during the coming year.

English husbands also adopted the habit of giving their wives money on New Year’s Day with which to buy pins for the whole year. This custom disappeared in the 1800s when machines were developed to manufacture pins, but the term “pin money” still refers to small amounts of spending cash. New Year festivals are among the oldest and most universally observed. They generally include rites and ceremonies which are expressive of mor tification, purgation, invigoration and jubilation over the renewal of life. In some countries, par ties are thrown on New Year’s Eve which last until the early hours of New Year’s Day. It is traditional to greet the New Year at midnight and then celebrate at least the first few minutes in the company of friends and family.

Today, the common phrase is “cleaning the slate,” rather than “cleaning the chimney,” but the intent is the same...the making of resolutions to correct faults and bad habits and the resolve to make the coming year a better one than before. The Roman custom of giving gifts to their Emperor was revived by the English in the 1200s. Jewelry, gloves and other presents were brought to the English monarch. Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), for example, built up a fine collection of hundreds of pairs of richly-embroidered and bejeweled gloves by vir tue of this custom.



Many people make New Year resolutions...a list of decisions about how they will live during the coming year, which may or may not be kept. APPROACH MAGAZINE wishes our readers and par tners all the very best for 2014 and thank you for reading us.



Classical Concert

at The Dusit Thani Tasana Nagavajara


Leo Phillips

Leo Phillips - Director - Born in London, Leo Phillips studied the violin both in Europe, with David Takeno and Sandor Vegh, and in the USA with Dorothy DeLay and Shmuel Ashkenasi. He has appeared as violin soloist with many orchestras including The London Philharmonic, Manchester Camerata, The City of Oxford Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra of South Africa. A dedicated chamber musician, Leo was a founder member of the Vellinger String Quar tet, and leader of the internationally regarded Nash Ensemble of London (1996–2000) with whom he toured extensively and has made many critically acclaimed recordings and broadcasts. A keen contract bridge player, Leo is proud to have played in the UK at county level representing Oxfordshire.

he Dusit Thani Resor t presents regular classical concer ts , usually combined with a culinary event or a choice of international BBQ buffets, shortly

called Culinary Classics. The following two concer ts were a great success and do add well to the international cultural soirees in Hua Hin. Culinary Classics: Vivaldi & Mozart Hooked on Culinary Classics? Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Mozar t’s Diver timento K136 & 137, performed by SSMS String Orchestra featuring Tasana Nagavajara and directed by Leo Phillips was brilliantly performed on the 26th of October. Tasana Nagavajara started learning the violin at the age of nine and his Thai teachers included Suphot Chomboon, Sutin Srinarong and Choochart Pitaksakorn.

The SSMS Orchestra Directed by Leo Phillips, Silpakorn Summer Music School (SSMS) was formed in 2005. The SSMS invites students from all the music schools in Thailand each year to study during the summer. The SSMS String Orchestra comprises outstanding alumni from the Summer School. Many of the young performers have performed in major musical centres such as Carnegie Hall New York, Cadogan Hall London and elsewhere. Call the Dusit Thani for more information on Classical Events. Phone: 032 520 009

That moment was when Tasana was granted a full scholarship by the International Menuhin Music Academy (IMMA) to study with Alber to Lysy and Johannes Eskar in Switzerland. He later became a member of the Camerata Lysy Gstaad which performed under Lord Yehudi Menuhin in most major European cities as well as in the USA, Canada and South America. As a professional musician, he has performed the major violin concer ti with Thailand’s leading orchestras and served as Concertmaster of the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra under Hikotaro Yazaki for ten consecutive seasons. APPR OACH M AGAZINE



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Top 10 Tourist Destinations in Thailand Around Hua Hin there is a lot to do which we illustrated in our December edition. However Thailand is full of culture and beauty. Discover these as well. Your tour agencies can organize day trips and longer journeys for you. Below, find the top 10 destinations in Thailand.

Ko Tarutao Ko Tarutao is one of the 51 islands that belong to the Tarutao National Marine Park archipelago in southern Thailand. One of Tarutao’s greatest attraction is its wildlife: sea turtles, whales, monitor lizards, crabeating macaques, mouse deer and more all

call the island and its surrounding waters home. Compared to other Andaman islands the waters of Ko Tarutao are to murky to snorkel, but for most, the unspoilt beaches, waterfalls, great hiking and views more than compensate for this.

Ayuthaya Ayuthaya was founded in 1350 AD by King U Thong as the second capital of Siam after Sukhothai. Throughout the centuries, the ideal location between China, India and the Malay Archipelago made Ayutthaya the trading capital of Asia. By 1700 Ayutthaya had become one of the largest cities in the world with a total of 1

million inhabitants. In 1767 the city was destroyed by the Burmese army, resulting in the collapse of the kingdom. The city was re-founded a few kilometers to the east of the ruins, which now form the Ayutthaya historical park. Most of the remains are temples and palaces, as those were the only buildings made of stone at that time.

Ko Chang Koh Chang is Located near the border with Cambodia and is the second largest island in Thailand and the biggest in the Ko Chang Marine Park archipelago. Ko Chang is one of Thailand’s most beautiful islands with several waterfalls, thriving coral reefs, rainforests and long white sandy beaches. The island is also home to a wide

Grand Palace Bangkok: The construction of the Grand Palace started in 1782 when the capital of Siam was moved from Thonburi to Bangkok. The palace served as the residence of the Kings of Thailand until the mysterious death of King Ananda Mahidol in 1946. His brother King Bhumibol Adulyadej who succeeded him moved permanently to the Chitralada Palace. The Grand Palace covers a wide range of architectural styles, ranging from a pure Ayutthayan style of the temples to a blend of Thai and Western for later structures. It also includes the Wat Phra Kaew, home to the Emerald Buddha, one of the oldest and most famous statues of the Buddha in the world.

Similan Islands

The Similan Islands in the western Andaman Sea are considered the best dive destination in Thailand. The archipelago consist of 9 islands covered in tropical jungle with white sandy beaches. The views under the water surface are even more impressive. There are 2 different kind of dive spots around the Similan Islands. East facing dive sites consists of gently sloping coral reefs while west facing dive sites feature massive granite boulders, covered with hard and soft corals. APPR OACH M AGAZINE



range of wildlife, including birds, snakes, deer and a number of elephants. Only very recently, in less than ten years, Ko Chang has turned itself in to a major tourist destination in Thailand, and while still far quieter than islands like Phuket or Ko Samui, it’s probably better to go now than later.

TRAVEL Chiang Mai Night Bazaar Chiang Mai is one of the top Thailand attractions. The famous Night Bazaar sprawls along several city blocks along footpaths, inside buildings and temple grounds. It has handicrafts, arts, clothing and and imported products of all descriptions, and a number of large, well-appointed modern shopping

centers. At first, the market was owned by Chinese merchants, but since it grew in size as more commercial buildings were built, it was no longer owned by a single group of people. Instead, there are many owners, and most of them are Thai.

Railay Railay beach (or Rai Leh) is a small peninsula that is only accessible by boat due to the high limestone cliffs cutting off mainland access. These cliffs attract rock climbers from all over the world, but the area is also a popular attraction in Thailand due

to its beautiful beaches and quiet relaxing atmosphere. Accommodation ranges from inexpensive bungalows popular with backpackers and climbers, to the renowned jet-set resort of Rayavadee.

Phang Nga Bay

Koh Tao

Located just over 95 km (60 miles) from the island of Phuket, Phang Nga Bay is one of the top attractions in Thailand and one of most scenic areas in the country. It consists of beautiful caves, aquatic grottoes and limestone islands.

Koh Tao, literally Turtle Island, is a small island located near the eastern shore of the Gulf of Thailand. Around 7000 new divers get certified on Koh Tao each year making it one of the most popular

The most famous island in the bay is a sea stack called Ko Ping Kan (more commonly known as James Bond Island) which was featured in the James Bond movie “The Man with the Golden Gun”. A popular way of visiting Phang Nga Bay is by sea kayak as they are the only way to get inside the grottoes and sea caves.

destinations in the world to learn to dive. Diving around the island reefs is easy and fun and you can see an impressive variety of marine species such as coral, turtles, lots of small fish, barracudas and there is a very small chance of seeing a whale shark. The average visibility is around 15-20 meters.

Ko Phi Phi Ko Phi Phi is a small archipelago in the Krabi Province in Southern Thailand. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island of the group, and is the only island with permanent inhabitants while the smaller Ko Phi Phi Leh is very popular as a beach or dive excursion. Tourism on Ko Phi Phi 20-10-13 16:41 has HH-Add.pdf exploded only1 very recently, especially after

Ko Phi Phi Leh was used as a location for the 2000 movie The Beach. As a result of the masses of tourists Ko Phi Phi is becoming less and less attractive but for now it is still a very beautiful place to visit. Courtesy of Touropia

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Sukothai The Ancient Capital of Siam A HISTORIC ENCOUNTER.


ukhothai, which literally means “Dawn of Happiness” is about 427 km north of Bangkok and was founded in 1238. Sukhothai was the capital of the Thai Empire for approximately 140 years. The Sukhothai Kingdom was an early kingdom in the area around the city Sukhothai, in north central Thailand. The Kingdom existed from 1238 until 1438. The old capital, now 12 km outside of New Sukhothai is in ruins and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage historical Prior to the 13th century,Tai kingdoms had existed on the northern highlands including the Ngoenyang kingdom and the Heokam kingdom (modern Jing Hong in China) of Tai Lue people. Sukhothai had been a trade center and part of Lao, which was under the domination of the Khmer Empire. The migration of Tai people into upper Chao Phraya valley was somewhat gradual. Sukhothai had enjoyed a substantial autonomy until it was reconquered around 1180 by the Mons of Lavo under Khomsabad Khlonlampong. Two brothers, Pho Khun Bangklanghao and Pho Khun Phameung took Sukhothai from Mon hands in 1239. Khun before becoming a Thai feudal, was a Tai title for a ruler of a fortified town and its surrounding villages, together called a muang. Bangklanghao ruled Sukhothai as Sri Indraditya – and began the Phra Ruang Dynasty.

In 1319 the Mon state to the west broke away, and in 1321 Lanna placed Tak, one of the oldest towns under the control of Sukhothai, under its control. To the south the powerful city of Suphanburi also broke free early in the reign of Loethai. Thus the kingdom was quickly reduced to its former local importance only. Meanwhile, Ayutthaya rose in strength, and finally in 1378 King Thammaracha II had to submit to this new power. In 1378, the armies from Ayutthaya kingdom invaded and put Sukhothai under her tributary. Suffering the urban decline, Luethai moved the capital to Pitsanulok.

He expanded his primordial kingdom to the bordering cities. At the end of his reign in 1257, the Sukhothai kingdom covered the entire upper valley of the Chao Phraya River. Pho Khun Ram Khamhaeng (1237/1247 – 1298) was the third king of the Phra Ruang dynasty, ruling the Sukhothai Kingdom (a forerunner of the modern kingdom of Thailand) from 1278–1298, during its most prosperous era. He is credited with the creation of the Thai alphabet and the firm establishment of Theravada Buddhism as the state religion of the kingdom. The Sukhothai domination was, however, short. After the death of Ramkhamhaeng, the Sukhothai tributaries broke away. Ramkhamhaeng was succeeded by his son Loethai. The vassal kingdoms, first Uttaradit in the north, then soon after the Laotian kingdoms of Luang Prabang and Vientiane (Wiangchan), liberated themselves from their overlord. APPR OACH M AGAZINE

Traditional Thai historians considered the foundation of the Sukhothai kingdom as the beginning of their nation because little was known about the kingdoms prior to Sukhothai. Modern historical studies demonstrate that Thai history began before Sukhothai. Yet the foundation of Sukhothai is still a celebrated event. Today 193 temples are excavated and partly reconstructed. Sukhothai is half way between Bangkok and Chiang Mai about 700 km north of Hua Hin, close to Phitsanoluk. It is reachable by VIP bus or railway from Bangkok. Or driving yourself on Highway no. 1 North until reaching Kamphean Pet where you take road no 101 to Sukhothai. Old Sukhothai is a very quiet town with almost no hotels but with a great way to experience life in a Thai village. It is possible to rent bicycles in order to reach the temples outside the city wall and with some luck (and some Thai language skills) one can meet some of the locals. Most tourists stay in New Sukhothai, about 12 km to the East. Others stay in the nearby city of Phitsanulok, which has numerous hotels and restaurants and is situated on the rail line that provides passenger service between Bangkok and Chiang Mai. 18


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Birds of Thailand The Vanellus indicus (Red-wattled Lapwing)


by Dr. George Grossniklaus

The subspecies Vanellus indicus lankae is widespread in Sri Lanka. The subspecies Vanellus indicus atronuchalis comes from northeast India Myanmar Thailand to Malaysia and Vietnam.

hey reach a body length of 32-35 centimeters. They are therefore approximate the size of a lapwing. Males and females are similar in appearance.

It has characteristic loud alarm calls which are variously rendered as; did he do it or pity to do it leading to colloquial names like the; did-he-do-it bird.

The Vanellus indicus resides mainly inland, near waters. It can be observed on mud surfaces at ponds, ditches, canals and rivers. He is particularly common in wide area irrigated fields, but can also be observed in grassy or rocky wasteland.

The yellow legs and red beak with black tips are relatively long. The top plumage has a light brown color with a metallic-green approach. The bird has a black crown, black plumage on the front face area, black breast plumage and black tips on the tail feathers white. Located at the sides of the face, a red rag root of the beak to the eyes. At the rear face area, the plumage is white, which expires into white underside feathers. In flight, a broad white band is visible, which runs diagonally across the wing.

Vanellus indicus are mostly resident birds with only short migration during dry periods or after rainfall. The small number of breeding birds in Turkmenistan, however, are migratory birds that winter in Afghanistan or Pakistan, and return in the second half of April to Turkmenistan. There are only a few information regarding the inventory figures. In Iraq, the population numbers probably decline dramatically after there were large-scale wetlands drained in the 1990s. Vanellus indicus especially search during the night for food. They eat mostly ground-dwelling vertebrates such as beetles, ants, grasshoppers and termites. In addition, mollusks, worms and crustaceans are taken.

Young birds have a duller brown and faded markings on the head. The chin and throat are whitish. The red flap of skin in young birds are less pronounced than in adult birds. Distribution and habitat.The breeding areas of the Red-wattled Lapwing are located in wetlands and along rivers in Iraq, Iran and southern Russia. The birds that breed in the south of Russia, migrate in winter to South Asia such as India and East Africa and West Africa. The distribution of each subspecies is distributed as follows: The nominate Vanellus indicus indicus occurs in Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh.


The nests are usually built directly on the ground and are usually located near water.The flat trough is often covered with small stones or other material. The nest consists of three to four eggs. These are buff with a yellow or green tinge and have brown spots and black spots on. Both parent birds breed, but the larger share of the breeding is done by females. The incubation period is 26 days.



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Financial Leadership TIPS AND SECRETS FROM TOP CEO’S Mentally Strong People and The 11 Things They Avoid. For all the time executives and financial controllers spend concerned about physical strength and health, when it comes down to it, mental strength can mean even more. Here are 11 examples of leadership. But with mental strength, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, and will fully assess the potential downsides and

1. Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves You don’t see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they’ve been mistreated. They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and they have an inherent understanding of the fact that frequently life is not fair. They are able to emerge from trying circumstances with self-awareness and gratitude for the lessons learned. When a situation turns out badly, they respond with phrases such as “Oh, well.” Or perhaps simply, “Next!”

even the worst-case scenarios before they take action.

7. Resent Other People’s Success It takes strength of character to feel genuine joy and excitement for other people’s success. Mentally strong people have this ability. They don’t become jealous or resentful when others succeed (although they may take close notes on what the individual did well). They are willing to work hard for their own chances at success, without relying on shortcuts.

2. Give Away Their Power Mentally strong people avoid giving others the power to make them feel inferior or bad. They understand they are in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond.

8. Give Up After Failure. Every failure is a chance to improve Even the greatest entrepreneurs are willing to admit that their early efforts invariably brought many failures. Mentally strong people are willing to fail again and again, if necessary, as long as the learning experience from every “failure” can bring them closer to their ultimate goals.

3. Shy Away from Change Mentally strong people embrace change and they welcome challenge. Their biggest “fear,” if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant. An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.

9. Fear Alone Time Mentally strong people enjoy and even treasure the time they spend alone.They use their downtime to reflect, to plan, and to be productive. Most importantly, they don’t depend on others to shore up their happiness and moods.They can be happy with others, and they can also be happy alone.

4. Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control Mentally strong people don’t complain (much) about bad traffic, lost luggage, or especially about other people, as they recognize that all of these factors are generally beyond their control. In a bad situation, they recognize that the one thing they can always control is their own response and attitude, and they use these attributes well.

10. Feel the World Owes Them Anything Particularly in the current economy, executives and employees at every level are gaining the realization that the world does not owe them a salary, a benefits package and a comfortable life, regardless of their preparation and schooling. Mentally strong people enter the world prepared to work and succeed on their merits, at every stage of the game.

5. Worry About Pleasing Others Know any people pleasers? Or, conversely, people who go out of their way to dis-please others as a way of reinforcing an image of strength? Neither position is a good one. A mentally strong person strives to be kind and fair and to please others where appropriate, but is unafraid to speak up. They are able to withstand the possibility that someone will get upset and will navigate the situation, wherever possible, with grace. It takes much practice to hone mental strength.

11. Expect Immediate Results Whether it’s a workout plan, a nutritional regimen, or starting a business, mentally strong people are “in it for the long haul”. They know better than to expect immediate results. They apply their energy and time in measured doses and they celebrate each milestone and increment of success on the way. They have “staying power.” And they understand that genuine changes take time. Do you have mental strength? Are there elements on this list you need more of? How about you? Make spreadsheet and check your abilities.

6. Fear Taking Calculated Risks A mentally strong person is willing to take calculated risks. This is a different thing entirely than jumping headlong into foolish risks. APPR OACH M AGAZINE










(A market condition in which the prices of securities are falling, and widespread pessimism causes the negative sentiment to be self-sustaining) is born, as the informed investors from Phase 1 bail out and leave retail investors holding the bag. Right now, we’re somewhere late in Phase 2 or early in Phase 3.

ust when you thought Wall Street bankers couldn’t sink any lower, there’s a new scandal brewing... one that may be worse than any previous episodes of insider trading,

fraud, or market manipulation. In short, bankers are doing everything they can to keep a powerful wealth secret off-limits from regular folks like you and me..

Sign 2: Wall Street Cheer leading - Going back to

There are signs that should worry us:

the three phases of a bull market, you’ll recall that Wall Street traditionally is a first mover. That means big investment houses got in early – we’re talking March 2009 and prior. There is news: If Wall Street’s biggest players are telling you to stick with stocks, you’re probably better off doing the opposite.

Sign 1: Retail Swagger - (Behaviour in a very confident

and arrogant or self-important way) The biggest market-top giveaway is the behaviour of retail investors. Remember, a bull market (A financial market of a group of securities in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. The term “bull market” is most often used to refer to the stock market, but can be applied to anything that is traded, such as bonds, currencies and commodities) has three phases:

Sign 3: Historical Precedent - The US Federal reserve is

pumping $85 billion into the financial system each month. That’s the biggest force driving stock prices. Many investors – some big, some small – are simply betting that the Fed’s quantitative easing programs will extend further into the future than anyone expects. But that’s a sucker’s game.

1) The Accumulation Phase: This is the period at the end of a downtrend when informed investors – hedge funds, money managers, politicians, etc. – start snatching up shares on the cheap.

There’s no telling precisely when the Fed will take away the punch bowl, but it will happen. And when it does, the market will plummet. Rest assured, the Wall Street elite will be well out by then. But what can you do?

2) The Public Participation Phase: As that happens, public fear and apprehension towards investing subsides, and retail investors reenter the market. 3) The Excess Phase: Finally, momentum picks up and exuberance

takes over. When that happens, a bear market.....







Power of Love International Church

Help Needed

For The Slums! The power of Love collects food for the SLUMS of Hua Hin. Please bring any donations of Rice, canned meats, canned fish, shampoo, soaps, clothes, etc etc to our office in soi 88. As you go over the railway track, our church offices are on the left about 170 Metres. The offices are above IQ Salon. You can drop them off there any day! 9 am until 5pm. We visit the slums regularly, normally on a Tuesday evening. Please call us to check when we are going next. Or visit us on Facebook @ The Power Of Love Church.

Services held each Sunday 10 am at The Hilton Resort & Spa Hua Hin.

Tel: (English) 080-999-3603 @ Power of Love Church



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Wannahaves of the New Year Vespa 946 Based on the Italian brand’s original product, the 1946 Mp6 prototype, the luxury scooter combines the classic’s retro lines with modern design and advanced construction. The Vespa 946 boasts a highly distinctive appearance, highlighted by a monocoque steel body embellished with aluminum accents. It runs on a 4-stroke 125cc 3-valve air cooled engine that delivers a humble 11 hp and facilitates an impressive fuel consumption of 155mpg. Top speed is 58 mph and everything is assembled by hand.

Hamilton Breakfast Maker


An all-in-one device for making breakfast sandwiches, the Breakfast Sandwich Maker will toast your bread, cook your eggs, and heat your cold cuts in one go, letting you quickly prepare a filling breakfast sandwich using just a single appliance. Simply put one slice of the bread on the bottom toaster slot, lay the cold cut on top for heating, crack an egg straight on the griddle, and top everything off with the other half of the bread. Then, press a button and wait for the whole thing to finish. Seriously, this will make a great gift for dorm-dwellers and city folks who rush through breakfast every morning.

The Orbitkey is a band (either genuine leather or TPU elastomer), with the aluminum locking mechanism installed at the ends. To set up, fold the band in half, pile the keys along the screw, and lock it. It’s designed to fit keys with hole diameters from 5 mm onwards, although those with smaller holes can still fit with strategic placement.

Foaster Similar to a standard toaster, the Foaster comes with a pair of slots on top, along with a handle for lowering the bread on the side. Instead of dropping bread slices on the slots, however, each one is sized to fit an iPhone standing (with the upper half completely visible, so you can check notifications), although the handle is purely cosmetic and non-functional. Designed specifically for iPhone 5 and newer, it comes with a lightning connector built into the base of each slot, so no need to use your own connectors (as many docks in the market require). Construction is metal for the base and plastic with aluminum trim for the body.

DJI Phantom 2 The DJI Phantom ready-to-fly quadcopter let amateur pilots capture amazing footage from the sky. Because of the 4 four blades, the quadcopter is very stable and easy to fly. The new Phantom 2 Vision comes with a custom 14 megapixel, 1080p camera with a 60-degree tilting gimbal, an f/2.8 aperture lens, and a wide 140 degree field of view - all mounted on a shock-absorbing bracket to avoid the jitters which plagued the original GoPro-compatible model. What’s more, you can remotely control the camera from your smartphone. APPR OACH M AGAZINE



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Vintage Cars in Town


THE CENTARA GRAND RESORT & AMARI RESORT HUA HIN, HOST HISTORICAL CAR PARADES. he Centara Grand Resor t & Villas hosted, on the 29th of November the Historical Car Parade with all its glamour. The 11th edition of the Hua Hin Automobile Concours 2013 on the special occasion of the

86th Bir thday anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the 81st Bir thday of Queen Sirikit was held from 29th of November to 1st of December 2013 Organised by the Hua Hin Hoteliers’ Club and Vintage Car Club of Thailand, the prestigious three-day rally brought together the country’s passionate collectors for a stunning display of vintage cars. The rally also marked the 50th anniversary of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Joining the parade were 40 glorious vintage cars of the ‘30s and ‘40s, which left Centara Grand Bangkok on November 28 at 8am to embark on a 225-kilometre journey to Hua Hin in Prachuap Khiri Khan. All cars arrived all in one piece. Along the way, there were stops in Nakhon Pathom and Phetchaburi for sightseeing and coffee breaks before the parade arrived at the resor t around 5pm. The event was an instant success and the visiting crowd admired the vintage cars who were not only in a great restored condition, but also drove all the way from Bangkok to Hua Hin on their own power. The parade was accompanied by a splendid Gala Dinner for which the Centara claims it call to fame. A great round off for a history event.

Hua Hin Vintage Car Parade hosted by the Amari Resort in Hua Hin from December 15 – 13.


he Vintage Car Club of Thailand together with Amari Hua Hin Resor t, Hua Hin Municipality and Tourism Authority of Thailand organized “The 11th Hua Hin Vintage Car Parade” under the concept of “We

Left Our Hear ts in Hua Hin”, welcoming people of all genders and ages to get close and feel the magic charm of venerable and priceless vintage cars, at the Amari Hua Hin Hotel. Among the vintage cars we may find less historical, but older models of cars that do not differ much from a modern production car, such as a jaguar XK or a VW Beetle. However these cars are also over 50 years old and still going strong. This is the second time that the Amari hosts a classical car parade. Needless to mention that not only the vehicle side of the event collected a lot of attention, but also the culinary. A gala dinner for participants as well as guests rounded off thisa exclusive parade.





Retirement Visa By Prapaporn Jitmaneeyaphan



fter a period of confusion, a senior officer at Immigration explained clearly the way the rules on retirement visa extensions will be handled from now on. Lt Col Napat Nusen insisted that nothing has changed. However, rules will, it seems, be interpreted more tightly. For couples where one spouse (usually the husband) applies for a Non-Immigrant visa one-year extension, the wife (whether she is over or under 50 years of age) may receive a “follower” permit to stay in Thailand without having to show income or a specific amount in a bank account. However, the husband must be able to show that he has a minimum income of B65,000 a month (attested to by his country’s embassy) or B800,000 in a Thai bank. The bank account must be in his name alone. If it is a joint account it must hold double the amount – B1.6 million.

Col Napat said, “Nothing has been changed. It has been the same since 2008. A wife can still use the same type of follower visa as before if her husband applies for a Non-immigrant O visa.” In the past, The Phuket News understands, some wives were allowed “follower” extensions even though the bank account used to back the application was a joint on and contained only B800,000. From now on the “joint account = B1.6 million” rule will be applied with no exceptions.

If the wife is over 50 and prefers not to have “follower” status but wishes to get an extension on the basis of being a retiree herself, then she must make a separate application for extension and must meet the same financial criteria as her husband – income of B65,000 a month or her own bank account with B800,000 in it.

Applicants, whatever the approach they take, must be able to show that the money has been in the account or accounts for at least two months for the first extension application, and for three months for subsequent applications, backed by a letter of confirmation from the bank. The above was also confirmed by Hua Hin Immigration and applies to all of Thailand

If the couple both apply for retirement visas and share a joint account in Thailand, the account must contain B1.6 million.

Courtesy of and Source: www.thephuket.news.com

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The Sea Market Restaurant by GMoss



hef Top and Restaurant Manager Khun Chanat have created a unique set up on Kao Takiab Road, just North of Kao Takiab Village taking a

right turn at the end of the “double” road, over the bridge on the left side. The Sea Market is unique in its kind as there are several stations along the do it yourself restaurant where you can choose the seafood you want from multiple sea food stations, show the plastic chip coin you were given at the reception, register your purchase and have your food cooked to be served at your table. This is not only fun but gives you the first choice of fresh sea food in the quantity that you want. Drinks can be ordered and served at the table. After your lunch or dinner, the cashier sums up your debt. No need to pay in advance, no fuss, straight forward and above all, delicious. A definite, alternative to a regular restaurant where you choose from the menu. Here you see the fresh sea food before it is cooked.

The Cooking Room will not only cater for your best friends but will hold cooking lessons upon request. Chef Top has quite an impressive history when it comes to cooking in 5 star hotels & resorts. Places of employment include The Hyatt , Evason, Anantara and Putharacsa where he picked up the finishing touches to become a master executive chef. APPROACH was invited and the whole team enjoyed a 3 4 course menu, star ting off with an Appetizer of Sautéed Prawns with green salad and garlic sauce. This course was suggested with a fresh white wine, a pale gold Riesling is with green highlights. The nose was fruity, floral, distinctive and distinguished, with a full and flowery flavour. We decided to stay with this wine throughout our seafood dinner. Next course, a sea food pesto soup was served giving us an insight in a combination of Mediterranean and nor thern Italian. As a main dish, we enjoyed the pan seared Sea Bass, an early morning catch, on a Garliced Cream Sauced Spaghetti. Absolutely delightful. The Crepes Suzette with chocolate sauce and ice cream rounded off our evening with fond memories of this delicious meal.

The Cooking Room However, taking it one step fur ther, in the same Sea Market, you will find the Cooking Room. Khun Chanat created a separate glass-surrounded one table restaurant with a cooking station. The restaurant can seat up to 10 couples or 20 seats with your own Chef, to cook your favourite Sea Food dishes in front of your eyes and yes, if you want to lay a hand on, you are welcome. If you want to learn, Chef Top can teach you. Reminded me a bit of Master Chef on TV….Take the ladies or men club to The Cooking Room and hold your gourmet sessions there.


APPROACH highly recommends a visit and meal at The Sea Market. If you want to reserve the Cooking Room, call Khun Chanat, at : 081 880 4004






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The Presidential Pool Villa experience includes:

opular among discerning guests preferring to stay in a luxury home-away-from-home, the Presidential Pool Villa at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin has recently been upgraded to provide a fresh look and feel, with warm Thai touches to enhance the resort’s indulgent experience.

- Personalised butler service. - Daily choice of breakfast, whether it’s served in the comfort of the villa, a continental breakfast at Regency Club Lounge, a set breakfast at McFarland House or an international buffet breakfast at Figs restaurant.

Newly added features to the Villa include a new wooden floor entrance and an extended terrace outside the living room, suitable for a social gathering with comfortable seating overlooking the garden and ocean.

- All-day coffee and tea at Regency Club Lounge. - Daily afternoon tea for two at McFarland House or served in the Villa’s living room.

There is an enhanced study room in the villa’s living room, a larger bathroom which includes an oversized bathtub and massage beds and shower room with a dual function as a steam room, a mini bar in the master bedroom and new landscaping surrounding the villa. Complementing these new features are the latest LED TVs, Blue Ray DVD players and a surround sound system.

- Pre-dinner drinks and canapés served from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at McFarland House or Regency Club Lounge. - A complimentary non-alcoholic minibar for guests staying in the Villa’s master bedroom. - Daily 60-minute massage of your choice for two people staying in the Villa’s master bedroom, with the choice of Swedish massage, Thai foot reflexology, muscle relief, aromatherapy and traditional Thai massage.

The Presidential Pool Villa comprises a master bedroom with two queen-size beds, with a discreet private entrance, direct access to a private pool, private garden and beach. Additionally, there is a spacious living room with a full set kitchenette, study room and dining table for eight persons, all set in a private compound area and surrounded by lush tropical gardens anda lagoon.

- An in-villa aromatherapy steam and aroma milk bath prepared by a butler. - Complimentary broadband and WiFi Internet connectivity throughout the stay.

There are also two adjoining Club View rooms which make the entire compound of 434 sq m suitable for a gathering of up to six adults. The newly refurbished villa offers a bright and airy look with a warm resort feeling to meet the desires of today’s discerning leisure travellers.

- A complimentary laundry service, excluding dry cleaning, for two items per day for guests staying in the Villa’s master bedroom. Other benefits include free access to the relaxation area, the steam room and the sauna at THE BARAI’s day spa facility, the use of Tranquillity Court Pool at THE BARAI and many more.

As the entire Presidential Pool Villa with the adjoining two Club View rooms may accommodate up to six adults and three children, private dining events or parties can be arranged by the hotel’s events team on the Villa’s lawn area overlooking the sea, to provide more exclusivity and privacy to your stay.

Relax in luxury and stay in the Presidential Pool Villa with the daily rate starting from THB 45,000++ per night for one bedroom or THB 70,100++ per night for three bedrooms. Breakfast, evening cocktails, spa treatment are included. For reservations and more information, please contact us on +66 3252 1234 or e-mail huahin.regency@hyatt.com








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Cuisines of the World in

Hua Hin

APPROACH composed a list of popular international restaurants in Hua Hin. Figs International Restaurant Hyat Regency Kao Takiab Road Phone: 032 521233

The Restaurant

Luan Lanai & Salas

Dusit Thani Resort Petschkasem Road after the Airport Phone: 032 520 009

Sheraton Resort Between Hua Hin & Cha Am Phone: 032 708 000

Lemongrass Restaurant Banyan Resort, Petschkasem Road South Hua Hin Phone : 032 538 888

Mosaic Amari Resort Kao Takiab Road Phone: +66 32 616 600

Rest Detail Hotel

Market Place Hilton Hua Hin Centre of Hua Hin Phone: 032 538 999

Soi 19 Petschkasem Road Phone: 032 547 733

Anantara Restaurants

Living Room

Anantara Resort Petschkasem Road Phone: 032 520 250

Soi 51 on the Beach Phone: 083 227 9996

Coco 51

Felicita Restaurant

Soi 51 on the beach Phone: 032 515 597

Intercontinental Hua Hin Petschkasem Road Phone: 032 536 442

Bangkok Specials

Beer House & Brewery

1) The Old Dutch & Queen Victoria Sukhumvit Soi 23 “ Soi Cowboy”

Hilton Hotel Hua Hin with Live Music – late nights – good food!

2) The Australian & Anglel City Diner Sukhumvit Soi 11

Prime Steak House

3) Q Bar Bangkok Sukhumvit Soi 11

International & Swedish Soi Kanjanomai at Poolsuk Road Anders: 089 028 3547

4) Le Derriere Sukhumvit Soi 11




CULINARY Belgium Soi 45 Petschkasem Road Phone: 087 592 0620

Japan Hagi - Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Phone: 032 512 021-38



White Lotus

Margaritas – Soi 61

Hilton Hotel – 17th floor Phone: 032 538 999

Phone 032 514 448



45 Coffee Shop

Black Lotus Restaurant & Lounge –

The Dutchman Hua Hin

Soi 112 – follow signs to Banyan Golf until Black Lotus Phone: 081 943 1632

31/25 Prapokklao Road - Railway PlazaPhone: 0 80 246 2640



Le Bistro – Petschkasem Road

Little Norway Bar & Restaurant

Phone: 032 900 143

Soi 2 Selakram Road Phone: 081 623 6468

Crepes & Co. - Soi Moobaan Khaonoi – Pala U Road, Phone: 032 827 248-9 Le Bar Francais – PoolSuk Road, Phone: 091 196 6001 La Paillote - French, Belgium and International Cuisine


Sweden Restaurant Poolsuk Road Phone: 0 81 858 8148

174 Naresdamri Road - Phone: +66 32 521 025 Switzerland


All in Hua Hin

Heidi’s Garden Restaurant

Srasong Rd, behind Petschkasem Rd Phone: 032 530 067

Poolsuk Rd, Phone: 032 532 367

Chomsin Road – Soi 55, Phone – 080 643 2886


Aree’s House

Heaven’s Kitchen

Soi 55 Chomsin Road, Phone: 032 531 353

Cool Breeze - Naresdamri Road


Phone: 032 531 062

Naresh Soi 94 – Nepalese & Indian

India Soi 80 - Indian India - Petschkasem road – Newly opened – Opposite Bangkok Hospital Ireland

Market – Isan and UK food, Phone 089 490 0092 Finland iRice – Soi 68 – 70 – along the railroad tracks going north of Chomsin Road,Phone: 089 137 6009

El Murphy’s Irish Pub 25, Sela Kam Rd, Phone:032 522525

O’Neils Irish Pub & Food -PoolSuk Road -Phone: 032 511 517

United Kingdom


Aglio Olio – Neabkehart Road Phone 089 837 4553 Carlo – Naresdamri Road – Opposite Centara Grand Phone: 032 511 348 Casa Mia – Nongplub Road – Pala U Road,032 535 332 La Grappa – Poolsuk Road, Phone: 032 516 510 La Villa – PoolSuk Road – Opposite City Beach Hotel Pizza Pizza -Petschkasem Rd, Mama Mia -Naresdamri Rd Lo Stivale -Opposite Hilton, Mondo Vino -Naebkehart Rd Da Mario -Naresdamri Road Phone 085 473 1441


Thailand & Isan

Zab Wer - Soi 112 – before the Floating


Ye Old Buffalo Tavern Naresdamri Rd Corner Chomsin Road Phone: 080 727 4710 USA

Terrace 90 Soi 90 Petschkasem Road Phone 032 516 587 Vietnam Mekong – Next to Market Village on Petschkasem Road Phone: 032 532 833





mproving Sustainable Agriculture to feed the undernourished was one of the main themes to which APPROACH was

invited to participate at the United Nations Compound in Bangkok. Under the patronage of Aid & International Development Forum, sponsored by various leading chemical and nutrition companies such as Du Pont, Glanbia, Nutriset, Sanku, Hecagon Nutrition and Monsanto, the forum promised to be interesting and revealing. Feeding the world with rising nature catastrophes resulting from floods, Typhoons, a growing population and global warming, concerns are mounting about agricultural sustainability, feeding a population in a natural, responsible and self sustainable way. Farmers’ average age is quite high as siblings turn more and more to city live. During the crucial 100 days of a women’s pregnancy and the first two years of a new born, the child’s brain is most susceptible to serious, often irreversible, damage caused by malnutrition. Poor nutrition in those first 1000 days can affect mental and physical development into adulthood and so cause intergenerational malnutrition. Especially in Asia, malnutrition is wide spread through deficient food preparation and the intake of unhealthy food. Looking at Thailand in particular, most of our food is prepared with saturated fats that are unhealthy. In addition , MSG ( MonoSodiumGlutamat) – a Sodium Salt and large quantities of Sugar are added to our daily food. Good taste stands over healthy food.


Even today, Industrial food manufacturers, although assuring us of their healthy contents, market and use MSG as a flavor enhancer because it balances, blends and rounds the total perception of other tastes. Government health organizations bow to the pressure of industrial lobbies instead of passing laws to forbid the usage of harmful substances in our foods. Some of the other themes included the presentation of crop fortification such as rice and corn and spearheaded by companies such as Du Pont and last but not least Monsanto, highly controversial for their GMF ( Genetically Modified Food program. Legislation in Europe banned several GMF crops from the market. Whereas GMF crops grow larger, more and practically free from insecticides, they contain unknown and unresearched health risks. However , scientists are studying both the growth of these crops and the food coming from them. The issue of genetic engineering has received widespread attention and remains a controversial issue. Arguments evolve on the possible long- term health and environmental risks of Genetically Modified (GM) crops/foods.

What are GMF’s? Genetic modification involves the splicing of a gene of interest from a donor organism and pasting it into a recipient to express the desired characteristic. Foods derived from GM (Genetically Modified) plants or animals are called Genetically Modified Foods.) Next Issue (February) of APPROACH.




Across Asia, Vitamin A and Iron deficiencies are widespread. Agricultural and home solutions are the top priorities of international development organizations. Fortification of crops, especially rice with vitamins and minerals but also the fortification of cooking oils and adding powders containing multi vitamins and minerals to food without changing the taste or colour.

While dusting is the least expensive method, it is not recommended for developing countries where washing and rinsing rice before cooking is common and it results in nutrients being washed away. The presentation and after, discussion with the representative of DSM Nutritional Products, one of the world’s leading suppliers of vitamins, carotenoids and other ingredients to the feed, food,

Crop fortification by adding vitamin and minerals to rice and corn crops took us to India where a rice fortification program was started focussed on fortified rice to school going children in the state of Andhra Pradesh as part of the Government of India’s Midday Meal Scheme that was launched in 1995. The objective of the Midday Meal Scheme is to increase enrolment, retention and attendance while improving the nutritional status of students in primary classes.

pharmaceutical and personal care industries revealed the necessity to promote the supplements , especially in underfed and mal nourished African countries. DSM has a long tradition of innovation that benefits people, both Animal nutrition & health, Human nutrition & health and Personal care.

Researchers studied several fortification methods, including hot extrusion, cold extrusion, coating and dusting of rice. The cold extrusion and coating method-similar to the process involving pasta production-could be a practical way to introduce fortified rice in developing nations. The study notes that the hot extrusion method produced the best quality product and maintained the most nutrients; however, it was the most expensive of the four. APPR OACH M AGAZINE


APPROACH will look at different aspects of nutrition in coming issues. Our support for any program that may, especially, help children and families, both needy, underprivileged in developing countries where governments pay more attention to their economies and profits, will continue and we plead our readers : “ If you want to help us help others, contact us and we will put you in contact with those organisations that spend countless hours, days and months, helping !”





he “Heavy” season is over. Now it is time to remove unwanted elements in our system, infiltrated by mass consumption of fats , beef , wine and shanks. Detoxing your body will make you feel new, fresh and happier…lighter too! Detox Defined - Detoxification is a process aiming to eliminate all the negative effects on our body from the environment, such as industrial chemicals, pesticides, additives in our foods, secondary smoke, pollutants, or heavy metals. Detoxification refers mainly to the removal of toxic substances and cleansing of the kidneys and colon, as these are organs involved in the detoxification of chemicals and toxins from the body. Detoxification is performed in a variety of ways including nutritional supplements, herbal mixtures, oral chelating agents, safe mercury removal, intravenous injections, colonics, etc.

Budget/At-Home Detox Treatments At-home detox treatments are a simple, budget friendly way to start a detox regime. However, I suggest that anyone looking to seriously detox and improve their overall health and wellness receive a medical consultation for their detox needs. The below detox routines are good “starting off ” points, but they will not produce long term results. Epsom Bath Salts Hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, while the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin. Epsom salts augment this detoxification by causing you to sweat. Also, when added to water, these natural salts can help to cleanse your colon.

Lemon Water Just add lemon to your water through out the day. The acid in the lemons assist the cleansing process. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, contain a pure concentrated form of citric acid. Citric acid works like bleach on fat. Due to its acidity and high ph, citric acid is able to actually penetrate and break down fat molecules.

Reasons to Detox Detoxification is one of the best ways to remain healthy in a polluted and toxic environment. Signs that detoxification is needed: unexplained headaches or back pain, memory failing, brittle nails and hair, frequent allergies, exposure to cleansing solvents, pesticides, diuretics and certain drugs, etc. One of the benefits of detoxification is that liver, kidney, and blood purification can take place which wouldn’t occur during regular eating patterns. Other advantages include: the immune system stimulated, the hormonal system is enhanced, dependency on substances such as sugar, caffeine, nicotine or alcohol can be reduced.

Detox Pills Many companies are offering pills that will cleanse out your system with out any extra work. Just take one a day and your detox has begun. Apple Detox Diet For three or four days, eat

Long Term VS. Short Term Detox Detox programs can be short-term or long-term, but they all aim to release toxins from the body. Short-term detox programs should include: 24-hour juice fasting, chelation therapy and heavy metal removal, colon cleansing (colonics), skin cleansing, safe mercury removal, intravenous injections. Long-term detox programs should include, but are not limited to: dietary changes such as avoiding meats, high-carbohydrates or sweeteners and eating more vegetables and fruits or garlic; drinking fluids (water, vegetable and fruit juice, herbal tea); taking vitamins and supplements. APPR OACH M AGAZINE

nothing but raw early-ripening apples, like Jonathans, red or yellow Delicious, Oregon Reds, Arkansas Black, or Sheep Nose. You may prefer organically-grown apples. You should try to eat at least six apples each day. But no one said a glass of red wine is harmfull? Happy New Year! - APPROACH TEAM









aybe it is time to take a new approach to how you play the game. If you play just for fun then you really don’t need to change anything. It is the most important thing to focus when playing and practicing. I want to focus on the technical aspects of the game and hopefully it will help you develop a new approach to how you actually strike the ball.

when you are in some thicker rough and you need six or seven iron distance to reach a green but that size head is not going to give you the needed mass and weight to power through the thick grass and have the head strike the ball squarely, you can use your sand wedge. With an inch and a half added to your sand wedge and going up the shaft all the way to the butt of the grip you will have the length of a regular six iron and also deliver the clubhead speed required to move the ball that distance. The length of the shaft will cause you to deloft the sand wedge and the fact that you will get a “flier” and it will run out a bit will all equate to making a shot of the distance you require with much more consistency than you could ever hope for using a smaller headed club.

The technical aspects involve many things from the equipment to the striking of the ball. Fourteen clubs and a ball is all there is to the equipment. Grip, stance, ball position, back swing, downswing and follow through are the quite involved aspects of striking the ball. There are two words that are common to these two aspects of the technical game and that is “grip”.

You will definitely be feeling a much heavier clubhead but you know you must use a bit of strength on this type of shot so it is a different shot from a fairway lie, so embrace the challenge, feel that heavy rough gouging head and give yourself all the advantages you can to make the shot successful and rip it.

I have yet to find the golfer who has told me that his old worn slippery grips make him hit better shots. Less grip pressure allows more feel and flexibility and more consistent and longer golf shots. Technical in golf, there are really two separate issues: One is the equipment, such as the grips and the other is the mechanics of striking the ball. I’m incorporating both in this article to try to improve your game with the least amount of change possible. I want to change the mechanics of your golf swing without changing anything in your swing. Sound impossible? That is not so.

So stick your butt out, ooops, I mean let the butt of your grip stick out and feel connected, hit 165 yard sand wedge shots from the rough and hit the pin and more than anything have fun as you approach another day of play and practice. See you next time for more tips. Tom Duzanika

I am going to suggest that for most golfers you will improve your game and ball striking by changing all your clubs. I think most golfers will benefit from adding an 1 1/4 inch to 1 1/2 inches to their clubs, “AND” then choking down on the grip that distance. If you didn’t go down the shaft the 1 1/12 Inches it would make the head feel extremely heavy but by choking down the head and swing-weight will be the same and you will feel how the grip’s butt end will anchor better in the “heal” of the palm of your left hand. Many golfers have a bit of a problem staying connected with their grip at the top of the backswing and throughout the follow through, this will definitely help. Just gripping down on your existing clubs doesn’t give this result as you lose the feel of the head as it becomes extremely light and you also lose that all so important thing, distance.


If you don’t feel confident doing this change to all of your clubs obviously you can try it with just one and see how it feels at the the practice range. One of the great options this allows you is







Hua Hin and television viewers from around the world, and we will endeavour to prepare our championship course so that a worthy champion will emerge,” said Elisson.

onda and SAT become Presenting Sponsors of record US$1 million tournament at Black Mountain GC, Hua Hin from January 16-19, 2014 The King’s Cup Golf Tournament in Thailand will offer a record US$1 million in prize money when the prestigious tournament is staged at the Black Mountain Golf Club in Hua Hin in January, making it the penultimate event of the 2013 Asian Tour Schedule. Suwat Liptapanlop, Chairman of the Organising Committee, said: “As one of Thailand’s most prestigious sporting events, we look forward to preserving the great stature of the King’s Cup Golf Hua Hin through a long-term partnership with the Asian Tour, which is XLI SJ½GMEP WERGXMSRMRK FSH] JSV TVSJIWWMSREP KSPJ MR %WME

The King’s Cup Golf Hua Hin made its debut on the Asian Tour in 2009, with Chinese Taipei’s Chan Yih-shin lifting the trophy in Thailand’s Khon Kaen province. The following year Thai favourite Udorn Duengdecha won the championship, however the 2011 edition of the tournament was postponed due to the unfortunate ¾SSHMRK MR 8LEMPERH ERH WTIGM½GEPP] &ERKOSO XLEX ]IEV ;LIR XLI tournament resumed in 2012, Arnond Vongvanij claimed a popular home victory, and will defend his title this January.

“There are three main objectives for this XSYVREQIRX ½VWXP] XLI XSYVREQIRX MXWIPJ [MPP develop Thai golf as a whole, especially for local golfers, by providing them the opportunity to have access to more international arenas of play. Secondly, the tournament honours Thailand’s beloved King, who has donated the prestigious and legendary King Trophy to the event. Finally, as an added bonus, events such as this will help promote and support tourism to Hua Hin, and Thailand as whole, through the worldwide television exposure it will receive.Various channels of communication will be bringing the excitement of golf in Thailand to millions of global viewers in the international market.” Suwat added: “We look forward to a very successful staging of the King’s Cup Golf Hua Hin, which will be played at the Black Mountain Golf Club in Hua Hin, with an unprecedented US$1 million in total prize money. It will be a fantastic celebration of golf which will pit XLI ½RIWX 8LEM TPE]IVW EKEMRWX XLI FIWX MRXIVREXMSREP TPE]IVW JVSQ the Asian Tour.”

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*SV XLI ½VWX XMQI IZIV XLI /MRK´W 'YT +SPJ ,YE ,MR [MPP FI FVSEHGEWX live, over four rounds on the Asian Tour’s global television platform which reaches over 180 countries and 640 million homes, ensuring extensive exposure for the popular beach resort town of Hua Hin, as well as the sponsors, and the Kingdom of Thailand itself. Harald Elisson, General Manager of Black Mountain Golf Club, said “We look forward to welcoming the best players from the Asian Tour for the King’s Cup, to be held in January, 2014. I am sure it will be a very exciting golf tournament for golf fans in...




Best Deals of January

HHPA3590 Price: 3.3 M

Bed: 2 Bath: 2

Living: 140 m2 Land: 300 m2

HHPA3607 Bed: 1 Price: 3.68 M Bath: 1

Living: 54 m2 Land:

HHPA3568 Bed: 3 Price: 4.49 M Bath: 2

Living: 130 m2 Land: 350 m2

HHPA3401 Price: 5.3 M

Bed: 3 Bath: 2

Living: 145 m2 Land: 510 m2

HHPA3613 Price: 9.2 M

Bed: 4 Bath: 3

Living: 201 m2 Land: 820 m2

HHPA2670 Price: 9.7 M

Living: 90 m2 Land:

HHPA3205 Price: 8.6 M

Bed: 4 Bath: 4

Living: 305 m2 Land: 680 m2

HHPA3617 Price: 13 M

Bed: 3 Bath: 3

Living: 360 m2 Land: 1000 m2

HHPA3519 Price: 5.5 M

Hua Hin Property ‘ Experience is key ’

Tel: Arnold +66(0)878068416 Nicha +66(0)868705783

Bed: 2 Bath: 2

Bed: 2 Bath: 2

Living: 105 m2

Web: www.huahinpropertyagent.com Email: andy@huahinpropertyagent.com


Orchid Palm Homes A Success Story


Stephen Ayling, Russ Downing and Grahame Beecham


or the 2nd year in a row Orchid Palm Homes has won the Thailand Property Awards for the “Best Residential Development Hua Hin” and also for the 2nd year in a row received the “Highly Commended”

award for the “Best Villa Development Thailand” at the South East Asia Property Awards held in Singapore. The developer Mr. Stephen Ayling says that these awards come from many years of hard work, raising the standard of building and the finishing available in Thailand. Stephen Ayling has more than 30 years experience in the building trade, starting life as a brick layer aged 16 and moving on to being a Development Manager on projects in both the UK and Germany working for McCarthy & Stone, the largest builder of private retirement homes and flats in the UK. “Too many developments have been built in Thailand by people with no building background which has resulted in developers getting a bad press in Thailand, I really do believe that to consistently build to the standard of Orchid Palm Homes that it needs someone with a lot of building experience. We have had many developments try to copy what we do at Orchid Palm Homes but our sales record proves that we are still leading from the front and we should be proud that we are helping to improve the standard of building in Hua Hin” Orchid Palm Homes has now completed 6 developments in Hua Hin along with the Palm Bistro and Wine Bar located near to their developments 3,4,5 and the Orchid Palm Residence in Soi 88. Their 7th Development “The Views” which is being built close to the Banyan Golf Course has already sold 38 of the 42 available plots, which is a stunning success and the development is due to be completed by December 2015.





5.9 M BAHT an award winning real estate project

www.orchidpalmhomes.com Contact: Grahame Beecham Tel: +66(0) 81-995-8093 Email: grahameorchidpalmhomes@gmail.com APPR OACH M AGAZINE



Orchid Palm Homes is Official main Sponsor of:


Hua Hin Property Market News HUA HIN, A DESIRABLE SECOND HOME.


hailand Property: Frank Khan of Knight Frank Chartered (Thailand) residential department said recently that the prospects of the Hua Hin property

market were bright. Knight Frank provide high quality residential property and commercial property services in 43 countries across the globe. Property sales in the resort town have almost doubled in recent years, as many of the country’s leading developers, including Sansiri, Q House, SC Asset, Land and Houses and LPN, have started planning new projects. Their contribution to the market has also strengthened the competition.

However, since they are far from the city centre and their beaches are not as nice, these areas are not as popular as Hua Hin itself. Khan said the accumulated supply of condos up until the first half of year was 17,349 units, marking an increase of 6,000 units at the end of last year from The Energy project, which is mostly comprised of one-bedroom units. During the first half of this year, there was a new supply of approximately 4,000 units, which is quite high. Rise in demand was reflected by the more than 1,600 units sold in the first half, compared to some 1,300 units sold in the same period last year. However, demand has not risen at the same rate as supply. Buyers are generally Bangkok residents looking for a vacation home and the proportion of foreign buyers is not very high. The price of a one-bedroom condo in Hua Hin is approximately Bt900,000 for a non-beachfront unit and about Bt2 million to Bt3 million |for those with ocean view. Though the trend of condo pricing in Hua Hin is rising, it will only be in the range of 2-3 per cent. Prospective buyers will largely remain Bangkok residents, with some from Scandinavia, Russia and Germany.

The Energy In addition, new retail developments, such as the massive BLUPORT Hua Hin Resort Mall, are boosting buyer interest in the area. On the supply side, the number of new seaside condominiums will drop given the scarcity of land for real-estate projects, though there are still some plots available in areas such as Kao Tao, Puk Tien and Pranburi.

Khan explained that a new sub-group of local buyers was emerging, largely comprised of young professional Thais whose parents already own a second home in the resort town. He said that since they already have close ties with Hua Hin, they want to buy smaller units to call their own.

Courtesy of: Knight Frank Chartered (Thailand) Co. Ltd., is part of the Knight Frank (UK) worldwide network of real estate consultancies with offices in over 43 countries. Since 1896, Knight Frank has proven to be the industry’s foremost “Trusted Advisor in Real Estate.” APPR OACH M AGAZINE



Hua Hin Property Agent ‘ Experience is key ’

Condo Baan Saenploen • From 2 Bed • 2 Bath • From 90 Sqm.

• Swimming Pool • Fitness • Sauna

• Renting Available from 65,000 THB per Month

Sales Price from: THB 9,7 M

Visit Ou New O r ffi in Soi 9 ce 4

Saenploen is located in the heart of Hua Hin right on the beach and opposite of the Grand Night Market and Sao Paulo Hospital. With it’s prime location, Baan Saenploen is considered one of the most popular condos to live. Furthermore of the limited units available, Hua Hin Property Agent made the best selection for resale and rentals. In conclusion we consider this property a solid investment and an ideal place to enjoy life in Hua Hin. Contact us today for a viewing.

Actual View

Villas with Finance Hua Hin Property Agent can offer you modern Pool Villas in a stunning location with finance available from 30- 50% cash and the rest payable in up to 15 years. The project developers are very experienced and built high quality houses. View today and move in tomorrow!

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We speak English, Dutch, Thai, German, French, Russian & Swedish Hua Hin Property Agent Co.Ltd Tel: Robin +66(0) 84-826-0610 Email: Robin@huainpropertyagent.com Address: 34/197 soi 94 Hua Hin, Prachuabkhirikan 771100 Thailand Disabled friendly office Web: www.huahinpropertyagent.com


Five Timeless Picture Books

Written and illustrated by JANET and ALLAN AHLBERG, Puffin Books, 1999, paperback, ISBN 13: 9780141500140, RRP: 343 Baht, 32 pages. “Here’s a little baby one, two three standing in his cot. What does he see?” Peepo! is a gorgeous rhyming story for babies and toddlers.

Guess How Much I Love You

This month I have compiled a small list of picture books that have stayed with me since I first read or heard them read aloud. These books are beautiful and touching stories to be read aloud and loved, but remember there are so many more than the five mentioned here, amongst them, Dr Seuss’s books, Beatrix Potter’s stories (good for 7 years and up) and children’s poems by Robert Louis Stevenson…

By SAM McBRATNEY, illustrated by ANITA JERAM, Candlewick Press (MA), 2001, hardback, ISBN 13: 9780763641757, RRP: 357 Baht, 32 pages. Little Nutbrown Hair and Big Nutbrown Hair love each other very much but are struggling to explain the quantity of their love. The book is truly beautiful and expressive, perfect for children of all ages.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Written and illustrated by ERIC CARLE, Philomel Books, 1986, hardback, ISBN 13: 9780399213014, RRP: 200 Baht, 23 pages. Bold illustrations accompany the text of this story that follows a very hungry caterpillar as he goes into his cocoon and emerges as a beautiful butterfly.This is an awesome book for any chid aged 3 or older.

Please note all price information is a rough guideline and depends on individual bookseller.

The Princess and the Pea Written and illustrated by LAUREN CHILD, photographed by POLLY BORLAND , Puffin Books, 2006, paperback, ISBN 13: 9780141500140, RRP: 391.75 Baht, 44 pages. Lauren Child (author of the Charlie and Lola books) has retold this classic fairy-tale, the Princess and the Pea with elegance. The Princess and the Pea is a funny and down-to-earth story about a Prince’s search for the perfect bride. Polly Borland’s photography of Lauren Child’s cut-out illustrations tells this tale again through truly original imagery. A highly recommended book for children aged 5-7 years old.

The Rainbow Fish Written and illustrated by MARCUS PFISTER, translated by J. ALISON JAMES, North-South Books, 1999, hardback, ISBN 13: 9781558580091, RRP: 725 Baht, 32 pages. A gorgeous rainbow fish with sparkling scales learns about sharing and friendship in the depths of the magical deep blue sea.This book is suitable for children of all ages.

Upcoming Film Releases 2014

The Legend of Hercules Prince Hercules (Kellan Lutz) is faced with a dilemma after discovering his true identity. Will he run away with his true love or free a land in hardship from the tyrannical rule of an evil King?

The verdict on whether these movies are enjoyable is yet to be determined, but here is what is on the agenda for upcoming film releases this month.

Labor Day A single mother (Kate Winslet) and her child give a wounded man a ride while police search the town for an escaped convict, on learning the man’s true story, their options become increasingly limited.

The Adventurer:The Curse of the Midas Box Based on a trilogy of books by G P Taylor, seventeen-year-old Mariah Mundi’s (Auenrin Barnard) life is turmoil after his parent’s disappearance and his brother’s kidnapping. Mariah must follow clues through a world of ancient mysteries and deadly evil to unravel the mystery of the Curse of the Midas Box and to save his family.


The Nut Job A PG rated animated film with the voices of Katherine Heigl and Brendan Fraser, about squirrels gearing up for winter and stumbling upon a gold mine, Maury’s Nut Store.




Finding the Right Home for Everyone This Month’s Exclusive Listings

Top Quality Villa, close Pool, Fully furnished Price: 3.8 M Bed: 3 Living: 126 m2 Bath: 2 Land: 335 m2 MLS 920071001-123

Unique New Constructed 2 level Villa. Price: 20,5 M Bed: 4 Living: 534 m2 Bath: 4 Land: 800 m2

Condo near beach and city, fully furnished Price: 7,7 M Bed: 2 Living: 89 m2 Bath: 2

Pool/Sauna Villa, fully furn. Quiet area Price: 4,5 M Bed: 2 Living: 126 m2 Bath: 2 Land: 1300 m2

Condo near beach and city, fully furnished Price: 5,4 M Studio Living: 52 m2 Bath: 1

Takiab, Condo near the Beach, Fully furnished Price: 2,9 M Studio Living: 45 m2 Bath: 1

Luxury Villa at Ban Tawan Development, Cha-Am Price: 9.5 M Bed: 3 Living: 330 m2 Bath: 4 Land: 800 m2 ID:920041005-36

Unique Single Family Home with 2 cottages Bed: 3 Living: 415 m2 Price: 22 M Bath: 4 Land: 1308 m2 ID:920041005-34

Luxury Villas in Baan Premsuk, Cha-Am Price: 10,5 M Bed: 3 Living: 330 m2 Bath: 4 Land: 840 m2 ID:920041005-38

10 Houses Resort with Swimming Pool in Cha-Am Living: m2 Price: 30 M Land: 880 m2 ID:920041005-5

Fully Furnished, with Summer House and Pool Price: 10,2 M Bed: 6 Living: 746 m2 Bath: 5 Land: 1600m2 ID:920041005-35

Villa located in Nikom, Cha-Am with almost 2 Rai Price: 8.5 M Bed: 3 Living: 410 m2 Bath: 5 Land: 3000 m2 ID:920041005-3

MLS 920071001-102

MLS 920071001-111

MLS 920071001-119

MLS 920071001-118

MLS 920071001-70

Cha-Am: RE/MAX - Beach Town 244/6-7 Rumjid Road– Cha Am , Petchaburi Office Tel: 032-433 573 Mobile (Ove): 081-701 4200 E-Mail: beachtown@remax.co.th Website: www.remax.co.th/beachtown

Hua Hin: RE/MAX - Harmony 63/19 Chomsin Road Soi 1 Office Tel: 032 – 511 740 Mobile (Mikael): 086-392 3557 E-Mail: harmony@remax.co.th Website: www.remax.co.th/harmony



Helping Kids in Need MAKE - A - WISH FOUNDATION THAILAND. As news spread of the plan, more and more people became involved and the plan became more and more elaborate. Make-A-Wish Greater Bay was able to find a great partner in the City of San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Department as well. Second, as more and more people became involved in the planning and execution of the wish, word started spreading through social media and soon an overwhelming number of people wanted to become involved in the wish. This lead to a tremendous amount of organic media features and coverage; and once word got out, celebrities, news stations, bloggers, etc. spread the word around the globe – making this a truly worldwide phenomenon. Obviously, Miles’ story inspired thousands, if not millions of people. Why do we think there was such as great outpouring of support?

ave you heard about five-year-old leukemia survivor Miles Scott, from San Francisco, California, who received his wish to become Batkid. This wish, granted by Make-

A-Wish Greater Bay, took the world by storm – making headline news around the world! While the numbers are not 100% finalized yet, the social media push to gain momentum for SFBatKid returned more than 522,000 tweets, reached more than 750 million people and received 1.74 billion impressions (San Francisco Business Times). These +1 billion impressions occurred in print, TV and, primarily, online via social media. Nearly every major media outlet, including: Time Magazine, CNN, BBC highlighted Miles’ story. Even the President of the United States himself tweeted and sent a video message in support of Miles.

Well while we can’t be 100% sure, we know that there were a huge number of people that want to be involved in something good. We know the power and impact a wish can have, but those that might not have been as close to Make-A-Wish realized it too. What we do is life changing and good, and everyone can relate to it. This wish is a great example of the power of working together to spread one consistent and focused message, at the same time, creating a lasting impact. We can do this again. For the past four years, we have worked at creating global This wish transcended all borders and brought our world a glimmer of hope, strength and joy. An opportunity to come together to do good, making a young boy’s most cherished wish come true, seemed to be exactly what the world wanted to hear! The story of a wish’s impact on a community, even a global one, has been the message we have tried to share with the world through the thousands of wishes granted each year by all the affiliates and chapters of Make-A-Wish.

recognition to our mission by celebrating the anniversary of the wish that inspired our organization almost 34 years ago. We have the platform of World Wish Day to really focus our message and make another global impact…just like the Batkid wish did last Friday. Let’s unite our strategies, have one global message and impact the world again. In the coming months we will be working with you to identify ways we can spread the incredible mission of Make-A-Wish to a global audience – hopefully through gathering communities worldwide around wishes like Miles’ and with your support.

What made this wish so unique? I think there are several reasons. First, the wish started as any wish – following referral, trying to figure out Miles’ one, true wish. A husband and wife team of volunteers met with Miles and his parents to determine what that would be. Miles has had an interest for several years in dressing up as his favorite super heroes and it was clear to the wish granters that his wish should involve Batman – his favorite. So the team of creative volunteers and staff from Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area worked as early as March of this year to develop an itinerary for Miles’ day as a superhero.


Until then, we enjoy the positive chatter of our mission and Miles’ wish – Go, Batkid, Go! Watch the YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcUrJI4k3Ec Make-A-Wish Foundation Thailand Tel: 026522032, Email: info@makeawish.or.th Facebook.com/thailandmakeawish - Twitter.com/makeawishthai





CHALLENGE RATE SCALE: 1/5 = easy and quick 2/5= simple 3/5= simple but takes effort/time 4/5= challenging 5/5=difficult and/or time consuming

Crêpes Challenge Rate: 3/5 Yields 16-20

Tip: Use organic ingredients, free-range eggs and sea salt where possible as it is tastier, better for our health and the earth. Each ingredient that I have labelled organic has previously been found in Hua Hin as organic. Biodynamic, unsprayed, chemical-free and wild-crafted, are also good choices. This is a recipe for crepes, a light, flaky, French version of pancakes. It is a delicious way to start to your morning or eat as brunch with family and friends, (though not exactly an energy booster). If you wish to make fluffy pancakes, add a heaped tsp. of baking powder per cup of flour.

To Make Mixture: Ingredients: • 5 organic free-range eggs • 1 cup of organic unbleached white spelt flour • 1 cup of organic wholemeal spelt flour • A good pinch of sea salt • 300ml organic milk • 300ml drinking water

To Cook Crepes: Ingredients:

Plenty of butter to cook Sweet Topping Options: • Organic maple syrup • Organic yoghurt • Organic lime juice • Fresh fruit (bananas, passion fruit, berries) • Organic jam • Raw organic honey • Organic ice cream


Heat a medium sized frypan or two on the stove at medium to high heat. Add a morsel of butter to the pan to oil.Tilt the frypan around by holding the handle and rolling your wrist so that the butter spreads. Using a soup ladle, scoop enough mixture to fill 1/3 of the ladle and pour onto pan. Tilt the pan so that the mixture forms into a circle shape. Once bubbles come through to the topside, flip the crepe on the pan to cook the other side. Repeat this process until all the crepes are cooked. To keep the crepes warm throughout the process, place each cooked crepe in a low heated oven on a plate. When all the crepes are cooked, place this plate on the dining table with desired toppings to choose from. Enjoy!

Method: Beat the eggs together in a small bowl. Sift flour and sea salt into a large bowl. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in eggs. Combine with a whisk and then, gradually add milk, then water, until smooth and runny. Allow the mixture to stand for an hour or leave in refrigerator overnight. APPR OACH M AGAZINE

Savoury Topping Options: • Grated parmesan • Fresh parsley, basil leaves • Chilli, finely sliced • Drizzle of olive oil



PUZZLE FUN! Number Fill In

Nine Letter Word Find as many four or more letter words as you can with the letters in this box and see if you can find the nine-letter word. Pronouns, suffixes and prefixes are not counted. 12-25 words: good. 26-36 words: very good. 37-42 words: excellent. 43 or more words: magnificent!

Fill in the following numbers into their correct places.


2 Digit Numbers: 19, 34, 75, 85, 96 3 Digit Numbers: 335, 984 4 Digit Numbers: 1195, 1591, 1915, 1931, 1951, 1956, 1971, 5559 5 Digit Numbers: 35775, 36173



Why are ghosts bad liars? Because you can see right through them.

Rearrange all of the letters in these words to create different words. Example: lemon = melon 1. Maiden = _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Sang = _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ 3. Page = _ _ _ _ 4. Shape = _ _ _ _ _ 5. Scape = _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _

* What did Obi-Wan Kenobi say to Luke Skywalker at breakfast? “Use the fork Luke.” * How does a book sleep? Under its covers.

For answers see page 86

* Why did the student eat his homework? The teacher assured him it would be a piece of cake.

Puzzle Fun page by Zara Adcock Copyright © 2013 Zara Adcock

* What has a bottom at the top? A leg. Jokes courtesy of Ben Adcock.





Feet By Zara Adcock


Min, meanwhile, dashed to the cat and lifted her up above his head so that his younger sisters could not reach her. “Stop it Min!” Delilah whined. “Put that cat down Min and all of you, go help Kit, now please.” Said their mother, then she went to the bathroom.

he cat was slumped on a chair at the dining table, dozing as she had done since her family left. She was woken not by the sound of the fly, hovering over the fruit bowl, but the heavy metal gate being forced open. She heard the car tumble into the carport followed by the sounds of the gate being closed, car doors opening and general bickering. The cat stood up on the chair, stretched and lay back down so that she had a better view of the door. Kit snatched the keys off her brother and inserted them into the lock. When she opened the door her siblings rushed inside. In their haste, Kit’s sisters, Rem and Delilah, tripped over her brother, Min’s feet. Kit held the door open for her mother and helped her take the shopping bags to the kitchen.

Before Delilah followed her elder siblings into the kitchen she glanced back at the cat who was not required to help. She then passed the bottles and cans to Kit who methodically stowed them away in the cupboard. The cat walked in and asked for food in long, drawn out, meows. “She’s hungry,” said Rem, because that’s what Rem did, she stated the obvious. “Then feed her.” Said Kit, because that’s what Kit did, she told them what to do. “You don’t have to be so bossy.” Rem muttered, jumping over the shopping and to the bench. Rem crouched down, opened the cupboard and reached for a cat bowl. Rem’s hands fumbled around the edge as she stood up and it slipped from her grip. She watched it flip earthwards, and tried to grab hold of it, even though it was one of those times when human reflexes just wouldn’t make it. The bowl hit the tiles and shattered. Splinters flew everywhere and the cat bolted out of the kitchen. “Ouch!” cried Kit holding her ankle. “Ow, ow, ow, ow…” she mumbled. “Gees Rem, it’s in all the shopping bags,” said Min. “And my ankle,” Kit sobbed.





“What was that?” said the mother returning from the bathroom. Her eyes swept over the mess. “Rem broke it.” Said seven year old Delilah, because that’s what Delilah did, she told on her siblings. *** Two hours later, the father of the children sat around the dining table for dinner with his family and the cat curled at their feet. He had, of course, heard all about the dramas that had marked their day along with his family’s individual comments (i.e. Rem’s so clumsy and Min’s such a pain). He also heard his wife’s tired and frustrated sighs. As his children realised they were hungry, they fell silent and chewed the food they had found in the freezer section of the supermarket earlier that day. The father thought to himself, with a little guilt, that he wasn’t upset that he had missed the dramas and then listed all the things he needed/ wanted to tell his wife. He finished eating and observed each of his children, all growing up so fast. “Rem,” he said, his gaze landing on her. “Tell me something,” It was their game after dinner, for him to request some small piece of interesting information from their day. “The cereal was on special today,” said Rem. “That’s good. What about you Min?” “We saw a horse following an elephant down a street,” said Min. “Ha. And you, Delilah dear?” “I got a paper-cut,” Said Delilah through her last mouthful of food. “Ouch, is your finger alright?” He indulged.


Min piped up, “It wasn’t her finger and it was Rem’s fault, she was swinging her arms around with the magazine.” “I’m sorry! Shush Min.” said Rem. “How about you Kit? Tell me something,” “Something,” said Kit, smiling. “I am definitely sleeping in tomorrow. Dad it’s your turn.” She returned. “Well, beautiful children, I have fantastic news,” The children sat up straighter. “You are all washing up together, no buts, no whys, no comments, jokes or quarrelling …” They stared incredulously. “Now get to it please.” Delilah opened her mouth and cried, “But –” And under the table, the cat licked her front paws lazily and rolled over. She was happy. The cat didn’t care if they were grouchy with one another or not, they’d get over it soon enough. To the cat, their feet all around the table over dinner were exactly where they were meant to be – together. -THE ENDCopyright © 2013 Zara Adcock



DIRECTORY EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance Red Cross Police Police (English speaking) Tourist Police ( English) Fire Brigade

032 532 576 032 512 567 191 032 51 5995 1155 & 032 515 995 199

HOSPITALS San Paolo Hua Hin Hospital Bangkok Hospital BH Emergency: Hua Hin Pet Hospital

032 532 576-85 032 520 401 032 616 800 032 616 888 032 530 213

TOURIST SERVICE Tourist Organisation TAT Tourist information TRANSPORT Railway Station Hua Hin Bus Station Hua Hin Airport Taxi to Bangkok – Mr. Somchai

MUNICIPALITY Hua Hin Land Department Hua Hin Local Government Hua Hin Water Board Hua Hin Power Board

032 536 164, 032 512 407 032 512 340, 032 532 471 032 511 677 032 512 215, 032 513 165

OTHERS Wildlife Rescue Centre Seaview Academy Hua Hin

032 458135 085 287 5424, 080 558 5222

PUZZLE ANSWERS Nine Letter Word: Gladiator

Other Words: aid, air, art, dart, dial, dig, dirt, dog, drag, gait, gala, glad, glair, grail, grid, lad, laid, lair, lard, liar, lid, lit, radio, rag, raid, rail, rat, ratio, rid, rig, tad, tag, tail, trail, trial, trod…

032 471 005-6 032 611 491

Anagrams: 1. Maiden = ¬median 2. Sang = snag & nags 3. Page = gape

032 512 770, 032 511 073 032 514 477 032 520 343 089 208 0354

4. Shape = heaps 5. Scape = space & capes & paces Question Solution If Answer 1 were correct, then so would be Answer 2. And if Answer 2 were correct than so would be Answer 3. Since there can only be one correct answer, Z must be the solution, therefore Answer 3 is correct.

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